#Vol 209
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Oh this next page has an open wound so I might put it behind a Read More just in case but YEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
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I mean that’s commitment to say the least.
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everyrocklee · 6 months
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sailor-arashi · 3 months
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“Your Highness. With all due respect, I’d love to offer you a few words of advice.” “First of all. Don’t let a prisoner of war out of your sight. You mustn’t leave them alone, even in a locked room. If you can’t be there yourself, post guards inside the room with them. At least two.” “Second. Always search your captive for weapons more than once. If you have an underling frisk a prisoner, you should do the final check yourself. Honestly, you shouldn’t leave them clothed—strip them completely. That way they won’t be able to hide any weapons or tools to aid their escape. This is especially important if the prisoner is a woman. If she’s indecent, she’ll feel she can’t run away, and she’ll be afraid to try.” “Third. You neglected to bind my hands and feet. When you do bind a prisoner, make sure they’re in handcuffs and that the base of their thumbs is tied off with a durable rope. As for their ankles—I imagine this goes without saying, but it’s best to fasten them to a pillar or a bed, something solid.” “But even with all of that, it’s still half-hearted. Do you know how best to ensure someone can’t run away?” “You break their arms and legs.”
Amekawa, Touko. 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! (Light Novel) Vol. 1 (pp. 208-209)
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gravia-idols · 10 months
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YS web vol.209 - 3
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💕 Sparklecare Update 💕
VOL 3: Pages 209-211  🌈 Click here to read!
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circulars-reasoning · 11 months
Debunking Series: Normal Dimensions of Multiple Personality Without Amnesia
Hello all! I spent the better part of today (the last 3 hours or so, I believe) reading through a horrific article that was part of a list of "sources proving nondisordered plurality." I wanted to read through all of these sources and thoroughly discuss what is good and bad about them.
Sadly, this article has nothing good.
The full debunk can be found at this link, or below the cut. The link also includes a link to the article in question, as well as the casebook referenced in the article.
TL;DR: This article is horrifically ableist, fakeclaims DID systems (including a real actual case study), and suggests that DID systems are simply fantasizing their alters due to traumatic events -- suggesting that everyone is "naturally" plural, and that DID systems imagine new alters to hold amnesia.
TW: Fakeclaiming, discussions of trauma (SA, abandonment, war, food scarcity), poor research methods.
The TL;DR summary of the article: These people made a survey with the express purpose of proving that multiple personality states are completely normal. To do this, they fakeclaim DID, suggest it is completely imagined, and that the only pathological part of DID is the amnesia. Their survey proves nothing beyond what they claim it should be showing, their sample size is a mere 209 people at a single college (with no remarks to age, race, gender, etc – all of which are factors in developing DID), and they end off the article with such wonderful lines as “It is not surprising that a fantasizer like Frieda would exhibit dissociative amnesia in response to trauma, even though most traumatized persons do not dissociate, because absorption in fantasy has been shown to be a diathesis for dissociative responses to traumatic stressors [6],” or “The fact that ‘animal alters’ have actually been reported by DID patients [30] gives added credence to our suggestions that multiple personality results when emotionally incompatible self images are fantasized (with or without amnesia), not when personality and memory  are fragmented.” Simply put, this article is horrific, and proves nothing. Full live reactions below.
“In Harter’s view, it is not unusual for the normal adolescent to experience himself or herself as different people in different situations” – Is this not simply IFS? It is not at all unusual to experience yourself as multiple different people - “work self versus home self” has always been a thing. This is remarkably different from the Completely Dissociated From Each Other Personalities that we see in DID.
“Moreover, the old DSM-III-R syndrome of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) had diagnostic criteria corresponding to multiple self-identity and multiple self-control, but none corresponding to dissociative amnesia [9], and studies found 30 percent to 50 percent of people with MPD to be “high-functioning”” – Excuse me, but why is this relevant? Why are you bringing up MPD, from a previous DSM, from a time before we knew somewhat better about DID and how it forms? At the point this was published, the DSM 4 had been out for 5 years; why go back to a previous DSM? Why remark on the “high-functioning” label? Is this meant to argue that those high-functioning individuals were actually endogenic? Is this meant to argue that those with DID cannot be high-functioning? I think this is a completely unintentional bit of ableism on the author's parts.
