zegalba · 5 months
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Yoshitomo Nara: White Night (2006)
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starrailmp3 · 4 months
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manleytea · 4 months
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WHITE NIGHT mv redraw
your fantasy
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lobotomyincorporated · 11 months
I’m surprised not many people go into depth as to Angela’s original EGO, but I find it very fascinating.
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Angela’s EGO is the exact same as the Plague Doctor’s. Which, in of itself, is obvious when comparing the two side by side. However, what not many people notice is the lack there-of in Angela’s version. This implies that the EGO she wears is a basic copy of Carmen’s (since it is literally the foundation Angela’s psyche), who is the most likely origin of the Abnormality Plague Doctor/Whitenight despite not appearing on the Keter floor.
Yet despite this, it shows up on Hokma’s floor. It could be because of its classification and floor category, but there has also been speculation that Ayin or Benjamin could be the source as well. After all, Carmen may be the influence but Ayin and Benjamin were the ones that resulted in its fruition. Adam, one of Ayin’s resulted personalities, contextualizes this in his “prophet-like” attire and beliefs. Benjamin, on the other hand, was a follower and was willing to do whatever it took to no only realize Carmen’s (and later Ayin’s) dream, but to also stop it as well when he found out how far he was willing to sacrifice himself to do so. This sudden transition from construction to destruction with the focus of saving another can also lead to the result of PD/WN.
Of course this becomes even more complicated when you throw One-Sin into this.
It wouldn’t surprise me if there was actually a third that correlated with the two abnormalities. Considering many holy things come in threes.
I don’t know. It’s stuff like this that makes me love the world Project Moon made.
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kakavashazz · 2 months
listening to “WHITE NIGHT” after 2.1 and realizing it was about Aventurine fucked me up but I can’t say I didn’t have a feeling that’s how it was going to be
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dankzombiereviews · 2 months
manifesting manifesting manifesting manifesting manifesting manifesting manifesting manifesting manifesting manifesting
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the-toybox-general · 5 months
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@asimplechaos HELLO !!! Tysm for requesting my White Night. hes insane
Finally gave me excuse to make a digital drawing of this guy, I've got a few sketchbook scramblings of him. In my au he just decides to take this form every now and then, reminds him of his past life.
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dojaejung · 2 years
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be my forever only
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playingwithstarsabove · 2 months
Honkai spoilers for 2.1 below
I just realized by listening to White Night again, the lyrics “There’s no one else left for me to lose, head onto the other side, the other side,” is (probably) not just about Misha, but about Aventurine.
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moshi-roulette · 2 months
Plague Doctor and White Night
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“You thought I was just a zayin Plague Doctor. But it was me! White Night!”
Anyways I just wanted to try and draw human versions of some abnormalities and White Night was soon to come next
I really like how he came out!
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kaphkas · 1 year
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My favourite part of White Night’s climactic battle is Marcone being in big dumb gay love with Harry and Harry either not noticing or straight up being an asshole in response. Comedy gold
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darkpuck · 2 days
White Night (Extended Version) - Honkai English VAs Cover || Honkai: Sta...
Y’all, i went apeshit over the original version of this song, and now Nicholas Leung [the VA for Dan Heng] has done a(n extended) cover of it featuring almost the entire English cast of Honkai: Star Rail.
Certain visuals were, quite frankly, hurtful, as well as putting certain voice actors in certain places.
But also, Bai Heng on the second Other Side?
10/10, chef’s kiss, five stars, i’m sobbing drunkenly in the women’s room on a saturday night.
also can i just say i was  not expecting Welt’s line to be that fucking deep, jesus christ.
