#Yes minato’s dad calls him sunshine
feliichu · 10 months
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Everything about minato’s parents ive made up in my head i will spread my delusions
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raendown · 7 years
Chapter 71
Today’s chapter for the Soulmate Collection is for @miramise (who tumblr refuses to allow me to tag...)
Ah well. I love MinatoKakashi and this pairing needs more wholesome stories!
Under the cut or on AO3!
Pairing: MinatoKakashi Soulmate au: the one where when one person eats something their soulmate can taste it if they lick their lips
Kakashi was aware that many people were under the impression that he did not like sweet things, and also that it was mostly his fault for telling them as much. The truth of the matter was that he very rarely craved sweet things because he got his fill of them so often from his soulmate. The bond they shared was constantly flooding his mouth with the taste of chocolate or dumplings or strawberry Pocky. Kakashi got to enjoy all the flavor and none of the calories and he kind of enjoyed the way it worked out. His metabolism wasn’t half as active as most people thought it to be just by looking at how skinny he always was.
At the moment Kakashi was lying on his back with his arms tucked up behind his head, licking his lips under the mask that hid them to enjoy the flavor of the candy his soulmate was currently tucking in to. He was supposed to be watching over Naruto as the eleven year old played by the river and if asked he would protest that he was. He just wasn’t paying as close attention as he could have been. Naruto had learned how to water-walk from his father three years ago and if he fell in the river at this point then Kakashi thought it was more likely to be on purpose than by accident.
“Kakashi-nii! Look what I found!”
He looked away from the clouds to see his young charge running up the hill towards him, something in his hand glinting in the sunlight. Naruto stumbled to a halt in front of him and grinned his overwide Uzumaki grin, the one that always reminded Kakashi of the boy’s mother. Then he held out his treasure with a hint of pride.
“I found it in the weeds!”
“Ah, one of your dad’s kunai! Good find, Naru-chan.” Kakashi’s eyes turned up in a smile as he ruffled the young boy’s hair. “Let’s go show him!”
Naruto let out a whoop and dashed off towards the Hokage tower. Kakashi hauled himself upright and followed at a more sedate pace. Sometimes he tried to imagine what his life would have been like if he hadn’t had Minato and Naruto. It was likely that he would have fallen in to the darkest pits of personal hell, swimming in self-hatred over the things he had done. He thanked kami every day that Minato had not decided to sacrifice himself to save the village the night his wife had died.
The nine-tails had escaped in the moment of her death and Minato had admitted a long time ago that he gave some serious thought to sealing half of the demon fox’s chakra within himself using the Reaper Death Seal. Kakashi would forever be grateful (and feel slightly guilty for it) that he had instead sealed the entirety of the beast within his newborn son.
He wasn’t entirely certain what his life would have been like without the two sunshine blonds in it but he was certain that he didn’t want to ever find out. Many people in the village had started calling him Naruto’s second father because of how much time he spent with the Namikaze family. Kakashi pretended he didn’t hear them – pretended that it didn’t make him preen every time they said it. He loved Naruto like the boy really was his own son. And he loved Minato more than he had ever found the courage to say. Still, that didn’t mean he was going to force himself in to their lives in a role he had no business filling.
His charge beat him to the Tower, unsurprisingly, and had already crawled over the desk to fling himself in to the Hokage’s lap by the time Kakashi walked in to the office. Kakashi licked the taste of chocolate off of his lips and grinned, wondering how fast his friend had had to move to hide away the treats he wasn’t supposed to have at his desk.
“Dad! Guess what we found!” Naruto shoved the rusted, muddy kunai under his father’s nose. Minato leaned back and crossed his eyes trying to see it. Then he grinned.
“Ah.” He chuckled. “Picking up your old man’s trash, eh Naruto?” His son laughed and Kakashi shook his head.
“Would you like to join us for lunch? You seem hungry.” He smiled calmly under Minato’s suspicious look.
“I don’t know how you do that,” the older man grumbled, “but yes, of course. I would never pass up an opportunity to have lunch with my two favorite guys!” He waited for Naruto to hop off his lap before standing and shrugging out of his haori.
Kakashi tilted his head curiously. “You don’t know how I do what?”
