#X-Treme X-Men 2013 10
Namor Week 2023
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Day 4 - Alternate Universe
Miyamoto Namor was created by Greg Pak and Steven Segovia. He appeared in X-Treme X-Men (2013) 10 and 11.
In his universe, he left Atlantis to fight for Imperial Japan and Xavier brought the British over to the side of the Axis, who won WWII. After the war, Xavier killed the leaders of his allies to rule supreme. Atlantis then flooded the world, killing most of the surface dwellers. While Namor was confronting Atlantis, Xavier destroyed them in a sneak attack.
Miyamoto Namor had been searching for this evil version of Xavier for a decade, when X-Men team of variants appeared and discovered Xavier, prompting a long over due clash between the two mutants of Earth 13410.
Fan art of a Japanese Namor is by Drums of the Serpent and Lucas Pereira
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teatitty · 2 years
No comic page moment has ever lived up to X-Treme X-Men #10 back in 2013 when we saw Logan and Hercules kiss. Look at this. Perfection
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WIP game: going for the food. Pina colada, lunchbox, and barbecue.
I already did Pina Colada for @chaotic-hypnotic-erotic!
Lunchbox is set in the X-Treme X-Men Era-ish that ran during 2013 when current world Scott Summers wound up dimension traveling with James Howlett, who was married to Hercules. Kurt Waggoner, age 13 (I believe, maybe 14) wound up traveling with them. Scott also met a few alternate versions of himself, one a Wild West sheriff and another a black Union soldier.
This fic, however, is about Howlett and Hercules as co-dads of Kurt Waggoner after 616 Scott returns to his own reality. Scott Summers, Union soldier, lives with them as Uncle Scott while Howlett and Herc are dads. The idea of this fic came from Prompt: @crow821 130 prompt challenge, February’s 10 (bully), and the title came from Marilyn Manson's song Lunchbox to refer to Kurt's Spider-Man lunchbox that he guards with his life (that in the comics seems to have blood on it for some reason). I provide that reason.
On we plow
Kurt Waggoner’s feet barely touches the pavement as he races for his life away from the middle school.  The pounding of shoes behind him match his heartbeat, the latter thundering harder as the sound gets louder and closer.  This is just his third week in this new school because he and his dads and uncle have to keep relocating for a variety of other reasons. 
A voice inside his head tells him to teleport home, but the teenager’s panicked, and sometimes if he ports when he’s panicked, he winds up in the wrong places like the walk in freezer at his pops’ favorite Chinese restaurant up the street.  Or the church in the middle of a baptism. 
Or the dressing room at Justice where one of his cute-girl classmates is changing clothes. 
Kurt rounds a corner and slams into a wall that knocks him backward.  He lands on his back and lets out a cry when the sidewalk jams the base of his tail against his spine. 
That’ll be bruised for days, he thinks as he tries to get to his feet. 
That’s when the ‘wall’ steps closer to him.  Looms over him.  Then reaches down and hauls Kurt up with fistfuls of his shirt, dangling him over the cracks in the pavement. 
Kurt wishes those cracks would open up and swallow him whole. 
“Yer a freak,” Bully #1 spits.  “Don’t care what the rules say.”  He shakes Kurt hard. “Ain’t gotta be nice...”  Shake.  “...to no demon...”  Shake.  “...freak...”  Shake.  “...like you.”
Kurt can’t take another shake, especially not when he hears the sound of a switchblade being unleashed behind him. 
“Fuck you,” he snarks then clutches his backpack strap tighter as well as the lunchbox they’d already dented two days before. 
In a puff of purple smoke that stings the nostrils of everyone close enough to get caught in it, Kurt’s gone, teleported right out of that grip.  He doesn’t even hear the swears or threats of worse violence from his tormentors. 
I want to grow up
Every day it’s a new assault, a new bruise under his fur; he’s grateful for the fur so that his dads and uncle won’t see, a new cut that’s harder to hide from adult eyes. 
They aren’t really his fathers or uncle, but they’re all the family he has left, and he doesn’t want them to be disappointed in his inability to shake these assholes at school.  All three are great warriors, and while Kurt’s no slouch, they never let him do as much of the fighting while they were dimension traveling to kill off the evil Xaviers.  Kurt always had to stay back just out of the way of the rough stuff.  They respect him and his abilities, but first and foremost, they want him to be a kid and not a soldier.  Not a warrior. 
Not yet. 
All American Barbecue
Back in 2012, Brian Michael Bendis wrote the atrocious AvX (Avengers vs. X-Men) series that pitted the X-Men against the Avengers, specifically Steve Rogers, who behaved like a jackbooted thug on the urging of a Logan-scorned, when the Phoenix was intending to come for the mutant named Hope. Scott believed that with the right training, Hope could handle the Phoenix better than Jean ever did and could rekindle the mutant population that Wanda Maximoff had decimated during her "no more mutants" storyline (also written by Bendis, who stated several times that if he's given the mutants to write, he'll destroy them). To say that I was pissed about this comic series is an understatement, and I generally like to pretend that it didn't exist now.
Here are my summary and my notes from the WIP that maybe one day I'll finish writing.
Summary: Captain Steve Rogers investigates the report of a missing girl, Hope Summers, on the mutant island of Utopia, only he doesn’t quite find what he thinks he’ll find.
This is an odd crossover idea that came about because of a page out of Marvel 1602 where Scott introduces himself as “Scotius Summerisle.” I had read it once before and it hadn’t even registered with me then – Summerisle – not until recently when I saw the panel again and the connection between this Summerisle and Lord Summerisle from the 1973 Wicker Man hit me. And I laughed. I laughed really hard, which I needed after all of the Schism and AvX fuckery that Marvel has been putting us through over the last year. And then Bendis decided to break up Scott and Emma, which has pissed off a lot of us fans. So in essence, what I’m doing with this fic is much like what I did with “Never Piss Off a Telepath” – I’m taking out a lot of my anger over this whole situation on the character I blame the most, and I’m going to have wicked fun doing it so that if nothing else, while it won’t have removed AvX from existence nor will it keep Bendis from doing what he’s doing, it will at least have put a smile on my face.
Keep in mind that because of AvX, I really did NOT like Steve Rogers at the time, and it was through the sheer perfect acting of Chris Evans that I ever did start liking him.
Tony reached over into the stack of mail that Clint had brought in about an hour earlier and rummaged around until he found one in particular. “Speaking of the X-Men, this came addressed to you. Don’t know who sent it…just that it’s from Utopia.” He shook it as if he could hear something rattling, which he couldn’t, then he handed it up into Steve’s waiting hand.
“Doesn’t look official,” Steve commented, glad that he could focus on something other than his goofy singing that was still playing on the laptop and the big screen. He tore open the envelope and tugged out a letter that had been typed, and inside it was a picture of a redhead in her mid-to-late teens.
“It’s not even in e-mail. Who the hell sends letters like that anymore?” Tony groused, his nose wrinkled over his goatee, which he scratched three fingers through before flopping back against the couch. “Even Erik’s gotten with the technological age…and he’s in your geriatric group.”
Steve arched a perfect blond eyebrow at his teammate and responded to the jab with only a sneer. Then he dropped his eyes to the letter.
Captain Rogers,
Things are so different here on Utopia than they were in Westchester, and I’m not entirely sure where to begin in telling you about my concerns. The worst of which involves the young woman in the photo I’ve sent with this letter. You see, this girl, Hope, has gone missing. No one has seen her in weeks, and she’s not quite old enough to leave the island by herself, even though everyone knows she’s been receiving piloting lessons since she became of age. None of the island’s jets have left, however. All are accounted for. Everything is accounted for, actually, except the girl herself.
This is most distressing, Captain Rogers. Hope is a sweet girl and very responsible. She wouldn’t have just up and disappeared on her own, so I suspect that something has gone terribly wrong. I hope you can and are willing to come here to get to the bottom of this yourself. I hesitate to say that this is so extreme that it requires the whole of the Avengers, but you are a respected figure here, and at the very least, if you were to show up yourself, I have no doubt that this matter would be straightened out right away.
A Concerned Citizen of Utopia
“So what do the good citizens of mutant-world want, Steve? Don’t tell me. Logan’s hosting a bake-sale and wants you to put in an appearance so he can jack up the prices of his beer-cakes,” Tony quipped. Already, he’d moved on from watching Steve humiliate himself in the elevator to searching the internet for a donut shop that would deliver.
Steve snorted. “No. Nothing so amusing this time. It seems as if the mutants are having trouble policing their…well, trouble. I didn’t think they could make things work on that island without problems. Then again, look at them. They’re hedonistic…so many of them always were, but since they’ve stopped pretending to live in normal society, they’ve just gotten worse.”
Tony looked up at Steve with a ‘what the fuck’ look stamped on his features. He squirmed on the couch until his ass was firmly in a ‘ready to listen to Steve go on a tirade’ position. He typed something on his laptop and just waited. And waited. And when he glanced up at Steve again, he could see the Boy Scout’s nostrils flaring as if he already pictured some grave injustice being done on that island across country. Other than the mutants who still made their home in the city or wherever they did, most of them were well-out of the way and not worth worrying about. Even Erik wasn’t causing problems anymore. Why was Steve so bothered?
Because he was Steve.
WIP Game
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hessobbingincabo · 3 years
Rating Betsy Braddock and Kwannon’s Outfits Throughout Their Comic Book History
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Ground rules
I’m gonna start from the left side, top to bottom and do the same on the right
My opinions are highly subjective, keep that in mind
I may discuss some costumes that are not pictured and will add to the quiz if I find a good image of said costumes
Art - Russell Dauterman, Hellions #12 Cover Variant
Costume Galleries > http://psylocke-butterfly.blogspot.com/2015/02/psylocke-costume-gallery-update-beyond.html < & > https://uncannyxmen.net/characters/revanche/costume-gallery <
Dissassembled Psylocke II (from Uncanny X-Men [vol.5] #2, 2018) - starting off strong, this one is actually one of my most favorite Betsy looks. The soft purples are a really nice change of pace from her regular deep indigos and it’s a welcome one at that! The details on her bodysuit really add to that “psychic powerhouse of an elite team of mutants” vibe. A solid 9/10.
Astral Plane Princess Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Force [vol.2] #3, 2013) - to be completely transparent, I don’t really dig the whole “warrior princess” vibe it gives off. The dress looks unpractical and way too frilly, the headband is out of place and the boots are too voluminous (but do match the shoulderpads, I’ll give ‘em that). Confidently, a 2/10.
X-Treme Psylocke (from X-Treme X-Men [vol.1] #1, 2005) - even though it is very reminiscent of her original costume, as sexy and revealing as it is, it looks very dull and unimaginative, sticking to the basics. Only adding an awkward red streak that doesn’t match anything, on her face, solidifies this as a 3/10.
Puzzle Quest Revanche (from X-Men [vol.2] #21, 1993) - not even gonna lie, I lowkey enjoy spy-catsuit Revanche. In my opinion it holds up well even to this day, adding a certain flaire to miss Kwannon. The pink also compliments really well her deep purple, rounding up the score to a good 6/10.
All-New All-Different Psylocke (from Uncanny x-Men [vol.4] #1, 2016) - weirdly enough I feel somewhat indifferent towars this costume. It does it’s job of revitalizing the original costume into something more slick and stylish well, but it lacks flair and elegance as it is basically “Ninja Psylocke”. A decent score of 6/10.
Mutant Massacre Agent Braddock (from Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #213, 1987) - as tacky and a “product of it’s time” it is, I absolutely adore this rendition of Psylocke. Despite the grim title, this costume is very happy, bright and comforting, with soft pink hues and bulbous sleeves. It strays far from Psylocke’s usual ensamble, but maybe that is a good thing and so I give it a happy 7/10.
Original/The Hand/Blue Team Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #256, 1989) - ah, the original Psylocke costume, giving you and me all the flashbacks. Absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is the most iconic Psylocke costume, though, that doesn’t mean it’s even close to being a favorite of mine. The version where every X-Men just put on a jacket over their regular costume and called it a day, actually looks a bit more dashing to me. Maybe it’s too simple or maybe it’s the oversaturation of media picturing Betsy/Kwannon with this suit that has me sighing at the sight of it. For it’s time it worked, but I’m glad we moved onto bigger and broader horizons with her. Still, an iconic look nonetheless, so a decent score of 6/10.
Acts of Vengance Lady Mandarin (from Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #257, 1989) - I’m really conflicited about this look - on the one hand our girl looks badass and truly formidable, on the other hand, she becomes unrecognizable and even looks messy, as cohesive as it TRIED to be. It was an interesting change, along with her moniker, that never truly paid off. An even score of 5/10.
This Is Forever Kwannon (from Uncanny X-Men [Vol. 5] #16, 2019) - channel your inner ninjas everyone, Kwannon has opened a dojo. No really, this look is the epitome of “mysterious ninja”. It’s a classic trope that suits Kwannon’s personality as a calculating assassin, perfectly balancing the darkness of her palette with the shadows (and perfectly contrasting with the brightness her psi-blade), while still having that panache usual for Kwannon and Betsy’s outfits. So, in secret, here is a shady 8/10.
