#a lil redrawing i did to relax
onionninjasstuff · 10 months
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 2 years
Cuz I lost EBG
And still I don't want to tarnish the program ;-; cuz me is a lazyass....
I present to you! Chibis!
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Again, the SD picrew said 'suffer <3' so I went in manually (again)
Mammon the magicless student au chibs!
I am really asking for the OM fandom to cut my head, don't I? Nonetheless... I have small sheets for them so I'll share them along my thoughts on each one of them regarding the process of changing... (+mishaps)
Small note!
My process of making chibis is to make them in the picrew and then go in and draw over them... It takes a bit and this ones were before the RSA uniform update...
So let's start this!
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He was surprisingly easy to make... Actually, if I'm honest, the only things I did to this bby is to add him a smol fang, accentuate the eye color(at all of them I did it) and also give a bit more color to the bandage...
His coffin icon was more of a thinking process... I wanted to portray the Mammon that heis in here ✨magicless✨... I won't elaborate in here though :)
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Another easy one... although for the eyes I literally picked from the og SD the color... the actual difference is the gloves... It took a bit to center the finger line (and pick the color), but he was actually a relaxing process...
Still a bit salty about the fact that I couldn't move the suit mark... But after a bit I said fuck it and moved on... I even found a valid motive for it so it's too late now... (I completely forgot then that I could redraw it)
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*inhales* he had pink hair before... I'm serious... HOT PINK HAIR
So I turned it to orange through my pallete picking and the whole tracing and recoloring... Then I showed my friend @kurokiesimping and they said that the eyes are too big... so I looked and realized that the eyes changed shape so I just screamed into the void cuz I already did the hair and I didn't want to re-center and recolor them completely... so I tried to cut them 🙃
But if it wasn't for them, Beel would be less accurate(not that he is entirely) than now... So a big thanks to them!
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Except accentuating the eye color and making longer gloves... but it's like... bearly a change... they were last minute cuz ye...
The coffin icon was more of a challenge color wise... I still don't know if I got it right...
He really said he has to be perfect on the first try huh?
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He was blonde at first... then I said to torture myself... the og SD hair color looked bad on the chibi so it took me 30 DAMN MINUTES to just pick the main color.
But I'm the proudest about Asmo... he looks really nice and just dramatic... Which considering my trash art skills... ye...
Just... just look at this pretty boi!
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Haha.... crappy hair shape go brrrr
Levi... dear, baby, precious Otaku....
Like... I initially wanted him to have like some spaghetti like hair... but the picrew didn't have that option (note it down pls: curly hair and afro options) So I said fuck it again and decided to go with the steel helmet...
Then I realized that the purple wasn't beating with the cannon... :/ you know where this is going...
I accidentally deleted the main color layer and blew a whole casket cuz it didn't save... (courtesy of my lil sis)
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He looks crappy... but I legit stood a whole day over this one...
The hair, the colors, the shades... Belphegor gave me a FIELD TRIP...
Ye there so much to elaborate over this and lament... but it's here... there could be room for improvement, but I do not want to go and do it over again... ;-;
This is all!
I hope you enjoy them...
And I hope I was accurate enough...
Again a big thanks to my friend for helping me out with Beel! ✨
Until next time! Bye!
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sharpen-jadescythe · 4 years
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Some notes about Sharpy’s facial features
I meander for a while about drawing facial features, my novice sketching process, and the best drawn male eyes I’ve ever seen.
For fun, and because he is so adorable (sigh, I can’t trick anyone into thinking I’m not a girl gamer for five seconds--not that I want to but it’s pretty funny that I couldn’t for the life of me do it, oh well), I wanted to point out some things about this sketch (and a few Sharpen sketches I’ve done so far). I’m sure that others do this as well... To make Sharpen more unique and seem like an individual, I’ve placed some tell-tale features in every art of him that I do.
