blackkatdraws2 · 9 months
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Here's my recent drawings somehow always having Captain or Narry involved in it.
✩ people featured: @braisedhoney @beartitled
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braisedhoney · 11 months
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so this is basically the whole space trip thing right.
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kazza-desu · 1 year
brooo imagine narry and harry hart outfit swap (i love your art sm and i am down horrendous for both of them)
-👓 anon
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If I neaten up my hair more, perhaps I can become his copy
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altyem · 10 days
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I like it with the black background :0
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Alao have a version with white bg and no lighting but with pretty colors :>
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Yeah, they’re new, please be kind when petting them. But please do not the Stanley 😃
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employee052 · 2 months
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ive been watching a lot of ppls playthrus of tspud recently, so id figure id draw some narry oz shenanigans bc it was a hell of a vibe
(is that pose uncomfortable?? perhaps. do i know personally? no sadly. is it a vibe to be watching yt with the bestie? of course)
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harrywavycurly · 1 month
Just curious, are we thinking Harry will go see Niall perform at Madison Square Garden in June?
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hl-obsessed · 2 months
i'm cold as fuck and tired so wake me up when we'll get narry photo 🙏🏻
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mrthenarrator · 3 months
You ever get bored when Oswin is at school/working. If so, what do you do to try to entertain yourself? 🤔
Why of course I get bored! I get bored quite often to be frank. It's why Oswin encouraged me to make this blog so I had something to do.
But my blog isn't the only thing I do in my spare time, goodness no. I have a long list in actuality:
Writing. It's primarily for the Parable, though I do want to write other things at some point.
Learning Guitar. I have a question in my inbox about learning the song "Megalovania" so I will see if I can somehow learn the song to be able to show you all!
Watching shows. I haven't had any new shows to watch as of late however. I did watch the BBC 1996 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice that I quite love. I poked fun at Mr. Darcy quite a lot despite Oswin's favoritism over him. It was all in good fun I promise!
Perusing on the Internet. Of course I have this blog, however I do watch a lot of YouTube when the opportunity strikes me. Instagram occasionally though it's through Oswin's account since I have no need to make my own.
Playing Video Games. I've taken up Minecraft here and there and like playing it on certain occasions. Visual Novels too if they have good characterization and story. And the Portal games too, if you would believe it. I quite like a good Puzzle. Also, Stanley and Lynne have introduced me to the game Roblox. Which contains many games within it, however they are all made in the same engine if my memory serves me right. They mainly get me to play those Tycoon games. I consider myself to be an expert on money and how to make millions of of my product! (ex, The Stanley Parable and The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe) My Tycoons are some of the best I must say.
^An addendum to this however: They've tried to introduce me to this game with an evil pig called "Piggy". Suffice to say I have been utterly terrified and will never play horror games on Roblox again.
Chores. Oswin is busy most of the time, So if it's particularly bad I do my best to help around in the house, especially when Lynne and Stanley choose to live primarily in the Parable. Oswin always treats me to some treats and snacks in return for my services however, so it's not too bad. Though most of the time it's just Oswin cleaning around.
Gardening. In the warmer months I used to do a lot of gardening around the house. We used to have a lot of potted plants in the kitchen where I would tend to. However, due to a recent...rodent infestation we've had to take them out of the house. I do hope we can get more plants as the weather warms up.
Walking. In the warmer months, I like to walk around the neighbourhood and enjoy the scenery. I usually need someone else with me for this however, and most of the time its Oswin. But for the most part taking walks is part of my repertoire of things-to-do.
This list isn't expansive, as this is all I can think of at the moment. Because most of the time if Oswin has the energy to, he takes me around with him while he goes about his day. So I often visit his University alongside him. But this list only covers the things that I do either without him, or at home by myself. So I suppose I'll update this list should I ever gain another hobby. 🥰
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disgruntledkittenface · 8 months
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silveredsound · 1 year
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i just really like this frock.
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braisedhoney · 10 months
(yeah idk, i’m just curious. there isn’t context.)
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coriandercurry · 1 year
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The sillies but in sketchbook form :D
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thehueofdalan · 1 year
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Couple of TSP things I neglected to post! First is my design interp for 432/Timekeeper! Mainly went for a missing texture motif for them. Uses he/they/it pronouns. Other one is admittedly outdated, as I made this before I established a personal banlist of songs. I’ll explain why in the tags as to not clog up the main text post here. Aside from that, it’s Narry in his rockstar outfit walking along the Adventure Line.
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Oh. Sorry to hear that. -oha
It's fine, it's just.
I don't particularly like arguing with him. I mean, the natural state of things and if we didn't find stuff to fight over eternity would get very boring very quickly. But it's not always fun.
A lot of the time it's really serious actually. Someone will overstep a boundary or say something they shouldn't have or didn't mean or someone will make a comment that hits a little too close to one or both parties and then it's just. Awful. Because as much as bickering passes the time there are lines you can't cross. Ever. It's an unspoken rule that we keep on breaking.
As much as I hate him and he hates me, I don't want to like. Hurt him. Not severely at least. Yeah I'll slap him or yell at him or any other number of things but there's still a limit. Because despite all the shit he's put me through I don't want to put him through the same. and because deep down no matter how hard I bury the memories I know I've already made him pay due for all of it and then some. I didn't mean to. I really didn't but I can't change it or shake the thought that he'll always hate me more than he did before those incidents
I just. He's my friend. I have no one else who would even consider dealing with me for this long. Even if we're both trapped here he could've walked away and just left me to it so many times. But he always returns for some reason or another and I really don't get it. Does it just get boring not having someone to argue with?
I know it's not that. I know it's because there are moments where we're both genuinely excited about something. Whether it's the expo or reaching some ridiculously stupid ending where we'll flip through bird videos or follow some stupid yellow line for several resets there are moments where we are both just genuinely having fun.
It's easier to ignore all that though. If I just pretend that we're always at each other's throats and we hate each other then I can play off these emotions as just a strange friendship and nothing else, and it would be much easier to pretend everything is normal and not worry about how long I can hide everything from myself or more importantly him to keep things as okay as they are and not get laughed and and berated and a million other things because I wasn't able to hold it in and bury it down far enough and
I need more time alone to think. And bury. Let's pretend you heard none of this.
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I cannot remember for the life of me who said it, but someone on here said that half of the fandom don't pronounce "Narrator" the way the Narrator pronounces it.
and I was like "Yeah I'm sure I don't either"
I was fuckin wrong
curse this British accent of mine
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