#Wang Yumei
perfettamentechic · 2 months
13 aprile … ricordiamo …
13 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Mary Quant, Barbara Mary Quant, stilista britannica. (n. 1930) 2022: Wang Yumei, attrice cinese. In occasione del centenario della nascita dell’industria cinematografica in Cina nel 2005, la China Film Performance Art Academy l’ha inserita nella lista dei “100 migliori attori in 100 anni di cinema cinese”. È celebre per aver partecipato a Tan Si Tong (1984), Gao shan xia de hua huan (1984)…
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covidsafehotties · 20 days
Published May 15, 2024
Although the acute urgency of the COVID-19 pandemic has been in the world’s rearview mirror for some time, the virus continues to affect a portion people who contracted it, even two years after their initial recovery. 
A new paper published in The Lancet Regional Health Western Pacific details a handful of brain abnormalities identified on the MRI scans of people who had moderate to severe cases of COVID. The imaging findings align with the patients’ lingering cognitive complaints and fatigue issues, indicating that, for some, the virus’ impact could persist for years. 
“A variety of symptoms, particularly cognitive, psychiatric and neurological symptoms, may persist for a long time among individuals recovering from COVID-19,” corresponding author of the paper Yumei Wang, with the Shandong Institute of Brain Science and Brain-inspired Research in China, and colleagues wrote. “However, the underlying mechanism of these brain abnormalities remains unclear.” 
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portlandnet · 1 year
Portland State's Yumei Wang Discusses Seismic Safety of Schools Risk-focused journalist Andy Revkin of the Columbia Climate School speaks with experts, including Portland State's Senior Advisor on Infrastructure Resilience and Risk, Yuemi Wang, who are working to cut risks in schools and other vital structures in harm’s way from Turkey to Indonesia to Nepal to Haiti to Oregon.
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mmlcc08032021sss · 2 years
São Lourenço de Brindes, homem de Deus e pacificador
                       [1559 -1619]
OrigensJúlio César Russo, nome de batismo de São Lourenço, nasceu no dia 22 de julho de 1559, em Brindisi, na Itália. Após ficar órfão, aos quatorze anos de idade, foi acolhido por um tio, que residia em Veneza.Ordem dos Frades Menores de São Francisco de AssisDois anos após chegar a Veneza, ele atendeu ao chamado e ingressou na Ordem dos Frades Menores de São Francisco de Assis. Juntou-se aos capuchinhos de Verona, onde recebeu a ordenação e assumiu o novo nome em 1582.Depois, completou sua formação na Universidade de Pádua. Voltou para Veneza, em 1586, com a missão de ser mestre de noviços da Ordem.Evangelizador e pacificador São Lourenço foi pregador da Palavra de Deus em muitos lugares da Europa, como Itália, Espanha, Portugal, França, Bélgica, Holanda. Conhecedor do hebraico, aramaico, caldeu, grego, latim, alemão, italiano e outras línguas, pôde aprofundar nos estudos das Sagradas Escrituras, evangelizando assim firmemente a ortodoxia católica contra a Reforma Protestante. Também foi peça chave como pacificador durante a ameaça de invasão por parte dos turcos.Lourenço foi o superior-geral da sua própria Ordem e embaixador do Papa Paulo V, com a missão de intermediar príncipes e reis em conflito.São Lourenço fugia constantemente das honras. Além de dormir no chão, levantava-se à noite para rezar e alimentava-se somente de pão, água e verduras como penitência.PáscoaLourenço faleceu, em Lisboa, em 1619, quando voltava pela segunda vez em missão a Lisboa, Portugal.Foi canonizado pelo Papa Leão XIII em 1881. Recebeu o título de doutor da Igreja em 1959, outorgado pelo Papa João XXII.Minha oração"São Lourenço de Brindes, concede-nos a graça da inteligência e sabedoria para não desanimarmos na caminhada de Cristo e na evangelização do irmão. Amém". São Lourenço de Brindes, rogai por nós!Outros santos e beatos celebrados em 21 de Julho:
Em Marselha, na Provença, região da Gália, atualmente na França, São Vítor, mártir.  († c. 292)
Em Emessa, hoje Homs, na Síria, São Simeão Salo. Também a comemoração de São João, eremita, que, durante quase trinta anos, foi companheiro de São Simeão na peregrinação aos Lugares Santos e no ermo próximo do lago Asfáltite, na Judeia. († s. IV)
Em Roma, a comemoração de Santa Praxedes, a cujo título foi dedicada a Deus uma igreja no Esquilino. († a. 491)
Em Estrasburgo, cidade da Borgonha, atualmente na França, Santo Arbogasto, bispo. († s. VI)
Num barco-prisão ancorado ao largo de Rochefort, na França, o Beato Gabiel Pergaud, presbítero e mártir, que, sendo cónego regular na abadia de Beaulieu, no território de Sain-Brieuc, durante a Revolução Francesa, por causa do sacerdócio foi arrebatado para fora da abadia e encarcerado na esquálida galera, onde consumou o seu martírio, morrendo afectado por uma enfermidade contagiosa. († 1794)
Em Yanzibian, próximo de Yangpingguan, na China, Santo Alberico Crescitélli, presbítero do Pontifício Instituto das Missões Estrangeiras e mártir, que, durante a perseguição dos “Yihetuan”, cruelmente espancado quase até à morte, foi no dia seguinte arrastado por um caminho pedregoso com os pés ligados até ao rio, onde, minuciosamente dilacerado e finalmente decapitado, recebeu a coroa do martírio. († 1900)
A caminho de Daining, próximo de Yongnian, cidade do Hubei, província da China, a paixão de São José Wang Yumei, mártir na mesma perseguição. († 1900)
Em Mora, próximo de Toledo, na Espanha, o Beato Agrícola Rodríguez Garcia de los Huertos, presbítero da diocese de Toledo e mártir, que durante a perseguição no combate da fé alcançou a vida eterna. († 1936)
Em Morón de la Frontera, na Espanha, os beatos mártires José Limón Limón, presbítero e José Blanco Salgado, religioso.
vatican.va e vaticannews.va
Martirológio Romano – liturgia.pt
– Produção e edição: Bianca Vargas 
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bookofjin · 4 years
I need a little help figuring out the Former Qin general, Dou Chong. 1. Was he the Di chieftain from Zhou Qiong's Jinshu? 2. If he was, then was he related to Dou Shou's clan (the Di chieftain who murdered Yan Ding)? 3. Do we know when he joined Fu Jian or at least started appearing under Qin?
I suppose it's possible, but I think I lean towards there being two different Dou Chong竇衝.
According to Zhou Qiong's brief biography in JS058 he “replaced Yang Liang as Inspector of Liang梁 province, and General who Establishes the Martial, nominally Colonel of the Western Rong. Earlier, a man of the Di, Dou Chong, came to surrender. The Imperial Court used him as Colonel of the Eastern Qiang. Later Dou rebelled, and wished to enter Hanzhong. Huangfu Zhao from Anding, Zhou Xun from Jingzhao and others planned to admit Chong. Qiong secretly knew about it, gathered Zhao, Xun, and others, and beheaded them.”
This is a bit vaguely written, and it doesn't appear that the precise year Zhou Qiong became Inspector has been recorded. However, according to Wan Sitong's tables, Yang Ding was Inspector of Liangzhou from 370 until at least 373. While Zhou Qiong was the Inspector by 377.
In the Records of Fu Jian in JS113, Dou Chong first appear in 368. That year began with four of Fu Jian's relatives rebelling against him, among them Fu Shuang at Shanggui and Fu Wu at Anding. Fu Jian initially sent generals Yang Chengshi and Mao Song against them. However “Chengshi and Mao Song were defeated by Shuang and Wu. Jian again dispatched his [General of] Martial Guards, Wang Jian, [General who] Soothes the Boreal, Lü Guang, and others to lead the outer and inner finest and sharpest [troops] so as to chastise them. The [General of] Guards of the Left, Fu Ya, and the [General of the] Forbidden [Guards] of the Left, Dou Chong, led 7 000 Feathered Forest cavalry to maintain the issuing out. Shuang and Wu exploited the victory to arrive at Yumei...”
ZZTJ101 writes: “3rd Month … Yang Chengshi was defeated by the Duke of Zhao, Shuang's general  Gou Xingm amd ;ap Spmg was also defeated by the Duke of Yan, Wu, they ran and turned back. The King of Qin, Jian, again dispatched the General of Martial Guards, Wang Jian, the General who Soothes the Boreal, Lü Guang, Generals Guo Jiang of Pingyi, Zhai Zhuan, and others to led  a multitude of 30 000 to chastise them. 4th Month, Shuang and Wu exploited the victory to arrrive at Yumei.” While ZZTJ does not record the name of Dou Chong here, this is clearly the same campaign, and the JS and ZZTJ have just abbreviated the same source material differently.
The important thing here is that Dou Chong appear firmly in Fu Jian's service long before Zhu Qiong became Inspector of Liangzhou. And in fact JS113 further down several times refers to “Jin's Inspector of Liangzhou, Yang Liang”.
Dou Chong next appear, this time recorded in both ZZTJ104 and JS113, in 380 when Fu Luo rebelled. “Jian was greatly angered, and dispatched his General of the Left, Dou Chong, and Lü Guang to lead 40 000 infantry and cavalry to chastise him.” (JS113) “Jian was angered, and dispatched the General of the Left, Dou Chong of Wudu, and Lü Guang to lead 40 000 infantry cavalry to chastise him.” (ZZTJ104)
If Dou Chong came from Wudu as the ZZTJ says, I think he is highly likely to have been of Di ethnicity. And the gap between 368 and 380 is so that you could fit in the events of JS058 in between. But that would require General Dou Chong to first defect from Qin to Jin, receive titles from Jin, and then rejoin Qin. Which I guess is not impossible. But it seems safer to assume they were not the same person?
As for any relations to Dou Shou's clan, I suspect there is nothing specific recorded about that anywhere, but as noted, ZZTJ says Dou Choung came from Wudu.
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dareal3snoveldotcom · 3 years
Chapter 23 | Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss
Chapter 23 | Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss
“Remember this, Ling Chunxi. I won’t let you live in peace! Elder Sister Xiruo’s injury has recurred. If you have the slightest bit of conscience, you’d procure some Purple Leaf Grass from the cave within Purple Maple Mountain for her,” spat Qin Yumei before stalking off with her posse of maidens in a tizzy.  “How could such young ones be so vicious Miss?” asked Aunt Wang incredulously. She was…
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galatur · 6 years
When I showed the recent covers of Women of China to Shi Yumei, the magazine’s former art editor who is now in her eighties, she was so devastated that she was rendered speechless for a long moment, and her eyes moistened. Then, in a trembling voice, she asked: “Can this represent Chinese women? How many Chinese women look like this? This does not represent Chinese women. What is she doing? Sex appeal? I cannot stand this! They should not use the title Women of China. This insults Chinese women! It is so painful to see these images. ... Hou Di, the former deputy editor, also in her eighties and partially blind, was acutely aware of the drastic changes in the magazine. She had heard from other former editors that now the magazine 'is no different from those in the old society,' that is, the commercial magazines produced before the creation of a socialist China.
