#We'll see weewoo
zaacoy · 1 year
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Been a minute since I did a full sketch page, here's thems!!! they're so silly
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evankinard · 1 month
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leothil · 1 year
actually the rating is very bad. As someone that is a ratings guru I can tell you the ins and outs of how ratings works for specific networks. You listed WWE Raw on the USA network that is cable my friend which is a whole different monster, also a sports telecast. 911 on the other hand is a procedural drama on one of the big 4 networks. The Big 4 consist of Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS. The Big 4 will cancel shows if they're not performing up to par and I think Fox is at the point with 911
Listen, dude (gn). You sent me five asks telling me things I already know about tv ratings saying I asked for it, which I absolutely did not, and trying to argue that Fox is disappointed and on the verge of cancelling 9-1-1, which is definitely not true.
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As you can see here, 9-1-1 is at the top of the 2022-2023 average for FOX's scripted shows. Even adding in the non-scripted shows, it's doing quite well:
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Reality tv is a big ratings draw, this is a well-known fact, but networks will not want to bind themselves to only one kind of show either.
Let's take a look at ratings over all networks:
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Huh, would you look at that. Not too shabby by our little weewoo show! Note also the overall big dips in viewers year over year - this is not a problem isolated to 9-1-1, it's happening all across the board.
None of these ratings hold a candle to what news shows and stuff like MLB, NFL and NBA can draw for big games, but network execs are well aware of this, and trying to compare those are like comparing apples to oranges. But I did take a look at how the NBA game last Monday did on ESPN anyway: 0.59 in the key demo.
And I did compare it to RAW, for the simple reason that RAW also airs on Mondays at 8PM. We can compare it with the other big wrestling show too (as their ratings is a topic I'm more than familiar with), if you like: Smackdown on FOX on Fridays, latest numbers are a 0.63 rating, while nothing else on tv (not just cable or network, all of tv) was above 0.43.
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Saying FOX is anywhere near cancelling 9-1-1 for their ratings is a ridiculous statement. Now, you are right in saying (in another of your messages) that procedural shows are at risk of the original actors wanting to move on and/or dragging out the story far longer than would be ideal, but I don't think we're at that point yet with 9-1-1. We'll know more come May when show renewals take place (and I think some of the main actors' contracts as well), but it's no use speculating about anyone leaving as there's been no indication of that yet.
Also no offense, but calling yourself a ratings guru is hilarious and makes you sound like a pro wrestling twitter user that whines in Bryan Alvarez's mentions every week when he posts the WWE and AEW ratings.
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wafflesetc · 1 year
When Jay first said he was leaving it would be for 8 months which would line up to sometime in may (which is when haileys episode would air) what if Jay gets the call about his wife getting abducted and that makes him realize that she is more important to him than any job and he flies home to be with her after he terminates his extension (and his contract as a whole bc boy what was you thinkin😂). And then boom Jay and Hailey are reunited and back together to work on their marriage and live happily ever after!
Clowning myself big time but I need something good to happen on this damn weewoo show especially for Hailey and Jay after all they been through and survived together
I have to say, the eight months was VERY specific. It was an odd amount of time to say on live television and something that fans definitely would have picked up on. I know that he technically extended his tour, but certain events can pull someone home early. I.e. your wife almost dying would be a reason to come home early... Or something. We also don't know the length of the extension - could be a week, a month, etc. So who really knows!
I am not overly hopeful, but the bar is also so incredibly low that I'm literally just along for the ride now. I'm just kind of in waiting now, we'll see what happens!
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kirispeaks · 2 years
okay okay okay okay
there's like three things i CANNOT stop thinking of
fearne's parents and the smeared memories? that's such a big WEEWOO thing even though we could guess what kind of information or knowledge was edited out but GOD i wanna know exactly what they found out and how many times so bad!!!
also it cant be just me!! as much as imogen was looking out for fearne with the whole talk of it being okay to be mad, it kind of also feels like she's trying to reassure herself that its okay for her to be mad too! like her mum's alive!! she feels abandoned!! especially since these powers of hers isolated her so much and mother might know something about that too!!!
this isn't really a big deal (or maybe it is we'll see post break) but fearne giving a stone to imogen and another essentially to launda is so delicious because to fearne, these stones were just the cause of a fall out between the two and both of them having one would fix things even better than they are but i dont think she knows the stone's effects on either
and ugh i just cant wait to see what HAPPENS
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knowlessman · 10 months
bnha s4e1-5
(recap) "even if I don't have a Quirk, can I become a hero?" well, yes and no
new OP, huh. I never figured out who it was in the beginning of the last one with the teeth and the goggles : | probably a character introduced last season I didn't recognize, I guess
"the editor doesn't look as pretty when she's mad" we interrupt your regularly-scheduled superhero show for a crossover with Aggretsuko, apparently
…that was a whole episode, huh. eh, whatever
I expect we'll be finding out who this tiefling-looking kid is this season
"organized crime? how's he different from us?" he's organized.
