#Zac introduction
sotshin · 2 years
I’ve decided to share this guy
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He goes by Z or Zac and he is a fire witch~
Feel free to ask about him 
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20′s Neverafter episode 4
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blue-hi · 1 year
immediately brennan as a wizened old radish bishop is incredible and within 2 words is one of my favorite player characters
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alisblackgf · 2 years
♪ i don’t need that late night high. ♪
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hello! my name is zackyrie, but zac is what i prefer to be called. i don’t mind you calling me zackyrie, though. call me whatever you want!
here’s some things about me:
my favorite colors are purple and red
i love pasta
i’m bisexual with a neutral lean!
my favorite song of all time is probably tek it by cafune
i will defend ryan erzahler with my life.
i’m introverted irl but i’m all for interaction online!
i’m clumsy and i hurt myself (on accident) a lot
i’m a huuuuuuuge procrastinator
i have a terrible sleep schedule
i hope you enjoy the vibes here, you’re welcome to stay.
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♪ i’m floating on my vibe. ♪
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cheriladycl01 · 3 months
Fast Cars on the Island - Oscar Piastri x LoveIslandContestant! Reader Part 1
Plot: Your an engineer for Mclaren and you were asked as a PR stunt to go onto Love Island. You would keep your job of course but Mclaren wanted some more media traction.
A/N: I know they would never do this, and that's why its fiction!
Credit to brawn-gp for the GIF
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You'd basically been an intern during your placement year at McLaren as an engineering university student. They then kept you on as an employee to work with them while you completed your final year of university.
That was in 2023, it was now 2025 and you were 23 years old and had worked for McLaren for the last few years.
In recent years PR for the teams was all getting the same. They made the funny and treading tiktoks, they did the 0.5 pics, and they made the memes which never got old. But all the teams were looking for something new... something refreshing. So when the team came forward with the idea for someone to go on Love Island, Zac Brown hated the idea.
He thought it was ridiculous.
It was ridiculous.
But after some thought of how Lando and Oscar, the stellar boys of his team... young and energetic brought like likeability and youth too McLaren that everyone loved. He then realized that this would give someone in McLaren a larger platform to open up too and show the ins and outs of McLaren and it would gain way more viewers from a different group of people.
So once the car for 2025 had been created he went through a long list of all the potential candidates he'd ask to apply. Maybe he could even see if he could sway ITV in anyway.
Obviously he looked at the social media girls and then any of the mechanics that they could let loose for the potential of 10 weeks. But the one that struck him the most was you. Y/N Y/L/N.
You were the perfect candidate, you were an engineer and travelled with McLaren from race to race working on the car's performance and helping the strategists when it came to optimizing car performance with driver ability.
So that's why you were currently sat in the ITV studio doing your little interview for your introduction.
You were a little gutted they told you they wanted you in on this project as you had a massive crush on driver number 81 Oscar Piastri and you knew both him and Lando would be watching you.
The Love Island Intro:
"My love life is non-apparent I think I've had a closer relationship with my car than a man!" you joked halfway through the interview when they'd asked you about your love-life.
"My name is Y/N Y/L/N, I'm 23 years old from London! I work for a Formula 1 Team, McLaren Racing as an Engineer" you smile looking at the camera shuffling on your seat a little bit adjusting you dress.
"The lights a really bright in this studio I think my makeup's running!" you say as a makeup technician comes out fixing your under eye a little.
"I think my last relationship was my first year of University and it lasted for about a year" you answer with a thoughtful look up.
"I think he got fed up with me! At that point i was very career focused and I still am." you answer the prompted 'and why was that' question asked to you.
"I'm not fussy when it comes to looks, but I tend to go for sporty guys that are taller than me and treat me well! My dad always told me, find yourself a man that will treat you how they treat their Vintage Pontaic and I've lived by that ever since!" you admit with a little laugh.
"Where I work in such a fast paced and big industry I'm very much a socialite and people person so i can imagine I'll make friends quickly in the villa" you answer again the question they asked you.
Walking into the Villa:
You step into the Villa, you of course were wearing a Papaya Bikini with a matching coverup in the form of a cardigan but sheer.
You walk through thanking the driver before walking into the villa looking around in awe.
Maybe it wasn't the worst thing spending your entire summer here. The only thing was you were gutted you wouldn't be updated on how your team was doing at any point! This year the villa was in Greece, it had been completely reformed with the pool being more like the one from season 1 where it had the beach sort of style to it.
You round the corner seeing two gorgeous girls sipping on champagne.
"Oh, look its another girl!!! OMG HEY!!!!" the first girl shouts beckoning you over.
"Hey!" you exclaim walking over as quickly as you could in the heels you were wearing.
The first girl pulls you into a hug kissing either one of your cheeks while gripping both your arms, she was pretty tall as well around 5'11, whereas you were around 5'7 in the heels you were sporting.
The next girl hands you a drink before kissing your cheek.
"So girl! What's your name, how old are you?" the first girl asks.
"Y/N! And I'm 23! What's your names?" you ask politely before taking a sip of your champagne.
"I'm Millie, and this is Auriela!" she smiles pointing to the other girl.
Seconds later another female enters the Villa with a shrilly sort of shriek, looking around at the place.
"Omggggggg! Heyy girls whats going on!" she says in a strong Scottish Accent.
Your then introduced to Zavi before you all get chatting about what you like in boys.
Oscar and Lando's Reaction:
"Damn, who knew she looked like that under team gear!" Lando compliments shamelessly checking her out as they slow-mowed her walk out on screen before showing her intro video.
"Yeah, she's pretty" Oscar says quietly while respectfully looking her over.
Oscar had a crush on you from when he was a reserve driver for Alpine and he saw you on work experience in McLaren from the end of the 2022 season and before he joined all the way through till the September of 2023. You then were in the MTC a lot between Uni, so he saw you a lot during the winter break before you were off for your finals.
