#Vincent Griffith sibling Imagine
alexyskinnerstories · 6 months
He’ll Always Love Her More... This My Parting Gift For Him
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Y/n Pov
I should’ve known that he would never love me as much as he loved her his heart belonged to her from the beginning I was just a temporary replacement for her. It’s been a long time since I came to find a solution I was a fool how I even could compare to her in his eyes I can’t be one for him I just need to move on and find happiness I’ve been in my bedroom and for last five days only coming out for dinner or taking a shower Klaus and I had a huge augment lead to us having a physical fight and me ending up brutal injured.
I’ve since then I healed with the blood or people that Rebekah or Elijah would bring me since I couldn’t, Anyways I was looking in my grimior for a resurrection Camille for the dead I’ve decided to give back his true love as a goodbye gift. My older brother was at his place working on an immortal potion for her we figured out we could make her an immortal human with certain abilities I found the spell of resurrection just as I got a text from my brother saying that he needed the blood of an immortal being to finish the potion I text him back saying am on the way I grab my grimior put it in my backpack along some candles and other herbs that I know my brother doesn't have I walked downstairs to the kitchen and grab myself a water bottle I walked to the front door I open the door when it’s was thrown open It was Klaus and Elijah I was about to fall back but Elijah caught my arm I sighed as Klaus just continue to walk away without even apologizing or even greeting me I walked out the door thank Elijah before I completely left I got in my car and drove to my brothers place after I made it I immediately got my stuff and headed inside
He was standing by the cauldron putting something into it he stop when saw me I started to break down crying he walked over to me and brought me into a hug and comfort me and tells me that he isn’t worthy of my tears I started calming down we sat down for a bit and just embrace each other when I got myself together I pulled away from my brothers that started helping him we walked over to the over to the boiling potion he said that my blood was the last thing need, I grab the athame I slit my hand and drip my blood drip into the potion it gave off a puff of smoke after the smoke cleared Vincent bottle it and we set are way the Camille gravy when we got there I could feel a protection spell around it I shifted into my heretic hybrid form my eyes glowing yellow with slits like cat eyes I broke through the protection barrier
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I wave my hand over her grave and layers of dirt and grass disappear until it gets to her coffin I levitated her coffin up until we can get to it I held it in air until Vincent grab her out of the coffin suddenly we heard some running coming towards us Vincent ran over to me I snapped my fingers and everything went back in place I grab Vincent shoulder and made us invisible soon the Mikaelson’s appear with a unknown woman I haven’t seen they Klaus was glaring at the witch I assume because nothing seems to be out of place The witch kept saying she felt the barrier break she convinced them to dig out the grave I Motion my brother to stop walking at silent our sounds so we wouldn’t be followed we made it to the car and drove off we got cut off by Klaus car I mentally cloak Camllie body before Klaus and Rebekah yanks my brother and I She let be go when she recognize me I nodded as she look apologetic and she looked over to Klaus I looked at him as well see him still having his hand around my brothers neck I separated them with telekinesis, then I let my brother down and held on to Klaus my brother move behind me I dropped Niklaus he falls to the ground hard he ran towards us Elijah tried to get him but he was moving to fast I stop him right before he got in front of us I held my hand telekinetic push him back as I walked forward Vincent had already got back in the car and was waiting for me, “ Klaus I be damn if you hurt my brother I let you get away with hitting me but I will not let you hurt my brother.” By now my eyes are changed again I never felt so much rage I moved him towards his car I opened the door telekinetic and throw him inside I locked it keeping him inside I walked over to Rebekah and Elijah and told them I’ll be staying with my brother for a bit while they were sad but understood why they got into their car and drove off I stayed out until I couldn’t hear or see the car anymore Vincent drove the car next to me I got in we immediately drove back to his place as soon we got the we went into a spare bedroom and we both immediately started the resurrection spell it took a lot of magic out of the both of us we finished and went downstairs it was gonna take her a while to wake up I know we are gonna need our energy back so I ordered some delivery for the both of us I thought of bro to go that a shower since was some dry and his own fresh blood on him I started researching the the soulmate location spell and potion it’s fine pretty steady there your soul may even be in another universe or multi-verse I know it was risky but I had to find my soulmate I need to be happy I didn’t realize how long I was reading over the spell until my brother was looking over my shoulder “ Are you really thinking about doing this spell.” He asked me, “Yes I am, I need to find my happiness brother even if that means I need to travel to another universe then I’m going to have my happiness no matter the consequences.
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qvnthesia · 2 years
What's a TVDU pairing that isn't canon (possibly never met or limited interaction), that you think would have worked and why?
Splendid question!