: | o-kay, that's one… questionably-portrayed genderqueer character totaled
Present Mic can be eradicated from the script as well, he's not much less annoying than Mineta. at least Endeavor is part of a story.
togata: "so, what kind of hero do you want to be?" deku: points across the table at all might (he didn't but tbh I'm slightly surprised they didn't do that) -- "the very best like no one ever was" is a weird answer, but I guess it's an answer
(nighteye's… tickle machine) …uh. nighteye for weewoo tier I'm thinking
…wait so deku can just… do that. scrunch his face up and look like all might. I thought the first time they did this, it was just to show that he was mimicking his voice
karate kid nonsense, then -- if he has future sight but no physical enhancement powers, idk if he should be able to keep up with midoriya to this extent. heck, there are cards in mtg that make your opponent play with their hand revealed, but they hardly ever see play because that only does so much
we've had an entire cast-recap episode and are four seasons in, subtitlers, idk why you keep putting people's names and quirks at the top of the screen. I'm having a hard enough time reading the ones at the bottom since they keep putting white backgrounds and stuff at the bottom of the screen and the borders on the white text are so damn thin
hm. I've very vaguely heard of this Hawks guy. : | nothing specific, just bad vibes
it's good that you're trying to practice talking to your peers, todoroki, but maybe you'll make better progress talking to someone other than bakugo. well, I guess at least you're not hanging out with mineta
they keep calling overhaul number two, but who does he work for? -- also why's he complain about places smelling when he's got that big honkin mask on? damn thing doesn't filter anything out? just an enormous, cumbersome-looking decoration?
ohey, it's the tiefling kid
togata sure wears a lot of costume for a guy with a nudist power. gotta be a pain in the ass getting that cape and that mask back on
"I only have to save a million people, not everybody" wtf does that mean. maybe it's supposed to be like a might guy kinda thing? pick an arbitrarily-high number that just means "more?"
hm. the plague doctor mask is a bit goofy, but I don't hate the coat. kind of a vulturish look
"your hood came off again. maybe the sizing's off?" and I swear you're gonna get a third nostril one day with that pointy mask thingy you never use, deku. -- …knowing when not to say things is a survival skill. in fairness, one that's hard to learn sometimes. really tho, deku cannot stop saying only the darnedest of things to only the darnedest of people -- "it looks like you won't let this go, so would you kindly follow me into this amb - I mean alley?"
"he showed his killing intent -" me: "IS IT SATSUI" listens "I KNOW TWO-ISH COOL JAPANESE WORDS"
why would all might owe it to deku to tell him about all of the candidates he'd considered? : / just seems kind of irrelevant to me; if anything, arrogant of deku to think he's entitled to that. like, maybe it could be useful to him now to know what's expected of him, but there's no reason all might needed to tell him beforehand, or at any specific time. also, I think all might could be forgiven for worrying that knowing what made him choose deku could lead to deku getting a big head about it. -- …unless it turned out to just be flat-out luck, I guess
"all might's going to die" y'all said that Foresight thingy can only see an hour into the future. -- "six or seven years" bullshit, he was just making an educated guess based on the obvious
ohey, kaiju fight -- oh, so a dude with kaijufication powers and no name can keep his pants on just fine, but when it's a named character who gets more than ten seconds of screentime, it's "unrealistic." or is it that some quirks are magically clothes-friendly, and it just so happens that none of them are on named characters? (actually wait, Mt Lady has that same power. guess kaiju powers are exempt)
Handface dint bring his handler. Can't see this business meeting going well.
hm. gorillaz boy is kinda-not-really Beast Boy. neat.
hm. it's that one x-men plot with the bald kid. from the way they're talking about it tho, it's temporary this time. "I perfected his methods…" science? maybe not even quirk-based?
…dang. I can't even think of what work's monster Kirishima looks like here.
post-credits scenes with plot in 'em. hate 'em. dangit, marvel.
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Oh my goodness, I posted the Weewoo match early. Um... Okay, let's go!!!
