#Weight Loss beginner chair yoga
htlifestyle · 1 year
Yoga for Arthritis | Yoga For The Soul | HT Lifestyle
Arthritis pain increases with age. Elderly people can benefit the most from yoga and can relieve their arthritis pain. The following are the yoga poses discussed in this video. a) Virabhadrasana b) Setubandhasana c) Trikonasana Don’t let your arthritis grow by adopting these yoga exercises in your daily regime. For more yoga poses, do like, share, and subscribe to this channel.
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princelife24-blog · 3 months
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shivayoga · 2 months
Starting a weight loss journey is a big step toward living a better, more satisfying life. While various methods and practices aid in weight loss, incorporating yoga into your routine can be a transformative and holistic approach. Yoga not only contributes to physical fitness but also fosters mental well-being
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yoga-updates · 3 months
Unlocking the Benefits of Yoga: A Beginner's Guide to Weight Loss
Whether you're new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, you'll discover its holistic benefits are immense. Yoga not only supports weight loss but also promotes overall good health. Today, let's explore some beginner-friendly yoga asanas that you can incorporate into just 10 minutes of your daily routine to aid weight loss.
Pras (Mountain Pose)
Begin by standing straight with both feet together or slightly apart. Place your hands in front of your chest, close your eyes, and focus on balancing your body. This foundational pose sets the stage for the following asanas.
Hutas (Raised Arms Pose)
Stand with your feet slightly apart. Inhale deeply as you raise both arms overhead and arch backward, stretching your entire body. This pose improves posture, expands lung capacity, and increases body awareness.
V bhadas (Warrior Pose)
Start in a standing position. Gently bend your right knee forward while extending your left leg behind. Join your hands above your head and stretch upward, holding the pose for several seconds. Warrior pose engages multiple muscle groups, enhancing strength and metabolism.
Utkatasan (Chair Pose)
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Inhale as you raise your arms to shoulder level, palms facing down. Exhale as you squat down, keeping your knees aligned with your toes. Hold the pose for a few seconds before returning to a standing position. This pose strengthens the lower body and boosts metabolism.
Konan 3 (Triangle Pose)
Stand with your feet about 2 and a half feet apart. Raise both arms sideways and open them wide. Exhale as you bend towards your left side, aiming to touch your left toe with your right hand. Hold the pose for a few seconds before returning to the starting position. This pose stretches and strengthens leg muscles and improves circulation.
Malas (Deep Squat Pose)
Stand with your feet about 2 and a half feet apart. Join your hands in a Namaste position and squat down deeply. Hold the pose for a moment before returning to a standing position. Deep squat engages thigh, hip, and lower back muscles, aiding digestion and flexibility.
Hangas (Cobra Pose)
Lie on your abdomen with your hands placed beside your chest. Inhale as you lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the ground, arching your back. Hold the pose for a few seconds before releasing back down. Cobra pose strengthens the back, arms, and shoulders, while stimulating digestion.
Pimas (Forward Bend Stretch)
Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you. Inhale as you reach your arms forward, then exhale as you bend forward to touch your toes. Hold the pose for a moment before returning to the starting position. Forward bend stretch improves spinal flexibility and releases stress.
Noasa (Boat Pose)
Lie on your back with your legs lifted off the ground and arms stretched forward. Hold the pose, balancing on your tailbone, for a few seconds before releasing back down. Boat pose strengthens the core muscles and stimulates digestion.
Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
Lie on your back with your arms and legs spread apart. Relax your entire body, focusing on your breath. Shavasana induces relaxation, reduces stress, and aids in weight management.
Remember to practice these asanas regularly, mindfully, and with full attention to your body's needs. Modify the poses as necessary and seek guidance from an experienced teacher or reputable institute, especially if you're new to yoga or have specific health concerns. Combine these yoga techniques with a healthy diet and lifestyle changes for effective weight loss. May your mind and body remain in good health. Namaskar!
Please note that the Best Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is offered by Rishikesh Nath Yogshala, providing comprehensive 200-hour and 300-hour yoga teacher training courses.
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gregorymarissa888 · 4 months
Gradually Lose Up to 4 Pounds With This 6-Week Yoga Routine
<h1>How Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight</h1> <p>Yoga is great for both your body and mind. Not only does it keep you flexible, but studies show yoga can help lower stress levels and improve heart health too. This makes it a really good way to feel better overall. </p> <p>The best part is that yoga is suitable for all different body types. Whether you're really skinny or have a few extra pounds, yoga has benefits. It's actually a gentle form of exercise that works well for weight loss. Here are some tips for using yoga to lose weight safely and sustainably.</p> <h2>Start Slow and Listen to Your Body</h2> <p>When you're first starting out, go easy on yourself. Don't try to do every single pose right away. Listen to what feels good for your body. Some simple stretches, like cat-cow and downward-facing dog, are great options to begin with. Try holding each pose for 5 deep breaths to really feel the effects. </p> <p>Be patient - weight loss through yoga is a gradual process. rRather than pushing too hard and risking injury, focus on consistency. Aim to practice yoga 3-4 times per week to start. Build up your routine slowly over the following weeks.</p> <h2>Sample 6-Week Yoga Routine</h2> <p>Here's a suggested 6-week routine to lose 2-4 pounds healthily:</p> <h3>Week 1:</h3> <ul> <li>4 x Single Leg Lunge per side</li> <li>6 x Downward Facing Dog</li> </ul> <h3>Week 2:</h3> <ul> <li>Continue Week 1</li> <li>4 x Cobra Pose</li> <li>4 x Locust Pose</li> </ul> <h3>Week 3:</h3> <ul> <li>Continue Weeks 1-2</li> <li>3 x Plank per side</li> <li>3 x Lizard Pose per side</li> </ul> <h3>Week 4-6:</h3> <p>Slowly add 1-2 new poses each week like Tree, Chair or Boat Pose. Stick with the routine and you'll start to notice a difference on the scale! Remember - consistency is key to long-term benefits.</p> <h2>Stay Motivated and Listen to Your Body</h2> <p>Be proud of your progress so far! Keep practicing yoga regularly 3-4 times per week if you want to maintain your results. Yoga is a lifelong practice, so there's no need to stop what's working for you.</p> <p>Always pay attention to how certain poses make you feel. Don't be afraid to modify or skip any that cause pain or discomfort. Your health and safety comes first. By continually challenging but not overstressing your body with yoga, it can support long-term weight maintenance from the inside out.</p>
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pablice · 6 months
10 Minute Morning Yoga Routine for Beginners Over 40 to Lose Weight
Benefits of Yoga for People Over 40 Yoga is absolutely beneficial for people over 40. It helps to stretch and strengthen muscles, reducing joint pain and increasing flexibility. Additionally, it has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular function. Yoga can also be used to improve physical balance. Balance plays a key role in daily activities like getting out of bed, standing up from a chair, and walking up or down stairs. Better balance can also reduce the risk of falls, one of the leading causes of serious injury or death in the elderly. Along with improved physical balance, yoga also can promote emotional balance and regulate stress levels. Types of Yoga for Weight Loss Yoga can be an effective way to lose weight in those over 40. Through increased flexibility and strength, yoga can help to boost your metabolism and burn calories more efficiently. There are different types of yoga such as Vinyasa, Hatha, and Kundalini. Each type of yoga has its own benefits, so understanding which type may help you the most on your weight loss journey is important. Vinyasa yoga is a sequence of poses designed to create a calming, pulled sensation. It combines breath and movement in order to develop strength and balance. This type of yoga is ideal for those looking to lose weight. Hatha yoga is a more gentle form of yoga. It is slow-paced and designed to provide a slow, relaxing burn. It focuses on stretches and poses that can be held for a longer period of time. Kundalini yoga is a type of yoga that focuses on meditation, pranayama, and physical postures. It is meant to awaken the body’s energy, also known as the kundalini, and is ideal for those looking to connect with their spiritual side while still working on weight-loss. Preparing for a 10-Minute Morning Yoga Routine It is important to be properly prepared before undertaking a 10-minute morning yoga routine. It's recommended to set up a comfortable space by laying down a yoga mat, designating a spot to store any props, and ensuring that