#a kid with too much responsibility don’t argue Nicki this is crazy
indiefluencer · 1 year
My turn. Parch cares.
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non-un-topo · 3 years
College, Car Seats, and Creamy Pasta (ficlet)
(This title, idk.) So I’ve been having feelings lately about the old guard with babies in modern aus, so here’s an experimental, kind of self-indulgent ficlet filled with extreme amounts of softness and bébé feels <3
There’s an infamous story all the way back from college that Joe loves to share which involves Andy drunkenly rolling her ankle on a beach and Joe having to carry her home--though, she could have walked, but Joe demanded to carry her--and fashioning an ice pack out of the only things he could find in his and Nicky’s tiny, decrepit apartment: A condom, and some ice from a small McDonald’s sprite (their freezer was broken when they moved in).
He lives to tell that story every chance he gets. Especially now, as he reaches into Andy and Quỳnh’s (much bigger and much colder) freezer nearly fifteen years later to retrieve a not-homemade ice pack and wrap it in a clean dishtowel for Andy’s poor crotch.
She’s lounging on the couch, even though she’s proven that she can walk, but Joe doesn’t mind, as she reaches back for the ice pack and shoots him a sly smile that says, Yeah, I know exactly which story you’re thinking about. He bats his eyelashes innocently back.
It’s a balmy Friday evening and Quỳnh’s still at work, though likely on her way home, so Joe has taken the liberty of cooking dinner. Andy begged to order a pizza, but Joe was not having it. And he thought himself to be the lax one of the bunch. If Nicky were in the kitchen at the time, it would have been anarchy.
“Thanks, Joe,” Andy says, as she settles into a more comfortable position on the couch with her ice pack, sighing. He adjusts the pillows at her back, which causes her to snort and slap his hand away.
“I’m not dying.”
Joe sniffs. “Yeah, coulda fooled me. How much did that baby weigh again?”
Andy laughs out a quiet, fuck off. “Nine pounds, eight ounces,” she says, quick as a whip.
The baby, the reason for Joe and Nicky’s visit to Andy and Quỳnh’s apartment, is fairly chunky, sure, but he looks awfully tiny and pink, especially when he’s wearing his little hat. The hat with little lamb ears that Nicky painstakingly knit for him months ago, when he was barely more than a bump, that rarely leaves his soft little head. Nicky hadn’t even known how to knit at the time.
The baby’s name is Lykon, after a childhood friend of Andy and Quỳnh. Lykon was born at 4:26 AM on Monday. It’s Friday evening. Joe and Nicky have not left the apartment since Andy and Quỳnh brought him home.
And neither Andy nor Quỳnh have physically kicked them out, so Joe is staying right here.
Nicky had disappeared a few minutes ago to go change the baby while Andy napped, but he reappears then, slinking into the living room with Lykon held against his shoulder--he’s so little in Nicky’s hands, they almost swallow him--and Joe smiles at his husband in greeting before doing a double-take.
“Babe,” Joe says, and Andy cranes her neck to try and see Nicky over the back of the couch. “What are you doing?”
Nicky continues his journey across the living room floor--lunges, he’s doing lunges. Deep ones that make Joe’s eyebrows jump up in appreciation.
Nicky releases a finger from his gentle grip on the baby’s head and presses it to his lips. “Shush.”
“You trying to get your ass workout in while carrying my son? Really?” Andy asks.
Nicky’s response is whispered so softly, Joe can hardly hear him. “This is the only way I can get him to sleep.”
“Put him in the car seat,” Andy says, like it’s the most simple solution in the world.
“He likes it,” Nicky argues, still whispering.
Andy only shrugs. “Okay, but if he spits up on you…”
And right on cue, Joe hears a tiny gurgle, and there’s baby puke sliding down Nicky’s back.
Andy doesn’t say, told you so, but she doesn’t need to. Her smug grin is enough. With a poorly hidden pout, Nicky reluctantly hands the baby, who is now crying quiet little wobbly squeals, to Andy.
