#Vera Cortez
euphorictrait · 24 days
updated my vera family tree, if anyone is interested 🥱
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doll-elvis · 9 months
“That’s the girl he (Elvis) liked so much, it’s funny but I remember her exactly. She was a striptease actress”- interview with Vera Tschechowa
we absolutely NEED to find her name because I bet she has some stories 👀 !!
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at first glance I thought the guy underneath her was Elvis and I almost died
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(all photos and quotes are from the book “Private Elvis” by Diego Cortez, I highly recommend it!!)
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stilespeters · 1 year
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SALVATION (series)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6)
pairing: colin zabel x reader
words: 1649
a/n: soo i decided to make this part shorter, the next one will be longer. Im sorry for not posting in a long time, idk if people still read salvation, but i do plan on posting more regularly:)
summary: you and colin make a plan to solve the case and head to the opening of the Hotel Cortez
warnings: swearing, a bit of info dump
part 4: salvation
The next day, you and Colin met up at a diner, and discussed the plan for Saturday when you would go to the Cortez. You had to know what the two of you were searching for. If you were there and you didn't know what to do, it would be pointless. All you knew was that the Cortez had something to do with the murders.
While you had ordered food, Colin explained to you why he suspected the Hotel Cortez was linked to the recent killings.
“I went through the files, and something caught my eye. The first two couples that were murdered two weeks ago had an invitation to the opening of the Hotel Cortez. It was found by forensics examiners in the living room. The examiners didn't find anything in Marie and Bernard’s living room. However, this afternoon I went back to the crime scene and looked more thoroughly in the upstairs bedroom, and know what I found?”
Your eyes widened. “An invitation to the opening of the Hotel Cortez.”
“Exactly,” Colin continued. “I found it in the drawer in the nightstand. Which means that all three of the couples that have been murdered, had an invitation. I don't think it’s a coincidence.” You took a bite of your food. So James March gave invitations to people who were now brutally murdered. It was indeed suspicious.
“What we know is that the killer isn't done killing, so we need to prevent him from doing so. I believe that the next victim also has an invite to the opening,"
"but how do we know who is the next target?”
Colin rubbed his temples and drank from his coke. “I don’t know yet.”
“This sick fuck is twisted beyond insanity,” you began and you grimaced. “What is the motive? Why suddenly after 5 years, is someone finishing what Kai started? I just don’t understand, something is just off about all of this, why would someone copy Kai? Why would James send invitations to future victims? How is everything connected?" you questioned while saying your thoughts aloud.
“A message.”
“Maybe he is trying to send a message. 7 years ago, Kai killed 11 people, and he all did it with one goal: spread fear. One thing why it’s called the ‘fear is truth’ killings, is because each letter of the victims first name made the sentence ‘fear is truth.” you found it hard to follow his words but you tried your best.
“The first victim in 2016 was named Frances, the second one was Erin, the third one was Allison, then came Rory, then Isa, Sarah, Troy, Randy, Ursula, Thomas and Harrison. If you put all of the first letters of their names together in the order of the killings, you get ‘Fear Is Truth’. That's why it was so popular in the true crime media, and why it was called the 'FIT' murders."
You leaned forward in intrigue, and pressed your fingers to your temples.
“So what message is the killer trying to send?” you questioned and you sighed. “It could be that the copycat is also trying to spell a word with his victim's names.” You grabbed a napkin and grabbed the pen. You didn't remember who were the latest victims, but Colin immediately knew what you were trying to do, and he grabbed the files.
“The first victims are Janet and Max. The second victims were Chris and Clara, and the third and most recent victims are Bernard and Marie.”
“Which spells…” you underlined the first letters of their names. “It spells JMCCBM.”
You closed your eyes in disappointment and frustration. You really thought that this was something. Colin however, didn't give up yet. “Wait,” he started and he wrote everyone’s full name on the napkin.
“Janet Stacy, Max Allister, Chris Lee, Clara Vera, Bernard Allen and Marie Tobias.”
He scribbled something and you tried to read what he was writing upside down. “Their last names. Stacy, Allister, Lee, Vera, Allen, Tobias. It spells…” he began and he squinted his eyes. “Salvat?”
“What is Salvat?”
“I don’t know, it looks like the beginning of a word. You think it’s a coincidence?”
“Nothing about this case is a coincidence. This has to be it.” you closed your eyes. You were getting a headache, but you wanted to help Colin and so you thought long and hard. You were getting closer and closer to cracking the code, you just had to have an extra push into the right direction.
Something suddenly clicked in Colin's brain and he snapped his fingers as if trying to make him remember something. “What were the words Kai spoke in court to you?”
You looked up at him and your jaw dropped. You heard Kai’s voice in the back of your head like he was screaming it in your ear. "Fear is the only salvation mankind will ever know.”
“That’s it,” Colin began and the two of you clicked everything together as you spoke in unison. “Salvation.”
“You really think that’s our lead?” you asked and Colin nodded. “Like you said, it can't be a coincidence, nothing about these cases are coincidences. It’s like the killer is killing for fun, but is also trying to send a message. The killer is trying to spread fear again, and he's succeeding.”
