thedarkwitchesblog · 1 year
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Appreciation is Researching another person's cultural and really learning it is not appropriation in the slightest. I love learning others cultures. Genuinely learning and understanding another people's way of life and their traditions is appreciation. Asking questions about their culture and learning is a show of appreciation. And if you are lucky to be invited to join those people because they want you to be there and experience whatever it is they're doing, that is appreciation.
Appropriation is taking without asking (read: stealing) a part of a culture reframing or rewording it to seem a little different and claiming it as yours. Appropriation is wearing someone's artifacts for funsies. Talking over others experiences especially when you yourself are not prone to experiencing what they are more likely to deal with. A closed culture is closed for a fucking reason. You can do your research sure, but participation is not for you.
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wocbitchcraft · 5 years
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fullmoonswooon-blog · 7 years
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♍️ Virgo ♍️ What is your sign? 💕
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thedarkwitchesblog · 2 months
March 1st
PSA: It Wasn't a witch trial
It's a Women's massacre
Maybe some were witches who did no harm, very unlikely they would've known they were witches with Christianity being installed with fear to even sway and the rest of the women are women who men couldn't get what they wanted from them. Or others were jealous of of WOC /POC
There was no trial bc it was a massacre of innocent women men/people didn't like. And the men who stood up for women
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wocbitchcraft · 5 years
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#wocwitch #ganjaqueen
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wocbitchcraft · 5 years
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#wocwitch #ganjagirl
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