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starrailmp3 · 4 months
不眠之夜 from WHITE NIGHT Jason Zhang, Eli.W, TSAR, HOYO-MiX
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friendly-books · 6 months
Dresden files White Night live blog
Content warning: Transphobia
“That’s big or you, Mini Mouse” pg. 16 Ha
Interesting bit about Wiccan and the Bible
Cool that Murphy was able to tackle Molly while she was invisible 
Molly, why are you here? This is a crime scene and you’re a civilian 
“(In case it slipped by, Molly has authority issues)” pg. 31 Ha
So the victims were all women practitioners 
I’m guessing by the way the women died our killer is a White Court Vampire or it could be more than one killer 
“Finding things. Following things. Blowing things up, mostly” pg. 47 So Harry’s good at thaumaturgy and fighting magic. At least that’s what he likes he’s good at
Interesting to see the difference in training between Molly and Harry with calling up their wills. 
“Despite all of that, the same folks I’d tried to help were afraid of me.
Even Mac” pg. 72 Aw poor Harry :( 
“Then a couple of Red Court ghouls showed up and killed two kids.” pg. 79 Ah so that’s why Harry hates Ghouls so much understandable 
“Kill them all” pg. 79 Psych much Murphy how’d you know Harry’s going to kill all the Red court?  
Helen Beckitt is back?!? 
“I mutter off-color limericks in my sleep” pg. 84 Ha 
“You don’t always think clearly where women are concerned” pg. 84 Ha
Who wears a turtleneck if it’s warm out? Sus Could be a vampire and hiding her bite mark?
Is Helen Beckitt a minor practitioner? 
Not liking how one of the possible suspects could be Thomas 
Obviously it’s not Thomas
 Harry maybe calm down, you're getting really angry Lasciel influence?
Oh no Murphy’s car
I love that Mister always slams into Harry’s shins 
Wonderful acting Harry truly a great performance 
“I was going to kill my brother later” pg. 127 Can’t wait for that confrontation 
“An NBA-sized gay burger who works with a dog” pg. Ha
“I’d get plenty of sleep when I’m dead” pg. 134 You’d be surprised how little you get 
“Okay Lash” It’s starting! 
“Do I merit an affectionate nickname now?” pg. 135 Yes 
“Could evil, true capital-E Evil, do such a thing? Help create something whole and lovely and precious” pg. 140 Interesting I wonder if even this soon after Naming Lash she began to change. I don’t she would have helped Harry with the music pre Naming 
 Elaine! I didn’t know you would be in this book
“He’s got a phychosis about charging to the rescue. I always thought it gave him a certain hapless charm” pg. 159 Yep and I agree that Harry has charm
Now people aren’t telling Harry information because he’s a Warden
Oh Elaine got into the PI business cool
The buildings on fire and Harry didn’t cause it shocking 
“Okay, here’s the plan. We follow all the other flammable people out of the building before we burn to death” pg. 171 Ha
“Harry you jackass this is how getting yourself  into trouble” pg. 177 Ha and at least you admit it 
I hope it’s a warden so Harry can fight them 
I’m glad Harry is being smart about chasing a bad guy
Mouse lore!
I hope Ancient Mai meets Mouse 
“I wondered if I could find someone to make Mouse a Kevlar vest” pg. 192 Ha and I think that would be adorable 
Little Chicago is so cool that Harry can use it listen into a conversation 
“I doubt that. It would take a subtle worker of the Art to manage that. He isn’t one”
“He’s a thug,” the passenger said. “Plain and simple. His talents makes him good at destruction and little else. He’s a beast to be prodded and directed” pg. 199 Well the passenger clearly underestimates Harry 
Cowl? It’s a bad guy convention 
How did Cowl see Harry? It’s very cool but very bad for Harry
“Bring it, Darth Bathroom” pg. 212 Ha
I ask again how does Harry not have more brain damage or at least a concussion. He really shouldn’t poke your physic around things unprotected 
“It would be more convincing if she weren’t holding the book upside down” pg. 219 Ha
“she didn’t score quite high enough to be considered for Council membership” pg. 229 Interesting so the Council has a test to decide who gets to get in. What constitutes high enough? Why does there need to be a test? Do the Wardens administer it? How does the test work? Did Harry take the test? 
“Unless we keep losing people to the vamps, in which case I guess we lower our standards”  pg. 229 What do you mean lower our standards? With a war going you should be happy with anyone joining. They don’t have to be powerful to be helpful. There are other areas that aren’t front line fighting that they could help with. This comment also shows how Carlos is the White Council’s golden boy prodigy compared to Harry’s black sheep. 