A woman walked towards your table and placed two plates of food in front of you. You had ordered fish and chips and you gave the woman a quick smile. Colin continued “It has to be this, I’m sure of it. The killer is trying to finish the word Salvation just like Kai finished the words ‘fear is truth’. He is spelling the words with the letters of the victim's last names. The killer only needs three more letters. I, O and N.”
“So that means that whoever is the next victim has an invitation to the Hotel Cortez, and has a last name that starts with ‘I’.” Everything began to fall in place “Why are the only victims invited to the Hotel Cortez? What makes the Hotel Cortez special? And how do we find out who has an invitation?”
Colin rubbed his temples while thinking hard but before he could have any more time to think, you suddenly chirped up. “Wait, there has to be a guest list, if we see who is invited, we can figure out whose last name starts with an I.”
Colin opened his eyes. “So our goal tomorrow is to get the guest list and prevent the killer from striking again.”
“We have to catch the person who is doing this before he can finish the word ‘Salvation’.”
You and him both smiled as you looked at each other, and it was so satisfying to piece the puzzle together. You had never been interested in these types of things before. The world was cruel enough, but knowing that you might be able to help solve this thing, gave you a satisfying feeling.
Colin held up his hand for a high five.
“You and I, we make a pretty good team.”
The next day broke and you were as nervous as ever. The whole day, you had tried to occupy your thoughts with something other than the Hotel Cortez. You had taken the pills Vincent prescribed and to your relief, Kai hadn't shown up anywhere.
You walked down the stairs as the clock struck 7:45. Colin should be here soon to pick you up.
“You look pretty,” Zoe said as you walked into the kitchen and you twirled for her and smiled. “Thank you.”
You wore a wine red dress with spaghetti straps, and it clung to your body in every curve. There was a slit on your right side leading up to your thigh, and the smooth skin of your leg was exposed. Around your neck was a silver necklace that your mother gave you when you were 14, and you had hoop earrings that matched the silver color. You never dressed up like this, but knowing you'd be surrounded by elites, you wanted to dress the part.
Violet walked into the room and she whistled. “Dang, Y/n, you got a date or something?”
You kissed the back of your teeth to that question, and eventually nodded. “I am, actually.”
Zoe smiled. “Shut up?! Who is it?”
Before you could answer, the bell rang and all three of your heads snapped to the door. You fixed your hair one more time and walked to the hall. Zoe and Violet then looked at you as you walked to the door and opened it.
Colin Zabel had his hands in his pockets and looked down, until the door opened and he looked at you. His breath got caught up in his throat and his jaw fell open the slightest. “Holy shit.”
“Hello Detective,” you mused as you looked him up and down. He had a black suit with a black tie, and he looked elegant and stylish, yet he still looked like himself. You had always fancied men who looked great in a suit, but Colin was on a whole other level.
Zoe and Violet eyed him and then they gave you a knowing look. In just a short glance, you could translate their looks. They approved.
“Let me grab my purse and we can go.” You said and you walked to the living room. Zoe followed you and as you were in the living room, she tapped your shoulder. “He is the man from the tv?!” she whisper-shouted and you chuckled. “The detective? You never mentioned that he was your date?” she then looked puzzled “You’re going to the Hotel Cortez with him?”
“I wasn’t planning on going initially… wait- how do you know about the Cortez…” you began but you figured that she saw the invitation on the kitchen counter. “Never mind.”
You turned around and headed for the hall again. “I’m going, I’ll be back later. Don’t open the door for strangers.”
“I won’t. Have fun with your date!”
You reached the hall again and Violet had her arms crossed as she was talking to Colin. He had an unreadable expression on his face and you narrowed your eyes at Violet.
When he saw you, he looked somewhat relieved and he reached his hand out for you. You grabbed it as you walked out of the front door. You stopped for a second to look back ar Violet.
“Violet do me a favor, please don't smoke. or sneak out”
“I won’t.” she promised. You gave her a nod and you began to walk to Colin's car with him at your side.
Violet stood in the doorway and looked one more time at Colin and a smug look appeared on her face. You couldn't even walk 3 meters before she spoke up.
“Hey Y/n,” Violet asked. “Yeah?”
“Do me a favor.” you hummed to her words “Don’t get pregnant.”
She had a smug look on her face and you pressed your lips together in a thin line and rolled your eyes at her. She used your own line against you. Colin raised his eyebrows while looking amused, yet slightly scared. “Don't get what now?”
“Nothing, let's go” you linked your arm with his and together you wakked further without glancing back at your sister "We got a mission to accomplish."
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lightdancer1 · 3 months
Juan Garrido is of note as being one of the survivors of Hernan Cortez's Conquest of Mexico:
Juan Garrido is one of the very literal cases of 'history was never as white as it's portrayed in European sources.' He was part of the Spanish conquest of Cuba and Puerto Rico. He was also one of those who was a part of the Hernan Cortez expedition from the newly established city of Vera Cruz marching to the Halls of Montezuma, who survived La Noche Triste, and was one of the victors in the Siege of Tenochtitlan.
Equally of note given the nature of everything that led to Las Casas' role in the establishment of the slave trade, like the other conquerors of Tenochtitlan he set up an Encomienda, and has the record of being the first farmer in mainland North America to grow wheat. By all accounts Garrido was one of the more successful Conquistadors, moreso than either Cortez himself or Pizarro would prove to be.