Wang Zheng, “Finding Women in the State” (p. 254)
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andrew123456me · 4 years
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shirlleycoyle · 5 years
These Scientists Are Changing Soil at a Molecular Level to Withstand Earthquakes
When a powerful earthquake struck Sulawesi, Indonesia last year, something terrifying happened near the coastal city of Palu: an entire chunk of the ground turned to liquid, swallowing roads, cars, and hundreds to thousands of homes.
This phenomenon, known as liquefaction, occurs when wet, loosely-packed soil loses its structural integrity due to a sudden shock like an earthquake. Engineers typically rely on brute-force methods to mitigate its effects—fortifying structures with stone columns and grout; banging the ground with heavy weights. But now, a Portland State University-led team of scientists wants to re-engineer soils at the molecular level to prevent them from ever liquefying in the first place.
To do so, they’re enlisting the help of soil microbes.
“What they are proposing is a very elegant method should it work,” said Yumei Wang, a resilience engineer at Oregon’s Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. “It would be very green compared with traditional methods,” which include pounding the ground over and over to compress it and physically strengthening building foundations.
The method Wang refers to, known as microbially-induced de-saturation, is getting first-of-its-kind field test at two locations in Portland this summer. For the past five weeks, engineers have been fertilizing a small patch of ground at each site by injecting nutrients through a well down to 10 to 20 feet below the surface. As those nutrients seep into the soil, they’re stimulating the growth of “denitrifying” bacteria—native communities of microbes that produce two environmentally-benign gases, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, during the course of their metabolism. Like yeast in bread dough, this process creates air pockets in the soil, which prevents it from becoming saturated with water—a precondition for liquefaction.
At least, that’s the idea. According to Ed Kavazanjian, the director of the Center for Bio-mediated and Bio-inspired Geotechnics (CBBG) at Arizona State University and a collaborator on the project, researchers tested a variation on the technique in Toronto last year. In that case, scientists were fertilizing soils with the goal of stimulating the formation of calcium carbonate, a mineral that acts like a natural cement. But while the treatment ultimately wasn’t too successful at cementing soil grains, it did boost microbial gas production enough that soils became aerated, or de-saturated.
“Somewhere in there we thought, maybe we don’t need to precipitate calcium carbonate at all,” Kavazanjian said. “De-saturation is about 20 times cheaper, and there was a growing body of evidence showing de-saturation was persistent.”
This summer’s field trials in Portland are an attempt to prove that.
The first step was to collect some baseline data on the soil, said Diane Moug, a civil engineer at Portland State University and principal investigator on the experiment. In June, the researchers rolled out specialized truck developed by collaborators at the University of Texas Austin Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure program. This so-called T-rex shaker jiggles the ground to mimic a small earthquake. Then, researchers use a variety of sensors to measure the amount of shaking in the ground as well as the soil’s internal pressure, also known as pore pressure. In liquefaction-prone soils, pore pressure rises following shaking, as was the case when the researchers shook their test soils in June.
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Last Friday, following over a month of nutrient treatments to boost microbial activity, the researchers went to shake the ground once again, and compare the results with their June baseline. If the speed of the compressional waves, or P-waves, associated with the shaking is lower this time around, that suggests the treatment has been a success. But the real “proof in the pudding” as Kavazanjian put it, would be if pore pressure no longer goes up.
“Liquefaction occurs because you shake and the internal pressure of the soil rises, and that causes it to lose its strength,” Kavazanjian said. “So if we go back and shake and there’s no pore pressure increase, we’ve been successful.”
If the results from this summer’s pilot tests are promising, the researchers are hoping to continue long-term monitoring at one of the sites which they have access to for the next five years. That will be critical for determining how long the treatment persists and how frequently it needs to be re-applied, explained Leon van Paasen, a senior investigator at the CBBG and collaborator on the project.
“They now have monitoring tools to show how long it’ll stay in place,” van Paasen said. “If the gas is not so durable, one idea is you might be able to treat it again.”
The researchers already have a potential application in mind, too: Portland’s Critical Energy Infrastructure (CEI) hub, a series of aging oil and natural gas storage facilities that hold approximately 90 percent of the state’s liquid fuel reserves. The CEI hub sits along the western bank of the Willamette river, on what Wang described as “loose, saturated soils highly prone to liquefaction.”
Should the Pacific Northwest experience its worst-case seismic scenario—a so-called megathrust earthquake on the Cascadia Subduction Zone—these soils could liquefy, the buildings could collapse, the tanks could rupture, and their contents could spill into the river. “There’s also the possibility of a fire,” Wang said.
To round out this dual geological and environmental nightmare, the destruction of the CEI would also obliterate Oregon’s backup fuel supply at the very moment that it’s likely to be needed most for earthquake recovery, according to a recent report. This vulnerability is exactly why Wang is watching the work of Moug and her colleagues with great interest.
“As a government official, if there’s a method people are happy to use and we improve the safety of our infrastructure, I think that is a huge win,” Wang said.
Because of the technique’s non-invasive nature, the researchers ultimately are hoping their microbial technique could be applied to liquefaction-prone landscapes around the world—particularly those where infrastructure is already in place and cannot be easily fortified without digging it up.
“There are trillions of dollars of infrastructure around the world at risk,” Kavazanjian said when asked where else it might be useful. “My answer would be everywhere.”
These Scientists Are Changing Soil at a Molecular Level to Withstand Earthquakes syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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architectnews · 4 years
Hidden House in Shanghai, China
Hidden House in Shanghai, China Real Estate Development, Chinese Interior Architecture Images
Hidden House in Shanghai
5 Aug 2020
Hidden House
Interior Design: Wutopia Lab
Location: Shanghai, China
Wutopia Lab finished a house with a black courtyard called the Hidden House.
It cost six years to finish the project. It was a small museum, a library, a showroom, a clubhouse, or a home. The variation implied a change in life. Thus, designers set out a basic architecture frame with multiple possibilities. A continues surface divided the house into two: living space and service space.
At the Southside of the continuous surface, there were a living room serving as an exhibition room and library, a canteen, a master bedroom, a tea room, a courtyard serving as garden and stage. At the other side was the kitchen, toilet, equipment room and a girl’s room for exhibition purpose. Mezzanine space was designed for services, storage space and living space.
The living room, also a library, was ritualistic and connected to the views through the window. The black bookshelves exhibited clients’ collection but limited living room’s direction. Elevator connected vertical transportation from the living room to the mezzanine space.
The mezzanine space belongs to the male client. The dark private space was connected to the living room, bedroom and the hallway through a window. The peeking experience related back to the designer’s experience to the John Soane Museum. The girl’s room, on the other hand, was a silvering blue ‘galaxy’. Each ‘star’ was a customized exhibition shelf made of clear acrylic. This was a miniature version of the bubble installation in Anaya Children’s Restaurant.
Black was a perfect colour to emphasize green trees and the white House. The black volcanic rock along with Taihu stones, wisteria and bauhinia formed a micro Chinese Garden.
There should not be any columns in the corner of the tea room. The continuous glass window required a 4-metres cantilever structure. Staircases towards the mezzanine space should also be thin and cantilevered from the thin wall. All equipment should be hidden and cost as least space as possible. Glass window, on the other hand, should be as big as possible in order to keep the beautiful view. All of the non-standard designs cannot be achieved without the support of our design team.
Stacking stones were a hard work for both architects and workers. Taihu stone could appear differently due to its position to other stones. Thus, adjustment and replacement of those stones happened after observed and judged form different angles. The process was full of surprises and the 20 square metres site cost 6 hours to built.
The abandoned fireplace and gate became a silent record of history in this project. A continuous metal line travelled through bookshelves and walls, sevring as zero height marks in the hiding house. The red paint was stripped from the gate and led the teak texture being revealed. The building was a record of history and memory.
The curtain in the courtyard can be released and retracted from bottom to the top in order to maintain the space integrity. The idea was simple but hard to achieve. For example, the connection between the curtain and the building, water proof and drainage should be considered. But when the blurry scene was presented while the curtain divide the courtyard into a stage and a garden, I realized that it was worth it.
The architect designed the pattern of the perforated plate using the wisteria flower as a template. In order to prevent the water pipe from interrupting the continuous black line of the eaves, the water pipe has a zigzag shape to allow the black line to pass through. Whirlpool drain was introduced in order to match those Taihu stones. Also, a support was added to the middle section of the neem tree and its form was based on Dali’s painting. The variation of façade elements of the tea room, however, were heavily influenced by designer’s happy mood.
For 74 months, the client did not know what he wanted. But he was certain that he wanted to present the dramatic experience of life without exaggerating it. Both parties are listening to each other’s opinions and explaining their reasons, and then use the completeness of the work as the final evaluation criterion as the basis for their respective concessions or adjustments. It was the story when an architect designed another architect’s house.
The hiding house served as a place, and it was a place with personal identity that can be real, fictitious, or intertwined. It was a complex context with possibility, hypothesis and fantasy. In other word, a place with possible events. It existed in space, permeated with different social concepts, forming a scape of appearance or culture, and some would cause strong physiological and emotional reactions, awakening body consciousness, and the material and symbolic value of the place could create spirits in different levels.
Anyone’s scrutiny, observation and cognition of a place were permeated with social concepts, but a few people would notice that weather and light could symbolize the human emotions which projected to the place. Such social concepts created places as contexts and continued to rewrite places in form. In the hiding house, the boundaries between private and public is blurred. From the perspective of events, real and fictitious, public and private were intertwined into ambiguous contexts at different scales. And the place as a context was not restricted to a fixed place or event, or even time was displaced or rewritten. It would not draw a closure but continued to develop in order to update the hiding house.
When actor travelled from the gate to the courtyard while light casted to the ground, a tremendous scene was created in the black courtyard. The beauty of this short moment was like an illusion , but at that moment, it was eternal. This was the true concept that the designer wanted to express.