So Elaine is under performing on the test. 
“DuMorne was a warlock himself. Black wizard as bad as they come. He planned on training us up to be personal enforcers. Trained, strong wizards, under mental compulsion to be loyal to him. He nailed Elaine with it. I killed him” pg. 234 Interesting If we take what Harry said as true then why would Justin want or need enforcers? Was Justin trying to overthrow the White Council? Or was he planning on making an army? If he was then who or what was he planning on fighting? He clearly kept it a secret from the rest of the White Council as they don’t know about Elaine. Justin kept secrets from the White Council like Bob and Elaine I wonder what other secrets he had. 
“the Wardens are a fine bunch of assholes. Presents company excluded” pg. 235 Ha and I agree 
“I carefully did not lose my temper and barbecue her stupid face right then and there” pg. 245 Whoa there Harry let’s calm down 
“She met my eyes for a moment, and though her lips didn’t move, I heard her voice quite distinctly”
“The communication spell between us was an old one” pg. 246 Oh fascinating so telepathy exists maybe. That brings into more questions. Do other wizards know telepathy? Is this gray magic? Now that Harry remembers it will he use it? Or is it a subtle magic that Harry isn’t good at?
“It was my brother” pg. 247 Oh no
“The Wardens would freak out if you went to them now, anyway” I said, “and reveled  that you’d been hiding your talents from them” pg.252  Why do the Wardens care? Is it so they can draft her? 
Why don’t you like boats Harry?
“In fact I haven’t had a good time this close to the lake in general” pg. 260 Harry I like you but I need to know those are fighting words What did Lake Michigan do to you? Lake Michigan is clearly the best lake out of the five. 
“I’m not sure I could have made a focus for something like that. It took real skill” pg. 260 Yes Harry has skills 
“Water Beetle” pg. 262 Ha is that a homage to the blue beetle? 
“There’s no way the real Dresden would have come here with a woman like that instead of his dog” pg. 267 Ha
“Thunderstorm. Or I just plug it into any wall socket” pg. 268 Interesting I thought electricity and magic don’t go together. But if this works then magitek could be a thing in the Dresden files which would be so cool
“He’s not a thing” I snarled “His name is Thomas” pg. 269 Couldn’t agree more Elaine that was rude to call Thomas a thing
“Fucking boats” pg. 273 Ha
“In the space of a heartbeat the water between where I stood and the next dock froze over, a sudden sheet of hard white ice” pg. 285 So cool that Harry used a fire spell to freeze part of Lake Michigan
Oh no Madrial has a assault rifle 
“Slim, dark-haired, pale, and handsome” pg. 289 Bi Harry 27
“Is there anything I could do to make you not trust me then?” I asked “Cause I don’t want to wear the cloak. No offense” pg. 297 Ha
Oh cool Lash can translate languages 
Harry, how are you going to explain that you know these ancient languages when you’re bad at Latin?
“She was naked from the waist down” pg. 316 Why is naked from the waist? Never mind, I don't want to know. Bad implications 
Well I agree that the ghouls need to die this definitely has some Lasciel influence with how brutal Harry is being cause this is just torture at this point
“I called up Hellfire again, and with a snarl cast out the simple spell I use to light candles.” pg. 318 Scary how Harry uses a not necessary harmless spell as it is a fire spell but a spell we’ve seen him use to light candles and fireplaces used in such a destructive way 
“Sixteen, Carlos,” I said “Sixteen” pg. 319 Too young 
“Never again” pg. 324 And Harry means it
“Oh sorry about that” I said, with all the sincerity of a three-year-old claiming he didn’t steal that cookie all over his face” pg. 336 Ha
“I love to see a good testosterone-laden alpha-male struggle as much as the next woman” pg. 336 Ha and it’s fun to see other people’s reactions to Harry and Thomas who aren’t in the know
Oh no three killers 
I wish Harry and Thomas could talk to each other
Oh no Anna :(
Nope Mouse is alive just gotta keep telling myself that 
What did Mouse do at the vet? Glad Harry could pay for the damages
Harry goes to Kim’s grave :(
“DuMorne’s methods of  teaching us to discipline our emotions had not been gentle, but they worked” pg. 349 The more I learn about Justin DuMorne training the more convinced I am that it’s just child abuse
“She doesn’t have a lot of talent that way” pg. 356 Oh she does have some talent 
“The Velvet Room? I thought I burned that plac- uh, that is, I thought some as-yet-unidentified perpetrator burned that place to the ground” pg. 365 Ha
Yes we’re getting Marcone!
