#a city in Maharashtra
travelwithcrush35 · 10 months
best tourist places
Headline: "Ahmednagar's Best Famous Places: A Historical Journey" Description: Ahmednagar, a city in Maharashtra, boasts a rich historical past with fascinating landmarks. The article showcases the best famous places to visit in Ahmednagar, including forts, tombs, and religious sites. Embark on a historical journey through the article: Best Famous Places in Ahmednagar. Top 10 related hashtags: #Ahmednagar #FamousPlaces #HistoricalJourney #Landmarks #Forts #Tombs #ReligiousSites #Maharashtra #ExploreAhmednagar #HistoryBuff
Headline: "Nanded's Famous Places: A Spiritual Retreat" Description: Nanded, a city in Maharashtra, is a revered destination for spiritual seekers. The article showcases the famous places to visit in Nanded, including the renowned Hazur Sahib Gurudwara and historical monuments. Experience a spiritual retreat through the article: Famous Places to Visit in Nanded. Top 10 related hashtags: #Nanded #FamousPlaces #SpiritualRetreat #HazurSahibGurudwara #HistoricalMonuments #Maharashtra #ExploreNanded #Spirituality #DivineExperience
Headline: "Nagpur's Top 10 Famous Places: Embracing Cultural Diversity" Description: Nagpur, the "Orange City" of Maharashtra, offers a blend of cultural and natural wonders. The article showcases the top 10 famous places to visit in Nagpur, including temples, gardens, and museums. Embrace the cultural diversity of Nagpur through the article: Top 10 Famous Places in Nagpur. Top 10 related hashtags: #Nagpur #FamousPlaces #CulturalDiversity #OrangeCity #Temples #Gardens #Museums #Maharashtra #ExploreNagpur #TravelDiaries
Headline: "Most Visited Temples in Maharashtra: Divine Journeys" Description: Maharashtra is home to numerous sacred temples attracting devotees and tourists alike. The article features the most visited temples in Maharashtra, including Shirdi Sai Baba Temple and Trimbakeshwar Temple. Embark on divine journeys through the article: Most Visited Temples in Maharashtra. Top 10 related hashtags: #MaharashtraTemples #MostVisitedTemples #DivineJourneys #Spirituality #Devotees #Tourists #SacredDestinations #Maharashtra #ExploreTemples #TempleTour
Headline: "Best Places to Visit in Winter: Experiencing the Chill" Description: Winter brings a unique charm to destinations across India. The article lists the best places to visit during winter, including hill stations and cultural hotspots. Experience the winter chill through the article: Best Places to Visit in Winter. Top 10 related hashtags: #WinterTravel #BestPlacesInWinter #ChillVibes #HillStations #CulturalHotspots #IndiaTravel #WinterDestinations #ExploreWinter #TravelInspiration #VacationMode
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annachum · 9 months
Okay since we haven't seen the Sharma sisters in Mughal empire attires in Bridgerton Season 2 ( for some reason )
Here are some of the Mughal Empire attires I can totally see Kathani Sharma wear :
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And here are some of the Mughal Empire attires I can totally see Edwina Sharma wear :
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shadyteacup · 1 year
i just realised none of my coworkers speak irish gaelic because we're not in ireland but ive been saying small things like "dia linn" for bless you and "dia ar sábháil" for oh my god to a bunch of people who only speak english and nobody bothered to say "hey dean what the fuck are you saying" </3
Hahahaha lmaoo
I think they just go, “If Deans saying it, it must be nice”
Coz that’s what I’d do <3
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2022/12/10 Llegamos a la oficina de turismo de la ciudad que es un museo tanto de historia como de tradiciones de la ciudad. Hay expuestos muchos objetos que relatan la cronología histórica hasta llegar a lo que es hoy la capital de la provincia.
We arrive at the city's tourist office, which is a museum of both the history and traditions of the city. There are many objects on display that relate the historical chronology until reaching what is today the capital of the province.
Google translation into Italian: Arriviamo all'ufficio turistico della città, che è un museo della storia e delle tradizioni della città. Numerosi sono gli oggetti esposti che raccontano la cronologia storica fino a giungere a quello che oggi è il capoluogo di provincia.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Chegamos ao posto de turismo da cidade, que é um museu da história e tradições da cidade. São muitos os objetos expostos que relatam a cronologia histórica até chegar ao que é hoje a capital da província.
Google Translation into French: Nous arrivons à l'office du tourisme de la ville, qui est un musée à la fois sur l'histoire et les traditions de la ville. De nombreux objets exposés relatent la chronologie historique jusqu'à ce qui est aujourd'hui la capitale de la province.
Google Translation into Arabic: وصلنا إلى مكتب السياح�� في المدينة ، وهو متحف لكل من تاريخ المدينة وتقاليدها. ترتبط العديد من المعروضات بالجدول الزمني التاريخي لما يُعرف الآن بالعاصمة الإقليمية.
