#VoicePlay Moana AU
Wow, I’m impressed and slightly perplexed. The sidestory of my VoicePlay Moana AU has more kudos than the actual main fic.
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A Little Look Back
So, this year’s been fun!
In all this time, I’ve started posting three fanfics--
Fallen Out Of That Impossible Sky - a wingfic for The Man Who Was Thursday
All Shall Sing The Ocean’s Song - the VoicePlay Moana AU
Be Silent With You - a sidestory for the aforementioned VoicePlay Moana AU, focused on Rachel Moana and Layne Hei-Hei (and completed!)
And introduced at least five other AUs on here, three of which are connected--
MML Star Wars - Cousin to the whole Phineas and Ferb Star Wars thing. I basically only talked about Cavendish as an Imperial commander and his connection to Candace, if I recall, but it was fun (I'm still planning on eventually responding to the responses/reblogs on that post, btw!)
The Journal of Shermie Pines - Dipper and Mabel's grandfather spends a summer with Ford in Gravity Falls when he's a kid (it's part cool adventure, part huge angst, so it'll fit right in, lol)
DuckTales Partridge Family - the Partridge Family in the Duckverse, with Shirley and Della as old college roommates, the Partridges and Ducks as co crazy adventure families, and Reuben and Donald as very tired unofficial dad-buddies.
Poe Strangeduck - Poe De Spell gets amnesia, is adopted as a little brother by a British agent, and becomes a magical detective (also, I'm kinda getting really into this one)
The Bernards - my favourite: a bunch of guys from across the world, and from various very strange situations and backgrounds (and fandoms) come together in a secret room under a bookshop because they want to complain together, dang it!
I’ve had a lot of fun with these, especially the Bernards and VoicePlay Moana. I'm very happy with how things are going with them all, because these are people that frankly just make me smile every time.
In the coming year, I'm hoping to post more frequently (though that might just mean more random story thoughts), give more fic updates, and get a little closer to actually finishing a few projects, and actually starting a few projects, in an official way.
I'm really looking forward to this, you guys! I love these stories, and it's nice being able to put it out there and let it play outside my head for a little while! I'm really excited about these ideas and these characters and the relationships and adventures that they have, and I can't wait to share them with whoever's listening!
And if that means you, thanks ever so much for reading! Let's do this, fellow fans! :)
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Wow, I've been so busy, I haven't even posted about my NaNo.
Honestly, I really didn't think I would hit the goal, which was evidently a reasonable guess. So it wasn't about the 50k words. But there were two ways in which it was actually pretty helpful:
1 - it got me to focus on one main project for a whole month instead of getting sidetracked on all of them
2 - I wrote two chapters of the main story and three of a sidestory, which is just mindblowing, because I haven't gotten that much done in a month in YEARS, much less posted that much in my LIFE
Oh, and a third thing!
3 - it actually helped me keep track of what day of the month it was
And with a final count of 31203 words, and a difficult to repress urge to keep writing a summery story in the middle of Christmas, I'd say I picked a good project. :)
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