#Varian Covid-19
lefemmerougewriter · 2 months
She had to tell the truth. "I guess so. The number of cases have been rising…it's not that many yet. I mandated a lockdown and that everyone wear cloth masks to protect themselves. It has made people very angry at me. Even Varian refused to leave."
Rapunzel explains the rising number of COVID-19, I mean Corona-Ailment, cases across Corona in a scene from my most recent fic "The Corona Blues: Cass the Space Pirate, Her Blue-Eyed Pirate Girlfriend, and Raps' Momentous Choice".
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wahyugunawanpbb · 5 months
Jasa Disinfektan Rumah di Tangerang Selatan | 0813-8299-9966 | Garda Pest
Memerlukan Info Untuk Jasa Disinfektan Rumah di Tangerang Selatan ? Segera Hubungi Customer Service Garda Pest Control di 0813-1344-4221 Layanan 24 Jam – Harga Terjangkau – Teknisi Profesional dan Tersertifikasi Assphami, Dapatkan Promo Diskon 10% atau Free Disinfektan Virus 1 Unit Mobil Untuk Pemesanan Via Aplikasi. Jasa Disinfektan Rumah di Tangerang Selatan Pada tahun 2023, dunia terus…
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thexxarra · 1 year
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maisonaime · 5 months
Ilithyia's Blessings
I got Covid-19 as a college graduation/early Christmas present :) enjoy the fruits of me being stuck in my parent's basement.
Summary: Rewrite of Feyre's reaction to finding out about the risks of her pregnancy! I (like many) hated how this was dealt with, and would personally love to see her rip the entire IC a new one for that bullshit. Diverges from canon the moment Nesta leaves the townhouse. Heavy angst and hurt for all, BUT a happy ending! Please note that I am atrocious at writing dialogue so forgive me.
Warnings: Pregnancy complications, family dysfunction, mentions of past trauma, emotionally abusive & generally unhinged behavior from all!
Part 1:
As the last of Nesta’s burning fury trailed out of the door after her, Feyre’s eyes once again met Amren’s. The tears there had turned sharp as glass shards. Power imbued with the abundance of life nestled in the High Lady choked the air of the townhouse, damp and salty and so very wrong. They had been so very wrong. 
Amren did not falter, but her stance was one of false ease. She had never wished so badly to be well-versed in the nuances of emoting and made a note to herself to observe her peers' reactions more closely; that she might glean some useful mimicry for a similar situation in the future. A creature of preternatural stillnesses and pregnant silences, Amren waited until Feyre spoke in a voice so deep it may have been derived from the pits of the Mountains themselves. 
“How long have you all known?” 
“You should really ask your ma–” bared teeth cut her off.
“I asked you Amren. How long?” Feyre snarled.
It was becoming uncomfortable to breathe, reminiscent of the cloistered air of the Prison. Amren was struck with the sudden realization that her powers were no match for her High Lady, not anymore.  
“Too long” she admitted unflinchingly. “I will apologize for my part in it, but Rhysand had his reasons and I saw the practicality of it. As your friend, I know it was wrong. You must understand Feyre, I have to be the one person who can separate emotion from decisions in this Court, it’s my first nature and my duty as Rhys’ second.”
Feyre just stood there, eyes wide, breathing hard. Her tattooed hands still clutching her stomach as though the babe would rip its way into the world for all the horror she felt in that moment.
“Has it ever once occurred to you…” – her voice burned through the condensed ether like the birth of a star, Amren winced – “has it ever once occurred to any of you, that when Rhys made me High Lady, he made me High Lady of this Court, not just his High Lady. I am High Lady of the Night Court, I am your damn High Lady. And if you Amren are his second, then you are also mine.”
Tiny ancient one be damned, she needed backup for this. She only prayed Varian had the good sense to bring Elain back to the townhouse, no one else would do any good for this moment. 
And to think I was lecturing Nesta on respect.” she seethed. “To think that I’ve put up with this ridiculous sequestering of my family by my family. Elain and Nesta are flailing as they grapple with bodies and lives they were born and bred to fear, just as I did. We treat Elain like a vapid flower as if she is not burdened to see between fucking worlds. And you all act as though Nesta’s viciousness will tear chunks out of me but you forget she is my sister. I have known her my whole life and she has not torn my throat out yet. Vicious she may be, but at least she’s godsdamn honest.”
“No one is denying this Feyre but I don’t see–” 
“What this has to do with me? With my child? There’s plenty you lot are failing to fucking grapple with right now. The very basic premises of duty and friendship to start with. What about the principle of allowing a female control over her own life, her own body?” there was a jagged edge of panic making its way into her tone, the air grew impossibly tighter. 
