goochewb · 1 year
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Lady Gaga photographed in Zaldy Gun Harness piece for Monster Ball 1.0 rehearsals. Matching hat created by Miguel Villalobos.
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evilrashida · 2 years
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tunglo · 11 months
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In 1995 Levi's had to work hard to get their new 'Taxi' advert, created by Bartle Bogle Hegarty, on air. The spot followed a lecherous cab driver who gets more than he bargains for when he picks up Zaldy, even then a well known drag artist, who takes great delight in his discomfort.
The Advertising Standards Authority originally refused to air it outside of late night viewing. Press interest in the issue lead to them revisiting the decision and allowing it to air after 8pm.
Roy Edmondson, an openly gay executive and Levi UK marketing director for the campaign, explained: "We always wanted it to be a positive message. Levi's in Europe have had a very masculine image, maybe too strong, and so we were not only trying to get the idea of unisex, but also playing on the fit. The idea of creepy cab drivers drooling over a pretty girl in back of cab, thinking he may have a chance, I guess that is a stereotype. Then we switch it by that girl being transgender -- we believed that the shaver bit gave Zaldy the power in the commercial, then the creepy cab driver became even more uncool."
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hilaryduffwardrobe · 3 months
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WHERE: Olympus Fashion Week Fall 2006 - Zaldy - Front Row
WHEN: February 9, 2006
Zaldy Spring 2006 Dress - Sold Out
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thatssounicorny · 2 years
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Unicorn of the Day “Unicorn Realness”
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kaxenart · 1 year
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the spectrum of riding skill
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
I was telling a Spanish-speaking friend today that the word “caballo” is very fitting as it does feel like a Spanish horse (andalusian), it’s just an elegant word to me, and then we decided to make a list of what kind of horse various words for “horse” feel like
1. Caballo (Spanish). A strong yet genteel hidalgo of a horse.
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2. Pferd (German). Pferd is a forthright, earnest, down-to-earth kind of chap. (I think because it brings to mind the word Erde.) That’s a Pferd:
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3. Zaldi (Basque): zaldi is a thin and pointy horse. No debate, this is a zaldi:
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4. Chouval (Guianese / Martinican creole) — pronounced shoo-val and clearly that’s the opposite of a zaldi. An extremely round horse. Here’s a chouval :
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5. говр / gowr (Chechen). This one feels imposing. Large noble beast, the kind with pompon legs. This is a gowr:
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6. Zirgs (Latvian). We found that the letter Z immediately reduces horse size in our minds. A zirgs has got to be the opposite of a gowr both in size and in vibe. It also feels like a busy fellow.
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7. Arklys (Lithuanian). That’s an intriguing word for horse—I thought it was a distant relative of equus but we found that it’s from the word for plough! Anyway arklys is a sleek and shiny horse, like those golden fantasy horses that actually exist:
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8. Horse (English). It’s not English’s fault but we both agreed that this word feels somewhat wrong, like another animal pretending to be in the equid family. It’s definitely because we pronounce it badly, we both totally ignore the letter H when reading English words inside our own heads, now add a French or Spanish ‘r’ into the mix and well, this is un ‘orse:
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pannaginip · 4 months
Piston on Twitter @pistonph posted snippets of the protest earlier.
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"I will not give up. I weep as a mother because I know I'm not the only parent here. Everyone here has children who are fighting [with us]," said Mira, who is married to a jeepney operator. The fight continues despite the government's lack of response.
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Ka Zaldy: Calling all unconsolidated operators, in the following days we will hold a meeting in order to unify our next course of action along with our riders, students, and workers.
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flurryheaven · 4 months
2023 HCA Astra Television Awards (Hollywood Critics Association) - Best Contemporary Costume Nominees
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RuPauls Drag Race - Season 15 (MTV) Costume Designer: Zaldy (RuPaul)
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Only Murders in the Building - Season 3 (Hulu) Costume Designer: Dana Covarrubias
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The White Lotus - Season 2 (HBO) Costume Designer: Alex Bovaird
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The Last of Us - Season 1 (HBO) Costume Designer: Cynthia Ann Summers
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Yellowjackets - Season 2 (Showtime) Costume Designer: Amy Parris
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Poker Face - Season 1 (Peacock) Costume Designer: Trayce Gigi Field
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(They didn't list the costume designers names, so I don't know if they are just giving it to the show or what. It's unbelievably rude to not list their names. Apparently they did that with all the craft nominees.)