One must also note that in the context of the 1500s neither Juan Garrido nor Hernan Cortez themselves could have expected that the march on the Aztec capital would provide the basis for as much as it did, while both viewed the horrors of the conquest as deserving a reward while being no more sympathetic than any other conquerors to the conquered.
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abr · 1 year
A straight story
A un certo punto la mitica Alexandra Ocasio Cortez - una Ronzulli d'America, una Schlein che ce l'ha fatta - se la prende con Elon Musk per aver chiuso twitter (temporaneamente) a certi che pubblicavano gli spostamenti suoi e dei suoi familiari. E gli scrive un accorato appello con bacchettata sulle dita, come fanno i Miglioori Buonisti Giustissimi ai Deplorabili:
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Al che Elon, lapidario, senza manco dirgli si ma non sei quella che fino a ieri si bannino tutti gli hate speech (nel senso di speech che noi odiamo), replica così: han postato le mie coordinate, come farebbe un cecchino.
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La risposta a stretto giro di AOC è fantastica: ah davvero? Sai, m'han detto di attaccarti e l'ho fatto. Pensa è capitato pure a me di esser stalkerata come te. L'unica vera salvezza è disconnettersi dal (tuo) twitter ... (lunare: ma non era qua per chi veniva disconnesso?).
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L'asfaltatura finale di Elon: ok, ma disconnettiti tu per prima :D
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Un grande, un esempio da seguire: li tratta per quel che sono i sinistri, checche isteriche adolescenziali autocentrati ignoranti. Non serve incaxxarsi e insultare, basta schiaffargli in faccia la logica questa sconosciuta.
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ncrazy · 8 months
Helada Primavera
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Jamás busque un feliz para siempre,
Pero si un felices siempre a tu lado,
Pero ya a llegado el septiembre,
Y el aire se escapa en cada bocado,
Ah llegado septiembre, cantan los pájaros,
Se acerca la primavera, florecen la flores,
Se acerca el calor, reclama mi corazón,
Has llorado otra vez? Dice mi alma cortez,
Por qué sigo en este invierno,
Por qué el frío aún me envuelve,
Es así el dolor que yo siento?
Es así lo que dicta la suerte?
Te siento tan lejos,
No te siento como antes,
Solo siento el peso,
De mi corazón que no late
Jamás pedí que por con mi alma amarte,
A cambio tu con todo tu corazón me amases,
Pero sentí como es tu amor en mi carne,
Y duele que ya no vuelvas a amarme,
No se supone que ya es primavera?
No se supone que su calor me envuelva?
Solo siento el frío que me tiene de presa,
Solo siento tu intenso vacío a mi vera,
Vuelves a ser ese tempano de hielo,
Cómo el día en que te conocí,
Cuando al ver tu frío me sentí en el cielo,
Y mi corazón en ti yo lo perdi,
Mi corazón ya no estará completo,
El frío cicatrizó por completo la herida,
Del pedazo que se perdió en tu fuego,
Pero incluso esa llama quedó extinguida,
Mi alma tiene tu nombre tatuado,
Pero no es tinta, son las heridas,
Heridas que han cicatrizado,
No podré sacarme ni en mil vidas
El Hades se siente impotente,
Este invierno se ha alargado,
Cómo si las lágrimas de Déméter,
Aun no hayan acabado,
Pero la princesa no está en ningún lado,
La primavera aún no ha empezado,
¿A dónde está habra acabado?
Quiero creer que solo se ha atrasado,
Sigo viajando por el Aqueronte,
Dónde mis lágrimas se han ahogado,
Aunque ni la compañía de Caronte,
Logra que me sienta acompañado,
Ni siquiera nos hemos traicionado
Pero del séptimo círculo siento el frío
Ni siquiera nos hemos apuñalado
Pero siento cuerpo y alma heridos
Tal vez odiarte me daría calor?
Tal vez más fácil lo haría la traición ?