At that moment the door banged open once again and Amren winced again as Morrigan pushed her way into the room against the wave of unyielding magic pulsing from Feyre. She silently cursed Varian.
“Feyre, I’m so sorry. If we had thought there was any other way to keep you and the babe safe–” she began before she was cut off by a dark wave of Feyre’s magic. Not the same magic that silenced Tamlin’s voice at the meeting of the High Lords, but a plume of magic that quite literally took the place of the air in Mor’s lungs, bringing her swiftly, silently to her knees.
“Surely you aren’t going to tell me you knew what was best for my womb Morrigan, you couldn’t even protect your own from desecration.” Feyre spat down at her.
Amren stood frozen in horror, watching Mor claw at her neck, eyes bulging and mouth agape like a fish out of water. The spell lasted only moments before air rushed back into her purpling face with a harsh gasp, but both Fae were still frozen in place before their High Lady. 
“You all seem to have forgotten, that I live and breathe the powers of all the Courts of Prythian. That I am Made, my sisters and I. We are creatures to be feared and served before we are loved. You’ve failed me, and in doing so you’ve failed this Court. Make sure you let Rhysand see me say that when he looks into your mind.”
Mor blanched, “Feyre you can’t leave now, Rhys and Madja are so close to finding an answer.” Where the hell was Rhys, how had he not yet sensed the chaos threatening to level the entire block of buildings the townhouse occupied?
“I can and I will. I am not safe here, nor is my child. I will seek refuge where I can find healers and friends who will allow me the dignity of deciding what I do with my body, my child. That I would put my life in the hands of a healer who answers to my mate over me, a husband who seeks to deceive me and involve my entire family in doing so? No, I would be a fool to give away my life so passively.” she paced before them frantically, power collecting into thick bands that coiled around Feyre in a churning, horrid shield. 
No longer their friend, no longer their family. A mother and a female burning with primal rage and fear for the safety of her child, guaranteed only by her ability to protect it. Protect it from the world, and in these agonized moments, protect it from her family. A family that could no longer be trusted.
“He will rip apart the world to find you and the babe Feyre, this won’t do any good.” Amren spoke as bluntly as usual, but the edge in her tone betrayed her wariness. 
“Let him try. I’ve never had the chance to test my powers against him, have never needed to until now. I confess I’m curious to see if I can inspire the fear in him that he’s attributed to my name.” The crazed glint in Feyre’s watery eyes was wholly unnerving. 
“Feyre, I’m begging you, don’t do this. We all lived with the fear of losing each other during the war– you and Rhys actually did. Don’t let this tear us all apart again.” Mor was practically weeping, still draped at Feyre’s feet in submission.
“Mor, it’s not my decisions that have led us here. I’ll leave it to you all to decide how to proceed; this Court seems to conceive of its most coordinated efforts without my knowledge.” Feyre had stopped pacing and closed her eyes, all of that asphyxiating power rushing from the room back into those bands of black power coalescing around her. The hair on the back of Amren’s neck stood tall.
“Will you return girl?” she asked quietly, refusing to look away from the fierce specter of power they had so woefully forsaken. Accepting that there was little they could do to stop the events that had been set in motion.
Feyre’s head snapped to her, eyes black with rage, looking every bit the Made Fae that could undo curses and courts. 
“I will return when I have proven to you all that I can give birth to my son without your duplicitous interference. I will return when I have a Court and friends and a mate that I trust to bend the knee, not bring me to my own.” she said with finality. 
The vortex of power around Feyre crackled and snapped as Rhys’ careful warding of Feyre’s body collapsed under her iron will. A new source of power, alarmed and frenetic and reeking of Rhys, swept through Velaris and into the townhouse. It crashed into the whorls of Feyre’s might with a piercing screech. The windows shattered sending glass through the air. Amren and Mor curled into themselves to avoid the spray.
When the chimes of falling glass had stopped and Mor and Amren could uncover their eyes, Feyre was gone. Where her scent, her power, her body had overwhelmed the room, there was absolutely nothing left to indicate that the High Lady of Night had ever stepped foot in the townhouse. 
Somewhere in the distance, mountains rumbled, birds took flight and the citizens of Velaris cowered as Rhysand let out an unearthly roar. 