“You know,” Andy says, “you guys don’t have to stay. You have other commitments, I know.”
It’s the first time since Lykon’s birth that she’s said something like that, and Joe is only moderately surprised to feel a sudden onslaught of tears in his eyes.
“Or not,” she says, quickly. “We really appreciate your help, boys, it’s just… We don’t want to keep you.”
“Andy, shut up.”
She laughs, loud and open-mouthed. “Okay, Joe, okay. I love you guys.”
“We love you too,” Nicky says. Then he leans over the couch to peer into Lykon’s squishy little face. “And we especially love you.”
His voice changes when he talks to the baby. While Joe can’t control the way his voice raises several octaves and the way he coos gibberish, Nicky’s voice softens and hushes to something so comfortable, barely audible. It’s the way he would talk to a fussy toddler, Joe thinks, given the opportunity. He would level his eyes with them and speak to them like a person equal to him, providing the safest and most non-judgemental space for them.
Joe thinks. He hasn’t had many opportunities to see his husband speak with toddlers.
“I would be worried about you guys kidnapping him,” Andy says, “but I think it only counts as kidnapping if you leave the apartment.”
Joe snorts, and then he hears the water boiling over on the stove, so he dashes.
When Joe met Andy and Quỳnh, he had been a wide-eyed twenty-year-old, freshly out of the closet and already hopelessly in love. Well, that hasn’t changed, which always delights him to realize, after all these years. It was the love of his young life--Nicky, of course--who introduced him. Andy and Nicky were family friends, more like siblings, really, and of course Andy and Quỳnh had been together since the dawn of time. It took Joe no time at all to find a family in the four of them, inseparable as they all were.
Andy and Quỳnh had actually surprised him when they started talking about kids. That unexpected and world-changing conversation had been the beginning of a long and at times heartbreaking four years, before they finally got their donor, then suffered through a little over a year of IVF. They had almost given up, Joe remembers, between the frustration and the arguments and doctors telling Andy her eggs were too old. But, there he was, at the end of the journey, coming into the world flipping off everyone who said they couldn’t do it: Baby Lykon, the little warrior.
Joe remembers all of it vividly. The phonecall when they told him and Nicky they were pregnant, the panic to help them find a bigger apartment, the indulgent shopping trips, though Andy tried to keep a cap on those, and the weight and warmth of the baby in Joe’s arms the very first time he held him, barely thirty minutes after he’d been born.
Joe had sobbed, of course (something Andy and Quỳnh had anticipated so strongly they bet money on how long he cried for), and he looked into the baby’s big brown eyes and promised him the world.
They had talked about kids. Of course, they had. He and Nicky. But life was busy, and in the last five years between Joe finishing his dissertation and Nicky’s mother getting sick, the subject of kids just hadn’t come up. Besides, Joe thinks now, he’s only thirty-three.
Quỳnh comes home as he’s dishing up dinner for everyone--a creamy, cheesy pasta, because it’s the best comfort food--and her eyes brim with tears when she gets to hold Lykon again. She hasn’t been able to get a lot of time off work, even after becoming a new parent, which Joe thinks is frankly outrageous, but the work she does as a crisis counsellor is of course monumentally important.
They huddle around the couch to eat dinner, but Nicky pulls up one of the rickety chairs from the kitchen table and sits next to the baby, who is snoozing in his car seat on top of the coffee table. Joe doesn’t know how he does it, but Nicky manages to eat his dinner, drink enough water, and hold a conversation while keeping Lykon’s car seat rocking gently so he doesn’t wake up and scream.
Joe watches him as he chews his pasta mindfully and leans close to peer into the car seat. Beautiful. He’s always so beautiful, especially now. The way he looks at Lykon--their nephew, Joe realizes, elated--makes Joe’s head spin off his shoulders. He feels like he’s twenty.