Google Translation into German: Wir erreichen das Fremdenverkehrsamt der Stadt, ein Museum über die Geschichte und Traditionen der Stadt. Viele Exponate beziehen den historischen Zeitstrahl auf die heutige Landeshauptstadt.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Mbërrijmë në Zyrën Turistike të qytetit, një muze për historinë dhe traditat e qytetit. Shumë ekspozita e lidhin afatin historik me kryeqytetin e sotëm të shtetit.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մենք ժամանում ենք քաղաքի զբոսաշրջության գրասենյակ՝ քաղաքի պատմության և ավանդույթների մասին պատմող թանգարան: Շատ ցուցանմուշներ պատմական ժամանակագրությունը կապում են այսօրվա նահանգի մայրաքաղաքի հետ:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Пристигаме в туристическия офис на града, музей за историята и традициите на града. Много експонати свързват историческата хронология с днешната столица на щата.
Google Translation into Czech: Přijíždíme do městské turistické kanceláře, muzea o historii a tradicích města. Mnoho exponátů vztahuje historickou časovou osu k dnešnímu hlavnímu městu státu.
Google Translation into Croatian: Dolazimo do gradskog Turističkog ureda, muzeja o povijesti i tradiciji grada. Mnogi izlošci povezuju povijesnu vremensku liniju s današnjim glavnim gradom.
Google Translation into Slovak: Prichádzame do mestskej turistickej kancelárie, múzea o histórii a tradíciách mesta. Mnohé exponáty spájajú historickú časovú os s dnešným hlavným mestom štátu.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Prispemo do mestnega turističnega urada, muzeja o zgodovini in tradiciji mesta. Številni eksponati povezujejo zgodovinsko časovnico z današnjo prestolnico države.
Google Translation into Estonian: Jõuame linna turismibüroosse, linna ajalugu ja traditsioone tutvustavasse muuseumi. Paljud eksponaadid seostavad ajaloolist ajaskaala tänapäeva osariigi pealinnaga.
Google Translation into Suomi: Saavumme kaupungin matkailutoimistoon, kaupungin historiaa ja perinteitä käsittelevään museoon. Monet näyttelyt liittyvät historiallisen aikajanan nykyiseen osavaltion pääkaupunkiin.
Google Translation into Greek: Φτάνουμε στο Τουριστικό Γραφείο της πόλης, ένα μουσείο για την ιστορία και τις παραδόσεις της πόλης. Πολλά εκθέματα συσχετίζουν το ιστορικό χρονοδιάγραμμα με τη σημερινή πρωτεύουσα του κράτους.
Google Translation into Dutch: We komen aan bij het VVV-kantoor van de stad, een museum over de geschiedenis en tradities van de stad. Veel exposities brengen de historische tijdlijn in verband met de huidige hoofdstad van de staat.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi ankommer byens Turistkontor, et museum om byens historie og tradisjoner. Mange utstillinger relaterer den historiske tidslinjen til dagens delstatshovedstad.
Google Translation into Polish: Docieramy do Miejskiego Biura Turystycznego, muzeum historii i tradycji miasta. Wiele eksponatów odnosi się do historycznej osi czasu do dzisiejszej stolicy stanu.
Google Translation into Romanian: Ajungem la Biroul de Turism al orașului, un muzeu despre istoria și tradițiile orașului. Multe exponate relaționează cronologia istorică cu capitala statului de astăzi.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы прибываем в туристический офис города, музей истории и традиций города. Многие экспонаты связывают историческую хронологию с сегодняшней столицей штата.
Google Translation into Serbian: Долазимо до градске Туристичке канцеларије, музеја о историји и традицији града. Многи експонати повезују историјску временску линију са данашњом престоницом државе.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi kommer till stadens turistbyrå, ett museum om stadens historia och traditioner. Många utställningar relaterar den historiska tidslinjen till dagens delstatshuvudstad.
Google Translation into Turkish: Şehrin tarihi ve gelenekleri hakkında bir müze olan şehrin Turizm Ofisine varıyoruz. Birçok sergi, tarihi zaman çizelgesini bugünün eyalet başkentiyle ilişkilendirir.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Приходимо до міського туристичного офісу – музею історії та традицій міста. Багато експонатів пов'язують історичну шкалу часу з сучасною столицею штату.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা শহরের পর্যটন অফিসে পৌঁছে যাই, শহরের ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্য নিয়ে একটি যাদুঘর। অনেক প্রদর্শনী ঐতিহাসিক সময়রেখাকে আজকের রাজ্যের রাজধানীতে যুক্ত করে।
Google Translation into Chinese: 我们到达城市的旅游局,这是一个关于城市历史和传统的博物馆。 许多展品将历史时间表与今天的州首府联系起来。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 도시의 역사와 전통에 관한 박물관인 관광 안내소에 도착합니다. 많은 전시물이 역사적 연대표를 오늘날의 주도와 관련시킵니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: אנחנו מגיעים ללשכת התיירות של העיר, מוזיאון העוסק בהיסטוריה של העיר ומסורותיה. מוצגים רבים מקשרים את ציר הזמן ההיסטורי לבירת המדינה של היום.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम शहर के पर्यटन कार्यालय पहुंचे, जो शहर के इतिहास और परंपराओं के बारे में एक संग्रहालय है। कई प्रदर्शन ऐतिहासिक समयरेखा को आज की राज्य की राजधानी से संबंधित करते हैं।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami tiba di Tourist Office kota, sebuah museum tentang sejarah dan tradisi kota. Banyak pameran menghubungkan garis waktu sejarah dengan ibu kota negara bagian saat ini.