“Marcone doesn’t like me,” I said “And it’s mutual” 
“Marcone doesn’t like anybody,” Murphy replied. “But he respects you” pg. 366 Marcone likes Hendricks. Yes Marcone does respect Harry. He might like him a little bit considering he saved Harry’s life and offered him a job twice. Now the shipper in me is gleefully saying that Marcone likes Harry a lot.  
“Murphy rapped her knuckles gently against mine” pg. 367 Yay fist bump 
“Stallings and I found an autographed picture of Julie Newmar on eBay.” pg. 368 That’s a good gift 
Harry’s a platinum member?
“Don’t ask me” I told her “I’m gay now” pg. 373 Ha
It’s nice that Marcone takes care of his employees 
Harry really notices what Marcone is wearing. 
Also while I know it’s for the readers sake that Jim reminds us what characters look like so we don’t forget I find it amusing that Harry constantly describes people and their looks when he should know what they look like “his eyes were the color of worn dollar bills” pg. 379 yes Harry I remember what Marcone’s eye color is. You’ve described it in every book Marcone’s been in. 
“I am under no illusion about your fondness for myself and my business. I regard it as a preventive measure. In my judgment, my buildings are considerably less likely to burn to the ground during one of your visits if you are disoriented from being treated like a sultan. I do, after all, recall the fate of the last Velvet Room”
“Murphy snorted without taking her wary eyes from Marcone “He’s got a point, Dresden.” 
“That was one time” pg. 381 Ha and what Marcone is doing is working. Harry hasn’t set anything on fire yet. Also Harry you set fire to Marcone’s building that’s kind of hard to forget and I doubt he’d want it to happen again. Think of his insurance 
“Marcone’s voice cracked like a whip. “Stop everyone” 
We all did” pg. 381 Cool
“Marcone blinked once” pg. 382 Oh Marcone blinked that seems to be his tell I guess or at least he’s not as in control at this moment. It’s always interesting and I like that Harry notices it mostly because he causes them
“I don’t believe it’s polite to gloat” Helen murmured to him. 
“If you knew this man, you would realize what a rare moment this is” he replied “I’m savoring  it” pg. 384 Ha and I didn’t realize that Helen was now working for Marcone interesting 
“He wasn’t wearing a business suit. He had on jeans and a black leather jacket. His hair was longish, a little mussed and he also sported a stubble of a beard that gave him a rakish look that would attract attention from the girls who fantasized about indulging with a bad boy” pg. 393 Bi Harry 28 I think. Just the girls Harry hm 
“His eyes were still green-but they were the green of summer hunter’s blind, bright and intelligent and predatory, but touched with more…something. Humor, maybe. More life” pg. 393 Oh interesting I wonder if this event with Persephone is what caused his eyes to change or if age and world warily changed them
It’s fascinating that both Demeter and Marcone this is a defining moment. For Demeter it’s her daughter who she thinks died. For Marcone he watched an innocent girl “die” from a bullet that was meant for him. And that caused him to climb the ranks and clean up the streets. 