You rejoined McLaren in May of 2024 for the Monaco GP where you cam with revolutionary upgrades for Zac Brown to oversee.
And you'd been with them ever since, always in Oscar's mind as the pretty engineer who not only made his cars race fast but made his heart race just as fast too.
He watched as she said she liked sporty guys, maybe he had a chance if she didn't fall in love while in there.
"That other girls pretty fit! Mille is that her name?" Lando comments but it goes straight over Oscar's head where he's so honed in on you.
Meeting the Boys:
The presenter had you all stood in the pool, and she explained how she was about to bring the boys out one by one.
"Okay first boy. Please come out and introduce yourself!"
"Hey ladies, all looking beautiful today, my name is Jai I'm 25 and I'm a training Surgeon!" he smiles holding both hands together as he looks at all of you.
"Okay ladies, step forward if you like the look of Jai!" she says and both Millie and Zavi step forward. You don't step forward as you can imagine he's pretty busy as a doctor and your schedules would clash too much.
"Oh woah, you've got too girls that have stepped forward for you Jai, what are your first thought, we feeling good?" she asks and he nods.
"Yeah, I mean they are both gorgeous ladies!"
"Okay lets find out more. Zavi, why did you step forward?" the presenter asks and she smiles.
"We're both doctors, so i think we'd make a pretty good match, we'd have lots to talk about. Yeah and your very handsome!" she says shyly and the presenter nods.
"Awesome and Y/N you didn't step forward, just keeping you options open?" she asks and you shake your head.
"You of course are very attractive and seem like a really funny and kind guy, but I travel a lot for work and I think with you being a doctor our schedules would result in a major clash unfortunately!" you explain, with a guilty look.
He nods in understanding before he goes and stands next to Zavi in her white bathing suit.
"Our first couple, Jai and Zavi!" she says and you all clap as Jai walks next to her placing a quick kiss on her cheek.
"Okay, our second boy everyone say hello to Chris!" she introduces and another man comes walking through the double glass doors.
"Hey, I'm Chris I'm 22 and I'm a Celebrity Hairdresser" he smiles waving shyly before tucking his arms behind his back.
"Okay girls you know what to do!"
This time only Auriela steps forward. You stay in your position along with Millie.
"Okay, so Auriela has stepped forward for you Chris! Aurelia why did you step forward!" she asks and Auriela laughs.
"Holy hell have you seen him? Hi I'm Aurelia" she smiles playfully at him, he looks down a small blush on his cheeks.
"Millie, you didn't step forward this time. Any reason?" she asks.
"Little disheartened after Jai, but I'm sure my times coming. Just not with Chris, sorry my ex is a hairdresser!" she laughs off her reasoning before he ends up choosing Aurelia.
"Our second couple Chris and Aurelia!"
"Okay, Boy 3 please make yourself known!" she exclaims and another very handsome man comes strolling out. He immediately sends a wink your guys' way and pulls the presenter in to kiss her cheek in a friendly manner.
"Hi, my names Daniel, I'm 25 and I'm a footballer" he smiles crossing his arms over his broad chest.
"Okay, ladies please step forward if you like the look of Daniel" the presenter smiles. You, Millie and Aurelia all step forward.
"Sorry" Aureila says turning round to look at Chris.
"Woah, that's the most we've had step forward! And this is in fact that first time we've had Y/N step forward" the presenter says and he looks between you and Millie trying to determine who it was.
"The one in Orange!" she exclaims and he looks at you, small smirk on his face.
"Hello beautiful" he compliments and you smile at him.
Eventually after she asks Millie who pleads her case heavily, he goes with her. You step back a little sadly and he looks over to you in apology but you just nod with a smile understanding his choice.
"Okay our next couple Millie and Daniel!" she says and you all clap happily.
"Okay boy number 4 please step out and make yourself known" the presenter asks again.
"Hiya, all looking really beautiful ladies. I'm Aaron I'm 26 and I'm a freelance photographer" he introduces before making a little side joke.
You, and Zavi step forward.
"So you've got Y/N who only stepped forward for one other boy stepping forward for you in Orange and isn't currently coupled up. Then you've got Zavi's who currently with Jai" she explains and he nods.
"But of course you can choose any girl even if she's not coupled up! Y/N why did you step forward?" she asks looking at you.
"You are very handsome obviously, has that sky book guy vibe about him. But I think your photography career would go wild if you came travelling with me for my job!" you smile looking at him.
She asks Zavi why she changed her mind from Jai giving a generic answer about keeping her options open before she questions Millie and why she didn't step forward.
"Aaron, please go stand next to the girl you'd like to couple up with" the presenter says and he walks standing next to you. He places a kiss on your cheek.
"You look stunning by the way" he smiles looking down at you making you blush and elbow him to shut up. So you could see what the presenter was about to say.
"Now, all of you are happily coupled up, we have Y/N and Aaron, we have Millie and Daniel, Aureila and Chris and Zavi and Jai. However, please say hello to our final male contestant Charlie" she says and a blonde guy walks out full of confidence.
"£10 that he's out by week 2" you whisper to Aaron making him snicker a little before covering it up with a cough.
"Hi ladies, I'm Charlie I'm 28 and I'm a Physician" he smiles.
"Okay, so obviously all these ladies are currently coupled up, however you are able to choose any of them and break the couple they are currently in!" the presenter exclaims.
"Oooooof the whole lot!" he says flicking his hand looking over all of you.
"I'm going to make it easier for you and ask if the girls like the look of you for them to step forward. Please do so ladies on the count of three" she says and counts to 3.
When no-one steps forward he awkwardly shuffles.
"Come on ladies lets not be shy" he laughs, until the presenter deems no-one to step forward.
"Okay, I'll go with her in the Orange Bikini" he says pointing at you. You look away from Aaron in shock.
"Okay, Aaron please come stand here with me and Charlie please go stand next to Y/N" she says and you keep your eyes on Aaron as he walks away. He gives a nod to you and you nod back.
An understanding.