Google Translation into Japanese: 市の歴史と伝統に関する博物館である市の観光案内所に到着します。 多くの展示品は、歴史的なタイムラインを今日の州都に関連付けています。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Биз шаардын тарыхы жана каада-салтын чагылдырган музейге, шаардын туристтик кеңсесине келдик. Көптөгөн экспонаттар тарыхый убакыт графигин бүгүнкү мамлекеттик борбор менен байланыштырышат.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami tiba di Pejabat Pelancong bandar, sebuah muzium tentang sejarah dan tradisi bandar. Banyak pameran mengaitkan garis masa sejarah dengan ibu negeri hari ini.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦੇ ਟੂਰਿਸਟ ਦਫਤਰ, ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦੇ ਇਤਿਹਾਸ ਅਤੇ ਪਰੰਪਰਾਵਾਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਇੱਕ ਅਜਾਇਬ ਘਰ ਪਹੁੰਚਦੇ ਹਾਂ। ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਨੀਆਂ ਅੱਜ ਦੀ ਰਾਜ ਦੀ ਰਾਜਧਾਨੀ ਨਾਲ ਇਤਿਹਾਸਕ ਸਮਾਂ-ਰੇਖਾ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧਤ ਹਨ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ د ښار د ګرځندوی دفتر ته ورسیدو، د ښار تاریخ او دودونو په اړه موزیم. ډیری نندارتونونه د نن ورځې د دولت پلازمینې تاریخي مهال ویش سره تړاو لري.
Google Translation into Persian: به دفتر گردشگری شهر می رسیم، موزه ای درباره تاریخ و سنت های شهر. بسیاری از نمایشگاه ها جدول زمانی تاریخی را به پایتخت امروزی ایالت مرتبط می کنند.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Dumating kami sa Tourist Office ng lungsod, isang museo tungkol sa kasaysayan at tradisyon ng lungsod. Iniuugnay ng maraming eksibit ang makasaysayang timeline sa kabisera ng estado ngayon.
Google Translation into Thai: เรามาถึง Tourist Office ของเมือง ซึ่งเป็นพิพิธภัณฑ์เกี่ยวกับประวัติศาสตร์และประเพณีของเมือง นิทรรศการจำนวนมากเกี่ยวข้องกับเส้นเวลาทางประวัติศาสตร์กับเมืองหลวงของรัฐในปัจจุบัน
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم شہر کے ٹورسٹ آفس پہنچتے ہیں، جو شہر کی تاریخ اور روایات کے بارے میں ایک میوزیم ہے۔ بہت سی نمائشیں تاریخی ٹائم لائن کو آج کے ریاستی دارالحکومت سے جوڑتی ہیں۔
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crispnebula · 1 year
lady grey:favourite outfit?
oolong: ideal romantic partner?
peppermint:what’s your favourite holiday and why?
rooiboos: 3 facts about my family
lady grey:favourite outfit?
Hmmm this is difficult, I'd have to say a shirt over a tshirt or a jacket over a tshirt I feel like those are good outfits. If you're wearing a shirt as an over or just that, you have to roll up your sleeves, dems da rulez. But also since I've been wearing formals regularly I feel like a good set of formals is also amazing
oolong: ideal romantic partner?
ooh smart, funny, can take a joke, have similar political beliefs(I feel like that's usually overlooked) but also cheesy (sometimes), understanding, supportive, someone who i can really have good conversations with, like stare-at-the-stars-on-the-rooftop conversations about everything and nothing at all and i think at last mutual respect and trust
peppermint:what’s your favourite holiday and why?
honestly, anyone where i get to rest. but maybe diwali most, because food and sweets 😋
rooiboos: 3 facts about my family
my sister just completed her masters in comp sci
my mom makes really cool festival items like diyas and rangolis and torans and stuff and people love them
my dad was recently appreciated as the treasurer of our panchayat
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digitechabhishek · 2 months
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gharjunction2020 · 2 months
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mumbaiservices8 · 3 months
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evokeholidays · 5 months
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The Majestic Forts of Maharashtra: A Journey Through History and Nature.
Maharashtra, a state in Western India, boasts a rich and vibrant history, evident in its numerous forts scattered across the landscape. These forts, some dating back centuries, stand as testaments to the architectural prowess and strategic brilliance of past rulers. But beyond their historical significance, these forts offer a unique blend of adventure, natural beauty, and cultural immersion, making them a must-visit for any traveller to Maharashtra.