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miraridoctor · 2 months
The Omicron variant of COVID-19 has led to a dramatic surge in cases globally. With its high transmissibility, Omicron has infected both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. The good news is that symptoms appear milder compared to previous varian... #Mirari #MirariDoctor #MirariColdPlasma #ColdPlasma
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rahman6 · 2 months
Rahman: Dampak Pertumbuhan Ekspor Jepang dan Penyempitan Defisit Perdagangan
Data perdagangan terbaru Jepang untuk bulan Februari menunjukkan pertumbuhan ekspor sebesar 7,8% year-on-year, melampaui ekspektasi ekonom sebesar 5,3%, meskipun ini lebih rendah dari pertumbuhan bulan sebelumnya sebesar 11,9%. Pertumbuhan impor di bulan Februari hanya sebesar 0,5%, jauh di bawah ekspektasi 2,2%, dan menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan penurunan 9,8% pada bulan Januari. Defisit perdagangan Jepang menyempit secara signifikan menjadi 379,4 miliar yen, jauh di bawah ekspektasi pasar sebesar 810,2 miliar yen dan 1,76 triliun yen pada bulan Januari. Rahman akan menjelajahi dinamika ekonomi di balik angka-angka ini dan potensi dampaknya terhadap ekonomi Jepang di masa depan.
Analisis Rahman: Pendorong di Balik Pertumbuhan Ekspor Jepang
Pada bulan Februari, pertumbuhan ekspor Jepang sebesar 7,8% year-on-year, melampaui ekspektasi ekonom. Meskipun pertumbuhan ini lebih rendah dari bulan sebelumnya sebesar 11,9%, ini masih menunjukkan momentum perdagangan eksternal yang kuat dari ekonomi Jepang. Pertumbuhan ini terutama didorong oleh pemulihan ekonomi global secara bertahap, terutama peningkatan permintaan dari mitra dagang utama seperti pasar China dan Amerika yang terus pulih. Rahman menganalisis bahwa tren ini mencerminkan ketahanan industri berorientasi ekspor Jepang dan peran kuncinya dalam rantai pasokan global. Meskipun dihadapkan pada tantangan seperti peningkatan biaya bahan baku, perusahaan Jepang masih mampu mempertahankan pertumbuhan ekspor, menunjukkan daya saing industri mereka.
Penafsiran Rahman: Arti Perlambatan Pertumbuhan Impor dan Penyempitan Defisit Perdagangan
Pertumbuhan impor Jepang yang signifikan melambat menjadi 0,5%, jauh di bawah ekspektasi 2,2%. Perubahan ini terutama dipengaruhi oleh fluktuasi harga bahan baku global dan perubahan kurs yen. Penyempitan defisit perdagangan Jepang menjadi 379,4 miliar yen, jauh di bawah ekspektasi pasar, menunjukkan tren perbaikan keseimbangan perdagangan Jepang. Rahman menunjukkan bahwa penyempitan defisit perdagangan dapat membantu mengurangi tekanan eksternal pada ekonomi Jepang, sambil mencerminkan pemulihan permintaan domestik yang moderat dan efektivitas kontrol biaya impor. Ini penting untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi yang stabil di Jepang dan penyesuaian kebijakan moneter.
Diskusi Rahman: Outlook Ekonomi Jepang di Masa Depan
Mengingat pertumbuhan ekspor Jepang pada bulan Februari dan penyempitan defisit perdagangan yang signifikan, prospek ekonomi Jepang ke depan menjadi lebih optimis. Meskipun pemulihan ekonomi global masih dihadapkan pada ketidakpastian, seperti varian baru COVID-19 dan risiko geopolitik, dasar ekonomi Jepang menunjukkan ketahanan. Rahman berpendapat, dengan terus mengoptimalkan struktur industri, memperkuat pemulihan permintaan domestik, serta berpartisipasi aktif dalam kerja sama ekonomi global, ekonomi Jepang diharapkan dapat terus bertumbuh stabil. Pembuat kebijakan perlu memperhatikan perubahan pasar internasional dengan cermat, menyesuaikan kebijakan perdagangan dan moneter secara fleksibel untuk merespons gangguan eksternal dan menjaga pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan dan sehat.
Menguatkan kemampuan inovasi industri domestik, meningkatkan nilai tambah produk ekspor, serta mendorong pengembangan energi hijau dan teknologi akan menjadi kunci untuk meningkatkan daya saing ekonomi di masa depan. Menghadapi permintaan global yang meningkat terhadap perlindungan lingkungan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan, inovasi teknologi Jepang dan solusi energi efisien dapat membuka jalan baru untuk pertumbuhan ekonominya.
Rahman percaya, dengan secara proaktif menanggapi tantangan ekonomi global, memperkuat penyesuaian dan optimasi struktur ekonomi internal, ekonomi Jepang akan dapat bertumbuh stabil di masa depan dan meningkatkan posisinya dalam ekonomi global. Bagi investor, memperhatikan bagaimana pemerintah dan perusahaan Jepang merespons dan memanfaatkan dinamika ekonomi ini akan menjadi kunci untuk mengidentifikasi peluang investasi.https://www.tumblr.com/blog/rahman6
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farhan29174 · 3 months
Radiotherapy Market 2024 - Size, Share, Trends, Growth Analysis, and Outlook by 2034
The Radiotherapy market report offered by Reports Intellect is meant to serve as a helpful means to evaluate the market together with an exhaustive scrutiny and crystal-clear statistics linked to this market. The report consists of the drivers and restraints of the Radiotherapy Market accompanied by their impact on the demand over the forecast period. Additionally, the report includes the study of prospects available in the market on a global level. With tables and figures helping evaluate the Global Radiotherapy market, this research offers key statistics on the state of the industry and is a beneficial source of guidance and direction for companies and entities interested in the market. This report comes along with an additional Excel data-sheet suite taking quantitative data from all numeric forecasts offered in the study.