“Crazy how tiny he is,” says Quỳnh, her voice soft and reverent. She already sounds so much like a parent. Joe’s eyes are still on his husband, so he sees how brightly Nicky smiles at that.
Andy makes an indignant noise. “Shut the fuck up.”
Quỳnh laughs, though she tries with obvious effort to keep quiet. She pulls Andy closer, her arm draped over her shoulder, and presses three kisses to her cheek. Then Quỳnh catches Joe’s eye and winks.
Andy shovels another forkful of pasta into her mouth and moans as she chews. With a full mouth, she says, “Joe, this is perfect. Please, boys, never leave.”
Joe shrugs bashfully, pretending to be shy. “It’s Nicky’s recipe.”
“What did you use,” Quỳnh asks.
Joe hums. He juts his chin to the kitchenette. “Your parmesan, mostly, and that fancy milk.”
“What fancy milk,” Andy asks, absolutely stuffing her face.
“Y’know.” Joe waves a hand. Chews, swallows. “The milk in the fancy bag, from the fridge.”
Andy and Quỳnh both stop eating, their eyes bugging out. Quỳnh slaps a hand over her mouth, poorly hiding a laugh and clearly choking a little, and Andy looks… Oh, Andy looks furious. Her face is red.
“J-” She forcefully lowers her voice, shooting a fearful glance at the baby. “Joe,” she whispers through her teeth. “Did you use my fucking breast milk?”
“Dio.” Nicky sticks his fork back into his dish.
“Oh,” Joe says, like an idiot. “Um.”
Andy’s cheeks puff out and somehow her face turns an even darker shade of red.
“I pumped…” she whispers, low and lethal, slow. “...For so… long…”
“There’s more in the fridge, babe,” Quỳnh says, and Joe fears for her life for a hot second. Then she brings her hand out to hover over Andy’s chest. “And it’s not like the tap is running dry, or whatever.”
“So I’m a milk bag.”
“A badass, sexy milk bag who--oh, who is murdering me with her eyes right now.” Quỳnh turns on Joe, then, scooping another forkful of breast-milk-pasta into her mouth and jabbing the fork in his direction. “You’re gonna be up all night paying my wife back for this, genius. See how skilfully you can wipe meconium from his bum.”
Joe only nods in shame. Fair enough.
Lykon signals that he’s awake, then, with a series of soft little snorty grunts that devolve very quickly into shrieking, wobbly sobs. Nicky launches into action with a speed that rivals the pitcrews at NASCAR. He lifts him from the car seat with such gentleness and oh, Joe’s heart breaks to see the baby’s little lips trembling as he cries, the way his little feet kick out against Nicky’s chest as he holds him over his forearms. Nicky is about to pass him to his moms when Quỳnh smiles softly up at him and says, “Looks like you’ve got him.”
He throws her a glance as if to ask, are you sure, and Quỳnh and Andy both nod. Joe’s sure they’re grateful to have the small amount of rest time and, looking at them now, curled together on the couch in their soft clothes, exchanging light kisses, he knows he and Nicky haven’t come close to overstaying their welcome.
“Look at you, Nico,” coos Andy as Nicky carefully holds the baby against his shoulder to peek at his diaper through the waistband his tiny pants. “You’re making us look bad.”
Nicky only chuckles lightly and shakes his head. The diaper must be clean, because he leaves it be and brings a hand up to cup the back of the baby’s wispy-haired head more steadily, and begins to hum, almost a whisper, and Joe’s heart flutters.
“Do you think he’s hungry?” Nicky asks Andy when the baby continues to fuss.
Turns out he is hungry, because he quiets almost immediately when Andy brings him to her chest. It’s not silent in the apartment--Joe can hear some sirens through the window on the streets far below, can hear the air conditioner groan to life, can hear Quỳnh and Nicky’s forks clink against their plates as they continue to eat the questionable breast-milk-pasta (good lord). And, Joe can hear the soft little grunts and snorts that the baby makes as he feeds.