Psi-War Psylocke (from X-Men [vol. 2] #78, 1998) - I’mma straight up say it - Psylocke looks like she is Blackheart’s daughter. Like legit! But anyways, if you didn’t know would you even CONSIDER that this is Psylocke? In some cases straying from a character’s original design pays of but here we just flopped, as there is nothing memorable in this design. And to top it all off, guess what? The red streak is back. And the low scores are also back - 2/10.
X-Uniform Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #273, 1991) - as is costumary, Psylocke also has the iconic yellow and blue garb. Nothing much to say as every X-Man has to, at one point, wear these colors and show their worth to mutantkind. That warrants an equally costumary score of 5/10.
Revolution Psylocke (from X-Men [vol. 2] #100, 2000) - is it just me or does she look like an anti-hero/rogue (pun totally intended) type of character with that scarf and bandana? I kind of like how silver looks on her but the red streak AND the red bandana are back which really lowers the score to a 4/10.
Australian Outback Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #232, 1988) - and here we have the inspiration behind one of Revanche’s costumes, as Betsy donned the “knight” look as the X-Men were stranded in Australia. Honestly I really don’t mind this look, as it was a refreshing take on Betsy’s colours and costume as it stayed true to her mysterious persona. Some may find if bland, but I do love a good costume switch-up once in a while so here is a good score of a 7/10.
R.C.X. Agent/Original Captain Britain (from Captain Britain [vol. 2] #13, 1985) - taking her brother’s mantle for the first time, Betsy was experimental with her look and it really shows. Her hair is supposed to represent the flag’s colors, but they left the pink for some reason? I prefer the Lady Brtion outfit, to be completely fair. I mean nothing really stands out, except for the hair and even with it’s flaws and partial blandness, this suit still recieves a rating of 6/10.
Marvel NOW Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Force [vol. 2] #1, 2013) - putting it as bluntly as I can - I like this outfit. Nothing that special or eye-catching about it. Just a simple black suit with markings and a belt for good measure.Remember - sometimes simple doesn’t equal dull. Decent look gets the decent score of 8/10.
Dawn of X/New Captain Britain (from Excalibur [vol. 4] #1, 2019) - now we’re talking! Not only is this the last look from the cover, it’s also the newest one, so far, in terms of comic books! This costume is probably one of the very few times where I enjoy how the red and pink clash and mix together, as the look itself IS cohesive. The psi-sword is also a nice touch, so here is our first 10/10.
Ranking of more of Betsy and Kwannon’s costumes is below the cut!
Runner-Ups/Honorable Mentions
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Hellfire Gala Captain Britain (from Excalibur [vol. 4] #21, 2021) - I’ve already stated my thoughts on this outfit, in the post where I rank the Hellfire Gala looks, so I’m just gonna rank it. The butteflies really made this one grow on me so here you go - 7/10.
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Dark Angel Saga Death (from Uncanny X-Force [vol. 1] #17, 2011) - so... um... Betsy became a Horseman of Apocalypse. Don’t ask, it’s complicated. I just want to say that I am astonished at how different she looks. It fits her archetype and the story allows for a costume change so I’m giving it a deathly 8/10. (PS. The psi-blade in blue looks SO GOOD.)
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Planet X Psylocke (from Uncanny Avengers [vol. 1] #19, 2014) - as far as alternative universes go, our girl in purple runs the show here. Her costume actually makes her look x-tra powerful and authoritative, as she is one of the most powerful psychics in the world! I even like the clash of red and purple! I’m happily giving away a 9/10 here.
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Horde’s Illusion Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Men Annual #11, 1987) - Jocasta called, she wants her body back. Honestly as far off as this look goes from Psylocke I actually kind of like how it looks. It’s like if Betsy & Colossus had a kid, this is what her “steel” form would look like. An iron 5/10.
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Danger Room Psylocke (from X-Men [vol. 4] #13, 2014) - all the bad and good clash in this outfit. The damn bandana is back, but at least it’s steel now. The shoulderpads really don’t match the rest of the outfit and what’s up with the psi-bow? The lack of shoes also baffles me but the top actually looks very good, so I present you - 6/10.
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Viper’s Pawn Psylocke (from Wolverine [vol. 2] #125, 1998) - I would be reaching if I said it’s one of my favorites, but this specific shade of green actually looks so good on her. A bikini with shoulderplates really doesn’t make for good battle armor but it’s sleek, it’s sexy and it captures Betsy’s personality as a “deadly seductress” pretty effectively. Here comes the slithering score of 7/10.
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Contest of Champions Psylocke (from Contest of Champions II #3, 1999) - no. Just no. Why is she wearing bones? Is she Marrow’s sister? Is she a spider goddess? And my dear friend - the out of place red streak is back, looking as dawdy as ever here due to the equally hideous armor. A definitive 1/10.
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Danger Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Men [vol. 2] #16, 2012) - hear me out... I’m not even into anime but the “mecha queen” vibes this gives me are immaculate. I also like how reminiscent it is of her original suit, even with all it’s stylistic touches and armor. The palette also only works in it’s favor. So in summary - 9/10.
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.EXE Psylocke (from What If? X-Men [vol. 1] #1, 2018) - moving swiftly from anime to cyberpunk, I present - 2077 Psylocke! Not really, but the cyberpunk vibes really ARE at hand. The visor/glasses are really a strong point of this outfit as they realy stand out against the dark palette. The soft purples as armor features also add to that “soft blade runner” type of feel. An 8/10 is due!
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Excalibur Psylocke (from Excalibur [vol. 2] #1, 2001) - only strong contenders down here! While you could say it’s very basic and bland, this costume serves it’s job as a momentary costume change well. It isn’t anything to write home about, but it’s simplicity works in it’s favor. Also the mark is pink now! Such an easy change that makes everything look superior and more cohesive. And yeah the sword is actually pretty cool (glowing along with the streak to signify she is using her powers). An easy 7/10.
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X-Women Psylocke (from X-Women #1, 2010) - nothing really screams Psylocke here. If anything, I’d say this is Chimera with a hair colour change! That isn’t necessarily a bad thing though. The coiling dragon on her dress is nice, but I would’ve liked them to stick to Psy’s original color palette as it is iconic and would’ve worked well with this outfit. I’m dishing out a 4/10, strictly because I’d like to see them keep to the purple and pink hues.
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Warlock Psylocke (from New Mutants Annual #2, 1986) - we can all agree on one thing, right? Yellow is NOT Betsy’s colour. At all. I understand the purpose of the Warlocke (get it?) suit and why it looks the way it looks, but c’mon. Almost ANY colour would’ve been better than yellow.Thankfully the black makes-up for it slightly. For that, I’m bestowing it with a sunny 2/10.
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Psylocke’s Dream Marvel Girl (from New Exiles [vol. 1] #8, 2008) - what did I just say? What did I say? Yellow is NOT Betsy’s color. And mixed with the red? AND the purple hair?! This outfit is a pure travesty on all fronts. I get the Marvel Girl idea, but some tweaking of the colors to suit Psylocke would’ve been the better move. And so this outfit moves to the bottom of the list with a 2/10.
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Days of Future Past Red Queen (from Wolverine: Days of Future Past #1, 1997) - I REVERE the idea of Betsy joining the Hellfire Club. But as far as alternative universe titles go, we really couldn’t get a “Violet Queen” in huh. As for the outfit, it is absolutely all over the place. The weird spikes, the red bodysuit, the weird cape that doesn’t match anything and even the DAMN RED STREAK. Sorry, but for how much I love the idea of Betsy being part of the Hellfires, this outfit is not it and so a 1/10.
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Earth X Psylocke (from Universe X #2, 2000) - a GODDESS. A DAMN GODDESS. I would be lying if I said that Betsy doesn’t deserve that status, because you and I know her power. As far as the outfit goes it isn’t anything crazy - the cloak is basic, guiding your eyes towards her head, which is understandable as it is the main attraction (now that I’m thinking about it couldn’t we have had something similar as a Hellfire Gala look for either Betsy or Kwannon?). It does it’s job of her looking divine, but something more interesting with her body could’ve been done, so I grant it a 5/10.
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Fantomex Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Force [vol. 2] #7, 2013) - so... this is a thing that exists... I can understand this was never meant to last, but really? Much more could’ve been done to tie together this look - adding some dark purple lining along her body, a buttefly design on her mask or gun, darker boots and gloves and a longer ponytail would’ve sufficed. And a disappointing 3/10.
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Psychic Armor Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Force [vol. 1] #33, 2012) - is it just me or are you getting Deathbird vibes too? Maybe it’s the helmet. There is literally nothing cohesive about this look - the random pieces of bright pink details, the random lines on her bodysuit, the shoulderplate that’s just there? And drum roll please... the award you recieve is.... a 2/10.
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Mojo’s Pawn Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Men Annual #10, 1987) - the late eighties had some gems. Note that I said some. This outfit, is not one of them. The weird green, the random lines and the unsuitable hue of Betsy’s hair make for an unsatisfying ensamble. The highest score I can gift out is a drab 3/10.
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Original Astral Plane Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #456, 2005) - you know what? I actually don’t hate it. As much as I go on about “sticking to the colour palette”, here the mint actually matches her purple accents very masterfully. Much better than her later dress, which makes you wonder why’d they even change it? If it ain’t broken... Anyways, a decently high score of 6/10 is proper. I’m only some taking points away for lack of detail on the kimono.
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Utopia Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #514, 2009) - the catsuit is the most basic you can get with character design. That isn’t always a bad thing, I mean look at Black Widow and Catwoman for example. But Betsy always had a taste for the flashier, for the bold. Seeing her like this is a far cry from her regular flamboyance and not a welcome one at that. You could say it’s too far of a cry. So as far as I can get, 5/10 is the farthest I can go.
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New Exiles Psylocke (from New Exiles #1, 2008) - all of Betsy’s Exiles costumes follow the same formula. A deep, almost black-ish blue with very little purple as details. The colours really don’t do it for me, as in this outfit especially she just could be any random woman. How can you even tell that is supposed to be Psylocke? Anyways, without too much rambling I rank all her Exile uniforms at a firm 4/10.
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X-Force Psylocke (from X-Force [vol. 4] #1, 2014) - what is this? I’m expecting an apology video in the very near future. I can say literally NOTHING good about this outfit. I really tried to find a single good thing, but even that is notably abscent. 1/10. Sorry.
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2099 Prechronal Collapse Psi-Girl (from Spider-Boy Team-Up #1, 1997) - you cannot tell me this isn’t Saturn Girl. You just cannot. The colors are altered slightly and her hair is down, but this is Saturn Girl. At least her Postchronal Collapse look is better (look it up)! A 5/10 for copyright infringement, and for the way too vibrant pink.
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Movie Adaptation Psylocke (from X-Men The Movie Special Edition, 2000) - so as we all know in the early X-Men movies, the cast stuck to the black outfits as the “yellow would’ve been too tacky”. I call bullshit. Psylocke does lowkey look badass though, but I do wish the purple on her suit was a bit more visible and prominent all around. Overall not a horrible depicting though! An anchored-in-reality score of 7/10 is adequate. I’m only taking points away for the red streak, as you could’ve guessed.
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Age of X Psylocke (from X-Men: Legacy [vol. 1] #245, 2011) - okay, okay I see what they did here. The softer pink hues are a suprisingly good look on Psylocke. I even kind of like the yellow scarf. Can you believe that? A good mix of yellow and pink on a Psylocke costume? Someone write that down. The only thing throwing me off are these beige boots and the weird shaped daggers, but everything else really bounces off of each other and creates a coherent silhouette. Adequately, 9/10.
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Sword of the Braddocks Psylocke (from X-Men: Sword of the Braddocks #1, 2009) - the black catsuit makes a return and so does the Spylocke look. Honestly nothing much to say, as it is just a skintight black one-piece. I like it, but again - some violet lining could’ve elevated the outfit much more. 6/10.
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Weird War Psylocke (from Excalibur: Weird War III #1, 1990) - the name of the suit really summarises what I think. It is very out there in terms of colors and vibrancy, but other than that it really has nothing going for it. It’s again a simple one-piece with a weird funky design. It’s something straight out of the 80′s, despite the release date of the comic it debuted it. Something MARINA would wear, so this pin-up doll gets a 5/10.
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Nocturne’s Reality Psylocke (from Exiles [vol. 1] #42, 2004) - why do I kind of dig this look on Psylocke? The blue mixed with the 60′s dress really makes me happy for some reason. I really don’t have any major gripes with this design so I present you with another 8/10.
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Ultimate Psylocke (from Ultimate X-Men #84, 2007) - the Ultimate universe is really infamous for a multitude of reasons. This costume is one of them. I don’t know about you but when I think of Psylocke, I am far from the thought of Sailor Moon. And that is exactly what they did here. The not so stellar score of 4/10 is the highest I can I go.
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The End Psylocke (from X-Men: The End - Book Two #2, 2005) - listen... I don’t loathe this design. The red is incorporated well as just a logo on her chest, whie the rest of her clothes are a simple dark, almost black-ish blue. It gets point for actually managing to stay cohesive so a nice score of 6/10 is owed.
