#Yodeling branch
pokesil22-art · 7 months
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Woooo here you have more designs for this swap au
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castorfell · 6 months
Love the idea that Broppy are in a committed monomagous relationship with each other but every once in a while Hickory comes to visit n for a few days it's a polycule
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mewtwo365 · 6 months
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More trolls fanart, because i watched the 2nd movie and also really liked it! XD
I really liked the not-cowboy cowboy troll! I also made my own ska-punk genre trolls because i really like ska-punk :)
hope you enjoy, and have an AWESOME day!!
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alleycatchitchat · 7 months
something something what if brozone was called on to represent the boy band subgenre of pop in trolls world tour something something
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rocksibblingsau · 29 days
Yodeler! Branch cant do the whole "pretending to speak badly about Brozone in a foreign language" thing because the yodelers are genuinely talking bad about them behind their back and directly in front of them in both languagens
The Yodelers don't even bother switching languages. They want to insult BroZone to their faces.
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artstar1997 · 4 months
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This is the cover for the Hidden AU fanfic, Journey to Harmony, which I collaborated with @georgi-girl. It is a story about how the pop trolls were seemingly "rescued" from the Bergens by a mysterious magician named Famin Fortune but during the escape, the Snack Pack members including Branch were left behind and were taken in by Queen Celestia, former Queen consort/sole ruler of the Platinum Trolls as her wards.
They grew up as childhood friends with her granddaughter, Princess Rosetta a.k.a Rose but they maintained their Pop attitude, much to the chagrin of the nobility. When an attack caused the Platinums to flee, the Snack Pack decided to travel with the new queen Rose to discover the truth and find out why her grandmother’s tribe disappeared.
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flatstarcarcosa · 2 years
“You came all the way down here, to this shitty bar,” says Felix slowly, “to invite me...to your wedding?”
“Yes,” says Sam tersely.
“Jesus, Sam,” says Felix, face softening for a moment. The moment passes and he leans against the rail of the bar, flipping the ice pick end-over-end. “Does Cat at least lube you up before she hits you with the strap, or did you just get so used to me being a pain in your ass all those years, you can’t function without it now?”
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adrielrook · 5 months
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I know I’m not the first to have thought about this but I had to draw Hickory as a half goat troll!
If the Country trolls are half horses then it would just make sense for the Yodelers (who should live on the mountains even in the Trolls world) to be half goats, life would be easier for them too! We also saw that he and his brother Dickory are exceptional runners, they were faster than the Country trolls and were strong enough to pull a considerable weight too (Poppy, Branch, Biggie, Mr Dinkles, I know he isn’t that heavy but he was there, and the prison door) even if Hickory showed some fatigue he didn’t stop. And I don’t know maybe any troll could have done that, but I still like to think it has something to do with their genetics!
All this aside I obviously love his canon yodeler appearance, he’s adorable! He as a Country troll is incredibly handsome I have to admit it I can’t lie, he really can pull both cute and hot (lol)
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totally-not-baron · 4 months
Some Trolls headcanons because I'm going insane :)
- Poppy is aroace
- Branch is romantically attracted to Poppy but shows it in ways that could be seen as really good friendship
- The are in a queer platonic relationship
- Branch LOVES other types of music! He loves listening to it and making it! He's kind of a troll of all trades
- The yodelers are a sub-genre of country troll
- Hickory is a country/yodel troll but only really talks without the country accent when he is very comfortable w/ someone (ex. Dickory, Poppy, Branch)
- Chaz's parents were a classical and pop troll but he lived with the classicals most of his life
- Chaz can NOT remember people's names! He pretends it's just cause he's an asshole but he genuinely just forgets
- John Dory knows EVERYONE! Like, Poppy will be trying to introduce him to someone and he'll be like "oh, Hickory and Dickory? We used to bounty hunt together" or "Barb? Oh she's cool. Yeah, me and her dad used to be buddies"
- Bruce cooks like it's nobody's business, measures with the heart and everything, but he can't bake for the life of him
- Branch and Clay are the bakers of the family
- John Dory only knows how to make food that comes out of a can and Floyd once blew up the microwave
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scarriestmarlowe · 4 months
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mmmm brigkory…bites them like a trolls 1 bergen i love them…
also i looove trolls cultural differences…maybe im insane.. also, handwriting translation in the cut!
