#WHICH SOME PPL HAVE BEEN INTERACTING WITH MY REACTION POSTS... most hilarious being the times i was inconsolable
orcelito · 1 year
With gay moon post approaching 600 notes (600 notes... 😥) I have had a few realizations
1: not everyone shares the same observations that I do. Which I say just bc I was IMMEDIATELY struck by the framing of Vash with the moon in that one panel the first time I saw it, but I've had a number of ppl mention they hadn't noticed it
Which leads into 2: the reason that post has so many notes is bc pointing out moments like that holds value to people. Plus I guess my commentary & conclusions? Plus acting as something for people to bounce their own ideas off of.
And then 3: there are probably more moments I could explore in such a way, & that could hold value to people
#speculation nation#im thinking about this a bit too matter of fact probably. but im just trying to make it make sense to myself lol#bc it doesnt FEEL like a post that should be approaching 600 notes to me#im just like. i was just saying some thoughts about things i thought other ppl also noticed#mostly a 'hey isnt this cool?' kinda post. which it is for a lot of ppl. and then there r more ppl who are like. enlightened lol#i have ALSO learned that if i have a post i put out there like this. i should uh. plan for the possibility of it blowing up.#aka i should thoroughly think thru it instead of spitballing it out & having ppl comment things i shouldve included#also possibly do IDs? with the post reaching a wider audience that sure is smth that could matter to some#i havent bothered for my personal posts bc like. idk ive never had anyone in my personal circle of followers mention it being necessary#and i probably still wont for dumb offhanded images lol. but for my analysis posts. probably would be good to do.#I Have Learned to not put things out there if i wouldn't want it to blow up in the state it's in hfkshdj#aka. Baby's First Kinda Big Post.#ultimately not that big compared to other ppl's stuff (right now 😥😥😥😥) but bigger than Aaaanything ive ever had#id been hiding with searches off for Years. and prior to that i didnt post anything of value anyways.#in terms of like. fandom stuff lol. mostly just my rambles & live reactions to things#WHICH SOME PPL HAVE BEEN INTERACTING WITH MY REACTION POSTS... most hilarious being the times i was inconsolable#after reading volume 10. like we all get it lol but Lmfao#ultimately i just hope ppl arent expecting perfection with my posts bc im just kinda bullshitting Everything#i have Never had a big blog. only a handful of my fanfic readers ever followed me here.#im used to the attention being on ao3 lol and this just a space for my bullshit#I Will Still Post Bullshit. but i have learned things for any posts i purposefully put in main tag lol#also sorry i keep posting about my post hfkshfj but it's just kinda crazy to me still. i am noooooot used to this.
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carbootsoul · 3 years
erika+ephriam+lyon for ask game 👀? and a witch hat character of your choosing if you like as well :3v
omg clint you're spoiling me :) also this is mostly unrelated but i was listening to kat flint today and a) her music is so good thank u for introducing it to me years ago and b) VERY witch hat atelier vibes which was fun. im putting my answers under a cut bc i am sooo verbose about characters
eirika: a song that reminds me of them: this is just the first that came to mind but oh what a world by rufus wainwright! oh what a world my parents gave me / always traveling but not in love. the rly interesting mix of idealism and pragmatism that she embodies- both being in awe of and in love with the world and the people in it but also not hesitating to accept that they are in a war and the tragedies that come with it what they smell like: i think for most of the game she smells like sweat and dirt an otp: eirika and l'arachel is actually the best ship in the whole entire world they're sooo funny. they keep meeting and every time eirika is like ???? and l'arachel is just falling head over heels in love a notp: eirika and lyon romance honestly very textually relevant in the game and adds to the story and whatever but they're both so absolutely homosexual that i can't conceptualize it favorite platonic/familial relationships: eirika and ephraim 🥺🥺 but also eirika and seth he's such a good big brother figure!! but also eirika and colm and eirika and tana and eirika and lyon. it's like.. rag tag army as family.. a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: there are like two posts about her on tumblr dot com but her fire emblem heroes characterization makes me insane shut up about your brother shut up about your brother the position they sleep in: on her side one leg curled to her chest