“Our thesis predicts that many more, totally normal people with multiple personalities, but no amnesia, never even come to the attention of the clinical psychological establishment.” – … You mean OSDD? You mean the other representation of dissociative disorder in which amnesia barriers are not present between alters? You mean that completely clinically recognized phenomenon? Yeesh. DDNOS was in the DSM-4 – they have no excuse.
“Such an assertion, however, ignores the fact that many religious adults with no psychopathology experience God as their imaginary companion. Two studies have even documented normal dissociation, without pathological dissociation, in religious mystics who ritualistically imagine themselves being possessed by spirits [19, 20].” – Yes, remarkably, the DSM-4 did not feel the need to remark that a purely spiritual experience is different from the pathological psychological experience they were describing. Because of studies like this one, however, the DSM-5 added in the cultural exemption criteria, in which this sort of thing is explained as Very Clearly Not DID. No fault of the authors for not reading the future, but again – are they now arguing that mystics and ritual possession are endogenic plurality?? What does this have to do with DID? They’re totally different experiences.
METHODS – This is, by far, the shortest methodology section I have ever seen in an article. The summary of their methods: They gave people a survey that they, themselves, crafted. This survey consisted of 31 questions, each with three parts. People self reported their sense of self, sense of control, and sense of memory. It was posited by the authors that higher rankings on A and B were demonstrable as higher levels of dissociation, but only higher rankings on C were indicative of DID… without… stating why that was or how that was proven. They also failed to address: was this completed online, or on paper? Was there a time limit? Were participants paid for their answers? How did you authenticate that the survey actually correlates to the DES (which, this article itself points out is a flawed and only partial examination of dissociation, which cannot, on its own, validate DID)? This study did jack shit and they know it.
SUBJECTS – Oh my god it got even shorter??? This is a failing grade in any psych class. “The subjects for this research were randomly sampled from General Psychology classes at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and were tested in group settings. Two hundred nine subjects completed the questionnaires.” What are their ages? Gender? Race? Do any of them have a diagnosis of a dissociative disorder already? Have you examined these randomly selected individuals for their medical histories of schizophrenia or BPD, two things that impact the sense of self tremendously? How could you call these normal representations of multiple personalities when you can’t even tell me their age range??? This is stunningly negligent. 
“Our finding in Figures 3 and 4—that subjects tend not to exhibit multiple personality with amnestic features on Scale C unless they also exhibit normal features of multiple personality on Scales A and B—further supports our hypothesis that the DID patient’s pathological amnesia for trauma is superimposed on pre-existing normal dimensions of multiple personality.” – Woah there buddy, slow the roll. Your hypothesis was simply that multiplicity without amnesia was a normal experience, and that the trauma is what creates amnesia. You have now changed your hypothesis to be that DID systems are just naturally plural with some pesky amnesia being the issue. You’re saying the alters are just… normal, and that DID systems who have alters are only disordered because they have amnesia. What does this mean for the alters, then? Why are my alters suffering from dissociation, then? Is the amnesia my only problem?? Jesus…
“Indeed, in the only case of multiple personality in the DSM-III-R Casebook, the patient Frieda started fantasizing alternate personalities during early childhood” – WHAT. WHAT IN THE FUCK. Are you really, really, going so far as to suggest that this case study was of an individual who was naturally multiple in childhood, because she fantasized (you know, fantasy theory, that shit Freud pushed, that shit that’s been used to invalidate and fakeclaim DID systems for years???) her fucking alters… Out of curiosity I went and found this casebook. More discussion about this topic is below the liveblog, because surprise surprise, this article purposely omit things about the case study…
“It is not surprising that a fantasizer like Frieda would exhibit dissociative amnesia in response to trauma, even though most traumatized persons do not dissociate” – Fuck you. Genuinely, where does this claim come from? I know you cite a source, but genuinely, everything we have seen about fucking dissociative disorders is that the people with them, surprise surprise, fucking dissociate. What gives you the goddamn right to fakeclaim?
