#Y'all love to try and push all bi people under One Definition
I actually find it so funny how (typically battle axe bi) panphobes will be like “Learn bi/your history!! Stop erasing our history! You’re ruining and tarnishing and destroying bi history by identifying as pan!!! >:(((” and then will literally just lie and make up shit about the history of pansexuality, and even bisexuality and the community itself
Like. Homie. I think the person who needs to “learn [their] history” is YOU
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kimbapmmbapbap · 3 years
More k-dramas y'all should watch
So, at the end of 2017, I created a post going through my favourite dramas of all time. Obviously, I have watched more dramas since then so I have a few more dramas that everyone needs to watch!!
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
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This is an obvious one, so if you haven't watched it, have you been living under a rock?? When I first heard of it just before it came out, I thought it was going to be a rip off of weightlifting fairy Kim bok joo. But boy, was I wrong!! This drama has the perfect amount of romance, comedy, thriller and crime, so it is a good all rounder drama!! The whole cast (not just the leads) had amazing chemistry. The only flaw with this drama is that it does queerbait a little. I wish they either didn't add it in the story or fully went with that the main lead is Bi.
The story surrounds a girl with superhuman strength who wants to be a video game designer. She has always hid her strength due to fear if hurting others and losing her power. She in a unrequited love with her childhood friend who is now a police officer. She then crosses the path of a CEO of a video game company and her starts to become more chaotic. With a serial killer on the loose, Do Bong Soon needs to decide if she will keep a low profile or use her powers for the better good while also falling in love on the way.
While You Were Sleeping
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Again, an obvious one, but it has to be watched!! Like strong woman, I was a little apprehensive of this one. Mainly because I hadn't heard good things about Suzy's acting before this came out. But it really surprised me and I really loved it! I'm a sucker for anything crime related, so with a really cute love story as well, it was amazing!! It has really good chemistry and likable characters. The second male lead is also amazing!! I usually don't get second male lead syndrome, but damn I felt it even though I also really loved the main lead. I can't really find any faults with it.
The story surrounds two people who can see the future through dreaming. This includes good and bad things. When the female reporter about dying while on the job, she quite her job to try and changes her fate. A prosecuter move across the street from her, initially they do not get on and their bond starts to grow. Together, they use both of their skills and their power to help change the future and solve crimes along the way. They also soon realise that this is not the first time they have crossed paths.
Psychopath Diary
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I cannot recommend this drama enough!! Honestly, it is so underrated!!! Yoon Shi Yoon's performance is incredible, he really embodies the role here. It is so funny, and sweet. You also see a serial killer low key but high key fall in love with the male lead, so there is major gay vibes. The only issue I have with it is, I wish there was a little romance involved. But it is a not a major want.
The story surrounds a pushover who is working at a stocks company. After a major issue arises, he becomes the Scapegoat of the company and is being blamed for it, even though he tried to prevent it. Due to this, he decides that he will end his life. On the way to do this, he witnesses a murder and accidentally picks up the serial killer's diary. While trying to escape, he gets hit by a car and gets amnesia. When he wakes up and reads the diary, he believes that he is the serial killer.
Honestly, please watch this drama, it is so so so funny, the chemistry of the whole cast is incredible. It also possibly has one of my favourite villians in any drama.
Your Honor / Dear Judge
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Yes, I am a simp Yoon Shi Yoon. He is just so good and thus role just confirms it! His acting is incredible, king of the double roles! He plays twins and you really tell when either pop up on screen which one he is. This is a really wholesome drama that makes you cry. It has some really sweet moments in it, the leads have such good chemistry. This only issues with this one is that the ending felt rushed. I hate that the TV company changed it from 20 eps to 16 eps.
The story follows a set of twins. Twin A is a top judge in Korea, who is incredibly smart and is living a rich life. Twin B is a criminal who has been screwed over multiple times by the justice system and Twin A. Their mother always sides with A and will tell B not to bother him. When A goes missing, B goes undercover and takes his brothers place. He soon learns about the corrupt world of the court system and his brother. B meets a law student who is meant to be shadowing A. Like B, she has also been affected by the corrupt system and is wanting to be a judge to convict those who have wronged her. Together they fight the system while also falling in love.