Pero no puedo dejar mi amor
Pero no fue a causa de esa canción
Muero en la lenta hipotermia de mi alma,
Ya hasta mi corazón aún se niega a bombear,
Mis ojos tan solo en tu rostro sienten calma,
Pero ahi no hay calor con el que pueda contar,
Ya ni mis versos se conectan
Ya ni mis trazos se expresan
Ya ni mi mente se manifiesta
Ya ni mi la tinta se impresa
Pero aún así... aún hay algo que prometi,
En aquellos días de caluroso verano,
Cuando podía ver en tu dedo ese hilo carmín,
Y no dejaré que mis palabras sean en vano,
Aquella promesa era muy simple,
Cuando se cortará el hilo carmín,
Y se terminará ese por siempre,
Aún así no dejaría de sonreir,
Por eso testarudamente sigo aquí,
Manteniendo está sonrisa aún así,
En este doloroso invierno sin fin,
Con estre trocito de hilo carmín
Aunque estos versos no conecten,
Aunque el Hades triste quede siempre,
Se que la primavera que tenía en mente,
Volverá con esa sonrisa pertinente,
Hasta que los trazos
El tiempo borre
Hasta que el corazón
De calor desborde
Jamás olvidaré ese "pedacito de cielo",
Jamás olvidaré todo lo que pasé,
Por qué sabes que yo no te miento,
Cuando digo que estás en mi "âme",
Helada primavera,
Se que eterna no será,
Cómo esa vela de cera,
Como ese amor que era,
Con la tinta de loco que aún siente,
Termino está fría obra sin alguna razón,
Hasta siempre trazos en mi mente,
Hasta siempre versos en mi corazón
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laguaridadelnagual · 10 months
En el mar de la inteligencia artificial, Guillermo Briseño presenta De sirenas y otros monstruos
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El músico presentó su más reciente trabajo, con 10 canciones que evocan territorios marinos, acompañado por las voces de Marisol Portilla, María Veras, Nayeli Stanfield y Verónica Ruiz Roberto Cortez Zarate El viejo capitán observa la calma marina desde la orilla de una playa desierta. Esta vez, familiares y amigos se dieron cita en el barco para acompañar al músico a escuchar, nada menos que, el canto de las Sirenas. Guillermo Briseño —el viejo rockero que vive para cantarlo— y un grupo de cantantes, a saber: Marisol Portilla, María Veras, Nayeli Stanfield y Verónica Ruiz, presenta su nuevo material discográfico De sirenas y otros monstruos. La poesía deja un aroma marino cuando el músico interpreta La voz de la Petenera, el primero de los 10 temas incluidos en este material publicado por el sello Ediciones Pentagrama. Modesto López, titular del sello discográfico, se enorgullece al decir a los asistentes que la compañía ha publicado la discografía completa del músico, circunstancia que facilita a los coleccionistas conseguir la obra de Memo Briseño. “En la bahía, Pentagrama de Modesto López encontramos refugio”, responde cariñoso Briseño. Las olas y el tiempo se llevaron el disco anterior en coautoría con León Chávez Texeiro, Ya no quedan muchos leones, donde reinterpretan las canciones del viejo cantautor de izquierda. Pero estos son otros aires y las cuatro jóvenes navegan con Briseño algunas versiones nuevas de temas conocidos y otras compuestas para su vigésimo disco. Marisol Portilla recuerda los años en un barco llamado Escuela de Música del Rock a la Palabra, donde siempre hubo un aprendizaje, aunque a veces con tempestad, pero siempre con aprecio por la música y la inteligencia. Es el legado de Briseño, ya tiene 17 años —la escuela— y sigue dando frutos: músicas y músicas con un nivel que mejora con los años. Los otros monstruos tienen nombre y apellido: Felipe Souza, Ricardo Jiménez, Juan Pablo González en estudio 13, con todo y piano Bösendorfer; Andrew Donaldson, Víctor Román, Paco Sánchez Loaeza, Octavio Victoria, Rodrigo Flores, Juan Sosa y Aurora Berlanga, esposa de Briseño, quien diseñó la portada del disco. “Érase en el mar un mago que del sombrero sacó otros magos. Y fue que la mágica velocidad del torbellino lo arrastró a su vórtice y lo metió a su propio sombrero. Cada demiurgo, cada bruja aparecidos, hicieron lo suyo: desatar el talento y la intuición. Cada uno se seguirá escuchando y reconociéndose, sabiendo lo que trajo, lo que aportó. Tal vez el encanto permanezca y se conmuevan para que con toda lucidez dejen escapar su explicación de los cantos de las sirenas”, revela el disco. Remando despacio, Briseño y las sirenas tomaron vuelo para compartir unas rolas con los presentes. Ladronzuela del mar, Callin You, Sopla la esperanza maya —canción que recomendó al presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, ahora que está haciendo su playlist— y A mí que no me cuenten, sonaron en La Titería, espacio donde fue convocada una conferencia de prensa con motivo de la presentación en sociedad del disco De sirenas y otros monstruos. Ante la insistencia de la concurrencia, el músico mexicano tocó Dónde estabas, incluida en el clásico disco Briseño y el Séptimo Aire, una reversión a la se acoplaron perfectamente las sirenas y hasta el público ahí reunido. El pianista aseguró que tiene en el tintero y en el estudio un buen número de piezas para lo que podría ser su siguiente trabajo, pues no publicaba un trabajo solista desde hace una década, mismo que tendría por nombre Ombligo de la Luna, también está pendiente el disco con los remanentes de toda su carrera que podría llamarse Sobras maestras. Mientras eso sucede, merece la pena echarse un chapuzón en las profundas aguas de su más reciente trabajo De sirenas y otros monstruos, el cual, gracias a la tecnología y al trabajo de la disquera, se encuentra disponible en todas las plataformas, incluso las acuáticas.   Read the full article
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mymusehowls · 1 year
Fandom Character RP (a-m)
AHS Hayden McClaine Violet Harmon Cordelia Fox
BRIDGERTON Siena Rosso Kate Sharma Eloise Bridgerton Benedict Bridgerton Daphne Bridgerton Simon Basset
BUFFY Willow Rosenberg Drusilla
CHARMED (new & old) Phoebe Halliwell Paige Matthews Bianca (Phoenix witch) Maggie Vera Macy Vaughn Roxie (Blue Camellia)
DOCTOR WHO Amy Pond Doctors - 9, 10, 10.2, MetaCrisis, 13, 14, 15 Captain Jack Harkness Donna Noble Rory Williams/Pond Rose Noble Rose Tyler
HARRY POTTER (fuck jkr & terfs) Bellatrix Lestrange Charlie Weasley Ginny Weasley Hermione Granger Hestia Jones Nymphadora Tonks
HAZBIN HOTEL/HELLUVA BOSS Alastor Loona Ozzie Stolas Husk
HEROES Daphne Millbrook Charlie Andrews
THE LAST OF US Ellie Williams Sarah Miller
LOST Claire Littleton Dr. Charlotte Lewis Alex Rousseau Ana Lucia Cortez
MARVEL/DC Sue Storm / Invisible Woman (various) Natalia Romanov / Black Widow (comic) Barbara / Batgirl (b&r) Dr. Pamela Isley / Poison Ivy (various)
[ m through s ] [ t through z ]
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sneakerscartel · 1 year
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The Nike Cortez Is Receiving a Classic "Sail/Aloe Vera" Colorway for 2023 https://sneakerscartel.com/the-nike-cortez-is-receiving-a-classic-sail-aloe-vera-colorway-for-2023/
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tonin-terets · 2 years
THIS IS HAVAIANAS DC | Maldita from The Youth on Vimeo.