“It remains an empirical question, however, whether actual DID patients of this sort would remember their alternate personalities well enough to score high on Scale A, but Figure 3 suggests that they would” – They have to use the word ‘suggests’ here because they never fucking clarified if any of their participants have DID. 
“The gentleman who experiences irreconcilably violent impulses on the football field, for example, might imaginally integrate such impulses into an alternate personality that is “pure animal.” The fact that “animal alters” have actually been reported by DID patients [30] gives added credence to our suggestions that multiple personality results when emotionally incompatible self images are fantasized (with or without amnesia), not when personality and memory are fragmented.” – Read that again and fully understand it. Need a translation? “The man who has violent impulses that conflict with his regular personality might imagine that those impulses are a violent animal personality. This suggests that animal alters in DID are just conflicting emotions that are imagined to be real alters.” This is the article people are upholding as endogenic plurality.
To be blunt: fuck anyone who reads this and tries to suggest it’s proving endogenic plurality.
Discussion of the DSM-III Casebook (Specifically, the entry on Frieda) - This is entirely from Circular, none of this is from the article, so I'll drop the color coding for this section.
Located on Page 114 of the Casebook (located at this link, this was the best I could find – made an account, borrowed the book for an hour), is the case study Frieda. Frieda was a 42 year old woman who, accompanied by her husband, sought consultation with a psychiatrist. She went primarily at her husband’s request due to marital problems.
Frieda was “daydreaming” during the consultations, and her husband reported her acting startlingly different at times (dressed in new attire, leaving the house for hours or even days with no communication, seeming to act like a little girl after disagreements and being unable to get out of that space, etc). Under hypnosis, Frieda was able to describe events in her childhood, which were incredibly traumatic (father was killed, mother abandoned her, was raised in multiple orphanages that were lacking in food and supplies, and raised by nuns, etc etc etc). What Freida describes next is that, at the age of 4, she had an “imaginary companion” of the same age who she would “run away with” to a field to play with dolls. This companion remained with her well past childhood, and their escapes from reality would only increase in frequency after she was molested by Soviet soldiers after the war.
The case describes her struggles in her marriage (particularly with a more promiscuous alter – if I had to hazard a guess, a sexual persecutor – stepping in frequently when arguments occurred) and struggles with parenthood (where a little would clearly begin fronting and she would be returned to the war-time flashbacks). After leaving hypnosis, the client had no memory of these events.
This is clearly DID. This is very similar to much of what I’ve experienced and gone through, albeit with hypnosis taking a very different role in my own life. The article posits that this woman was raped, and before that instance, she had simply an imaginary friend. This completely ignores – and in my opinion seeks to invalidate – the traumatic childhood Freida experienced. The authors are positing that her experience of having alters is completely normal, and the thing that caused her amnesia was the sexual assault she experienced. This is ignoring her feelings toward her mother who abandoned her, which today is regarded as a primary leading cause of DID developing (disorganized attachment theories). 
So, in order to prove that Freida is merely a regular, normal person with amnesia, they fakeclaim her childhood trauma and suggest she’s simply fantasizing these alters (and, of course, all of their actions and everything, which she has no memory of) due to later trauma she experienced. Because god forbid anyone acknowledge a DID system having childhood trauma. 