Because This is Our First Life
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This is a slice of life drama so will have some heavy moments in it. But on the whole, it is just so lovely and cute. The acting is incredible, they really take on the role. It also has one of the best female friendships which is not toxic, they all genuinely care for eachother and want eachother to achieve their dreams. It also has some true badass moments in it as well! I feel like all slice of life dramas have this, but it does have some frustrating moments where the characters are almost purposely making their life's difficult
The story focuses on a woman who is a drama script writer. Due to her patriarchal family who always favour her brother and being let down by her crush, she wants to move out. She ends up moving in with a friend of a friend of a friend. It is to her surprise that the person who she is moving in with is a man who is very much stuck in his own ways and likes to stick to routine. Due to their own desires to be on their own, they decide to get married to relieve the pressure that their families are giving them. This (of course) causes issues and both have to learn about their new feelings for eachother while trying to get through the struggles of life.
Thirty but Seventeen
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This drama is the definition of wholesome and cute. I feel that while I was watching it, it went by so quickly and I always had a smile on my face. The romance is so cute and lovely and you could tell they really cared about eachother. The side characters were also amazing and sweet. Honestly, the acting is incredible. The female lead does an amazing job.
The story follows woman who as a child was involved in a bus accident and fell into a coma. She wakes up over ten years later and learns that her family have stopped coming to see her. While on the search for her family, she resides with a man and his brother who are now living in her old family home. The two soon learn that there are more connected than they thought. With the man trying to push her away, the more his feelings grow for her.
Introverted Boss
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This is a revenge to love story. It on the whole is a really cute drama where you get to see the leads grow for the better. The acting is incredible and you really fall in love with the leads and the support cast (except for the second lead). It is not a perfect drama, but it is a really easy watch with an interesting story.
The female lead is a stage actress who quits her job to work at a marketing firm. This firm happens to be where her sister used to work. She is out to get revenge against the CEO of the company who she blames for her sister's death. She learns that the CEO is extremely introverted and becomes confused by how he was responsible for her sister's death. As the story goes by, she becomes more intrigued by him and focuses less on revenge and more on helping him open up.
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Ahhhhh, how do express my love for this one!! It is just amazing!! The story was so well thought out and the actors did a fantastic job. It was so satisfying to watch, I wanted to be a member of the mafia lol. The villians were also incredible, like I just love this drama so much. Like Your Honor, the only issue with this one is that the ending felt rushed.
The story surrounds a Korean man who was adopted into an Italian family and became the consiglerie of the mafia. After an issue with his adoptive family, he travels back to Korea in search an insane amount of gold bars which happens to be underneath an unsuspecting block of flats. He then gets involved with a major legal court case with a pharmaceutical company. As he delves deeper into the case, dark secrets start to get revealed.
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starshine583 · 5 years
Hooked On A Feeling
(Y'all I am like, high off of serotonin, you guys really like this fic that much?? Oh my word??? I can't believe how many notes and responses I am getting! Here's part 8 because you guys are so lovely that I can't possibly say no to giving you more)
Motorcycle Madness (This was part 7)
Marinette heard the roller coasters before she saw them. The rattling of the tracks and the giddy screams was a nice change from the crashing buildings and screams of terror that came from akuma attacks.
The Motorcycle rolled to a stop in the parking lot, and the two climbed off.
“So where did you rent this from?” Marinette asked, handing him his helmet.
“I didn’t.” Damian replied, hanging the helmet on the motorcycle handle and stashing the keys in his back pocket.
“Didn’t rent it.”
Marinette blinked. “Wait, you own this?”
Damian tilted his head from side to side in a “sort of” gesture. 
“It’s more of a ‘hand-me-down’, but yes.” 
Marinette scoffed. Hand-me-down? This thing is in mint condition!
She ran her hand over the motorcycle in admiration.
“What’s this?” 
Near the rear of the motorcycle, resting just underneath the seat, was a yellow R symbol that looked vaguely familiar. Hadn’t she seen it on Robin’s costume?
“Oh that?” Damian asked, following her gaze. “That’s just the brand symbol.”
“Brand symbol..” Marinette repeated under her breath. Why would a hero buy his costume from an ordinary store? What brand sells clothes and vehicles? 
“Are you ready to go?” 
Marinette shook her head, pushing the thoughts to the side and glancing up at Damian with a smile. Robin was on their side, so there was no reason to wonder about simple things like coincidental brand symbols.
She straightened. “Yep! Ready to go when you are. What do you want to do first?” 
“Doesn’t matter as long as we do it all.” He smirked, starting the walk into the amusement park.