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Key players offered in the market: Varian Medical Systems Elekta GE Healthcare Siemens Ion Beam Applications Philips Accuray Mevion Medical Systems Toshiba Medical Systems
Additionally, it takes account of the prominent players of the Radiotherapy market with insights including market share, product specifications, key strategies, contact details, and company profiles. Similarly, the report involves the market computed CAGR of the market created on previous records regarding the market and existing market trends accompanied by future developments. It also divulges the future impact of enforcing regulations and policies on the expansion of the Radiotherapy Market.
Scope and Segmentation of the Radiotherapy Market
The estimates for all segments including type and application/end-user have been provided on a regional basis for the forecast period from 2024 to 2034. We have applied a mix of bottom-up and top-down methods for market estimation, analyzing the crucial regional markets, dynamics, and trends for numerous applications. Moreover, the fastest & slowest growing market segments are pointed out in the study to give out significant insights into each core element of the market.
Radiotherapy Market Type Coverage: - External Beam Radiotherapy Devices Internal Beam Radiotherapy Devices
Radiotherapy Market Application Coverage: - Prostate Cancer Breast Cancer Lung Cancer Cervical Cancer
Regional Analysis:
North America Country (United States, Canada) South America Asia Country (China, Japan, India, Korea) Europe Country (Germany, UK, France, Italy) Other Countries (Middle East, Africa, GCC)
Also, Get an updated forecast from 2024 to 2034.
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lefemmerougewriter · 2 months
As she walked out of the castle, and locked the door behind her, she got a taste of this anger first-hand. One onlooker heckled her. "Boo!" he shouted. He then pointed. "YOU got be the virus!" Unfazed by this clear lie, she continued moving forward. Varian used his alchemist staff to trap the person in amber. No dissent to the royalty would be allowed. Most in the town followed the posted ordinances, but some did not.
Raps deals with people who are ignoring the virus in my recent fic "The Corona Blues: Cass the Space Pirate, Her Blue-Eyed Pirate Girlfriend, and Raps' Momentous Choice"... sounds kinda familiar, does it?
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wahyugunawanpbb · 5 months
Jasa Disinfektan Rumah di Tangerang | 0813-8299-9966 | Garda Pest
Memerlukan Info Untuk Jasa Disinfektan Rumah di Tangerang ? Segera Hubungi Customer Service Garda Pest Control di 0813-1344-4221 Layanan 24 Jam – Harga Terjangkau – Teknisi Profesional dan Tersertifikasi Aspphami, Dapatkan Promo Diskon 10% atau Free Disinfektan Virus 1 Unit Mobil Untuk Pemesanan Via Aplikasi. Jasa Disinfektan Rumah di Tangerang Pada tahun 2023, dunia terus memperhatikan…
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harmeet-saggi · 5 months
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minumescoklat · 5 months
Doktoral COVID-19
Sarjana COVID-19, sudah merasakan COVID-19 sekali, kalo tiga kali jadi doktoral hehe
Hari ini tepat 11 hari ku batuk pilek, dan 3 hari tidak bisa merasakan atau mencium bau satupun. Yak sepertinya dugaan terkena COVID-19 semakin kuat, tapi yaa namanya jg pekerja di garis terdepan, harus tetep 'terlihat' fit, dan diusahakan hanya untuk mengurangi gejala.
Sejak Pandemi COVID-19 Tahun 2020 (dan sekarang berubah jadi Endemi COVID-19), Nahda sudah tiga kali merasakan COVID, dimulai dari delta, omicron, dan ya sekarang.
Gejala paling parah dirasakan saat varian Delta, proses penyembuhan paling lama dan menyiksa, karna sputum (lendir) yang menumpuk di dada, selain batuk dan pilek, ada kesulitan bernapas dan sesak. Tidur harus posisi duduk, ya kemiringan 45 derajat. Total karantina 14 hari, dengan waktu 7 hari tambahan untuk benar benar pulih. Selama 14 hari itu, sama sekali tidak bisa merasakan makanan atau mencium bau/wewangian. Saat varian delta, Nahda merasakan bersama keluarga, kami saling support untuk sembuh, berjemur tiap pagi, makan banyak (meski tidak terasa apa apa), fokus minum obat dan vitamin, tetap berkabar dengan keluarga dan teman.