Hidden House, Shanghai – Building Information
Design team: Wutopia Lab & SUNYAT Chief Architect: Yu Ting
Proposal design team: Wutopia Lab Project Architect: Li Zongze, Mu Zhilin Designer: Pan Dali ,etc. Proposal development team: Shanghai Sunyat Architecture Design Co., Ltd. Main designers: Zhu Yumei, Hu Wenxiao, Yu Bing, Zhou Yixiang, Wang Can, Jiang Hong, Mao Yaqian, Xu Weidong, etc. Project Manager and General Coordinator: Zhang Hao
Lighting Consultant: Chloe ZHANG Home Consultant: Wang Fang Person in charge of construction: Chen Yuwen
Location: Shanghai, China Time: 2014.5~2020.7 Area: construction area of 139 square meters, courtyard area of 105 square meters Material: volcanic rock, Taihu stone, perforated aluminum plate, glass, steel plate, diatom mud, wood, white cement
Photography: CreatAR Images
Hidden House in Shanghai, China images / information received 050820
Location: Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Researchers report new understanding of thermoelectric supplies
http://tinyurl.com/y3gysmwj The promise of thermoelectric supplies as a supply of fresh power has pushed the seek for supplies that may effectively produce substantial quantities of energy from waste warmth. Researchers reported a serious step ahead Friday, publishing in Science Advances the invention of a brand new rationalization for asymmetrical thermoelectric efficiency, the phenomenon that happens when a fabric that’s extremely environment friendly in a type which carries a constructive cost is way much less environment friendly within the type which carries a damaging cost, or vice versa. Zhifeng Ren, M. D. Anderson Chair Professor of Physics on the College of Houston, director of the Texas Center for Superconductivity at UH and corresponding creator on the paper, mentioned they’ve developed a mannequin to clarify the beforehand unaddressed disparity in efficiency between the 2 varieties of formulations. They then utilized the mannequin to foretell promising new supplies to generate energy utilizing waste warmth from energy vegetation and different sources. The researchers already knew thermoelectric effectivity will depend on the efficiency of the fabric in each kinds, referred to as “p-type” and “n-type” for carrying a constructive and damaging cost, respectively. However most supplies both do not exist in each formulations or one sort is extra environment friendly than the opposite. Promising New Materials Synthesized It’s attainable to construct efficient thermoelectric units utilizing only a p-type or n-type compound, however it’s simpler to design a tool that comprises each varieties; Ren mentioned the perfect efficiency would come when each varieties exhibit related properties. The researchers synthesized one of many predicted supplies, a zirconium-cobalt-bismuth compound, and reported a measured heat-to-electricity conversion effectivity of 10.6% at each the chilly aspect, about 303 Kelvin, or about 86 levels Fahrenheit, and the recent aspect, about 983 Kelvin (1,310 Fahrenheit) for each the p-type and the n-type. Jun Mao, a post-doctoral researcher at UH and a primary creator of the report, mentioned they decided the asymmetrical efficiency of some supplies is linked to the truth that the cost strikes at totally different charges within the two varieties of formulation. “If the cost motion of each the constructive cost, for p-type, and the damaging cost, for n-type, is analogous, the thermoelectric efficiency of each varieties is analogous,” he mentioned. Figuring out that, they have been in a position to make use of the mobility ratio to foretell efficiency of beforehand unstudied formulations. “When the thermoelectric efficiency for one sort of a fabric has been experimentally studied, whereas the opposite sort has not but been investigated, it’s attainable to foretell the ZT by utilizing the recognized relationship between the asymmetry and weighted mobility ratio,” the researchers wrote. ZT, or the determine of advantage, is a metric used to find out how effectively a thermoelectric materials converts warmth to electrical energy. New Mannequin Predicts Extremely Environment friendly Supplies Hangtian Zhu, a post-doctoral researcher at UH and the report’s different first creator, mentioned the subsequent step is figuring out formulate the corresponding sort of fabric, as soon as a fabric with a excessive effectivity in both p-type or n-type is discovered. That may require experimentation to find out the perfect dopant – researchers tweak efficiency by including a tiny quantity of a further component to the compound, referred to as “doping” – to enhance efficiency, Zhu mentioned. That is the place the brand new understanding of asymmetrical efficiency is available in. Zhu mentioned by predicting which compounds may have excessive efficiency in each varieties, researchers are inspired to proceed searching for the perfect mixture, even when early efforts didn’t succeed. ### Different researchers concerned within the mission are: Qing Zhu and Zihang Liu, each of UH; Yumei Wang of the Beijing Nationwide Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics; and Zhenzhen Feng, Jifeng Solar and David J. Singh of the College of Missouri. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! aren’t accountable for the accuracy of reports releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing establishments or for using any info by the EurekAlert system. Source link
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tapsylogy · 6 years
Kyrgyz, Ming Dynasty (Cd)
Twenty-fourth Rite II (Kyrgyzstan II)
   The suburbs of the suburbs cooperate with the suburbs    ○ Suburban System    In the first year of Hong Wu’s reign, Li Shanchang, the Secretary of the Chinese Book, wrote the book “The Suburbs Proposal” and made a brief statement:    When the king is in trouble and observes the matter, the winter solstice is reported to the heavens and the summer solstice is reported to the land, so the righteousness of yin and yang is also good. Yutian Yunan On the outskirts of the hill, the ancestral site is located in the northern suburbs of Fangze, so it is also the location of the yin and yang. "Zhou Li Tai Le": "To the winter, The celestial gods, summer days, courtesy only. "" "ceremony" said: "Enjoy the emperor in the suburbs, Yushe in the country." "And again:" The outskirts Tomorrow, the society will be clear. "Book" said: "Dare to tell the earth after the emperor. According to the ancients Or after the earth, or in the community, all the sacrifices are in the heavens. The three generations of the rituals, and the interpretation of the Bible are saying. from Qin Li’s four seasons included white, blue, yellow, and red four emperors. Han Gaozu revived the North, tying the Black Emperor. There are five in Emperor Wudi 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 畤 The Genghis, thought that there were six people in the sky, and the nine-year-old sacrifice. Zong Wang Su who thought that the only celestial body, Ande has six? One year old and two offerings, Andy has nine? Although different because of the difference, it is probably more than two. Since Han Wu used the eunuch wide to discuss, he later made up for the On the haze, courtesy is like day. Later generations still lag behind the northern suburbs. And Xuan Xuan was in the Weishu book. The only memorial ceremony for Kunlun above Fangqi is to worship the Gods of the Taizhou in July, but it is only two. Later ages because of one and two years old Festival. In the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Wang Zhen played in the Ganquan baht and reunited with the northern suburb of Annan. On the first month, Xin Ruo Ding In the southern suburbs. From the Han calendar to the Tang Dynasty, for more than a thousand years, it was all due to the sacrifice. The people who lived in Beijiao were Wei Wendi and Zhou Wudi. The emperor Gaozu and Tang Xuanzong are the only four emperors. In Song Yuanfeng, they discussed the strike and sacrifice. Shao Sheng, political and interlocutory, or divided or combined. Gao Zong After Nandu, only the communion ceremony is used. Yuan Chengzong was the fifth emperor to worship the heavens and the earth, and he had established the southern suburbs. Taiding In the middle, it is also a sacrifice. After Wenzong came to Shung, but the God of Heaven. Today, when the ancient system is followed, the heavens and the earth will be sacrificed in the northern and southern suburbs. winter To the end of the day, God will be in Mt. Qiu, and will be mourning with the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the stars, and Tai Sui. In the summer solstice, the emperor’s land is only in Fangqiu. With the Five Sacred Mountains, Five Towns, Four Seas, and Four Slave Concubines.    Taejo is as it is. Jian Yang Qiu Hill in the sun, Fang Qi in the yin of Zhongshan. Three years, increase the wind and thunderstorms In Luqiu, the god of the world is Fang Qiu. In the past seven years, the world’s shrines were added to the northern and southern suburbs. In nine years, Dingshuo Li, although it has been lost for three years, it will not be wasted. In the ten years of autumn, Taejo felt that she was living in rainy weather. The situation is uneasy, and his life is in the southern suburbs. It is the winter solstice and the temple work is not completed. Zhu Wen, which means that people are heaven and earth, and should not be disregarded. He will be married to Meng Chun at the age of every year. Twelve years On the first day of the month, the co-edition was made at the Great Hall, and the Taizu's prosecution of "The Great Thing" was made up of nine songs. Eighteen years of Yongle, Kyoto Grand Hall As a rule, such as Nanjing. In the old outskirts of Nanjing, state-owned major events, the deacons were reported to the officials.    In the nine years of Jiajing, Shizong had established the "Minglun Grand Ceremony," and Yi Zhesi made things. The law is the old chapter. Nai-yi asked the university scholar Zhang Yi: "The book" says that weaving the wood is to worship the heavens, and that we are 'like God'. The Bible says: 'After the suburbs, it is used to match the heavens, and Zong Yiwen's King Yu Mingtang is to be equipped with God'. Zhu Zi said that the sacrifice was on the altar as the heaven, and the sacrifice was called the emperor. There is a temple in this temple. There are rituals for heaven. In fact, God's emperor only conjunctures sacrifices, nor does it specialize in offerings to God. "Proverbs:" At the beginning of the country Sacrifice heaven and earth, and later join together. The speaker said that there was a large house on the altar of the Royal Highness, and that the house was Mingtang, and the altar was the hill, and the saints were born. Confucius also means from Zhou. "The emperor replied:" Two to childbirth, generation is not easy to gift. The grand palace is planned to be Zhou Mingtang or Kinki, that is, Yu Qiu, really nothing. "Yun Nai prepared the "Zhou Li" and Song Chenxi, Su Shi, Liu Anshi, and Cheng. 颐 颐 分 分 分 分. And the ancestral system has been set, no dared to discuss lightly. Emperor Rui wants to set up the suburbs, and the first place of the Boshui Temple is Taizu. Before it was bad. When asked about university gentry, it was said that infighting was correct. When you ask Li Shi Shang Shu Li Shi, you need less time, Bo selected Confucian scholars, proposed vintage system. The emperor's ancestors, not Kyrgyzstan, and discuss.    We will give a summer proverb to raise silkworms. The emperor took the protagonist's pro-growth in the southern suburbs, and the queen embroidered the northern suburbs. On the surface of the suburbs, because of the rumors of Chen Jiaoli. Words are superficial: "The state is in harmony with heaven and earth, as well as Taizong and Taizong. Matching, the various altars from the Sui, not to be held in the long and Meng Chun, are not classical. It is advisable for the ministers to examine the poems, The book of the Suburbs contained in the Book and the Book of Rites, and the conclusions of Han and Song Zhu Ruheng, Liu Anshi, Zhu Xi, etc. And the old system of childbirth in the early days of the Tai-tzu, which was called and ruled. This is also the great ZTE. "Ritco to the matter of Wang Yumei When other rumors say it is not true, the emperor cuts it. Nai Li’s ministry led Chen Chen to see each other. And said: "Zhu Mei et al." The use of two cattle in the suburbs, said that the world of worship. The husband used two cattle, one emperor and one coordinator, and each non-heaven has one cow. Or It is said that the combination of the heavens and the earth is the way of the parents of children and children. Such remarks have been very sluggish. Or suburbs For the day, the community is the sacrifice ground. There is no northern suburbs in ancient times. The Fushe community is the only one offering five earths. It still speaks of the five emperors and ears, but only the non-imperial land. The name of the community is different from that of the Son of God. Therefore, there is a saying of “pro-time” in the “ritual”. The community is also the Fangze sacrifice place. "Qin Yu recorded a book on the study of the suburbs."
