#Yeah crowley is a dumbass but he cares about his dove
cursedcupcakemaster · 19 days
This is a small series I made for nothing but enjoyment
Notes:I don't own twisted wonderland or it's characters
this is just my interpretation of how they'd be they belong to Yana Toboso and Disney
Reader is gender neutral, some of these are kind of short, this one is with a reader who's an adult reader has different jobs because why not? Mozus trein won't be in this edition but I might make one for him eventually
Warnings:depression implication
How the staff comforts you after a bad day
Divus Crewel
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Divus felt quite lucky to be the partner to one of the worlds best designers at least in his opinion
Divus went to go see you after work but to his surprise you weren't in your studio
He tried to call you but you weren't picking up and he knew something wasn't right
There was one other place you could be so he drove to your home
He got in using the key under the mat and looked for you until he heard sobbing upstairs
Divus walked upstairs knocking calling for you until he heard "go away" and went inside
He found you under the blankets sobbing and the room was a mess with many sketches torn up or crumpled and right away Divus knew what was wrong
He gently pried the blanket away asking if you were experiencing a bit of a block
Looking up at him with red tear stained eyes you nodded before he embraced you telling you it was alright to not know what to do next sometimes it happens to every great artist
And in his eyes you were nothing but the best, he dried your eyes making you some tea
Divus knows sometimes you need a break from trying to create
He makes sure after this incident to check on you more often just in case
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You happened to work for another school so your meeting times were limited
In any case he was ready to see you after a long day of work
He passed through the gates seeing many of your coworkers and students but there was no sign of you
He looked everywhere but he couldn't find you until he saw your pet rabbit
The rabbit looked at him as it asking him to follow
soon enough Sam was lead to where you stay and it was pretty dark and from what he could make out it was a mess
He saw you crying on your desk before he placed a hand on your shoulder
Sam asked what you what happened and understood once he heard your woes
You had to teach a bunch of kids who clearly were a bunch of deliquents and didn't know how to handle it much longer
They trashed your classroom, didn't pay attention to lessons and clearly your boss wasn't doing anything to help
It honestly ticked Sam off if he were to be honest
Sam took you in his arms promising you things would be fine before your rabbit jumped up snuggling you both
He may or may not have pulled some strings to get you transferred to Night Raven to work with him so that stress wouldn't be as heavy on you
Sam just cares a lot about you
Dire Crowley
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Believe it or not he isn't always useless at least not when it involves his partner, who so happened to be a gardener
Dire becomes concerned after you don't come to visit him for a few days
After this he went looking for you and he was horrified at what he saw
Your once beautiful garden that you were so proud of and loved was wilted and dying
Dire knew this wasn't normal, not for you he went to your home looking for you until he found you on the couch miserable
Dire asked you, why you looked like that and why your garden was dying when you were so proud of it
You told him how your just felt too much at once and even gardening didn't help when he wasn't there
Dire felt bad, of course he was in charge of a school but in the process he had forgotten to check on you when you were like this
He wiped your tears gently with his thumbs before taking your hands in his own and told you he'd help you get things back in order
This was enough to help you get out of bed and with that you got to work
By the end your garden was healthy again and in its center was a large beautiful apple tree
Dire enjoys gardening with his beloved among the flowers he finds them the fairest of them all
Ashton Vargas
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Ashton might be Vain but there is room in his heart for you and you so happened to be a Model was a bit of a bonus
Unfortunately you had been ignoring him as of late
He didn't get it, he was always in tip top shape so why were you ignoring him
Ashton went to see you and managed to intimidate your manager into letting him through only to find your dressing room trashed
Make up and perfume bottles smashed to pieces, clothes torn to shreds and your face was a mess from mascara and hot tears
He asked you what was wrong and what happened in there
You told him ,you couldn't take it anymore your job was very demanding and it was just too much for you
You barely had a sense of privacy thanks to your schedule
He felt awful he barely paid attention to you and this is what happened
Ashton hugged you tight and told you maybe you needed some time off away from the hustle of modeling clothes at least for a few days
He had a campsite set up with some things he thought you'd like including some stew he made
The best part would be when the stars come out and he keeps you close
Ashton knows he has to try better for you and he isn't a quitter
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greenbergsays · 5 years
Good afternoon, are y’all ready for feelings again? Let’s talk about the break-up scene.