So, as we all know, TVDU has the potential to create several friendships/romances beyond what canon can ever achieve. Sadly, those dunderheads of writers never thought to explore such enriching possibilities. This is why we have fanfiction and places like Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.Net, and Tumblr and we make those possibilities come true! (hence, the meaning of our otherwise 'bleh' existence)
With that said, here are some of the pairings (non-canon, obviously) that would have definitely worked well. I'm not limiting myself to just TVD or TO or even TL, it's a mix of everyone. Please note that these pairings will seem peculiar as most of the characters involved in the pairing have never met each other or have met each in passing.
a disclaimer: this is extremely long!
Both of the characters radiate a home-like feeling. They both care about their loved ones a lot (Cami with Klaus, Hayley, and Davina; Enzo with Bonnie and Caroline) and always encourage them to be the better versions of themselves (Cami with Klaus, Enzo with Bonnie). If both of them would've got the chance to meet, both of them would've worked pretty well as friends and lovers. Plus, can you even imagine the playful banter that comes with a package like this? Simply golden!
On TVD, there might have been some moments where Bonnie would've felt like the odd one out. She was the only witch in the group until the Heretics arrived and caused mayhem in Mystic Falls. Bonnie also never had a proper mentor to finetune her witchy skills.
On TO, Freya was also in a similar situation when she got to interact with her family. Compared to her siblings, she never actually had friends.
If Freya and Bonnie ever had the chance to meet up, I'm sure they would've been great together. Bonnie could've become more mature and powerful than she was in TVD and Freya would've finally had a friend. Not to mention, chats with Vincent about witchcraft and practices would've been very much enlightening as we never got the characters actually having a logical conversation about the magic that existed in their universe.
(I should include Davina, but she doesn't seem compatible with Bonnie. Even if you consider S5 Davina, she still wouldn't be compatible with either of them because of her immaturity.)
Look, I admit, I have a love-hate relationship with Stefan. The dude's okay, but he has a MAJOR addiction problem. He had Lexi to help him fight back his Ripper self but actually never combat his addiction. He had a staunch friend in the form of Lexi but lost her as well at the hands of his brother. That's when Marcel comes in.
If Stefan ever actually got the chance to remove himself from the shadow of the teen drama that raged on for 8 seasons straight, he would've found a friend in Marcel.
Marcel loves helping vampires. From teaching compulsion to moderating feeding habits, he's always there. If Marcel knew about Stefan's problems, he would've helped him actually combat both his addiction and his Ripper ways. Plus, Stefan would've become a much better person mingling with vampires under Marcel's influence.
From an antagonistic point of view, if Damon and Lucien ever got together, they would've caused chaos on a scale never known in the history of the world of vampirism. Together, both of them would've been a serious headache for besties Klaus and Stefan and pretty much every other character in the universe.
Similar to Damon and Lucien, Katherine and Aurora would've caused similar mayhem, even more than the males could've achieved in their dreams. Their only conflict would be about how to handle Klaus since Katherine wants Klaus dead and Aurora wants Klaus all to herself.
Read the names, pretty self-explanatory 😂 Klaus and Enzo are a bit similar. Both of them think the same, except Klaus is crazier than Enzo. Kol and Enzo are level-headed at times but are similarly mischievous. Elijah and Enzo would become great friends and extremely protective of each other. Also, Rebekah would've taken an interest in Enzo and if both of them eventually got to be together, they'd be extremely healthy for each other.
7. ALARIC SALTZMAN & VINCENT GRIFFITH (& JENNA SOMMERS, if she ever got to survive)
Alaric, Jenna, and Vincent have that fierce protectiveness in common. Sometimes, Vincent and Alaric share the same views about the Mikaelsons. The three of them could start a club offering free therapy and just dissing the Mikaelsons and how they've basically upended their lives. Also, the three of them can help each other protect their respective loved ones.
At this rate, I don't care about Ric. Jo and Jenna should've got a chance to meet. Both of them could've taken care of Elena and Jeremy much better. They also could've helped Elena get away from the Salvatores and stick to herself or just court Bonnie or Rebekah.
Let's be clear, Jeremy needed a male parent figure in his life. Someone who was very mature and somewhat father-like, and no one's more than perfect for that job than Marcel. He would've made Jeremy stronger and taught him to defend himself. Plus, Jeremy would've got a chance to mature under Marcel's tutelage.
These two should've got a chance to meet. Both are werewolves with alpha-like qualities and a fierce passion for their birthright and for the people they love. Regardless of Hayley's actions against Tyler, Jackson and Tyler would've got along very well. Jackson could've helped Tyler with his anger issues and besides Aiden, Jackson would've found a friend to confide to.
Caroline and Josh would've been hilarious together. Can you imagine Josh making Caroline laugh? Can you imagine Josh backing away from Caroline freaking out about her planners being missing? Can you? Because I can, and I'm laughing.