Naturally, they started with the roller coasters. The spinning ones, the ones with loops, the ones that were so high that they lifted you off of your seat on the way down- they rode them all. Being a weekday, there weren’t as many people crowding the lines. That made it all the easier to ride the rides several times over again.
“Am I supposed to feel sick after a while?” Damian asked as they strolled to the next ride.
Marinette giggled and patted him on the shoulder. “You’ve never been to an amusement park before, have you?” 
“I have. Once or twice.” He admitted. “We didn’t get to ride any of the rides though.” 
She furrowed her eyebrows. People don’t usually go to amusement parks, and then not ride anything. 
“Why not?” 
Damian’s gaze flicked to her, oddly distant for a moment.
Then he looked ahead again. “Stuff came up.”
A frown tugged at the corner of her lips. That was an extremely vague answer..
“Do you want to get some water? I’m kind of hungry anyway.” She asked next, directing him towards the food station. She supposed it was rude to pry. So they might as well change the subject.
He appeared to appreciate it, a small smile coming back to his lips along with his shoulders relaxing. “Water should be fine, but I’m hungry too. What food do they have here?” 
Marinette snorted. “If you can call it food. They have Cotton Candy, Funnel Cake, Corn Dogs, Popcorn- mostly sugar that has a few extra ingredients to hold it together.”
Damian raised an eyebrow. “Well, I don’t want Cotton Candy. What was the other thing you said? Funnel Cake? What is that?” 
She gave a blissful, dramatic sigh. “It’s heavenly. I’ll get some to share.” 
They found a table near the stand, and Marinette got in line to order. A few minutes later, she gave Damian his water and set the plate of Funnel Cake between them.
“It’s hot, so be careful.” She warned, carefully breaking apart some of the pieces to cool it down faster.
Damian took the water bottle with a “thank you” and opened it.
She flashed him a smile, then picked up a small piece of the Funnel Cake.
“Here, try it.” Marinette said, holding it out to him.
He hesitated, giving her a look.
She rolled her eyes with a chuckle. “Come on, you liked the lattes. Just try it, okay?”
Her smile widened when Damian sighed in resignation. He leaned forward and let her feed him the funnel cake. Marinette flushed from embarrassment as she hadn’t expected to feed it to him herself, but he didn’t seem to think much of it.
“S-so? Your thoughts?” She held back a cringe when she stuttered. Great. Is that how the rest of this night’s gonna go?
Damian hummed. 
“It’s okay.”
Marinette shook her head. “You’re so picky.” 
The boy scoffed, though his lips held a smile. “You’re allowed to be picky when you have the money for it.” 
“True, true.” Marinette agreed.
She almost jumped when an alarm bell started ringing.
The two turned to see a little boy grinning from ear to ear and pointing out which toy he wanted from a game vendor.
“How do they stay in business?” Damian asked, watching the boy tightly hug his new, pink elephant. “The games are too easy to win.”
Marinette couldn’t help laughing. “Too easy to win? Most of those games are rigged for failure. The mom probably paid the vendor to get the stuffed animal.”
Damian gave her an incredulous look. “How? I could win those with my eyes closed.”
Her smile faltered. Is he being cocky or does he actually believe that?
“Why don’t we play them then?”
Marinette’s smile returned, this time more sly. “Let’s play the games, if they’re so easy.”
Damian narrowed his gaze at her. 
“If you want to.”
“Oh, I definitely want to.”
That’s how the competition began. Play each of the games together, and whoever wins the most, or has the highest scores combined, wins the whole competition. 
The first game was ring toss. Damian’s accuracy with the rings was uncanny, Marinette found out. She managed to get one or two, but he was able to throw six at a time without a problem, each landing on a separate bottle.
“How are you that good at ring toss?” She asked. No wonder he thought all of these games were easy!
Damian shrugged. “Practice.”
Practice? Practice? What kind of things do you practice to get that good??
Next game was a water gun game where you shoot the target to raise your icon to a certain point. Marinette had the luck of getting a gun with better water pressure, so she won that round.
“That shouldn’t count! It was pure luck!” Damian protested.
Marinette flashed him a smile. “Miraculous Luck, I’d say. I’m totally counting it, though.” 
Third game was Balloon and Dart. This was a close one, but Marinette and Damian ended up tying.
This continued for the next half hour with Marinette and Damian beating each other in different ways. By the time they finished, the sun had set, and the stars were glistening above them.