you won't be disturbed during your practice. Allocating a specific area to practice will also allow you to create a consistent environment and routine, making your yoga practice that much more effective and invigorating. Ideally, you should arrive 5-15 minutes before your designated yoga practice to allow yourself time to breathe, meditate, relax, and get into the mindset that will set you up for a great practice. Take some time to set an intention for the practice and become mindful of your breath to ensure that your body and mind are in sync and ready for the upcoming session. Understanding Modifications and Props Yoga can be a great way to improve physical and mental wellbeing, especially for people over 40 years old. In order to make the practice as beneficial as possible, it is important to understand how to modify certain yoga poses and use props effectively. Some popular modifications are the half-downward dog, kneel-down warrior, and a chair twist. Finding the right modification for an exercise can be key in getting the most out of the pose. Props can also help reduce the strain on certain body parts, such as using blocks and straps for support. Understanding how to modify poses and use props properly can help ensure that the practice is both safe and as beneficial as possible. Warm Up Exercises for a 10 Minute Yoga Routine Once you are ready to start your 10-minute yoga routine, it's important to begin with some warm-up exercises. These exercises allow your muscles to loosen up, increasing flexibility and helping to prevent injury. Some easy warm-up exercises you can do include neck circles, arm circles, shoulder rolls, and torso twists. For neck circles, slowly move your head in a circle, moving counter-clockwise for seven rotations and then continuing clockwise for seven more rotations. When doing arm circles, keep your arms parallel to the floor and slowly move your arms in a circle. The shoulder rolls can be done by rolling both shoulders forward in a circular motion in a slow and controlled manner. Finally, torso twists can be completed while seated in a chair. Twist your torso to one side, hold for 10 seconds, and then repeat on the other side. Doing these exercises will help ensure that your body is warm and ready for the 10-minute yoga routine ahead. Common Postures for a 10 Minute Yoga Routine Yoga is a great way to stay in shape and maintain health and wellness into your 40s and beyond. There are a variety of poses that can be done in a 10 minute yoga routine that can help people over 40 increase their flexibility and strength. Routine postures in a 10 minute yoga session can help to stretch and strengthen the body's core muscles, which are vital for overall health and wellness. Some of the basic postures for a 10 minute yoga routine can include Cat/Cow, Standing Forward Fold, Downward Facing Dog, Half Moon, Leg Lifts, and Lizard pose. Each posture has its own benefits for toning and strengthening the body. Understanding which postures work best for your body can help to make your 10 minute yoga routine more effective and enjoyable. Taking the time to focus on the form and movements of each pose can ensure that the most is being achieved in the short 10 minutes allocated for the practice. Breathing Exercises for a 10 Minute Yoga Routine The practice of breathwork, also known as pranayama, is an integral part of any yoga practice. Yogic breathing exercises can help to improve the range and efficiency of your breath, as well as enhance relaxation and concentration. There are a variety of breathing exercises you can practice as part of a 10 minute yoga routine. Ujjayi, Ocean or Victorious Breath is a breathing exercise practiced in a seated position. It helps to increase awareness of the body, while calming the nervous system. Place your hands over your abdomen and inhale through your nose deeply, filling up your lungs and expanding your belly. Make a low soft sound like the ocean waves in your throat as you exhale with a steady steady stream. This breathing exercise can be practiced for a few minutes to begin your yoga practice or to relax the mind and body. Nadi Shodhana, Alternate Nostril Breathing, is another common pranayama exercise. It helps to bring a state of balance to the body and mind. Begin by sitting in a comfortable seated position. Gently place your right index and middle finger of your right hand between your eyebrows, and your thumb and fourth finger on your right nostril. Inhale slowly and deeply through the left nostril. Close the left nostril, and release the right nostril to exhale slowly. Follow this same pattern, alternating nostrils for a few minutes. Cool Down Exercises for a 10 Minute Yoga Routine Once a yoga routine is completed, it is important to provide the body with some cool down exercises. Cool down exercises allow the body to transition from active to a more relaxed, resting state. Cat-cow, bridge pose, and child’s pose are the most commonly used cool down poses. Cat-cow is a postural stretching exercise involving smooth, fluid movements of the spine that can be done while seated or standing. This pose works to provide the spine with stretching, lengthening, and strengthening as the spine moves throughout its entire range of motion. Bridge pose helps to open the chest and abdomen as well as provide some lengthening and relaxation to the lower back and hips. The final pose is child’s pose that works to stretch and relax the shoulders, lower back, and neck. Child’s pose works to bring the mind and body into a calm, peaceful state as will. What are the benefits of yoga for people over 40? Yoga can help people over 40 improve their physical fitness, flexibility, and balance. It can help reduce stress levels and can help to improve sleep. Yoga can also help to boost energy levels and strengthen the core. What types of yoga are best for weight loss? Power yoga, Ashtanga yoga, and Vinyasa yoga are some of the best types of yoga for weight loss. These are all high-intensity styles of yoga that involve lots of movement and can help to burn calories and build muscle. What should I do to prepare for a 10-minute morning yoga routine? Firstly, make sure that you have a comfortable space where you can practice yoga without any distraction. Also, set aside 10 minutes each day to dedicate to your yoga practice. Finally, choose a type of yoga that works best for you and your goals. What modifications and props should I use for a 10 minute yoga routine? If you are just starting out with yoga, it is important to use modifications and props to help you get into the correct form. Consider using a yoga block or strap to help you reach certain poses. You can also use a bolster or blanket for added support. What warm up exercises are best for a 10 minute yoga routine? Warm up exercises are important to prepare your body for the poses you will be doing in your yoga routine. Some good warm up exercises include cat-cow, neck rolls, forward folds, and mountain pose. What are some common postures for a 10 minute yoga routine? Sun salutations are a great way to start any yoga routine and can be done in 10 minutes. Other common postures for a 10-minute yoga routine include warrior II, downward-facing dog, triangle, and bridge. What breathing exercises should I include in a 10 minute yoga routine? Breathing exercises are an important part of yoga, as they can help to relax the body and mind. Consider doing alternate nostril breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, and Ujjai breathing during your 10 minute yoga routine. What cool down exercises are best for a 10 minute yoga routine? Cool down exercises are important to help relax the body after a yoga routine. Some cool down exercises to consider include supine twist, shoulder openers, and child’s pose. Additionally, you can always take a few minutes to lie in savasana (corpse pose). Read the full article
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Best Yoga Apple Valley CA
Top Rated Yoga Studio Apple Valley CA
In the last few years, I've noticed an increasing number of people in my excitement getting into yoga. A good friend who used to accomplish in finance took it stirring and told me that he found it calmed him the length of and helped him focus. complementary friend told me roughly her yoga studio, which she has visited for years, and how she has gotten to know the further people who go there. My sister told me roughly a series of workshops upon yoga and meditation, at the end of one of which you are asked to wander in the region of the room taking into account your eyes closed, a task that apparently gets easier exceeding time. I've never over and done with yoga myself, but I identify taking into account every these stories. taking into account many people I know, I am often preoccupied - my mind wanders - and I want to find ways to better focus upon what is right in stomach of me: my writing, my family, my friends. I used to accomplish yoga. My wife and I were both accomplish it, so it was something we could accomplish together. Except I was terrible at it. I wasn't bad in a way that's easy to ignore. There are definite exercises where you have to put your hands in the air and tab upon one foot and gaze intently at a spot upon the wall and breathe in a special way, and if you're bad at that kind of event you can just gaze ineffectively and breathe normally and people will probably believe you're accomplish it right but have contracted not to to create a fool of yourself. But there are limits to how much of that kind of event a class can contain, so I couldn't just accomplish to accomplish yoga for an hour.