“But, Des,” you say, “you’ve already talked about the break-up scene!”
Yeah, I talked about the actual break-up, let’s talk about THE BEGINNING OF IT.
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This isn’t really what I wanted to talk about, but it’s just another one of those great moments that I love between them.
Crowley, literally two seconds ago, says: “You’re ridiculous, I don’t know why I’m still talking to you,” and walks away.
But as soon as Aziraphale says, “You can’t leave, Crowley!” He turns around and just drops this bomb.
“Enough, I’m leaving.” / “We can go off together!”
Honestly, do the two of you even know how to be properly mad at one another? The answer is no.
But like I said, that wasn’t really what I wanted to talk about. 
What I wanted to talk about is what happens directly after that. I wanna talk about Aziraphale’s reaction.
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The way his expression goes slack, lips parting, it’s surprise, yes, but it’s also more. It’s awe.
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There are no words, none whatsoever, that do justice to Michael Sheen’s voice in this moment. 
“Go off together?” So soft, filled with disbelief and longing, like in those three words, Crowley has given him everything he’s ever wanted, but never even dared to dream about.
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And then there’s this. He takes a little fortifying breath like Crowley’s just knocked the air out of him.
The thing that kills me, though, is that as soon as he realizes that he’s daring to hope, he has to reel himself in again. Because he is Aziraphale and he doesn’t get what he wants.
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A little sigh as he lets that same breath go, his shoulders dropping again.
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First of all, before I go off on a tangent, I wanna talk about Crowley’s body language.
He’s just said, “let’s go off together,” and he’s standing there with arms wide open like he’s offering up his entire self to Aziraphale, and in some ways he is, but it just kILLS me to see, knowing what’s coming next.
Now onto my tangent:
Listen to yourself, Aziraphale says. It’s a silly thought to entertain; a pipe dream.
This is the moment, the very second, that Aziraphale teeters on the knife’s edge of a life-changing decision. 
Taking what he wants means turning his back on Heaven. Being obedient to Heaven means losing Crowley.
For six thousand years, he’s been able to put off this decision, but he’s been aware more and more that it’s coming, that he’ll have to choose some day. Maybe in those first days, it would’ve been easy for him to choose Heaven.
But six thousand years later, it isn’t. Six thousand years later, the idea of choosing Heaven over Crowley makes him feel like he’s unraveling at his very core.
He needs to be talked into it, though, the same way Crowley talks him into everything else. Needling him, coaxing him, spouting absolute logic at him--because logic is the language that Aziraphale speaks most fluently--until Aziraphale can make his decision and feel good about it.
It’s easy to say that Aziraphale is a worrier and you would not be incorrect in saying so. But let’s call a spade a spade: Aziraphale has anxiety. Seemingly very severe anxiety.
The first time we meet him, he says, “Oh, I do hope I didn’t do the wrong thing,” and then he spends the next six episodes worrying about that very thing. 
That is his defining trait. He needs to do the right thing and his entire life is spent wondering if he’s succeeding.
The thing that Crowley does--that no one else will do, keep in mind! and that I think is absolutely, utterly wonderful--is he talks it through with Aziraphale. He doesn’t just say, “Stop being a worrywart,” or “Why are you worried about this?” or “You worry too much.”
No, he acknowledges and accepts Aziraphale’s anxiety as part of who he is and instead of dismissing or ridiculing it, he helps to ease that anxiety with the thing that works best for Aziraphale: logic.
Crowley gamely engages Aziraphale’s worries and lays out careful arguments to show that no, dove, you aren’t doing the wrong thing. This is the thing to do, I promise, and here’s why.
That way when Aziraphale makes his decision, he won’t worry about it afterward.
I mean, think about Aziraphale after he makes the decision to help thwart the apocalypse & raise Warlock with Crowley. Crowley’s the one voicing his worries in the flashes we see, not Aziraphale. Aziraphale’s fears have been squashed by Crowley and now he Knows he’s doing the right thing, no anxiety present.
So the thing is...he needs Crowley to do it again. He’s giving Crowley the opportunity to ease his fears again.
And Crowley tries to because he knows that’s how this song and dance goes:
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He tries.
Aziraphale has spent the past 6,000 years putting boundaries on who and what they are to each other.