“What are we going to do with all of the prizes?” Damian asked once they finished the last game, holding up the handful of goods they’d won.
Marinette hummed, plucking a toy yo-yo off of the pile. There were definitely a lot of toys here that they didn’t need.
A soft gasp brought their attention to a little girl who was staring starry-eyed at the pile of toys in Damian’s hands. 
The two exchanged a glance, before sharing a smile.
“You want one?” Marinette said sweetly, handing her the yo-yo.
The girl eagerly took it, slipping the string onto her fingers and attempting to swing it around.
“Guess we know what to do with them now.” Damian commented, already starting to hand out the rest of the toys to passing kids.
Marinette smiled, taking half the pile to help. The grins from the kids and appreciative looks from the mother warmed her heart. 
“What do you want to do next?” Damian asked after they finished giving away the toys.
Marinette hummed, glancing around the theme park. They’d ridden all of the roller coasters, played all of the games..
“Oh! Let’s ride the Ferris Wheel!” She exclaimed. It’d be a perfect way to end the day!
Damian looked up at the attraction, a small smile crossing his lips. “After you.”
Marinette squealed, excitedly shifting from foot to foot before starting for the Ferris Wheel.
Because it was later in the day and school had long since let out, the amusement park was now packed with people. She could barely hear Damian telling her to slow down over the talking and laughing and screaming, nor did she register how many people she bumped into or squeezed past. 
It wasn’t until she felt a light pull on her arm that she turned back around.
“You’re hard to keep up with in a crowd.” Damian said.
Marinette laughed, giving an apologetic smile. Then her eyes trailed to their hands. 
Damian glanced down as well, and he started to pull his hand away from hers. “Sorry, I was trying to stay together.”
A blush bloomed across Marinette’s cheeks, and she giggled. He looked so uncertain. It was adorable, really.
She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.” 
Now it was Damian’s turn to blush, and oh, if that didn’t give her butterflies..
The line for the Ferris Wheel was a bit long, but Marinette felt it went faster with Damian’s hand in hers.
They were still holding hands as they got on the ride and as they got to the top. The stars littered the clear night sky, almost as bright as the shining lights lining the roller coasters.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Marinette breathed, completely absorbed in the inky blackness of the night.
She didn’t see the way Damian’s eyes softened, or how his eyes were only on her as he said, “Yeah. It is.” 
Tag List: @thebookwormfairy @unholykrow @constancetruggle @vixen-uchiha @derpingrainbow @kceedraws @graduatedmelon @starry-bi-sky @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @sweatyruinsstudentbored @go-n-ef @tinybrie @resignedcatservant @never-neverland @captainmac6 @drama-queen-supreme  @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @roseinbloom02 @grimmhallow31 @zazzlejazzle @crazylittlemunchkin @iggy-of-fans @origamieater @kiara-rose-blackthorn @spicybelladonna @redscarlet95 @mooshoon @t-nikki10 @auradonfairy @shamefulllove @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @johnlockfeelz @imfreakingmagical
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Monsters under your bed (Jack Benjamin) (Pt. 2)
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Characters: Bi!Jack Benjamin x Maid!Fem!You
Summary: You are carrying an heir of Gilboa. Everything was all planned by Jack, yet getting your heart involved too much wasn't your intention that you could surpass your dead step-brother's love for the prince himself. Challenges may come that could even get the Queen of Gilboa involved between you both, or maybe she had been the player all along?
Warning: ANGST. Homophobic mother. This could make your blood boil for you and Jack. I do not know how the royal monarchy works except for those kdramas that I watch (and I know it is very much different from the western type of royalty) but I hope I give justice to this because I've watched his parts and I have wikipedia as reference? Jack can be quite one manipulative son of a gun here! Probably non/con as well if you squint at it closely? 
Words: 2,450+ This is long! Prepare for it! Especially the angst and sadness!
A/N: (READ PART 1 OF 'Monsters under your bed'!) I'm in a Jack Benjamin thirst! You want Jack? I'll give y'all Jack! He deserves more loveeee yo! 
Disclaimer: GIF'S and pictures used are not mine. Only the edits are and the oneshot of course. 😉 Credits to the owners of the GIFS. PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARIZE MY WORKS! Thank you!
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THE SMELL OF ROYALTY AND PROSPERITY DANCED AROUND THE PALACE'S FUNCTION ROOM. Fabricated smiles and swindling minds of people who held power stood on the palace grounds as prince and princesses came sauntering in with grace and pompousness. The air became quite thick as the party started as the soon-to-be-queen entered the function room with tainted innocence plastered on her face, holding Prince Jack's elbow as she looked at him like she was madly in love.