1. Raigad Fort: The Symbol of Maratha Glory.
Raigad Fort rises majestically atop a hill, overlooking the lush Konkan plains. This fort was the capital of the Maratha Empire under the legendary Shivaji Maharaj, and its ramparts still echo with the tales of his bravery and leadership. The fort boasts impressive structures like the queen's palace, the royal baths, and the samadhi (tomb) of Shivaji Maharaj. The view from the fort's summit is simply breathtaking, offering panoramic vistas of the surrounding countryside.
2. Shivneri Fort: Where Legends Began.
Shivneri Fort, located near Junnar, holds a special place in Maratha history. It was the birthplace of Shivaji Maharaj and served as the Marathas' early stronghold. The fort's rugged terrain and strategically designed defenses made it virtually impregnable, allowing Shivaji to plan his many successful campaigns. Today, the fort houses a museum dedicated to Shivaji's life and legacy, offering visitors a glimpse into the early days of the Maratha Empire.
3. Sinhagad Fort: A Site of Epic Battles.
Sinhagad Fort, also known as Kondhana, stands witness to one of the most iconic battles in Maratha history. In 1670, Tanaji Malusare, a loyal commander of Shivaji, led a daring attack on the strategically important fort, ultimately sacrificing his life to secure a Maratha victory. The fort's ramparts offer stunning views of the surrounding hills and valleys, and the Tanaji Malusare memorial stands as a tribute to his bravery.
4. Pratapgad Fort: Echoing with Echoes of Valor.
Pratapgad Fort, perched atop a hill near Satara, was another crucial Maratha stronghold. It was here that Shivaji Maharaj held his coronation ceremony in 1674, marking the formal establishment of the Maratha Empire. The fort is also known for the famous battle of Pratapgad, where Shivaji defeated the Mughal general Afzal Khan in a dramatic hand-to-hand combat. The fort's museum showcases artifacts and weapons from the Maratha era, offering visitors a deeper understanding of this period in history.
5. Lohagad Fort: A Trek Through Nature and History.
Lohagad Fort, located near Lonavala, offers a captivating blend of natural beauty and historical significance. The trek to the fort takes you through picturesque landscapes, offering stunning views of the surrounding valleys. The fort's ramparts provide a glimpse into its past, with remnants of water cisterns, caves, and temples still visible. Lohagad is a haven for trekkers and nature enthusiasts, offering an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.
6. Janjira Fort: An Island Fortress Steeped in Mystique.
Janjira Fort, located off the coast of Murud, is an island fortress with a unique history. It was built by the Siddi dynasty in the 17th century and remained unconquered for over 350 years. The fort's formidable walls and strategic location made it virtually invincible, earning it the nickname "the impregnable fort." A visit to Janjira offers a glimpse into its maritime past and a unique experience of exploring a fort on an island.
7. Panhala Fort: A Hilltop Haven of Tranquility
Panhala Fort, nestled amidst the lush hills of Kolhapur, is a tranquil escape from the city life. The fort served as the capital of the Marathas for several years and was witness to numerous historical events. Its well-preserved structures, including palaces, temples, and gateways, offer a glimpse into the grandeur of the Maratha era. Panhala is also known for its scenic beauty and is a popular destination for trekking and camping.
This is just a glimpse into the vast and fascinating world of forts in Maharashtra. Each fort has its own unique story to tell, waiting to be explored. So, pack your bags, lace up your shoes, and embark on a journey through history and nature as you discover the majestic forts of Maharashtra.
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himmatsstuff · 7 months
श्रीमद्देवीभागवत पुराण के सातवें स्कन्ध, अध्याय 36 में "देवी दुर्गा जी हिमालय राजा को ज्ञान उपदेश करते हुए कहती हैं कि ब्रह्म की भक्ति करो"। उस ब्रह्म की जानकारी के लिए अवश्य पढ़ें ज्ञान गंगा।
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fujisilver · 8 months
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Explore the role of our precast solutions in the construction of the Runwal My City, Maharashtra An expansive and futuristic integrated township
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punelavasataxi · 11 months
Pune Lavasa Taxi, Pune Lavasa Cab. Pune Lavasa Pune Taxi, Pune Lavasa Car Cab Hire Rental, Pune Lavasa Package Tour, Lavasa Hotels Booking
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Pune Lavasa Taxi, Pune Lavasa Cab. Pune Lavasa Pune Taxi, Pune Lavasa Car Cab Hire Rental, Pune Lavasa Package Tour, Lavasa Hotels Booking
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Lavasa City, Pune & All Over Maharashtra
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Pune Darshan Tour Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Pune City Tour Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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punedarshantour · 11 months
Pune Darshan Full Day SightSeeing Tours, Pune City Tour, Pune City Sightseeing Tours, Pune Temple Tours
Pune Darshan City Sightseeing Tours,
Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Classic Taxi Service
Classic Cab Service
Pune, Maharashtra, India
WhatsApp: +919370314751
Call: +919370314751
Call: +917720079131
Call: +917720077132
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2022/12/10 Al día siguiente salimos a descubrir la ciudad de día. Nos encontramos con un amiguito que nos dijo que era muy antiguo y nos contó un poco de historia. Fuimos recorriendo las calles descubriendo otros personajes y edificios bonitos.