See the full project breakdown: behance.net/gallery/149204628/This-is-Havaianas
Trilha original Director's Cut por "Os Diagonais"
Produtora de imagem: The Youth Diretor: Maldita Produtor: Daniel Maia Direção Criativa: João Machado Produção Executiva: Carol Cherobim e João Machado Atendimento: Carol Cherobim e Camila Pires Financeiro: Iza Lubiazi Pós-produção/ VFX: COLOSSAL Supervisão de pós-produção: Diogo Gameiro Montagem: Maldita Montagem DC: Maria Luísa Machado Conform: André Albuquerque e Victor Balestrin Motion: Adelir Boeira e Janaína Veiga 3D: Vinícius Lavor, Leandro Beltran, Everton Schneider, Lucas Pereira, Henrique Miranda, Bruno Cornelsen, Daniel Meurer e Sacha Carletti Finalização: Luciana Lima Direção de Arte: Rodolfo Garcia Composição lead: Adelir Boeira Composição: Emerson Cordeiro Junior, Gabriel Rocha e Marcos Rigobello Coordenação de Animação: Lu Krasa e Renata Peterlini Supervisor de Clean Up: Thallyson Mikael Assistente de Produção: Gabriela Alves Assistente Criativa: Bianca Leal Storyboard: Gustavo Santos Concept art: Fernando Molina Ilustração lead: Fernando Molina, Diogo Saraiva Ilustração: Studio Lasca, Eduardo Rosa, Lucas Sales, Pevê Azevedo, Marília Mafé e Geff Silva. Animação: André Ruivo, Geovani Angelo, Natália Faria, Guma Nutinski, Bruno Brasil, Rafael Pah, Robb Reis, Pedro Solano, Murilo Prudêncio, Felipe Emerson, Thalyne Chrystyna, Arthemis Iannuzzi, Robson Vilalba, Pedro Peluso, Jaison Roberto, Deco Daviola, Thomás Lóes, Diones Ignacio e Higor Fernandes. Assistência de animação: Thallyson Mikael, Mateuz Fernandes, Gui Klein, Brenda Maryan, Moacyr Neto, Diones Ignacio, Rosinaldo Lages, Thalyne Chrystyna, Bruno Martin, Sabrina Melo, Pedro Solano e Willian Lieder.
Agência: AlmapBBDO Anunciante: Alpargatas Cliente: Havaianas Campanha: This is Havaianas CCO: Pernil Diretores de Criação: Antonia Zobaran, Fernando Duarte e Henrique Del Lama Criação: Carlos Yanke, Michele Gorodski, Andre Paulo Arteze, Sara de Souza, Vitor Chagas, Marcos Lee, Gustavo Tasselli, Francis França, Bruno Bizuti, Victor Yves, Hiroito Takashi e Vinicius Biss Atendimento: Maysa Lopes, Camila Weissheimer, Guilherme Alcatrão, Mariana Silveira, Warley Vieira, Mayara Cortez, Milena Ferezim, Cairo Ribas e Leonardo Stevanato Planejamento: João Gabriel Fernandes e Janaína Agostini Produção Audiovisual: Diego Villas Bôas, Tatiana Angelim Martins e Vera Jacinto Aprovação do Cliente: Fernanda Romano, Maria Fernanda Albuquerque, Matheus Gonzalez, Maria Eduarda Manga e Mariana Corradi
Produtora de Som: Cabaret Produção Musical: Guile Oliveira e Letícia Medeiros Compositor: André Henrique Mixagem: Gab Scatolin Finalização: Letícia Medeiros Atendimento: Ingrid Lopes, Flávia Caparelli e Bárbara Russiano Coordenação: Verusca Garcia, Chandra Lima, Débora Mello e Carol Oliveira Locução Português e Inglês: Maria Eduarda Manga Locução Espanhol: Maria Carolina Lapolli ME
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euphorictrait · 11 days
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nickolas cortez-vera; the king of trauma dumping
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manuel-leon-saa · 2 years
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Muy buenos días. Hoy es el Día Internacional de los(as) zurdos(as). (por eso la fotografía de uno de los zurdos más conocidos del mundo: Ned Flanders, de Los Simpson) Hoy se publicaron las mesas donde nos corresponde votar en el próximo Plebiscito de Salida, el 4 de septiembre. Para saber su mesa, debe ingresar a Https://consulta.SERVEL.cl Hoy es san Víctor y Victorino. Saludamos en especial a: Victor Abarca Herrera Victor Ahumada Ahumada Victor Alvarado Perez Victor Alvarez Herrera Victor Amaro Jamett Victor Arancibia Gonzalez Victor Ardiles Vidal Victor Bruna Zuñiga Victor Cabezas Rojas Victor Calderon Herrera Victor Cataldo Chavez Victor Cataldo Herrera Victor Chacon Osorio Victorino Chapa Gorigoitia Victor Consterla Miranda Victor Contreras Gonzalez Victor Contreras Soto Victor Contreras Vargas Victor Cordero Ayala Victorino Cortes Alvarado Victor Diaz Saldivar Victor Donoso Alegria Victor Donoso Gonzalez Victor Donoso Vera Victor Duran Nuñez Victor Echeverria Araya Victor Espindola Aguilera Victor Espindola Escudero Victor Fernandez Araya Victor Fernandez Cortez Victorio Fernandez Leon Victor Fernandez Miranda Victor Fernandez Miranda Victor Flores Galdames Victor Fuenzalida Ahumada Victor Galaz Oyarce Victor Garcia Herrera Victor Gonzalez Donoso Victor Gonzalez Herrera Victor Gonzalez Saa Victor Henriquez Aracena Victor Herrera Castro Victor Herrera Gomez Victor Herrera Gonzalez Victor Herrera Leiva Victor Herrera Vicencio Victor Jara Fierro Victor Lazo Aracena Victor Leiva Gonzalez Victor Leiva Olguin Victor Leiva Segura Victor