#Trumpism is fascism
mbrainspaz · 1 year
Ffs some lady with a tr*mp profile pic and a banner that said “100% us patriot and Christian” and American flags up the wazoo just tried to follow my art page. Tf outta here ya batty Christian nationalist. My whole comic is about rainbow dragons fighting fascists. I don’t wanna be famous if it means people like that will like my stuff 😮‍💨. I know I’ll never be able to block them all though. Never underestimate a Christian’s ability to fail at media analysis.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Since the founding of the United States, politicians and pundits have warned that partisanship is a danger to democracy. George Washington, in his Farewell Address, worried that political parties, or factions, could "allow cunning, ambitious and unprincipled men" to rise to power and subvert democracy. More recently, many political observers are concerned that increasing political polarization on left and right makes compromise impossible, and leads to the destruction of democratic norms and institutions.
A new study, however, suggests that the main threat to our democracy may not be the hardening of political ideology, but rather the hardening of one particular political ideology. Political scientists Steven V. Miller of Clemson and Nicholas T. Davis of Texas A&M have released a working paper titled "White Outgroup Intolerance and Declining Support for American Democracy." Their study finds a correlation between white American's intolerance, and support for authoritarian rule. In other words, when intolerant white people fear democracy may benefit marginalized people, they abandon their commitment to democracy.
The World Values Survey data used is from the period 1995 to 2011 — well before Donald Trump's 2016 run for president. It suggests, though, that Trump's bigotry and his authoritarianism are not separate problems, but are intertwined. When Trump calls Mexicans "rapists," and when he praises authoritarian leaders, he is appealing to the same voters.
Miller and Davis' paper quotes alt right, neo-fascist leader Richard Spencer, who in a 2013 speech declared: "We need an ethno-state so that our people can ‘come home again’… We must give up the false dreams of equality and democracy."
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Ethnic cleansing is impossible as long as marginalized people have enough votes to stop it. But this roadblock disappears if you get rid of democracy. Spencer understands that white rule in the current era essentially requires totalitarianism. That's the logic of fascism.
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Project 2025 is why we need to get and stay organized.
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areadersquoteslibrary · 9 months
"Faith is always coveted most and needed most urgently where will is lacking; for will, as the affect of command, is the decisive sign of sovereignty and strength. In other words, the less one knows how to command, the more urgently one covets someone who commands, who commands severely—  a god, prince, class, physician, father confessor, dogma, or party conscience. From this one might perhaps gather that the two world religions, Buddhism and Christianity. may have owed their origin and above all their sudden spread to a tremendous collapse and disease of the will. And that is what actually happened: both religions encountered a situation in which the will had become diseased, giving rise to a demand that had become utterly desperate for some "thou shalt." Both religions taught fanaticism in ages in which the will had become exhausted, and thus they offered innumerable people some support, a new possibility of willing, some delight in willing. For fanaticism is the only "strength of the will" that even the weak and insecure can be brought to attain, being a sort of hypnotism of the whole system of the senses and the intellect for the benefit of an excessive nourishment (hypertrophy) of a single point of view and feeling that henceforth becomes dominant—  which the Christian calls his faith. Once a human being reaches the fundamental conviction that he must be commanded, he becomes “a believer.''"
- Friedrich Nietzsche,
'The Gay Science'
347. Believers and Their Need to Believe
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rednblacksalamander · 2 years
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dianapocalypse · 9 months
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
Trumpist fascists are disappointed with the midterm election results. They believed their own propaganda about a “red tsunami” and were mostly left high and dry when returns started to come in.
Nick Fuentes is one of the worst of the worst. His unhinged post-election rant is a reminder that we should never let our guard down.
Fuentes has been very open about his desire to see a “white uprising” in the United States that will install former President Donald Trump as a dictator, cancel all future elections, and impose Christian fascism throughout the country, allowing for women to be burned at the stake.
[ ... ]
“You gotta recognize the fact that this is a godless country,” Fuentes said. “I hate it. It’s immoral. It’s wrong. It’s heinous. It’s evil. But this is an evil country, and this country will surprise you with how evil it is. And that’s why you’ve got to get this out of your head that there is some silent majority cavalry that’s going to come out of the woods and save us at the last minute. It’s not.”
“We are in the minority,” he continued. “There are not as many of us as there are of them. If they all had to vote, if you forced every man and woman in America to vote, there would be more of them than us by a lot. That’s why they win the popular vote. That’s why they win the House. That’s why it is the way it is. And I hate to burst anybody’s bubble, but there is simply no evidence that there is a silent majority. There is no evidence of this. There are too many non-white people in the country, frankly, for that to be the case.”