Joe watches his oldest friends--they’re parents now, he can hardly believe it--as they huddle close on the couch and watch their son. Quỳnh wraps her arms under Andy’s so they’re both holding him, and his little chubby fist twitches and flings out every once in a while against Andy’s rolled-up shirt. His feet look impossibly small. Joe remembers the sounds he made when he and Nicky went shopping for all manner of baby supplies to help shave some stuff off Andy and Quỳnh’s list. He’d nearly sobbed when Nicky came up to the cart holding a pair of incredibly tiny socks (and then he had teared up and nearly passed out when Nicky popped the socks over his thumbs. A lot of people stared).
Joe would be lying to himself if he said he hadn’t been thinking of revisiting that store with Nicky every day since.
Now, he looks at his husband to find him already watching him, his heart in his eyes. Nicky slowly moves his gaze to their friends, to the baby, and Joe follows it. When their eyes meet again, Nicky’s are a little damp with tears, but he’s smiling, and there’s something inquisitive and hopeful in his eyes. Joe matches him and slowly, they both nod.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Adore (Jaida x Nicky) - Moonshot
A/N: 1.1k word of pure fluff, lovely bickering and soft feelings. Catch all the references to Nicky and Jaida’s IG lives for extra brownie points.
Summary: Jaida, Nicky and a long-awaited eyeshadow palette. What could go wrong?
“Enfin, putain!”
Jaida furrowed her brows upon hearing her girlfriend curse in her native language. Not that she wasn’t used to it by now, but still surprised her.
“What are you babbling about, Frenchie?” She dared to ask upon seeing the blonde girl’s face basically beaming as she tore open a small cardboard box.
“It’s finally here, baby! I can’t believe I was literally the last one to get it and I’m the professional makeup artist in our friend group!” 
Despite still being slightly confused, the older girl couldn’t help the smile forming on her lips at just the sheer excitement of Nicky as she unboxed the long-awaited eye shadow palette.
“You’re acting as if you don’t receive PR for like 99% of the make up you own, Ni,” Jaida rolled her eyes playfully, bringing her attention back to the phone in her hands.
“Ugh, chéri! Not when it’s a PR from THE Lady Gaga’s brand! The queen! The legend! I’ve been waiting for a palette like this for ages!” Nicky pouted at her girlfriend’s seemingly disinterest in the new makeup. 
Then, as if a metaphorical lightbulb had lit up over her head, the French girl bolted out of the room with the freshly unboxed palette. She came back a few minutes later, armed with a couple of her favorite eye-makeup brushes in hand.
Jaida barely had time to react when her phone was taken away from her hands and the familiar weight of her girlfriend pressed on top of her legs.
“I gotta test it out right now, and you and your beautiful face,” she booped the older girl’s nose playfully, “are going to be my canvas. Now close your eyes so that I can prime them!”
The brunette couldn’t help but chuckle at how serious the French girl sounded, “Well, chile then, boss,” she commented, following the instructions and relaxing face. 
“Alexa! Play Tycho!” she shouted to the electronic companion.
Jaida shook her head in disapproval jokingly, “You and your weird instrumental music”.
The blonde pointed a finger at her face, however, failing quite a bit to look anywhere near threatening, “Quiet or I’m putting the whole Kingdom Hearts soundtrack!”
She brought her hands up in defeat before bringing them over to Nicky’s lower back to help her steady up as the blonde started working her make up magic on her.
Jaida heard the younger girl quietly hum, assuming she was contemplating what look she was going to go for.
“So, what’s the inspiration today, Frenchie?”
“All these blues are begging to be turned into a Squirtle fantasy!” Nicky replied excitedly, her mind already visualizing the final product on her girlfriend.
The dark-skinned beauty opened her eyes, frowning, “Don’t you have some orange or red for the actual true superior Pokémon starter, babe?”