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All-New X-Men Psylocke (from All-New X-Men #25, 2014) - so this is basically what Psy would look like if she joined Alpha Flight or the Corsairs full-time. While I don’t hate it I have the complete opposite problems with it, compared to her other suits - it has too much detail. There is just way too much to look at and the purple becomes a tiny bit overbearing. Still, not a bad outfit, so this space girl that I saw a lunar eclipse with gets a 7/10.
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Sentinel Territories Battleworld Psylocke (from Secret Wars Journal [vol. 1] #4, 2015) - I’m getting “sorceress” vibes from this for some reason. Like if Scarlet Witch and Psylocke merged this would be the result. That being said, I wish the violet colors were more prominent and the blue was less so. In fact, if her suit was purple, it would be a straight-up 9/10. But due to the pure blue, it’s a 6/10 from me.
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Arcadia Battleworld Psylocke (from A-Force [vol. 1] #5, 2015) - so big Marvel NOW inspirations all-around. It’s super visible, but maybe that is the point? I loved that outfit and I love this one too, the white accents on the black with the purple hair are a really enjoyable combo so again a good 8/10. Almost perfect :)
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O-Chiyo Braddock (from 5 Ronin #4, 2011) - okay but bathouse owner vibes anyone? Try telling me that she doesn’t meet Chihiro at point. Enough Studio Ghibili references for now, but I really do dig this ensamble. The blue waves/flowers compliment the less saturated red on her belt well. Real talk, a good 7/10.
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Captain Britain Corps Captain Britain (from Excalibur [vol. 1] #44, 1991) - contrary to our last entry, here the blue and red don’t mix well AT ALL. It is a very messy design and I really don’t get the shard/sharp motif around her costume. The hue of her hair also clashes with the 2 already clashing colors. The score I can give, as low as it is, is 2/10.
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The Hand’s Illusion Betsy Braddock (from Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #256, 1989) - to be fair, out of all the Hand Illusion Betsies, this one is my fave. As basic as her outfit is, here simple = elegant. And if you look up the other 2, you will understand why this one is the best out of the 3. But no matter, still a good 6/10.
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House of M Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #463, 2005) - as far as House of M looks go, I really like the shapes and how they play on Betsy’s figure. The dragon is literally such a good inclusion, sadly it isn’t in too much of her other designs. The psi-katanas are also an insanely simple but smart addition that just boosts the vibe of the suit. The only thing stopping me from giving it a perfect score is that damn belt. If it was removed or was a different color to match, this look would’ve been flawless. Nonetheless, a good 9/10.
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The War Day Lady Mandarin (from New Exiles [vol. 1] #7, 2008) - the Lady Mandarin looks have never been strong, but this one is especially weak. Psylocke doesn’t fit the “knight” shtick as she is too elegant and mysterious for that. The weird armor, the blue cape, my dear friend - the red streak all make for a chaotic look, and so a chaotic score of 1/10.
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Barbarian Warrior Besty Braddock (from New Exiles [vol. 1] #11, 2008) - like I just said, the “barbarian” vibe isn’t Betsy nor Kwannon’s vibe for that matter. The 2 are way too elegant to be putting on animal skulls, leather bandanas and weird thigh rings. But this is exactly what was done here. I know that there can’t be done a lot with a viking age X-Men, but some unrealistic colors that fit Betsy could’ve been overlooked for the sake of cohesiveness. At least the blade adds a point up, so a 3/10.
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S.T.R.I.K.E. Agent Betsy Braddock (from The Daredevils #3, 1983) - this outfit is basically the lesser sister of the Mutant Massacre Agent Braddock costume. This is technically Betsy’s first “superhero costume” so I can cut it some slack. I mean it’s just normal clothes that don’t really match her hair... I really don’t get why red but whatever. I strike it down with a 4/10.
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Original Psychic Armor Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #324, 1995) - in fairness her latter psychic armor is worse. The design, while messy - the headgear, the choice of a bright blue as a primary color, the kneepads, the metallic accents that are just there for the sake of being there is still slightly more cohesive than her later armor. Sorry Psy, but it is another 3/10.
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X-Club Psylocke (from Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #512, 2009) - I don’t know if it’s the pose, the look or the outfit itself but I’m getting a retro “desperate housewives” from this. It looks like Betsy just gave up on being a hero and just retreated into a cottage to take care of her 3 children while her husband is at war. For this grieving widow, a 3/10.
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Mystery in Madripoor Psylocke (from Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor [vol. 1] #1, 2018) - despite how sleek this looks, nothing stands out. I would’ve added some rings, bracelets, earrings to really add to that powerful vibe. The boob window is kind of ridiculously big. I like the color of the bodysuit tho, so I’m giving it a 5/10 as it’s not dissapointing, just lackluster.
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Multiverse Captain Britain (from Excalibur [vol. 4] #17, 2021) - bland, dull and boring. I’ve said it. I think it’s supposed to be bland, but in reality something COULD’VE been done. I like the ponytail though. A dazzling 3/10.
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New Captain Brtain Corps Captain Britain (from Excalibur [vol. 4] #16, 2020) - one of my personal favorites from the Captain Britain Corps, this Betsy looks full with confidence and authority. Her fur and cape really signify the “I’m powerful” vibe (and also leave me thinking about Lionheart and her time as Captain Britain) and her belt adds to that, referencing her time in the X-Men. A fantastic score of 7/10 is due.
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Captain Britain Corps Titania Captain Britain (from Excalibur [vol. 4] #16, 2020) - I can see that this costume is trying to reference Brian Braddock and his simple but tasteful look. Buff Betsy is never a bad thing and her hair is also a really nice shade of purple, fitting for the unsaturated reds and blues on her costume. A bloody 6/10, love.
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Captain Britain Corps Elspeth Braddock (from Excalibur [vol. 4] #19, 2021) - another strong contender for the best Captain Britain Corps costume title. I really love this medieval look on Betsy, with the lantern that (pressumably) has glowing will-o-wisps in the form of butterflies. Very “witch from the woods” vibes. Fancy a 8/10 rating.
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Captain Britain Corps Queen Elizabeth III (from Excalibur [vol. 4] #19, 2021) - okay but our girl looks absolutely royal in this garb. I wish the dress was more intricate and clever with the inclusion of the Captain Britain colors and flag, but the hair, the cape, the sword and the forehead dangles really sway me to the 8/10. 
(Also thank you so much if you managed to reach all the way down here, you a real one! Let me know which Betsy/Kwannon look is YOUR personal favorite, even if it isn’t on the list!)
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616rogue · 4 years
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Rogue: Reading guide.
This guide is set in chronological order, featuring Rogue’s most notable and meaningful appearances from her comic-book debut to date.
All must read issues will be in bold text. All must read titles will be in italic text.
SEE ALSO: Rogue’s website, all of Rogue’s comic-book appearences, Rogue & Gambit’s reading guide, Rogue’s fan-page.
1) Childhood and past as a villain.
Cable (1993) #87.
X-Men Unlimited (1993) #4.
Classic X-Men (1984) #44.
Marvel Fanfare (1982) #60.
Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) #11.
Avengers Annual (1963) #10 (First appearance).
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #158.
2) X-Men.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #171.
Rogue (2001) [#1 - #4].
Uncanny X-Men (1963) [#172 - #175]  + #178 + #182 + #185 + #194 + #203 + [#210 - #213] + #218.
Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) #2.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) [#221 - #234] + [#235 - #237] + [#238 - #243] + #244 + [#246 - #247] + #269 + [#274 - #275] + [#278 - #280].
X-Factor (1986) #70.
X-Men (1991) [#1 - #13].  
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #297.
X-Men (1991) #19 + #24 + [#27 - #28] + #30.
Gambit (1993) [#1 - #4].
X-Men Unlimited (1993) #4.
X-Factor (1986) #108.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #305.
X-Men (1991) [#33 - #34] + #38.
Rogue (1995) [#1 - #4].
Cable (1993) #20.
X-Men (1991) [#41 - #42].
Uncanny X-Men (1963) [#323 - #325].
X-Men (1991) #45.
X-Men Unlimited (1993) #11.
X-Men (1991) #55.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #336.
X-Men (1991) #58.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) [#341 - #350] + [#353 - #354] + [#359 - #365].
X-Men (1991) [#81 - #87] + [#93 - #94] + #95 + [#100 - #102] + [#103 - #105].
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #386.
X-Men (1991) [#106 - #107].
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #388.
X-Men (1991) #108.
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #389.
X-Men (1991) #109.
X-Treme X-Men (2001) [#1 - #4].
X-Treme X-Men: Savage Land (2001) [#1 - #4].
X-Treme X-Men (2001) [#5 - #19] + #31 + [#40 - #41] + #46.
Rogue (2004) [#1 - #6].
Mystique (2003) #23.
Rogue (2004) [#7 - #12].
X-Men (1991) [#167 - #187].
Ms. Marvel (2006) [#8 - #10].
X-Men (1991) [#188 - #204].
New X-Men (2004) #46.
X-Men (1991) #207.
X-Men: Legacy (2008) [#215 - #216] + #200 + [#224 - #227].
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #517.
X-Men: Legacy (2008) [Annual] #1.
X-Men: Legacy (2008) [#228 - #235].
X-Force (2008) [#26 - #27].
New Mutants (2009) #14.
X-Men: Legacy (2008) [#238 - #245].
New Mutants (2009) #22.
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #246.
New Mutants (2009) #23.
X-Men: Legacy (2008) [#247 - #258].
X-Men: Regenesis (2011) #1.
X-Men: Legacy (2008) [#259 - #270].
Avengers vs. X-Men (2012) #11.
X-Men: Legacy (2008) [#271 - #275].
3) Avengers.
Uncanny Avengers (2012) [#1 - #4].
Gambit (2012) [#9 - #12] + #19.
X-Men (2013) [#1 - #3].
Uncanny Avengers (2012) #5.
X-Men (2013) #4.
Uncanny Avengers (2012) [#6 - #25].
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS (2014) [#1 - #2] + [#3 - #9].
Uncanny Avengers (II) [#1 - #30].
Despicable Deadpool (2017) #293.
X-Men: Gold (2017) [#23 - #25].
Avengers (2016) [#675 - #690].
4) Return to the X-Men.
Astonishing X-Men (2017) [#1 - #2] + [#4 - #12].
Rogue & Gambit (2017) [#1 - #5].
X-Men: Gold (2017) [#26 - #30].
Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor (2018) [#1 - #4].
Mr. and Mrs. X (2018) [#1 - #10].
Captain Marvel (2019) [#3 - #5].
Mr. and Mrs. X (2018) [#11 - #12].
5) Current timeline.
Excalibur (2019) [#1 - #11].
Deadpool (2020) #6.
Excalibur (2019) #12 + [#16 - #18] + [#19 - #20] + #21.
X-Men (2019) #21.
X-Men (2021) [#1 - #3] + #5 + [#9 - #12].
X-Men: Hellfire Gala (2022) #1.
Love Unlimited Infinity Comic (2022) [#32 - #33] + [#61 - #66].
Captain Marvel (2019) [#43 - #44] + #46 + [#47 - #49].
Rogue & Gambit (2023) [#1 - #5].
Marvel's Voices: X-Men (2023) #1.
X-Men (2021) #24.
Hellfire Gala: X-Men (2023) #1.
The Invincible Iron-Man (2022) #8.
Uncanny Avengers (2023) [#1 - #2].
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fiercestpurpose · 4 years
Hi! sorry to ask this but, do you have any rachel reading lists or recs for comics? I want to understand her character better but dont know where to look :(
Hi, no need to apologize! The short answer is that you have two options for places to start:
Uncanny X-Men #141-142 and then #184-189
Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn and then Excalibur (1989)
They’re both 80s comics written by Chris Claremont, but they feature rather different versions of Rachel. When she is introduced in Uncanny, she’s scared and traumatized and out of place and she can be rather volatile. By Excalibur, she’s a year or two older, she’s gotten more confident, she’s (subtextually) in love with her best friend, and she can still be volatile but it’s more manageable. In my opinion, you can start with either.
The long answer:
The original Days of Future Past – Uncanny X-Men #141-142 – Although not really about her, it is her introduction and it provides important context for her backstory
New Mutants #18 and Uncanny X-Men #184-189
X-Men and Alpha Flight #1-2 – Rachel finds out about Cable and tries to come to terms with Scott and Maddy’s marriage
Uncanny X-Men #199-209 – includes the Secret Wars II tie-in and Rachel leaving the X-Men
Excalibur – start with Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn
The main Excalibur (1989) series. I’d recommend #1-34 (Claremont’s run), and especially Excalibur #1-5 if you just want to get a feel for Excalibur-era Rachel’s character.
Excalibur #48-50, #52, #61, #71. You can read through this era of Excalibur if you want, but I personally find it less entertaining, so I’ve isolated the issues I think are key.
X-Men (1991) #30 – Will I take any excuse to add the Scott/Jean wedding issue to a reading list? Yes. Is it an important issue to understand Rachel’s developing relationship with Jean? Also yes.