“I don’t know how you always know when I’m hungry,” his friend said. Kakashi lifted one eyebrow.
“Because you start snacking on sweets when you get hungry.” His statement received a half-hearted attempt at an affronted look.
“Wha-! Who said I was snacking on sweets?”
“You were just eating chocolate…”
Minato gaped at him, then whined, “How did you know that? Can you smell it?” In return, Kakashi gave him a look that questioned whether or not all of his faculties were still working.
“Smell it? I don’t need to smell it when I can taste it!”
“You what!?”
The haori fell from his fingers two inches too early, missing its hangar and slumping in to a pile on the ground. Minato didn’t seem to notice or care. He stared at Kakashi with his eyes bugging out of his head while the younger man looked back at him in utter confusion.
“What are you getting so upset about?” he asked. Minato twitched.
“What do you mean you can taste it? Kakashi that would make you my soulmate!”
“Well…yes. Probably because we are soulmates. Always have been?”
“We, uh, we what now?”
Kakashi rocked back on his heels, ignoring the way Naruto’s head back bounced back and forth between them like he was watching a tennis match. “You didn’t know that?”
“You did!?” Minato countered. Kakashi huffed.
“Of course I did! I can see what you’re eating! We’re together all the time! Do you mean to tell me that you never put two and two together?” He’d known since he was a child, for kami’s sake! How could this man not know that his soulmate had been right there in front of him this entire time when Kakashi had figured it out almost two full decades ago?
Minato flailed wordlessly for a few moments, too overwhelmed to make the words go. Then he gave vent to a strange wordless shriek. “No! I didn’t know! How could you have known this entire time and not said anything?”
“I thought you knew, obviously!” Kakashi’s exasperation was punctuated by Naruto’s snort, drawing both of their attentions to the boy.
“Dad’s pretty loud. If he knew, wouldn’t he have said something? He’d be talking about it all the time.” It said something that Naruto, of all people, would call his father loud. Kakashi hummed and crossed his arms contemplatively.
“I suppose you’re right,” he admitted. “I guess I just thought that it was one of those things you just don’t talk about, you know?”
“Why wouldn’t dad want you to talk about it?”
“Well, I mean, he loved your mom, right?” Kakashi shrugged. “He doesn’t love me. At least, not like that. Which means that even though we’re soulmates our relationship is platonic. So really we’re just very close friends. I figured he was avoiding the subject to spare my feelings or something like that.”
The Hokage’s jaw seemed to drop lower and lower with each sentence he spoke until all of the shock building up in his expression began to leak out as disconnected half sentences. “I don’t-? You’re my-? We’re just-? You think-? But you-? Guh.” Finally he deflated with a large exhalation of breath. “Can we just go to lunch?” he asked faintly.
Kakashi shrugged and led them out, feeling uncomfortable. He’d had no idea that Minato had no idea. That the older man was just realizing their situation now left them both in an uncomfortable position, especially since Kakashi may have given him just a little bit too much information on his side of the equation.
The three of them were painfully quiet all through their meal at the ramen stand. Kakashi kept his head down and refrained from looking at the man he had long since considered his best friend. There might be ten years between them but neither spent half as much time with anyone else as they did with each other. Kakashi spent so much time at the Namikaze household that Minato had joked more than once that he should just move in and have done with it.
And there had been times when Kakashi had seriously considered the offer. It would be nice, after all, not to go home to an empty apartment. There was always only one thing holding him back: that was the house where Minato had loved Kushina, the house in which he still loved Kushina. Her memory lingered in the very walls and Kakashi knew that he did not belong there. Not when his heart longed to take his place at the other man’s side – not when Minato did not want the same.
He felt more out of place than ever as the three of them headed back there after lunch, Minato sending a clone back to the office to continue chipping away at the never ending mountains of paperwork still waiting for him. Naruto headed straight to his bedroom at a look from his father, leaving them alone in the living room. Kakashi stood next to the couch with his hands deep in his pockets and his shoulders up around his ears like he was trying to tuck in to himself and be as small as possible. He hadn’t felt unwelcome in this home since Rin and Obito’s deaths, when he was young and scared and hurting, wondering if his sensei would blame him for things he had no control over. Now he hesitated to sit, feeling like he should ask for permission to make sure it was allowed.