Saat varian Omicron, Nahda mengalaminya sendirian, awalnya karantina di kos Depok, tapi karna keluarga khawatir, akhirnya nekat pulang dengan gojek, trus karantina sendirian di kamar. Gejala nya tidak separah varian Delta (mungkin karna sudah 3 kali vaksin dan 1 kali covid, jadi imun lebih kuat). Gejala sama persis dengan varian Delta, namun masa pemulihan lebih cepat.
Kondisi saat ini, gejala yang dirasakan sama ketika varian COVID-19 lainnya, namun gejala muncul seperti periode (?), ketika badan kondisi lelah, secara langsung virus akan menguasai tubuh dan tubuh makin drop
Dari ketiga varian COVID-19 tersebut, gejala awal semua mirip, yaitu badan seperti turn off. Kalo dibayangkan, ketika lagi beraktivitas, badan seperti kelelahan yang amat sangat, duduk dan berdiri pun ga mampu, nafas pun pelan pelan. Tiba tiba aja gitu merasakan drop off. Aneh tapi itu yang aku rasakan, gejala berikutnya batuk, pilek, demam, pusing, sesak, sulit napas dan tidak mencium bau atau merasakan makanan.
Ada satu hal menarik, dari gejala tidak mencium bau atau merasakan makanan. Awalnya menyiksa banget, karena jadi turun nafsu makan, dan hanya bisa menikmati tekstur makanan, tidak ada rasa sama sekali. Tapi setelah dipikir pikir, kenapa Allah SWT kasih gejala yang satu ini, karena obat herbal maupun medis, semuanya pahitt dan tidak enak. MasyaAllah, Allah mudahkan dalam pengobatan. Ketika terkena COVID-19, Nahda sering minum minuman sehat seperti air perasan lemon, jahe hangat, madu hangat, propolis, pokoknya apapun yang bisa meningkatkan imun, ya di gas wae lah, coba kalo bisa merasakan, duh ga kuat sama pahitnya 😖
- Jakarta, 2 Januari 2024
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Top 5 Prominent Companies Shaping the In Vitro Diagnostics Market
The IVD market is driven by growing demand for point-of-care devices and rapid diagnostic testing, increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, and increasing willingness to pay for preventive care testing.
The global in vitro diagnostics market in terms of revenue was estimated to be worth $117.8 billion in 2022 and is poised to reach $138.4. billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 3.3% from 2022 to 2027.
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The prominent players in the IVD market are.
Roche diagnostics
Roche is a global pioneer in IVD focused on developing novel products with advanced research capabilities. The combined strengths of diagnostics & automation and growing expertise in personalized healthcare help the company acquire a prominent market share. The company’s differentiated product portfolio in infectious diseases, tissue diagnostics, oncology, and diabetes management, makes the company a leading player in the IVD market. Being a research-driven biotechnology company, Roche Diagnostics extensively invests in R&D. For instance, the company’s R&D expenditure accounted for USD 14.99 billion in 2021.
2. Danaher corporation
Danaher Corporation has established itself as a strong player in the IVD market. The company offers a wide array of products and services sold regularly through direct sales channels to a diverse customer base in more than 60 countries. As a multibillion-dollar global conglomerate, Danaher generates a large proportion of its sales in North America, Europe, and Asia/Australia.
During 2021, the Diagnostics segment experienced higher year-over-year sales for molecular diagnostics tests for COVID-19. Moreover, in 2021, core sales in the segment’s clinical lab business increased year-over-year across all major geographies, driven primarily by increased demand in the chemistry and immunoassay product lines. Additionally, in the same year, core sales in the molecular diagnostics business grew yearly in both developed and high-growth markets, contributing significantly to overall segment core sales growth. Sales in 2021 for the company’s diagnostics segment by region included-- 44% in North America, 19% in Western Europe, 5% in other developed markets, and 32% in high-growth markets.
Abbott Laboratories is a leading player in the IVD market. The company has a strong presence in the US and seeks to enhance its geographical presence by strengthening its business operations in emerging markets. The company has a strong product portfolio, and its FDA- and CE-approved products have helped it gain a sizable share of the IVD market. Abbott is presently focusing on developing next-generation instrument platforms, such as the PLEX-ID platform and other advanced patient self-testing technologies.
Siemens Healthineers is among the leading players in the IVD market. The company has a strong presence and scale and is directly represented in more than 70 countries worldwide, with primary production sites in the US, China, and Germany. Siemens provides a comprehensive array of IVDs spanning a breadth of test settings, from centralized reference and hospital laboratories to clinical and physician office laboratories. The company’s diagnostics business model is based on long-term contracts that include an initial instrument placement followed by ongoing reagent sales, which results in a predictive and resilient revenue stream.