“Owie” pg. 395 Sobbing 
Wait if Pricscalla is Skavis and we’ve established that Skavis is a man…I swear if this book pulls a creepy cross dresser a la Psycho, Dressed to kill, and Silence of the lamb I’m going to lose it
Molly what are you doing here? It’s dangerous 
“I. Am. Not. Yoda” pg. 401 Scary 
The mini sun was scary it was definitely Lash influenced 
“Sure, we’d  face somethings as children that a lot kids don’t. Justin had qualified for his Junior de Sage Badge in his teaching methods for dealing with pain” pg. 416 Not sure what Junior de Sage Badge means but if Justin’s involved then it probably isn’t good
“Rather effeminate-looking man” pg. 424 COME ON! >:( this is so stupid and a bit transphobic Jim you didn’t have to have this villain nor this plot point. I hate the whole creepy cross dresser trope as I feel that it’s transphobic. I don’t have the right words to describe or articulate the many reasons why this is bad so I’m going to stick to this sucks
“Once you start thinking, Gee maybe that isn’t me  thinking about suicide, it kind of falls apart” pg. 427 Interesting 
“The sigil of angelic script, the only unburned flesh on my left hand, itched madly” pg. 440 Interesting 
“I interpreted him purely because I knew how much it would annoy him” pg. 442 Ha
“Look, we both know you’re going to do it, and I’m too tired to dance” pg. 442 Ha
“There was a moment of silence that might have been vaguely irritated. Being adolescent at someone like Marcone is good for my morale” pg. 442 Ha 
“We both know you need me, Dresden, and I’m too tired to dance.” I could practically see the shark smile on his face.” Ha 
“Say please.” I stowed for a sullen minute before I realized that doing so was probably building Marcone’s morale, and I couldn’t have that. “Fine,” I said. “Please.” 
“Pretty please,” Marcone prompted me.
Some pyromaniacal madman’s thoughts flooded my forebrain, but I took a deep breath, Tasered my pride, and said, “Pretty please.” 
“With a cherry on top.” 
“Fuck you,” I said, and hung up on him. I kicked the base of the vending machine and muttered a curse. Marcone was probably laughing his quiet mirthless little laugh. Jerk” pg. 443 Ha I love their banter and the way Harry brings Marcone down to his level of humor and it makes Marcone seem younger. Cause who else teases Marcone no one but Harry as far as I can see. Harry’s the only one stupid enough or brazen enough to do it. I love to see it. Can’t wait for more. 
“Lasciel manifested her image to me again. The fallen angel’s manner was subdued, and her voice had something in it I had rarely heard there-uncertainty.” pg. 447 Interesting  
“She was wearing the usual white tunic, though her hair seemed a little untidy” pg. 448 More interesting things she’s changing 
“My head,” I told her “My rules. We aren’t finished” pg. 451 Ha and Harry’s not wrong 
“Because you’re so noble” she purred” pg. 452 Purred?!? 
“You. Cannot. Change. Me.”
“Lady, you ain't Lasciel” pg. 453 But he can and will 
“How many shadows like you have ever stayed in a host like me longer than a few weeks, huh? Longer than three years?”
“Never” pg. 457 So cool
“Pretty much,” I said. “From a grumpy old Scot on a farm in the Ozarks” pg. 475 Ha and I would love to see Harry’s apprenticeship with Ebenezer 
“A virgin” pg. 489 I was right about Carlos. Why would you come to the succubus vampire den and be a virgin? That doesn’t sound safe 
“Fairies, tiny pixies, each surrounded by its own sphere of light, trapped and miserable, crouched in the cages” pg. 496 Oh no why would you do that to the Little Folk? What’d they ever do to you? 
“Groovy, I thought. Thanks, Lash
A started second passed. Then she replied, You are welcome” pg. 504 When was the last time Lashciel got thanked? Lash certainty seems shocked by it. When was the last time she was treated as a person?
“Damn, there aren’t nothing like a good entrance” pg. 509 Ha 
“You can barely speak Latin, but you speak ghoul?” pg. 524 How are you going to explain this?
“Welcome ladies and gentlemen,” I hollered, “to Bowling for Vampires” pg. 536 Ha
Marcone to the rescue!