Popular Apple Valley CA Yoga Sessions
I've been accomplish yoga for in the region of a year now, at a local studio that offers classes every hours of daylight at various times. I've taking into account most days for the taking into account year, sometimes for two or three classes in a quarrel if I have time. I came to yoga reluctantly. I was keyed up roughly bodily in a class full of women in great move who could amend themselves into human knots while my own body felt taking into account an outdated wooden chair that creaked taking into account I moved it. But the studio is located right close my house, and the class schedule fits perfectly taking into account my accomplish schedule. so roughly a year ago I contracted to end ignoring it and come up with the money for yoga a try. The first few weeks were miserable. My muscles were weak from sitting at a desk every day, and they hurt taking into account hell after each class. Despite the fact that I was probably the oldest person in each class by 15-20 years, everyone else seemed to be clever to accomplish every the poses without even trying. Meanwhile I was struggling just to stand stirring straight. But there was something roughly the classes that kept me coming support for more--the instructors were encouraging and upbeat; we did poses that worked stand-in parts of our bodies upon stand-in days; and there was something relaxing roughly lying upon my support a pain to empty my mind I have been taking yoga classes for three weeks now, and I have to tell it's kind of a obscurity to me. I've over and done with some further exercise classes before, and this one is very stand-in from everything I've tried. The class moves slowly and deliberately through various positions, taking into account a lot of stretching and holding poses for extended periods of time. In the arrival of class, we are every lying upon the floor and just full of beans for several minutes. I'm not definite what that's expected to accomplish, but it feels good.
Apple Valley CA Beginners Yoga Classes
Yoga has many benefits, both bodily and mental. The service of yoga are every the more pronounced if you practice it regularly. Yoga helps in weight loss, make more noticeable relief, detoxification, reducing cholesterol levels and amendable blood pressure. It furthermore improves your body posture, reduces support pain and increases flexibility. If you accomplish yoga upon a regular basis it can be very lively for weight loss. Yoga is a great way to lose weight as it helps burn calories which in position helps shed further pounds; however, losing weight is not the main aspire from lively yoga. Although some forms of yoga can be strenuous and create you sweat, they will not worship your heart rate enough to come up with the money for you an aerobic workout. If you want to lose weight, cardio exercise along taking into account your yoga practice would support you achieve this more quickly. Yoga is a astonishing complement to any fitness program. It is great for make more noticeable service and that alone is worth making period for it in your day. Some people find that taking into account they start accomplish yoga they tone better rationally and physically in the region of shortly while others pronouncement results exceeding period as they continue taking into account their practice. Yoga has many service but it isn't right for everyone; therefore, back arrival any exercise program including yoga it is best to consult your doctor or health Yoga is a great way to addition flexibility, balance, and strength. Yoga is for everyone. Yoga increases your heart rate, which service your cardiovascular health. Yoga improves your posture and reduces support pain. https://bestyogaapplevalleyca381.blogspot.com/2023/09/best-yoga-apple-valley-ca.html Yoga Studio Apple Valley CA Near Me https://5starvictorvillegym854.blogspot.com/ https://5starvictorvillegym854.blogspot.com/2023/09/5-star-victorville-gym.html https://topratedapplevalleycagym579.blogspot.com/ https://topratedapplevalleycagym579.blogspot.com/2023/09/top-rated-apple-valley-ca-gym.html https://www.tumblr.com/apple-valley-gym-q2g7ybq/727146744555749376
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Online Live Yoga Classes by Yog Power International
The COVID pandemic has led to an increase in the importance of online live yoga classes. Everyone wants to be healthy and fit at the comfort of their own home. You have come to the correct spot if you’re looking for the Best Online Live Yoga Classes. With the convenience of home, Yog Power International Online Yoga offers you the distinctiveness of both traditional and advanced live classes.
Yog Power International, the home of yoga, can assist if you’ve always wanted to practice yoga but can’t find a class in your region. We are currently providing live online yoga classes around India, and anyone may sign up and earn money. We are offering you the greatest live yoga classes online, including classes on fertility yoga, power yoga for weight loss at home, pregnant yoga at home, and even yoga exercises for weight loss that you can do in the comfort of your own home.
We offer the greatest live virtual yoga courses. You can join us and receive a great discount whether you’re in India or somewhere else in the country. We have numerous amazing packages available for our online yoga courses. Additionally, we provide beginner-friendly online yoga classes if you’re hesitant to try yoga.
To help you choose the best option for you, we provide a range of alternatives, from single class discounts to class packs and unlimited courses.
Our beginning and advanced yoga programs will aid with physical and mental transformation as well as spiritual progress. We provide a range of yoga classes to improve the body, mind, and soul. These courses receive specialized instruction from professionals and are created from an all-encompassing viewpoint. Online live yoga courses offered by Yog Power International can benefit you both physically and therapeutically.