The next day we went out to discover the city by day. We met a little friend who told us that it was very old and told us a bit of history. We went through the streets discovering other characters and beautiful buildings.
Google translation into Italian: Il giorno dopo siamo usciti alla scoperta della città di giorno. Abbiamo incontrato un piccolo amico che ci ha detto che era molto antico e ci ha raccontato un po' di storia. Abbiamo attraversato le strade scoprendo altri personaggi e splendidi edifici.
Google Translation into Portuguese: No dia seguinte saímos para descobrir a cidade de dia. Conhecemos um amiguinho que nos disse que era muito antigo e nos contou um pouco da história. Percorremos as ruas descobrindo outros personagens e belas construções.
Google Translation into French: Le lendemain nous sommes sortis découvrir la ville de jour. Nous avons rencontré un petit ami qui nous a dit que c'était très vieux et nous a raconté un peu d'histoire. Nous avons parcouru les rues en découvrant d'autres personnages et de beaux bâtiments.
Google Translation into Arabic: في اليوم التالي خرجنا لاكتشاف المدينة نهارًا. التقينا بصديق أخبرنا أنه قديم جدًا وأعطانا بعض التاريخ. مشينا في الشوارع واكتشاف الشخصيات الأخرى والمباني الجميلة.
Google Translation into German: Am nächsten Tag machten wir uns auf den Weg, um die Stadt bei Tag zu entdecken. Wir trafen einen Freund, der uns sagte, es sei sehr alt und gab uns etwas Geschichte. Wir gingen durch die Straßen und entdeckten andere Charaktere und wunderschöne Gebäude.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Të nesërmen u nisëm për të zbuluar qytetin çdo ditë. Ne takuam një mik i cili na tha se ishte shumë i vjetër dhe na dha një histori. Ne ecëm rrugëve dhe zbuluam personazhe të tjerë dhe ndërtesa të bukura.
Google Translation into Armenian: Հաջորդ օրը մենք ճամփա ընկանք քաղաքը օր օր բացահայտելու։ Մենք հանդիպեցինք մի ընկերոջ, ով մեզ ասաց, որ դա շատ հին է և պատմեց մեզ: Մենք քայլեցինք փողոցներով և հայտնաբերեցինք այլ կերպարներ և գեղեցիկ շենքեր:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: На следващия ден тръгнахме да опознаваме града по ден. Срещнахме приятел, който ни каза, че е много стар и ни даде малко история. Разходихме се по улиците и открихме други герои и красиви сгради.
Google Translation into Czech: Druhý den jsme vyrazili objevovat město po dni. Potkali jsme kamaráda, který nám řekl, že je to velmi staré a dal nám nějakou historii. Procházeli jsme se ulicemi a objevovali další postavy a krásné budovy.
Google Translation into Croatian: Sutradan smo krenuli u otkrivanje grada po danu. Sreli smo prijatelja koji nam je rekao da je jako star i ispričao nam nešto o povijesti. Hodali smo ulicama i otkrivali druge likove i prekrasne zgrade.
Google Translation into Slovak: Na druhý deň sme sa vydali objavovať mesto po dni. Stretli sme priateľa, ktorý nám povedal, že je to veľmi staré a dal nám nejakú históriu. Prechádzali sme sa ulicami a objavovali ďalšie postavy a krásne budovy.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Naslednji dan smo se odpravili na odkrivanje mesta po dnevih. Srečali smo prijatelja, ki nam je povedal, da je zelo star in nam povedal nekaj zgodovine. Hodili smo po ulicah in odkrivali druge like in čudovite zgradbe.
Google Translation into Estonian: Järgmisel päeval asusime linna päevade kaupa avastama. Kohtusime sõbraga, kes ütles, et see on väga vana ja andis meile natuke ajalugu. Jalutasime tänavatel ja avastasime teisi tegelasi ja kauneid hooneid.
Google Translation into Suomi: Seuraavana päivänä lähdimme tutustumaan kaupunkiin päivällä. Tapasimme ystävän, joka kertoi meille, että se oli hyvin vanha ja antoi meille historiaa. Kävelimme kaduilla ja löysimme muita hahmoja ja kauniita rakennuksia.
Google Translation into Greek: Την επόμενη μέρα ξεκινήσαμε να ανακαλύψουμε την πόλη μέρα με τη μέρα. Συναντήσαμε έναν φίλο που μας είπε ότι ήταν πολύ παλιό και μας έδωσε λίγο ιστορία. Περπατήσαμε στους δρόμους και ανακαλύψαμε άλλους χαρακτήρες και όμορφα κτίρια.
Google Translation into Dutch: De volgende dag gingen we op pad om de stad overdag te ontdekken. We ontmoetten een vriend die ons vertelde dat het heel oud was en ons wat geschiedenis gaf. We liepen door de straten en ontdekten andere personages en prachtige gebouwen.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Dagen etter la vi ut for å oppdage byen om dagen. Vi møtte en venn som fortalte oss at den var veldig gammel og ga oss litt historie. Vi gikk i gatene og oppdaget andre karakterer og vakre bygninger.