Excalibur #75 – Rachel’s exit from Excalibur, kicks off the Mother Askani storyline
Mother Askani storyline – Part of Rachel’s self went into the far future and became an important figure in young Cable’s life. It’s not super important unless you’re invested in Cable or you’re really into Rachel as being otherworldly/having many lives and memories. I’d recommend X-Men: Phoenix #1-3 (which picks up after Excalibur #75) and The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix #1-4, and then Cable #85-86 explains how she gets back to her 2000s status quo.
Cable #92-95 – Not the best writing, but it’s some of the only content we have of her and Cable together, and it shows us Rachel’s attempt at civilian life.
X-Treme X-Men #43-46 – Only worth it if you’re a Kitty/Rachel shipper
Uncanny X-Men #444-448 – A middle-of-the-road Claremont story, has some good stuff about Rachel’s approach to Jean’s death and Scott’s relationship with Emma
X-Men Unlimited (2004) #11 – Rachel’s feelings on Scott’s relationship with Emma (spoiler alert: she hates it). Also, a rare look at the Rachel/Alex dynamic.
End of Greys - Uncanny X-Men #466-468 – Read this, read this, read this! I’m biased as a Phoenix stan, but it’s maybe the best latter-day Claremont story out there, as well as being the most important story for Rachel’s character.
X-Men: Emperor Vulcan #1-5
X-Men: Legacy #254-260
X-Men (2013) – The first and last arcs are the best for Rachel (and everyone else), so you can read the series through, or you can read X-Men #1-4 and #23-26.
X-Men: Red Annual – More about Jean, but Rachel features
X-Force (2018) #9-10
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comicstoastonish · 5 years
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X-Treme X-Men #10 (2013)
Writer: Greg Pak
Artist: Stephen Segovia
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notunwise · 5 years
Queer superheroes recs (from the Montreal Comiccon 2019 panel)
Thank you to everyone who came to the queer superheroes panel this year! It had been a while for me, and it changed quite a lot from what I used to do. Mostly I chose to give emphasis to very different issues, and I like it that way (although I’m still a bit nostalgic of what the panel used to be 5-10 years ago, in a way…) So at the end of the panel I gave out some recs, and because they, too, have changed a lot, I’m making a whole new post instead of editing and reblogging one of the old ones. I link all the comics to a way to buy them, even if they’re sold out, mostly so you can have a reference to which run exactly I’m recommending, because let’s be real, there are usually 3 vastly different comic series for every title. TV shows BATWOMAN STARTS ON OCTOBER 6th please watch it!! Black Lightning Doom Patrol Young Justice Runaways Supergirl Umbrella Academy Legends of Tomorrow Arrow (Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Flash and Gotham all have queer characters, but not in a significant enough way that I really want to rec them.) Comics: Marvel Young Avengers - Heinberg's initial run, The Children's Crusade and Gillen's run Runaways - all of it: The Complete Collection volume 1 volume 2 volume 3 volume 4, followed by Battleworld and the recent volumes by Rainbow Rowell (3 volumes out so far, volume 4 coming out in October) Dark Wolverine vol. 1 and 2 (there's an omnibus for those that have those and a bunch more things with Daken) Daken: Dark Wolverine 1 X-Treme X-Men (2013) : volume 1 volume 2 volume 3 Venom - Mike Costa's run except volume 1 (volume 1 is before Venom and Eddie get back together, no one needs it): volume 2 volume 3 volume 4 First Host Loki: Agent of Asgard, there's an omnibus coming out in December, just go for it. Iceman (2017) and Iceman (2018) volume 1 volume 2 and volume 3 Comics: DC Batwoman: Elegy volume 1 volume 2 volume 3 volume 4 Gotham Central: the 4 volumes exist separately, but there is also an omnibus Secret Six (2014): volume 1 volume 2 volume 3 volume 4 Harley Quinn (2014) - the entire run + extras is collected in 2 omnibus (omnibus 1 omnibus 2) or 6 regular-size volumes: volume 1 volume 2 volume 3 volume 4 volume 5 volume 6 Midnighter (2015) volume 1 volume 2 Midnighter and Apollo (2016) Comics: Other The Authority (starting in 1999) - there is no way I can link to all the volumes... Wikipedia has a list of the collected editions you can refer to... Enigma (by Peter Milligan) Oath: An Anthology of New Queer Superheroes - this one is a weird rec because I just realised there's no way to buy the ebook anymore? I don't know what happened, but if I'm just bad a Google, know that it exists. Novels: The Posterchildren by Kitty Burroughs - this is the link for the ebook. The paper version exists but is harder to find. Hero by Perry Moore Fanvid: "Straightening up the house" by Eruthros "Superheroes can't be gay" by Kollektivet
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robertodacosta · 5 years
do you have any favorite new mutants or x-men comics? or even just really good ones with samberto moments
I got you on all three counts. I hope this is helpful! if it is and you have further questions, lmk! if it’s unhelpful and you’re confused, lmk what’s not working for you, and I can try and help.
New Mutants (1983)- i personally enjoy the Claremont run the most, and am lukewarm on Simonson’s and Liefeld’s runs, but it’s the Definitive nm title]
X-Force (1991)- skip the first 11 or so Liefeld issues, but absolutely start before #17, as its one of Sam’s best issues, full stop, and its an issue that explains to you how X-Force aren’t what the New Mutants once were, and aren’t what the X-Men are now. X-Force isn’t a NM book, but Sam, Roberto, and Dani are mainstays of this team at various parts of the book, Rictor, Tabitha and Jimmy aren’t part of the classic NM roster but they were all on the team/adjacent to the team before the formation of X-Force, and honestly, the lines blur together, XF and NM are 2 different teams, but it’s the same generation of X-Men. the child’s play arc and #75 are also great Xi’an cameos.
X-MEN UNLIMITED #43- reunion issue babey!!! it’s the o5 New Mutants solving a case together, with that sweet, sweet sienkiewicz art
New Mutants Forever (2011)- 5 issue mini set around the time of Fallen Angels, so Roberto and Warlock are referenced, but not in this book. it’s a good nm story, but no samberto, because no Roberto
New Mutants (2001) #13- the rest of the book has good Dani and Xi’an stuff, but this reunion issue is really nice for bringing the surviving team back together
New Mutants (2009) #1-25, 28- Zeb Wells run is great, #28 is a good issue because it actually acknowledges the massive amount of trauma this team has been subjected to, but the rest of Abnett’s run doesn’t do it for me, particularly the replacement of Sam, Xi’an, and Illyana with Nate and Blink. I like Dani leading the team outside of the context of the X-Men, but it’s a neat idea with boring execution imo
so honestly, when it comes to x-men comic recs, I’m of the opinion that it all comes down to personal preference. I gravitate towards runs that feature my favorite characters, so that’s reflected here. my best, most earnest reading rec for X-Men is to figure out which characters you vibe with, and to just read their appearances. if you’re overwhelmed with where to start, feel free to send me an ask at any point with any x-man, and I will give you recs to start with, because I have a shortlist for pretty much any 616 x-men.
but here are my arbitrarily chosen favorites.
X-Men Grand Design by Ed Piskor- I cannot recommend this enough as an entry x-comic. There are three books, two-issues each, that survey about 20 years of x-men history. the first two, X-Men Grand Design and X-Men Grand Design: Second Genesis, with the third releasing its first issue the final Wednesday in May.
Uncanny X-Men (1983) #214-252- everybody has a favorite run of uncanny. my favorite run is the australian outback x-men, because i’m a clown who likes Dazzler and Longshot. it’s a fun run, but you’ve just got to roll with the Maddie thing, and accept you skipped everyone recognizing she’s identical to Jean and choosing to ignore it. i also like the utopia run of uncanny, from #500 onwards.
X-Men (1991) #188-204- this is my FAVORITE run of x-men, both because it’s like, the second comic i ever read...........went and picked up the first x-men trade i could find at my local public library at age 17 after finishing whedon’s astonishing run, and I didn’t have a clue what was going on, but this team is so balls to the walls uncontained CHAOS that its still my favorite x-men run after rereading it in context.  it’s rogue’s proactive team of x-men, with a roster of cannonball, iceman, MYSTIQUE?, cable, sabretooth......., lady mastermind???????, and omega sentinel. some weird shit goes down and i don’t love the mystique writing, but it’s fun. its a good sam run that falls between his time on x-treme and leading the new mutants again, when he’s coping with jay’s death. thanks, mike carey. the run continues for 3 issues after 204, as part of the Messiah Complex arc. I like MC well enough, but not everyone does, and reading the 3 issues of this run out of context won’t be that interesting.
Storm (2014)- greg pak’s run, this is a really good solo and a good x-men book.
Longshot (1985) and Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe (2014)-these are both REALLY FUN BOOKS, especially if you like Longshot (I do). i reread them last night to rank all of Longshot’s appearances by how hot his glowing eye was, and both absolutely lived up to my own hype.
X-Treme X-Men (2013)- Dazzler leads x-men of the multiverse to kill evil Xaviers. she wears a cowboy hat. it’s only 13 issues. this concept sells itself.
Marvel Graphic Novel #4 to see how they meet
I’d rec reading all the way through New Mutants (1983) and at least Fallen Angels #1 to see their friendship develop as students!
X-Force (1991)- particularly #15, 17, 44
Young X-Men #1-6
Astonishing Tales (2009), the ‘Bobby and Sam Go to Mojoworld’ story. this story is uh. has some stuff going on. not my favorite hickman writing. can’t really recommend it on good conscience as a comic, but if you want samberto recs, it’s literally a book about Roberto having Sam come to his home so they can vacation together,  and ending up in Mojoworld. 
Avengers (2013)- start with #2 for Roberto and Sam on vacation together AGAIN getting recruited for the Avengers, and just read the entire run, because it’s hard to skip around in. also, I don’t remember which issues have good samberto moments, but it’s really fun to see them be the Avengers resident dumb bros.
Avengers World #9- this is non-negotiable. this issue is the new testament of the samberto bible. the things they say to each other in this issue sound like personalized wedding vows.
New Avengers (2016) #10-18- Sam commutes through space weekly to be on Roberto’s team. his two priorities in life are his wife and son, and Roberto. buddy...............it’s time to self-reflect.
US Avengers-it’s like 12 issues, the first issue is really sweet, and then there’s a whole arc about Roberto and the US Avengers having to go to space to rescue Sam when he’s assumed dead. it’s fun!
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dax-micro · 3 years
Me in August: I’m only gonna read The Deathworlders until I’m done with it, with luck I’ll be up to date on the story by the end of the year.
Me 2 weeks ago: I need to read something else, why no re-re-re-re-re-re-re-read the 100 issues of Exiles from 2001-2008 ? You miss this team and it’s a fun read.
Me last week: You know what, I’m gonna re-re-re-re-re-re-re-read the 18 issues of New Exiles from 2008-2009 too, since it’s the direct sequel... and also why not read all 6 issues of Exiles Volume 2 from 2009 since it’s the third part... and then the 14 issues of X-Treme X-Men Volume 2 from 2012-2013 since it’s a spiritual successor, and then finish it off with the 12 issues of Exiles Volume 3 from 2018-2019.
Also me last week: and don’t forget you also need to catch up on 10 months of Marvel comics that you’ve accumulated. And yeah, you also want to re-re-re-re-re-re-read the original run of X-Treme X-Men from 2001-2004, you know you do. After all, it’s X-Treme X-Men and Exiles (and X-Statix) who made you start reading current stories of Marvel back in high school...