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branch: you got a staring problem?
hickory: problem?
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branch: <- pop trolls linking tails is a very serious thing. (he's used to hickory's bs)
hickory: <- yodel trolls do it w/ anyone they like. it's normal.
floyd: <- does not know yodel troll culture
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branch fan design :) ->
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 1 month
Part 11 Trolls Headcanons/ Theories/ Thoughts/ Ideas
I know what I said but I thought of some more okay. 💕
Branch - all those times that Branch thought the Bergens were coming? It was actually Creek harshly pranking Branch to make him look like a fool.
Poppy - would have many pillows and plushies on her bed.
Bruce - has the world's best hangover cure but it's a secret.
Bruce - there have been times when he has muddled up his kids names and he hates himself every time.
John Dory - claims to be holding back grey hairs with sheer will power
John Dory - believes in love at first sight, just not for himself.
John Dory - will wrestle and roughhouse to bond with people.
John Dory - if there was a couple sitting on a couch, JD will sit between them and not even realize what he did!
Floyd - has tried on dresses and corsets before. Prefers overskirts.
Floyd - in a desperate attempt to try and forget V&V, Floyd nearly shaved his head.
Floyd - he actually wrote all of those songs for Velvet and Veneer!
Clay - tells John Dory that some appliances are voice activated when they aren't. Will watch JD yell at the coffee maker. 😈
Clay - gets random nosebleeds.
Clay - is writing an autobiography. It will not be kind.
Clay - can read Latin.
Clay - overachiever. Was good at academics and sports in highschool.
Clay - a gambler, can count cards, good poker face and good at reading people's 'tells'.
Viva - rubs it into Clay's face that the ONE time he leaves is when Bergens show up. Uses it as leverage for the most petty of things. "Oh you want the last cupcake? Remember that time you left and Bergens came?" She's not even mad about it she just wanted the cupcake.
Viva - has made a list of all the things she's wanted to experience with Poppy. Makeup, planning parties, dealing with heartbreaks etc. they may not be the first times they've both done these things, but their excited to try them together. 😊
Brandy - after watching Bruce, she now puts little things in her hair. Nothing huge, maybe a pen and a food order pad, a snack and bandaids for the kids. Depends on the day.
Yodelers - Hickory and Dickory had a brother named Dock. He was the one that was rumoured to be crushed by an avalanche. He was the one to hunt down John Dory when everyone thought he was the last Pop Troll. While chasing him down a cliff side, he swung an ice pick straight through John Dory's left hand.
Putt-Putt Trolls - that coordinated attack to capture Bridget and Grissle? Clay was the one who planned and trained them.
World Tour - I think Creek moved in with the Rock Trolls and told them everything about Pop Village. (I mean how did Barb know where to send Debbie?)
Trolls - have their own version of godparents. Museparents.
Trolls - Can you imagine how many shades of foundation a Troll makeup store has to stock?! I mean, they probably don't need foundation but could you imagine?!