Our tutors answer all of your questions and doubts right away by sending a dedicated demonstration to show you how it’s done. With its unique style of yoga, Yog Power International can explore new avenues for improving one’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
With so many of our current local clients working from home or remotely, providing live online yoga classes has proven to be effective. They can now exchange lessons with colleagues both nationally and internationally, rather than just with those who live nearby.
Offering live online yoga classes might encourage staff members to start doing yoga at home and support ongoing initiatives for employee wellbeing.
There are several reasons why students choose online yoga courses, such as time and geographical convenience, the need to keep social distance, and more.
In order to maximize the benefits of online live classes, it is imperative to fully prepare.
Online live yoga classes for personal & group training
Yoga for health problems
Yoga for weight loss
Yoga for weight gain
Yoga for inch loss
Yoga for flexibility
Yoga for belly fats
Yoga for pregnancy
Yoga for stress management
Online live yoga classes for corporates (webinar)
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Laughter yoga
Chair yoga
Office yoga
Dance yoga
Yoga, Pranayam
Senior citizen yoga
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desktobikini · 9 months
Get rid of that office weight quickly with my desk workout program! Stay active all day #deskworkout
Get rid of that office weight quickly with my desk workout program! Stay active all day #deskworkout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8bqx2fh4nI Are you tired of feeling sluggish and sedentary during long hours spent at your desk? Say goodbye to the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle and welcome the game-changer: desk workouts. These innovative exercise routines are designed to help you shed unwanted pounds and boost your overall well-being, right from the comfort of your office chair. Gone are the days when you had to sacrifice your fitness goals due to a busy work schedule. With desk workouts, you can conveniently incorporate physical activity into your daily routine without compromising productivity. These workouts are specifically crafted to target various muscle groups and elevate your heart rate, leading to increased calorie burn and weight loss. One of the key benefits of desk workouts is their ability to combat the harmful effects of sitting for prolonged periods. Research has shown that prolonged sitting can lead to weight gain and various health issues, including metabolic disorders and cardiovascular problems. By incorporating desk workouts into your day, you can counteract the negative impact of sitting and keep your metabolism active. Desk workouts are designed to be efficient and time-effective, making the most out of your limited office breaks or short intervals throughout the day. They typically consist of a combination of seated exercises, stretching routines, and low-impact movements that can be performed discreetly without disturbing your work environment. These exercises engage your muscles, increase blood flow, and stimulate your metabolism, allowing you to burn calories even while sitting. Engaging in desk workouts not only promotes weight loss but also enhances your overall fitness level. Regular physical activity has been proven to improve cardiovascular health, increase muscle strength and endurance, boost energy levels, and enhance mental focus and productivity. By incorporating desk workouts into your routine, you'll experience improved physical fitness and mental well-being, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling work life. Furthermore, desk workouts offer a variety of exercises that can be customized to suit your fitness level and goals. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, there are exercises available for every level of fitness. From simple stretches and seated cardio exercises to resistance band workouts and desk-friendly yoga poses, you can tailor your routine to challenge yourself and progress over time. The convenience of desk workouts extends beyond the office setting. These exercises can also be incorporated into your daily routine at home or while traveling. With minimal equipment and space requirements, you can continue your fitness journey wherever you go. This flexibility ensures that you stay committed to your weight loss goals, regardless of your location or schedule. Don't let your desk job hinder your weight loss aspirations any longer. Embrace the power of desk workouts and transform your sedentary work environment into a calorie-burning, fitness-boosting zone. Take charge of your health, shed those extra pounds, and feel energized throughout the day. Get ready to witness the remarkable benefits of desk workouts as they become an integral part of your weight loss journey and overall well-being. #FitnessGoals #FitLife #GetFit #HealthyLiving #WorkoutMotivation #ExerciseInspiration #FitnessJourney #FitnessAddict #TrainHard #FitnessTips #FitnessCommunity #FitForLife #StrongNotSkinny #FitnessProgress #ActiveLifestyle #FitnessInspiration #FitnessChallenge #FitnessResults #FitnessTransformation #FitnessMotivation #FitnessRoutine #FitAndHealthy #FitnessPassion #FitnessGoals2023 #FitFam #FitAndFab #FitnessForWomen #FitnessForMen #FitnessDedication #FitnessMatters via Philita Jana https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbuEtISFavbKlpbpfyEjVdQ August 11, 2023 at 05:38AM
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protribeseniors · 9 months
Senior Fitness: Tips and Exercises for Active Aging
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As you embrace the golden years, maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle becomes increasingly crucial for you to enjoy a fulfilling and independent life. Engaging in regular exercise not only enhances physical well-being but can also play a pivotal role in increasing the longevity of life. In this guide, we will explore a variety of senior exercise tips and tricks aimed at promoting active ageing and how long-term senior care helps. Let’s discover how exercise can be a powerful tool in enhancing your overall quality of life through this blog.
Consult Your Healthcare Provider
Before starting any exercise program, it’s crucial to consult your healthcare provider. They can assess your individual health status and any pre-existing medical conditions and provide personalized recommendations to ensure that you engage in safe and suitable exercises.
Cardiovascular Exercises for Heart Health:
Cardiovascular exercises are excellent for improving heart health, stamina, and circulation. Low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, cycling, and water aerobics are gentle on the joints and are ideal for seniors looking to maintain cardiovascular fitness. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week.
Strength Training for Muscles and Bones
As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass and bone density. Strength training exercises can help combat this loss and maintain overall strength and mobility. Use resistance bands, light dumbbells, or even your body weight to perform exercises like squats, lunges, bicep curls, and chest presses. Aim for two to three weekly strength training sessions, targeting major muscle groups.
Performing the right exercises can also help elders in their daily movement tasks. Some of the easy activities for seniors are:
Sit and Stand-
Start by sitting on a chair low enough that you do not need your hands to sit up. Place another chair in front of you for support. When you are ready, stand up and sit back on the chair. You should repeat this 5- 10 times or as much as your body allows. For beginners, you can start by placing a cushion on the chair to create a higher surface. This exercise can pave the way for seniors to get up from a low couch or a toilet without much assistance.
Lie down on a mattress and raise your hips while keeping your feet flat to create a bridge-like pose. Stay in this position for 3 seconds and then lay back down. Repeat this ten times or as much as your body allows. This movement helps strengthen the Gluteal muscles, which are used in walking, standing, getting up from a chair and bed mobility.
Flexibility Exercises
Flexibility exercises are essential for preventing falls and maintaining independence. Consider activities like yoga, tai chi, and Pilates, which improve flexibility, promote relaxation and reduce stress. Engage in these exercises at least twice to thrice weekly to enhance your stability. Some of these exercises are
Pec Stretch At the Wall –
Place your forearms and palms over the seam of the wall, where two walls are coming together to connect at a right angle. Inhale. Exhale and lean toward the wall, pulling your lower abdominal muscles into your spine. Hold the position for 5-30 seconds, then return to start.
Hip Flexor Stretch –
Kneel on your affected leg and bend your good leg out in front of you with that foot flat on the floor. Keeping your back straight, slowly push your hips forward until you feel a stretch in the upper thigh of your back leg and hip. Hold the stretch for at least 15 to 30 seconds.