"Okay, these are our current couples, no more couplings will happen today!" she exclaims before she explains that you have time to explore the villa and get to know each other.
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Oscar and Lando Reaction:
"Okay, no I understand that, good for her" Lando says shoving some plain popcorn into his mouth as he watched Y/N not step forward for Jai.
"I bet Y/N would step forward for me" Lando says as she rejects the second guy to come out Chris.
"Do you recon she'd step out for me?" Oscar asks looking over to his friend.
"Yeah mate. Your a catch. I even heard her say to Emma, the girl in marketing once that her fav accent is aussie!" Lando admits eyes glued to the screen as she steps forward for Daniel.
"She does!" Oscar exclaims looking at Lando making his pause the TV.
"Yeah, mate. Now lets watch coz this may be the future Mr Y/N in the paddock!" Lando says gesturing to the TV.
"Nah, that's foul. How you out there rejecting my girl Y/N Y/LN!" Lando screams at the TV in horror that Daniel had just gone with Millie.
They watch as the next guy walks out and Lando and Oscar raise eyebrows. It was a brown haired, brown eyed guy that did the beluga smile as he came out.
"She's so stepping forward for him!" Lando says pointing at Aaron.
"I'm already putting my money on them as winners" he comments again. And she does in fact step forward. He of course chooses her, no seconds thoughts needed. They watch as he compliments her and kisses her cheek.
"Dude, she defo had school girl crushes on us!" Lando admits seeing the similar attributes and mannerisms the mail had to the McLaren driver duo.
They wait until they see Charlie walking in.
“Nah man, he keeps eyeing her up! He’s gonna take her away from Aaron!” Lando explains, but Oscar is just unhappy that she’s coupled up with anyone in general.
He should have admitted to her ages ago that he was madly in love with her.
They then watched on as the girls all parted ways walking into the bedroom and makeup area where all their clothes were in the wardrobes with their names on!
The boys all sat around the campfire talking to each other. Not fully getting to know each other wanting to save that for dinner later on.
But Oscar didn’t know how much longer he could watch this if you were going to be flirting with people the whole time.
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hi-intrepid-heroes · 2 years
Everyone: *has gritty introductions*
Zac: I used to be a normal cat now I can talk :)
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mccoyquialisms · 2 months
Incredible things from the london D20 live show in no particular order (straight from memory so may not be totally accurate or have much context at all):
First of all the line up was incredible. Kugrash, Pete, Sundry Sydney, Skip, Fabian and Adaine. What a terrible combination of personalities, it was so funny
Btw everyone looked so good. They looked really good, those fits <3. Murph striped button up/polo? shirt and Lou grandpa sweater you will always be famous
When Siobhan rolled Adaine everyone was so excited. Lou (who had already rolled for Fabian) hugged her, picked her up and spun her around on stage ❤���
Everyone was so excited to have a buddy ❤️
The setting was rolled as a crown of candy, after Brennan literally said “wow we happened to have a few people from the same place, wouldn’t it be hilarious if we got a crown of candy or neverafter or something?”
Everyone arrives and are doing introductions and the first thing Fabian says is “[tearfully] Adaine is that a giant rat?” Cue the whole atrium losing it.
Sydney then proceeds to minor illusion Kugrash as “sexy.” After some deliberation and when prompted by Brennan, Murph decided this means he looks exactly the same except for giant veneers
Beardsley: Can I distract the guard?
Brennan [flabbergasted, as the rest of the party was doing INSANE shit around this]: Sure, the DC is 500.
Beardsley: If I crit will you let it happen
Brennan [indulgently]: sure
Beardsley: [rolls a nat 20]
Brennan: [despair], cast: [running around in circles on stage and jumping], fans: [losing it]
And that’s how they accidentally start a revolt in Candia within minutes of arrival by Pete the Chosen Outsider with the peppermint tooth and prophesied king of candia. But it’s cool because in the next few minutes Kugrash teaches them about democracy.
So many little references to past campaigns and character one liners. Way too many for me to list but the cast was clearly enjoying dropping them
Sundry Sydney hitting King Calroy with 3 grenades ON SIGHT
A Hasted Kugrash doing an opposed athletics against Calroy and Brennan rolls a Nat 1. The dice wanted that motherfucker DEAD.
Kugrash to Calroy: “I eat from the trash, and I’ve never seen a cake as shitty as you!’ And then proceeds to 300-style kick him off the castle wall (as acted out by human man Murph)
Sooo much PVP though really most of that was between Pete and Fabian as they fought over the crown of candia
Sundry Sydney successfully seduced and awakens personhood in Adaine’s identify spell. His name is ANUS now. (Another use…)
Skip is quangled out and replaced by Lapin (played by Zac) and tries to keep the party on track. He fails many times. He takes up smoking from the stress. Adaine does as well.
At some point Pete’s wild magic turns his hands into rock candy, which he uses to deal 2d20 damage to Fabian during a fight
Emily as Sydney, whenever crazy shit happens: this is canon! [raises cannon arm]
All of them (except Pete) have some bad baby milk and do kublacaine. Cue a small detour for more pvp between Pete and Fabian
Arthur Aguefort is released from captivity in a castle full of/made from eggs. He and Lapin may or may not know each other biblically. They met on an app for old magical men, don’t worry about it.
Bill Seacaster is the pirate prince of the dairy lands and has the quangle. They get into his castle with Operation Fancy Perfume Part 2 except Emily rolled a nat 1 for her assist, so first poisonous perfume takes out most of the party and everyone inside the castle. I think Emily may have been crying she was laughing so hard.
They sort of defeat Bill by giving him pleasure putty (which he USES behind a curtain in front of EVERYONE) and then has to go take a nap, so they sneak into the rest of the castle to find the quangle. I am never going to forgive Brennan for making it canon that he goes “yar har har YO HO HO” when he gets off. I WILL NEVER UNHEAR THIS.