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4aceclover · 4 months
Trolls AU (Hypnosis Au)
A unique idea I've had What If instead of music being the main ruling deciding factor of things in the trolls universe there was something else that also allowed people to have power hypnosis more accurately my manipulation as there's multiple different types of this
The best part is is that depending on your type of music it will determine what kind of manipulation you're born with naturally
Are protagonist Branch is a unique case as he's the only troll in the entire known trolldome to be born with out a hypnotic ability of his own which makes things a little more interesting for branch instead of being ostracized for this lack of ability a lot of trolls actually see him as a light in the darkness they see him as something special and that means everyone's going to be vying after him even our other lead Poppy who isn't in the best state
But trust me when I say if poppy is in a bad state to the point where she feels like she needs him in her life just imagine what everyone else in his life is going to be like
I'm talking every single character that branches met specifically in the movies with one TV show cameo as this character is just as important as the rest of them
K-pop gang
Yodelers (mostly Hickory)
Chaz (hypnotic smooth jazz duh)
And the most dangerous of all Poppy
All the other troll tribes want him too for different reasons some more selfish than the others and mind you this unique ability well it's mostly seen in trolls can work on any species and can even be developed on in any species like the bergens and Mount regions
Poor Branch is in for a wild ride as his life will never be the same
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falling101fan · 1 month
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I love the ship. Well one of them >///< i have more!!!!!
Better Place AU or What If....(I havent come up with a name, if you have any idea commend down below)
Mention of Grief, Ruins, Recklessness, Family, John Dory centric, Loss
Au Idea (Warning Messy)
Yodeler went to Lonesome Flat for a Better Life.
Hickory move with his brother who become the sherif of the town, taking care of few things and there
Dickory usually do more work than what needed like checklisting merchant traders; Bounty Hunter Like issue; Missing Pets; so one and so forth.
He then met a particular Jazz newbie Bounty Hunter (he failes his first hunt) save him, all in the days work. Eventually they warm up with one another.
Hickory on the other hand become the town bartender and hat maker.
Delta Dawn known Delta as long as he move to Lonesome Flat.
John went off after went to the mountain only to return months to the troll tree. Seeing it condition and no sight of his family. He wanted to take his mind off by coping finding more adventure elsewhere.
He take a reckless route venture of somewhere unknown when he found Delta and Hickory; more like they found him
wanting to explore more found tribe of troll hut stumble upon them
They did everyday life shenanigan; kind of slice of life adventure. John more than the rest, Having Hickory and Delta getting him out of a sticky situation. He try not to be too reckless of his wellbeing
I imagine chapter of Delta slowly become a mayor-to-be of the country troll town; Hickory continues his business; John taking job here and there around the small town. Eventuallly at break they would go on tour outside, 'way to make out brain exploded for how huge he world it' John like to say.
They go to every tribe learning exchanging culture and making few trade when John heard about the possible rumors of his brother being alive.
I wanted them fall in love with one another, their dynamic be intersting. Hickory more calm and collect, Delta more bossy and confident (way of leadership), John Dory more resourceful and bit emotionally unstable.
He went off better, less reckless after processing his grief of the loss of his family.
Movie 2
(I have not thought of it yet)
Maybe somehow John start to hear about pop troll saving the world and find branch
he wanted to find him but got kidnapped
or they met, branch angry while John just relieve of his safety eventually they grow on mending ties as Delta and Hickory there to support him .
Take place in movie 3
I wanted to imagine that John was one diamond instead of Floyd after singing in Mount Rageous resturant. Or maybe other way around
If Floyd kidnapped, the change event would be having Hickory and Delta onboard. More emotional support and trying become mediator. Delta more blunt and defensive on John behalf. Hickory try to stop any argument become it become too far.
Depend on the role Hickory and Branch got along more for survivalist tips
If John was kidnapped, also Hickory and Delta come, more determine and a bit tense and more defensive. Hickory would leave few snark here and there but trying understand situation. Delta a bit more hurry more.
I wanted to think Delta and Brandy would get along, talk about being in a family. And consideration of kids (i can think of an OC on this hehe, thy be so cute!!!).
Anyway I can't think any more idea that all i have.
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metalheads-trash-bin · 3 months
top n bottom for ur trolls ships 😭
Their sub and dom shit can just have “bottom” or “top” inserted and it would still be the same layout. I know it’s not the same thing, but for my thoughts they match up.
Branch and Creek - Branch is a switch with a large dom pref, Creek is a switch with a large sub pref. But every blue moon they might use that 1% that’s the opposite. Creek’s a snarky person until he’s put in his place.