   When Zhan Shihuo was a non-protestant, he said that he only said "Zhou Li," but he falsified the thief and falsified it. Therefore, repentance on the remarks:    "Zhou Li" is a book detailing sacrifices. "Big Bomber" uses the god of the heavens, but there are 禋祀, Shichai, and 燎. The rituals, in order to smash the land only, there is a blood sacrifice, 薶 Shen, 趯辜 趯辜 ceremony. "Dashile" winter solstice, the system of Luqiu on the ground, In the summer of the summer solstice, the system of Fang Qiu in the Chinese side of Zoroastrianism will be a gift to the god. Heaven and earth give birth, never long. Song Ru Ye Shizhi said: "The suburbs divide and divide, when the "Zhou Li" is determined." This discussion is both Taisha as a sacrifice, then In the southern suburbs, since the imperial rituals were not properly used, why did they not resort to offering sacrifices? The communion of sacrificial offerings, since the beginning, all the main points before the Han Festival, and there is also between Han. After Song Yuanfeng discussed, Yuan You discussed again, and Shao Shengsan discussed all the main congregations. As for the shifter, he uses the fees of the suburbs to dump every house. Therefore, the province is easy to use. It is also not a matter of ceremony. Today’s commentator, It is often feared by the system of the Taizu. However, the conjugal sacrifice is the custom of the Taizong and cannot be changed, but it is not known to subdue Taizu. The beginning of the system is repeatable. Knowing that "Dazhao Wen" is the Ming dynasty of the TaiZu ancestors. The ancestral script is acceptable. And all are too ancestral system also, from its ritual is only. Heavenly King Fazu, no two also. "Zhou Li," a book, Zhu Zi thought that Zhou Gong tutored into the king, and drew down the law to the future generations. His intention was the most profound. For yeah? After the congregation and the provision of the land, the reality begins. Since the falsification is a book, why not cut away the system of Luqiu and Fangqiu? God's only offering, and since the one for Jesus?    So the Ritian set up a picnic ceremony as discussed by the ministers and played it: "The main sacrificial offerings are all eighty-two people, such as Yu Shiwang and others. In order to make a congregation and to make a constitution in a timely manner, it was not possible to be a speaker, and there were 84 college graduates Zhang Jian. The main sacrifice was the Shanchuan altar. Fifty-six persons including Fang Qiu, Shang Shu and Li Shu, the main congregation and non-offered sacrifices, Shang Shufang and other 260 people. No, there are 198 British Zhang Lun and others. Ministers waited in vain to confess public opinion. The meaning of childbirth In ancient rites, but the altar was built and the labor service was numerous. "Courtesy", the house to worship the emperor, husband and wife referred to both heaven and God, when the house festival. It is also advisable to specialize in God in the Great Mosque, and to change the altar to the altar of the earth to specialize only in the imperial land. There is neither creation nor salute Then. "The emperor reconciliation is to follow the old system of emperor's ancestors, and the dew offerings are to the altar, divided into the northern and southern suburbs, and act two to five days. “In the southern suburbs, there has been a long history of reconciliation, and Zhu Zi’s so-called “unresolved for 1500 years.” Management is held, honesty can be said to build all the world and not beggars. ”    Has been ordered to households, rites, workers and other three rumors in the southern suburbs of choice. There is a hill of nature outside the South Tianmen Gate. East, it should not be used. The Rector wants to serve the temple as a young man. The rehearsal remarks: "Yao Qiu Tian Tian, ​​should be high Open, show respect to the more respect. Daejeon Hall enjoys emperorship. When the two sacrifices are different, the altar When the temple is away, it should be different. In the south of the Taipan Temple, the temple was slightly larger. Can be with Dadiao Temple and so on. 「制制」可可。 Therefore, it was made in October and was completed in October. In the summer of next year, the northern suburbs and the east, In the western suburbs, success was also achieved and the system of delivery was determined. Three years of Wanli, Bachelor Zhang Juzheng, etc. "Test" submitted. The old rites were determined by Taizu. The new ambassador, Sejong is also set.    ○ Suburban coordination    In the first year of Hong Wu, there was something in the southern suburbs. There is a draft agreement. Taizu Qiang is not allowed to make a statement to the Tai Temple: “The people of all ages in the world are based on their ancestral spirits. The ones who did not dare to be the only ones in the history, and those who did not have their merits in politics, have lost in politics. Last year The heavens, the southeast sound, the thunder and fire boat slap the temple kiss, early death, fear of God's morality, so it is not Dare to worship to match. But the ancestral gods and the heavens are in communication. God asks them, and they may ask the officials to play before the emperors. Waiting for the Southern Suburbs In a matter of fact, the minister praised the Secretary of the Hundreds and Shrines for honoring the temple and made a great gift to share God's blessing. "In the summer solstice next year, you will take advantage of Fangqiu, Recruitment. It is the emperor of the emperor Kao Bian, who is the emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor. The next year, Fang Qiuqiu is also like that. Jianwen first year, changed Bong Taizu with. Hong Xi renamed Yuan, saying: "The Taizu was appointed to the heavens and encouraged the imperial industry. Area. Shengde magical power, with salty world. "Easy" said, "Yin recommended God, to match the ancestral exam." Yan Chongjing Zu Kao, Yong Only heart. On the fifteenth day of the first month, the shrines of the Gods of Heaven and Earth were accompanied by emperors and emperors. "After the suburbs, they told Tai Tai Temple and A few miles, please Taizu, Taizong and match.    In the nine years of Jiajing, he said to Xia Yan in the matter: “The Taizu and Taizong were matched, and the father and the son were in the same line. No doubt. The minister stated that after Zhou Renjiao, he used to match up with the gods. Zong Yiwen Wang Yuming Church to match God, Taizong When it is enough. “Lionous officials discussed that for the second ancestors to enjoy, more than one hundred years, should not be changed once lightly. In the second and the seventh days, Feng Taizu was assigned to the south and the northern suburbs. So the university graduates Zhang Yi, Yan Zheng, etc. Words, the distribution of the second ancestors, Yu Yi did not cooperate, and record Renzong years essays and reported to the temple to enter. The Emperor reconvened at East Court. All thought: "The temple of the Taimiao, the column of St. Zhao and Mu Xiang Xiang Xiang, no suspects tied. Condition Taizu, Taizong, Merit and prosperous, Lu Qiu, The temple hall is full and all of it is heaven. Ministers and other burglaries in the northern and southern suburbs and Daejeon Hall, each Both the ancestors are suitable for the festival. "In the end, the emperor used to match indecent assault, and the courtiers demanded." Give it a lift, dare not waste too. "Where all the sacrifices are, how can the ancestors enjoy the ceremony? And the ancient suburbs and Ming Tong off-site, it can be assigned. In this year's southern suburbs of Yongjiu and Daxie Hall, the winter solstice ceremony was reported and Taizong was not. Meng Chunli did not pray with his grandfather. The heart is really uneasy. "The emperor replied: "All things are in heaven, and people are almost ancestors." One day only, the ancestor is the only ancestor. Therefore, the day of the big newspapers, only with the high emperor. Emperor Wen merits, why not match the day? However, the sky is extremely strong, this high Emperor's ear. Such as Zhou’s King’s Industry, Wu Wang Shi Chengzhi, and after matching the heavens and ending later, the king was appointed to God, but at that time it was not. Smuggling meritorious deeds. "Because of the fate of the people, it has been said by Xia Yanfu: "The suburbs of Yan, Xia, Yin and Zhou, but only one Zu. After the Confucianism cut through, sub-Yau to two, and misunderstood "Great Changes" test, "filial piety" strict father's righteousness. As a result, Tang, The song became ancient and there were two ancestors who married and the three emperors matched. Looking at sincere intentions, according to the former purpose. "The Emperor reported:" The predecessor quoted the Temple of Heaven not to be too much. The husband and wife were different from each other and they said nothing. " Still trying to apply for a resolution. So he replied Proposal: “The ancestral system of the northern and southern suburbs is actually a new creation today. The creation was not allowed to be enjoyed in this moment. The fear of Taizong was not up to peace. "Surprised to follow the line.    ○ Suburban Arbor Notes    In the winter solstice of the first year of Hong Wu’s reign, the God of Heaven was on Mound Hill. In the early days, the emperor dissipated the fasting on the 4th, leading to the fast for 3 days. The first two On the same day, the emperor took the throne of the crown and the sacrificial horses of the province. The next day, there are furnishings. On the Day of the Sacrifice Tai Changqing played in Yan, the emperor served. Playing outside the office, the emperor in place, praised and sang to welcome God. Colin Lawrence The Song of Neutrality. The rituals chanted chopping firewood, the suburban community ordered the ascending smoke, and all the crickets were cast in the altar. Please greet the ceremony, too Chang Qing There is a division with the player, please act. The emperor pays homage to the emperor and the crown prince and his officers are all worshippers. Praise to sing and celebrate Toilet seats. Tai Changqing praised him: "In the early period of fasting, this time the offerings are sacrificed and the cleanliness is added to the gods." Pickpocket, pickpocket. Out of the guild, to the altar. Tai Changqing praised him: "The gods are on the top, and they are deterrent." Association Lang Lang gave a performance of "The Song of Condensation." The emperor was in front of God's place of God, 搢 搢, 三 香, 奠玉帛,出 Kyu, then worship reset. The singer sings into the gong, and XIANG Lulang holds the melody of "The Song of Condensement." Before the emperor blasphemed the god, 搢圭奠 俎, out of gui, reset. The ceremony began with a tribute. The emperor's grandfather took a seat, Ruan Gui, Dresdner, Widow, and Jacob Persons, out of Kyu. Fen liquor honors the year, Yu Gui, prince, by the Pan Qi, Jue delegating the deacon, out of Kyu. Correspondence Play "Sum of the Shouhe" and "Dance of Wugong". The emperor 诣 诣 诣 诣 诣 诣, 搢 圭, 香香, 祭祭, 奠爵,出 Kyu. After reading the letter, the emperor fell prostrate, rejoiced, and worshiped. Yaxian, Zhuo Qiqi, Yue Sheng Yu He Song of the Dance, Dance of Wende. Finally, he played Ang Lian, played "The Song of Hee He" and "Dance of Wende." Instrumentation I don't have to wish for the first time. The tribute sings to the blessings and the emperor ascends to the altar to drink the blessing, and then worships, chants, and guises. Bong The lord drunken the wine and Tai Changqing praised him: "But this wine and food, God's goodwill, and blessings are the same." The emperor was given grandeur, offering wine, and drinking wine, and placed him in vain. Admonished by the government officials, the emperor was guilty of delinquency, Out of the Gui, fell prone, happy, then worship, reset. The crown princes and the following officers all worshipped. Praises sings the beans The melody played "The Song of Harmony" and the palm priests shattered the beans. Praise to sing to give God, the co-Lang Lang to play "A Song of peace." emperor After the visit, the crown princes and the following officials all worshipped. Praise the priests to sing and read and wish the officials to bless Grand Mercure, all the wines. Singing hope, the emperor is expected to take advantage of the position. After a long while, Tai Qingqing played the ritual and the emperor took a big time. strict.    