“Salamèche? Superior? No, ma’am. The smart ones choose Squirtle, the ones who choose Charmander just want to flex their strength”.
“Whaaat? Nah, he’s a strong little dude, give him some respect! Squirtle is for boring bitches”.
There was a moment of pause, both girls firmly convinced in their ideas.
Nicky was the one who broke the silence, “… at least we can agree that you are a loser if you choose Bulbasaur”.
That made Jaida wheeze out loud, playfully smacking the tanned foreigner’s legs, “Can’t argue with that!”
The short-haired blonde leaned in to peck on Jaida’s inviting lips, “We will continue this discussion later, now close your goddamn eyes, dumbass”.
“Aye, aye, Captain Doll!” the brunette replied, closing her eyes once again with her hands now resting on Nicky’s exposed waist.
She let the younger girl’s expert yet delicate digit do all the work as the French girl softly sang a lullaby in her native language, slowly drifting asleep.
Your beauty I’ll still see Love is too weak to define Just what you mean to me
Jaida lost track of time when she woke back up. She guessed it must have been quite a while as Nicky was still humming to herself but the music had changed to one of her favorite Prince’s songs, Adore.
Then, suddenly, her girlfriend’s singing stopped while the music carried on.
With her eyes still closed, the older girl wasn’t sure what caused the interruption. She opened her left eye ever so slightly to peek through, finding her girlfriend staring at her with an expression she couldn’t really put a name to.
The brunette fully opened her eyes before talking, “Got something on my face?” she tried to poke fun at the situation, feeling the silence under the gaze of those icy blue eyes she had fallen in love with getting somewhat uncomfortable.
That seemingly brought Nicky’s mind back, her usual smirk plastered on her face as she rolled her eyes, “Your beauty, dumbass”.
The younger girl leaned in for a peck on the lips, which quickly turned into a proper kiss as Jaida’s arms held her body closer.
The two continued their impromptu make-out session until they had to separate to be able to breathe properly. Jaida smiles at the sight of the adorable flush Nicky would get every time they kissed for more than a couple of minutes.
“I mean it, you know, babe”, the French continued, tucking a loose strand of the dark hair behind her girlfriend’s ear, her hand then gently going on to hold the back of Jaida’s neck.
The brunette cocked her head in slight confusion, “Uh?”
“When I say you’re the most beautiful to me. I may work to paint celebrities’ faces for a living now but no one has still got nothing on you, ma belle ”.
The older girl tried to fight a grin from forming on her face, “Miss Nicky Doll?Getting soft, aren’t we, girl?”
Nicky scoffed, faking being annoyed at the response, “Fuck off! Much for ruining the moment, bitch”, she replied jokingly. 
Jaida couldn’t help but chuckle as she brought the blonde’s body even closer to her, the makeup palette along with the brushes long forgotten by their sides.
“Chile, girl! I’m just kidding,” she said, bringing one of her hands under Nicky’s chin, staring lovingly into her eyes.
“I love you,” the American girl simply said as she dived in to kiss her girlfriend. She felt the younger girl smile into the kiss, a muffled “je t’aime aussi, mon coeur” in reply against her lips.
The two lovers stood like that as they enjoyed each other’s embrace until Nicky’s phone started ringing, causing the latter to reluctantly separate from her girlfriend’s lips.
Jaida breathed out, collecting her thoughts as she heard the blonde answer the call.
“Hello? Oh, hi Rock! What’s up?” 
The brunette tuned out from the conversation as Nicky exited the living room going into the kitchen, already engrossed in whatever crazy story the young girl was telling her over the phone.
She couldn’t help but smile to herself as she thought about her relationship with the tanned French girl. 
Who would have thought that, after getting together during their senior year of high school, they would still be going strong, five years and a move across the country to the Big Apple later? Certainly not Jaida, but she couldn’t be happier to have found someone like Nicky.
The older girl got up from the couch, making her way to the shared bedroom she had with her girlfriend. She opened one of the drawers and fished in, finding what she was looking for mere seconds later.