Incorporate Balance and Core Exercises
Focusing on core exercises can improve stability and balance. Simple activities like leg raises, standing on one leg, or balancing on a stability ball can strengthen core muscles and reduce the risk of falls. Some of these exercises are:
Single Leg Stance-
Stand with a Stool Stand on one leg (on a block/step if necessary) with the other leg resting on a footstool. Keeping good knee alignment, bend on the standing leg with the lower leg still, hollow your back slightly and push out your bottom. Return to standing. Repeat the exercise.
Tai Chi –
Tai chi is a series of gentle physical exercises and stretches. Each posture flows into the next without pause, ensuring your body is in constant motion. Tai chi is sometimes described as meditation in action because it promotes serenity through gentle movements connecting the mind and body.
Simple Tips for Exercising
Here are some simple tips you must remember when exercising.
Include Daily Physical Activity
Staying active doesn’t necessarily mean structured exercise sessions alone. Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine by taking short walks, gardening, doing household chores, or dancing to your favorite music. Every bit of movement counts and contributes to your overall fitness.
Socialize and Join Group Exercises
Staying socially active is equally important for overall well-being. Joining group exercise classes tailored to seniors allows you to remain physically active and fosters a sense of community and support. Many community centers, gyms, and senior centers offer various group exercises such as aerobics, dance classes, and even water-based exercises. Our long-term hospice care provides a home-like environment with specialized activities for your needs and a platform for you to interact with others.
Mind-Body Connection
Mindfulness practices can greatly benefit seniors. Engage in meditation or deep breathing exercises to reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and promote emotional well-being. A healthy mind-body connection can lead to a more fulfilling and active life.
Modify Exercises for Individual Needs
Seniors may have different physical abilities and limitations. It’s essential to modify exercises based on individual needs. For example, if you have knee issues, consider low-impact alternatives like swimming instead of running. Always listen to your body and avoid overexertion.
Stay Hydrated
As we age, our sense of thirst may decrease, leading to dehydration. It’s crucial to stay hydrated before, during, and after exercising. Carry a water bottle and sip water regularly, even if you don’t feel thirsty.
Proper Warm-up and Cool-down
Before engaging in any physical activity, gently warm up to increase blood flow to your muscles and prepare your body for exercise. Afterwards, cool down with stretches to improve flexibility and prevent muscle soreness.
Embrace Outdoor Activities
Take advantage of the great outdoors! Walking or hiking in nature provides physical benefits and mental relaxation, and a sense of connection to the environment.
Staying physically active is the key to active ageing and maintaining independence in your golden years. By incorporating various senior exercises into your routine, you can improve cardiovascular health, maintain strength and flexibility, and reduce the risk of falls. Remember to listen to your body, consult your healthcare provider, and modify exercises to suit your needs. Embrace an active lifestyle, and you’ll enjoy a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life as you age gracefully.
At ProTribe, we understand the importance of exceptional care for your loved ones. Our long-term senior services are designed to empower your loved ones with personalized care and support while minimizing the cost of long-term care. Our team of dedicated caregivers ensures a nurturing environment that promotes independence and enhances the quality of life. With transparent pricing and flexible payment options, we strive to make our services accessible. Discover peace of mind as your cherished seniors receive top-notch care long-term hospice care. Embrace worry-free ageing with us today! Contact us to learn more. 
Original article posted here — https://www.protribeseniors.com/senior-fitness-tips-and-exercises-for-active-aging/
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Best Yoga Apple Valley CA
Top Rated Yoga Studio Apple Valley CA
In the last few years, I've noticed an increasing number of people in my liveliness getting into yoga. A fine friend who used to put it on in finance took it occurring and told me that he found it calmed him down and helped him focus. marginal friend told me nearly her yoga studio, which she has visited for years, and how she has gotten to know the additional people who go there. My sister told me nearly a series of workshops on yoga and meditation, at the stop of one of which you are asked to wander around the room gone your eyes closed, a task that apparently gets easier over time. I've never over and done with yoga myself, but I identify gone all these stories. gone many people I know, I am often distracted - my mind wanders - and I want to locate ways to enlarged focus on what is right in stomach of me: my writing, my family, my friends. I used to reach yoga. My wife and I were both put it on it, in view of that it was something we could reach together. Except I was awful at it. I wasn't bad in a pretension that's easy to ignore. There are sure work-out where you have to put your hands in the air and description on one foot and stare intently at a spot on the wall and breathe in a special way, and if you're bad at that kind of business you can just stare ineffectively and breathe normally and people will probably acknowledge you're put it on it right but have contracted not to to create a fool of yourself. But there are limits to how much of that kind of business a class can contain, in view of that I couldn't just put it on to reach yoga for an hour.
Popular Apple Valley CA Yoga Sessions
I've been put it on yoga for around a year now, at a local studio that offers classes all day at various times. I've gone most days for the gone year, sometimes for two or three classes in a exchange if I have time. I came to yoga reluctantly. I was keyed up nearly monster in a class full of women in great pretend to have who could amend themselves into human knots even if my own body felt gone an out of date wooden chair that creaked gone I moved it. But the studio is located right near my house, and the class schedule fits perfectly gone my put it on schedule. in view of that nearly a year ago I contracted to stop ignoring it and come up with the money for yoga a try. The first few weeks were miserable. My muscles were weak from sitting at a desk all day, and they hurt gone hell after each class. Despite the fact that I was probably the oldest person in each class by 15-20 years, everyone else seemed to be adept to reach all the poses without even trying. Meanwhile I was struggling just to stand occurring straight. But there was something nearly the classes that kept me coming back up for more--the instructors were encouraging and upbeat; we did poses that worked swing parts of our bodies on swing days; and there was something relaxing nearly lying on my back up a pain to blank my mind I have been taking yoga classes for three weeks now, and I have to say it's kind of a obscurity to me. I've over and done with some additional exercise classes before, and this one is definitely swing from all I've tried. The class moves slowly and purposefully through various positions, gone a lot of stretching and holding poses for lengthy periods of time. In the initiation of class, we are all lying on the floor and just flourishing for several minutes. I'm not sure what that's intended to accomplish, but it feels good.