In the summer solstice in the second year, the emperor was only in Fangqiu, and his instrument was the same. However, after greeting God, it is licking blood. Buried, and the suburbs are different. In the winter, Feng Ren's ancestors matched the sky in the southern suburbs. It lays the foundations, enters into and carries out, Before all blasphemy before God, before the time of the ancestral priesthood, the ceremony was also performed, but no jade. Four years, the first offering is six days, one hundred Official bath agency. On the day of the wing, the imperial congregation served in the temple of Tanjung and was sworn in. The prime minister told the hundred gods in the flood season, The temple runs incense for three days. The next day, the Incheon temple was driven and the invitation was granted. After the ceremony, but also to the palace. In seven years, it went to Yan To organize and celebrate the Festival of Fragrance, set the 12th ceremony. In the past ten years, we have changed the system of integration, laid a solid foundation, advanced into one, and made three contributions. Before God's position of God, the second emperor only, the second time Renzu, learned that the instrument is still.    Jiajing eight years, strike the temple burning incense ceremony. In nine years, the system of split points and ceremonies, the court of ceremonies on the ceremonial domes On the day, Taichang Temple asks you to consider the sacrifice. The three ministers were ordered to look at the sacrifices and four members gave their contributions. In the first five days, Jinyi Weibei Drive, the Emperor sacrificed his sacrifice. On the previous day, he often served the temple. On the 4th day of the premise, Yumyoten Temple, Taisho-ji Temple, into the copper People are as usual. Dr. Tai Chang invited the Taizu Zhuhuan version to Wenhua Dian. The first three days In order to serve the fruit, you can serve the Taizong Temple. The emperor also changed clothes, imperial Fengtian temple, Baiguan Zhaofu vowed to quit. Early period On the second day, too often Guangluqing played in the province, and the emperor went to Fengtian Temple to fill out the Zhu Edition. One day before the exemption from the DPRK, Set up version in Feng Tian Men. Ordinarily serve the temple and take advantage of the southern suburbs, entering from the west gate and descending to Zhaoheng Gate. Ritual too Regular officials lead from the left door to the inside. Tai Changqing leads to Luqiu and pays tribute to the altar. She visits the library as the god of the earth. After the completion of the marriage, he still left the door, raised his bow, and went to the palace. Appointments to accompany eunuchs and daggers. Emperor God God Edition, Taizu God Lord, from the sacred god card, Fengan altar seat. On the day of offering, three drums, the emperor rides from the palace to In the west of Shenshen Road, it descends to the east of Shenlu Road. The Ritual and Taichang Temple held the position of the official officer and retired. Hundreds of officials God Road is waiting for things. The emperor took sacrifices and the guide was led by Zuo Lingxing. Like the guide to the official guide, Instrumental singers dance in place, and the deacons perform their duties. The emperor went to the emperor's place of worship. old. At the time of Tai Chi, it was too routine for the Ritual Minister to serve in the emperor's place. Also the vegetarian palace, the lesser. Driving back, visit the temple complete. Hui palace. 诏 Such as.    Next year, Fang Zeyi: In the first day, Tai Changqing asked Taizu to coordinate, and Feng Anhuang only room. In due course, the court of ceremonies is too The regular officials also asked the emperor to only God Edition, the ancestral god, from the sacred god card, Fengan altar seat. When I was finished, I was too often blessed with gods and gods. There is only room in the emperor's house. All are like Qi Qiuyi.    In October of this year, the emperor will be the suburbs, and the rites and ministers of Xia Xia want to practice the ceremony. The verbal instrument was written to hear: Early He chose to hold 11 members of the chief deacon, and offered two members of the Ministry of Ministers to compile the Zhuwen, the Jiuhe, the wine, the fruit, the system, and the incense burner. On the previous day, the temple was reported to be a temple ceremony. There was a case of God's fragrant incense in the temple of Fengtian. The god's case was in the Temple of God. The god's case was in the temple of things. The case was right in the middle of Danzi, and it was set up just outside the left door of Lu Qiu. It is the quality of the day. The emperor serves the heavenly temple and walks through the temple. Head salute. The deacons successively held the god of heaven, the emperor of Taizu, and the lord of God, each in the temple, to the god of Qiuthai. Outside the hall. The emperor traveled to Zhaohengmen, and the priests led to Tanjung Temple. The deacon holds the stone and worships the Lord. An Yuzhong. Before the case of Di Nai-xiang, the line of tribute was just like. After the ceremony, it will rise to the largest number of times, and Baiguan line will pay tribute. The first ceremony was completed and the palace was returned. The emperor took it and ordered it to be used as a ritual service. member. In the eleventh year of the winter solstice, Shang Shuyan said that there was something in the southern suburbs before this time and it was cold and unprepared. Is mining "Book of rites" Tianzi Hao Tian Zhang Da For the second and the smallest of times, please "make the yellow felt for the small time. For each major sacrifice, the division will follow. The value of snow and snow will be set at the In the next, the emperor sat down on the Vietnam, and the monk laid down the etheric deacon to replace him."    ○Inquiries    At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, I tried it. In the Sejong period, it was decided that the second ancestors distributed gifts. Due to the courtesy of the officials, it was prayed for in the Valley of the Great Hall of God. Two ancestors. In the ten years of Jiajing, he began to pray for the ceremony at the Great Mosque in Mengchun. After the ceremony, the emperor's heart finally thought it was not right. Zhai Zhang: "Since ancient times, only the ancestors matched the heavens, and today the two ancestors are accompanied by one another. It must not be a law for later generations. Bong Taizu with. "Looking for a pro-wish system, I would like to make an instrumental note, change to a horror festival, and swear by a big shot. Set up from the altar, do not pick firewood, as a fixed formula. In the eleventh year of the thriller festival, the imperial illness could not be kissed, but it was the life of Wu Ding Hou Guo Xun. In the middle of the matter, Ye Hongyan said: “The praying for the valley and the big newspapers are different from each other and the suburbs are also one day. The ancestors are all in the countryside. Chenghua and Koji. Room, or something, rather show until March. It is not practicable to take photographs of people and ministers in order to cover them with religious responsibilities. salute. "No. From eighteen years, it was diverted to the hall of Xuanji in Dainjeon. It was not a match. It was a custom. In the first year of Longqing, Ricyan remarked: “The ancestors took a sacrifice and ploughed the fields to pray for the valley. This time, the second time is parallel to the spring, and it is annoying. The Temple of Heaven is in a forbidden place. Should stop praying to the valley, only to act as a former farmer. "From it.    ○Oh    At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, drought and water were extremely variable, or they prayed, or were exposed in the palace, or in the temple of Fengtian, or The official tribute to the suburban temple, the mausoleum, the community, and the mountains and rivers are irregular. Jiajing eight years, spring pray for rain, winter pray for snow, are all imperial wishes Wen, the southern suburbs and Shanchuan altar. On the next day, the squatters and the altars were altars The crown is light-colored, the halogen book is not old, and the road is not covered. Set up, do not play music. In nine years, the emperor wanted to ascend a large ceremony on the Fengtian Temple. Xia Yanyan: "Press "Zuo Zhuan" 'Long See you.' Covering the month and beginning to build things, to be rainy and big, so the worship of heaven for the 100 Valley pray for rain and ointment. Moon Order: '雩 The emperor used Shengle, but it was the county's 100 counties. 'The Code of Communication': "The five-way god of the month, the name of the altar, is blasphemy in the southern suburbs. 'Sage Chen Qiu also said:' In addition, do not pray for the altar to rain. In the future, this ceremony will not be carried out. In case of droughts and plagues, people who pray for false heresies will pray. With a sense of sincerity, the use of magic to hijack the system is also very embarrassing. 'I want to choose the land for the altar in the suburbs, after the Meng Xia ceremony. The minister thought that Meng Chunzhi prayed for Gu Tuo, and from February to April, if it was raining, the festival of the monks would be sent by the deporting officer. If Yuzawa is still in its infancy, he will pray in prayer. "The Naijian Chong Temple was built on the east side of the Taiyuan Gate outside the Mengqiu altar. Years of drought are praying, with the ancestors.    In the 12th year, Xia Yan and others said: “The ancients are the grandfathers of the world, and life and music are learning to live and dance. To declare yin and yang. Please play "Cloud Gate Dance" at the end of the nine-music rhythm after Sam Sung-cheng. Still life Confucianism Including "Yunhan" poems, system "Cloud Gate" a song, so that civil and military dancers dance and sing. Cover "Cloud Gate," the Emperor The joy of the "Zhou Guan" to take advantage of God, take the cloud out of the weather, the rain out of gas. And please increase your number and teach children People, Tsing Yi adheres to feathers, and dances around the altar song "The Song of Cloud Gate," where Qu Fan is 90%. "Because of his instrument, he regards the prayer ceremony. The words: "Dazhao is a festival of prayer and rain of the heavens. Whenever there is drought, the rite must be done at the end of the spring." Seventeen In the past year, I prayed for the altar and the green service. With a cow, cooked recommended.    ○Great ceremony    At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, there was no system of Ming Ting Church. In the 17th year of Jiajing, in June of the same year, the official Yangzhou government knew Fengfang on the word: "filial mo is greater than Yan Fu, Yan's father is greater than the day. Please retro ceremony, Jian Ming Church. Jiazunhuang gave a testimony to the emperor's temple to match God. ” The next court meeting. Shang Yan Yan and other remarks:    Xishan, farm God, or Mingtang. This is the room of the Xiahoushishi, the Yin people weigh the house, and the Zhouren people make the Mingtang system. According to Xia and Yin, they added more details. To cover the saints and kings of heaven, as the sons and fathers, they are respected and loved. Therefore, it is a gift for one-year-old enjoyment. To Qiu Qiu, Meng Chun Qigu, Meng Xia Yi Tan, Qiu Qiu Ming Church, are all respected. Ming Tang Emperor and enjoy it It also. Created today, the ancient law is difficult to find, to be in the teacher's meaning. Mingtang Luqiu is a matter of days, this day In the north of Luqiu, the ban on the city and the east are in the direction of ancient times. Ming Tang Qiu enjoy, that is, Daxie Temple is the right thing to do. To match The ritual, Xi Zhougong Zong Wen Wang Yu Ming Tang, said that the poems were formed in the emperors, and the Jews formed their fathers. Seasonal Autumn Emperor Ming Tang, and the father to match it, when it comes to their possession. The Han Xiao Ming Wu Ming Tang enjoys it with Jing Di, and Xiao Zhang uses light and martial arts. Tang Zongzong is paired with Gaozong, Ming Huang with Ruizong, Daizong with Suzong, Song Zongzong with Taizong, and Renzong with true ancestral, The British ancestors used the ren ancestors to match the world. Song Qianggong assisted: "The festival of the suburbs, with the ancestors, There are sage meritorious services. The offerings of Mingtang are made up of the princes of successors, who have the virtues of the saints. At that time, Sima Guang, Sun Yu Zhu Chen was detained by the DPRK, Cheng and Zhu Daxian for their initiative. This is the main virtue of the ancestors. This retro Mingtang enjoy The system, the emperor that it deserves, but also the only two. If it is based on merit theory, then Taizong recreated the state of the family and his ancestral ancestors. When accompanied by Taizong. If you talk about marriage, then the merits and demerits of the emperor’s majesty, the merits of the Imperial Examination, are the merits of the Imperial Examination. When accompanied by the emperor. To say that the ancestors, he did not dare to discuss.    