Pete Conlan somehow gains the power of flight from Bambi LeRoux (Sydney brought her) singing the Reading Rainbow theme song. He does a flying ribbon dance out the window, where she stops singing and he falls and takes max fall damage. He’s still up, so Fabian jumps out the window with Feather Fall and shoots him with a laser gun until he actually dies lmao. He gets injured too somehow but I forgot how. They both get healed and everyone continues on like nothing happened.
Emily took her dice that rolled a Nat 1, kissed it, and threw it into audience with a cheeky expression. I’m in love with her I fear
The time quangle is an entire pool of lemon yogurt. At the bottom of the pool is a completely naked Gilear Faeth
Kugrash eats all the yogurt despite knowing it will kill him in order to end the quangle. His farewell speech has as a backdrop Gilear’s giant hog (played by Brennan’s arm, as he got out of his chair to stand behind Murph the ENTIRE time he was talking). Kugrash then ascends to the big bodega in the sky.
Sydney also seduces Annabelle Cheddar (EDIT: fuck it was like 12 AM forgive me) Primsy Coldbottle, who is explicitly 29 in this version of time. Both her and Anus join Sydney in returning to AnarchEra. I cannot emphasize enough how horny this live show was
Everyone gets sent back to their respective universes, except Arthur. He’s going to hang out in Candia for a bit to be Lapin’s “roommate.”
Fabian’s last line is that he has to call his banker because he has a new nemesis
Lapin: “That was the worst group of people I have ever met.”
God that was so funny, I really hope these live shows are getting recorded and will be released somewhere later. I need everyone to experience the epic highs and lows of this d20 session.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 6 months
Are there any champions from Piltover/Zaun or beyond, who didn't show up in s1 of Arcane, who you'd like to see in s2? Both from a “this character would work really well with the story” perspective, and a “I just really like this champion” perspective.
Mm... I'm really wary about introducing more characters, honestly. Arcane's first season was already absolutely crammed to the gills with characters and one of my criticisms of Season 1 is that while everything that was in it was very very good, it was also so incredibly dense that the audience barely has time to breathe.
It's the kind of delicate balance where it feels like they just barely had the time and space to tell the stories of the main ensemble, and introducing more champions into that mix might make it all tip over.
That said, they do have the advantage that all the introductions and worldbuilding have basically been done now, and there's probably room to introduce one or two more characters to shake things up.
Instinctively I want to say Camille, except it makes no bloody sense why she'd only turn up in Season 2 and have been a complete non-presence in Season 1. Like, there was some shit happening that she should have been involved with in the first season.
Renata Glasc is an option. Zaun is going to have a big power vacuum and she would slot in very nicely as the new major power in the undercity. On the other hand, she's also perhaps a little bit too much like Silco 2.0, being partly based on him in the first place, and I think there's a solid argument for bringing the chembarons from season 1 back to fight with each other instead. Especially since one of them has a literal death vendetta against Jayce now.
Then there's Orianna, who in this canon seems to be Singed's... daughter? Some kind of family member? If all of Singed's research in the first season was about trying to find a way to save her life or bring her back to life, then she'd be a natural character to use to expand on Singed as a character in season 2. I think she'd have to be substantially redesigned, though - "music box ballerina" would be a weird thing for Singed to want to build her into.
Seraphine and Zeri are non-starters, I think, primarily because they are both mages, which would make absolutely no sense in the Arcane universe. Like, it is kind of important to the plot of Arcane that mages are essentially as rare as cryptids in this world. Same reason I don't think they'd introduce something like Janna either. She's a literal demigod, it would raise too many unanswerable questions.
There's no reason to bring in Ezreal, Zac, or Dr. Mundo, but Urgot is... not out of the question. He's the kind of relentlessly dogmatic, bloodthirsty cult leader that would make sense as a figure in the chaos and violence of the war that's likely to erupt. Twitch could also cameo, I suppose, but only as a cameo, I don't think it makes sense to make him a central character.
Outside of Piltover and Zaun, I'd say the main champions we are likely to encounter would be Swain or Darius (Darius specifically was most likely teased by Ambessa), and if Darius shows up there's a greater than average chance he'll have Draven with him. It's not impossible that Samira could show up for a bit of a cameo, as some kind of Noxian bounty hunter getting in the way of things. Katarina and Talon are... not impossible, I suppose, Noxus is probably going to want to assassinate someone, but I also doubt they'd introduce a champion character to fill that role in the narrative. It'd be wasteful.
If Noxus is making moves, of course, there's a non-zero chance that there'll be like a Demacian diplomat at some meeting, which... makes it possible that Xin Zhao or Garen might cameo, and if Noxus wants Piltover's technology to prosecute their war in Ionia, hey, maybe there will be Ionian diplomat characters showing up to plead their case, which opens the distant possibility of someone like Irelia or Shen showing up.
I very, very much doubt it though.
tl;dr in my opinion:
Most likely new champions: Darius, Swain, Orianna, and Warwick (Warwick being Vander)
Not impossible: Twitch, Urgot, Renata Glasc, Draven, Camille
Extremely small Easter Egg cameos at best: Xin Zhao/Garen/Jarvan, Irelia/Shen/Karma, Azir (Shurima is Piltover's southern neighbor), Miss Fortune/Gangplank (Piltover controls the sea gate and trade between two oceans), Ziggs (Heimerdinger's best friend), Ryze (the science boys are starting to fuck with World Rune-level magic hazards), Vel'koz (might show up in a Void vision inside the Hexcore or something).
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I realized that A Crown of Candy is actually the first time I've watched Zac Oyama play D&D, and it's frankly been wild watching how masterfully and quickly he sets up Lapin and the depths of this rabbit. I know it's been said that Zac's an excellent player, but it's one thing to hear and another to actually witness.
I feel like it probably shouldn't surprise anyone that the liar spellcaster with the religious bullshit is my favorite right off the bat, but it's funny because the first introduction of him did not endear me to him whatsoever, and in fact kind of off-put me, but every further piece of information about him, and in fact many of his offhand comments, feels like picking up a log on the ground and finding an entire microbiome underneath.