In FY 2022, the company’s revenue increased notably across all segments on a comparable basis: Imaging by 5.8%, Varian by 6.5%, Advanced Therapies by 5.7%, and Diagnostics by 6.6%, including around USD 1.77 billion from rapid COVID-19 antigen tests.
Sysmex’s business centers on IVD, especially hematology, urinalysis, and immunochemistry products. The company’s business spans over 190 countries. In IVD, Sysmex Corporation holds the 7th rank globally, the only top-10 company headquartered in Asia. Sysmex is a global leader in hematology products, holding more than 50% of the global hematology market.
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These five companies collectively shape the IVD market by consistently delivering innovative diagnostic solutions, playing a pivotal role in healthcare, and addressing the evolving diagnostic needs of patients and healthcare professionals.
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reportprimeaashish · 8 months
Medical X-Ray Tube Market Size, Type, segmentation, growth and forecast 2023-2030
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Medical X-Ray Tube Market
The Medical X-Ray Tube Market is expected to grow from USD 1.30 Billion in 2022 to USD 1.80 Billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 5.00% during the forecast period.
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Medical X-Ray Tube Market Size
Medical X-Ray Tube is a crucial component in diagnostic imaging used to produce X-rays for medical purposes. The global Medical X-Ray Tube market research report provides segments based on type including Stationary Anode Medical X-Ray Tube and Rotating Anode Medical X-Ray Tube, as well as applications including Dental, Mobile C-Arm, DR, CT, Mammography Systems, and Others. The report also covers market players like GE, Varex Imaging (Varian), Canon Electron (Toshiba), Siemens, Dunlee, IAE, Hangzhou Wandong, Oxford Instruments, Kailong Medical, Keyway Electron, and Sandt in regions like North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Australia, and Europe. Furthermore, the report highlights regulatory and legal factors specific to market conditions. These factors include the rising demand for digital technologies, especially in regions such as North America and Europe, and the increasing preference for minimally invasive procedures. Additionally, the report highlights factors such as high costs of equipment and stringent regulations related to radiation safety.
Medical X-Ray Tube Market Key Player
Varex Imaging (Varian)
Canon Electron (Toshiba)
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Medical X-Ray Tube Market Segment Analysis
The Medical X-Ray Tube market has been witnessing unprecedented growth owing to the increasing requirement for diagnostic imaging in the field of healthcare. The market is expected to grow further mainly due to the rising elderly population and increasing prevalence of chronic diseases. Imaging technologies have come a long way, and the demand for better resolution and improved image quality should drive growth in the market.
The major factors driving revenue growth in the Medical X-Ray Tube market include the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, growing elderly population, and technological advancements in imaging equipment. In addition, the need for quick and accurate diagnosis in healthcare is also contributing to market growth.
The latest trends in the industry include the incorporation of AI in X-Ray imaging systems to improve detection accuracy, the development of portable X-Ray systems, and the increasing use of computed tomography (CT) scans.
However, the market is not without its challenges. The high cost of imaging equipment and associated procedures can limit market growth, along with the strict regulatory requirements of the healthcare industry. Additionally, the radiation exposure associated with X-Ray scans can deter patients from undergoing the procedure.
The report's main findings suggest that the Medical X-Ray Tube market is expected to grow significantly in the future, driven by increasing healthcare demands and technological advancements. However, the report also emphasizes the need for cost-effective imaging options and tackling the issue of radiation exposure to ensure continued growth of the market.
In conclusion, the Medical X-Ray Tube market is expected to witness notable growth in the coming years, driven by increasing healthcare demands and technological advancements. To ensure sustainable growth, the industry must focus on developing cost-effective options and addressing the issue of radiation exposure.
This report covers impact on COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine wars in detail.
Purchase This Report: https://www.reportprime.com/checkout?id=11104&price=3590
Market Segmentation (by Application):
Mobile C-Arm
Mammography Systems
Information is sourced from www.reportprime.com
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reportprimerahul · 8 months
Medical X-Ray Tube Market Size, Type, segmentation, growth and forecast 2023-2030
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Medical X-Ray Tube Market
The Medical X-Ray Tube Market is expected to grow from USD 1.30 Billion in 2022 to USD 1.80 Billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 5.00% during the forecast period.