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oneshotcomicshop · 5 years
List of Comics Available For Sale
MARVEL HARDCOVERS: Agents of ATLAS (2006) Eternals Castle: Deadly Storm Marvel Westerns Moon Knight (2006) Vol. 1 NewUniversal Thor: Blood Oath Uncanny X-Men (2013) Vol. 1
DC HARDCOVERS: Batman: Noel Don Xoai: Vietnam 1965
MARVEL PAPERBACKS: Ares Astonishing X-Men (2004) Vol. 1 Astonishing X-Men (2004) Vol. 2 Avengers VS X-Men: Consequences Captain Britain and MI:13 Vol. 1 Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) Vol. 1 Secret Invasion: Thor Loners Minimum Carnage Punisher War Journal (2007) Vol. 2 Punisher War Journal (2007) Vol. 3 Thunderbolts (1997) Vol. 1 New Thunderbolts Vol. 1 New Thunderbolts Vol. 2 New Thunderbolts Vol. 3 Thunderbolts: Guardian Protocols Uncanny X-Men (2013) Vol. 2 World War Hulk: Gamma Corps World War Hulk: Warbound X-Men: Endangered Species X-Men: Phoenix Endsong X-Men / Black Panther: Wild Kingdom X-Treme X-Men (2012) Vol. 1 X-Treme X-Men (2012) Vol. 2 Young X-Men Vol. 1
DC PAPERBACKS: Batman R.I.P. Final Crisis Haunted Tank
OTHER COMPANY PAPERBACKS: Garth Ennis War Stories Vol. 1 Garth Ennis War Stories Vol. 2 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen The Lone Ranger (2006) Vol. 1 The Lone Ranger (2006) Vol. 2 The Lone Ranger (2006) Vol. 3 Loveless Outlaw Territory Vol. 1 Outlaw Territory Vol. 2 Outlaw Territory Vol. 3 Thundercats: The Return Thundercats: Reclaiming Thundera
MARVEL ISSUES: A Man Called Nova #1 A + X #1 - 3, 5, 6, 12 Age of Apocalypse (2012) #1 - 13 Age of Heroes #1 - 2 Age of Sentry #1 - 6 Age of Ultron #1 - 3, 5, 6 Age of X Alpha #1 Age of X Universe #1 - 2 Agents of ATLAS (2009) #1 - 11 All-New All-Different Avengers #1 All-New All-Different Marvel Point One #1 All-New Inhumans #1, 2 All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #3, 5, 7 All-New X-Men #1 - 9 Alpha: Big Time #1, 3 Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #1 - 4, 1.1 Amazing Spider-Man Annual #35 - 39 Amazing Spider-Man Family #1 , 4 Amazing Spider-Man: Fear Itself (2009) #1 Amazing Spider-Man: Origin of the Hunter #1 Angela: Queen of Hel #1 Annihilation Conquest #1 - 5 Annihilation Conquest: Quasar #1 - 4 Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord #1 - 4 Astonishing X-Men #13 - 57, 59 - 61, Annual, Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis #1 - 2 Avengers (2013) #1, 2, 4 -9 Avengers Academy #1 - 15, 14.1, 17 - 22 Avengers Academy Giant-Size #1 Avengers Assemble #1 - 4, 7 - 9, 12, 13, 14. AU, Annual Avengers: Children's Crusade #1 - 9, Young Avengers one-shot Avengers Fairy Tales #1 Avengers: The Initiative #1 - 35 (two connecting variant covers of #1), Annual Avengers / Invaders # 2 - 6 Avengers Prelude: Black Widow Strikes #2 - 3 Avengers Prime #1 - 5 Avengers vs ATLAS #1, 2, 4 Avengers: X-Sanction #1 - 4 Avenging Spider-Man #2 - 8, 10 - 19, 16.1, Annual AvX: Consequences #1, 5 Battle Scars #2 - 6 Big Hero 6 (2006) #2 - 4 Black Cat (2010) #1 - 2 Black Knight (2015) #1 - 2 Black Knight One-Shot #1 Black Panther (2009) #2 - 12 Black Panther #513 - 529, 523.1 Black Widow (2010) #1 - 8 Black Widow: Deadly Origin #1 - 5 Blade (2005) #5 Cable and X-Force #1 - 7 Captain America (2004) #26 - 44, 602, 603, 605 - 616, 615.1, 618, 619 Captain America (2011) #2 - 18 Captain America (2013) #1 - 6 Captain America: 1940's Newspaper Strip #1 Captain America and Bucky #621, 624, 625, 627, 628 Captain America and Black Widow #636 - 640 Captain America: Forever Allies #1 - 4 Captain America: Patriot #1 - 4 Captain America Reborn #1, 3 - 5 Captain America: Who Will Wield the Shield #1 Captain Britain and MI:13 #2 - 8 Chaos War #1 - 5 Chaos War: Ares #1 Chaos War: Chaos King #1 Chaos War: God Squad #1 Chaos War: Thor #1 - 2 Chaos War: Incredible Hulks #618 - 620 Civil War Files Civil War: Front Line #1 - 11 Civil War: The Initiative #1 Civil War: Battle Damage Report Civil War: Casaulties of War - Captain America/Iron Man #1 Civil War: X-Men #1 - 4 Contest of Champions (2015) #1 - 3 Curse of Mutants Saga #1 Curse of Mutants: Storm + Gambit #1 Curse of Mutants: X-Men Smoke and Blood #1 Daredevil: End of Days #2 - 7 Dark Avengers (2009) #2 - 13, 15, 16, Annual Dark Avengers (2012) #175 - 189 Dark Avengers: Ares #1 - 3 Dark Reign: The Cabal #1 Dark Reign: Elektra #1 - 5 Dark Reign: Fantastic Four # 2 - 5 Dark Reign: Hawkeye #1 - 5 Dark Reign: The Hood #1 - 5 Dark Reign: Lethal Legion #1 - 3 Dark Reign: The List - Amazing Spider-Man #1 Dark Reign: The List - Avengers #1 Dark Reign: The List - Daredevil #1 Dark Reign: The List - Hulk #1 Dark Reign: The List - Punisher #1 Dark Reign: The List - Secret Warriors #1 Dark Reign: The List - X-Men #1 Dark Reign: Made Men #1 Dark Reign: Mr. Negative #1 - 3 Dark Reign: New Nation #1 Dark Reign: Sinister Spider-Man #1 - 4 Dark Reign: Skrull Kill Krew #1 - 5 Dark Reign: Young Avengers #4, 5 Dark Reign: Zodiac #1 - 3 Dark Tower: Gunslinger Born #1 - 7 Dark Tower: Guidebook Dark Tower: Long Road Home #1 - 5 Dark Tower: Sorcerer #1 Dark Tower: End-World Almanac #1 Dark Tower: Marvel's Best Selling Authors Dark Tower: Treachery #1 - 5 Dark Tower: Fall of Gilead #1 - 4 Dark Wolverine #75 - 90 Dark X-Men #1 - 5 Dark X-Men: The Confession #1 Dominic Fortune MAX #1 Drax (2015) #1 Eternals (2008) #2 - 9, Annual Exodus #1 Extraordinary X-Men #1 - 3 Fallen Son: Avengers #1 Fallen Son: Captain America #1 Fallen Son: Iron Man #1 Fallen Son: Spider-Man #1 Fantastic Force #1 - 5 Fantastic Four (2013) #1 - 4, 6 Fantastic Four: Isla de la Muerte #1 FF (2011) #1 - 23 FF (2013) #1, 2, 4 The First X-Men #1 - 5 Fear Itself #1 - 7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 Fear Itself: Black Widow #1 Fear Itself: Book of the Skull #1 Fear Itself: The Deep #1 - 3 Fear Itself: Fearless #1 - 12 Fear Itself: FF #1 Fear Itself: Home Front #1 - 7 Fear Itself: Monkey King #1 Fear Itself:  Spider-Man #1 - 3 Fear Itself: The Worthy #1 Fear Itself: Youth In Revolt #1 - 6 Fearless Defenders #1 - 3 Free Comic Book Day Invincible Iron Man #1 Free Comic Book Day X-Men #1 Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #17 - 23, Annual Gambit (2012) #2 - 7 Generation M #1 - 5 Genext #2 - 4 Ghost Rider #94 Girl Comics #1 - 3 Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #2 - 23, 25 Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #0.1, 1 Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #1 - 3 Hawkeye (2012) #4 - 9 Hawkeye (2016) #1, 2 Hellions #1 - 4
Herc #4
Hercules (2015) #1, 2
Heroic Age: X-Men #1 Hit-Monkey #1 House of M: Avengers #1 - 5 House of M: Civil War #1 - 5 House of M: Masters of Evil #2 - 3 Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 - 2 Hulk (2008) #2 - 56, 30.1 I Am An Avenger #1 Illuminati (2015) #1 Incredible Hulk #87 - 91, 95 - 111, 600 - 617, 621 - 635 Incredible Hulks Annual #1 Indestructible Hulk #1 - 5 Indomitable Iron Man #1 Infernal Man-Thing #1 - 3 Invincible Iron Man (2008) #1 - 9, 11 - 19, 21 - 33, 500 - 508, 500.1, 510 - 527, Annual Invincible Iron Man (2015) #1 - 4 Iron Age Featuring: Avengers/Power Man and Iron Fist/Dazzler #1 - 3 Iron Man (2004) #13 - 35, Annual Iron Man (2013) #1 - 8 Iron Man 2.0 #1, 5 - 7 Iron Man: Legacy #1 Iron Man Noir #1 - 4 Irredeemable Ant-Man #10 Karnak #1 Ka-Zar #1 , 3 King-Size Hulk #1 Legion of Monsters #1 - 4 Legion of Monsters: Man-Thing #1 Luke Cage Noir #1 - 4 Marvel Comics Presents #1 - 12 Marvel Divas #1 - 2 Marvel Holiday Special 2006 #1 Marvel Holiday Special 2007 #1 Marvel Knights: Angel #1 - 5 Marvel Knights: Captain America - The Chosen #1 - 6 Marvel Knights: Claws #1 - 3 Marvel Knights: Claws 2 #1 - 3 Marvel Knights: Deathlok #1 - 2 Marvel Knights: Daredevil - Battlin' Jack Murdock #1 - 4 Marvel Knights: Iron Man - Viva Las Vegas #1 - 2 Marvel Knights: Magneto - Testament #1 - 5 Marvel Knights: Punisher- War Zone #1 - 6 Marvel Knights: Silver Surfer - Requiem #1 - 4 Marvel Knights: Spider-Man - Fever #2 - 3 Marvel Knights: Spider-Man - With Great Power #1 - 5 Marvel Max: Fury #2 - 4, 7 - 10 Marvel Now Point One #1 Marvel Spotlight: Fantastic Four Marvel Tarot One-Shot Marvel Universe vs The Avengers #1, 2, 4 Marvels: Eye of the Camera #1 Marvels Project #1 - 6, 8 Mighty Avengers #1 - 12, 14 - 33, 35, 36 Moon Knight (2006) #7 - 30, Annual #1 Morbius: The Living Vampire (2013) #1, 2 Ms. Marvel (2006) #2 - 33, Annual Ms. Marvel Special (2007) #1 Mystery Men #1, 2, 5 Mythos: Captain America #1 Mythos: Ghost Rider #1 Mythos: X-Men #1 New Avengers (2004) #7 - 10, 12 - 26, 28 - 34, 36 - 62, 64, Annual #1 New Avengers (2010) #1 - 13, 15, 16, 18 - 32, 34, Annual #1, Annual #3 New Avengers (2013) #1 - 3 New Avengers (2015) #2, 3 New Mutants (2009) #2 - 49 Nova (2007) #2 - 7, 9 - 36 Nova (2013) #1 - 3 Nova (2016) #1 - 2 Patsy Walker: Hellcat #1 - 5 Peter Parker: Spider-Man #156.1 Punisher: Nightmare #1 Prince of Power #1 - 4 Red She-Hulk #58 - 61, 63 Red Skull: Incarnate #1 - 3 Red Wolf #1 Sam Wilson: Captain America #2, 3 Scarlet Spider (2012) #1 - 13, 12.1 Scarlet Witch (2015) #1 Secret Avengers (2013) #1 - 3 Secret Invasion #3 - 8 Secret Invasion: Amazing Spider-Man #1 - 3 Secret Invasion: Dark Reign #1 Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four #2 - 3 Secret Invasion: Front Line #1 - 5 Secret Invasion: Inhumans #1 - 4 Secret Invasion: Requiem #1 Secret Invasion: Skrulls! #1 Secret Invasion: Who Do You Trust? #1 Secret Invasion: X-Men #1 - 4 Secret Warriors (2009) #1 - 28 Secret Wars #8 Sensational Spider-Man (2006) #35 - 40, Annual Sensational Spider-Man (1996) #33.2 Shadowland #1 -5 Shadowland: After the Fall #1 Shadowland: Blood on the Streets #1 - 2 Shadowland: Bullseye #1 Shadowland: Daughters of the Shadow #1 - 3 Shadowland: Elektra #1 Shadowland: Ghost Rider #1 Shadowland: Moon Knight #1 - 3 Shadowland: Power Man #1 - 4 Shadowland: Spider-Man #1 Sentinel Squad ONE #1 - 5 Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu One-Shot #1 Siege #1 - 4 Siege: Avengers #1 Siege: Captain America #1 Siege: Embedded #1 - 4 Siege: Loki #1 Siege: Secret Warriors #1 Siege: Spider-Man #1 Siege: Young Avengers #1 Silent War #1 - 6 Silk #2 Silver Surfer (2011) #1 - 5 Silver Surfer: In Thy Name #1 - 4 Son of M #1 - 6 Spectacular Spider-Man #1000 Spider-Girl #1 - 4, 8 Spider-Man 1602 #1, 2, 4, 5 Spider-Man 2099 (2015) #1, 2 Spider-Man One More Day Sketchbook Spider-Man