Weewoo or Cofferling
Palmplat or Kateil
Screal or Snarhook
Narwhool or Pawkeet
The Altador Cup is over!!! Although we haven't exactly gotten the results yet, I do know that the group Mystery Island was in was actually the lower division... Well, we'll see who I'll root for next year! It's not that I don't have an appreciation for them (especially Selmon Woulf...), but I just like to be fluid in my team choices! I AM surprised Haunted Woods is so low as well...
No other Neopets news, really! I'm really sorry for the weird scheduling, my job is VERY irregular when it comes to hours. Happy canonization day of Saint Ulrich to those who celebrate! Let's have some fun today, too - maybe Krawk Island'll be high in the rankings!
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portpromise · 3 years
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from top to bottom: mallory by @arogaba​, digyon by @tragicpixel​, mystery by @dragonplumbobs​, cleo by @aasimaar​, mavis by @vintageplumbobs​, henrietta by @geezsims​, lucy by @plumbobble-head​, harley by @nikatyler​, marilyn by @getboolpropped​, and FINALLY charlie by @lesbisims​! 
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extasiswings · 2 years
hi ok listen i am not proud of myself but im having a high anxiety day? month? year? and weewoo got me through the last month but for *reasons* aka *my mental health sucks* i am fucking terrified that i will watch faithfully unto the end and then buddie won't happen and I will not be able to handle that. do you have any wise words
also pls enjoy this gif which is me being fragile about tv characters being allowed to discover their queer selves after the age of 21
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Well, first of all, I'm sorry you're having a difficult time. I definitely know how that feels.
As to everything else...the thing is, we can't know a timeframe. We don't have a blueprint for this. I can say that I'm fairly confident that by the end of this season we'll have some form of confirmed queer Eddie with feelings for Buck because this whole season (and stretching back to Suspicion and "make sure you're following your heart") has been dealing with the theme of hearts + Eddie and what he really wants for his life, but if we didn't get that I would still be confident in Buddie happening eventually. The writers have crafted this story so beautifully, so thoughtfully up to this point. It's not an accident. They are very good at their jobs and they love these characters at least as much if not more than we do.
The other thing is, we also don't know how long the show will last or how much else needs to happen before they can get together. Right now, I don't think Buck is ready. And I don't think he's going to be ready until he has some time after breaking up with Taylor to sit with his ideas of what love and relationships are supposed to look like after all, he misunderstood the assignment, and realize that what he's been trying to find, he's actually been building with Eddie the whole time. This season was Eddie's journey. If I had to guess, I would say next season is more of Buck's. And it would be amazing if they were fully together by the end of S6, but we genuinely cannot know. All we can do is be patient, trust the process, and enjoy the epic love story playing out on our screens.
As far as advice goes, I think the best thing I can say (and not just to you, but to anyone with this concern) is this: a comfort show is a comfort show, it can be a wonderful thing to have. But I think you have to ask yourself whether the anxiety you feel about the potential of not getting your preferred outcome (which could be years away by the time it happens) outweighs the other benefits to your mental health. Because if the stress of worrying about whether a fictional ship will go canon is really detrimental to you, and especially if that anxiety is interfering with your enjoyment of the story or life in general, it may be that the best thing is to take a step back and find a comfort show that isn't going to cause that level of stress. And there's no shame in doing that -- I have absolutely taken a break from shows I enjoyed for any number of reasons, including the fact that I was frustrated with the pace of a will-they-won't-they slow burn ship. There's no law that says you can't come back and bingewatch to your heart's content when the arc you most want to see finally happens.
For myself, all I have to say is that I have hope, I have faith, I have trust. I get frustrated sometimes. I get impatient. I whine and complain. But I have faith. And sure, there's a chance that the show will end in however many years and I will be proven wrong and all the people who insisted I and others were stupid for having that faith will be vindicated. And if that happened, I would likely be sad, I would be disappointed, I might be angry, but it's still...fiction. I've made my peace with the possibility of that happening. But if I may be a little arrogant for a moment, I am also...a very smart woman and a good writer in my own right and I'm not wrong very often. So...there's that.
Ultimately, the most important thing you can do is take care of yourself. Whatever that looks like is up to you.
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
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Oh yeah? Okay, let's see what shit I can spitball that makes the lick of sense. Quick warning though, I am writing my thoughts as they go, so basically you're getting a ton of options.