Crowley has spent 6,000 years trying to respect those boundaries. He’s ass over teakettle in love with Aziraphale, but he’s spent 6,000 years knowing that he can’t say that because to love one another is to disobey orders.
Something that Crowley is very comfortable with, but which Aziraphale is not.
And, of course, to say that first would be making himself too vulnerable. If he says it first, what if Aziraphale balks? What if it’s not okay to love him?
Of course, this whole conversation between them is a love declaration and Aziraphale does balk. And Crowley, as he walks away with a crumbling heart, is secretly glad that he did not say the words.
So he chooses the word “friend.” His question is calculated, but it’s also a miscalculation.
“How long have we been friends?”
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Because I think that “friends” is a bucket of cold water for Aziraphale.
It’s the very moment when he starts to backtrack. It’s when he starts to pull away from Crowley and everything that's being offered. It’s when he starts building up his walls again.
It’s not that Aziraphale doesn’t value what they have--it’s not that what they have isn’t enough--it’s that he is in love with Crowley and he erroneously assumes that he needs more in order to turn his back on Heaven.
He wants the big sweeping gesture, he wants Crowley to say, “I’ve been in love with you for six thousand years, run away with me before the Apocalypse comes.”
Aziraphale has no doubts at all about how he feels about Crowley, but if he’s going to give up Heaven, he needs to know that Crowley doesn’t have any doubts, either. He needs to know that they’re on the same page, that they always have been.
He thinks he needs more of a commitment than “we’re friends, let’s go off together.” (Probably because among his first editions, he has quite a few trashy romance novels. Don’t base romance on that, Aziraphale, ffs.)
And Crowley? Crowley is looking back at the past six thousand years and assuming that the commitment bit was obvious. 
Aziraphale wants a big gesture because he's looking for Crowley's behavior to change, and to change in a way that indicates his feelings. He can’t turn his back on Heaven for things that are unsaid. 
The problem with that, though, is that Crowley's behavior can't change. It can’t because he's been in love since they met. He's ALWAYS acted in love, he can't just start now because Aziraphale’s ready for it.
Aziraphale wants a big sweeping gesture and Crowley thinks that standing there with his arms wide open, offering to run away together, is the gesture.
These dumbasses are so close to getting what they both want, it’s right at their fingertips. They’re on the same page of the same damn book, it’s just different translations.
Now please look at it again, along with what Aziraphale says next:
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the thing 
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that absolutely kills me
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about this fucking part
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is that Aziraphale can’t even look at Crowley when he says it.
That very last gif, he manages to glance at him for a second before he has to look away again, but other than that, he has to look away when he rejects what Crowley is offering, while he rejects what he so badly wants to accept
The other thing that kills me--actually there are two other things.
One is the look on his face as he says, “We’re an angel and a demon,” as if he’s having to remind himself of this fact.
They aren’t friends. They can’t be friends. They can’t be more. They are an angel and a demon. There’s no future for them; there can’t be, because this is what they are.
The other thing that kills me is that that line--”We are an angel and a demon.”--is such a meaningless party line and they both know it.
They’re so far past what they are that the fact that Aziraphale has to remind himself of it is telling in and of itself. 
It’s such an arbitrary thing to them at this point that Crowley doesn’t even bother arguing with it. 
The idea that that’s a reason to do or not do anything is just silly, honestly.
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starr182 · 4 years
@raspberrymama Here is is, chapter 1! 
Summary: You’ve been hunting with the boys for awhile and your birthday rolls around. Crowley gives you a special birthday gift. 
Pairing: Crowley x Reader.
Warning: Smut. Just 18+ please.
Word count this chapter 2066. 
Let’s be honest, your childhood sucked; both parents, correction adoptive parents, were very abusive. You had an inheritance from your birth parents, but your fake parents wouldn’t let you use it. Nor did they tolerate you to have an opinion or personality. They felt kids should be seen and hot heard. So from a young age you dove into books and drawing the quietest hobbies one could have. The pain of this existence drove you to the enjoy the darker things in life, the moon and stars, mythical creatures, demonology, witchcraft. You learned a few spells or charms to protect yourself, you found that it came naturally to you. As grew older you started having recurring dreams about a large suspended over a pit of nothingness, writing on the bars and a soft glow of red and blue light emanating from within. You tried searching but you could never find anything that matched the writing, but then again you could never really remember it clearly once you woke up. You collected many books on lost languages which lead you down the road of the supernatural. Of course, you never thought the creatures you often read about were actually real.