Summer Special #1 Spider-Men #1 - 5 Spider Woman (2009) #2 - 7 Spider Woman Origin #2 Spidey #1 Squadron Supreme (2015) #1 The Stand: American Nightmares #1 - 2 Starbrand and Nightmask #1 Star-Lord (2016) #1 Strange (2010) #1 - 4 Steve Rogers: Super Soldier #1 - 4 Sub-Mariner (2007) #1 - 6 Superior Spider-Man #1 - 8, 6 AU Thanos: Final Threat #1 Thanos Imperative #1 - 6 Thanos Imperative: Devastation #1 Thanos Imperative: Ignition #1 The Thanos Quest #1 Thor (2007) #2 - 6, 11, 12, 600 - 607, 609 - 621, 620.1, Annual Thor: God of Thunder #1 - 5, 7 Thor: Heaven and Earth #2 Thunderbolts #94, 95, 103 - 174, 163.1 Thunderbolts (2013) #1 - 3, 5, 8 Thunderbolts: Desperate Measures #1 Thunderbolts: From the Marvel Vault #1 Thunderbolts: International Incident #1 Thunderbolts: Reason In Madness #1 Thunderbolts Presents Zemo: Born Better #1 - 4 Timely Comics: Daring Mystery Comics #1 Totally Awesome Hulk #1 True Story: Fantastic 4 #1 The Twelve #0, 1/2, 1 - 12, and Spearhead #1 The Stand: Captain Trips #1 - 5 and Sketchbook Ultimates (2015) #1 - 2 Uncanny Avengers (2012) #1, 2, 4, 6 Uncanny Avengers (2015) #1 - 3, Annual Uncanny Inhumans #1 - 2 Uncanny X-Force (2010) #1 - 3, 5 - 35, 5.1, 19.1 Uncanny X-Force (2013) #2 Uncanny X-Men #466 - 508, 510, 512 - 520, 522, 524, 525 - 531, 533 - 542, 534.1, 600, Annual #1, Annual #2, Annual #3 Uncanny X-Men (2011) #1 - 20 Uncanny X-Men (2013) #1 - 4 Utopia: Dark X-Men #1 - 3 Vengeance of Moon Knight #1 - 10, 12 Venom (2011) #3, 4, 6 - 12, 15 - 21, 23 - 30, 27.1, 34 Venom: Dark Origin #1 - 5 Villains For Hire #1 Vision (2015) #1, 2 War of Kings #1 - 6 War of Kings: Ascension #1 - 4 War of Kings: Darkhawk #1 - 2 War of Kings: Secret Invasion #1 War of Kings: Warriors #1 - 2 War of Kings: Who Will Rule? #1 Weapon X: First Class #1 Web of Spider-Man (2009) #1, 4, 5, 7 - 11, 129.1, 129.1 Web of Spider-Man (1985) #129.1, 129.2 War Machine (2009) #1 - 12 War of Kings: Savage World of Skaar #1 Weirdworld #1 What If: Annhilation #1 What If: Civil War #1 What If: Dark Reign #1 What If: Siege #200 What If This Was the Fantasic Four #1 What If: Uncanny X-Men #1 What If: Wolverine (2006) #1 What If: Wolverine - Enemy of the State #1 What If: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse #1 What If: X-Men - Deadly Genesis #1 Widowmaker #1 - 3 Winter Soldier (2012) #1 - 13 Wisdom #1 - 6 Women of Marvel: Dazzler #1 Women of Marvel: Fierstar #1 Women of Marvel: Marvel Heart Breakers #1 Women of Marvel: Namora #1 Women of Marvel: Rescue #1 Women of Marvel: Sif #1 Women of Marvel: Spitfire #1 Women of Marvel: Valkyrie #1 X-Men #177 - 207, Annual #1 X-Men (2010) #1 - 36, 38 - 41, 15.1 X-Men: The 198 #1 - 5 X-Men / Cable: Messiah War #1 X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1 - 6 X-Men: Divided We Stand #1 - 2 X-Men: Emperor Vulcan #1 - 5 X-Men: Endangered Species #1 X-Men First Class (2007) #5 - 11 X-Men Giant-Size (2011) #1 X-Men: Kingbreaker #1 - 4 X-Men Legacy (2008) #208 - 222, 224 - 275, 260.1, Annual #1 X-Men Legacy (2013) #1 - 4, 6, 9 X-Men: Manifest Destiny #1 - 4 X-Men Noir #1 - 4 X-Men Noir: Mark of Cain #1 - 4 X-Men: Odd Men Out #1 X-Men: Original Sin #1 X-Men: Prelude to Schism #1 - 4 X-Men: Phoenix Warsong #1 - 5 X-Men: Regenesis #1 X-Men: Return of Magik #1 X-Men: Schism #1 - 5 X-Men: Second Coming #1 - 2 X-Men: The Times and Life of Lucas Bishop #1 - 3 X-Men: To Serve and Protect #1, 3 X-Men Unlimited #13 - 14 X-Men: Worlds Apart #1 - 4 X-Termination #1 X-Women #1 Young Avengers (2013) #2 Young Avengers Presents #1 - 6 Young X-Men #7 - 12
DC ISSUES: Action Comics #890 - 893, 895 - 899, 901 - 904, Annual #13 Action Comics (2011) #2 - 9 Animal Man (2011) #1 - 9 Aquaman (2011) #2 - 9 Batman #672 - 674, 676, 686, 701 - 708, 710, 711, 713 Batman 80-Page Giant 2011 #1 Batman and Robin (2009) #16, 19 Batman and Robin (2011) #1, 3 - 5 Batman: Detective Comics (2011) #2 - 9 Batman Incorporated (2011) #1 - 8 Batman Incorporated (2012) #1 Batman Odyssey (2011) #1 - 2 Batman: Orphans #1 - 2 Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #1, 2, 5 Batman: The Dark Knight (2011 New 52) #1, 3 - 9 Batman: The Return #1 Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1 - 6 Batgirl (2011) #2 - 9 Batwing (2011) #1 - 9, 12 Batwoman (2011) #0 - 9 Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1 Birds of Prey (2010) #7 - 13, 15 Birds of Prey (2011) #1 - 9 Blackhawks (2011) #1 - 3 Blue Beetle (2011) #1 - 9 The Brave and the Bold #31 - 32 Brightest Day - Justice League: Generation Lost #1 - 3 Captain Atom (2011) #1 Catwoman (2011) #2 - 9 DC Comics Presents (2011) #1 - 9 Deathstroke (2011) #1 - 5 Demon Knights (2011) #1 - 9 (two copies of #1) Dial H #1 Earth 2 #1 Flash (2010) #1 - 10, 12 Flash (2011) #3 - 9 Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE #1 - 9 (two copies of #1) Free Comic Book Day New 52 #1 Fury of Firestorm (2011) #1 - 9 Green Arrow (2010) #1 - 15 Green Arrow (2011) #1 - 9 Green Lantern (2005) #63 - 67 Green Lantern (2011) #1 - 9 Green Lantern Corps (2006) #58 - 63 Green Lantern Corps (2011) #1 - 9 Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #8 - 13 Grifter (2011) #1 The Haunted Tank (2009) #1 Hawk and Dove (2011) #1 Hawkman (2011) #1 - 5 Huntress (2011) #1, 2 (two copies), 4 - 6 Huntress/Powergirl: World's Finest #1 The Haunted Tank (2009) #1 JLA: Age of Wonder #1 Justice League (2011) #2 - 9 Justice League Dark (2011) #2 - 9 Justice League International (2011) #1 - 9 Legion Lost (2011) #1 Legion of Superheroes (2011) #1 Men of War (2011) #1 - 8 Mister Terrific (2011) #1 - 8National Comics: Eternity #1 Night Force (2011) #1 Nightwing (2011) #2, 3, 5 - 9 OMAC (2011) #1 Our Army at War featuring Sgt. Rock #1 Penguin: Pain and Prejudice #1 - 5 Phantom Lady and Doll Man #1 The Ray (2011) #1 - 4 Red Lanterns (2011) #1 - 9 Reign of Doomsday - Steel #1 Resurrection Man (2011) #1 - 9 Stormwatch (2011) #1 Secret Six (2008) #29The Shade (2011) #1 - 2 Shazam (2011) #1 Static Shock (2011) #1 - 3, 5 - 8 (two copies of #3) Superboy (2011) #1 - 9 Supergirl (2011) #1 - 7, 9 Superman #701 - 712, 714 Superman (2011) #1, 3 - 9 Superman: American Alien #1 Supernatural (2011) #2 Swamp Thing (2011) #1 Teen Titans (2011) #1 - 9 T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents (2011) #1 Time Masters: Vanishing Point #1 - 6 Voodoo (2011) #1 - 3 War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath #1 - 2 Wonder Woman #600 - 614 Wonder Woman (2011) #3 - 9
DARK HORSE ISSUES: Alabaster Wolves #1 The Answer #1 - 4 The Black Beetle #1 - 3 The Creep #1, 2, 4 Ghost #2, 3
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT ISSUES: Athena #1 Blackbeard #1 - 2 Black Terror #1 - 14 Battlefields: Dear Billy #1 - 3 Buck Rogers (2009) #4 - 12, Annual #1 Dark Shadows #1 Death Defying Devil #1 - 4 The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly #1, 2, 6 - 8 Grave Sight #1 - 2 Green Hornet (2010) #1 - 31, 33, 35, Annual #2 Green Hornet Strikes #1 - 2 Green Hornet Year One #1 - 3, 5 - 12, Special #1 Highlander #0 (two copies), 1 - 3, 5, 6, 8 (two copies), 9 (two copies) James Bond: Vargr #1 Jungle Girl #5 Kato #1 - 3, 9, 11, 12, Annual #1 Kato Origins #1 - 2 Kirby Genesis #0 - 5, 7, 8 Kirby Genesis: Captain Victory #1 Kirby Genesis: Silver Streak #1 Last Phantom #1 Legendary Talespinners #1 Lone Ranger (2006) #1 - 11, 13, 17 (two copies), 18 - 25 Lone Ranger & Tonto #2 Lone Ranger: Death of Zorro #1 - 5 Lone Ranger: Snake of Iron #1 - 4 Man With No Name #9 - 11 Masks #1, 2, 4 Masquerade #1 - 4 Pantha #1 Project Superpowers #1/2, 0, 1 - 8 Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #1 - 7, 9 - 12 Project Superpowers: Meet the Badguys #1 - 4 Project Superpowers X-Mas Carol #1 The Shadow (2012) #1 - 11, Annual #1, Special #1 The Shadow: Year One #1 - 2 Sherlock Holmes (2009) #1 - 5 Sherlock Holmes: Liverpool Demon #1 Sherlock Holmes: Moriarty Lives #1 - 3 The Spider (2012) #1 - 7, 9, 10 Terminator/Robocop #1, 2 Vampirella (2010) #1 - 4, 7 - 10 Vampirella and the Scarlet Legion #1 - 3 Warehouse 13 #1 - 5 Zorro (2008) #1 - 2, 17 - 20 Zorro: Matanzas #1 - 4 (two copies of #3) Zorro Rides Again #1 - 11
ICON COMICS ISSUES: Brilliant #1 - 4 Hit-Girl (2012) #1 - 5 Kick-Ass (2008) #8 Kick-Ass 2 #1 - 7 Nemesis #1 - 3 The Secret Service #2, 3, 5, 6 Super Crooks #1 - 4 Superior #1 - 7, Kapow Special Takio #1 - 3
IDW ISSUES: Doctor Who (2008) #1 - 2 Doctor Who Classics # 1 - 3, 5 Five Days To Die #1 Free Comic Book Day Judge Dredd #1 The High Ways #1 The Hollows #1 Judge Dredd #1 (Archie variant cover) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #1 - 3, 5 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Micro-Series #1 - 2 Popeye (2012) #1 - 2 Smoke and Mirrors #1, 2, 4 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #1 Trio #1 - 4
IMAGE COMICS ISSUES: 50 Girls 50 #1 - 4 Alpha Girl #3 America's Got Powers #1 - 5 Baboushka #1 Brit #1 - 8 Change #1 - 2 Comeback #2 - 5 Dancer #1, 2, 4 Danger #1 - 2 East of West #1 Epic Kill #1 - 5 Fatale #2 - 13 Five Weapons #1 Grim Leaper #1, 3, 4 Haunt #1 - 5, 7, 8, 14 - 26 (two copies of #19) Hell Yeah #1, 2, 4, 5 Hoax Hunters #1 I Love Trouble #1 - 2 Incognito #1 - 6 Incognito: Bad Influences #1 - 4 Limbo #1 Lorna: Relic Wrangler #1 Mara #1 Merlin #1 Mind the Gap #1 Mondo #1 - 2 Monster Pile-Up #1 Mudman #1 Near Death #1 - 6, 8 -10 Non-Humans #1 Planetoid #1 Secret #1 - 2 Sex #2 Shinku #1 - 2 Thief of Thieves #5, 7, 9 -11 Whispers #1 - 2
OTHER COMPANY ISSUES: Alan Moore's Glory #1 - 2 All Crime Comics #1 Art Ops #1 Charismagic #0 Creator Owned Heroes #1 Dan the Unharmable #1 - 5, 8, 10, 11 Extinction Seed #0 Fanboys Vs Zombies #1 - 3 Fringe #1 Grimm Fairy Tales: Jungle Book #1 - 2 Harbinger #1 Helheim #1 Hero Worship #1 Manga Magazine #2 Mystery In Space #1 Pale Horse #1 - 4 Saucer County #1 - 2 Spaceman #1 Stan Lee's Mighty 7 #1 Stan Lee's Soldier Zero #1 - 3 Stan Lee's Starborn #1 - 3 Stan Lee's The Traveler #1 - 3 Supernatural: Beginning's End #4 - 6 The Unexpected #1 Wake the F#ck Up #1 Welcome Back #1 - 2 X-Files (2008) #0
0 notes
tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de noviembre 2019
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Noviembre es el mes de la llegada de Apple TV+ y Disney+. Veréis que estos nuevos servicios nos traen la mayoría de estrenos, cuyos episodios llegarán semanalmente.
¡Feliz noviembre!