The decree of imperial decree: "Mingtang autumn report ceremony, in the Fengtian hall line, its allocation of imperialism to seek a picture of the painting. Is it not? Meeting again to smell. Therefore, Tang Zuo, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Anti-government, said:    Three generations of gifts, Mo prepared in the week. "The Book of Filial Piety" said: "After the suburbs, it is used to match the heavens. God. "He also said:" Yan's father is greater than the day, then Zhou Gongzhi also. "The speaker said that Zhou Gong has a saintly character. For rituals and music, and Wen Wang Shi’s father, he cited the filial piety of the saints and asked Zeng Zeng to ask them. Those who do not claim to be the world must The father matches the day and then the filial piety. Otherwise, Zhou Gongfu became Wang Jianyu. His ritual cover was made into a king, and Zhou Gong was a strict father. Yu Cheng Wang is Yan Zuyi. However, after the return of Zhougong to the government, it did not smell the king as its father, and the king of the repentance of the king and the offering of the heavens. Moved to King Wu also. In later generations, ignorant churches are all accompanied by the father. This is a mistake of the “filial piety” and is contrary to the ritual of the king. Xi Asked about Zhu Xi: "After Zhou Gong, when the King of the King is assigned to Jesus, when is the father of the king?" With the king as a match. "Another man: "How about the week? "Hey:" Only with the meritorious ancestors, later as the severe father Said that confused ears. In view of this, the Mingtang match is not devoted to the father and the Ming. The literary, military, literary, and prosperous aspects of the literature are prosperous. However, the indiscriminate use of the Han, Tang, and Song dynasties is an expression of the law. although, The Fengfang Mingtang meeting is not reconcilable, but the ceremony of Mingtang is not abolished. The southern and northern suburbs are the main statues of the Lord. Autumn is a great emperor, and the love of one's family is ready. Since the third generation, the suburbs and the imperial courts have established their own emperors. Taizu, the bulk The merits and virtues are plentiful, compared with Zhou, Taizu is also the Houyi, and Taizong is also the Wenwang. The two suburbs and the praying valley are all equipped with Taizu. And Taizong had no match. Very lack of code. Therefore, the worship of the heavenly temple will be accompanied by Taizong, and then the ceremony will be held. Prepared.    The anger of the emperor, under the prison. He is the second court official and he is the first to confer with the emperor's ceremony. The father is equipped with the text of the heavens, and the Emperor should be consecrated to serve the Emperor. "Because you asked the Emperor of Fengfeng to plead with Meng Chun to pray for the valley. The request of the emperor, but Wenhuang impermissible. It has been re-used as a gift for the proclaiming ceremony. Said: 'Zu Gong Gong, Zong Youde. 'Remarks by: 'The ancestors, also began. Zong, respect also. '"Notes in the Han Dynasty": The name of the ancestors began and they were also given orders. Zong Zhizun is honored by virtue of respect. 'The Book of Filial Piety' said:' Zong Yiwen Wang Yuming Church to match God. 'Wang Shu Note: 'The public in the king of Zhou, respect and the sturdy. 'This is the name of respect. Ancient Tianzi Temple. Liu Ye: "The seven are the righteous ones, and there are merits and deeds. You can't presume the numbers. Change also. 'Zhu Hao also speaks in vain. Chen's "Book of Praise" said: 'Father Zhao Zimu, and there is a constant, ceremony and also. Zu Gong Zongde, but no law, Yi also. 'This is an infinite number of people who say that they are righteous. This aid is based on ancient meaning, Pushed on the edge of human feelings, the Huang Kao to Dezhao Wen, Mi Youyou, and Zong Daike. The Son of God, taught without borders One person is deduced, and one can use his own life. Yi Jia Zong Huang Kao, with Emperor Ming Hall, will always be a temple without virtue. Emperor The sparse temple is not spoken, but stays in the middle, but it is set as a word for the minister to play. General Word: "The Emperor Wen Yuanyuan should not be strict father's righteousness, but should be accompanied by his father. Although the confession is indeterminate, he respects the kinsfolk and honors them. Not only the ancestors, then when the temple, do not have the four priests in the temple there is no ceremony? "The emperor is standing in a row, advocating for privacy, thinking about Taizong." Never give up, no to Xie Tingchen, is set to give the emperor with the emperor, and renamed Taizong 曰Cheng Chengzu. It was not built at this time, Forced season autumn. 遂 Enjoy God in Xuanjibao Temple and Feng Rui Zongxian Emperor. The temple was dry in the palace and the old name was Chin An Temple. Into the ceremony, the ceremonial department requested the emperor to rise up and the princes congratulate him. The emperor took the first move and gave his feast to the minister. Body temple. The disease hasn't been ruled by the disease, and the ministers are not allowed to give gifts. The courtesan heard and gave a feast to give the Guanglu Temple.    In twenty-one years, Zhai Lili: "Qiu Qiu enjoys Ming Ting, Cheng Zhou etiquette, and parallels with the countryside. Ding, special offerings in Xuantianbaodian, piety is not exhausted. The old suburbs of the southern suburbs were originally owned by the Great Hall. I Self-image system, set up the temple, commended the name of the princes and enjoy the use of Zhao Yi God. "It is set to enjoy God in autumn. Fong Wong Cui Ruizong enjoy sharing. Salute as the southern suburbs, furnishings such as pray for the valley. In the next year, the ceremony of the ceremony will take advantage of the exquisite workmanship. Please set the name of the imperial palace, the threshold is great, and the temple is imperial. And Diancheng, and the great enjoyment is still in Xuantianbao Temple and the deportation ceremony As usual. In the first year of LongQing, Li Qing stated: “I’ve made great rituals. I’ve held it from the Imperial Examination and chased Ruizong. The filial piety. Since the emperor looked at it, then Ruizong was the emperor, not Zhou Renzong 祀 祀 于 于 于 于 于 于. "The Yudi from it Please, enjoy the ceremony, and Xuanji Temple is still Qinan Hall.    ○ Day of worship    At the beginning of Jiajing, along the lines of the old instrument, the daily visit to the court was done. After thinking that oh, stop it. In case of Zhengdan and the winter solstice, On Christmas Day, the ceremony was held at the Fengtian Temple. The established suburbs, the ceremony of the winter solstice. However, Zhengdan and Christmas are saluting Xuanji Temple. In the first year of Longqing, Zheng Dan was born and worshipped in the palace. He did not need to be detained from the outside, and the offerings were not taken for too often.
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portlandnet · 4 years
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Yumei Wang has retired
Many NETs have been present at a presentation by Ms. Wang and know that this is a huge loss for the State of Oregon. She will be missed. From an announcement I received: 
Many in the emergency management community in the region may be aware, but in case you are not, Yumei Wang retired earlier this month from DOGAMI after 26 years of incredible service. Her contributions, especially to our understanding of Oregon’s risks and vulnerabilities to a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake – have been so monumental. We would not be where we are today without her immense brilliance, vision, voice, and persistence. She has helped lay the foundation – a true bed rock, none of that liquefiable stuff -- upon which the field of earthquake preparedness and resilience rests and continues to be built in Oregon (and beyond). Though retiring from DOGAMI, Yumei will remain a vital force in earthquake resilience in Oregon. We wish Yumei nothing but great success in her new role as Senior Advisor on Infrastructure Resilience and Risk in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. She encourages all to contact her any time at [email protected].
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cancersfakianakis1 · 6 years
HER2 copy number of circulating tumour DNA functions as a biomarker to predict and monitor trastuzumab efficacy in advanced gastric cancer
Publication date: January 2018 Source:European Journal of Cancer, Volume 88 Author(s): Haixing Wang, Beifang Li, Zhentao Liu, Jifang Gong, Lin Shao, Jun Ren, Yunyun Niu, Shiping Bo, Zhongwu Li, Yumei Lai, Sijia Lu, Jing Gao, Lin Shen BackgroundHER2 status is significant to trastuzumab therapy; however, it is difficult to determine HER2 status accurately with few pieces of biopsies from advanced gastric cancer (AGC) due to highly heterogeneity and invasive behaviour, which will be investigated in this study.MethodsFifty-six patients with AGC were included in this study. Primary tumour tissues and matched plasmas before medication from 36 patients were retrospectively collected, and the other 20 patients with primary tumour tissues and paired plasmas were prospectively collected. HER2 expression and amplification in 56 tumour tissues were determined by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and dual in situ hybridisation (DISH), and HER2 copy number in 135 circulating tumour DNAs (ctDNAs) was judged by next-generation sequencing.ResultsFor tumour tissues, HER2 amplification by DISH was most commonly found in patients with HER2 score 3+by IHC. For plasmas, HER2 amplification defined as HER2 copy number >2.22 was identified in 26 of 56 patients. There was a high concordance of HER2 amplification between ctDNA and tumour tissues, suggesting that ctDNA could function as an alternative to screen HER2-targeted population. Moreover, the changes of HER2 copy number in ctDNA could efficiently monitor trastuzumab efficacy, the power of which was superior to commonly used markers carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and CA199, suggesting its potential role in clinical practice.ConclusionctDNA for HER2 analysis was strongly recommended to serve as a surrogate to screen trastuzumab-suitable population and monitor trastuzumab efficacy. http://ift.tt/2AWX0z0
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bookofjin · 7 years
Records of Lü Guang, Part 1
[From JS122. The conquerer of the Far West.]
Lü Guang, courtesy name Shiming, was a Di native of Lüeyang His ancestor Lü Wenhe at the beginning of [the reign of] Emperor Wen of Han escaped from difficulties in Pei to move to them. For generations they were chiefs and prominent. His father Polou assisted the instructions for Fu Jian, his office reached Grand Commandant.
Guang was born at Fangtou. At night there was extraordinary [incident] of supernatural light [guang]. For that reason they used Guang as his name. At the age of 10 sui, he and the various servant sons roamed and played in the towns and villages. When they made imitations of battle columns, his companions all pushed him forward to be the master. He had the sections divided completely even, the crowd of servant boys sighed and obeyed. He did not enjoy reading books, and only excelled at eagles and horses.
Coming of age, he was 8 chi, 4 cun tall, his eyes had double pupils and his left elbow had a flesh mark. He was given to resoluteness and focused on the weighty, he was broadly terse and had great measures. Happiness or anger was not visible in his countenance. At the time people did not recognize him. Only Wang Meng was amazed by him, saying: “This is no ordinary person” and told about him to Fu Jian. He was recommended as Worthy and Good and filled the vacancy of Prefect of Meiyang. The Yi and the Xia loved him and obeyed. He moved to Eagle Soaring General. He followed Jina on the campaign against Zhang Ping. In the battle at Tongbi he stabbed Ping's adobted son Hao, hitting him. From that his power and fame became greatly displayed.
When Fu Shuang rebelled in Qin province, and Jian's general Yang Chengshi was defeated by Shuang's general Ji Xing, Guang and Wang Jian punished him. Jian desired a quick battle. Guang said:
Since Xing earlier routed Chengshi, his treacherous airs has gradually expanded. We ought to grasp heavily to thereby await his destruction. Xing avails himself of the victory to carelessly come, when his provisions are exhausted he will surely withdraw. If on the withdrawal we then strike him, he can then be routed.