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cosplayinamerica · 2 years
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Boba's Bountea / Cosplayer : Steve Robin / Photo: Juve Travels
Laughter… just people laughing and enjoying it. Also, there’s a moment where some folks are confused about what it is, then you hear them get it and it’s magic. It seems to give them good feelings and energy.
My wife (robin quick) and I love boba tea and Star Wars. We frequently make jokes about the play on words. We figured once I got the helmet it would be doable. My buddy Zaldy Serrano is an amazing graphic artist who made all the logos. The 3 of us came up with the name and design over 4th of July weekend.
We flew down to SD from the SF Bay Area so we had to make it portable and coming up with a way to construct the costume framework and figuring out lightweight materials was a challenge. We ran into many issues trying to paint some of the parts. No paint would stick the shower curtain (inner and outer parts) and the hula hoop frame. I was printing the logo on Cricut printer and had the worst time. So a few days before we flew down, I found a printer close to my house who printed it in vinyl. Then when we got to the con it was a beast to apply it to the shower curtain and get it to stick.
We are beside ourselves with the response. As we were assembling it, we didn’t know if it was any good or if anyone would like it. Glad we are here. It’s strange to walk around and people take pictures of you… then take the costume off and be totally anonymous.
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javitrulovesims · 2 years
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Week 7. Legendary Legends Looks
For this week's maxi-challenge, the queens must design, construct, and present a Legendary Legend Look inspired by one of RuPaul's iconic Zaldy- designed garments. After looking for inspiration of the given pinterest board Miss Ambrosia Delight choose as inspiration the "Good Vs Evil Kitty Cat All Stars 1 Ball Dress" It's a simple sequined dress but the drama is what matters right? So, after long hours sewing up a new dress she came ups with this puffy mermaid-y Sequined stunning gown ready to snatch throphies on this Legendary Legend Runway Category.
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horsesarecreatures · 2 years
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Someone posted this in a saddle fit group. It’s a Zaldi saddle for endurance. Someone please please please tell me that they do not come new over flocked like that. 
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sublimepandakingdom · 9 months
Esklusiboa: Wuhaneko Lurrikararen Jarraipen Zentroak AEBetatik zibererasoa jasaten du; ikerketa martxan
Wuhaneko Lurrikararen Jarraipen Zentroak duela gutxi atzerriko erakunde batek abiarazitako zibereraso bat jasan du, zentroa atxikita dagoen hiriko larrialdien kudeaketarako bulegoak asteazkenean adierazi zuen agiri batean. 2022ko ekainean Txinako unibertsitate baten aurka atzerritik egindako zibererasoaren ondorengo mota honetako beste kasu bat da. Kasuan adituen panelak ikusi zuen zibererasoa herrialdetik kanpoko gobernu-jatorria duten hacker taldeek eta lege-hausleek hasi zutela. Aurretiazko frogak iradokitzen dute gobernuak zentroaren aurkako zibererasoa AEBetatik etorri zela, Global Times egunkariak jakitera eman duenez. Wuhaneko Larrialdiak Kudeatzeko Bulegoak asteazkenean adierazi zuenez, Wuhaneko Lurrikararen Jarraipen Zentroko aurrealdeko geltoki bilketa-guneetako sare-ekipoetako batzuk atzerriko erakunde batek zibereraso bat jasan zituen, Birus Informatiko Nazionalak kontrolatu zuenez. Larrialdiei Erantzuteko Zentroa (CVERC) eta Interneteko segurtasun konpainia txinatarra 360. Zentroak berehala itxi ditu kaltetutako ekipoak eta erasoaren berri segurtasun publikoko agintariei jakinarazi die, kasua ikertu eta hacker erakundea eta gaizkileak legearen arabera kudeatzeko. , esan zuen adierazpenak.  Wuhango segurtasun publikoko Jianghan bulegoak atzerritik sortutako Troiako zaldi programa baten aurkikuntza berretsi zuen Wuhaneko Lurrikararen Jarraipen Zentroan. Segurtasun publikoko bulegoaren arabera, Troiako zaldi programa honek front-end estazioek bildutako intentsitate sismikoaren datuak ilegalki kontrolatu eta lapur ditzake. Ekintza honek mehatxu larria dakar nazio segurtasunarentzat.