ephraim a song that reminds me of them: omg lies by marina abt his relationship with lyon. you're too proud to say that you made a mistake / you're a coward till the end i really wish we had been able to see more of ephraims reaction to the true story of what happened with lyon, since he obviously forgives him but also seems to be angry about it and that's such a good dynamic. also oc can't let you go / i just want it to be perfect / to believe it's all been worth the fight. they make me... ugh what they smell like: he has also been living in tents for months so he probably also smells like horses and sweat an otp: ephraim and lyon do get to me... 🥺 also he and innes as a like teenage fling is hilarious to me they're so funny to each other i can't believe they don't have supports a notp: if i ever see another incest joke i'm killing someone favorite platonic/familial relationships: he and his sister are so good!! they're so siblings! a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: again i have never rly interacted with the fe fandom but something from canon i disagree with is the assignment of the sun to him and the moon to his sister he is so obviously the lunar twin im furious abt this the position they sleep in: absolutely sprawled out. he takes up as much space as is given to him
lyon a song that reminds me of them: ache with me by against me just happened to be playing rn but it's very him. do you share the same sense of defeat / have you realized all the things you'll never be / ideals turn to resentment, open minds close up with cynicism / i've got no judgement for you / come on and ache with me. what they smell like: roses but in a fucked up revolutionary girl utena way like the roses symbolize something sinister an otp: lyon and ephraim.. admittedly lyon is kind of carrying why this ship is compelling with his tragic backstory but ephraim is such a boy so he's important too a notp: see eirika :/ favorite platonic/familial relationships: he and eirika and ephraim as a unit are so important to me they are so [unintelligible] a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i haven't rly seen this much but i guess any tendency to soft-boy him bc of his character design like this guy sucks a lot and he has a lot of flaws that almost ended the world :/ the position they sleep in: hugging a pillow
and for the wha character.. agott bc she's so girl :) a song that reminds me of them: pretty little things by the crane wives! but trust is now something i make people earn / so i'm not inclined to just give it away / to a pair of blue eyes with some nice things to say what they smell like: grass in the best way possible! an otp: she and coco are SO !! im in love with them. sasunaru dynamic but better in every way. all the panels of coco hugging or complimenting agott and agott blushing furiously are the new wonders of the world. shipping kids in media always feels a little weird but i think they're a rly cute like first crush dynamic a notp: i dont think she's been shipped with anyone else lol favorite platonic/familial relationships: agott and olruggio are rly interesting to me! i've probably just drawn lines between them because they're both grumpy but i could definitely see agott becoming for coco what olruggio is for qifrey and i love when children are friends with their adult narrative foil it's about helping the younger generation overcome the things that they couldn't! it's also about olruggio being able to connect with agott because they're both grumpy :) a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: not a headcanon bc again the fandom is tiny but so much of her tag is ppl being mean to her about what she did in the second (?) volume like yeah that was mean but she's like 12! 12 year olds do fucked up stuff all the time they're still learning what interpersonal relationships are the position they sleep in: on her stomach clutching her pillow a crossover au i’d love to see them in: anything that would allow her to say swear words my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: the like single panel where tetia is getting mad at her about not liking wearing costumes and it shows her dressed as a prince! she looks so good
djskflj i feel like i wrote a novel about each of them and tbh i do not know if u will make any sense out of it but thank u for sending this it was super fun to think about them for a while!!!
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pestopascal · 4 years
so i only just saw the announcement on the fhr server what happened while i was in something else i tried searching and everything seemed to come back to you lol
“comes back to me” LOL yeah so bee posted the blm donation post after people were all like “i need a break from social media” following malins post on the fhr tumblr and like it wasnt mean. it was just a Post with ways to help/raise awareness bc like ngl being all “oh i need a break” when like there is ZERO mention of blm before all this btw. terrible. but the mods deleted it ???? (not a single mod has admitted to being the one to delete it first). and then it got reposted under spoiler tags with like “tw police brutality/politics” which. its a donation post for blm. tone deaf. so then i reposted it again, and quite frankly ppl were chiming in with like why was it hidden under those tw and spoilers and that maybe it should be posted in the announcement channel instead of being lost in genchat (it took 2hrs for it to be a formal announcement still under tws). it RLY didnt dissolve until justaname chimed in with “this server isnt supposed to be leftist fox news” (a classic which will not be forgotten by the masses) and literally like the mods were ??? not here but the mits and cms were like either trying to help or just straight up “this