Verde: series nuevas.
Rojo: series de las que haremos reviews semanales.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
1 de noviembre: 
Jack Ryan (2T completa) en Amazon
See (1T), The Morning Show (1T) For All Mankind (1T), Dickinson (1T) y Ghostwriter (1T) en Apple TV+
Hache (1T completa), Atypical (3T completa), Wir Sind Die Welle (1T completa), Holiday in the Wild, American Son y The King en Netflix
Temple (1T finale) en Sky One
3 de noviembre: 
His Dark Materials (1T) en BBC One
The Affair (series finale) y Power (series finale) en Showtime
5 de noviembre: 
The End of the F***ing World (2T completa) en Netflix
The Little Mermaid Live! en ABC
Mayans (2T finale) en FX
7 de noviembre: Britannia (2T completa) en Sky Atlantic
8 de noviembre: Green Eggs and Ham (1T completa) y Let It Snow en Netflix
10 de noviembre: 
Shameless (10T) en Showtime
Rick and Morty (4T completa) en Adult Swim
11 de noviembre: 
The Young Offenders (2T) en BBC One
Motherland (2T finale) en BBC Two
12 de noviembre: 
Diary of a Female President (1T), The Mandalorian (1T),  High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (1T), Lady and the Tramp y Noelle en Disney+
The Cockfields (1T) en Gold
14 de noviembre: The Cockfields (1T finale) en Gold
15 de noviembre: 
The Man in the High Castle (4T y última) en Amazon
Dollface (1T completa) en Hulu
Earthquake Bird y Klaus en Netflix
La peste (2T) en Movistar+
17 de noviembre: 
The Crown (3T completa) en Netflix
Ray Donovan (7T) en Showtime
The Sleepers (1T) en HBO
20 de noviembre: Mad About You (8T) en Spectrum
21 de noviembre: 
No Activity (3T) en CBS All Access
Hernán en Amazon
The Knight Before Christmas y Mortel en Netflix
22 de noviembre: 
Alta mar (2T completa) en Netflix
Ready For War en Showtime
27 de noviembre: 
The Irishman en Netflix
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (14T finale) en FX
28 de noviembre: 
Servant (1T) en Apple TV+
Upright (1T completa) en Sky Atlantic
Holiday Rush en Netflix
29 de noviembre: 
I Lost My Body y Atlantics en Netflix
Harley Quinn (1T) en DC Universe
Room 104 (3T finale) en HBO
Estrenos de series
See (Apple TV+)
La raza humana perdió el sentido de la vista por culpa de un virus en muchas ocasiones mortal. Siglos después, dos gemelos nacen con la capacidad de ver y su padre (Jason Momoa; Aquaman, Game of Thrones) tendrá que proteger tanto a los niños como a su tribu de una poderosa reina (Sylvia Hoeks; Blade Runner 2049, Berlin Station) que busca destruirlos. Completan el reparto Alfre Woodard (Luke Cage, Desperate Housewives), Yadira Guevara-Prip (Supernatural), Nesta Cooper (Travelers, Heroes Reborn), Archie Madekwe (Hang Ups, Les Misérables), Christian Camargo (Penny Dreadful, Dexter) y Hera Hilmar (Da Vinci's Demons, Anna Karenina). Escrita por Steven Knight (Peaky Blinders) y dirigida por Francis Lawrence (The Hunger Games). Ocho episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada. Estreno: 1 de noviembre
The Morning Show (Apple TV+)
Alex Levy (Jennifer Aniston; Friends, Cake) presenta un popular programa matinal con grandes audiencias. Cuando su compañero Mitch Kessler (Steve Carell; The Office, Crazy Stupid Love) es despedido tras un escándalo, Alex lucha por mantener su trabajo, y así nace la rivalidad con Bradley Jackson (Reese Witherspoon; Big Little Lies, Walk the Line), una periodista que busca ocupar su puesto. Con Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Black Mirror, Miss Sloane), Nestor Carbonell (Lost, Bates Motel), Mark Duplass (Togetherness, The Mindy Project), Billy Crudup (Almost Famous, Spotlight), Karen Pittman (Luke Cage, Yellowstone), Jack Davenport (Smash, Why Women Kill), Bel Powley (Informer, Mary Shelley), Victoria Tate y Desean K. Terry. Escrita por Jay Carson (House of Cards, The Front Runner), basada en una idea original de Michael Ellenberg, productor de The Letfovers; y tomando ideas del libro 'Top of the Morning: Inside the Cutthroat World of Morning TV' de Brian Stelter (2013). Diez episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada.
Estreno: 1 de noviembre
For All Mankind (Apple TV+)
En esta realidad paralela, es la URSS la que llega antes a la Luna y la NASA queda devastada, pero no se rinde y reta a los rusos una segunda vez intentando enviar a la primera mujer. Protagonizada por Joel Kinnaman (Altered Carbon, The Killing), Michael Dorman (Patriot, Wonderland), Sarah Jones (Damnation, The Path), Shantel VanSanten (Shooter, One Tree Hill), Wrenn Schmidt (The Looming Tower, Person of Interest), Jodi Balfour (Rellik, Quarry), Colm Feore (House of Cards, The Umbrella Academy), Nate Corddry (Mom, Mindhunter), Matt Battaglia (True Detective, Queer as Folk), Chris Bauer (The Deuce, True Blood), Chris Agos (Chicago P.D.), Rebecca Wisocky (Devious Maids, Heathers), Eric Ladin (Six, Shooter) y Arturo del Puerto (The Bridge, Fear The Walking Dead). Creada, escrita y producida por Ronald D. Moore (Outlander, Battlestar Galactica), Matt Wolpert (Fargo) y Ben Nedivi (American Crime Story: People v. O.J. Simpson). Diez episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada. Estreno: 1 de noviembre
Dickinson (Apple TV+)
Comedia sobre Emily Dickinson (Hailee Steinfeld; Pitch Perfect, Ender's Game), la poeta del siglo XIX, que explorará las restricciones de la sociedad, el género y la familia con un tono moderno desde la perspectiva imaginativa de una escritora en ciernes que no encaja en su propio tiempo. Con Jane Krakowski (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, 30 Rock), Toby Huss (Halt and Catch Fire, Carnivàle), Anna Baryshnikov (Good Girls Revolt, Superior Donuts), Adrian Enscoe (Seeds), Ella Hunt (Cold Feet), Matt Lauria (Kingdom, Friday Night Lights), John Mulaney (Mulaney, Saturday Night Live) y Wiz Khalifa. Creada por Alena Smith (The Newsroom, The Affair). Diez episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada. Estreno: 1 de noviembre
Ghostwriter (Apple TV+)
Reboot de la serie de los años 90 con un nuevo enfoque (un argumento totalmente distinto, concretamente). En esta ocasión, cuatro niños deberán devolver a su lugar a los personajes literarios que se están escapando de los libros de una librería del barrio. Protagonizada por Amadi Chapata, Justin Sanchez, Isaac Arellanes, Hannah Levinson y Jay Santiago. Escrita y dirigida por Luke Matheny (Gortimer Gibbon's Life on Normal Street, The Dangerous Book for Boys). Veintiséis episodios. Estreno: 1 de noviembre
Hache (Netflix)
Thriller ambientado en Barcelona en los años 60 que nos muestra el ascenso de una mujer llamada Helena (Adriana Ugarte; El tiempo entre costuras, La señora) dentro de una organización de narcotraficantes liderada por Malpica (Javier Rey; Fariña, Velvet), a quien conoce en un club nocturno. Les acompañan Eduardo Noriega (Tesis, Abre los ojos), Ingrid Rubio (El pueblo, Pulsaciones), Marina Salas (El barco, La zona), Pep Ambròs (Matadero), Séanín Brennan (The Fall), Àlex Casanovas (El cor de la ciutat), Josep Julien (Sé quién eres, Cuéntame cómo pasó), Marc Martínez (Abuela de verano; Luna, el misterio de Calenda), Tony Zenet, Andrew Tarbet y Tonia Richardson. Creada por Verónica Fernández (Cuéntame cómo pasó, El comisario) e inspirada en hechos reales. Ocho episodios. Estreno: 1 de noviembre
Wir sind die Welle (Netflix)
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Inspirada en la película Die Welle (2008), basada en hechos reales, nos muestra cómo un grupo de jóvenes que sueñan con un futuro mejor deciden, liderados por un nuevo compañero, comenzar una revuelta idealista con resultados más que dudosos. Protagonizada por Luise Befort (Club der roten Bänder), Ludwig Simon (Beat), Michelle Barthel (Tatort), Daniel Friedl, Mohamed Issa (Dogs of Berlin), Christian Erdmann, Bianca Hein (SOKO München), Béla Gabor Lenz (Dark), Leon Seidel (Under sandet, Freundinnen) y Milena Tscharntke (Druck). Escrita por Jan Berger (The Physician, Wir sind die Nacht), Ipek Zübert (Ein Atem, Dogs of Berlin) y Thorsten Wettcke (Tatort) y dirigida por Anca Miruna Lazarescu (Hackerville) y Mark Monheim (About a Girl). Seis episodios. Estreno: 1 de noviembre
His Dark Materials (BBC One)
Adaptación de la trilogía de novelas de Philip Pullman ambientada en un mundo alternativo donde los humanos tienen acompañantes con forma animal que representan su alma y su personalidad. Allí, una niña huérfana de once años (Dafne Keen; Logan, The Refugees) busca a un amigo desaparecido y descubre una serie de secuestros y su conexión con un peligroso secreto que envuelve a Lord Asriel (James McAvoy; X-Men, Split) y Marisa Coulter (Ruth Wilson; The Affair, Luther). Con Lin-Manuel Miranda (Mary Poppins Returns), Andrew Scott (Fleabag, Sherlock), Clarke Peters (The Wire, Treme), Ariyon Bakare (Rogue One, Life), Ruta Gedmintas (The Strain, The Tudors), Amir Wilson (The Letter for the King), Ian Peck (Peaky Blinders) y Georgina Campbell (Broadchurch, Krypton) y las voces de Cristela Alonzo (Cristela, The Laundromat), Helen McCrory (Harry Potter, MotherFatherSon), David Suchet (Poirot, Press), Kit Connor (Rocketman, War & Peace) y Joe Tandberg. Escrita por Jack Thorne (This Is England, National Treasure) con la ayuda de Michael y Paul Clarkson (See) y dirigida por Jamie Childs (Doctor Who, Lucky Man) o Tom Hooper (Les Misérables, The King's Speech). Ocho episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada. Estreno: 12 de noviembre
Diary of a Female President (Disney+)
Comedia sobre las idas y venidas en la vida de Elena (Tess Romero), una niña cubanoamericana que se convertirá en la Presidenta de Estados Unidos (Gina Rodriguez; Jane the Virgin, Annihilation). Con Selenis Leyva (Orange Is the New Black, Maniac), Charlie Bushnell, Michael Weaver (Here and Now, Ouija: Origin of Evil), Carmina Garay, Harmeet K. Pandey, Sanai Victoria (The Paynes, No Good Nick), Avantika Vandanapu, Nathan Arenas, Tiernan Jones y Connor Falk. Creada por Ilana Peña (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) y escrita por Robin Shorr (The Middle, Galavant). Producida por Gina Rodriguez (Carmen Sandiego). Diez episodios.