Though, that wasn't the case. They both needed the power. She needed Jack to be the righteous king and Jack had that in mind as well.
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They finally shared such a sweet kiss to the media who had been harassing them with pictures which seemed to only be a part of your imaginations because servants weren't allowed to step foot in the party as requested by King Silas. You were just one of the palace's chamber maids and you've dreamt of dressing up in a beautiful silver gown just like what Kristina has been wearing since the start of their engagement party.
It was Jack's engagement party and you've never felt more wrathful then ever. Your mind was in a berserk as the day finally came. You knew it was coming, you knew it was inevitable from the start and having the royalty in becoming Jack's wife will never be yours. All the title you had was a lowly maid of his and having his heart will never happen because it has not been yours from the start.
Since the death of your step-brother, you had no family besides Jack. You have been alone in the palace and had no one to save you, no knight in shining armor to save you from a palace where revenge takes place or a fight over the power they hoped to have.
Yet, your step-brother even had the audacity to leave such baggage as to having Jack around 24/7. Never even thinking you would eventually fall for his antics.
Unluckily getting your heart involved in it without even thinking that he probably only see you as a pawn to his plan in getting the throne.
Jack had been ineffable in terms of decisions. His plans could get people to think that it wasn't actually his doing. From the day your step-brother died, he was indescribable, difficult to read and see through his soulful eyes unlike before. He was a freaking time-bomb that even the littlest things would began to irritate him.
You were walking through the hall, strolling past the function room and up towards the magnifescent carpeted stairs, taking a flight to the palace's library until somebody had to grab your wrist, spinning you around till you were caged in between the arms of the man who has you wrapped around his fingers, including the peaceful life of leaving the palace never succeeded because of his ignoble decisions for you.
"Why does it feel like you only want to escape from me?" Jack seethed through gritted teeth. Jaw tight and tense from the idea of ignoring him and planning to escape from his shadows since the past few weeks.
Especially now that you officially had a living person inside of you due to heedless reasons.
"Because you did this to me! You ruined my life, Jack!" You barked back, never minding the echo dancing around the empty hall. His grip around your wrists grew tighter, and you knew you heard him emit a feral growl beneath his chest while you scramble to take his hold off you.
"I only did that..I only did that--" he stuttered, promptly glancing down the red, carpeted floors before intently staring into your defeated eyes. "You did what? You planned this didn't you? For what selfish purpose, your majesty?!"
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"I did it to keep you by my side!" Jack answered back, his voice in a hush. "--I didn't want to lose you too, so I did it!" he throttled like he was beginning to be in tears. Jack gazed into your clouded vision, your soul was ready to kneel before the royalty in front of you as if you had no right to object but to kneel before the prince. You definitely had no right, because he was royalty and you were nothing.
"But, it was with consent, Y/N!" he continued like saying it would make you support his plans. "I've told you the night before! All of my plans!"
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Your heart was starting to feel numb, it was starting to feel tight and suffocating and the wrath flowing inside your veins became tears that were finally unconfined around your eyes, falling down towards your face like a fallen star whom had never gotten a simple girl's wishes. "But that didn't involve myself in becoming your concubine!"
"I knew you were going to leave," he barked back, the Jack you know finally becoming a vengeful person who wanted nothing but power. "I can sense it," Pause. "So, I created a plan to cease you before it even happens,"
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The hall was eerie as two hearts were in a battle. One who held nothing but an invalidated soul trapped inside a body who held his true self to the public, and the other was a generous heart who never contemplated on giving the heart she preciously held dear with open arms.
"I hate you," Wrong. You whispered darkly. Voice trembling with the need to lash out on him but you never did. "W-what?"
He was sure he didn't heard you right. Jack knew how you felt about him, and those words were utter lies. The man just knew it deep inside because of that certain night with him which seemed to be a mistake.
"I hate you, I never wanted to get involved in your monarchy,"
"But, I love you--" He didn't. You knew he was lying or maybe not? Though, his actions tells otherwise because if he did love you, he wouldn't have knocked you up when he got a fiancè to marry. It would just make you a paramour who held an heir of a prince who was soon to be king.
A paramour, only a paramour and not a queen.