Curl in left eyebrow
“Elvis” curl at his hairline, helps make him seem playful and even himbo-ish, since that’s his personality
And I can’t explain it but the imperfect hair makes him seem more approachable, like any one of us
Tiny scar on his top lip on the left side. I haven’t decided headcanon for that scar yet; it’s just something that I really wanted to do. I think my pencil slipped once and I was like ‘Yaaaas, don’t change that!’
Square-ish forehead. You see the lines there as he turns his head
Some musculature over the eyes
Extremely careful little dots in specific places to indicate more musculature on face. Getting annoyed and erasing the dot and putting it back a milimeter further out is like... WHY do I do it? But I keep doing it, I want them
Lightly defined, high cheekbones (Trixany’s are so strong, I had to really train myself out of giving him super stand-out ones)
Boxier eyes... they do not at all resemble the original inspiration for these eyes when I started sketching him, but I maintained a little of the ‘mystery’ of unusual eyes and strong lashes on a guy (see more below)
Eyes set wide apart
Together, the larger, wide-set eyes give him a kind of baby face? That happened on its own, it wasn’t planned. Sometimes I can see the lil’ Gerber baby in there
A little divot at the top lining of his ears
What else... Well, Tumblr is here to let us indulge in our art and our creativity. I guess I just wanted to say I like how small details like these work together, almost as a unique fingerprint, to keep your character, especially their face, looking like... well, themselves.
Just curious--anyone out there want me to draw Sharpen in a specific setting? I’m getting better at it; I think I can take on a request, though I’m kind of intimidated. I don’t think I’ll do commissions at any point in time. But a prompt for sketching practice? Hell yeah.
These art pieces take me a really long time to do, but the way. I’ll outline something then get kind of exhausted or this uneasy feeling? Like I’m not sure if I really want this, or if it’s right? If it does feel right, then I’ll come back weeks later when I have free time, and at that point, sit for hours sketching and filling in everything else.
Then I get mad when all the little nuances I put on paper get lost when you scan... anyway.
Hope you guys are enjoying it!
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Image source: Basilisk Wiki
Okay so I almost forgot--these are the prettiest, coolest eyes I’ve ever seen on a male character, ever. EVER. Obviously, I didn’t re-create these all the way (and not really at all) for Sharpen, but I did go with a boxier style, rather than completely round almond eyes. Gennosuke’s eyes were actually central to the plot of Basilisk, I found out later. Here’s another great pic of Gennosuke--now this wallpaper is badass. I remember I had this one for a long time; it was too, too perfect.
Now that’s the power of detail. Yes, there’s a sword and it shines and it’s at the heart of the picture. But the only thing you need, the only thing that matters in this entire artwork are actually those eyes. Blue and white coloring throughout, but then wow, those golden eyes. And the gold isn’t what does it really, it’s the powerful dark lashes that encircle them more like calligraphy, the eyebrows that unite with those... less human, more wild. The man is practically a tiger. That’s the kind of ferocity you’re hit with, the kind of wonder you’re filled with here.
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Image source: hip wallpaper website
Someone also clearly sat down and thought about how breathtaking it is when you’re right across the table from a guy with eyelashes longer than yours and then you feel that stab of jealousy, along with admiration. Sounds odd, but I think some folks out there know exactly what I mean...
It’s that split second before the instant crush happens. I try to make Sharpy’s eyes do that penetrating ‘instant crush’ thing whenever I draw him. Less because it’s sexy, more because it’s... personal? This is hard to explain. But it feels like he’s having a conversation with you and it’s okay that you’re there with him. He expects you to respond and participate; he thinks he’s your friend. I believe I draw Trixany’s eyes the same way if she’s not posed doing something over-the-top. If she’s just relaxing and sharing herself with you, then it’s a friendly, loving gaze.
The gym t-shirt sketch is the first time I didn’t make Sharpy ‘penetrate the camera’ as they say. It was hard not to redraw it so that he was... decided he was looking in the mirror or something instead.