After 20 days, Xing retreated. The various generals did not know what to do. Guang said:
Inferring on his treacherous plan, he will surely attack Yumei. Suppose [he?] takes Yumei, occupying the city and cutting the road, the wealth and reserves will again be sufficient, not be of benefit to the state. We ought to quickly advance host. Suppose Xing attacks the city, we especially come to its aid. If on his flight, his food is already gone, we can then wipe him out.
Jian followed it, and as a result defeated Xing's army. He followed Wang Meng to wipe out Murong Wei, and was enfeoffed Marquis of Duting.
When Fu Zhong was headquartered in Luoyang, he used Guang as Senior Clerk. When Zhong planned rebellion, Fu Jian heard about it and said:
Lü Guang is loyal, filial, square and proper. They are certainly not together.
He hurriedly sent instructions to Guang to imprison Zhong and send him off. He amassed to enter as Leader of the Right to the Heir-Apparent, considerably seeing respect and honour.
Li Yan, a native of Shu, assembled a multitude of 20 000, and attacked and pressured Yi province. Jian used Guang as General who Rout the Caitiffs, leading troops to punish and wipe him out. He moved to Colonel of Foot Soldiers. When Fu Luo rebelled, Guang also struck and pacified him, and was designated General of Valiant Cavalry.
Jian had already pacified the [lands] East of the Mountains and soldiers and horses were strong and abundant. He thereupon had aspirations for planning against the Western Regions. He therefore conferred on Guang Envoy Holding the Tally and Commander-in-Chief of All Army Affairs of Western Punishing, and to lead Generals Jiang Fei, Peng Huang, Du Jin, Kang Sheng and others, with altogether 70 000 troops and 5 000 armoured cavalry [lit. “iron cavalry”], to thereby punish the Western regions, using Dong Fang of Longxi, Guo Bao of Fengyi, Jia Qian of Wuwei and Yang Ying of Hongnong as Assistant Commanders of the Four Offices. Jian's Heir-Apparent Hong held Guang's hand, saying:
The Lord's receptacles are judged not common [?]. [You] will surely have great fortune, and ought to deeply protect and be fond of.
He journeyed to arrive at Gaochang and heard Jian was robbing Jin. Guang desired still further to wait for later instructions. The section general Du Jin said:
Your Excellency has received appointment to Jinfang [?]. In attending to actions we ought to be speedy. [You] have questions when not finished, why then stay further!
Guang therefore advanced to reach the Flowing Sands, for more than 300 li there was no water. The generals and soldiers turned paled. Guang said:
I have heard Li Guang was keen, quintessentially sincere with profound feelings, gushing and setting forth from Feiquan [?]. I and other others, how can we alone not feel effect? [?] August Heaven is surely about to be of help. You Lords need not worry.
Soon there was a great rain, covering the land 3 chi. He advanced the army to arrive at Yanqi. Its king, Niliu led his nearby [?] states to request surrender. The King of Qiuci, Bochun, resisted Guang. Guang's army was to the south of his city. [For each] five li, there was one encampment. There was deep ditches and high ramparts. They extensively made imitation soldiers, using wood as the person, making them use armour, arraying them atop the ramparts. Bochun expelled and moved the people outside the walls to enter inside the walls, and relied on commoners, lords and kings each to encircle the city and defend themselves [?].
Coming to this, inside Guang's left arm the blood vessel rose up as complete characters, the writing said: “Great Hegemon”. Outside the encampment at night there was a black creature, so great as to breaking up the dike [?], with swaying motion and horned head, its eyes shining like lightning. When it got light [?] there was clouds and fog from four sides. Thereupon it was not seen again. At dawn they saw in its place, from north to south 5 li, from east to west more than 30 paces, fish scale armour hidden by it in the earth [?] luminous like it was there. Guang smiled and said:
A black dragon!
Soon after clouds rose to the north-west, and violent rain extinguished its trace. Du Jin talked to Guang, saying:
Dragons are supernatural beasts, a ruler is fortunate to see their image. The Changes says: “To see the dragon in the field, virtuous bestowal is universal.” This is truly to clarify the General's Way to unite a spiritual peace, a virtuous token to the obscure and evident [?]. [I] desire the General to make an effort for it, thereby completing the great celebration.
Guang had joyful appearance.
The again advanced to attack Qiuci city. At night he dreamt that a golden figure flew beyond the outside of the city. Guang said:
This says the Buddha god is leaving them. The Hu will surely be destroyed.
Guang's attack on the city was already pressing. Bochun therefore poured out the state's wealth and treasure to request aid from Kuaihu. Kuaihu's younger brothers Nielong and Marquis-General Kui led more than 200 00 cavalry, also pulling out the kings of the states of Wensu, Weitou and others, combining more than 700 000 to thereby rescue him. The Hu were proficient in bows and horses, good with the lance and spear, with mail like continuous chains, when shot at they were not pierced. They used leather ropes as snares, whipped the horses and hurled at people. Many were hit. The multitudes considerably dreaded them. The various generals all desired each encampment to join their columns, leaning on the troops to thereby resist them. Guang said:
The others are multitude and we are few, the encampments are also far from each other, our power divided and strength scattered. This is not a good plan.
And so he moved the encampments to be in continues row of each other, made imitations of joined locks, [used] spirited cavalry as a roaming army, and completely mended their watch towers. In a battle west of the city, he greatly defeated them, the beheaded tallied more than 10 000. Bochun gathered his precious treasure and ran. The kings and lords who surrendered were from more than 30 states.
Guang entered their city, and greatly feasted the generals and soldiers, and in rhapsodies and poetry spoke of his aspirations. He saw their palace buildings were large and beautiful, and instructed the Army Advisor Duan Ye compose a Rhapsody on the Palace of Qiuci to mock it. The Hu people were extravagant and luxurious, lavishly supporting their lives, the houses had grapevine alcohol, sometimes up to a thousand hu, to last through a decade without fail. There were officers and men who sank and drowned on after the other.
The various states dreaded Guang's powerful fame, tribute earnestly lined the road. He therefore established Bochun's younger brother Zhen as king to thereby calm them. Guang consoled and soothed the Western Regions, his power and kindness to great extent evident. Of those truculent and shrewed kings of the Hu who formerly had not submitted. Within thousand li all came to return to adherence. The sovereigns of Han had bestowed tallied which were transmitted [?]. Guang always displayed and replaced them.
Jian heard Guang had pacified the Western Regions, and used him as Envoy Holding the Tally, Cavalier in Regular Attendance, Commander-in-Chief of All Army Affairs Westward of the Jade Gate, General who Calms the West and Colonel of the Western Regions. But the road was cut and it did not pass through.
When Guang had pacified the Qiuci, he had aspirations of staying there. At the time he began to obtain Jiumo Luoshi [Kumarajiva, JS095]. Luoshi recommended him to return east. This is spoken of in the Biography on the Western Yi. [Actually in his biography in JS095.] Guang hence greatly feasted feasted the civil and military officials, broadly debating to advance or stay. The multitudes all requested to turn back. Guang followed them. He used more than 20 000 camels to deliver the precious treasures of the foreign states, occult performers and strange displays, more than a thousand unusual birds and peculiar beasts, and more than 10 000 excellent horses.
But Fu Jian's Grand Warden of Gaochang, Yang Han advised his Inspector of Liang province, Liang Xi, to resist and defend the Gaotong and Yiwu passes. Xi did not follow. Guang arrived at Gaochang and Han used the commandery to welcome him in surrender. Earlier, Guang heard of his advise, and detested him. He also heard of Fu Jian's grievous defeat, and that Chang'an was endangered and under pressure, and planned and desired to delay the host. Du Jin admonished, saying:
Liang Xi as a surplus of cultured elegance, but his ingenuity and perceptiveness is insufficient. In the end he will not be able to accept the good and follow follow advice, [his?] desires insufficient to be worried about. I have heard the one above and below are not similar. We ought to make a swift advance. If we advance but are not victorious, [I] request to receive execution for the transgressive words.
Guang followed it. When he arrived at the Jade Gate, Liang Xi transmitted a call to arms calling to account Guang for on his own instructions in returning with the host, and dispatched his son Yin with the [General who] Raises Power, Yao Hao and the Attendant Officer Wei Han to lead a multitude of 50 000, resisting Guang at Saquan.
Guang responded to the call to arms for Liang province, calling Xi to account for not being sincere in attending to the difficulties and several of his crimes in barring the return of the host. He dispatched Peng Huang, Du Jin, Jiang Fei and others as the vanguard, striking Yin and greatly defeating him. Yin and the light generals and close followers beneath his banners, several hundred cavalry, fled east. Du Jin pursued and captured them.
And so the Hu and Yi of the Four Mountains all came to earnestly adhere. The Grand Warden of Wuwei, Peng Ji, arrested Xi to request surrender. Guang entered Guzang, and [called] himself Acting Inspector of Liang province and Colonel who Protects the Qiang. He petitioned for Du Jin to be General who Assists the State and Grand Warden of Wuwei, enfeoffed as Marquis of Wushi [“Martial Beginning”]. He himself had the remainder enfeoffed and designated each proportionally.
Guang's Master of Accounts, Wei You, was a treacherous flatterer inclined to scorn people. Seeing the rejection of the former court, he and Peng Ji together planned to arrest Liang Xi. Guang deeply regarded him with favour and trust. He therefore slandered and executed Yao Hao of Nan'an, Yin Jing of Tianshui and others, famous gentlemen, more than ten people. Distant and near notably due to this left the two.
Guang made use of pulling up You to be General who Soothes the Distant and Grand Warden of Jincheng. You stayed at Qianya, and attacked and occupied the outside of the city to use in rebellion. You's cousin Sui occupied Zhanyin to thereby submit to him. Guang dispatched his general Wei Zhen to punish Sui. Sui was defeated and fled to You. Guang's general Jiang Fei also struck and defeated Hao's multitudes.
Hao fled to occupy Xingcheng, inciting the hundred families. Among the Yi and Xia many followed him. Fei's Marshal Zhang Xiang and Army Advisor Guo Ya planned to kill Fei and submit to You. They were discovered, absconded and fled.
Earlier, at Fu Jian's defeat, Zhang Tianxi fled south. His Heir, Dayu, was hidden by the Colonel of the Chang River, Wang Mu. When Jian returned to Chang'an, Mu wanted Dayu to flee to Tufa Sifujian. Sifujian sent him off to Wei'an. Guang dispatched his general Du Jin to punish them. He was defeated by Dayu. Dayu thereupon advanced to pressure Guzang, seeking to decide victory or defeat. Wang Mu admonished, saying:
Lü Guang's provisions are abundant and his walls strong. His armoured troops are spirited and sharp, pressuring him is not profitable. It is not as good as rolling up west of the mountain peaks, hone the troops and store up millet, turn eastward and then fight. There will not even be a year before it is possible to thereby pacify [him].