"Lies," you spat back with much ferocity, sobbing a little before trying hard to stop the tears from falling. You could feel his fingers softly grabbing your chin, kind of almost convincing that he actually cared for your feelings and you knew you were close to breaking apart in his presence.
Jack made you look into his hypnotizing blue eyes, a soul which seemed to be locked up for his mother's wishes. "You're only saying that because I've been the person you've depended on whenever you had your triggers," you slapped his deceiving fingers away from your face, completely feeble as you slightly pushed him away before he could have you surrendering before him for the hundredth time.
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Finally, you've managed to talk your heart out to him. The painful reality slipping past your lips like it was bane to your love for Jack Benjamin. Silently praying to the heavens or specifically to your brother up in the sky and saying your apologies for loving his boyfriend a little too much than he does.
Your knees were trembling and so was your untainted heart which is the purest out of all in the palace. But, you were slowly starting to become tainted, your heart was slowly becoming one just like his. The stigma of having such a royal baby inside of you will never give you a peaceful life.
Hence, having your feelings not be reciprocated needed retribution and also for your brother who have committed suicide because of the prince.
"You only want me because I could keep you balanced and in-check," you added, taking deep breaths and trying to keep your mind straight, "Or probably because I am Joseph's step sister," Jack had kept his mouth sealed in a straight line. Probably because all you said was true and so you thought.
You weakly took a step forward, in an arms reach before Jack whom had nothing to say after all the things that was bubbling up his mind, trying to understand what was going on. The game that you both had been keeping up, those cat and mice kind of games that kept him furious and tetchy was finally coming to an end.
One knee falling and therefore the other fell as well. You succumbed to his majesty, an act that could have Jack clapping for his succession, yet the sound of your defeated voice like you had no other choice deeply broke his heart. Even though, his expression seemed insensate.
"--And that I remind you of him," you continued, whispering to yourself and harshly wiping your tears away before Jack could even kneel in front of you and wipe your tears instead. He ceased his actions in wiping your tears away, seeming to see you do it faster than he does.
"Your majesty, ruin me."
All Jack saw was a soul that he did not manage to take care of, Joseph was probably disappointed of what he just did towards his baby step-sister whom he treasured so much and here he was, ruining the heart of his step-sister just like how he ruined Joseph's.
"--For all I care, ruin me just like how you ruined my brother's heart. I don't care, Jack. I already know I'm ruined before you even become king,"
You peered up into his hazy, reddish eyes. Watching you break down on his feet was shameful in his part. How did it even end up like this? How did he end up like this? "As long as this child I am holding dear will soon become the prince or princess of Gilboa--," you seethed through trembling, chapped lips. The need to have your child to never be invalidated or out of the picture will become your number one priority, despite of how it sounded like you had a motive but it was a motive that will benefit you in the future.
A future that held too many rough destinies for the both of you.
"--And I will be by your side, even though I am only your concubine which will never be the same degree as the queen," Another tear fell as if the dignity you've been holding up high was now falling down like leaves of trees from the autumn wind, "I will accept your wishes, your highness."
Jack felt his heart sinking as the image of you kneeling before him like you were inferior was making his blood boil for himself. Why did he ended up having you to act like this? Was he too much of a simpleton to follow his mother's words? Every plan he made was everyone's doing. It was everybody's manipulation.
It even got to the idea of throwing you away because a fool once said that you and your child would be a hindrance just like how Joshua was and it didn't end up that well because all he got back was his death.
The clung of a woman's heels came echoing closer, stopping beside you was a high-end black heeled shoes and your eyes were ready to pop out of your eye sockets because somebody had to see you look lowly in front of the prince, mentally ruining your integrity around the palace.
"That's good to hear, Y/N." Queen Rose Benjamin muttered as a matter of fact, stopping her son from kneeling on the ground in level with you because some people were watching like an audience, and it wasn't just any ordinary audiences because they were people who Jack knew by heart. "--because you never suit being the queen," she continued as she loomed above you like a hawk watching its prey.
"--Having the suicidal blood of a boy whom my son has ever loved will never suit royalty," She said with utter spite, her eyebrows in a twist. "It even got to the point that my own son began to make such rebellious decisions and closeted mistakes because of your disgraceful step-brother," The queen lowered her voice down till you and Jack could only hear her. She tightened her hold around her son's arm, signalling him that she never knew Y/N was now bearing a child of royalty. Jack's child.