“When you look at these things like abortion, it’s popular,” Fuentes added. “And you can thank the Jewish media for that. Abortion is popular, sodomy is popular, being gay is popular, being a feminist is popular, sex out of wedlock is popular, contraceptives—it’s all popular. That’s not to say it’s good. That’s not to say I like that. Popular means that people support it, which they do. It sucks, and it is what it is, but that’s why we need a dictatorship. That’s unironically why we need to get rid of all that. We need to take control of the media or take control of the government and force the people to believe what we believe or force them to play by our rules and reshape the society.”
ADVISORY: If you have a strong stomach, this is the voice of hatred himself.
Fuentes is a violent Christo-fascist who would not be uncomfortable with a Handmaid’s Tale type of society.
Such people know they are in a slowly shrinking minority and are becoming increasingly desperate about their waning influence.
They are one of the reasons we need to vote in high numbers in EVERY election and vote smart. It doesn’t matter if we are in a majority if we don’t vote like a majority.
The self-defeating food fights between progressives and moderates need to be a thing of the past. Unity and strength are necessary when the real battle is between democracy and fascism. 
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pettypendagrass · 1 year
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canchewread · 1 year
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Editor’s note: Bookish Bits is a regular literary writing column on Can’t You Read. Featuring both traditional book reviews, and expanded essays, this book blog encompasses all of my writing about the volumes in my extensive library.
Birdwatching With Liberal Antifascism: A Review of “How Fascism Works: the Politics of Us and Them” by Jason Stanley.
If you've been reading my anti-fascist analysis long enough, you'll know that I'm often quite critical of the imagined efforts of "liberal antifascists" in the Pig Empire. This is in part because foundationally, it's awfully hard to be an effective antifascist without also being an anticapitalist. It has also been my experience however that affluent liberals in positions of actual power are often far less interested in fighting fascists, than protecting their own wealth; if forced to choose between the two, they will quickly abandon all pretenses at opposing the fascist creep and side with hierarchal capitalist power to the bitter end. There is after all a reason I refer to this as our collective "Weimar America" period.
How then are we to approach an intelligent, well-read, genuinely sincere liberal antifascist? Even more perplexing, what does a reasonable observer do when this sincere liberal antifascist has produced what amounts to a fantastic birdwatching guide that allows even small children to recognize fascist politics in action, but offers up only vaguely reformist solutions that flatly will not stop the fascist creep? In short, how do we address a book like Jason Stanley's 2018 work "How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them?" In the end, I've decided that the only honest way forward is to critique what Stanley's book is, rather than focus on what it is not.
So what is it? Expressed simply, How Fascism Works is a collection and analysis of ten objectively fascist political tactics being used to seize control by contemporary far right, ultranationalist movements across the Pig Empire. A study of both rhetoric and process, the author's work isn't about fascist governments, so much as the political movements that put them in power. Although Stanley does spend some time discussing twentieth-century fascist regimes like the Nazis in Germany, or Mussolini's fascist Italy, his focus is very much in the here and now, along with the type of reactionary, eliminationist politics that empowered leaders such as Narendra Modi in India, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, and of course Donald Trump in America.
Just what are these fascist political techniques? Stanley identifies them as a call to a "mythic past," inverted reactionary "propaganda," fervent "anti-intellectualism," the enforcement of "unreality," insistence on the existence of a natural "hierarchy," imagined "victimhood," rigid enforcement of authoritarian "law and order," manipulation of "sexual anxiety," casting internal lifestyle differences in the mold of "Sodom and Gomorrah," and otherized presumptions about work ethic and productive value to society. Although each of these pillars are individually present in all types of reactionary politics across the Pig Empire; taken together, they represent clear evidence of a fascist movement in progress - which is the best time to identify fascism; since once it's no longer a fascist movement, but rather a fascist regime, it's far too late to stop it.
Within the narrow, but still relevant confines of studying fascist political practices on the path to power in a faux liberal democracy, I'd have to say How Fascism Works is a smashing success. Drawing heavily from thinkers like Eco, Adorno, and Arendt, Stanley's analysis highlights not only the practices of fascist politicians, but also why they're so effective in convincing the classic "authoritarian personality" type to surrender all autonomy, and indeed rational thought, to fascist charlatans and strongmen. In this regard, Stanley's book might more accurately be called "How Fascism Works (on bootlickers, to dismantle capitalist faux democracies)" instead. Still, for folks primarily concerned with the practical realities of identifying modern fascist movements, and unwinding their poisonous political arguments, How Fascism Works will definitely deliver the goods.