server is supposed to be a safe space” like even MY post wasnt aggressive lol i just gave suggestions on how ppl could donate or stream to donate or if they want more information on first nations (bc everyone seems to believe i left out australia in this...????)  but then mod cheion chimed in with “politics are on the trigger list” AGAIN and its like this is a donation post about blm YKNOW??? so then idk ppl tried to like non-apologise for comments and be all “how are ppl supposed to learn from mistakes from their comments” and encourage ppl to go onto different topics and kept saying that the donation post and blm was a “heavy topic” for a GAME that literally has “heavy topics” as its like core storytelling (which btw numerous people ALSO brought up was incredibly ironic and reminded everyone the server has been like that for a very long time) anyway madcatco literally called the server theirs LOL and was like literally take ur politics somewhere else (this game......... has politics involved btw)
like then ppl left it for maybe idk a lil while i hopped into the au server and snagged some screencaps of ppl just railing on me for literally bringing up racism bc thats bad apparently to point out racism??? also my MO is to be an asshole ❤️ and then it kicked off again as ppl read up and started criticising the mods and famous comment by trob of “we’re aware of smute” LMAOOOO like sry i tried being polite with dms and screenshots last yr to emma that mod who like was sarcastic af and trob and madcat (who also btw Hated smute and rei up until like. august last yr). anyway ppl started DIGGING and posting caps of rei and smutes antics on the server in genchat specifically (also that fucking post from saturn about smute skejfhskjdhf ) and then campaigning for ppl to be unblocked who were blocked like nina (contrary to ur opinion trob dont lie 2 us i have screenshots of u in the vent channel of the au server) and like ppl kept demanding why saturn was blocked and they REFUSED to answer why and still never outright admitted it and it kept GOING it was like absolutely hilarious and sad how many non-answers and non-apologies ppl got and they were like “oh but how do we help the server” and then ppl were like “wow i didnt realise the rot went this deep” bc sooooo many ppl were getting anons as well with just how deep smutes interaction with fhr went and it was like. incredible. also shout out to smute being the pet racist comment that was the FUNNIEST shit i’ve seen. only the mits and cms were actually trying to help btw. mods were nowhere to be seen. PPL WHO LEFT THE SERVER REJOINED like who swore off fhr all those huge content creators came back. wild. at some point i passed out, got banned by lime as a “knee jerk emotional reaction” alongside alex and seagull and i think there were others as well btw idk who and we got unblocked (im so sad that happened like an hr after i went to bed i MISSED it) and just madcatco SPLIT with no apology, idk cheion said smth but quite frankly idk it was words. lime dipped out. a whole bunch of ppl also split, ppl started POURING in again. like there was another non apology which was like ‘my mental health’ and idk man none of them still apologised for being racist mind you like that was the biggest and most absolute thing ppl kept bringing up and NONE of the mods apologised for being racist and wanting to do better. they just peaced out.
anyway now the mits are full mods, the old admin i think split after like being all “huh what i just fix up channels i dont work here” . trob is now just an admin and still being all tw drama LOL so we’ll see what happens with the server. i know ppl kept saying to make a new one but like the basic structure is there. ppl just gotta not be bought off by shitty copied art anymore yknow. who knows whats even gonna happen with the game anymore apparently malin May Return after the completion of the alpha or smth
OH AND smute’s fucking attempt at apology 2.0 sry honey but
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leupagus · 7 years
ellieintheskywithroxy reblogged your post:
ellieintheskywithroxy reblogged your post:...
congrats, you’re a shitty person. hope everyone you love abaondons you and you die alone! preferably painfully!
#rebagle #also your theme is ugly #responding to ppl #leupagus #i hate you and shitheads like you #legit hope your life fucking sucks and it makes you cry every day
Statistically likely that I will die alone and painfully, given my family history and my current responsibilities. But I find this kind of hatred toward a stranger more hilarious than anything else, and no, my life doesn’t suck and it doesn’t make me cry every day. Sorry to disappoint. The theme, though, I could do something about, if you have suggestions?
I think something you may have missed about this whole issue is that there are reasons why I expressed anger—in a humorous, hyperbolic way, granted—at the disparity between how men are expected to dress versus how women are expected to dress when on a date. You seem to believe that clothing choices are all internal and result from individual preference rather than societal pressure and expectation. Which is not the case. There are incredibly complicated social forces at work—and they do not work on all genders equally.