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starsmuse · 2 years
neverafter premiere night so here are some thoughts!
emily axford is truly godsent. the relationship she and ally have already crafted between ylfa and timothy, the way she plays this congested prepubescent girl, her backstory scene; god, the entirety of her backstory scene was SO good, though, i don’t know why i’m surprised. emily axford has never been anything shy of perfection and she won’t start now in a season where her ability to act really needs to shine through. also the fact that she’s playing a barbarian, i am so glad i guessed correctly because it’s going to be so fun to watch her play one especially with how they’ve set it up.
lou fucking wilson. i love everything about his character, his backstory which i LOVE that they left for last. this season seems to be one for double intros and he and zac are going to be incredible together i KNOW it. i made a few guesses as to who would be what class and NOTHING could have prepared me for him being a warlock to his stepmother, the way they’re interweaving the fairytales is brilliant i am truly so excited.
zac oyama… i love him with the entirety of my being but i couldn’t help but feel slightly underwhelmed with his backstory scene, like no way he’s just some random little cat that can speak? surely there’s more to him! i love the almost-brotherly relationship pib and pinocchio seem to have but i do have a theory i’ll run by you all: we all know in the disney retelling of cinderella, stepmother has a black cat named lucifer, i wonder if pib is another patron of pinocchio’s stepmother or maybe a familiar of hers sent to watch over pinocchio and ensure he isn’t messing things up. JUST A THOUGHT! if not, i’m genuinely very excited to get more backstory out of this character.
opening the show on siobhan’s introduction was obviously the way to go considering how beautifully she executed her scene. the briars… god, the briars. i have no issue with reading and listening to body horror and brennan painted a vivid word picture with his narration for her, it was all so good. i constantly complain about the intrepid heroes never having a ranger and they’ve finally got one and it’s the damsel princess, i absolutely adore that. i also love that rosamund still has that bit of naivety to her considering in her mind she’s still eighteen and she probably lived a pretty sheltered life all things considered. her simply knowing that there’s a prince out there looking for her and that he is her true love, i can’t wait to see what kind of spin brennan is going to put on this curse and inevitably what kind of curveball he’s going to throw siobhan/rosamund.
murph is playing this vapid and vain prince so well, but i cannot wait to see when he actually gets into this fighting that prince gerard seems to turn his nose up at. the scenes with princess elody were bordering on heartbreaking but still fully leaning into embarrassing on the prince’s part, i have an inkling as to why he’s regressing back into his frog form, as should most, but all in all i think this is going to be a pretty silly character, very cody-esque, one that i’m very excited to see and watch grow nonetheless. also, the whole exchange between prince gerard and princess rosamund, i hadn’t realized how little i’d seen murph and siobhan’s characters interact in previous seasons until i got a full and uninterrupted conversation between the two of them when their characters met and now it’s truly all i want to have them be silly little cousins fighting to protect each other.
finally, the person, the myth, the legend: ally beardsley. i hadn’t really though about how important mother goose would be to the plot as a whole until about a week before today because i know that mother goose is not only a writer of fairytales but the writer of the fairytales, so i really, really enjoyed a lot of timothy’s exposition and how much he cares for children—like ylfa—now that he’s lost his own. like i said before i am thoroughly endeared by the relationship ally and emily have already built between the two of them, and i cannot wait to watch it grow and i’m really excited to see what ally does with this character and where they go.
brennan hasn’t answered any of the questions that were asked about if this season is going to be similar to acoc in terms of lethality or if the pcs have created secondary characters, so i think it’s safe to say we should definitely be cautious considering there are no clerics in this party, but all in all i’m shaking with excitement and the thought of the rest of this season we’ve got like seventeen episodes to go and i think they’re going to be SO much fun.
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kredensik · 1 year
i’m connecting the dots i’m drawing parallels- listen to me, LISTEN TO ME- lapin and colin both fit the But First They Must Catch You so well.
zac playing lapin had no choice but to show his secrets to the audience. he is our introduction to religion, to church, he has duties. he is a chancellor, a primogen. he is a heretic. if they know, when they knew, he was dead.
zac playing colin is not giving us jack shit. he could be our introduction to the dairy isles politics. he has duties. he is a skald. he is a loose end, a traitor, a guy who was at the wrong place at the wrong time, entangled with the fontina house coup d’état- if they know where he is, who he is, he’s dead.
they both hide. they both tied themselves to a clan, to a house, all part of their disguise. they both have to protect the people they tied themselves to.
lapin revealed himself to the pontifex to protect house rocks. colin has a big question mark under his name and a bishop sniffing around. they are both played by brennan.
do you see this shit? can you believe how similar they are? same beats different melody i’m going insane goodnight
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iceformer · 6 days
It's 1:40 am but let me cook real quick
Ally Beardsley, the Person, Fundimentally Changed the Fantasy High Universe (an essay)
Fantasty High Freshman Year was supposed to be "dnd meets 80s high school" with the cliques and general vibe. The Interepid Heros grew up in the 80s but now live in the 20th century, so some anachronism were expected.
In later seasons we see the charecters using more crystal tech and making more modern references , the biggest ones I can think of being social media and Sandra Lynn having Life 360 for the Mordred girls
It would be like if they were playing a normal game of High Fantasy DnD where "we haven't invented plumbing yet so there's no toilets" but instead it's payphones and phonebooks
Again, the Intrepid Heores are all at least 90s kids so they would have grown up while technology was still in dial up and computer rooms, but they're also actors/comedians. The brief was "imagine you are all in Magic Breakfast Club Land" and we see them all playing up their tropes (or stereotypes) in Freshman Year (edgy Fig, loner Gorgug, snooty Fabian)
My point this morning is that the concept was Magic Breakfast Club but it evolved into modern Fantasy. Not saying that's a bad thing, I was just thinking about how has the vibe changed so much from the original idea?