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dbgdbw · 2 years
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RIDI Checkout Guide
Chapter 798: Unfamiliar Someone (2)
Chapter 669: I’ve Briefly Gone And Lost Hold Of It (2)
Chapter 644: My Story
Chapter 615: Birthday Present
Chapter 614: Rewind
Chapter 509: The Weapon Of Choice Has To Be
Chapter 499: So Then, You Assholes Hand It Over (6)
Chapter 498: So Then, You Assholes Hand It Over (5)
Chapter 494: So Then, You Assholes Hand It Over (1)
Chapter 445: Working, Even After Returning (1)
Chapter 425: Midnight Guest (2)
Chapter 422: Duckling (2)
Chapter 414: The Moon Is Rising (2)
Chapter 388: Christmas Carol (2)
Chapter 387: Christmas Carol (1)
Chapter 385: New Dungeon (4)
Vol. 13 Extra: Business Trip
Chapter 296: Waver(ing)
Chapter 273&274: Even Upon Review (1&2)
Chapter 272: Changeling (2)
Chapter 262: Water Elemental (1)
Chapter 246: Alpha’s Memory (2)
Chapter 245: Alpha’s Memory (1)
Chapter 244: Lanchaea’s Lambda (2)
Chapter 243: Lanchaea’s Lambda (1) 
Chapter 242: Designated Administrator-ssi (2) 
Chapter 241: Designated Administrator-ssi (1) 
Chapter 240: Han Yoohyun’s World (3)
Chapter 239: Han Yoohyun’s World (2)
Chapter 238: Han Yoohyun’s World (1)
CliffNotes 235-237
Chapter 234: Hyung’s Here (3)
Chapter 233: Hyung’s Here (2)
Chapter 232: Hyung’s Here (1)
Chapter 231: Alpha
Chapter 229: Solemnis Defense Administration (2)
Chapter 228: Solemnis Defense Administration (1)
Chapter 227: City of Day (3)
Chapter 226: City of Day (2)
Chapter 225: City of Day (1)
Chapter 224: Washed-Out Color
Chapter 223: Just, It’s My First Visit, You See (2)
Chapter 222: Just, It’s My First Visit, You See (1)
Chapter 221: Extra 2
Chapter 221: Extra 1
Chapter 221: Tower-Bound King (2)
Chapter 220: Tower-Bound King (1)
Chapter 219: Match (3)
Chapter 218: Match (2)
Chapter 217: Match (1)
Chapter 216: (Stay) There, Just As You Are
Chapter 215: To Japan (3)
Chapter 214: To Japan (2)
Chapter 213: To Japan (1)
Chapter 212: Blue’s Move (2)
Chapter 211: Blue’s Move (1)
Chapter 210: Anomaly (4)
Chapter 209: Anomaly (3)
Chapter 208: Anomaly (2)
Chapter 207: Anomaly (1)
Chapter 206: D&L Bio
Chapter 205: Gaze (3)
Chapter 204: Gaze (2)
Chapter 203: Gaze (1)
Chapter 202: Box (2)
Chapter 201: Box (1)
Chapter 200: Breaker Guild (4)
Chapter 199: Breaker Guild (3)
Chapter 198: Breaker Guild (2)
Chapter 197: Breaker Guild (1)
Chapter 196: Director (6)
Chapter 195: Director (5)
Chapter 194: Director (4)
Chapter 193: Director (3)
Chapter 192: Director (2)
Chapter 191: Director (1)
Chapter 190: Maker (3)
Chapter 189: Maker (2)
Chapter 188: Maker (1)
Chapter 187: Sung (Redacted)-ssi's Birthday (5)
Chapter 186: Sung (Redacted)-ssi’s Birthday (4)
Chapter 185: Sung (Redacted)-ssi's Birthday (3)
Chapter 184: Sung (Redacted)-ssi's Birthday (2)
Chapter 183: Sung (Redacted)-ssi's Birthday (1)
Chapter 163: ‘Sea of Fog’ Clan (4)
Chapter 159: Blue Fog (3)
+ resource (1)
+ resource (2)
+ resource (3)
+ geunseo Q&A
Interest Check
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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John Carter page from DC Comics’ Weird Worlds #1 (September1972).  The first three chapters of the tale appeared as back-up stories in Tarzan (vol. 1) #207-209, which were the first issues of Tarzan after DC acquired the license from Gold Key Comics.
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wanderingmind867 · 1 month
Since I've already made two parts on here, here's part 3 of my Marvel reading order/reading list:
Marvel Masterworks: Daredevil Vols 1-13: This collects everything from Daredevil #1 to Daredevil #143. I think that's everything from Stan Lee to Marv Wolfman. But I'm not fully sure anymore. What I do know is that Frank Miller doesn't show up until at least Vol 14 or 15. So I would stop reading at Vol. 13, solely to avoid Frank Miller.
Marvel Masterworks: The Incredible Hulk Vols 1-12: This takes us from the Hulk's debut in the 1960s all the way up to Issue #209 of his comic in 1976 or so. The reason I don't want to read past this point is because Vol. 13 has a horror comic near the end that seems really creepy, and I don't want to engage with it.