Men and women are taught that dress reflects the value you are investing into the thing you are dressing for. There is an unspoken but very powerful message that how you dress indicates how much you care. This is often not aligned with how much you actually care—but there are often strong correlations. Hence why business attire is mandated at an office, and school dress codes and uniforms are enforced; you are expected (sometimes required) to show the place you are working for/learning at that you value them. And the implicit power of clothing is also why, say, someone who goes to prom in a t-shirt and track pants is sending a message about how much they value prom; or someone who goes to a job interview at construction company in a tuxedo is sending a message about how much they want this job; or someone who attends their best friend’s wedding in a muscle tee and cutoff jeans is sending a message about how much they value their friend (unless, of course, that is the dress code!). Clothing choice, whether in social or business or romantic contexts, is meaningful and important and not a decision made in a vacuum.
Now, what does this have to do with dating? And what does this have to do with misogyny (because yes, at the root of this is misogyny)? In the past twenty years or so—smarter people than me can detail the rise of this trend more accurately—many aspirational white-collar workplaces that are male-dominated (the games industry, the film industry, even some Wall-Street type places) have become far more relaxed w/r/t their dress codes. Many famous innovators/investors/designers/artists wear clothing that is not considered “professional” and is often wrinkled, stained, or ratty. This aesthetic is very much a cultivation rather than a genuine reflection of their economic class. They can afford slacks and dress shirts, but just as slacks and dress shirts send a message, so do sweatpants and t-shirts: I don’t care if they fire me, I’m smart enough/innovative enough/independent enough that I don’t need them. (Whoever “they” are.) It is, quite simply, a “power move,” a way to show that you have the upper hand by being more indifferent to personal appearance (and thus the impression you make on others). It’s one reason for the Hollywood adage that if you don’t know who the director is on a set, just look for the worst-dressed man.
This has trickled down into society at large when it comes to social interactions (since some men are still expected to dress a certain way in professional circles). So when going to the bar or a concert or a birthday party, men will wear cargo shorts rather than trousers, polos rather than dress shirts, and sandals rather than loafers. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that as an individual choice—but as you can see, it’s not merely an individual choice but rather a social message to the other men in the group. They are all signaling to each other that they are equally indifferent to personal appearance and impression, something that is nowadays considered “masculine.” If you don’t believe me, observe a group of guys at a bar or a sporting event where only one of them is wearing a suit and tie. Does Suit&Tie Guy mock everyone else? Or is he the one belittled? Men don’t dress for themselves; they dress for each other.
Women, however (at least—and this is an important caveat—women who are considered “attractive”) are still expected to dress for men in the majority of their social interactions: hair and makeup, a dress or skirt, a pretty top, jewelry, high heels. And if they don’t dress in this hyper-feminized way they are still expected to have clean, well-pressed clothing with shaved legs and hair that is “done” in some way. Now of course, women going to the store or women who are at the gym or women who are merely existing in the world do not have all these restrictions, but they still do feel that pressure; the next time you’re at the store watch the reactions to, say, a woman who is clearly wearing three-day-old clothing versus reactions to a man wearing the same. If you honestly see no difference in reaction, that’s valid—but you should at least be aware that in most instances, women are judged more (and feel themselves to be judged more) when they are not adhering to those beauty standards imposed by society.
Which brings us to dating, and the reason for my outrage. Given the fact that men and women are both taught that clothes reflect investment, and that women are pressured to look “nice” even when going to get tampons, there is a clear and undeniable message being sent by both genders when, on dates with each other, the woman dresses up and the man does not. The message is that the man is more concerned with the judgement of other men (for dressing too nicely) than how valued his date feels. The message is that the man does not value his date as much as she values him—even though she may not value him at all, but merely be dealing with societal pressure that pushes her to dress “nicely” for all social interactions. You have a situation in which men are prioritizing their social standing amongst other man—often strangers—over their message to their date that she is worth his time, energy, and investment. Not only that you have a situation in which women have difficulty showing whether or not they value men, because they are pressured to dress the same whether they like the man or not. 
And this is not, as you may believe, an isolated situation that I’ve observed a handful of times, but rather a trend that I have watched for the entirety of my adult life (which is longer than you’ve been alive, I’d like to gently point out). I spent a year in NYC actually recording these observations, and the trend was staggering. It also corresponds with behavior; as a hostess I got an up-close seat on thousands of couple interactions, and overwhelmingly men who dressed noticeably worse than their female dates treated said dates less respectfully, less kindly, and with more callous disregard for their desires and feelings. So when I say these things aren’t happening in a vacuum, I mean that.
Teal deer: men dress worse than women do on dates because they do not value the women they date as much as women are socially required to pretend they value men. There are exceptions and caveats and of course no one actually deserves to die for this, not even me, but it is an observable thing and perhaps you should spend some time observing it.
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