JD and Trollex as a small fling and Chaz - JD was more submissive with Trollex (they never had sex though), he’s a switch with no preference with Chaz. Chaz is also a switch with no pref. JD’s preferences honestly depend on his partner’s.
Poppy and Barb - oooo this is a tough one. Barb definitely gives me bratty sub vibes, she’ll be snarky as fuck until you corner her. Then she becomes a stuttering mess. Poppy loves teasing her. I think they’re another flexible dynamic, with poppy being more dominant typically.
Clay and Viva - we all know Viva has a fucking strap look at her. That woman FUCKS. Clay might try every so often to seem dominant but that doesn’t go anywhere. Viva’s def the dom/top.
Floyd and Riff - Riff’s a switch with a high dom preference, Floyd’s a switch with a slight sub preference.
Hickory and Chaz are complicated exes - Hickory definitely depends on his whole..mindset. Cowboy Hickory? He fucks. Dude’s a dom. Yodeler Hickory? Submissive. Chaz accommodated either while they were together.
Val and Lilith (goth country troll oc) - another hard one. Lilith is definitely more on the dominant lean though. So I’d say her be the dom/top and Val be the sub/bottom.
Sid Fret and Carol - I think Sid and Carol honestly do whatever’s in the mood at the moment. Sid wants to be the top/dom? Okay. Carol wants to be the top/dom? Cool. They just fuck, they aren’t people that I could see having a direct line. They go with the flow, whoever wants to do whatever, they’ll do. If both of them want to do the same thing, rock paper scissors. But when it comes to what’s wanted more, I’d say Sid usually is the one wanting to be the top/dom because he finds it “fun”.
Veneer and Kid Ritz - I don’t think I can share my thoughts on this as these little guys have no confirmed age! In my fic they’re freshly 18 (for them being in rehab type jail reasons, not sex), but since they’re referred to as “teens” in the movies (yes I know eighTEEN has teen in it but still) I don’t wanna accidentally..yk.
Thank you for the ask! This was fun.
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vilevenom · 2 months
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Hey there, Anon! So, I think that, for the most part, Floyd, Clay & Bruce wouldn't really have much of a reaction to Hickory, outside of being happy for JD. Primarily because none of them have any context for who Hickory is. Branch, though? Hoo, boy! They never really did reconcile him with Hickory before the end of the second movie, did they? This fic has nothing to do with my current Hickdory series. It is its own, stand alone fic! I hope you enjoy❤️
Branch had, quite honestly, not been expecting to ever see Hickory again. Or, if he did, he was only expecting to see him in passing while the ex-bounty hunter was visiting Pop Village, or when he traveled with Poppy on a royal delegation trip to Lonesome Flats (as that was, according to Poppy, where Hickory had decided to settle). He was very much not expecting to find him chatting pleasantly with John Dory while the two had lunch in the market, their fingers intertwined over the table they were sitting at.
"What the…?" Branch muttered to himself, frozen next to the market stall he'd just been perusing, only to jerk into motion as John spotted him and waved him over with a shout. He quickly moved across the market, shooting awkward little smiles at any troll who greeted him as he went.
"Branch!" John Dory said cheerfully as his youngest brother made it to the table, "What's up, bro? There's someone I'd like you to meet!"
"Oh. We've met," Branch grumbled, arching an eyebrow at Hickory, who had the decency to look embarrassed as Branch stared him down.
"Really? Huh. Small world," John said with a light laugh, the tension between Hickory and Branch flying right over his head. "Well then, I'll skip the introductions."
"Mmm," Branch hummed, scowling at Hickory, who tipped his hat a bit so he was no longer making eye contact with the blue troll. "Yeah, we go a fair ways back. Where'd you two meet?"
John let out a quiet laugh, pulling his hand away from Hickory's to tap his fingers idly across the table. "That is a bit of a story, honestly," he admitted, only to startle slightly as Branch pulled over a chair and sat himself between his brother and Hickory.