A small dark red velvet box.
Jaida was sure now more than ever.
Be with me darlin’ till the end of all time I’ll give you my heart I’ll give you my mind I’ll give you my body I’ll give you my time For all time I am with you
She was going to marry that French bitch.
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crazedlunatic · 7 years
Moving Out
Blaine looked up from his computer, seeing Nick standing just outside of his ‘home office’ and shuffling his feet anxiously.
“Nicky? You okay?”
“Uh, yeah.” Nick walked in. “Hey, Dad.”
“Hey. I didn’t know you made it home. Did you have fun at Cody’s senior show tonight?” Blaine smiled.
“Yeah, it was awesome. He had a lot of great stuff… everyone did.  But people really liked his stuff.” Nick nodded, plopping down in one of the extra chairs in front of Blaine’s desk.
“Everything okay?” Blaine tilted his head a bit.
“It… It is, I just…” Nick sighed a bit, looking like he was trying to talk himself into or out of something. “Dad, when can I end the guardianship? I mean not for now, but uhm…”
“Nick, we can give your rights back whenever you think you’re ready but I’m not convinced you are.” Blaine watched Nick’s reaction carefully. “What’s really going on?”
“I know it’s only the end of April but… in August Cody’s lease on his apartment is up. You guys saw the building last winter when we had the bad storm and we brought him to our place for Christmas since the power was out. It’s a shit hole. They don’t take care of it, stuff is always going on with the place and it takes days for them to even answer emergency calls.” Nick babbled. “I haven’t talked to Cody or anything because this seems like it’s coming out of nowhere—I know it does; you don’t need to tell me— but I want to get a place with him. We’ve known each other less than a year and I know it sounds crazy but I just, I don’t know, know, you know?”
“Despite how much my English degree is crying, I do know what you mean.” Blaine smiled a bit. He remembered the first time realizing one day he wanted to live with Kurt. How the idea had sounded so strange at first but how the more he thought about it, the more he realized that nothing had ever made more sense.
“When I stay the night, I don’t want to leave.” Nick sighed a bit. “This last year so much has changed but ever since I met him… I never want to be away from him. It’s like I’ve been looking for him all along. It’s like moments without him…”
“Are meaningless?” Blaine questioned.
“Yeah.” Nick’s voice was softer than it usually was. He swallowed.
“Nicky… I know how you’re feeling. I’m not telling you not to do it… I’m just telling you there is a substantial difference than living in a dorm room and in your own place with your partner. There’s more pressure, there’s not really any moment to yourself unless you’re using the bathroom. Everything’s out there, everyone’s flaws come out, you’ll argue over cleaning out the fridge and letting out the dog in the rain. Stuff breaks, you spend so much more money on things…”Blaine trailed off.
“Are you trying to tell me I shouldn’t move out with Cody?” Nick asked, looking sad.
“I’m not saying that. What I’m saying is that since UCLA… your whole life has been planned to the t. Therapy for your feelings, nutritionist for your evolving diet, visits with David to make sure your body is adjusting okay, going to the gym and trying to stay healthy, lists you have to stick to, responsibilities that all together are making you how you are now. As stress free as Kurt and I can make your life until… until we know that you’re not going to relapse. Moving on your own is stress. Moving out with someone else… that’s a whole different ballpark. Sleepovers with Cody and living with Cody would be two completely different things. And you’ll have to come up with a whole new routine… not to mention you’re wanting to go back to school part time this fall which is going to be even more stressful.” Blaine took a deep breath.
“I haven’t talked to him about it yet. I don’t want to do something that’s going to cause me to relapse… I don’t want to put that stress on anyone else again because it turned everything upside down.” Nick chewed on his lip. “Everything is still upside down actually…”
“You’ve worked so hard to get where you are today. I couldn’t be prouder.” Blaine smiled.