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"Jack, sweetheart?" she called, breaking Jack's hazy, bombarded head as he looked empty and defeated just like you. He was just like a chess piece that his mother controls, and he had been getting tired of it. Though, he never did notice that he have been using you like how his mother does to him as well. You were both just victims, yet Jack could become a hero if he wanted to clean his name in vain, unlike you.
"You never did learn," His mother spat back, roughly spinning her son just to slap him out of his senses, surprising you to say the least as you immediately grabbed Jack's pant sleeve once you saw his mother slap him out loud.
Jack could not do anything but tighten his jaw. She was his mother after all. All he could do was tighten his fists on his side, wanting nothing but to pick you up and never let his mother touch you because you held his very own heir.
Though, that didn't happen because he was too late to react as the queen discourteously kicked your hold away from Jack's leg, making your stumble a little on the ground. Both palms on the carpeted floor like the servant you were.
"Now, I would want you to kiss the ground he walks on and follow my son's wishes, Y/N."
So, you did despite of his family and even King Silas who have been watching you both from afar. A thought bubbling inside the king's mind as if history repeated itself because of what Jack has just committed.
"Because that's all you'll ever be. A mere, pathetic Proletariat; more so much lower than your suicidal step-brother,"
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official-queer · 5 years
sooo i figured it’d be helpful for me to make a complete post on my thoughts on pansexual as a label. i've answered a few asks about this and then figured i'd covered it enough, but i realize that i covered separate points in each post/ask. 
i'll try to make it as organized as possible, but y'all know i'm the king of run-on sentences and unnecessarily long statements and restatements. so yeah, this is gonna be a long one, fellas
"bi = two, pan = all"
in reality, the bi identity has always included attraction to all genders. i'm sure you'll've heard it time and time again, but the 1995 bisexual manifesto states very clearly that bi people are not duogamous in their attraction. insisting that bisexuality is only for attraction to cis men and cis women paints bisexuality as transphobic, as well.
the pan label became so popular with the rise of awareness of nonbinary identities because people started to find it important to state they were also attracted to nonbinary people. the whole pan- prefix was specifically picked because people were aware that "nonbinary" was merely a category for those who fell outside of the imposed male-female dichotomy, and under which several hundred genders could fall.
so... bisexual includes all these hundreds of genders, and pansexual specifies these hundreds of genders. seems redundant, but what's the issue?
"some people find the distinction important"
this is a sentiment i've heard brought up as an argument to just leave pan people alone. but i don't find it quite so valid an argument, irony not intended. *why* is the distinction so important? how come one can concede that bi people like all genders too, but you *must* let people know you are the type of "m-spec" who is definitely able to be attracted to all genders?
the idea one can id as pan but still agree that bi people can also feel the same way a pan person does is contradictory. you are attempting to label an experience as x and argue that it's a necessary label, when there was already a label for x and y. the very idea of a "distinction" is to point out how something is *different*. it's completely redundant.
so if bi and pan are the same, is there some other reason why someone would prefer pan over bi?
"attraction regardless of gender"/"hearts not parts"
i'm lumping these two together because, despite sounding like different points, they argue the same thing in the end. it's just that one is more subtle.
when the label of pansexual was in it's formative years, some sought to argue that pan *is* different from bi, because pansexuals do not consider gender when they are gauging attraction to someone. there are several problems with this.
this switches pan from a "who" label (correct usage of a sexuality label, denoting to whom you are attracted, referring to gender), to a "how" label (incorrect usage of a sexuality label, denoting in what circumstances one feels attraction, not accounting for gender). with the other definition of pan, the "who" was simple - anyone of any gender. with this definition, the "how" is now involved, that being without regarding gender.
within normal parameters of a sexuality label, as in, a "who" label, it is functionally the same as the previous definition. you are still attracted to any gender.
just as well, it can be used just as well for a bi person attracted to all genders. many bi people have stated this is exactly how they feel, and so you jump back to the distinction argument. but also, many gay and straight people have also expressed that gender plays no part in *how* they feel their attraction. their attraction may only include one or so gender(s), but beyond that, it's not something that factors in.
many trans and specifically nonbinary people have stated distaste at this definition as it is dismissive of gender. one gets the impression that their gender struggles, growth, identity, etc. is not important to the pan who uses this definition.
specifically in regards to "hearts not parts", a very popular quote around the early years of the pan label - this gives the very strong idea that pan people are claiming that only their sexuality involves being attracted to the important parts of someone; their mind, their soul, their identity beyond gender, etc.. this is just... yuck.
just as well, this further pushes the pretty prevalent idea among mogai/inclus that gay, bi, and straight people are driven solely by sexual desire. while the "hearts not parts" phrase is uniquely pansexual in nature, the sentiment is shared by inclus asexual and other people using "how" labels, such as demisexual and other "a-spec" people. this sentiment is considered pretty homophobic, because while the idea seems to be against gay, bi, *and* straight people, it is weaponized frequently in opposition to gay and bi folk, especially lesbians.