Apple Valley CA Beginners Yoga Classes
Yoga has many benefits, both monster and mental. The advance of yoga are all the more pronounced if you practice it regularly. Yoga helps in weight loss, emphasize relief, detoxification, reducing cholesterol levels and adaptable blood pressure. It with improves your body posture, reduces back up twinge and increases flexibility. If you reach yoga on a regular basis it can be definitely energetic for weight loss. Yoga is a great pretension to lose weight as it helps burn calories which in viewpoint helps shed additional pounds; however, losing weight is not the main try from energetic yoga. Although some forms of yoga can be strenuous and create you sweat, they will not put on a pedestal your heart rate tolerable to come up with the money for you an aerobic workout. If you want to lose weight, cardio exercise along gone your yoga practice would back up you accomplish this more quickly. Yoga is a wonderful auxiliary to any fitness program. It is great for emphasize advance and that alone is worth making era for it in your day. Some people locate that gone they begin put it on yoga they quality enlarged mentally and physically around sharply even if others notice results over era as they continue gone their practice. Yoga has many advance but it isn't right for everyone; therefore, back initiation any exercise program including yoga it is best to consult your doctor or health Yoga is a great pretension to mass flexibility, balance, and strength. Yoga is for everyone. Yoga increases your heart rate, which advance your cardiovascular health. Yoga improves your posture and reduces back up pain. https://bestyogaapplevalleyca331.blogspot.com/2023/05/best-yoga-apple-valley-ca.html Yoga Apple Valley CA Near Me https://leadgenerationforfinancialadv674.blogspot.com/ https://leadgenerationforfinancialadv674.blogspot.com/2023/05/lead-generation-for-financial-advisors.html https://leadgenerationforfinancialadv526.blogspot.com/ https://leadgenerationforfinancialadv526.blogspot.com/2023/05/lead-generation-for-financial-advisors.html https://persianrugrepairsanysidro686.blogspot.com/
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alsadarahpoweryoga · 2 years
How to Choose the Right Style of Yoga for You
This popular fitness routine was created in India 5,000 years ago. This practice was used by the ancient peoples of this region to prepare for meditation. Yoga helps people connect with their bodies and thoughts. This traditional method was recognized by the entire world. Yoga is the perfect alternative to your home gym. Yoga, like exercise, also has many types. Here is a list with the purposes and types of yoga.
Hatha Yoga
It is best to start with Hatha yoga if you are just starting out. This will allow you to be more flexible and adaptable to different styles of yoga. Hatha, which means effort or force, is slow and relaxing. It helps beginners to focus and be precise in their attention by focusing on each pose in great detail.
Iyengar Yoga
B.K.S Iyengar is the pioneer of this type of yoga. This form of yoga is also great for beginners or for people who are seeking to heal from their mental and physical injuries. This type of yoga uses various props such as belts and blocks to help you find the right position.
Bikram Yoga
This is the best style of yoga for those who are weak in physical and mental strength. It's important to prepare your body before you jump in to this type of yoga. This type of yoga can be done in a heated room. The heat helps your body control its temperature as well as releasing toxins through the skin. Yoga in a room at 104 degrees F is not recommended for beginners. There are many other yoga methods you can try.
Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa yoga is another type of yoga that can be used to improve body strength and endurance. It is not affected by temperature, unlike Bikram yoga. You can do many different poses by using heavy breathing. This is the link between breath and pose that drives the cycle. This form of yoga energy-boosting is due to its quick movements.
Svaroopa Yoga
Svaroopa yoga, a type of yoga for people who have just had surgery, is ideal. It has been a popular alternative to physical therapy in recent years. The practice involves a series of postures on a chair and can be very beneficial for those with joint problems.
Kundalini Yoga
You will need to know some basics about yoga if you are looking for spiritual awareness. This type of yoga involves a variety of poses and continuous breathing. This will allow energy to rise from your base and spread throughout your body. Although it may take some time to achieve the desired results, it is worth it.
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florencefreyaa · 2 years
Natural ways to enhance your booty with yoga
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On a beneficiary note, yoga for women would be more advantageous than for men with it’s regular practice of different asanas. Yoga practice is indeed a natural way to enhance your physique without any additional supplements. Yoga and booty to considere one example. The constitution of three muscles for any butt would be 
the gluteus maximus
gluteus medius
gluteus minimus.
 Gluteus maximus among them is the largest muscle that’ll help in shaping the butt. 
A perfect body comes with a perfect butt. To make it perfect, people often work out for hours with many exercises in the gym and outdoors. It’s okay to do but there wouldn’t be any flow in the workout as far as I know. Yoga actually challenges you with it’s refined postures toning your muscles to give you firmer buttocks. India has enough yoga studios with yoga teacher training programs throughout the year. Under a supervised trainer, you’ll be guided properly to according to your muscle and fitness complexion. 
Yoga Teacher Training in India
Below are some of the yoga poses for women to enhance their butt in natural ways. 
Bridge pose 
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Lie down back and lift your butt from the ground by holding your ankles. Do this for at least 30 seconds daily and you’ll have significant results in no time. The bridge pose will tighten your muscles along with your booty. This is a beginner-level asana that can be practiced by anyone with care. 
Natrajasana (dance pose)
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Natrajasana is a symbolical posture of the Hindu mythological god SHIVA. This posture is very sacred for people who pursue dancing. This asanam can only resemble with proper practice. Hold this pose for at least 30 seconds in the morning hours before intaking any food. Evening hours are also good to practice but your stomach must be mostly empty to start. This asana is an intermediate level of vinyasa yoga practice. 
Yoga Teacher Training in Goa
Natrajasana is one of the best practices for toning your booty along with flexibility, focus, and balance. It strengthens the muscles of your hips and legs. Also helps in decreasing your weight loss, stretches your thighs, increases your metabolism, and maintains the body posture. 
Chair pose
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The traditional chair pose is also an efficient practice for butt workouts. Maintaining a proper alignment during this workout is a little hard but can be done by scooting your booty back enough far. It is a beginner's pose but to maintain the sensation, you must be resistant. 
200 Hours Yoga Teachers Training in India
Lift your feet an inch or two from the ground and align your shoulders with the hips by stretching forward or face upwards. Lower the butt and engage your thighs. Maintain your butt and thighs slightly above the knees. Continue this pose for at least 30 seconds until you feel the burning sensation 
Tiger pose
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This is one of the intense poses that are practiced by mostly intermediate and advanced yoga practitioners. To observe, this posture often looks very easy but people will understand its actual potential while practicing it. This posture will strengthen your muscles and regulates the metabolism. Also helps in losing weight by burning your hips, thighs, and leg fat. This asana is also known as Salabhasana or locust pose. 
200 Hours Yoga Teachers Training in Goa
 Lie down and raise your leg backwards. Clutch the tip of your leg with the opposite hand bending in the same direction. Switch this pose with other arm and another leg for a better experience to maintain overall fitness. Continue this pose for at least 30 sec to a minute. This works very effectively in tuning your booty. 
Purvottanasana (upward plank pose)
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Upwards plank pose os purvottanasana is an east-faced posture where your stretch extensively with all your effort. This is a basic level vinyasa yoga asana that can be done by any beginner. Keep your stomach clean while practicing and continue for at least 30 - 60 seconds every day. In general, the plank pose helps in abs development by reducing stomach fat. But this upward plank pose is very effective to develop women’s butt. 
Yoga Retreat in India
This is one of many asanas in vinyasa yoga which strengthens your entire body. It helps in stretching and flexing your arms and legs by tuning the curves of the body. Keeps you fit and energizes your stamina.