“So…” Minato stood with his weight on one foot, his face still covered in the bewildered expression he had worn since they left the Hokage Tower. “I’m having trouble wrapping my head around a couple things here. We’re soulmates.”
“Mhm.” Kakashi nodded, trying to shove his hands even deeper in to his pockets.
“And you’ve known about this for how long, did you say?”
“I figured it out a couple of years after you were assigned as my sensei. We usually ate the same thing when we had meals together so it took a while.” He shrugged and looked at the wall as he spoke. “Then when Obito and Rin were put on the team we started going on missions and I could see you eating while I was on watch. Every time you ate I could taste whatever was in your hand. It wasn’t a hard leap.”
“I never even considered…” Minato ran a hand through his hair. “I would apologize for being so dumb this entire time except you mentioned you thought that I had known?”
With a small nod, Kakashi said, “Yes, I did.”
“And you thought that I just didn’t want to talk about it?”
“Yes.” He held his breath, praying the older man would spare him the indignity of a confession. His hopes were dashed by the pink rising in Minato’s cheeks.
“Because you thought I was trying to spare your, ah, feelings.” The blond cleared his throat, looking as awkward as he always did when trying to talk about emotions. “What exactly are you feelings?”
Kakashi looked down at his feet and shrugged, saying nothing.
“That’s not an answer.”
“Well I don’t want to answer.”
“Kakashi do you…I don’t know how to ask this…”
Minato blinked, pausing with his hand half raised. “What?”
Kakashi sighed and turned his head to one side. “What you were trying to ask? Yes.” Minato stared at him, utterly still, until he seemed to flutter with his entire body, dancing back and forth between the balls of his feet.
“Oh my god you’re in love with me.”
“Okay, yeah, let’s just say it out loud then! That’ll make me feel better!” Kakashi glared at the spot of floor his eyes were trained on, annoyed but unwilling to look up.
“Since when!?”
“Does it matter?”
“Of course it matters!”
“A long time. It doesn’t matter.”
“It does!”
“Okay stop!” Minato held his hands up, palm out, and closed his eyes for a moment. “This isn’t getting us anywhere. Just…Kakashi, you’re really in love with me? You’ve really had feelings for me and not said anything because you thought I…you thought I would just prefer to sweep it all under the rug?”
Kakashi looked up at last, only to cringe and look away again, unable to stand the sight of those big blue eyes. “You loved Kushina very much,” he said quietly. “I would never dishonor her memory like that and I would never push myself on you like that. I understand that you don’t see me the same way. I thought you knew how I felt but never addressed it because it was kinder. We could both pretend it wasn’t there; you would never have to outright reject me.” He twitched when Minato took a few steps closer, instinctually trying to back away only to find an armchair blocking his way.
“Oh Kakashi,” Minato said, reaching out to take gentle hold of the younger man’s elbow. “I did love Kushina. But that doesn’t mean I have no room in my heart for anyone else. I’m allowed to fall in love again. And your feelings in no way dishonor her memory.”
“Do you have some sort of medical condition that forces you to be kind about everything?” His companion might be awkward about dealing with emotions but Kakashi was prickly. He’s first reaction was usually to snark and snap until people backed off. It was a defense mechanism that usually ended up with him being alone. Luckily the Hokage had many years of practice dealing with him.
“Did you really think I would want you to suffer in silence?”
“Quit being so dramatic.”
“Kakashi,” Minato quieted him with only his name spoken in a firm tone. Kakashi looked up and, this time, managed to hold that heavy gaze. He held still as a tan hand took hold of his chin. “Many people go their entire lives without ever finding their soulmates. I can’t believe I’ve had mine sitting right under my nose for almost half my life and didn’t even know it.”
The younger man continued to say nothing. He wasn’t sure there was anything for him to say anyway. This entire conversation was mortifying and he wished he could just go. He didn’t expect anything good to come of it. Surely their relationship would be strained after this and he wondered if it would take a long time before things went back to a semblance of normal.