Liberona Brantt Victor Lobo Galleguillos Victor Lobos Alvarado Victor Lopez Meza Victor Lucero Olguin Victor Maldonado Escobedo Victor Maldonado Muñoz Victor Mancilla Saavedra Victor Marambio Victor Martinez Victor Mellado Victor Millones Victor Montengero Victor Muñoz Victor Olivares Victor Palma Victor Quijanes Victor Quiroz Victor Ramirez Victor Reyes Victor Roco Victor Rodriguez Victor Rojas Saa Victor Saavedra Victor Salazar Victor Salinas Victor Sanhueza Victor Sepulveda Victor Silva Victor Sossa Victor Suarez Victor Tapia Victor Tello Victor Urbina Victor Valle Victor Vargas Victor Vergara Victor Vilches Victor Villarroel https://www.instagram.com/p/ChM2e29uban/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crimson-blade-blog1 · 7 years
Dead Space Fanfic Chapter 1
A/N: This is my first fanfic! Please leave a like, reblog, or constructive criticism. Enjoy! My ocs info is in my blog, look for "About Seth Rieger". Disclaimer: I only own my Oc Seth and his dialogue. Everyone else and other dialogue belongs to Visceral Studios and EA. It was five weeks from Planetcrack on Aegis VII. Inside the Planetside Security Office, Sergeant Abraham Neumann comes into Marla's office. "Hey Marla, you wanna catch a Vid tonight? Union Plaza got a new download." Neumann asked her. "Bram, I already told you. I have a lot of paperwork to- Holy Shit, what is that!?" She speaks out as she looked into the monitor. "It's Jen Barrows Dig Team, I'll feed it through." She tells Neumann, he nods and heads out into the main office. "Hey Commander, everyone heads up!" He says to them. Vera then smirked. "You finally hit second base with Marla?" Vera joked, making her boyfriend Seth chuckle a little. "Very funny, look at this!" Neumann points to the monitor. "The hell is that?" The Commander asked. "Now hold on, Commander while I consult my book if weird shit." Neumann joked. "Everyone's a comedian." The Commander says with a sigh. "That's nothing to laugh about. Are we patched through Seth?" Vera asked her boyfriend. "We're patched through, go ahead Vera." Seth confirms to her. "Barrow, this is Cortez in P-Sec. Is that... Could that possibly be what I think it is?" Vera asked. "I don't know detective, depends how fucked up your thoughts are I guess." Jen states as she and her dig team stare up at a black spiraling rock with Red carvings written on it. "No way is that natural. They scanned this place before we came here, right?" Neumann asked. "If there was life on this rock, don't you think we'd have found it in the last two-and-a-half years?" The Commander asked rhetorically. "So what the hell is it?" Neumann asked as he looks at the monitor. "Its a Marker dumbass, don't you see." Vera points out. "Yea, it's pretty obvious." Seth agreed with her. "A Marker? What does that mean? What sort-- Wait, a Marker? As in Unitology? Oh Cortez, Seth. Come on, not you two." Neumann says as he turns toward the two. "What? We've been members since 8th grade." Vera tells him as Seth nods in agreement. "Now just hold on. The Unitology Marker's supposed to be black. Even my ancient eyes can see that... thing... is red." The Commander points out. "Maybe there are different colors. Look at the symbols! It's a dead ringer for the Black Marker!" Vera says to him. "For something that's drawn in a book? That's one hell of a stretch." Neumann says nonchalantly. "If the government hadn't stolen it. We wouldn't have to rely on drawings." Vera raises her voice. Seth got between Vera and Neumann. "Hold it you two. Even though I do agree with the Commander that it's odd to see a Red Marker. Vera does have a point, there could be different colored Markers." Seth says to them, trying to tone down the argument, but then Neumann spoke up. "Oh, says the Marker head!" Seth turned toward Neumann, clearly pissed. "What did you just say!?" The Commander got between them. "Knock it off, you three. Vera, Seth, knock yourselves out, but don't bring it to the office. Neumann, don't take your divorce out on your partner and her boyfriend." He says to the three of them. "Hey, how come I get the surname treatment? I outrank them!" Neumann complained. "Yea, but she's prettier, and you did insult her boyfriend. Now shut up and get down to the airlock in case Barrows team needs an escort. Seth, you head down to Megavent 12. They got a power failure down there." The Commander tells them. "On it Commander. Heading there now." Seth says as he puts his helmet on and heads down to Megavent 12 as Neumann and Vera head to the airlock. "I can't believe you never told me you were a Marker-Head." He says to her. "Because it's nothing to do with my work, Ugly Man. Although, something tells me that's about to change." She says as they leave to the airlock.
