#WIP:Midnight Madnes
9 lines 9 people
This tag game brought to you by @winterandwords tagging me here! Thanks!
Do my 9 (ish) people upfront, no pressure! @queerlilchinchin @vacantgodling @pheita @anulithots @squarebracket-trick @theoracleofgiana @agrimedena-drax
And now my 9 lines from Midnight Madness:
“No,” he said. Hesitated. “Maybe. We don’t know. But given that we’ve got some expensive cargo we don’t want to know.” “Who pilots the ship then?” “Our beast handlers,” he answered, tapping at the side of a few more windows and watching them close up. “The creatures have a better sense than we do and the handlers know how to work with the flying brutes.” “This is how ships used to fly,” Kasnauo said, Lyra noting that even his voice had gone…softer than normal. “Trust between the beasts and their handlers was like nothing else. It was one of the higher callings among workers, as a true bond between handler and beast could spell the difference between a ship making it’s way and falling to the unknown deeps.”
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