And then I remember that in episode 3 of the first season, Ally Beardsley invented PrayerChain. Which could have been some instant messaging system but Emily and Brennan immediately follow it up with making GIFs Canon in this universe.
As a table full of comedians making a show, they cannot help following a bit. That's why the funniest moments of the show come from Ally's anachronistic references.
But I think the big one that changed the concept from 80s movie to modern Fantasy is during "Family in Flames" when everyone's separated, their homes and loved ones in danger, Adaine and Kristen stay behind for one last break in the case,
And Kristen straight up calls and Uber.
That moment was what sent me on this train because in what 80s world are the high school kids calling an Uber or taxi? It's always "the one with the car" or "everyone has a bike" to travel around town. I think from here and with all the anachronistic references that Ally made all season really cemented Solace as Modern Fantasy and not 80s Nostalgia.
I saw some posts on here about how Riz was the Main Charecter of the show because every Villain of the season had some Personal Beef with him.
I think Ally Beardsley, the person, not Kristen Applebees or K2, is the main charecter of the Fantasy High Universe
What's even better about this is that THEY WERENT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE THERE. I can't look it up right now cos I'm locked in, but everyone jokes about how Ally had never played DND before the show, I think they were a last minute edition to the cast.
And literally from that one change the show is completely different from what it would have been. Well, it would have been different if any of the Intrepid Heroes were switched out, but I think with Ally in the cast the world of Spyre was turned on its head.
If the Intrepid Heros had pokemon types, Ally was the more Comedian/Actor type at College Humor while everyone else and Brennan were Comedian/Writer/Geek type. Most of Ally's content outside of D20 was Total Forgiveness and that show where they smoked weed (loved it, can't look it up rn)
Compare that to Brennan, who started as an Um Actually writer, Lou and Siobahn, who are Geeks/have been playing DND for a long time, Zac, who i cannot find much Geek content for, and Emily and Murph, who need no introduction (i dunno if NADDPOD started before D20)
The addition of Ally Beardsley to the cast not only drove the show so far away from the concept that most people forget what it was supposed to be, but it did so in a way that made the show so much better than they had even planned for.
This Pride month, I salute Ally Beardsley
(It took me an hour to write this, good night ya'lll)
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elwolfen · 1 month
Alfred Molinathon Day 7
Scorpion Spring (1995)
Denis (Denee) Brabant
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His Role: The motor mouth and sleaze oozing out of this guy! He was so extra it was a tad overwhelming for me at the start. He was funny to watch, but I know that I would tear this man apart for existing near me in real life. I don't care how pretty and French you are, I will bite you. I'm glad you never made it to your audition.
I also completely forgot he is married and got his wife pregnant! While explaining to his current lover that it's not a big deal... she rightfully leaves him. Which leads to a funny introduction between him and Zac.
He is such a silly scumbag. If it wasn't for him wanting to fuck every woman in site and drink gallons of booze, they would have never gotten into any of this mess of a movie. But I do find the whole "did he sleep with Nadia or not" thing quite interesting and perhaps shows a little more depth to him if Nadia was indeed telling the truth of them not sleeping together, but I don't know for sure.
I like the dynamic of complete opposites being into a situation. Zac, a recovering alcoholic and Denis, the beer-chugging king loser. And, of course, how they both view women. I especially liked the phone scene, I know it was very on the nose, but I don't care, I enjoyed it.
Near the very end, he becomes more of a side or background character, which is understandable due to the stand-off between Astor, El Rojo (randomly Matthew McConaughey) Sam, and the Mexican Judicial (no name). The end for our dear sleazy Frenchman? Poetic. Almost got of scot-free until a key point of his character comes to bite him in the ass. The cards were never in your favor for making it to that audition.
Random thing, but his name, Denis? Very fitting. It means "follower of Dionysus," who, I'm sure plenty know, is the god of wine and pleasure. So keep that in mind every time you look at him.
The Rest of the Movie: Half the plot was lost to me due to me not understanding half of what the characters are saying (no entiendo español). But from what I inferred, it was a very messy situation.
I feel terrible for both Zac and Nadia. Zac slowly spiraling from the situation at hand and starts to take up drinking again, and Nadia being used as a drug mule for a dangerous coyote. I hope both are better off after the end of the movie. Zac just wanted to help her and she desperately wanted to see her family.
Astor was a very intimidating character, I would not want to mess with him. I do like that he didn't kill Lem and Octavio, they were helpful. His bloody ties with the Mexican Judicial were interesting, but I'm glad neither of them got the chance to kill each other and instead was all Nadia's doing. Good for her.
Everyone was so damn sweaty by the end... that's all. Oh, and also lots of usage of particular slurs in this film. Mainly towards Mexican people. Heads up!
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chemicallady · 11 months
Perfect Pitch
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A/N: This is just the introduction chapter. If you will be invested in this idea I'll write the entire FF!
Couple: Noah Sebastian x Reader (in which reader is a talented musician and the new member of Bad Omens. This is an Alternative Universe in which the guys decide to pick up someone to fill in for Vincent.)
Content Warning: this FF will include describing different delicate subjects like states of anxiety, depression, gender violence ( bad place, the industry, for a girl) and possible suicidal thought. Be careful if you feel exposed by one or more of this topics. Feel free to write me in PM about anything ♡ Since the main characters of this story are real people, I want to underline that this is the idea I have of them and not the reality since I don't know Bad Omens. I don't want to be disrespectful in any way because I have tons of respect for the guys and their job. I also don't want to dig in their private lives or whatsoever aside the things they reveal by themselves on interviews of post on social, present and past.
Summary:  reader has always wanted to be a musician her entire life. She pictures herself as first chair in a majestic orchestra, but thanks to her soft spot for metalcore, destiny is leading her somewhere special.