The Mandalorian (Disney+)
Formando parte del universo Star Wars, sigue la odisea de un lobo solitario (Pedro Pascal; Game of Thrones, Narcos) proveniente de Mandalore, el planeta de Boba Fett, tras la caída del Imperio y antes de la fundación de la Orden. Completan el reparto Gina Carano (Deadpool), Nick Nolte (Cape Fear, The Thin Red Line), Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad, Once Upon a Time), Emily Swallow (Supernatural, How to Get Away with Murder), Werner Herzog, Carl Weathers (Rocky, Colony), Omid Abtahi (American Gods, Those Who Kill) y Ming-Na Wen (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Street Fighter). Creada, escrita y producida por Jon Favreau (The Avengers, Revolution). Ocho episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada. Estreno: 12 de noviembre
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (Disney+)
Veremos a los estudiantes del East High que se presentan al casting del musical High School Musical. Protagonizada por Joshua Bassett (Stuck in the Middle), Olivia Rodrigo (Bizaardvark), Matt Cornett (Life in Pieces), Sofia Wylie (Andi Mack), Kate Reinders (Work It), Frankie Rodriguez (Modern Family), Dara Renee (Black-ish), Julia Lester (Mr. Student Body President), Larry Saperstein y Mark St. Cyr. Creada por Peter Barsocchini (High School Musical) y escrita por Oliver Goldstick (Pretty Little Liars, Popular) y Tim Federle (Ferdinand). Diez episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada. Estreno: 12 de noviembre
The Cockfields (Gold)
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Simon (Joe Wilkinson; After Life, Rovers), en su cuarenta cumpleaños, se lleva a su novia Donna (Diane Morgan; After Life, Rovers) por primera vez a la Isla de Wight a pasar el fin de semana y conocer a su familia y la casa donde creció, pero será difícil llegar al domingo manteniendo la calma y tal vez también a la novia. Con Sue Johnston (Rovers, Hold the Sunset), Sarah Parish (Broadchurch, Trollied), Bobby Ball (Not Going Out, Mount Pleasant), Nigel Havers (Chariots of Fire), Maggie Steed (Chewing Gum, Stella), Ben Rufus Green y Jeff Mirza. Escrita por David Earl (Rovers) y Joe Wilkinson (Rovers) y dirigida por Steve Bendelack (Little Britain, Friday Night Diner). Tres episodios. Estreno: 12 de noviembre
Dollface (Hulu)
Cuando su novio de toda la vida rompe con ella, Jules (Kat Dennings; 2 Broke Girls, Thor) debe lidiar con su propia imaginación para volver literal y metafóricamente al mundo de las mujeres y retomar la relación con las amigas que dejó atrás. Con Brenda Song (The Suite Life of Zach and Cody, Station 19), Shay Mitchell (Pretty Little Liars, You), Esther Povitsky (Alone Together, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend), Beth Grant (The Mindy Project, One Mississippi), Connor Hines y Goran Visnjic (Timeless, ER). Creada por Jordan Weiss, escrita por Ira Ungerleider (Friends, Angie Tribeca) y dirigida por Stephanie Laing (I'm Sorry, Wayne). Producida por Margot Robbie (I, Tonya). Diez episodios. Estreno: 15 de noviembre
The Sleepers (HBO)
En 1989, tras doce años exiliados en Londres, una violinista (Tatiana Pauhofová, Horící ker) y un disidente político (Martin Myšička, Cerní baroni) creen que ha llegado el momento de volver a Checoslovaquia, donde el régimen comunista da los últimos coletazos, y piden la amnistía. Recién llegados, son atropellados por un coche, y cuando ella despierta en el hospital, él ha desaparecido. Con Jan Vlasák (Hostel, První republika), Martin Hoffman (The Zookeeper's Wife), Lenka Vlasáková (Labyrint), Petr Lnenicka (Cesty domú), Kristýna Podzimková (Ohnivý kure), Jevgenij Libeznuk (Hotel), David Nykl (Arrow, Stargate: Atlantis) y Hattie Morahan (The Bletchley Circle, My Mother and Other Strangers). Escrita por Ondrej Gabriel y dirigida por Ivan Zachariáš (Pustina). Seis episodios. Estreno: 17 de noviembre
Servant (Apple TV+)
Thriller psicológico que sigue a Dorothy (Lauren Ambrose; Six Feet Under, The X-Files) y Sean Turner (Toby Kebbell; RocknRolla, A Monster Calls), una pareja de Philadelphia que contrata a una joven (Nell Tiger Free; Game of Thrones, Too Old to Die Young) para que cuide de su bebé recién nacido. Con Rupert Grint (Harry Potter, Snatch). Creada y escrita por Tony Basgallop (Berlin Station, 24: Live Another Day) y producida por M. Night Shyamalan (The Village, Unbreakable). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 28 de noviembre
Upright (Sky Atlantic)
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Lucky Flynn (Tim Minchin, Californication) lleva años sin hablarse con su familia. Arruinado y dañado, se entera de que su madre está a punto de morir y, decidido a despedirse, comienza un viaje por carretera desde Sydney hasta Perth acompañado de un viejo piano vertical, su posesión más valiosa. En el camino, conocerá a Meg (Milly Alcock, Pine Gap), una divertida y dura adolescente tan dañada como él. Creada por Minchin y dirigida por Matthew Saville (Please Like Me, The Slap). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 28 de noviembre
0 notes
marveloki · 7 years
Rogue Reading Order
The Avengers Annual (1967) #10
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #158
Dazzler (1981) #22-24
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #170-175
Dazzler (1981) #27-29
Rom (1979) #31-32
X-Men Annual (1970) #7
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #178-179
The New Mutants (1983) #14
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #181-196
Secret Wars (1984) #1-12
X-Men Annual (1970) #8
The New Mutants (1983) #24-25
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #199-203
Marvel Team-Up (1972) #150
Rom (1979) #65-66
Marvel Age Annual (1985) #1
Dazzler (1981) #38
Secret Wars II (1985) #1 + #3 + #5
X-Men Annual (1970) #9
X-Men/Alpha Flight (1985) #1-2
Secret Wars II (1985) #7-9
Alpha Flight (1983) #33
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #206-219
The New Mutants (1983) #46
X-Men Annual (1970) #10
Marvel Age Annual (1985) #3
Fantastic Four Vs. X-Men (1987) #1-4
X-Men Vs. Avengers (1987) #1-4
The New Mutants (1983) #51
Mephisto Vs ... (1987) #3
Marvel Fanfare (1982) #33
X-Men Annual (1970) #11
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #221-247
The New Mutants (1983) #61
Alpha Flight (1983) #61
Marvel Age Annual (1985) #4
X-Men Annual (1970) #12
X-Factor (1986) #38-39
The Punisher (1987) #18
X-Men Annual (1970) #13
Alpha Flight (1983) #74-75
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #249 + #251 + #256
Excalibur (1988) #14 + #19
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #259 + #261
Marvel Tales (1966) #237-238
Marvel Super-Heroes (1992) #2
Wolverine Saga (1989) #3-4
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #267 + #269 + #274-275
The New Mutants (1983) #100
The New Warriors (1990) #11-12
Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) #6-8
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #278-280
X-Factor (1986) #69-70
Excalibur (1988) #41
X-Men (1991) #1-15
Ghost Rider (1990) #26-27
Wolverine (1988) #54
X-Factor (1986) #84-85
Infinity War (1992) #1-6
Warlock and the Infinity Watch (1992) #8
X-Men Annual (1992) #1
Fantastic Four (1961) #367-370
Marc Spector: Moon Knight (1989) #41
The New Warriors (1992) #27
Wonder Man (1991) #13-15
Quasar (1989) #38-39
Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) #11
X-Force (1991) #16-17
Excalibur (1988) #57-58
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #294 + #297
X-Men (1991) #17
X-Men (1991) #19-21
Wolverine (1988) #69-71
X-Men Unlimited (1993) #1-4
The Infinity Crusade (1993) #1-6
Warlock and the Infinity Watch (1992) #19-20
X-Force (1991) #25
X-Men (1991) #23-28
Web of Spider-Man (1985) #104 +#106
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #304-305 + #307-308
X-Men Annual (1992) #2
Wolverine (1988) #75
The Avengers (1963) #368-369
Gambit (1993) #1-4
X-Men (1991) #30-34
Cable (1993) #14 + #16
X-Men Unlimited (1993) #6
X-Factor (1986) #106 + #108
Excalibur (1988) #83
X-Men (1991) #38
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #318-319
X-Men Annual (1992) #3
Rogue (1995) #1-4
X-Men: Time Gliders (1995) #1-3
X-Men (1991) #40-42  
Cable (1993) #20
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #321
Astonishing X-Men (1995) #1-4
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #323-325
X-Men (1991) #45 + #52 + #55-56
X-Men Unlimited (1993) #11-13
The Avengers (1963) #401
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #336
X-Men (1991) #58-59
Magneto (1996) #1 + #4
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #341-345 + #347-350
X-Men Unlimited (1993) #15 + #17-18
X-Men (1991) #70-71
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #352-356
X-Men (1991) #73 + #75
Wolverine (1988) #125-126 + #129 + #131
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #359-362
X-Men (1991) #80-88
Avengers (1998) #10
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #364-368
X-Men Unlimited (1993) #22-26 + #29-31
Gambit (1999) #1 + #4-5 + #8 + #10
Magneto Rex (1999) #1-3
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #371-372 + #375-380
X-Men (1991) #91-109
Contest of Champions (1999) #5
Wolverine (1988) #145-146
Gambit (1999) #14 + #16 + #19-20
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #384-389
Cable (1993) #87
Wolverine (1988) #159 + #166
Blink (2001) #1 + #4
X-Treme X-Men (2001) #1-19
Exiles (2001) #1
Rogue (2001) #1-4
Exiles (2001) #20-21
X-Men Unlimited (1993) #35-37 + #49-50
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #425
X-Treme X-Men (2001) #31-36 + #38 + #40-46
Exiles (2001) #38-42
Wolverine (2003) #12
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #444 + #446
X-Men (2004) #157-164
Rogue (2004) #1-12
Avengers Disassembled - Avengers (1998) #503
Cable & Deadpool (2004) #9-10
X-Men (2004) #166-174
House of M - House of M (2005) #3 + #5-7, The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #462
Wild Kingdom - X-Men (2004) #175-176, Black Panther (2005) #8-9
X-Men (2004) #177-179
The Uncanny X-Men (1963) #467-468
New X-Men (2004) #23-24
X-Men (2004) #180-199
Exiles (2001) #83-84
Civil War - Ms. Marvel (2006) #8
Ms. Marvel (2006) #9-10
New X-Men (2004) #32
Cable & Deadpool (2004) #40-41
Wolverine (2003) #50
Endangered Species - X-Men (2004) #200-204
Black Panther (2005) #31
Exiles (2001) #99
X-Men: Die By The Sword (2007) #2-3 + #5
Exiles (2001) #100
Messiah Complex - X-Men (2004) #207, New X-Men (2004) #46
New Exiles (2008) #1-4 + #7-10
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #208-210 + #212 + #214
X-Men (2004) #220-221
Manifest Destiny - The Uncanny X-Men (1963 )#500 + #504, X-Men: Legacy (2008) #215-216
Ms. Marvel (2006) #31
New Exiles (2008) #12-18
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #220-225
Exiles (2009) #2 + #6
New Mutants (2009) #5
Utopia - X-Men: Legacy (2008) #226-227
Nation X - X-Men: Legacy (2008) #228-230, The Uncanny X-Men (1963 ) #517 + #522
Necrosha - X-Necrosha (2009) #1, X-Men: Legacy (2008) #231-233, X-Force (2008) #21
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #234
Second Coming - X-Men: Second Coming (2010) #1-2, X-Men: Legacy (2008) #235-237, The Uncanny X-Men (1963 ) #523-525, New Mutants (2009) #12-14, X-Force (2008) #26-28
The Uncanny X-Men (1963 ) #526-527 + #529
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #238-244
X-Men (2010) #1-2 + #4
New Mutants (2009) #15 + #20-21
Wolverine (2010) #6-8
Generation Hope (2011) #1-4 + #6
Age of X - Age of X: Universe (2011) #1-2, X-Men: Legacy (2008) #245-249, New Mutants (2009) #22-24
New Mutants (2009) #25
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #250-258
Avengers: The Childrens Crusade (2010) #6-9
Fear Itself - The Uncanny X-Men (1963 ) #542
Uncanny X-Force (2010) #12-13
Schism - X-Men: Prelude to Schism (2011) #1 + #4, X-Men: Schism (2011) #2-3 + #5, Generation Hope (2011) #10
Regenesis - X-Men: ReGenesis (2011) #1, X-Men: Legacy (2008) #259-260.1, Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #1
Uncanny X-Force (2010) #19.1
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #261-265
AvX - Avengers vs. X-Men (2012) #10-12, X-Men: Legacy (2008) #266-270, Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #9
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #271-275
A+X (2012) #2
Uncanny Avengers (2012) #1-5 + #7-8
Gambit (2012) #9-12
All-New X-Men (2012) #11-14
Cable and X-Force (2013) #1-3
Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #25
Age of Ultron - Uncanny Avengers (2012) #8AU
Avengers A.I. (2013) #8-10
Uncanny Avengers (2012) #9-10 + #13-15
Cable and X-Force (2013) #9-10 + #13-14
Gambit (2012) #17
Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #29
Marvel Knights: X-Men (2014) #1-5
X-Men (2013) #1-4
Battle of the Atom - X-Men (2013) #5-6, All-New X-Men (2012) #17, Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #37
All-New X-Men (2012) #25
Uncanny Avengers (2012) #21-23
AXIS - Avengers and X-Men: AXIS (2014) #1 + #3-9, Uncanny Avengers (2012) #24-25, Magneto (2014) #10-11
All-New X-Men (2012) #31-36
Nightcrawler (2014) #5 + #7 + #9
A-Force (2015) #1-2 + #5
Age of Apocalypse (2015) #1-5
Deadpools Secret Wars (2015) #1-4
House of M (2015) #1-4
Uncanny X-Men (2013) #28
Uncanny Avengers (2015) #1-5 (v2)
Uncanny Avengers (2015) #1-5 (v3)
Old Man Logan (2015) #2 + #5
Black Knight (2015) #1-5
Deadpool (2015) #1 + #10
Uncanny X-Men (2013) #600
Squadron Supreme (2015) #1-3
Standoff - Uncanny Avengers (2015) #7-8, Captain America: Sam Wilson (2015) #8-9, All-New All Different Avengers (2015) #7-8
Uncanny X-Men (2016) #6
Uncanny Avengers (2015) #9-12
Civil War II - Civil War II (2016) #1-2 Uncanny Avengers (2015) #13-15, Deadpool (2015) #18
Uncanny X-Men (2016) #12
Uncanny Avengers (2015) #16-ongoing
IvX - IvX (2016) #1 + #3-4
22 notes · View notes