When Minato shuffled a little closer again Kakashi tried once more to step back. His ankle thudded against the armchair behind him and he stumbled. His backward momentum was halted when Minato used the grip on his elbow to pull him forward, straight in to a solid chest and holding him there as the hand on his chin raised his face a little higher. He made a low noise of protest but Minato only smiled softly and shook his head, refusing to let him go.
“Silly man.”
Kakashi opened his mouth to say something and then choked the words back because suddenly they were kissing, lips pressed together in a slow, sweet embrace that stole the breath from his lungs. He groaned in surprise, body melting forwards and eyes falling shut. Minato caught him, the hand at his elbow winding around his waist and holding him tightly while the other tangled in his hair. The kiss was chaste, barely more than chapped lips pressed against each other with slow, almost hesitant motions, but it burned through him like wildfire, purifying, reducing him to cinders and leaving him newborn in the ashes.
He was left too stunned to move when Minato finally pulled away, separating them by a mere couple of inches. The older man smiled at him and leaned forward again until their foreheads rested brow to brow.
“Wha-” Kakashi started to ask, cutting himself off with a blush when his voice cracked. He cleared his throat and tried again, “What was that?”
“It’s like I said,” Minato chuckled, “I have room in my heart for more than one person. You are my best friend, Kakashi. And my soulmate. What reason could I possibly have to turn you away?”
“But you don’t…you…” Kakashi floundered, trying to make his stuttering brain work. “But why did you kiss me? You don’t feel that way.”
“Oh? And how do you know that?” Minato asked with a grin, his eyes bright and warm.
Kakashi huffed. “You certainly didn’t seem very receptive earlier,” he said. His half-hearted annoyance went ignored and Minato cooed and pressed a second kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Well pardon me for being in shock Mister Keeps-It-All-Inside.” One more kiss to the opposite corner of Kakashi’s mouth, then he straightened with a slightly more serious smile. “I want this. I want us. I’m so sorry you had to wait this long for me to get a clue but I promise to do whatever I can to make it up to you.”
“Can you check my neck for me? I think I have whiplash.”
“You can’t just let me have this one nice moment?” Minato slumped, rolling his eyes yet unable to entirely hide the fondness in his expression. “You don’t have a single romantic bone in your body.”
His exaggerated despair and Kakashi’s answering smile were both cut off by a loud victory cry from the doorway and the small orange blur that suddenly bolted in to the room. Naruto plowed in to them from the side, latching one arm around either waist while his head fell back to let out another crow of triumph.
“That means Kakashi-nii really will be my other dad!” the boy shouted. “That’s so cool, ‘ttebayo!”
Minato laughed, his cheeks turning pink again. “Who called Kakashi your other dad?”
“Uh, everyone?” his son replied. “Where have you been?”
“Oh. I...well that’s…oh.” Minato’s blush deepened but he looked pleased and Kakashi had to turn his head to hide his own darkening cheeks.
“So now we can be a family for real, right?” Naruto asked, his eyes wide and shining, his smile bright. Minato chuckled and pulled both his son and his soulmate in for a tight group hug.
“Of course,” he murmured. “Of course we’re a family.”
With his face tucked in to the older man’s neck, Kakashi smiled. He had spent a long time being so close and yet so far from where he really wanted to be. Now he had been handed everything he could ever possibly have wanted and he couldn’t describe the feelings - the sensations - in his chest. All he could think was that happiness tasted sweeter than any of the candies that Minato so loved to eat.
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hiruma-musouka · 7 years
31 MadaTobi. (why they're all so madatobi)
[Because MadaTobi are unrepentantly ruthless and sneak into everywhere.]
For this prompt list > 31. “Where’s your God now?”   Have a drabble from the future of Following Dreams. You may thank @insanescriptist​‘s great review for the inspiration.
[AO3 link]
“Sorry to intrude on your office hours, Professor Senju, butdo you have some time for questions?”
Kawarama slams his thumb down on the pause button on his portablegame system, grin already growing on his face as he looks up to see Sunshine’sdad standing in the entrance to Tobirama’s office. Mad'ra gives him a flat lookfrom the other end of the couch, tapping a finger impatiently on his own gamesystem, but Kawarama holds up a hand, eyes riveted on Tobes’ face as hisbrother stills at his desk, pen poised over a pile of papers as red eyesflicker towards the door.