“His cold green eyes wrinkled at the corners” pg. 556 I think Marcone is amused by Harry’s antics 
“No. Threats won’t deter you. We both know that. I can’t force you to do anything, and we both know that too.” I jerked my head at the cavern. “People are dying, John. Help me save them. God, please help me” 
Marcone’s head rocked back as if I’d slapped him. After a second he asked “Who do you think I am, wizard?” 
“Someone who can help them,” I said “Maybe the only one” 
He stared at me with empty, opaque eyes.
Then he said, very quietly, “Yes.” 
I felt a fierce smile stretch my mouth” pg. 559 bsbshjsvshjshejskanaj Ahh! I love this so much. Ok I need to stop giggling and kicking my legs like I’m 12 again. Ok I’m good now. My shipper heart loves this. Interesting how similar Marcone and Harry are with how threats and being forced to do things won’t work. I like that Harry calls Marcone by his first name. I like how before Harry said please begrudgingly with Marcone doing to annoy Harry but here with people’s lives on the line Harry does it easily and without hesitation. I love Marcone’s reaction he’s clearly shocked and didn’t expect it and he’s reeling. Then he asks Harry who considers him a bad person why he would choose Marcone to be good and Harry’s he thinks Marcone can help. When was the last time Marcone saved innocent lives without repayment or selflessness. Probably before he was part of the mob if ever. I love the description of opaque eyes as Marcone is letting Harry see his emotion and Marcone is clearly thinking about what to do. Harry believes and trusts Marcone to do the right thing or else he wouldn't have askedI. Harry’s banking on that little kernel of good that he saw in Marcone’s soul. I love that Marcone agreed to help but I doubt anyone heard him say yes except for Harry. I love that Harry’s response to that is to smile. I love that Harry can get such big reactions out of Marcone like back in Death Mask with with shroud and now with Harry asking Marcone for help. 
You mentioned that when you write already in love Marcone you like White Night. I assume you were talking about this scene. 
“Murph” I complained, “can’t you pick on someone your own size” pg. 560 Ha
“Hell’s Bells, I’m good” pg. 577 Ha 
“Nice shot” Marcone noted” pg. 579 Oh Marcone complimented Harry
“Bloody Hell” he gasped “Harry. There’s a knife in my leg. When did that happen?”
“In the dual,” I told him. “Don’t you remember?” 
“I thought you stepped on me and sprained my ankle,” Ramirez replied. Then he blinked again. “Bloody hell. There’s a knife in my guts.” He peered at them. “And they match” pg. 584 Ha
“Can you walk?”
“Yes. I can walk” I snapped 
“I could get someone to carry you” Marcone said, his tone was solicitous and sincere.
“Bite me” pg. 585 Ha and that fact that Marcone was concerned and sincere in his response. I kinda want to know what would happen if Harry said yes. He’s so tall I feel it would a little silly
“No one likes a wiseass Harry” pg. 586 Ha and come on Murphy being a wiseass is Harry’s personality 
“If you recall,” he said, “I agreed to extract you  alive. I’m not leaving until I have done so” pg. 587 Marcone does keep his word
“My God” Marcone said, his voice hushed “It is the most beautiful nightmare I’ve ever seen” pg. 589 Ha glad to see even Marcone is affected by Lara and Thomas
I wonder what Marcone’s thinking about with Vittorio attack? Probably something to do with Amanda 
Lash accelerating Harry’s brain is cool
“Why do you continue to be so stubborn about this my host?” pg. 593 Lash you’ve been in Harry’s head for three years. You should know how stubborn he is 
“An Outsider,” Lasciel said. “I have felt such a presence before. This attack is drawn directly from the mind of an Outsider” pg. 597 Interesting  
“If frying my brain got Murphy, Ramirez, Thomas, and Justine out of the mess I’d gotten them into, it would be worth it.” pg. 595 Harry just loves his friends so much 
“She…doesn’t deserve you” pg. 595 If the shadow of a fallen angel thinks you’re too good for the real one that means something 
“Kiss me. I know it seems weir-” pg. 608 Lara didn’t even let Harry finish his sentence 
“There’s an outside chance that I have abandonment issues” pg. 615 Ha
“Still…a man like you and it’s been four years…” She shook her head. “I have enormous personal respect for you, wizard. But that’s just sad” pg. 615 Ha
“Lara looked back at me for a moment and then she…turned pink” pg. 615 Is Lara embarrassed? 