Plus, it would be nice if Caroline let some steam off instead of being unwillingly available for the men on the show.
Both of them are the actual residential teenagers on the show who are always underestimated and misunderstood. Jeremy and Davina would've made the hunter and witch pairing, both despising the Mikaelsons but also loving Elena and Marcel.
From Elena's character analysis, I feel she prefers quiet friendships. She has a raucous friendship with Caroline but a quiet one with Bonnie, if you get what I'm saying. She works well with the latter. I'm not saying she doesn't work well with Caroline at all, just that Elena works well with calming presences.
Here's when Aiden and Josh come in. Both of them, in a way, can help Elena see the happiness in her life. They are also some of the most wonderful people who Elena can talk with. Plus, Elena would make a brilliant Captain of the Aiden/Josh ship.
Elena has a higher level of self-awareness and thinking. It's pretty clear how introspective she can actually be. The same is with Freya. Both of them need someone who looks extremely young and yet, is an old soul. I feel Freya and Elena, to some extent, will be very healthy for each other.
Elena and Jackson, again, are very much similar in terms of compassion and protectiveness. They have a common ground I feel Jackson could've made Elena see things clearly about the decisions she always made. Not romantic decisions though, important decisions about her life. Both of them could've had a warm brother-sister dynamic.
If you notice in TVD and TO, we have two primary trios. One trio is on TVD, consisting of Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena. The other trio is on TO, consisting of Cami, Hayley, and Davina.
The trios are wonderful in their original form. But, I feel like if Elena and Davina had been switched, it would've changed the characters toward a positive direction.
Bonnie would've helped Davina become level-headed and mature. Caroline and Davina could bicker but still kick some ass. Davina could've taught Bonnie and Caroline about the NOLA supernatural culture.
In the other trio, Cami could've helped Elena process her grief and opened her up to happiness. Hayley could've made Elena see things clearly about her romances and help her make the right decisions. Hayley and Elena could've taught some fighting skills to Cami. The three of them could've helped each other adjust to vampirism. Plus, Elena needs more mature company, and Cami and Hayley seem to be good for her.
Don't get me wrong, Baroline are amazing for Elena, but Cami and Hayley could've made Elena a much better person and helped her break the sire bond (which was still there the entire time! for those who disagree, argue with the wall).
The three of them share an experience in the field of medicine and academics. This trio could've worked out very well for each other and would've helped the other characters maintain their heads in a heated situation.
Again, pretty self-explanatory. Marcel could've helped Elena adjust to vampirism much better than how Damon and Stefan 'helped'. Elena, in turn, could've helped Marcel loosen up and actually enjoy his life in the city without worrying about the Mikaelsons or practically anyone else. Plus, if they ever evolved into a romance, can you imagine Marcel serenading Elena (or vice versa) with jazz? Because I can and THEY LOOK PRECIOUS.
They're all psychos, ergo, they have the potential to cause (extreme) chaos for the main characters. Case closed.
Elena and Hope are VERY similar. Both are powerful, wanted brunettes on their respective shows. Both lost their parents. Both are very similar with feelings of grief and loss and rage. Hope is kind, Elena is compassionate. Both would make a wonderful aunt-niece/mother-daughter duo.
Come on, the bitchy banter about Queen Victoria's funeral would be priceless.
23. Elijah Mikaelson & Valerie Tulle (moderately) 24. Jenna Sommers & Lorenzo St. John (definitely!)
ELENA GILBERT and THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS (we deserved this, she's a jazz fanatic and that's canon 😭)
These are the non-canon pairings which I feel, if they ever got the chance to meet each other, would've worked well.
If you think there's another pairing that would work well (and I didn't mention it), feel free to commento!
Thank you for your question! Have a wonderful day/night ahead of you <33
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lcvebuilt · 5 years
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That’s FINN MIKAELSON not ROSS BUTLER.  He is OLD AF and an ORIGINAL VAMPIRE. He may be +resourceful, +strategic, & +intelligent but he's also -resentful, -cunning &  -petty. 
hey there hi there!  it’s ya girl c, back at it again with a new muse.  this time, it’s actual disaster finn mikaelson.  let’s just say he’s not very happy about being back in his original body,  and would have been much happier body-jumping or something of the like.  but we’ll get into that later.
finn is a canon character from tvd / the originals.  he is the second oldest of the mikaelsons, after freya.  speaking of freya.. her being taken away from the mikaelsons is why he’s so strange with his siblings. he was suffering from extreme ptsd, let’s be clear, from losing her to their ‘aunt’ so he distanced himself from the rest of them.  always and forever? he doesn’t know her.