Medical X-Ray Tube Market Size
Medical X-Ray Tube is a crucial component in diagnostic imaging used to produce X-rays for medical purposes. The global Medical X-Ray Tube market research report provides segments based on type including Stationary Anode Medical X-Ray Tube and Rotating Anode Medical X-Ray Tube, as well as applications including Dental, Mobile C-Arm, DR, CT, Mammography Systems, and Others. The report also covers market players like GE, Varex Imaging (Varian), Canon Electron (Toshiba), Siemens, Dunlee, IAE, Hangzhou Wandong, Oxford Instruments, Kailong Medical, Keyway Electron, and Sandt in regions like North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Australia, and Europe. Furthermore, the report highlights regulatory and legal factors specific to market conditions. These factors include the rising demand for digital technologies, especially in regions such as North America and Europe, and the increasing preference for minimally invasive procedures. Additionally, the report highlights factors such as high costs of equipment and stringent regulations related to radiation safety.
Medical X-Ray Tube Market Key Player
Varex Imaging (Varian)
Canon Electron (Toshiba)
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Medical X-Ray Tube Market Segment Analysis
The Medical X-Ray Tube market has been witnessing unprecedented growth owing to the increasing requirement for diagnostic imaging in the field of healthcare. The market is expected to grow further mainly due to the rising elderly population and increasing prevalence of chronic diseases. Imaging technologies have come a long way, and the demand for better resolution and improved image quality should drive growth in the market.
The major factors driving revenue growth in the Medical X-Ray Tube market include the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, growing elderly population, and technological advancements in imaging equipment. In addition, the need for quick and accurate diagnosis in healthcare is also contributing to market growth.
The latest trends in the industry include the incorporation of AI in X-Ray imaging systems to improve detection accuracy, the development of portable X-Ray systems, and the increasing use of computed tomography (CT) scans.
However, the market is not without its challenges. The high cost of imaging equipment and associated procedures can limit market growth, along with the strict regulatory requirements of the healthcare industry. Additionally, the radiation exposure associated with X-Ray scans can deter patients from undergoing the procedure.
The report's main findings suggest that the Medical X-Ray Tube market is expected to grow significantly in the future, driven by increasing healthcare demands and technological advancements. However, the report also emphasizes the need for cost-effective imaging options and tackling the issue of radiation exposure to ensure continued growth of the market.
In conclusion, the Medical X-Ray Tube market is expected to witness notable growth in the coming years, driven by increasing healthcare demands and technological advancements. To ensure sustainable growth, the industry must focus on developing cost-effective options and addressing the issue of radiation exposure.
This report covers impact on COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine wars in detail.
Purchase This Report: https://www.reportprime.com/checkout?id=11104&price=3590
Market Segmentation (by Application):
Mobile C-Arm
Mammography Systems
Information is sourced from www.reportprime.com
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baliportalnews · 11 months
All New Yaris Cross Resmi Hadir di Bali, Tersedia Enam Pilihan Tipe
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR – Setelah world premiere pada Mei lalu, PT Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM) melalui Auto2000 dan Agung Toyota, resmi menghadirkan All New Yaris Cross sebagai 5-seater Medium SUV untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mobilitas sekalgus melengkpai line-up Hybrid EV Toyota di Bali, pada Rabu (21/6/2023) siang di Trans Studio Mall, Denpasar. Kepala Cabang Auto2000 Denpasar, Suprayogi mengungkapkan, penjualan otomotif terutama roda empat sudah mengalami tren peningkatan di awal 2023 ini. Kondisi tersebut terjadi didukung pada sektor pariwisata yang sudah membaik setelah pandemi Covid-19. “Hadirnya All New Yaris Cross sebagai Mdeum SUV ini, diharapkan dapat mengisi segmen SUV yang selalu mengalami peningkatan, terutama di Bali,” ungkap Suprayogi, Rabu (21/6/2023). Project GM Fleet Toyota Astra Motor, Diky Zulkalnaen menjelaskan, setelah meluncurkan All New Kijang Innova Zenix Hybrid EV sebagai kenadaraan elektrifikasi Toyota pertama yang diproduksi lokal, Toyota menghadilkan All New Yaris Cross sebagai