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ellestra · 4 years
Through out this episode I kept thinking of Bill Harper. And how back them Mr Robot had to pressure Elliot to do it. Back then he was the one advocating the most radical option and not caring who they hurt along the way as long as it got things done. Like with destroying the physical backups and not caring about people inside the building. Now he tries to talk Elliot out of it. He has somehow become Elliot’s conscience but Elliot barely listens. So he talks to us.
I loved how Whiterose said it time for Elliot to know her plan. To see how they are on the same side. While Elliot is planning to take her down using pretty much the same methods as she does - finding a pressure point and pressing until there is no other choice but to comply.
This episode was all about showing how similar they are. They are both fanatics in their causes. Even the previous flashback showing the motivation behind Whiterose actions is pretty much the same. Just like Elliot she wants to make a better world. So far they both only managed to make it worse. No end to unjust systems (or even companies) just a lot of dead and broken people. Elliot has been racking up the body count ever since the 5/9 hack (it destroyed so many lives) but Olivia wasn’t even the first suicide he caused this Christmas (sure Lomax was an evil fuck but still) and then there is whatever happened to Tyrell. For all his good intentions most of Elliot actions lead to hell for everyone involved (from people who lost everything in 5/9 to his friends). The best thing he did so far was reversing his own hack.
This episode we saw their methods both leading to trapping women in a situation where they fill the only way out is suicide and it was only an accident neither succeeded. Everything is acceptable to get the plan fulfilled. Goals justify means, lines get crossed etc. It was so nice to see Olivia call him on that. Especially after he called her a hypocrite.
I think Vera is a nice, dark mirror of that. He does it for his own sake. No lofty plans to save the world here. Just the evil.
All this was nicely contrasted with Dom who just can’t cross the line even when she doesn’t seem to have any other choice. She’d rather die. But Darlene can only doing that to people she hates.
And now we end with Alderson siblings once again going through mirrored experiences. They get abducted by evil people. I’m hoping that at least Elliot organised Leon’s help before walking into that trap.
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Didática e Organização Pedagógica no Curso de Pedagogia
#didatica #pedagogia #organizacaopedagogica #cursocompletodepedagogia #educacao #ensinoonline #ead #curso #pandemia #covid19 #coronavirus
Na grade curricular do curso de pedagogia nos deparamos com disciplinas que preparam o futuro pedagogo para conhecer as diversas formas didáticas de ensino e aprender a se organizar criando formas e métodos de ensino que façam com que os alunos aprendam de forma eficaz. A didática na pedagogia contribui para que o futuro pedagogo reflita sobre as diferentes práticas educativas, ou seja, para que…
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#Candau Vera Maria (org.) – Rumo a uma nova Didática – Petrópolis: Vozes 1988.#Coll C. Conteúdos na reforma: ensino e aprendizagem de conceitos procedimentos e atitudes. Porto Alegre: Artmed 2000.#Como a Didatica ajuda no rendimento escolar?#Como deve ser a organização administrativa e pedagógica de uma escola?#Como deve ser organização planejamento do professor?#Como se organiza o trabalho pedagógico das escolas?#Feldman D. – Ajudar a ensinar: relações entre didática e ensino – Porto Alegre: Artmed 2001.#Freire Paulo – Pedagogia da Autonomia – Saberes necessários à prática educativa – Paz e Terra.#Ghiraldelli Júnior Paulo – O que é pedagogia? – São Paulo: Brasiliense 2006.#Haidt Regina C. C. – Curso de Didática Geral. São Paulo: Editora Ática 2002.#Libâneo José Carlos – Didática. São Paulo: Cortez 2008.#O que é a organização do trabalho pedagógico na educação infantil?#O que é Didatica e prática de ensino?#O que é organização Didático-pedagógica?#O que é uma organização didática?#Para que serve a didatica na educação#Passos I. A. V. – Lições de didática. São Paulo: Papirus 2006.#Passos I. A. V. – Prática pedagógica do professor de Didática.  SP: Papirus 2008.#Passos I. A. V. – Técnicas de ensino – novos tempos novas configurações. SP: Papirus 2006.#Pimenta S. G. – Didática e formação de professores. São Paulo 2000.#Quais elementos estão presentes quando a organização e planejamento do trabalho pedagógico?#Qual a função pedagógica da Organização das aprendizagens?#Qual é a relação entre didática e pedagogia? Qual o papel da didática como disciplina da pedagogia? O que é didática para que serve? Quando#Rios Terezinha A. – Ética e competência – São Paulo: Cortez 2004.#Sant’Anna Ilza Martins e Menegolia Maximiliano – Didática: aprender a ensinar. São Paulo: Loyola 2002.#Scarpato Marta – Os procedimentos de ensino fazem a aula acontecer. AVERCAMP 2004.#Veiga Ilma Passos A. (coord.) – Repensando a Didática – São Paulo: Papirus 1991.