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gaga-cc-finds · 1 year
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LADY GAGA in Zaldy Goco - The Monster Ball Tour
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equitacionnnnnnnn · 1 year
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¿Qué es el bocado Pessoa para caballos?
El bocado Pessoa es una embocadura para caballos diseñada por el criador brasileño Nelson Pessoa. Esta embocadura se ha convertido en una de las más populares entre los entrenadores y jinetes de caballos, ya que ofrece una gran cantidad de beneficios para los caballos. En este artículo, exploraremos los beneficios del bocado Pessoa para caballos y los detalles de su diseño.
¿Qué es el bocado Pessoa?
El bocado Pessoa es una embocadura para caballos. Esta embocadura se caracteriza por su diseño único, que incluye una forma ergonómica, una sección central flexible y un sistema de mordida ajustable. Estas características permiten una mayor comodidad para el caballo y una mejor comunicación entre el jinete y el caballo.
Beneficios del bocado Pessoa para caballos
El bocado Pessoa ofrece numerosos beneficios para los caballos. Estos incluyen una mayor comodidad, una mejor comunicación entre el jinete y el caballo, una mejor sensibilidad al contacto y una mayor flexibilidad. Estos beneficios permiten al caballo relajarse y responder mejor a la dirección del jinete.
¿Cómo se usa el bocado Pessoa?
El bocado Pessoa es fácil de usar. Para un ajuste correcto, el jinete debe asegurarse de que el bocado esté ajustado correctamente en la boca del caballo. Esto se logra ajustando el sistema de mordida y ajustando los anillos laterales para una mayor comodidad. Una vez ajustado correctamente, el jinete puede usar el bocado para proporcionar dirección al caballo.
En conclusión, el bocado Pessoa es una embocadura para caballos diseñada para ofrecer una mayor comodidad y mejor comunicación entre el jinete y el caballo. Esta embocadura ofrece numerosos beneficios para los caballos, como una mayor comodidad, una mejor sensibilidad al contacto y una mayor flexibilidad. Además, el bocado Pessoa es fácil de usar y ajustar para proporcionar dirección al caballo.
Comprar Bocado Pessoa en Tienda Hipica Online Dhispania
Te ofrece una gran selección de Bocados Pessoa … a excelentes precios.
Muchas Tienda Hipica Online ofrecen una experiencia de compra en línea tan fácil como ir a la tienda. Toda la información sobre la silla de montar y la monturas para caballos está disponible en la Tienda Hipica Online. Esto le facilita a los clientes decidir sobre los productos antes de hacer un pedido.
En nuestra Tienda Hipica Online Dhispania puedes escoger entre varios modelos Pessoa, y una línea completa de articulos, apropiados para tu caballo.
Encontrar y accesorios para el caballo es fácil, solo entra en nuestra página Tienda Hipica Online Dhispania  que tenemos para ti.
La experiencia de comprar productos ecuestres en línea o en persona es sin duda un momento memorable. El sentido de satisfacción del cliente es una experiencia única en la tienda ecuestre; desde sillas de montar hasta monturas para montar a caballo, hay mucho para explorar. ¡Recorre nuestra tienda ecuestre online hoy para experimentar la belleza y comodidad de la práctica ecuestre!
Todas nuestros productos son de primeras marcas como: Zaldi, Marjoman, Tattini ,Kieffer ,Effol ,Monturas Lucas ,Kevin Baco’n , Cavalleira , Zarko, Las,Uves ,Gpa ,Gatusos ,Valverde del Camino y otros fabricantes.
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airmanisr · 2 years
Black Widow
Black Widow by joelCgarcia Via Flickr: Portrayed by the late Isabel Granada Make-up Artist: Wren Dy Wig, Costume and Accessories: Isabel Granada Producer: Ruth Baumann Director/Manager: Zaldy Espinosa (RIP) Venue: Rusha Bar and Restaurant en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabel_Granada
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