he is best known for all the years he spent daggered in a coffin bc klaus doesn’t know how to have healthy relationships!  when the rest of the siblings were undaggered after the five were defeated, he was left to rot bc he was a downer.  i get it, but yeesh.  unfortunately for finn, he started to come to over time and was conscious in his body even though he couldn’t move or undagger himself.  so he went a little crazy, which, yeah, understandable.  but before that, he was in love with a mortal named sage who he agreed to turn (at her request) even though he believed he was condemning her.  that’s love, bitch.  when he was daggered though, she was on her own,   he’s also died several times.  he was the first original vampire to die, which decimated his sire line. ( and killed sage wyd )  y’all welcome for THAT.  someone had to be the guinea pig i guess. 
 but this is tvd / the originals, so the dead never really stay dead.  when esther was brought back and possessed the body of a young with, she brought finn back and threw him in vincent griffiths body.  he continued his legacy of being a mama’s boy and helped esther fight against his siblings.  the goal was for all of them to end up in witch bodies so they wouldn’t be immortal monsters forever.  they got kol in a witch’s body, and rebekah at one point, but the plan was largely unsuccessful.   he also got a little creepy creepy with cami, trying to infiltrate into the lives of people close to klaus,  there was a whole lot of drama that went down there but it confirmed finn’s coffin ptsd triggers for me so y’know ok.    i think we also confirm how fucking savage finn is, even though he tries to play nice guy.  he’s just as bad as his siblings he just think he’s doing the “right” thing which, ok buddy, 
finn died for good towards the end of the originals s3.  he was bit by lucien and died on relatively good terms with his whole family.  he died surrounded by all of his siblings and finally started to understand the whole ‘always and forever’ mantra they always had.  he was also starting to come around to the whole immortality thing so its ironic that he had to die. 
    finn ‘i’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me’ mikaelson is back.   i feel like he woke up and was just like... are you fucking kidding me.  nature couldn’t throw him back in a witch body, or heck even a human body? nah he’s an original.  he’s a little less upset about it than he would have been years earlier but i feel like he felt peace, though he can’t remember, so he’s pretty bitter about having it stolen from him.  
 personality wise, finn has always been loyal to esther.  do i think he might try to find a way to bring her back? maybe so.  will he also try to find a way to bodyjump into a witch?  100%.  i think he’s definitely exploring his options y’know.  it is what it is.    he’s always been a moral guy but his morality has its blind spots.  his mother, especially.  even when she was terrible he still helped her, even at the expense of his siblings.  for the most part he thinks his siblings are dramatic as hell and brought him a lot of suffering.  like, idk, 900 years in a box.  but his anger is mostly gone now, he’s resigned to his fate.  he has pretty good self control with his vampirism and probably isn’t the sort to drink directly from the vein and is a bloodbags kind of guy.  he’s probably less interested in the white oak now given that apparently the dead can rise bc of... gods?  honestly he’s not surprised by anything he’s just like sigh okay whatever.  he’s over it.
UPDATE: feb 2020
finn was doing his best to acclimate again with the family and you know what? it was working.  he and klaus had one (1) civil conversation, he only tried to chomp on henrik twice, and there were croissants exchanged creepily with the niece he one tried to kill.  all in all, by mikaelson standards, pretty civil.   but.  ( and there’s always a but)  everything went to hell.
levi stone ( aka daniel warren ) who was possessed by the horseman famine infected finn with insatiable hunger. the hunger was so strong that he couldn’t control himself. this led to the daggering of his original body.  rip finn.  however, because he’s a paranoid bitch, he had a fail safe.  in the event his body was ever daggered again, or incapacitated, he had a witch spell him into the body of a young, dumb, witch.  so as the dagger went in, finn was yoinked into arlo park’s body.   then, with the barrier down, he preceded to yeet out of town and to parts unknown.  with cloaking spells hiding his location, and his family thinking he was slumbering ( not so ) peacefully, he’d finally achieved the ‘peace’ he thought he wanted. 
so imagine he’s on a beach in tahiti, or waikiki, idek where he is but olivia raymond popped by for a quick hello and a romp ( or twelve ) in the sack, and he thinks to himself — wow self, i’d love to be in the hot tub right now.   then, suddenly he is.  bitch can orb because he’s also a darklighter.  the witch clearly didn’t know,  neither did the poor sucker he’s riding.  so he’s been having some Fun with all of that   let. me. tell. you.
now i know what you’re thinking .... he has it made, why come back? the quick answer is this; freya.  remember that ptsd he had? that close bond? yeah it makes him stupid and that’s why he’s wandering back into the lion’s den. he’s not totally stupid though so he will have to come up with a plan as to how the hecky he pulls this one off without a) getting caught by the real arlo, and b) not tipping off his family to the betrayal TM.
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