The way Tobirama closes his eyes and breathes in slowly afternoticing the runes marking Minato’s dress shirt as an OSIB uniform is priceless.
“Director Namikaze, can I help you?” Tobirama asks,voice a bit flat.
Minato smiles apologetically but without regret and Kawaramapresses his lips together tightly. “There’s been an unusual event in thewest that we don’t have much data on. Do you happen to know where your God isright now?”
Kawarama snorts.
Tobirama sends him a withering glare as Kawarama struggles not tobreak down laughing, barely managing to limit himself to undignified snorting.He almost chokes when Minato greets him and Mad'ra, completely failing to reactto the fire God lounging in plain sight. His older brother clearly catches theincongruity as well and switches his glare from Kawarama to his lover, whoquirks a black eyebrow unrepentantly and then reaches a finger over to stab atthe start button on Kawarama’s device, resuming their virtual fight and causingKawarama to curse and quickly direct his character to dodge an enemy.
“While I know where Mad'ra is,” Tobirama answerstersely, irritation nearly radiating from him as he refocus on the OSIBdirector, “I don’t believe that will help you at all - as I have alreadystated in the past - given his disinclination to spend time withauthorities. Or answer questions from most humans. Or cooperate in general forthat matter.”
“I don’t know, he’s pretty good at team play when he’s nottrying to get his teammate KO'ed,” Kawarama interjects, grinning andundeterred by Tobirama’s displeasure.
“Well you shouldn’t have paused in the middle ofbattle,” Mad'ra mutters, scowling as one of the NPCs hits him with aprojectile.
“That’s what the pause button is for,” Kawaramastresses, laying down cover fire so Mad'ra can move.
Tobirama pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly fed up with boththe interruption to his work and their commentary, and turns his focus back onMinato. Kawarama keeps a quarter of his attention on his brother’s conversationfor the sake of his own amusement as he and his firebomb-in-law (no, no,that’s another stupid name. Mad'ra’s nicknames will require more thought. Maybesomething with two syllables since it’s replacing the “brother” in“brother-in-law”?) work their way through the dungeon levels inthe Archipelago of Bloody Mists.
For someone who had never bothered to pick up a video game beforeattaching himself to Tobirama, Mad'ra isn’t actually that bad at this. Hecatches on really fast despite lacking most basic knowledge, and hisstyle is unquestionably hit them hard and put them down. The God tends to takeunnecessary damage at the beginnings of fights - Kawarama has the impressionthat Mad'ra is understandably accustomed to being remarkably hard to hit andmaybe a bit impatient to boot - but despite the evidence showing a fairlystraightforward style of thought, he’s clever enough to notice and work throughthe traps and puzzles quickly even though he ignores whatever NPCs he can.
Overall Kawarama’s… mostly ok with the guy. Mad'ra can’t beterrible if Tobes likes him so much (and wasn’t that a surprise) andhe’s open to playing games and humoring Tama’s endless questions, but still…Kawarama definitely understands why Sunshine’s dad is doing everything short ofhaving OSIB politely and very respectfully stalk Tobirama. If Kawaramawas the guy who’s responsible for knowing how to successfully navigatenegotiations with the being who threw up a fire column in a warded auditoriumwith no effort, he’d also be asking dozens of questions and trying to get abetter feel for “Madara”.
( It doesn’t make Tobirama’s developing twitch or the absurdityof “where’s your God now?” any less entertaining though. )
Eventually Minato makes his way back out after a roundaboutconversation establishing that no, Tobirama doesn’t think Mad'ra had anythingto do with whatever it was, and no, Tobirama is fairly certain Mad'ra doesn’tintend on dealing with whatever it was, and yes, Tobirama is willing toforward any information he comes into possession of, but no, he doesn’tthink Mad'ra will be willing to entertain anything resembling a cooperativeexchange of information with OSIB or society in general at this time.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to set them all on fire,Tobirama?” Mad'ra asks dryly, eyes focused on the game as Tobirama rubs athis temples.