When I look at Sharpen’s sketch at the very top of this post, I keep wanting him to stop looking elsewhere and look right at me. Right at the viewer. What a cool effect that is. What is that? I don’t know if it’s the context of the other drawings or what. Well, it’s not some magical work of art, only something curious I noticed.
Okay, I could ramble forever. I like art and I like to write so that’s a super-intense combination. I’d love for other artists on here to talk about their process, actually write it out and blather on creatively like I just did. It’s fun. And you learn about somebody’s personality too.
Yes, it’s definitely nice to talk about sketching and the special rainbow of things that go into it sometimes.
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I’M BACK WITH MORE SWIFT (Well...Actually Nic, but a lil bit of Swift) {Chapter 4}
“Good Aideen it’s cold.” Sasha grumbled as she helped Nic set up another tent. Nic looked over at the slight woman, and chuckled as he finished tying down the side he was on. “Sash, you’re about as big around as my little finger, and you still decided to come on an expedition to the valley that was only accessible because an actual wall of ice melted. What did you expect?” She shrugged. “I actually don’t know. But-“ Sasha was interrupted by the arrival of Mikaël. “Almost done?” the expedition leader asked. “I’d like you to do a little recon before it gets too dark.” Nic glanced at Sasha. “Can you handle the rest of this?” he asked her, and Sasha nodded “Go play in the snow Stoneground. I’ll see if Atli or Liza can help with the last one.”
  The crunching of snow beneath Nic’s boots was oddly soothing as he led his horse to a reasonably flat stone. Before him lay a tall island surrounded by massive pillars of ice, and to his left, perhaps most astonishingly, lay a fossilized…. creature. It was nothing like anything he’d ever seen in any museum or textbook, and it utterly fascinated him. Turning to his horse, a handsome thing he called Boreas, he rustled through a saddlebag and carefully pulled out a blank sheet of paper from behind the others he’d already drawn rudimentary maps on. Taking the paper and a stick of charcoal with him, he went back to the stone, brushed the snow away, and began drawing another piece of a simple map. He’d turned away for just a moment to pull another piece of paper out of the saddle bag, when a vicious wind whipped up and carried the piece of paper he’d drawn on away with it. Yelling out, he made to go after it, but stopped short, noting the crack in the ice that led down to wickedly cold water and the fact that it was just slightly too wide to jump confidently. Scowling at the rapidly vanishing piece of paper, he turned back and began to redraw the section of map.
  It was getting rapidly darker by the time Nic decided to go back to the campground. Heaving a sigh, he watched his frosted breath vanish to join the rest of the fog that seemed permanent in this strange place. Adjusting his hood, he turned to mount Boreas when the stallion’s head rocketed into the air, ears perked. A whinny came from him, excited and a little nervous. “What fella?” Nic asked the stallion, reaching for his muzzle to try and calm the, usually relaxed, horse. A flicker of movement distracted him, and he whipped around, reaching for the repeating rifle he had brought, in case he ran into any unsavory creatures. He stopped dead in his tracks at what he saw. Another person mounted on a small horse watched him from some distance. They wore no hood, and he could make out red hair blowing around their face in the wind. They studied each other, neither moving, not even their horses. It was the thunder of cracking ice that broke the spell that hung over them, and Nic looked away to find the source. When he looked back, the person and their mount were gone.
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moonlightdisney · 2 years
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She's a sweetie !! Redraw of a pretty dang old piece I did of Moonie, pre-redux. I was and honestly still am, very proud of it! Moonie and I are both sweet tooths. We adore anything sweet even the fruits!! Getting the hang of drawing again and finally am starting to find it relaxing again !! I haven't done art of JUST Moonie in a lil while so its really nice to see her drawn again :3 Remember I post my art not just on DA but Instagram and Twitter as well! If you are one of the many people who are thinking of not using DA as much anymore, you are free to follow me on my other socials !! I post more on them anyways ! Oh and keep ur eyes peeled for around Feb 14 :3c you might see this art again soon~ Pls do fave comment and share ! Helps get me out there !
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