Google Translation into Polish: Następnego dnia wyruszyliśmy na zwiedzanie miasta za dnia. Spotkaliśmy przyjaciela, który powiedział nam, że jest bardzo stary i opowiedział nam trochę historii. Chodziliśmy ulicami i odkrywaliśmy inne postacie i piękne budynki.
Google Translation into Romanian: A doua zi ne-am pornit să descoperim orașul pe zi. Ne-am întâlnit cu un prieten care ne-a spus că este foarte vechi și ne-a dat puțină istorie. Ne-am plimbat pe străzi și am descoperit alte personaje și clădiri frumoase.
Google Translation into Russian: На следующий день мы отправились исследовать город днем. Мы встретили друга, который сказал нам, что он очень старый, и рассказал нам немного истории. Мы гуляли по улицам и открывали для себя других персонажей и красивые здания.
Google Translation into Serbian: Следећег дана кренули смо да откривамо град по дану. Упознали смо пријатеља који нам је рекао да је веома стар и дао нам је мало историје. Шетали смо улицама и откривали друге ликове и прелепе зграде.
Google Translation into Swedish: Dagen efter gav vi oss ut för att upptäcka staden för dagen. Vi träffade en vän som berättade att den var väldigt gammal och gav oss lite historia. Vi gick på gatorna och upptäckte andra karaktärer och vackra byggnader.
Google Translation into Turkish: Ertesi gün günübirlik şehri keşfetmek için yola çıktık. Bize çok eski olduğunu söyleyen ve bize biraz tarih veren bir arkadaşla tanıştık. Sokaklarda yürüdük ve başka karakterler ve güzel binalar keşfettik.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Наступного дня ми вирушили відкривати місто за днями. Ми зустріли друга, який сказав нам, що він дуже старий, і розповів нам історію. Ми гуляли вулицями й відкривали для себе інших персонажів і красиві будівлі.
Google Translation into Bengali: পরের দিন আমরা রওনা হলাম দিনের পর দিন শহর আবিষ্কার করতে। আমরা একজন বন্ধুর সাথে দেখা করেছি যিনি আমাদের বলেছিলেন যে এটি অনেক পুরানো এবং আমাদের কিছু ইতিহাস দিয়েছেন। আমরা রাস্তায় হেঁটেছি এবং অন্যান্য চরিত্র এবং সুন্দর ভবনগুলি আবিষ্কার করেছি।
Google Translation into Chinese: 第二天,我们开始白天探索这座城市。 我们遇到了一位朋友,他告诉我们它很古老,并给了我们一些历史。 我们走在街上,发现了其他人物和美丽的建筑。
Google Translation into Korean: 다음날 우리는 낮에 도시를 발견하기 시작했습니다. 우리는 그것이 매우 오래되었다고 우리에게 이야기하고 우리에게 약간의 역사를 알려주는 친구를 만났습니다. 우리는 거리를 걸으며 다른 캐릭터와 아름다운 건물을 발견했습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: למחרת יצאנו לגלות את העיר ביום. פגשנו חבר שאמר לנו שזה מאוד ישן ונתן לנו קצת היסטוריה. טיילנו ברחובות וגילינו עוד דמויות ומבנים יפים.
Google Translation into Hindi: अगले दिन हम दिन के हिसाब से शहर की खोज के लिए निकल पड़े। हम एक मित्र से मिले जिसने हमें बताया कि यह बहुत पुराना था और हमें कुछ इतिहास दिया। हम सड़कों पर चले और अन्य पात्रों और सुंदर इमारतों की खोज की।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Keesokan harinya kami berangkat untuk menjelajahi kota di siang hari. Kami bertemu dengan seorang teman yang memberi tahu kami bahwa itu sudah sangat tua dan memberi kami beberapa sejarah. Kami berjalan-jalan dan menemukan karakter lain dan bangunan yang indah.
Google Translation into Japanese: 翌日、私たちは毎日街を探索するために出発しました。 私たちは、それが非常に古く、歴史を教えてくれた友人に会いました。 私たちは通りを歩き、他のキャラクターや美しい建物を発見しました.
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Эртеси күнү шаарды табуу үчүн жолго чыктык. Биз досубузга жолугуп, ал абдан эски экенин айтып, бизге тарыхты айтып берди. Биз көчөлөрдү кыдырып, башка каармандарды жана кооз имараттарды таптык.
Google Translation into Malay: Keesokan harinya kami bertolak untuk menerokai bandar itu mengikut hari. Kami bertemu seorang rakan yang memberitahu kami ia sudah sangat tua dan memberi kami beberapa sejarah. Kami berjalan di jalan dan menemui watak lain dan bangunan yang indah.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਗਲੇ ਦਿਨ ਅਸੀਂ ਦਿਨ-ਰਾਤ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦੀ ਖੋਜ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਨਿਕਲ ਪਏ। ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਦੋਸਤ ਨੂੰ ਮਿਲੇ ਜਿਸਨੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਦੱਸਿਆ ਕਿ ਇਹ ਬਹੁਤ ਪੁਰਾਣਾ ਸੀ ਅਤੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਕੁਝ ਇਤਿਹਾਸ ਦਿੱਤਾ। ਅਸੀਂ ਸੜਕਾਂ ਤੇ ਤੁਰੇ ਅਤੇ ਹੋਰ ਪਾਤਰਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਇਮਾਰਤਾਂ ਦੀ ਖੋਜ ਕੀਤੀ.