"I'm not busy," Branch stated bluntly, sitting back and folding his arms over his chest. Hickory shot him an odd look, but Branch ignored him. "Do tell."
With another quiet chuckle, John rocked backwards in his chair, before letting the legs drop back to the ground with an audible thud. "Well, truth be told, I haven't always been, uh, in every trolls good graces."
"You don't say," Branch snorted, leaning his elbow on the table so he could rest his chin in the palm of his hand.
"John, maybe ya don't need to tell this story," Hickory murmured, leaning forward a bit in his seat, only to startle backwards as Branch shot him a glare.
"Let him tell his story," Branch grit out, satisfied when Hickory held his hands up in a placating gesture, settling back.
John glanced between the two, his brow slightly furrowed at the interaction. "Uhm…well, so, like I was saying, not in every trolls good books, as it were. So, obviously, a bounty was put out on me."
"Obviously," Branch snorted, shooting Hickory another look, only for the yodeler turned country troll to glare right back. This surprised Branch into sitting up, turning a questioning look to his brother.
"Hickory and his brother, Dickory, they took the bounty and came after me. Caught me off guard when I was on my way back to Rhonda after scavenging some berries out on the Neverglade Trail," John said with a laugh, grinning at Hickory who returned the smile with a small one of his own. "They eventually got me hogtied, and tossed me into the back of a wagon. But, they neglected to take Rhonda into account."
"To be fair, she'd been pretty far from where we'd caught ya. No one expects an armadillo bus," Hickory noted, his expression lightening as John told his story.
"No one expects an armadillo bus. Ha!" John laughed, smacking the table lightly, "I'm gonna get that on a bumper sticker. But anyway, Rhonda is trained, while we're traveling, to come find me if I'm away from her too long. So she comes barreling out of a bush at the wagon, while these two numpties are screaming about being eaten."
"Ya did tell us yer pet was gonna eat us. We just didn't take ya seriously."
"And that sucked for you, but it worked out well for me. She knocked over the wagon, nearly sending me face first into a river, while Hick and his brother were trying to fend Rhonda off. She was mostly just confused and excited, and thought they were trying to play with her, I think. I managed to get my emergency knife out of my hair and got free before anybody got hurt, thankfully. Rhonda and I took off," John said with a cheeky grin, while Hickory chuckled quietly.
"One of the few marks that got away," Hickory noted, leaning his elbows on the table with what Branch could only describe as hearts in his eyes.
John Dory flushed, while Branch gagged slightly at the looks the two were giving each other. He cleared his throat after a moment, causing them both to turn their attention to him. "Okay. So, you got away. That doesn't explain this," Branch noted, gesturing vaguely between the two.
"Oh, well, the bounty got called off after a while. After that, we sort of kept accidentally running into each other," John explained, "I ruined a couple of their hunts, if I'm being honest."
"Kept gettin' in the way, or springin' our traps before they were meant to be sprung," Hickory chuckled with a slight nod, "A right troublesome troll, this one."
"Pretty sure Dickory still wants to clean my clock for the debacle near Vibe City," John added, the two sharing a smile that told Branch there was a story there that he probably didn't want to hear.
"Anyway," John cleared his throat, "Eventually I ran into Hickory in Lonesome Flats, after the whole rockapocalypse ordeal. He was trying to make a life for himself there, and we got to talking. Eventually I mentioned you guys," John gestured at Branch, "And Hickory was the one who let me know you were alive."
"How long was that before you came looking for us?" Branch asked, tilting his head slightly.
"Oh, uh…a coupe of weeks," John admitted, looking guilty. "I mean, you know I didn't come looking for you until I got Velvet's fake letter. I didn't figure any of you wanted to see me again, until then. Plus, I only knew where you were. I couldn't really figure out a good way to suddenly pop into my baby brother's life again without it being weird."
"Hey now," Hickory reached across the table, taking John's hand in his own and giving it a little squeeze, "You were doin' yer best."