“I think we’re meant to be. I can’t imagine life without him. He’s going to school for a graduate program too and I’m afraid we’ll fall apart…”
“He looks at you like you hung the moon. You two won’t fall apart.”
Nick blushed a bit.
“You know what the right decision is in your heart… and if you don’t know yet, you will. If you decide to move out with him we can cancel the guardianship or we can keep it and you can still move out. Kurt and I don’t want you to feel like you’re in a prison. We just want to make sure you take care of yourself physically and emotionally… It can take up to a month to cancel it… but we might be able to speed that process up, too.”
“Am I insane?”
“I moved in with your father and now I’ve got four kids between the ages of seven and twenty. You tell me who is crazy in this room.” Blaine gave Nick a big smile.
“I think I want to talk about it all with Cody and see what he thinks.” Nick stood.
“That would be a good idea… and don’t forget that Cody does camp and that he goes to Georgia for the summer… I mean, if you guys did move in do you feel comfortable enough where you are to stick to your routine? To eat three meals, four snacks, not portion stuff out, not overwork at the gym? I know you don’t want to think about still struggling in a year but… but it’s possible that you could be. It takes a long time to recover from an eating disorder. And the depression and anxiety… I don’t mean to bring up this stuff and make you doubt your capabilities. I just think you need to think of how it will affect recovery. I will feel comfortable with you moving out if you have gone over every possibility in your head.”
Nick chewed on his lip.
“But understand that I said I would feel comfortable with you moving out… because it’s your decision. Kurt and I won’t keep you from doing it and, like I said… we’ll get the guardianship cancelled as soon as you want it cancelled. You’re an adult and we both trust you to make the best decision for you… We also trust Cody to take care of you.”
“He takes care of me now. When I’m with him he makes sure I have all my meals and all of my snacks, he doesn’t let me overexert myself or anything like that.”
“I know.” Blaine smiled and went to hug him. “Cody’s your person.”
Nick hugged Blaine back tightly, smiling when Blaine kissed the top of his head.
“We love you so much and we’re so happy you found someone that treats you right, takes care of you, and loves you the way you’ve always deserved to be loved. Because you’re an amazing person, Nick, and you only deserve the best. You’re so very special.”
Nick tightened his hug. “Thank you for always being supportive no matter what I want… and thank you for trying to help me at home before sending me away to the anorexia center… I know I was so mad and I said some horrible things but… I know it was a last resort and you tried so hard to keep from doing it. And I know Daddy threatened to divorce you if you wouldn’t let him take me and… and I’m sorry to have put you in that position. But it meant so much when you tried to do what I wanted instead of just shipping me off.”
“I’ll always do everything in my power to make you feel safe, comfortable, and happy.” Blaine pulled back. “And Kurt was never really going to divorce me. Sometimes when I’m worked up he has to get my attention.”
Nick rolled his eyes. “You do have a temper sometimes.”
“I’ve heard.” Blaine hugged him again when Cody walked up hesitantly. “Hey, Cody. Feeling better? I heard you had a sinus infection the last few days.”
“Yes, sir.” Cody smiled, stepping in. “Hey, Nicky.”
Nick smiled. “I’ll see you later, Dad.”
“Yep. Text if you’re going to stay over, alright?” Blaine smiled.
“I’ll make sure he does.” Cody promised.
“I’ve got something possibly exciting to talk about tonight.” Nick said as he led Cody’s out of his office. “You might think it’s crazy but I want you to promise you’ll listen to the whole thing before you form an opinion.”
“Every third thing out of your mouth in crazy, Nick.” Blaine heard Cody say before the front door opened and closed.
You’re going to cry when I tell you about the conversation I just had with our son, Blaine texted Kurt who was still at work.
Did he propose?
Other son, Blaine typed back.
Did he bite that bratty girl again?
Other other son.
Yeah, I know he wants to move in with Cody. I heard him talking about it with Zach last week.
You never tell me anything anymore.
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