Dayu did not follow, and therefore dispatched Mu to request aid in the various commanderies west of the mountain peaks. The Grand Warden of Jiankang, Li Xi, the Chief Commandant of Qilian, Yan Chun and Yan Xi raised troops to obey him. Dayu advanced to garrison west of the city. Wang Mu leading a multitude of 30 000 and Sifujian's son Xiyu and others were arranged to the south of the city. Guang set out and struck, routing them. He beheaded Xiyu and others and more than 20 000 others. Guang spoke to the various generals, saying:
Dayu, if he had employed the words of Wang Mu, [I] fear he would not yet be possible to pacify.
The various generals said:
Dayu, how did he not catch up with this! August Heaven desired to help make successful the Enlightened Excellency's profession of the eight hundred. Because of that [Heaven] made Dayu lose his way from the good calculations, that is all.
Guang was greatly pleased, and bestowed gold and silk proportionally. Dayu went to Lintao from Xi commandery, expelling and carrying off the hundred families, more than 5 000 households, defending and occupyingJucheng. Guang's generals Peng Huang and Xu Jiong attacked and rotued him Dayu fled to Guangwu. Mu fled to Jiankang. The people of Guangwu arrested Dayu and sent him off. He was beheaded in the market of Guzang.
Guang at this point first heard of Fu Jian being murdered by Yao Chang. He strove in anger, grieved and shouted. The Three Armies [put on] white mourning dress. There was a great lamentation south of the city and they bogus posthumously conferred on Jian the name of Civil and Bright [wenzhao] August Emperor. The senior officers down to 100 shi wore the unstitched hemp for three months. The commoners wept and cried for three days.
And so Guang [issued] a great amnesty within his borders, established the inaugural as Tai'an [“Grand Calm”], titling himself Envoy Holding the Tally, Palace Attendant, Great Chief Controller of the Centre and Outside, Commanding All Army Affairs of Longyou and Hexi, Great General, Commander of the Palace Gentlemen who Adjoins and Protects the Xiongnu, Shepherd of Liang province, and Duke of Jiuquan.
Wang Mu raided and occupied Jiuquan, titling himself Great General and Shepherd of Liang province. At the time the price of grain jumped in cost, a dou was valued at 500. People ate each other, the dead were more than half. Guang's Grand Warden of Xiping, Kang Ning, titled himself King of the Xiongnu, holding back [?] the troops to thereby rebel. Guang again and again dispatched to punish him, but did not win.
Earlier, when Guang settled Hexi, Du Jin was influential in it, so he used him as General who Assists the State and Grand Warden of Wuwei. When he had resided at seat of government [?], his power had been exalted for a single season. He set out and entered Yuyi [?]. He and Guang were well matched to each other [?]. Guang's sister's son Shi Cong arrived from Guanzhong. Guang said:
The people of the Central Provinces, what do they say about my government reforms?
Cong said:
The end to their knowledge [?] is Du Jin, that is all. They truly have not heard of Uncle.
Guang was silent, and because of this executed Jin. Guang later feasted the crowd of companions, drunk on beer, the talk reached government affairs. At the time the laws were stern and heavy, the Army Advisor Duan Ye advanced to say:
Stern laws and heavy regulations, are not the righteousness of an enlightened king.
Guang said:
The laws of Shang Yang became steep, yet he united the various lords. The techniques of Wu Qi were without intimacy, yet the Man of Jing became hegemons. Why was that?
Ye said:
Your Enlightened Excellency has received Heaven's interest and instructions. The lords of the regions oversee the Four Seas, viewing the acts of Yao and Shun, as if fearing to be a criminal [?]. Why desire to use the final laws of Shang and Shen to preside over Way to righteousness' Godly Province? [?] How is this the province's gentlemen and women's expectations for Your Enlightened Excellency!
Guang changed his face and apologized to him, and so sent down orders censuring himself. He then esteemed the spacious and simple in his government affairs.
His general Xu Jiong and the Grand Warden of Zhangye, Peng Huang, planned rebellion. Guagn dispatched the host to punish Jiong. Jiong fled to Huang. Huang to the east joined with Kang Ning, the four communicated with Wang Mu. Guang discussed with the generals to punish them. The various generals all said:
Now Kang Ning is to the south, holding back troops waiting for a crack. Suppose the Great Carriage [goes on] a western campaign. Ning will surely exploit the absence to set out for left of the peaks. [If] Huang and Mu are not yet pacified, and Kang Ning also arrives, we advance and withdraw stumbling and bumbling, the trend will surely be greatly dangerous.
Guang said:
The trend of the affair is truly like Sirs' words. But now to not go, is to sit down and wait for them to come. Huang and Mu together are each other's lips and teeth. Ning also together with criminals aiding each other [?], east and west exchanging arrival, and the outside of the city not in our possession. [If we] suppose this, the great affair is lost.
Now Huang's rebellious treason started [as one of] you. His feelings and bond with Ning and Mu are not yet thick. When his granaries are at an end, defeating him will be easy. Moreover of the rise and fall of the instructions, Sirs must not speak again.
Guang hence himself led 30 000 infantry and cavalry on a double march. When they had arrived, they attacked him for 20 days. Huang's general Kou Yi cut off the passes to accept Guang [?]. Hence they executed Peng Huang. Wang Mu had used his faction member Suo Gu as Grand Warden of Dunhuang, but then became jealous of his power and fame, and led the multitudes to attack Gu. Guang heard of it, and spoke to the various generals, saying:
The two caitiffs are attacking each other, this is a complete catch [?].
Guang wanted to attack them. The multitudes all considered it to be impossible. Guang said:
To conquer the disorderly and disgrace the destroyed, a good rule on warfare from the classics. It is not possible to thereby making use of the toil of summoned and yet lose the recommendation of eternal idleness [?].
He led 20 000 infantry and cavalry to attack Jiuquan, overcoming it, and advanced to stay at Liangxing. Mu pulled out the host to return east. In the middle of the journey the multitudes scattered and Mu fled on a single horse to Xingma. The Prefect of Xingma, Guo Wen, cut off his head and sent it off.
At this time, a unicorn was seen in Jinze county, a hundred beasts following it. Guang considered it auspicious for himself, and accordingly in Xiaowu's 14th Year of Taiyuan [389 AD], usurped the throne as King of Sanhe. He set up the hundred officials from Assistant Gentleman and down, there was an amnesty within his borders, and the year titled Linjia [“Unicorn Excellence”].
Guang's wife Ms. Shi, son Shao and younger brother Deshi arrived from Chouchi. Guang welcomed them to the east of the city, and greatly feasted the crowd of subjects. He dispatched his sons, the General of the Left, Ta, and the Commander of the Palace Gentlemen Agile as Tigers, Zuan to punish the northern caitiff Piqin [?] at Sanyan Mountain, greatly routing him. He established his wife Ms. Shi as Royal Consort and son Shao as Heir. He feasted his crowd of subjects inside the park and new hall [?].
The Grand Temple was newly completed. He posthumously venerated his great great grandfather as  the Respectful [jing] Duke, his great grandfather as the Reverent [gong] Duke, his grandfather as the Propagating [xuan] Duke, his father as the Luminous and Bright [jingzhao] King, his mother as the Bright and Zealous [zhaolie] Consort.
His Palace Writer Attendant Gentleman Yang Ying sent up a missive, requesting to rely on the old affairs of the Three Eras, to posthumously venerate Lü Wang as the First Founder [shizu] forever not to be moved from the temple. Guang followed it.
That year, the Mail Controller of Zhangye, Fu Yao, examined and assessed the subordinate counties. But the Prefect of Qiuchi, Yin Xing, killed him and threw him into an empty well. Yao appeared to Guang in a dream, saying:
Your Subject was a minor magistrate of Zhangye commandery, filing and accounting the various counties. Yet the Prefect of Quichi, Yin Xing, with stole goods strewn and cluttered [?], feared Your Subject would speak of it, killed Your Subject and threw [him] inside an empty well south of the village. Your Subject wore clothes and was shaped in body like this.
Guang woke up and still saw [him]. Some time later he then disappeared. He dispatched envoys to investigate him in detail like in the dream. Guang was angry and killed Xing.
The Gentleman Prepare of Documents, Duan Ye, since Guang was not able to spread purity and incite the muddled, making the virtuous and stupid pass beyond the habitual [?], and because of that healed illness  at Tianti Mountain, made petitions of his intentions, composing Nine Sighs and Seven Criticisms in 16 chapters to thereby criticize him. Guang looked at them and was pleased with him.
Peng Xinian of the Southern Qiang entered to attack Baitu. The Chief Commandant, Sun Zhi withdrew and fled to Xingcheng. Guang dispatched his Commander of the Palace Gentlemen of the South, Lü Fang, his younger brother the General of the Right, Lü Bao, the [General who] Raises Power, Yang Fan, and [the General of] Strong Cross-Bows, Dou Ji, to punish Qifu Qiangui in Jincheng.
Fang garrison north of the He. Bao advanced the host to cross the He, but was defeated by Qiangui. Bao died there. [The General] Agile as Tigers, Lü Zuan, and [the General of] Strong Cross-Bows, Dou Ji, led 5 000 infantry and cavalry south to punish Peng Xinian. They fought at Panyi, they were greatly defeated and returned.
Guang personally punished Qiangui and Xinian. He dispatched Zuan, the [General who] Spreads the Martial, Yang Gui, the [General who] Establishes Loyalty, Juqu Luochou, and the [General who] Establishes the Martial, Liang Gong with an army to Zuonan. Xinian was greatly afraid, and amassed rocks at the Baitu ford as a dike, using the river to strengthen himself. His dispatched 10 000 spirited troops to resist and defend the ford of the He. Guang dispatched General Wang Bao to unexpectedly appear above the ford, and at night crossed the Huang [湟] He. Guang crossed himself at the stone dike and attacked and overcame Fuhan. Xinina fled on a single horse to Gansong. Guang rearranged and turned back.
Earlier, Guang moved the people of Xihai commandery to various commanderies. Arriving at this point, a song said:
The heart of the lead [?] horse, why is it sad? It recalls from ancient old times the toil within his heart. The swallow and sparrow, why do they walk back and forth? They are thinking wishing to return to the old nests.
Soon after, [people?] thereupon inciting each other, he again moved them to Ledu in Hexi.
The crowd discussed that since Gaochang, though it was on a limb to the west, the land there was shaped for victory, to the outside connected with the Hu caitiffs, and it could easily give birth to rebellion, they ought to dispatch a son or younger brother to headquarter there. Guang used his son Fu as Envoy Holding the Tally, General who Headquarters the West,  Commander-in-Chief of All Army Affairs Westward of the Jade Gate and Great Chief-Protector of the Western Regions, headquartered at Gaochang, and instructed the great subjects' sons and brothers to follow him.
And so Guang used the 21st Year of Taiyuan [396 AD] to usurp the rank of Heavenly King, there was a great amnesty within his borders, and he changed the year to Longfei [“Dragon Flying”]. He established the Heir Shao as Heir-Apparent, the various sons and brothers to be Dukes and Marquises, 20 people. The Prefect of the Palace Writers, Wang Xiang, became Supervisor of the Left to the Masters of Writing. Duan Ye and others, 5 people, became Masters of Writing.
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