Branch snorted quietly, frowning at their joined hands on the table, before scowling at John. "So, you're perfectly aware of his bounty hunting past. Great. Did he tell you that he's part of the reason the rockapocalypse was even a thing in the first place? He lied to Poppy and me to get to the pop string. He's the reason Poppy got captured!"
John blinked, taken aback by Branch's outburst. Branch simply glared at him, noting but uncaring of the trolls milling around their table, quite obviously eavesdropping for gossip. Hickory, in the meantime, eased his hand away from John's, looking contrite as he ducked his head slightly.
"That's what I thought," Branch grumbled, standing from his seat. "You," he jabbed a finger towards Hickory, who jerked back slightly in surprise, "Stay away from my brother. I don't care if Poppy forgave you for what you did, because I don't. I don't trust you, and the last thing that I want is for you and your brother to rip my family apart when I finally just got it back again."
"Branch," John Dory murmured, standing from his seat, only to flinch back a bit as Branch turned his ire on his brother.
"No, John Dory. If you care about me at all you will not see him again," Branch seethed, before storming away without a backwards glance.
"John, please…"
"You heard him, Hickory. I can't. I can't do that to him. Not again."
Poppy jumped off the elevator to the bunker before it could even finish its descent, looking absolutely distraught as she moved through the bunker to where Branch was sitting at his kitchen table.
"Poppy?" Branch stood from his seat upon seeing the look on his girlfriends face, worry immediately surging through him, "What's wrong?"
"Oh, Branch," Poppy sniffed, "It's awful!"
"What is it?"
"Hickory is leaving town."
Branch stopped, his worry evaporating as a look of disinterest settled on his face. "That's all?"
"What do you mean 'That's all'?!" Poppy scoffed, hands on her hips, "After all the trouble I went through to even get him to visit?! I found out from Delta that she saw Hickory hanging out with John Dory before he went to search for you and your brothers. She said they were getting, oh, what'd she say…'real sweet on each other'. I thought it'd be nice to get him to visit and get them back together, since they've both been having trouble settling in. Now Hickory is leaving, and I don't think they've even had a chance to reconnect!"
"Oh, they reconnected, all right," Branch groused, going back to the puzzle he'd left on the kitchen table.
Poppy frowned, following Branch. "What do you mean?"
"I saw them having lunch together in the market," Branch said with a shrug.
"And?" Poppy prompted, tilting her head as she stood across from Branch.
"And I told John about what Hickory did," Branch said with a shrug, picking up a puzzle piece idly, "During Barb's 'World Tour'."
Poppy stared at Branch as he fiddled with the piece, her frown deepening at how dodgy he was being. "What did you do, Branchifer?"
"Just what I said," Branch said, not meeting Poppy's eye as he placed the piece into his puzzle.
"You're not telling me everything," Poppy groused, placing a hand over the puzzle, "You're avoiding eye contact and being all," she wiggled her fingers in the air.
"What does," Branch mimicked her finger wiggling, "even mean?"
"It means you're being all weird and avoiding telling me something! Branch! I thought we were talking to each other now," Poppy huffed, stepping back to place her hands on her hips.
Branch huffed and fidgeted under Poppy's glare for a moment before letting out a breath and throwing his arms into the air. "Okay, fine! I told John not to see Hickory again. I'm still mad at him for getting you captured!"
"Branch!" Poppy gasped, "You know I forgave Hickory for that. He even tried to stop Barb from capturing me!"
"I know! I know…" Branch groaned as he raked his fingers through his hair, tilting his head back to rest it against the back of his chair. "They were holding hands, and I just…got mad."
"You got mad because they were holding hands?" Poppy parroted, arching an eyebrow.
"It sounds so bad, I know!" Branch sat up. "But when I saw them, all I could think of was…what if Hickory is planning something? I have no idea what John Dory did for twenty years, but by his own confession he's had a bounty put on his head in the past. I know Hickory told you he was turning over a new leaf, but I don't trust him."