So we have the cast of like..... Heather but the firetruck that personally has to say weewoo, Heather but the lemon yeeted off stage and came back with a vengeance, and Heather but the cactus someone forgot on the windowsill. Then we got Jason 'Head Empty, Boom Full JD' Dean, Veronica the ✨Protagonist✨, Martha ' Just wants to rent a movie and have a nice time' Dunnstock, Local Potentially Gay Teens Robbing the Local Dick's Sporting Goods Ram and Kurt, and then the adults.
But for now let's focus on the children.
So! Based on my limited knowledge of Heathers, reading the rundown of the musical on Wikipedia, and having listened to the entire soundtrack, here's where i will go..... under the cut because I talk for a while.
So, it depends on who is allowed to be what. Obviously, I can make the local edge boy 'How Did You Get in My House' Niragi, because there's nothing better than local edge boy playing the local edge boy. But then that means that someone has to be willing to be attached to him, and also willing to watch him blow up.
But then I thought, and here's where it's flexible, what if Niragi was just Heather Duke. Like... the Heathers were the main three militants, and when Aguni dies Niragi came in power. Because as far as I'm aware, Duke is petty and tries to take the spotlight on occasion.
Or, which honestly may fit better in line with the show, Hatter is Heather Chandler, which also means Hatter doesn't even have to stop wearing his iconic little outfit. Then Aguni is Heather Duke, which means he takes over when Hatter dies again, and Last Boss is just Heather McNamara because that means he gets to be included in the squad without being overly aggressive but also going along with the raccoon gremlin shenanigans.
Or, a third option, make the Heathers Mira/Hatter, Niragi, and Last Boss.
Veronica can depend on where I am allowed to go with this, but for pure simplicity 'Slap the protagonist in the protagonist spot' let's go with Arisu. Or, just because I can and really nothing is stopping me? What if I made Kuina Veronica? Just because she's nice but if it came down to it I believe she would be able to take a stand. That leaves Chishiya as JD in that case. Martha can be Arisu, because I appreciate a good friendship forming between them.
If Arisu was Veronica though, I'm gonna make Chota Martha. Or Tatta. Maybe Usagi, but that's a stretch. Because friendship. :D Chishiya is staying JD for the fun of it.
Would Kuina be willing to watch Chishiya blow up? Dunno, but Chishiya may be willing to sacrifice himself for others. He's done it once in the manga, so I'd believe it.
Now, the Ram and Kurt situation. What to do with that. Well, as far as I'm aware, they're like the standard jock bad boys. I am also aware one of them gets stuck on a fence. Now I have kind of run out of characters here that could reasonably fit here, but what if I made them like...... Karube and Karube with a mustache attached.
Just kidding.
But the only two I could possibly fit in there would be like.... Shibuki and Karube, but then that's just a little too straight. Ram and Kurt were the 'gay' ones, so.....
Granted I'm not saying either is bad, I'm just running out of characters here that were in the show and could reasonably fit.
So instead it's gonna be lesbian Ram and Kurt. We'll say Shibuki and..... hmmmm....... Sorry Mira. Yeah, we'll make those two Kurt and Ram because I am running out of viable characters thanks to just throwing characters at characters and hoping they stick.
So the lineup according to my chaotic thoughts looks sort of like this-
Heather Chandler- Aguni, Hatter, Mira
Heather Duke- Niragi, Aguni, Niragi again
Heather McNamara- Last Boss x3
Veronica- Arisu or Kuina
JD- Chishiya (For the fun of it)
Martha- Arisu (if Kuina's Veronica), or between Chota/Tatta/Maybe Usagi
Ram and Kurt- Shibuki and Mira (Double role. You go you funky lady.)
Now I could've tried to slip Ann in, but I can't reasonably imagine Ann being mean. She can be one of the adults. :D
But the real fun comes from Niragi playing every single role like tha bastard he is.
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mynameisashllee · 2 years
thursday, 17 feb
weewoo it's been 10 days since i've written something here aaaa
was working on my site again! might just mess around and add a new layout if all goes well. if it doesn't,, nothing new. ): i've definitely been taking a lot of stress lately, even though my workload + commitments are not a lot it still feels like it is! which sucks. school is not giving rn
plus theres a lot of Graded Assignments And Tests™️ coming up so that's literally like tons extra stress because it's english comprehension which is the literal worst
i think i might be spiraling D:
i'll take some time to think and chill, and i've been making a timetable so hopefully that helps. also i found another hyperpop (?) artist i've been listening to on repeat and who i'll probably get bored of soon,, we'll see,,
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crystlsnow · 7 years
im drawing pristin👀
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