"it's just a preference"
preferences are for flavors of ice cream. i highly doubt one is basing their whole identity on the phonetic sounds of "pan" vs. "bi", or a "prettier flag", or what have you. typically, if one dives deeper into what exactly these "preferences" are, they almost all lead back to misconceptions about bi as a label.
differing community
it's no secret that pansexual people have, at an alarming rate, culminated for themselves a unique culture and community. it's also no secret that a lot of this reeks of the era it was born from - 2009-2012 internet culture - but my distaste is my own.
some argue that their preference for the pan label is simply due to this differing community. some... do not argue this, but it's apparent. what either party doesn't consider is this: stating preference for one community, in this situation, is stating a preference to not be included in the other community.
this is why i say that some pan people, while not consciously aware, adhere to this argument. i was one of these people. this is where you'll have to forgive my heavy reliance on personal anecdote, but i believe it applies.
when i id'd as pan, i realized later that a big portion of my preference for this label stemmed from this mystified idea of the bi community. in my head, subconsciously, i viewed bi people as mature but not too mature, sexy, club-going, drug-using, edgy. i thought i couldn't be one of those people because they were too *cool* (these ideas aren't cool in this regard - they're very common biphobic stereotypes). pansexuals, on the other hand, where nerdy, friendly, meme-loving, sex-positive but not promiscuous. so many of the "fandom moms" we all used to admired had pan in their tumblr description, twitter bio, blog header, etc.. i could relate to this! (emphasis on could... i'm a normal human being now)
you can see these internal biases become very apparent when you see pan people insisting that their preference is "valid", or when you try to get them to explain how they're different from bi people at all. this isn't a matter of "one community or another", or even "one community over another", but "one community over the boogeyman of our idea of their community". and it all becomes so silly when you see how self-imposed this is - all these traits are bi culture! you're bi! you are contributing all this to bi culture, and you only need to shed your internalized biphobia and realize this!
fetishization of trans identities
i touched on this in my first point, but i'll go more in depth here. essentially, the idea that there must be a separate identity for those willing to date nb people, and god forbid if you're even more ignorant, trans men and women, is inherently othering and, in many cases, fetishizing of trans identities.
in my experience, the pan person who recognizes that pan is the same as bi, but who claims they are pan due simply to preference, is actually in the minority. for every pan of this sort i've seen, i've seen 20 more who blatantly believe that they must id as pan, since they would date trans and nb people. i believe this is almost directly related to how many cis people id as pan, as well as a mix of trans+nb people who've been fed this narrative and now believe it to be true. those quirky fandom moms i mentioned? all cis, all iding as pan performatively. the label of pan is an act of defiance in their eyes, the ultimate symbol of trans+nb allyship. and it's so, soooo cringey. i'd rather they be honest and id as "chaser" and be done with it.
if you're one of those people, or someone who believes this distinction is valid, hear me when i say this: TRANS PEOPLE DO NOT WANT YOUR SPECIAL TREATMENT! binary trans men and women want to be included in your overall binary men and women categories. trans men are men, trans women are women. attraction to men includes trans men by default, attraction to women, the same. nb people adjacent to these binary genders (demi-man, genderfluid, trans masc, agender+masc presenting, etc.) like to be included in these categories of attraction on an individual basis! there are gay men who date masc nb people, and lesbians who identify lesbian attraction as attraction to non-men, and vice versa. how can you rectify iding with an identity solely to point out your attraction to these otherwise unincluded (by your standards) categories, all in the name of being for these peoples' desires, while also ignoring their pleas to just be included and normalized within *all* attractions? can you say that gay, straight, lesbian, and pan people can all be attracted to trans+nb people, but not bi people? that's silly! so, in your attempt to be more inclusive, you've actually insisted on further othering us.
i'll add more points if/when they're brought up, or if i remember anything else later. i just got back from work and am quite tired, so.. :,)
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