And finally, let me just say: I don't want to read any Captain America stories. Some of his stories are probably really good. But I didn't include him on my list, because I didn't want to have to read any of his stories. Maybe this means I miss out on the falcon or the red skull and stuff, but I could honestly care less about that. The less Cap the better for me.
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galrevo · 9 months
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egg 2014年 03月号 vol.209 ↓↓ GAL REVO Facebook GAL REVO Google Drive
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(low key hilarious in the most painful way: Syaoran not even emoting when he gets stabbed)
(The contrast between Lava Lamp's outright horror at Syaoran's stabbing,and Syaoran just like :| )
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Oh! Oh wow, Big Magic?
A Very Big Magic. The biggest spell we’ve seen.
Is he… is it going inside Evil Wolverine’s dimension? Is he ripping the portal open?
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everyrocklee · 5 months
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dailydccomics · 2 years
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Clark & Wally racing to a long-needed chat The Flash vol 2 #209
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gravia-idols · 10 months
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YS web vol.209 - 1
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bylrlve · 9 months
Rereading the posts by @galecstatic and @chirpsythismorning about the edits to the script for 3x08, and I want to articulate my thoughts - screenshots taken from their posts
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There are two angles to this - very confusing scriptgate implications and what it may say about Mike.
1.) It would be very, very strange for Nick to post fake scripts on 8flix, then go back and edit out bits of internal character dialogue. Not impossible, but strange.
One could argue that he did this because scripts usually don’t contain internal dialogue and ‘filler’ stuff, and he wanted to make them appear legitimate, and I certainly am by no means ruling it out, but he kept that kind of stuff in for the fake 404 and 408 scripts he sent out last summer in exchange for money, and we know the Duffers do include that sort of thing in their scripts - the confirmed 209, 407 and 409 scripts have those things.
From 409, to demonstrate my point:
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It makes one think that these scripts did originate from Netflix, and that he was contacted at some point to have these parts removed - but then, what implications does that have for the script debacle of last August? It’s hard to make a firm conclusion, but nevertheless the potential implication is that this script, at least, is is real. I’m refusing to get my hopes up, but i’ll 1% conclude they’re real.
Now, onto what this may, potentially, possibly mean for Mike, if this script is real - and again, I’m not getting my hopes up about any of this after Vol.2 lol.
In and of itself, these thoughts and actions - angry with himself, what’s wrong with me?, I’m such an idiot, appearing confused, remaining still, what the hell just happened here?- are not entirely inconsistent with the explanations given in s4 for Mike’s inability to say ILY.
One could surmise that he’s aware in s3 of this insecurity about being a nerd, given that he spends the season trying to be ‘cool’ and ‘not nerdy’, being a bit brazen in front of her dad, but one could also guess that he’s perhaps not self-aware about the ‘don’t want to say Ily bc it makes losing her hurt more’ thing, hence why he’s asking himself what’s wrong with him.
However, he does say it to a room of people in 306, and tries to say the words in the grocery store. I have no idea whether this is intentional, but s3 and s4 Mike? Do not gel.
Back to the point; it’s strange that he’s confused by ‘what happened’ as it’s pretty straightforward: she overheard him a few months prior, told him she loved just then, and kissed him, and what’s wrong with me? is supposed to reflect his thoughts as to why he supposedly won’t ‘say it’, it being ILY. However, he’s then confused when she says it? The script also doesn’t reflect that look of realisation on his face at the end of the scene - I assume him realising… that she loves him? When she just said it? .
It’s all confusing, but I’d be 100% willing to accept that these thoughts are supposed to be consistent with s4’s venting to Will and the monologue… if they weren’t removed, perhaps on request of Netflix. Because if they were, that has very interesting implications. Very 🏳️‍🌈? implications. And the timing of the edit could be meaningful, although I’m not sure when it was.
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crabapplebread · 1 year
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cute! takagi is definitely one of my favorite police officers
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as well as satou of course! she's so great, definitely one of the more competent police officers we see. i had completely forgotten that she hadn't been introduced yet, even though we're already 200+ chapters in lol, but that'll be the case for every character because i already know them so, just a little jarring😅
Vol. 21, Ch. 208
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by the scruff... like a cat...
Vol. 21, Ch. 209
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