The first time you have seen Noah Seabastian, you were in the pit. Vans Warped tour 2017, a fucking hot texan day. You had never heard about Bad Omens before, but they had such an incredible energy on stage. Good enough to surf crowding in front of the barricades to look closer. The bass guitar player smiked at you when he noticed that your shirt was lifted by the continued movement of hands all over your body. In the moment the security put your ass back to the ground you had found a pair of deep brown eyes on you. The singer was asking the crowd to sing along the main course but you had no idea about the lyrics so you simply smirked, lifting all way your tshit and unreveal the bra.
And.... thats it.
Rock'n'roll and a couple of extra beer made you brave.
Nothing less, nothing more.
No hot stories as a groupie walking her way to a bus tour or anything else. Just a glaze, one among millions.
At the end of that hot summer you started to looking for a job after you graduated at Julliard in NYC. It was the best time of your life. You have always been a talented violinist since you were 5. The prodigy from a very small town, ready to astonish New York.
But it never happened.
Always third chair.
Moving around the country as a ball in an arcade grew you tired after 6 months. The low salaries, the necessity of having a home for more than six weeks....
Settle down. Adopt a cat.
You wanted some stability.
So you started to work as a waitress. You have no idea of how you ended again in texas, but life in here is simpler compared with NYC.
Almost a year had passed when you met Shane and Zac. Summer was running out fast when the Oh Sleepers played in the small pub you were working. A couple of words after and a decent amount of good luck brought the singer to share with you an important information.
《 if you can play the bass, I know a band is looking for someone to fill in.》
You can play bass. You can actually play five instrument and sing. This is your only talent. Music. Feeling it. Being able to figure the notes in your head just listening at them once.
The ability of discover a F# when a pillow fall from the sofa on the ground. The ritmic dissonance of a A and a G in your steps while you walk home drunk.
The perfect pitch.
At least, you could work as a music engineer.
Shane was intrigued by the way you tuned a guitar whitout flicking before their show and from your musical curricula. It is far more than it should be in the industry. But he also saw something in you. How much you have work your way though the mud and sweat to end up in a pub, verbaly molested by creepy guys on daily basis.
Such a waste of rare talent.
《 try your luck. That's is his phone number. See if he still wants a replacement or if he's fine with is guitarrist as bass player. I lost track over their decisions, but their good friends of me. The singer slays on stage》
You picked up that piece of paper with a bit of concern. For this guy privacy in a first place but also for you. You were dreaming about orchestras, beautiful dresses with long sleeves to cover your tattoos.... but you have always wanted to be a rockstar.
A queen.
And you have never wanted to be that broke.
So... Why not?
《 alright. Thanks man. Just... what's the name of this guy?》
《 noah. Noah sebastian》.
I chose the Oh Sleeper to introduce bad omens to the reader because I've always find this video hilarious. Feel free to give me your opinion about this prologue!
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pawthorn · 1 year
Okay, so this has been in my brain for a while, but.
I love when Lou Wilson and Zac Oyama are in the same actual play show, because their characters so often explore characters in opposite directions.
(Character discussion for main-cast seasons of Dimension 20 and The Ravening War below.)
Lou Wilson often plays characters that are obviously heroically tragic in some way. This is especially apparent in his main-cast seasons of Dimension 20. Fabian Seacaster, son of a banished pirate who can never live up to his father’s ideals and will always be in his shadow. Kingston Brown, healer who has given up everything to protect his city. Amethar, last surviving sibling of his family, trapped in political games that are over his head. Gunnie, a brilliant kid with a dream that came crashing down immediately. Pinocchio, a puppet who can never be good enough to be a real boy.
With these characters, tragedy is obvious and visible from the start. But from there, Lou tends to explore the comedic side of tragic heroism. Almost every one of them has moments where their vision of themselves and the world just does not line up with reality, and comedy ensues. The clearest example is Fabian in Leviathan. Big and boisterous and past thought and reason, Fabian’s grand charge with the warlocks is horrifying, and it’s hilarious. You get the same energy in Gunnie at the casino and Pinnochio talking to Cinderella. Moments that are funny because of their inherent tragedy.
On the other hand, Zac Oyama’s characters are often steeped in inherent comedy. Gorgug, too big for his parents tiny gnome house. Ricky Matsui, Mr. March, whose dark secret is that he wasn’t always a firefighter (because he was a child once.) Lapin Cadbury, crotchety old bunny. Cumulous Rocks, cottoncandy-man of death. Norman Takamori, mean, put-upon, and incompetent space captain. Skip, a slug. Pib, an asshole cat.
Zac’s characters rarely hold the same gravitas as Lou’s at first glance. But the things that make them funny are often revealed to be truly tragic as the story progresses and their depths are explored. I think Ricky’s arc in TUC 2 is the most obvious example of this. What happens when your character is seen as a joke, but you removed the punchline? Ricky wasn’t always a firefighter, and now he isn’t. He isn’t the questing hero. He isn’t anybody. And we get this beautiful three-dimensional exploration of meaning in a character who perhaps seemed flat at first glance. And almost all of Zac’s characters are more than they seem. Lapin. Norman. Skip. Pib.
And once again, in The Ravening War, there’s a mirror in Lou and Zac’s arcs, with Deli starting out heroic, ambitious, filled with purpose, only to be played for a fool (the comic tragedy of his last interaction with Gemelli) and slip into obscurity. Colin, on the other hand, begins in obscurity, a seemingly funny cheese man messing up the clan’s introduction and eating charcuterie with Cleva. By the end, he has the strongest moral dedication of the group, getting the final blow on their enemy and dedicating himself to ridding the world of an evil organization for the rest of his life.
I’m just so happy that the two of them are in the main cast of Dimension 20, that we get to see them play across from each other so often. They’re two of my favorite players, and I can’t wait to see whatever is next for both of them.
