#a friend who watched rebirth with me jokingly suggested to me to make the other three jury members and now i am contemplating lol
jpdrawsalot · 1 year
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Laurance and Garroth deserved better imo. Also finally saw Rebirth and well, this is my takeaway concerning the Jury of Nine lol
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tonystarkreactor · 5 years
Also I just saw you are taking prompts?👀👀👀 Can you do one where its Peggy who becomes Captain America instead? She and Tony actually hit it off great, and she becomes protective of him and gives shovel talk to anyone who tries to flirt with him.
cap!peggy? my love?? my life?? absolutely. 
Tony Stark knows footsteps.
He knows the slow, apprehensive ones of job applicants, pacing back and forth outside his office as they wait for him to call them in. He knows the slow, slinking click of heels belonging to women at fancy events, hoping to go home under his arm. He knows the heavy stomps of his panicking R&D staff as yet another fire takes a lab by storm.
Tony knows footsteps, and he knows power when he hears it.
He glances away from Dr. Banner, his mouth still asking a question about the Coulomb barrier. He hears the answer, but he’s distracted so it doesn’t quite process– he files it away so he can understand it later.
In the moment, he follows the sound of power, and he sees a face he recognizes- from the reports from Project: Rebirth he’d found filed away after Howard died, from textbooks, from that framed photo in Howard’s lab, even though there wasn’t even a single picture of Tony.
Peggy Carter.
He feels his hackles rise, but he makes sure not to stiffen his posture. Instead, he throws a lazy solute in her direction. “Captain.”
She turns towards him, leveling him with an assessing glare, so he grants her the same. She’s wearing the Cap suit, but it’s not the same as he remembers from the photos. Instead, it’s kind of offensively bright. It kind of looks like a fanboy had too much fun drawing inspiration from the comics, what with its far-too-loud colors. (He was at least grateful it wasn’t some of the later, more… gratuitous interpretations of the design.)
“Stark,” she returns in a crisp tone, and Tony hates that he can’t read her tone. He’s sort of terrified of what she’s thinking, whatever it is. All he can think about is Howard telling him that Captain America would never be proud of him. Given the way she’s examining his face, he’s sure that she’s mentally comparing him to Howard, cataloging any flaws she may see.
Still, he also tries to think of the other people he knows, those who had once been the close friends of Captain America. He thinks of their stories, the ones that made her seem so different from the one Howard spoke about.
“Tell me, were Uncle Dum-Dum’s stories about you true?” he asks, then bites back a curse as he sees a flicker of pain cross her face. He doesn’t backtrack, though, because he learned long ago that he’ll just end up shoving his foot in his mouth.
But then Peggy Carter resolves herself, and she cracks a smirk with cherry-red lips. “Depends. What stories did he tell?”
“I seem to remember a tale about you literally killing a Nazi with one look,” Tony suggested.
The good captain snorted, shaking her head. “I might have had a bit of help from one of your father’s inventions. Not that he knew I had it, mind you,” she said, and Tony can see her eyes watching him. Testing him.
But he just cracks a grin, one that’s real, and he steps around the table and holds out his hand. “Well, don’t worry, I won’t tell him,” he says jokingly, and then he winces, because really, foot in mouth–
But then Peggy Carter laughs, grabbing his hand and giving it a firm shake, and Tony feels the tension bleed out of his shoulders.
“You’re… not like him,” she says, an eyebrow quirked, and… it’s not judgement there. Tony looks around for any hint of it, but there doesn’t seem to be any.
“That’s good?” he asks, folding his arms by his chest.
“Well, you’ve yet to flirt with me, so I’d say very good, yes,” she replies, smirking, and Tony just feels a weight just fall off his shoulders.
He grins, placing his hands on the table in front of him. “Welcome to the Avengers, Cap.” He gestures towards Dr. Banner. “Now, d’you wanna meet the soon-to-be love of my life?”
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