Google Translation into Pashtun: بله ورځ موږ د ورځې په اوږدو کې د ښار موندلو لپاره روان شو. موږ یو ملګري ولیدل چې موږ ته یې وویل چې دا خورا زوړ دی او موږ ته یو څه تاریخ راکړ. موږ کوڅو ته لاړو او نور کرکټرونه او ښکلې ودانۍ مو وموندلې.
Google Translation into Persian: روز بعد برای کشف شهر به روز به راه افتادیم. ما با دوستی آشنا شدیم که به ما گفت خیلی قدیمی است و تاریخچه ای به ما داد. ما در خیابان ها قدم زدیم و شخصیت های دیگر و ساختمان های زیبا را کشف کردیم.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Kinabukasan ay naglakbay kami upang tuklasin ang lungsod sa araw-araw. Nakilala namin ang isang kaibigan na nagsabi sa amin na ito ay napakatanda at nagbigay sa amin ng ilang kasaysayan. Naglakad kami sa mga kalye at natuklasan ang iba pang mga character at magagandang gusali.
Google Translation into Thai: วันรุ่งขึ้นเราออกเดินทางสำรวจเมืองในแต่ละวัน เราพ���เพื่อนคนหนึ่งซึ่งบอกเราว่ามันเก่ามากและให้ประวัติแก่เรา เราเดินไปตามถนนและค้นพบตัวละครอื่น ๆ และอาคารที่สวยงาม
Google Translation into Urdu: اگلے دن ہم دن بہ دن شہر دریافت کرنے نکلے۔ ہم ایک دوست سے ملے جس نے ہمیں بتایا کہ یہ بہت پرانا ہے اور ہمیں کچھ تاریخ بتائی۔ ہم نے سڑکوں پر چلتے ہوئے دوسرے کرداروں اور خوبصورت عمارتوں کو دریافت کیا۔
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punecaboperator · 11 months
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Classic Travel Services
Classic Cabs Services
Classic Taxi Services
Pune, Mumbai & All Over Maharashtra, India
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
WhatsApp: +919370314751 / 52
Cell: +917720079131 / 32
Cell: +919370314751 / 52
Pune: City in Maharashtra
Pune is a sprawling city in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. It was once the base of the Peshwas (prime ministers) of the Maratha Empire, which lasted from 1674 to 1818. It's known for the grand Aga Khan Palace, built in 1892 and now a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, whose ashes are preserved in the garden. The 8th-century Pataleshwar Cave Temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva.
Pune International Airport: Airport in Pune, Maharashtra
Pune Airport, is located approximately 10 km northeast of Pune Central in the state of Maharashtra, India. The airport is a civil enclave operated by the Airports Authority of India at the eastern side of Lohagaon Air Force Station of the Indian Air Force.
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Classic Travel Services
Classic Cabs Services
Classic Taxi Services
Pune, Mumbai & All Over Maharashtra, India
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
WhatsApp: +919370314751 / 52
Cell: +917720079131 / 32
Cell: +919370314751 / 52
Pune: City in Maharashtra
Pune is a sprawling city in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. It was once the base of the Peshwas (prime ministers) of the Maratha Empire, which lasted from 1674 to 1818. It's known for the grand Aga Khan Palace, built in 1892 and now a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, whose ashes are preserved in the garden. The 8th-century Pataleshwar Cave Temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva.
Pune International Airport: Airport in Pune, Maharashtra
Pune Airport, is located approximately 10 km northeast of Pune Central in the state of Maharashtra, India. The airport is a civil enclave operated by the Airports Authority of India at the eastern side of Lohagaon Air Force Station of the Indian Air Force.
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Classic Travel Services
Classic Cabs Services
Classic Taxi Services
Pune, Mumbai & All Over Maharashtra, India
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
WhatsApp: +919370314751 / 52
Cell: +917720079131 / 32
Cell: +919370314751 / 52
Pune: City in Maharashtra
Pune is a sprawling city in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. It was once the base of the Peshwas (prime ministers) of the Maratha Empire, which lasted from 1674 to 1818. It's known for the grand Aga Khan Palace, built in 1892 and now a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, whose ashes are preserved in the garden. The 8th-century Pataleshwar Cave Temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva.
Pune International Airport: Airport in Pune, Maharashtra
Pune Airport, is located approximately 10 km northeast of Pune Central in the state of Maharashtra, India. The airport is a civil enclave operated by the Airports Authority of India at the eastern side of Lohagaon Air Force Station of the Indian Air Force.