“I looked slowly around the ruined room. There was a hole in house, almost perfectly round, right through the floors above us and the roof four stories. Bits and pieces were still falling” pg. 618 Ha 
“Some Listerine,” I said “I’ve got a funny taste in my mouth” pg. 619 Ha
“We use the money. We expand the Ordo, build a network of contacts. A hotline for midddle-class practitioners. We contact groups like the Ordo in cities all around the country. We put the word out that if people are in some kind of supernatural fix, they can get word of it onto the network. Maybe if something like this starts happening again, we can hear about it early and stomp on the fire before it grows. We teach self-defense classes. We help people coordinate, cooperate, support one another. We act” pg. 635 Yes! I love this idea. This is what the White Council should be doing. I hope it grows and helps people. 
“The Black Council,” I said.
“Oooh,” Ramirez muttered. “Yours is better” pg. 639 Ha
“You don’t leave an injured friend all alone.” pg. 640 Aw :)
“Tonight you will be visited by three spirits,” I announced “The ghosts of past, present, and future. They will teach you the true meaning of ‘you are still a scumbag criminal’” pg. 640 Ha 
“Marcone was there, sitting behind the desk was Helen Beckitt, or maybe Helen Demeter, I supposed. She wore her professionally suggestive business suit and was sitting across Marcone’s lap. Her hair and suit looked  slightly mussed. Marcone had his third shirt button undone.” pg. 641 jfhfjfyrhfjkgjfhdhd I shouldn’t have drank something before this ow my lungs pain. I hope Jim is happy with himself because my lungs hurt thanks to him. I knew that Marcone and Helen were sleeping together but I didn’t realize this is how we learn about it. Wait, Harry seems less shocked than I thought he’d be. Wait did Harry figure it out back in chapter 29? Before me even though I had prior knowledge what? Did I miss something? All Helen did was put her hand on Marcone’s shoulder. This does have more interesting implications.
“I cursed my timing. If I’d come ten minutes later, I’d had opened the door in media res. It would have been infinitely more awkward” pg. 641 Awkward for who Harry cause Marcone and Helen don’t seem like the type to get embarrassed. Also why would you want to walk in on them? 
“You should see how much my insurance premiums go up after your visits, Dresden” pg. 641 Ha
“Maybe Helen deserved to know about her daughter. Hell she probably did. But whatever else Marcone was, he was no fool. If he thought the news of her daughter’s fate might shatter Helen, he was probably right. Sure, she should know. But did I have a right to make that decision” pg. 646 Interesting I’ve never wanted more than to crawl into Marcone’s head than I do now. What are you thinking Marcone?
“I looked at the third line.
Then I signed it, and left without another word. pg. 648 Oh interesting that Harry was Marcone’s third signing. Harry really did help Marcone with becoming the first freeloading accord member as I doubt Marcone could have gotten Lara’s if Marcone hadn’t come to the rescue 
“Free will is horrible, Harry, believe me. I’m glad I don’t have it.” pg. 651 Are you sure you don’t have a little free will Bob? Cause back in Death Mask you didn’t do what Cowl wanted and instead helped Harry. That could be because Harry Named Bob
“Hey, Harry are you crying” pg. 652 Sobbing 
“I started playing 
Beautifully” pg. 652 More sobbing I knew this was coming but I’m still sad. 
Thomas is a hair stylist yay! 
Final thoughts 
General thoughts about the book
I thought the fights were good and I found the book funny. We’re up to Bi Harry 28 moments. I’m counting Harry’s description of young Marcone and nobody can stop me. I always enjoy Marcone and Harry banter. I love that part where Marcone offers to get someone to carry Harry. Marcone was in the book so that’s always a good thing. I’m sad for Harry that people are scared of him now. That’s going to continue to happen now that he’s the Winter Knight. The ghouls got what they deserved. I loved the Mouse lore we got. If my math is right it’s been four years since Death Mask so Maggie is roughly three at this point. I can’t wait to see what Harry and Elaine do with this organization. Will the Alphas be a part of it? As always I have thoughts about this book. 