bentuk Hybrid EV karya anak bangsa berikutnya. Sebagai pionir di B-segment dengan pangsa pasar beras, Medium SUV ini memberikan kesempatan kepada kalangan pelanggan yang lebih luas supaya dapat memiliki kendaraan ramah lingkungan dengan harga yang semakin terjangkau. Serta tentunya memiliki value for money yang tinggi. “Kami optimis penjualan All New Yaris Cross dapat mencapai 100 unit per bulan. Target itu akan dipenugi oleh dua dealer resmi di Bali, yakni Auto2000 dan Agung Toyota,” jelas Diky. All New Yaris Cross dipasarkan dengan 6 pilithan tipe, mulai dari tipe 1.5 G M/T, 1.5 G CVT, 1.5 S CVT, 1.5 CVT with GR Parst Aeo Package, bersama dengan varian Hybrid EV yakni 1.5 S HV CVT dan 1.5 S GV CVT with GR Parts Aeor Package sebagai flagship model. Seluruh tipe All New Yaris Cross memiliki pilihan 7 warna monotone serta 3 warna dual tone yang bisa dipilih sesuai dengan selera pelanggan. Selain itu beberapa tipe juga memperoleh sematan GR Aero Package yang membuatnya tampil outstanding karena lebih sporty dan dinamis dari sisi styling. Semua tipe All New Yaris Cross mendapatkan LED Headlamp wirh DRL, LED Foglamp dan LED Rear Combination Lamp yang tampak canggih dan modern di depan dan belakang. Hadir lengkap dan berkarakter, eksterior seluruh tipe S sudah dilengkapi Auto Headlamp + Follow Me Home, Roof Rail, Electric & Auto Retract Side Mirror ditambah Welcoming Lamp, dan Power Backdoor with Kick Sensor pertama di kelasnya untuk membudahkan buka-tutup bagasi. Untuk kaki-kaki, tipe G menggunakan 17 inch machining alloy wheel dan tipe S disematkan 18 inch machining allow wheel. All New Yaris Cross memiliki dimensi panjang 4.310 mm, lebar 1.770 mm, tinggi 1.615 mm, dan wheelbase 2.620 mm. Dengan high rocker panel height mencapai 260 mm. Mobil ini menyediakan bangku yang nyaman untuk 5 penumpang, ruang penyimpanan barang berlimpah, dan bagasi terbesar di kelasnya. Power Back Door with Kick Sensor—yang pertama di kelasnya—juga akan semakin mempermudah akses pengemudi terhadap barang bawaan. 
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(Kiri-Kanan). Vice of Chief Operating Officer Agung Toyota, Moshe Darron Panjaitan; Project GM Fleet Toyota Astra, Diky Zulkarnaen; Regional Manager Wilayah Timur Agung Toyota, Yunus Arif Prabowo; dan Kepala Cabang Auto2000 Denpasar, Suprayogi saat Press Conference Peluncuran Toyota All New Yaris Cross, Rabu (21/6/2023). Sumber Foto : tis/bpn Menjalankan visi ramah lingkungan, All New Yaris Cross dilengkapi pilihan hybrid engine yang didampingi oleh opsi gasoline engine, di mana keduanya sama-sama berkapasitas 1.500 cc 4 silinder. Dapur pacu hybrid sanggup menghasilkan tenaga 82 kW, dilengkapi EV Mode dan transmisi CVT yang bersinergi dengan motor listrik untuk menggerakkan as roda depan dalam kolaborasi yang paling efisien tanpa mengorbankan performa. Sementara model Gasoline menggunakan engine 1.500 cc 4 silinder Dual VVT-i bertenaga 78 kW dan torsi 138 Nm. Tersedia pilihan transmisi manual 5-speed dan CVT dengan performance response memadai dan hemat bahan bakar dalam rangka menawarkan low cost of ownership tanpa mengurangi ketangguhannya dalam menemani mobilitas pelanggan. All New Yaris Cross telah mendapatkan berbagai advance safety features. Urban SUV ini dilengkapi dengan Electric Parking Brake (EPB) with Auto Brake Hold, 6-airbags, rem ABS+EBD+BA, Parking Sensor, Emergency Stop Signal, Hill Start Assist (HSA), Vehicle Stability Control (VSC), Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA), dan Blind Spot Monitor (BSM). Fitur Panoramic View Monitor juga hadir untuk memberikan bantuan visibilitas yang menyeluruh ketika berkendara. Teknologi active safety canggih Toyota Safety Sense (TSS) serta advanced convenient features T Intouch ikut melengkapi fitur All New Yaris Cross untuk memaksimalkan keamanan serta konektivitas pelanggan untuk menghadirkan peace of mind.  Antusias masyarakat Bali terhadap produk baru ini cukup tinggi. Hal ini dibuktikan, sebelum diluncurkan jumlah SPK untuk All New Yaris Cross sudah mencapai 20 unit. (tis/bpn) Read the full article
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lefemmerougewriter · 2 months
Hello, this Queen Rapunzel. As you can see from the recent explosion, I am cutting off the kingdom of Corona from the mainland. I cannot let this virus spread any further. This is for your own good. As my last act as sovereign, I am appointing Varian as my successor. I believe in him and hope that you all put your trust in him. Thank you.
Raps says goodbye and isolates Corona because a virus is spreading across the island kingdom... she basically quarantines them! [this is a scene from my most recent fic, "The Corona Blues: Cass the Space Pirate, Her Blue-Eyed Pirate Girlfriend, and Raps' Momentous Choice".]
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