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Classic Travel Services
Classic Cabs Services
Classic Taxi Services
Pune, Mumbai & All Over Maharashtra, India
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
WhatsApp: +919370314751 / 52
Cell: +917720079131 / 32
Cell: +919370314751 / 52
Pune: City in Maharashtra
Pune is a sprawling city in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. It was once the base of the Peshwas (prime ministers) of the Maratha Empire, which lasted from 1674 to 1818. It's known for the grand Aga Khan Palace, built in 1892 and now a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, whose ashes are preserved in the garden. The 8th-century Pataleshwar Cave Temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva.
Pune International Airport: Airport in Pune, Maharashtra
Pune Airport, is located approximately 10 km northeast of Pune Central in the state of Maharashtra, India. The airport is a civil enclave operated by the Airports Authority of India at the eastern side of Lohagaon Air Force Station of the Indian Air Force.
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Classic Travel Services
Classic Cabs Services
Classic Taxi Services
Pune, Mumbai & All Over Maharashtra, India
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
WhatsApp: +919370314751 / 52
Cell: +917720079131 / 32
Cell: +919370314751 / 52
Pune: City in Maharashtra
Pune is a sprawling city in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. It was once the base of the Peshwas (prime ministers) of the Maratha Empire, which lasted from 1674 to 1818. It's known for the grand Aga Khan Palace, built in 1892 and now a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, whose ashes are preserved in the garden. The 8th-century Pataleshwar Cave Temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva.
Pune International Airport: Airport in Pune, Maharashtra
Pune Airport, is located approximately 10 km northeast of Pune Central in the state of Maharashtra, India. The airport is a civil enclave operated by the Airports Authority of India at the eastern side of Lohagaon Air Force Station of the Indian Air Force.
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Classic Travel Services
Classic Cabs Services
Classic Taxi Services
Pune, Mumbai & All Over Maharashtra, India
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
WhatsApp: +919370314751 / 52
Cell: +917720079131 / 32
Cell: +919370314751 / 52
Pune: City in Maharashtra
Pune is a sprawling city in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. It was once the base of the Peshwas (prime ministers) of the Maratha Empire, which lasted from 1674 to 1818. It's known for the grand Aga Khan Palace, built in 1892 and now a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, whose ashes are preserved in the garden. The 8th-century Pataleshwar Cave Temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva.
Pune International Airport: Airport in Pune, Maharashtra
Pune Airport, is located approximately 10 km northeast of Pune Central in the state of Maharashtra, India. The airport is a civil enclave operated by the Airports Authority of India at the eastern side of Lohagaon Air Force Station of the Indian Air Force.
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Classic Travel Services
Classic Cabs Services
Classic Taxi Services
Pune, Mumbai & All Over Maharashtra, India
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
WhatsApp: +919370314751 / 52
Cell: +917720079131 / 32
Cell: +919370314751 / 52
Pune: City in Maharashtra
Pune is a sprawling city in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. It was once the base of the Peshwas (prime ministers) of the Maratha Empire, which lasted from 1674 to 1818. It's known for the grand Aga Khan Palace, built in 1892 and now a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, whose ashes are preserved in the garden. The 8th-century Pataleshwar Cave Temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva.
Pune International Airport: Airport in Pune, Maharashtra
Pune Airport, is located approximately 10 km northeast of Pune Central in the state of Maharashtra, India. The airport is a civil enclave operated by the Airports Authority of India at the eastern side of Lohagaon Air Force Station of the Indian Air Force.
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Classic Travel Services
Classic Cabs Services
Classic Taxi Services
Pune, Mumbai & All Over Maharashtra, India
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
WhatsApp: +919370314751 / 52
Cell: +917720079131 / 32
Cell: +919370314751 / 52
Pune: City in Maharashtra
Pune is a sprawling city in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. It was once the base of the Peshwas (prime ministers) of the Maratha Empire, which lasted from 1674 to 1818. It's known for the grand Aga Khan Palace, built in 1892 and now a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, whose ashes are preserved in the garden. The 8th-century Pataleshwar Cave Temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva.
Pune International Airport: Airport in Pune, Maharashtra
Pune Airport, is located approximately 10 km northeast of Pune Central in the state of Maharashtra, India. The airport is a civil enclave operated by the Airports Authority of India at the eastern side of Lohagaon Air Force Station of the Indian Air Force.
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Classic Travel Services
Classic Cabs Services
Classic Taxi Services
Pune, Mumbai & All Over Maharashtra, India
Pune Cab Operator, Pune, Maharashtra, India
WhatsApp: +919370314751 / 52
Cell: +917720079131 / 32
Cell: +919370314751 / 52
Pune: City in Maharashtra
Pune is a sprawling city in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. It was once the base of the Peshwas (prime ministers) of the Maratha Empire, which lasted from 1674 to 1818. It's known for the grand Aga Khan Palace, built in 1892 and now a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, whose ashes are preserved in the garden. The 8th-century Pataleshwar Cave Temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva.
Pune International Airport: Airport in Pune, Maharashtra
Pune Airport, is located approximately 10 km northeast of Pune Central in the state of Maharashtra, India. The airport is a civil enclave operated by the Airports Authority of India at the eastern side of Lohagaon Air Force Station of the Indian Air Force.
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