One night while having dinner with the fake parents when three people broke in. Not people, they couldn’t be. Their teeth were razor sharp and they had too many of them. You hid under the table as your parent were butchered, their screams faded to gurgles as they choked on their own blood. Your mother fell to the floor as you watch the last light fade from her eyes. Two of the monsters leave but not before telling the third to make sure you were taken care of. She pulls you out from under the table and pulls you up to her face. You notice she isn’t much other than you. She tells you she’ll let you live but you have to promise her something. You have to get her away from the monsters that killed your family, that she wasn’t like them, they liked hurting people but she didn’t. You agreed and she let you go. It took you awhile but you held up your end of the bargain. And that is how you became a hunter.
 ***Time jump***
Those vamps were long since gone, the younger female freed. Your in your 30’s now and haven’t run or hid from monsters in years. You’ve embraced the hunter lifestyle with ease. A couple years back you ran into the Winchesters and they pretty much adopted you. You first met them when you were both working the same case and staying at the same shady motel. You noticed an Impala in the parking lot with the hood up and offered to help. Dean looks at you from under the hood and says “Yeah doll you could jump me. Uh I mean the car, the battery.” You both laugh as you decide to help them out, you pull next to Baby in your 67 Shelby GT 500 and Dean is impressed. You two hit it off right away and decided to work the case decided to make the team up permanent.
Hanging with “your boys” as you call them, meet all sorts of interesting characters; Castiel an angel of the Lord, a witch named Rowena, Charlie a nerdy hacker and your favorite by far, Crowley the King of Hell. You were always attracted to the darker things in life and you couldn’t get much darker than a demon who reins over Hell. He was suave, smart, sarcastic and nice-ish to you at least.
The first time you met Crowley you were on a hunt for some rogue demons with the boys. You were hold up in an abandoned house in the woods. They boys sent you on a food run and you came back with a couple pizzas, an apple pie, a case beer and a bottle of Jamison. You barge in the door and say “I got pizza, pie and beer.” Dean replies its about time sweetheart. Crowley, who doesn’t even look up from the map that Sam is showing him stated “You’re redundant darling. You don’t need to say pizza pie, everyone knows it’s a bloody pie. “Not redundant. Pizza comma pie. Pizza and apple pie…dumbass.” You reply. Dean almost chokes on his beer. “Oh feisty, I like her.” He replies as he looks you over. Sam tells him to back off as you just roll your eyes. The was the first job you worked with him, the first of many. After a few cases with you two busting each other’s balls, you started to like the guy, demon, whatever. You weren’t supposed to like the King of Hell, but you did. The boys would kill you if they found out. Well not literally but they WOULD kill Crowley. Of course, you couldn’t tell Crowley you had feelings for him. How the hell could he ever like you, a human, a hunter, a Winchester.
Its your birthday and you and the boys are hunting a Wendigo in Nebraska. They needed Crowley for something unrelated and have him stuck in a Demon trap on the first floor of this abandoned house.  You come down the stairs and Dean informs you there was another death; that he and Sam have to run into town and that you would be babysitting the demon. After they leave you sit on the desk across the room from Crowley, legs crossed in your jean shorts, black tank top and purple plaid shirt. Crowley eyes you seemingly with boredom in his eyes. You decide to grab your duffle bag and drop it on the desk. “You wanna drink? Don’t worry, it’s not the swill my brothers drink.” “What’s the occasion?” He asks. “My birthday you reply.” He cocks an eyebrow as you pull a bottle and 2 crystal glasses from your bag. “hmm, what’s your poison?” You turn holding the bottle of Glencraig and you see a smirk grace his face. You pour a glass and hand it to him carefully so not to disturb the trap lines. You pour yourself one as he says “You can’t possibly be related to those two. You don’t have a bad bone in your body.” Ah fuck it you think as you down your glass, step over the trap line to face Crowley. You stand on your toes to whisper in his ear “If you play your cars right, you can be the bad bone in my body.” As you grab his crotch. Holy shit he’s huge. His eyes widen and jaw hangs open as you step back out of the circle. He’s speechless as he downs his drink too. He shakes the empty glass signaling a refill. You pour yours first then carry the bottle over to refill his. He backs up so you have to reach your arm over the trap line to pour. As you finish pouring, he grabs your wrist with his empty hand and pulls you to him. He plants his lips on yours as you bring your empty hand to his face to lightly touch his stubbled cheek. He pulls away from the kiss and looks down at you with those whiskey eyes “Let me out of this trap so I can give you your gift.” You shake your head “the boys would kill me” he replies, “No, they’d kill me. Later then Darling.” He smirks before leaning back down for another kiss. This one rougher than before; he bites your bottom lips, his tongue wrestles yours for dominance. His empty hand grabs your ass as he leans back towards the outline of the trap, its magic holding him up as would a wall.  Just then you hear Baby coming up the driveway and detach yourself from Crowley and head back to the desk to sit down as if nothing happened.