Bhujangasana (cobra pose) 
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Cobra pose is for women with saggy butts. Practicing this posture for more than a minute daily will shape your butt firmly. Squeeze your butt as much as your can while extending your upper and lower body by lying down on the mat. Be in this pose for more than 2-3 minutes every day so that you can develop a good-looking butt. 
Yoga Retreat in Goa
There are many other poses to enhance your booty with other natural exercises in yoga-like warrior pose, Anjaneya pose, side plank pose, Ardha chandrasana pose, 
and many more. Yoga teacher training programs from yoga studios in India are highly proficient in teaching many formats and asanas. Yoga for women is not only to develop the booty and flex the body. It’s philosophically more than just physical stretching. Acknowledge the wisdom to adapt it to your lifestyle for better results. 
Top institute for yoga class in goa India | Yoga course details | Online yoga teacher training course
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indianyogaschoolorg · 3 years
Yoga can be a welcome aid during pregnancy - Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh.
Yoga can be a welcome aid during pregnancy.
For women who are avid practitioners of yoga, becoming pregnant presents a singular situation when it involves participating within the activity.
But it doesn't suggest you've got to prevent participating in yoga completely until your pregnancy is over. In fact, participating in yoga may help pregnant women deal with the physical and mental changes that go along side it.
There's no denying the very fact that becoming pregnant will alter a woman's regular yoga schedule, to not mention her entire life. While a pregnant woman might not be ready to participate in yoga with an equivalent frequency that she did before becoming pregnant, or participate altogether of the exercises as she may need done before, but she will still enjoy a number of the advantages of yoga by making a couple of changes to her routine.
According to yoga instructors and doctors , yoga can aid pregnant women by encouraging breathing and relaxation. Anyone who has participated during a child birthing class, especially a Lamaze birthing class, is not any doubt conversant in the importance of breathing exercises within the process. While there's the more deliberate breathing exercises related to a toddler birthing class (think the "hee hee hoo hoo" sort of deliberate breathing), there's also the deep breathing exercises that are designed to relax and calm the body during delivery and is closely related (if indirectly related) to the kinds of breathing exercises taught during a yoga class.
By utilizing the moderate breathing exercises taught in yoga, expectant mothers can reap the advantages of relaxation in the least stages of the pregnancy experience, from the pre-natal phase through labor to birth and afterwards. The breathing techniques connected to yoga can help calm the mind and therefore the body, eliminating physical and mental stress which may be harmful during pregnancy.
As stated, there are precautions that require to be taken by pregnant women when participating in yoga, many of them geared toward specific trimesters. the subsequent are suggestions for a way to include yoga into each trimester of your pregnancy.
Women within the trimester of pregnancy who regularly attend yoga classes should inform their instructor of their condition in order that the trainer can suggest or help them with any modifications to the routines. And if you're pregnant and experiencing "morning sickness", do not feel guilty about coitus interruptus of a category , skipping a couple of of the more strenuous poses or moving to a more easy class. Take nausea as a sign that it is time for you to vary your yoga routine.
On the opposite side, if you're a pregnant woman who has never taken part during a yoga class but have heard about the advantages of yoga for pregnant women, you'll wish to hunt out a prenatal yoga class in your community. Many yoga studios today have special classes for pregnant women, where you'll also consult other expectant mothers within the class and share information. albeit you cannot find a prenatal yoga class in your community, don't fret; there are many videos and DVDs available on the topic of prenatal yoga that you simply can view and use in your home.
Yoga experts say there are specific poses and movements that are well-suited for ladies in their trimester of pregnancy, movements that promote flexibility, particularly within the hip area which will help make the particular birth process easier. Yoga experts recommend expectant mothers practice poses like Triangulum , Knee to Ankle, Warrior II, the Pigeon, Ardha Chandrasana and Baddha Konasana. Yoga instructors also recommend positions which will actually affect the birth process, like Cat-Cow, during which the participant is on high-low-jack , because it helps put the baby within the prime birthing position inside the adult female body . during a similar vein, yoga experts discourage pregnant women from performing poses that stretch the muscles, particularly the abdominals, too far, since pregnancy increases the assembly of the hormone relaxin, which softens animal tissue and allows the uterus to expand.
In the trimester , nausea has usually passes and this will be an ideal time for those that haven't tried prenatal yoga to start the practice. no matter the extent of experience with yoga, expectant women who perform yoga at this stage of their pregnancy should use caution and refrain from exerting themselves or performing moves that need extreme stretching.
Experts recommend they refrain from jumping, jump-throughs or rolling in their transition between movements, but step or crawl instead. as an example , with a move like the sun salutation, yoga instructors recommend that pregnant women keep their chest no more 85 degrees from the ground within the forward position of the move and place their hands ahead of their feet as against the edges . Also, they recommend avoiding extreme twists which could cause placental abruption, poses that press the heel of the foot into the uterus while sitting or seated within the lotus and half-lotus positions unless you're ready to keep the position loose and not twist the knees an excessive amount of .
In the trimester , an expectant mother will increase in size and her level of fatigue will change, which suggests she is going to need to alter her yoga participation. At now within the pregnancy, the lady should avoid poses that compress the stomach and that they should acknowledge their feelings of fatigue. during this trimester, they will keep participating in yoga, but as long as they feel up to the task. If not, doing gentle stretching and calming breathing exercises will suffice.
At 36 weeks of pregnancy, women should limit the amount of inversion poses they perform, like Legs Up Against The Wall, Bridge Pose and Downward Dog. These moves may alter the position of the baby during a negative manner. the sole exception for performing these positions is that if the baby is currently within the breech position within the womb. therein situation, those poses may very well help to show the baby around.
Along with these recommendations, yoga experts have a couple of rules that pregnant women should heed when participating in yoga classes. Avoid participating in Bikram yoga, also referred to as "hot yoga". Studies show that overheating could adversely affect your pregnancy.
• Beginning with the trimester , when the changes in your body can alter your center of gravity, perform standing poses with a chair for support or together with your heels against a wall to scale back the prospect of losing balance and becoming injured.
When bending forward, bend at the hips with the chest leading the way and increasing the spine from the tailbone to the bottom of the skull. Bending during this manner give the ribs more room to maneuver and makes it easier to breath. If you're bending forward while seated, put a yoga strap or towel behind your ankles and hold the ends with both hands. like the opposite move, bend from the hip and keep the chest elevated in order that you avoid putting pressure on the abdominal section. Keep the legs open approximately hip width to offer your stomach more room.
If you perform a twisting move or pose, twist from the shoulders and back as against the waist and restrict your twisting to an edge that's comfortable. This helps avoid putting pressure on the abdominal area.
Important Links
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Yoga can be a welcome aid during pregnancy - Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
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yogastigen-blog · 4 years
Look Good and Feel Good Inside Out Through Yoga
It's not for women only. It's not a religion. And it's not something you should leave out of your fitness program. More than 20 million in the United States now practice yoga and it's considered one of the top ten commonly used complementary-alternative medicine therapies. Americans spend more than $2.95 billion on yoga classes and related yoga products and with good reason-it leads to a hosts of fitness benefits from increase flexibility to better strength and stamina.