Tobirama sends them both another dirty look as a dungeon bosssong starts playing loudly and stands up, pushing back his chair to round thetable. He plucks the game right from Mad'ra’s hands, dropping it in Kawarama’slap, and sits on the armrest, calf resting against the God’s knee as he looksdown in irritation. “Explain why you couldn’t be bothered to answer thosequestions yourself and then how Namikaze didn’t register you when he’s alreadymet you.”
“I didn’t want to speak with him,” Mad'ra answers witha smirk as Kawarama scrambles to pause the game again, pointedly rolling hiseyes at Tobirama who’s ignoring him. “I see no convincing reason to careone way or another about those people although the way you’re gettingfrustrated is starting to irritate me on your behalf. And that one is ratherpolite and respectful by nature which makes it nearly effortless to make himoverlook connections and that’s already a simple matter.”
“How so?” Tobirama asks with a frown that slowlylightens as Mad'ra reaches a hand up and gently traces a finger over Tobirama’smarkings one by one.
Kawarama reaches over the arm of the couch and fishes out hisphone from his bag as Mad'ra shrugs. “I do not wish him to acknowledge meand not doing so meshes well with his desire not to unnecessarily intrude orinterfere in people’s personal matters, which is what I view this as. Myactions are my business, so not connecting me to my appearance suits bothour desires.”
“Except for where he’d like to see yo—” Tobirama cutsoff as Kawarama’s phone camera makes a shutter sound, expression shifting fromslowly relaxing to irate again as he meets Kawarama’s grin, Mad'ra’s fingerslipping from his cheek. “What are you doing?”
“Taking couple pictures,” Kawarama answers innocently,shamelessly clicking another few times to get a good view of Tobirama’sannoyance and Mad'ra’s idle interest as the God turns his attention partly awayfrom Tobirama again. “According to Tama you more or less got marriedbefore Hashi even grabbed a date with Mito and we’ve got practically nopictures at all. Not to mention that I have roughly a decade of younger siblingduties to make up for. Gotta start somewhere, Tobes!”
“Get out of my office,” Tobirama sighs as Mad'rasnorts.
“That’s so rude. I came in here to have brotherly bondingtime, and you want to kick me out. I’m heartbroken, Tobes.”
“You came in with two handheld game systems you just happenedto have and started playing Call of the Ninja on my office couch with my—”Tobirama pauses, eyes flickering to Mad'ra’s face “—with Mad'ra.”
“Two things,” Kawarama says firmly, holding up fingersand resting his arm on the back of the couch. “One: I came in, greeted youlovingly, and you grunted and kept marking those thesis drafts whileleaving me dejected over here.” Mad'ra chuckles as Tobirama drags a handdown his face. “And two: who says I was talking about bonding time withyou? Someone has to spend time teaching your beau about the wonders of societyif he wants to blend in, and you and Tama aren’t going to cover vitalnecessities like video games and TV and basic conversational topics. Well, Iguess you could if he wants to be five years out of date at all times, give ortake whatever last research binge you two buried yourselves in but—”
“Kawarama, please get out of my office.”
Kawarama hums, looking between his brother, his brother’s desk,and his own whatever-in-law. “I suppose I can leave if you guys want to domore cute PDAs in privacy rather than grading papers. Although, just fyi, ifyou’re planning to use the condoms I generously shoved in your desk ages ago,Tobes, you should know they’re probably expired.”
Oops, Kawarama thinks as Tobirama’s eyes abruptly narrowwith an evil glint before sliding down towards Mad'ra who tilts his headslightly as if Tobirama had actually said something before black eyes shift tomeet Kawarama’s own. Miiight have gone a bit too far that time.
Half a second later black ashes and red-orange sparks flit aroundhim and Kawarama abruptly finds himself four feet in the air above a compostheap in the botany fields with just enough time to realize what happened beforehe lands hard on his ass in the stinking pile.
Grimacing with a scrunched up nose at the smell and disgustingtexture, Kawarama huffs, glaring into the distance towards the direction of hisbrother’s office. “If you wanted to have personal time with your boyfriendyou could have just said so, Tobes! No need to be an embarrassed asshole!”he yells.
His bag lands on his head a second later, video games and all.
[AO3 link]
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