"Oh, Branch," Poppy sighed, walking over to place a hand on her boyfriends shoulder, giving it a little squeeze, "You're afraid Hickory is going to take JD away, aren't you?"
"I mean, obviously," Branch snorted, waving a hand through the air, "Glitter only knows if he's got another bounty out on him or not."
"No, no. I mean…away from you," Poppy sighed, reaching out to tip Branch's face towards her. "JD's been living in Pop Village for a few months now, since we got back with Floyd. But Clay went back to the putt putt trolls, Bruce is on Vacay Island, and Floyd told you that once he's better he needs to go back to Mount Rageous to tie up some loose ends he left behind, and he's not sure how long it will take. JD is the only one who hasn't said he's going anywhere, and you were the most angry with him before everything happened. It only makes sense that you'd get upset with him when something comes along that might take him away, too."
"John's told me that he was thinking about moving to Pop Village," Branch said with a slight shake of his head, frowning up at Poppy.
"But if he and Hickory get together, he might choose to move to Lonesome Flats, instead. We both know that's where he was before everything happened."
Branch swallowed thickly, pulling his face away from Poppy's hold and turning to fiddle with his puzzle again. Poppy sighed, letting her hands fall to her sides. She watched Branch for a moment, before turning to head back to the elevator platform. "You know," she hummed once she was stood on the platform, "Hickory can't leave until morning, because that's when the balloon is scheduled to head to Lonesome Flats. Biggie told me he saw JD heading to Rhonda with his goggles over his eyes and what looked like tear tracks on his cheeks." She tugged on the elevator lever to get it moving, and watched as Branch had an internal battle with himself, before he stood abruptly, his chair clattering to the floor.
Branch scowled as he stalked towards the balloon platform, where Hickory was sat between his scant luggage with his hat tipped over his face, obviously taking a nap. He paused once he reached the country troll, folding his arms over his chest as he kicked at Hickory's foot. "Wake up."
Hickory startled into wakefulness with a shout, sitting up quickly, a small knife appearing in his hand from glitter only knew where. Branch arched an eyebrow as Hickory fixed his hat enough that he could see it was Branch who had woken him up. "Oh," he murmured after a moment, relaxing and tucking the knife under his hat, "It's you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Hickory sighed, leaning back against the platform to stare up at Branch. He looked tired. "Exactly what I said. It's you. Look, I can't leave town until mornin'. Yer gonna have to deal with that."
"No, that's not why I-" Branch cut himself off with a groan, letting his arms drop to his sides, "I'm not here to pick a fight with you, Hickory. Or to tell you to get out of town faster. I came here to apologize."
"S'at so?" Hickory said with a quiet laugh. "Well, go on then."
Branch bit the inside of his cheek and counted to ten before he puffed out a breath and let his posture relax. It wouldn't do him any good to keep being angry at Hickory, especially since he truly had no reason to be. Poppy had been saved, the troll kingdoms were at peace, and Hickory was just trying to live his life. "I wanted to apologize for getting so angry at you earlier today. So, I'm sorry."
Hickory watched Branch for a moment with a contemplative look, before giving a small nod and leaning back against the platform, tipping his hat back over his face. "Apology accepted."
Branch gaped for a minute, staring down at the country troll in disbelief. "That's it?!" he asked, throwing his arms out wide.
"Did ya expect somethin' more?" Hickory asked, frowning slightly as he peeked up at Branch from beneath the brim of his hat.
"I expected you to get up and go find my brother!" Branch snapped, waving his arms around, "You two were giving each other starry eyes almost the whole time I was at the table with you earlier! So, what? I got upset and suddenly you don't care about him anymore?"
"S'not that," Hickory grumbled, sighing as he shoved himself onto his feet and quickly dusting his pants off. "I care about John Dory a whole lot. An' we've got a whole lotta history. But he made it plain as day that unless you tell 'im it's okay for us to see each other, I'm not welcome 'round these parts. An', quite frankly, I'm not sure I fancy bein' with somebody who'd be so quick to tell me to go kick rocks."