Both of you grinning as the boys enter. Sam is carrying an ice cream cake while Dean carries a small package, “Happy birthday” they say in unison. Aw they did remember. Dean gives you your gift which turns out to be the latest installment in your favorite book series. Sam cuts up 3 slices of the cake, hands one to you and Dean and takes one for himself. “What about Crowley?” you ask. “What about him?” Dean asks. You stroll over to the trap and hand him your slice of cake with a wink and cuts another slice for yourself. Afterwards the boys get whatever they needed from him and release him, He winks at you before disappearing.
After another half hour or so of drinking you head upstairs to take a cold shower and head to bed. Sitting on the chair in your room is Crowley. “Took you long enough. I’m not a patient man, love.” “Sorry, didn’t know you were waiting for me.” You reply “I did say later didn’t I? Now come here.” He raises from his chair in the shadow and grabs you, both hands on your waist. He looks into your eyes before he teleports you both out of there to a dark bedroom with a large 4-post bed with black satin sheets. You can only assume this is his bedroom. The room smells of burning wood, leather, cashmere and whiskey; some of your favorite things. Is this on purpose or coincidence?
He allows you a moment to take in your surroundings before his attach begins. His lips seem to be everywhere at once; your lips, cheeks, ears, neck, jawline and collar bone. His hands explore your curves, your hands planted on his pert ass. He starts to nibble on your neck, but carefully so that he doesn’t leave marks. He pulls away and snaps his fingers and you feel cold around you as your clothes are now gone. You move to cover your breasts and women hood but he slaps your hand away, “don’t you dare, love.” He cocks his head to the side as he looks you over, a predator stalking prey. He smiles as he the pushes you back onto the massive bed.
He climbs on top of you and quickly kisses you while one of his hands starts to massage your breasts. You let out a small moan as he pinches and pulls on one of your nipples as he tries to gauge your preferences. He lowers his head and uses his mouth to play with the only. His tongue caresses it and uses his teeth to gently pull it. All the while watching your face to make sure you are enjoying every moment.
He drops his head lower between your legs and inhales your scent. The smell of you is rather earthy something vaguely reminds him of his childhood home. He pushes the thought from his mind as he dips his long tongue into your folds. You moan out his name in response. He licks from your clit down and into your entrance eliciting another moan. “Fuck, darling, you taste so damn good. You’re so wet for me already.” He plunges a finger inside of you causing you to moan, he adds another in response. His tongue works your clit as he pumps his fingers into you and out of you completely before diving back in again at a maddening speed. His other hand alternates between kneading your breasts and tugging your nipples. “Oh God, you feel so good.” Crowley stops, removes his fingers from you and lifts his head. “Don’t. Don’t ever call his name when you’re with me, love. Got it?! God’s not here.”  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry Crowley.” You whimper as he resumes his onslaught against you. You quickly approach your climax as your clench around his fingers, bucking your hips up into his face as he buries his face further into you as you cum on him. He pulls away from you, licks his fingers and smiles, “you are delicious. I could live down there.” You blush as you crawl to him and kiss his neck. He pulls away and tells you to get dressed. Fuck, what did I do wrong? You think. After your dressed he poofs you back to the abandoned house. “We re you pleased with your gift?” he asks. “Yes, very, but I’d like to return the favor.” “It was a gift, not a favor, Darling. Happy birthday” He kisses you quickly then disappears.  Best birthday yet. 
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