fearsomegaybeast · 2 years
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I am still terribly ill and can't get out of bed so have my deranged spamton art instead
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aro-simp · 3 months
i've asked a couple of ppl what their f/os would do if their s/i turned into a worm but for u i'll do it the other way around: what would you(r s/i) do if an f/o turned into a worm?
FASCINATING question actually because there's so many ways it could go
Assuming I don't know who the worm is I would probably... just leave them be. I can get quite squeamish around worms for some reason! Maybe I'll put them into some moist soil outside :)
Assuming I know who the worm is? Well... depends on the exact f/o. I think for the vast majority I would just stare in wonder and try thinking VERY hard how to overcome the newly created communications barrier. Try and find a container to fill with dirt and craft a terrarium for the lil guys. No way I'm letting them outside where they could be snagged up by any bird or hedgehog! I think I'd have great fun trying to decorate a worm terrarium according to my f/os preferences.
In case of Julius, Ancano and Cahir I just... lsiten... I HAVE to cut them up, FOR SCIENCE, maybe I'll have more of each by the time they turn back (should they ever turn back). And you know while we're already on it... it's just a worm... And I'm just a meat suit... I would probably eat at least half a worm. For science obviously, not because of an insatiable need to Put Stuff I Like In Mouth... noooooo
Wurm specifically is abizt to GET BULLIED, like The Worm turns into A Worm? Hilarious. He won't have a peaceful minute for the rest of his slimy worm life.
Maybe worm f/o's would motivate me to keep an easy to care for pet (worm) by my side. Maybe I'll try and find them worm friends. Tho... I might get jealous.
For some f/o's... (mostly thinking here about Lestrade and Thorpe) I think I'd actually just cry. Liek what do you mean my man turned into a worm??? I love them worm? Maybe? But why? I want human man partner back? a tragedy without compare.
What if I step on them by accident? What if I step on them on purpose?
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pumpkiwi · 4 years
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1 . ) snailssnailssnails
3 . ) mermaids are fish furries.
4 . ) a oc from my friend <333 ( they're the child of poison ivy and dressed up )
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ask--partypoison · 7 years
Wormwormwormwormworm? Is that the one?
Hhhahhaha yes
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