White Council 
Now about this test. What I’ve gotten from the world building is that there are small, mid, and high practitioners of the Art. The White Council only lets the high/mid practitioners in if they pass a test. I have so many questions about the lore. Elaine seems to know how to show talent but not enough to meet the membership requirements. Now onto Justin he just keeps getting more secrets. Why would Harry think that Justin was training Harry and Elaine if there’s not at least a little truth. Maybe that’s another reason the White Council doesn’t like Harry is that they’re afraid of him. It could explain why the wardens would be upset about Elaine. If so it seems really stupid on the White Council’s part as if they keep alienating Harry he’s not going to want to be a part of the Council. While the Council kicks Harry out instead of Harry leaving it will probably have the same effect as now Harry has no ties  nor allegiance with them and I doubt he will be all that nice to them in the future. If the White Council keeps treating Harry as a black sheep or a monster, that's the fastest way Harry will become one. Self fulfilling prophecy and all that. 
Priscilla reveal 
I didn’t like it. I feel like the same plot point could have happened if Priscilla was a cis woman. I hope it was unintentional but what I got from this whole chapter is the creepy crossdresser serial killer like the villain in all the movies I mentioned. Which isn’t great for transgender men. As these tropes and media could lead the general public to think that transgender men are violent and dangerous. As statistically transgender men have been the victim of violence rather than the perpetrators. It perpetuates this myth that transgender men should be feared. 
I knew she was going to die but her death still got to me. Redemption and self actualization are beautiful things. I wish we got to see more Lasciel and Lash moments in the books. To see what she was before and then to see what she could become. It would have been interesting to see how their dynamic would develop and how her character would evolve. As I feel like Lash became a separate entity entirely when she redeemed herself. As she was a shadow of a fallen angel with free will and choice that has got to do something. Her and Harry could have been a foil to the denarians in that Harry and Lash have an equal partnership. I love that she left him their music and I know this moment is when Bonnie is conceived. As I mentioned before, when was the last time anyone thanked Lash or now when was the last time anybody grieved for her? Surely after her fall God grieved for her and the choices she made. I doubt the denarians will. Harry must be so lonely now. He’s had Lash in his head for three years now. While they weren’t friends and they didn’t talk to each other much in three years is a long time. His head must be so quiet and lonely. He’s presumably the only one who will grieve for Lash. Well now I’ve made myself cry.
Marcone and Helen 
Hooboy do I have questions. So Helen now works for Marcone. Presumably after she got out of prison. She probably wants to get close to Marcone so she can kill him. Surely Helen was the one who asked for a job and the one who brought up sleeping with Marcone. Why would Marcone agree to this? He doesn’t seem like the type to sleep with an employee. Why would he sleep with the mother of the child that’s currently in a coma that she blames Marcone for? This puts Helen in a unique position as I assume Marcone put two and two together about the Three Eye drug, Tommy Tomm, and Victor Sells. And he must know that Helen had a part to play in Tommy’s  death. And Marcone hasn’t done anything to her. Given the fact that Marcone’s usual response to his men dying is fatal retribution it’s interesting that he hasn’t done anything to Helen. As for telling Helen that her child is alive. Yes, someone should tell her. That’s her daughter. Marcone doesn't know what Helen will do if she finds out. She deserves to know. And Marcone shouldn’t have kept Amanda a secret from Helen. That was not Marcone’s choice. Maybe it’ll stop her from trying to kill Marcone. Hopefully Harry will tell Helen now that Harry’s got Maggie and is a parent.
Onto the next book!
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elluciel · 2 months
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reminder to dress like a hobo and bully the unholy child
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ziya-tea · 3 months
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“Manager? Is there something wrong?”
Had to make something quick for Angela’s birthday and the celebration for Limbus Anniversary!! Happy birthday to my birthday twin ^^
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