Even more, yoga's best kept secret is what is does to your physiology and mental well-being. Have you ever wondered why people still struggle with body image after weight loss or why successful bodybuilders still think that they are small? Yoga picks up where traditional fitness programs lack-creating a sense of mindfulness and mental well-being. While lifting weights can create bigger biceps, yoga can give you bigger biceps and help you become mindful of your life outside of the gym: your eating habits, how you respond to stress and what emotional baggage you carry and how to unload it in a positive manner. It's the best of both worlds!
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Getting started in yoga is easy. It requires no fancy equipment and it's a practice that can be done anywhere and at anytime. Invest in a quality ¼" yoga mat which cushions the joints and body and prevents slipping in poses.
A Complete Yoga Practice:
Sun Salutation: The 12-position series increases circulation, takes the muscles and joints through a full range of motion and tones the entire body. Beginners should start with 2-3 rounds and work up to 10-12 rounds. Stand tall like a mountain with the hands in prayer position at the chest. Take this time to set your intent and become fully focused on your breathing for 2-3 minutes
Inhale. Bring the arms up, palms facing as they reach toward the sky
Exhale. Bend forward at the hips, bending the knees slightly while bringing the hands flat to the ground
Inhale. Flatten the back, bringing the fingertips to the floor or legs
Exhale. Position the hands flat on the ground, stepping the legs into a high push-up position
Inhale. Recreate the mountain pose, balancing on the hands and toes. Modify, if needed, by balancing on the knees instead of the toes
Exhale. Lower the body down into a low push-up position, drawing the elbows back toward the feet
Inhale. Lift the upper torso away from the ground like a snake, pressing the legs into the ground
Exhale. Walk the feet flat and lift the hips to the sky, keeping the hands on the ground and drawing the chest toward the legs. Hold 30 seconds.
Inhale. Bend the knees and walk both feet to the hands, extending the chest away from the legs (picture 9).
Exhale. Bend forward at the hips, bending the knees slightly while bringing the hands flat to the ground
Inhale. Bring the arms out to the side and come to standing with the palms facing as they reach toward the sky.
Exhale. Draw the hands back to the heart, standing tall like a mountain with the hands in prayer position at the chest.
Boat Pose: Firms the abs and back muscles while improving posture. Start in a seated position with the feet resting on the mat. With the knees bent, lift the feet from the earth. Optional extend the lower legs parallel to the earth or fully extend the legs. Hold 30 seconds and repeat.
Chair Pose: Tones the thighs and butt. From standing drops the hips back over the heels bending the knees. Swing the arms forward and up to the sky. Hold 30 seconds and repeat.
Sitting Meditation and Breathing: Increases mental clarity, emotional well-being and compassion. Assume a comfortable sitting position. Become still, focus on your breath and draw your awareness inward. Thoughts may come and go but do not attach to them. Continue to observe the breath for 3-10 minutes.
Corpse Pose: Rebalances the nervous system, reduces stress hormone production and rejuvenates the body. Lie in a relaxed position on the back and elevate the legs for back support optionally with a blanket or pillow. Allow the entire body to become fully relaxed. Hold for 3-10 minutes. Corpse pose is considered by yogis the most important pose of all. That's right! Doing nothing, as it seems, helps restore the body and reduce stress hormones that cause abdominal fat and immune disorders!
Practice Tips:
Practice 3-5 times per week and try different styles of yoga, meditative and very active to remain balanced and prevent injury
Take your yoga outdoors if possible. People who exercise outdoors are more likely to adhere to exercise programs, get a free dose of Vitamin D and have enhanced mental well-being
Avoid self-imposed barriers like not starting a yoga program until you lose weight or become more flexible
Essentially, in yoga you learn to be more mindful, and the increased awareness translates into better nutrition and lifestyle choices, increased focused in your exercise program and enhanced mental and emotional balance so that you feel good about yourself inside and out.
Perform this routine 3-5 times per week. For optimal results, supplement your yoga program with cardiovascular exercise such as walking for beginners or high intensity interval training for existing exercisers.
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8 Best yoga Asanas for Beginner
Yoga Asana is the simplest way to meditate and to reduce our excess weight. The ancient practice types of yoga asana provide a wide range of mind and body benefits. It also provides strength to our body and relieves stress.
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  Yoga Asanas for Beginner:-
Slow Stretching Yoga Asana For Neck
Full Body Yoga Tadasana – The Mountain Pose
The Triangle Pose (Trikonasana Yoga)
Bow Pose (Dhanurasana Yoga)
Kapalbhati Pranayama Yoga Pose
Relaxing Yoga Asana (Eagle Twist Yoga)
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
Plough Pose (Halasana Yoga Pose)
If you want to study about yoga then You can also join many courses like  diploma in yoga and training in cardio .
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Slow Stretching Yoga Asana For Neck:To start with yoga asanas, one should get started with the basic exercises first like slow neck stretches. It is recommended to perform few repetitions of this yogic slow neck stretches as it eases the neck tension and strain. This basic yoga pose can be quickly done standing anywhere, just by sitting on your chair!
Full Body Yoga Tadasana – The Mountain Pose:Tadasana is also known as mountain pose, and it is one of the best yoga asanas. Practicing this yoga asana regularly every morning gives a good massage to our hands, back, spine and the whole body. This is the most recommended asana for increasing height as well.
The Triangle Pose (Trikonasana Yoga):This trikonasana exercise stretches and strengthens the muscles along with improving the functions of our body. This is a good yoga exercise for pregnant women. It helps in reducing blood pressure, stress, and anxiety and also improves the functions of the blood through the entire body. This simple yoga asana improves our balance & concentration power. This asana also removes fats from the waist and thighs.
Bow Pose (Dhanurasana Yoga): Dhanurasana is very effective in weight loss. This yoga pose helps in reducing the belly fat very easily. It strengthens the ankles, thighs, groins, chest and abdominal organs and spinal cord. This yoga posture improves the functions of kidney, pancreas, liver, small and big intestine. It also acts as a stress reliever and gives flexibility to the back. It improves the function of digestion and removes gases.
Kapalbhati Pranayama Yoga Pose:Kapalbhati pranayama yoga is the most recommended breathing exercise which cures our stomach disorder and loses weight. Practicing 5 minutes Kapal Bhati pranayama regularly removes the toxins and increases metabolism. It also cures constipation, acidity, diabetes, Asthma and all kinds of Respiratory troubles, sinus, and even hair loss. This one is a yoga pose effective in weight loss (mainly belly fats). When done regularly, it is rated as the most effective type of yoga asana.
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Relaxing Yoga Asana (Eagle Twist Yoga):This yoga asana helps in relaxing and it also an excellent way to increase side-to-side spinal flexibility. With regular practice of this yoga exercise every day one can relieve pain in the lower belly and lower back.
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