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brasiliangp · 3 months
'drive to survive' season 6: a cheat sheet for people like me, who only care about like 3 ppl of the grid <3
Episode 1: Money Talks
Team: Aston Martin
0 - 2:00; shows some of the drivers (Lando, Lance, George, Max, Alex, Esteban) and Gunther on their winter breaks
2:41; Lawrence going all 007 villain mood
6:30; Aston Martin car launch
10:32; Lance gets injured
12:30 - 19:30; drivers in Bahrain (photoshoot, talk about Mercedes and Ferrari)
20:15; Lance is back
23: 20 - race (Bahrain GP) (does focus on Mercedes/Lewis/Toto a bit)
30:20 - Fred and Ferrari
33 - onwards; Aston Martin's podium, reactions from Mercedes and Ferrari, moments between Lawrence and Lance
Episode 2: Fall from Grace
Team: Alpha Tauri / Red Bull
Christian Horner TW throughout!!!!!
1:40 - start talking about Daniel
4: 35 - Red Bull car launch
also Daniel shows up for the first time
6:37 - Nyck is introduced
8:05 - some Red Bull tory nonsense with a charity shooting thing
10:33 - Jeddah
12:49 - introduction to the change in leadership at AT
14:34 - 17:51; race footage
18 - Nyck showing his Monaco apartment
backstory into Nyck and him chatting with a friend till 20:20
22:10 - Monaco GP
23:50 - they bring out the traumatized by rbr support group (Gasly and Albon) to talk about Nyck
25:00 - Daniel and Horner discuss plans for the future
27:30 - 32:30; race footage
32:55 - Horner calls Daniel
33 - Silverstone test
38:40 - Daniel back in F1
39:30 - Back to Nyck
Episode 3: Under Pressure
Team: McLaren
2:18 - McLaren car launch
4:24 - Oscar introduction
7:30 - 9:17; race footage (Bahrain)
11:40 - talks about Lando possibly switching teams (lasts literally the whole episode)
11:56 - 12:27; Horner TW
12:30 - Miami GP
16:49 - 19:16; Zac and Lando go golfing
20:40 - 23:58; race footage (Miami)
25:00 - 26:25; Lando and George flying together
26:25 - 27:30; Lando's life story
35:20 - Silverstone footage
Episode 4: The Last Chapter
Teams: Haas / Williams
0 - 4:00; Gunther
4:00 - Introduction to Nico/Kevin
5:13 - addressing the drama between then
7:08 - Williams
7:33 - James introduction
13:26 - 16:30; race footage (Jeddah)
17:57 - 19:50; Gunther
19:50 - 20:30; James
20:30 - 21:20; Alex working out
21:30 - Alex and James talking
24:30 - 29:50; race footage (Montreal)
29:57 - Lily!
39:40 - 41; race footage (Mexico)
43:10 - 45; Mattia Binotto TW
Episode 5: Civil War
Team: Alpine
2:10 - 5:40; Pierre in Cannes
8:20; Pierre and Esteban at the Alpine HQ
11:50 - 14:10; Pierre and Esteban story (where the drama started)
14:20 - 15:40; Pierre and Esteban go karting
17:30 - 23; race footage (Australia)
25:05 - 26:20; Esteban family house/working out
27: TP drama
28:30 - 37; Monaco GP
Episode 6: Lead of Faith
Team: Mercedes
0:15 - 3:40; George and Lewis shooting the road test video
8:25 - 9:05; Lewis talks about issues with the car
9:20 - 14:30; very sweet moment with the Wolffs where Jack goes karting
17 - 19; Lewis contract talks
19:00 - 19:12; "Lewis and I agreed to be open and honest with each other" Toto
19:25 - 19:35; "if Lewis were to leave it would almost look like he lost faith in the team" George
20:45 - 25; race footage (Barcelona)
26:30 - 27; Barcelona podium
28:30 - 30; Toto and Lewis talk
31:40 - Lewis' extension with Mercedes is announced
32:10 - "There just never feels like a time where I won't be a Mercedes driver" Lewis
Episode 7: C'est La Vie
Team: Alpine
0:30 - 0:40; Ocon and Ryan Reynolds
3:15 - 5; Pierre at a basketball game
5 - 6; Ocon in St. Tropez
7:50 - Horner TW but this one was funny lmfao
8:10 - 13:10; race footage (Silverstone)
15:40 - 17:00; race footage (Hungary)
20:40 - Omar is fired
22:56 - 23; Horner TW
26: Bruno sits Pierre and Esteban down for a chat
29:35 - 34:37; race footage (Zandvoort)
34:40 - 35:50; Pierre's podium
Episode 8: Forza Ferrari
Team: guess?
0 - 5:00; introduction to Fred and Ferrari
10:10 - 10:50; Carlos and his mom
15:40 - 22:30; race footage (Monza)
23:59 - 25:33; Fred, Carlos and Charles having lunch at Maranello
31:30 - 40; race footage (Singapore)
Episode 9: Three's a Crowd
Team: Alpha Tauri
0 - 2:40; Daniel
2:49 - 3:26; Alex and Logan talk about Daniel coming back
8:10 - 10:10 - Zandvoort (Daniel crashes)
12 - 14:25; Liam is introduced
17:45 - 20:40; quali in Singapore
25:33 - 30; race footage (Singapore)
31:50 - 32:56; Daniel working out
34:20 - 37; race footage (Suzuka)
37:50 - 38; Horner tells Liam Yuki and Daniel will be driving for AT next season
42:35 - 45:30; race footage (Mexico)
Episode 10: Red or Black
Teams: Mercedes x Ferrari; Aston Martin x McLaren
0 - 1:10; Charles in the Alps
1:10 - 1:30; Carlos working out
2:24 - 2:57; Red Bull and AT playing in the desert
4:40 - 5; Horner TW
5:30 - 7:30; Vegas opening ceremony
8 - 28 (pretty much); Vegas footage
29:05 - 29:33; Lando and Oscar
32 - 33; McLaren x Aston Martin
36:45 - 41:40; race footage (Abu Dhabi)4
44:32 - 44:34; Fred!
46:29 - 47:29; Red Bull and Horner TW
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