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marleneoftheopera · 3 years
1500 Followers! Vintage Phantom Audio Gift
As a huge thank you for 1500 followers, I bring you 10 vintage Phantom audios! 
These are 10 of my favorite audios from 2000 or before. I feel like a lot of the vintage recordings are so lovely, but often overlooked for the newer audios. Which is understandable, as many of the casts from 1990-2000 are relatively unknown. So let’s show them a little love!
The link to all of the audios is here: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/edh34vyegj0jd/Gifts(2)
The cast, dates, and my little thoughts on why they’re great are below!
Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman, Steve Barton, Nicholas Wyman, Cris Groenendaal, Judy Kaye, Leila Martin, David Romano, Elisa Heinsohn February 28, 1988; Broadway I think we can all figure out why this one is here. Anything of the original cast is a treasure to me. Besides that though, I think Sarah sounds really nice here and gives a bit more emotion than you get on the cast recording. Most of the time people who don't care for Sarah judge her more on the OLCR and some YouTube clips. I think she sounded even better as time went on. And of course the rest of the cast is wonderful. I think a must-listen!
Dave Willetts, Jan Hartley-Morris, Michael Ball, Maria Moll, Michael N Harbour, David Firth, Mary Millar, John Aron July 15, 1988; London I have been told this is a soundboard, which sounds very possible. But due to age and probably wear and tear/downloads it isn't the best quality. Still, has a wonderful cast. Jan is the standout for me and yet she is definitely the least known out of the trio. Her voice is absolutely divine. Dave was wonderful in reminding you of Michael but also making his Phantom unique. And Michael seems like he was a wonderful Raoul.
Colm Wilkinson, Susan Cuthbert, Byron Nease, Paul Massel, Gregory Cross, Lyse Guerin, Kristine Marie Guiguet, Peter Cormican, Donna Rubin March 17, 1991; Toronto, Canada Never been a huge fan of Colm, but especially now since Rebecca Caine's story. However, this is the only audio of Susan Cuthbert, who I think sounds lovely and is so overlooked. Rest of the company is great as well.
Mark Jacoby, Karen Culliver, Hugh Panaro, Paul Laureano, Jeff Keller, Patrice Pickering, Marilyn Caskey, Gary Rideout, Catherine Ulyssies August 1992; Broadway Act 1 is a soundboard, Act 2 is a very good audience recording. I think the entire trio is absolutely lovely. Also, baby Hugh!
Thomas James O'Leary, Sandra Joseph, Gary Mauer, Teressa Eldh, Frederick Herenges, George Lee Andrews, Patrice Pickering, Jeff Keller, Gerdalyn Del Carso February 3, 1998; Broadway Posting especially for Thomas. Pretty unknown Phantom nowadays, but I have always liked him. Sandra vocally is a bit of a hit or miss sometimes for me, but I tend to like her more in her early days. And Gary as Raoul! Such a lovely voice.
Glyn Kerslake, Jill Washington, Chris Harley, Anthony Raffell, Leo Andrews, Jasna Ivir, Heather Jackson, David Hillman, Amanda Light March 6, 1999; London I loved Glyn's voice the first time I heard it. Another relatively unknown Phantom. Jill has a wonderful and lush voice.
Ted Keegan, Rebecca Pitcher, Richard Todd Adams April 17, 1999; Norfolk Great clear sounding audio. Ted Keegan is one of my favorite Phantom's and he is still understudying the role on Broadway today! I saw him in 2019 and he very much gives me Hugh Panaro vibes vocally and is a great mix of old school Phantom in the modern day. Vocally, Rebecca doesn't always impress me but her earlier years I like much more. So she sounds pretty good here.
Hugh Panaro, Adrienne McEwan, Gary Mauer June 11, 1999; Broadway Adrienne is honestly one of my favorites because she has a very unique voice. Having been in the show for so long and part of 2 anniversaries, I am always surprised she isn't better known. Also, Hugh in his first Phantom run! And another Gary as Raoul audio.
Mike Sterling, Charlotte Page, Gartor Thor Cortez July 31, 1999; London If I could time travel, this would be one of the casts I would see. Mike vocally seems like he was ahead of his time in a sense. He reminds me a bit of Tim Howar. Charlotte has a stunning operatic voice. Also features Gardar Thor Cortes as Raoul! Not sure why, but he spelled his name different back then. Love his voice as well.
Ian Jon Bourg, Colby Thomas, Christopher Morandi (u/s), Vera Borisova, David Hunerjaeger, Linda Bruske, Marcello Ronchietto July 5, 2000; Hamburg, Germany Super clear audio of the original German production featuring 2 long running Phantom cast members? Yes please.
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