"He cried!" Branch blurted, his cheeks flushing as Hickory gave him an odd look for his outburst. "I…Biggie saw him crying. Because you were leaving. John Dory doesn't cry. So, you must mean a lot to him, too."
"But, not as much as you," Hickory said with a shrug,
"That's because John is stupid," Branch said with a wry grin, "He'll put everyone and everything before himself every damn day. I've seen him do it, over and over again these last couple of months, and I just," he sighed, rubbing at his face, "I made a mistake, okay? I knew he'd make you leave if I gave him that ultimatum. And I feel awful for it. John deserves to be happy, too."
"He does," Hickory easily agreed, tucking his thumbs into the belt loops on his pants. "Does that mean you'll come with me to apologize to 'im, too?"
Branch sighed tiredly, but nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."
"I'm coming, I'm coming! Hold your horses," John groused at the incessant knocking on Rhonda's door. He pulled it open to find a grumpy looking Branch and an amused Hickory standing outside. "Uhh," he blinked, stepping back from the doorway, "Come in?"
"Thanks," Branch grumbled as he stepped inside, followed shortly by Hickory with a quiet, "Much obliged."
John cocked his head slightly and frowned, watching as Branch began to fiddle with his vest, only to be jabbed in the side by Hickory's elbow. "I feel like I missed something…?"
"Right, sorry, yeah," Branch cleared his throat, shooting Hickory a glare, "I came here to apologize for my outburst today at lunch. It was brash and uncalled for."
"…And?" Hickory prompted when Branch didn't seem to be forthcoming with anything more.
"And I was wrong. About Hickory," Branch added, gesturing vaguely at the troll stood next to him. "He's not so bad. I guess."
"I'll take it," Hickory chuckled, tipping his hat slightly at Branch, who simply continued to glare.
"I'm still confused?" John admitted, scratching at his cheek.
Branch sighed heavily, rubbing his hands over his face. "You can date Hickory, if you want," he finally spat out, his stance deflating, "Biggie told Poppy he'd seen you crying, after we split up at the market."
John sputtered at Branch, looking between him and Hickory, his cheeks darkening. "Wh-what? I did not cry! I don't cry-" he began, only to stop short as Hickory stepped forward. He jerked back on instinct, only to practically melt into Hickory's hand as the ex-bounty hunter cupped his cheek.
"Hey now, sugar cube," Hickory cooed, ignoring Branch's quiet gagging behind him, "There's no need to get all defensive. I think it's mighty sweet that you'd get so upset over me."
John lifted his hand to hold Hickory's against his face, sighing quietly. "You and Rhonda have been the only constants in my life for the last decade. How could I not be upset at the thought of losing you?" he murmured, only to jerk in surprise when Branch cleared his throat loudly. John cheeks grew impossibly darker, coughing quietly as he pulled Hickory's hand from his face, but kept it tightly clasped in his own. "You heard nothing," he hissed at Branch, who scrunched his nose up at John.
"I wish," Branch scoffed, "I'm gonna leave before this gets any more sappy."
"Like you're one to talk," John called as Branch headed to the door, "I've seen the dumbstruck look on your face when you catch a glimpse of Poppy!"
"Good bye, John Dory," Branch waved over his shoulder, opening the door. He paused for a moment, turning to shoot one last glare at Hickory. "If you hurt my brother, I will hunt you down." And with that he hoped out of Rhonda, the door swinging shut behind him.
"Are all yer brothers that dramatic?"
"Mmm, yeah. Pretty much."
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rocksibblingsau · 21 days
Yodeler!Branch appeals to me on a personal level bcs just imagine a really small 8 year old Branch wearing a little yodelling outfit, holding his slightly-older brother Hickory's hand and eating a comically large strudel while walking out of the market. He just picket-pocket their target for info, but imagine how cute he looked while doing so.
Why do I picture him sounding like the little German boy playing Fortnite meme.
Yodeler!Branch says 'Yippie' confirmed?
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