Which unfortunately brings us to the pushback against Stanley's work, and why How Fascism Works is simultaneously a valuable resource, and a dangerous diversion from effective antifascist practices. While many reactionary observers have criticized Stanley for failing to define what fascism is; I don't think that critique is accurate or in good faith. Stanley does define fascism in a purely political context; wingers simply don't like that his definition accurately describes their current political practices. The author clearly states he's not talking about the policies of established regimes, or even the ideology of fascist movements, but rather their methods of acquiring power; you can't crush a guy for failing to write the book you would have preferred to read, and I don't give two wet horse apples whether or not American fascists dislike a Yale professor calling them, well, fascists.
Perhaps more surprisingly however, How Fascism Works has also drawn criticism from some antifascists; particularly those like myself, who largely agree with Trotsky's analysis about what fascism really is, and why it is unleashed by the ruling classes in a liberal democratic society that appears more free than it is. There is literally no anticapitalist component to either Stanley's analysis, or his wholly inadequate proposed solutions; which more or less boil down to "liberal politicians need to be better true liberals and we all need to vote harder to protect our democratic institutions." The end result is in effect a wonderful book about types of nazi birds, and the modern habits of those birds, without much discussion of why the birds are there and what to do if they're trying to kill you for capitalists and hierarchal power.
Does that ultimately matter? Well, that depends on what you want a book like How Fascism Works to accomplish. In light of its widespread popularity, I would say it has been an effective part of the mainstream discourse that has finally at this late a date, allowed liberals to accurately describe the American right's current evolution as fascist; albeit, tepidly so. By that same measure, Stanley's insistence that the liberal democratic order that birthed this fascist movement is the only answer to the problem, probably hasn't helped many of those people become effective antifascists; as evidenced by the fact that Joe Biden has been president for almost two years, and American fascism is still growing politically stronger by the day.
In the final analysis, all of this makes Stanley's How Fascism Works a wonderfully written, extremely informative "birdwatching" book for liberals who'd like to be antifascists, but don't know how to spot and resist the fascist propaganda all around them. If you're looking for an accessible way to get your Dem-voting Auntie who really misses the quiet dignity of bygone liberal politicians like Bobby Kennedy, or John Lewis, onside in the war against contemporary fascism, this is probably the book you want to buy for her. If on the other hand you're looking for a deep theory discussion about why capitalist societies are always capable of turning fascist at any moment, and how we can stamp out the serpent of violent reaction forever; this book doesn't have a whole lot to offer you.
On the basis that you can't punish a book for failing to be something it never promised you in the first place, I'm going to give How Fascism Works three and a half stars. Although I acknowledge that Stanley's work here is excellent, his ideological concessions to capitalist realism make it impossible to call this great antifascist scholarship. Plus I felt obligated to dock him a half star for excessive West Wing-esque rhapsodizing about liberal democratic institutions that can't stop fascism; because they were designed by, and are controlled by, reactionary capitalists who prefer fascism to sharing.
nina illingworth
Anarcho-syndicalist writer, critic and analyst.
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“It’s ok Willie; swing heil, swing heil…”
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postmodern-marxist · 2 years
Reflections on Tolerance, Free Speech and the American Constitution
The recent emergence of anti-Semitic threats against judge Bruce Reinhart, who reviewed and signed the search warrant for Mar-a-Lago, is not even remotely surprising in the current climate of American politics. Amidst a burgeoning fascist/neo-Nazi/white supremacist/Christian nationalist movement - or to borrow the term of Sölle, a "Christofascist" movement - not merely on the fringes but at the heart of American governance, it is only to be expected that anti-Semitism be a part of this bouquet of hate, and its emergence from the woodworks of American society is yet more evidence that the apparent cosmopolitan, diverse and tolerant cultural fabric of American society of which we have historically prided ourselves has only been skin-deep, and that imminent threats to this fabric broil beneath the surface. This has, therefore, prompted another episode of reflection for me in a long and continuing line of reflections over the dire crisis of the last half-decade.
At the heart of the innumerable and constant debates surrounding how to deal with the reprehensible Christofascist current in American political society is the topic of Freedom of Speech. This Human Right, enshrined in our First Amendment, has been a cornerstone of the American experiment from the beginning. Recently, however, it has become weaponized, a most prime tool for allowing fascist rhetoric to infect American political life by ostensibly shielding it from the rebuke it deserves. Given the clear political crisis in which this has resulted, it is with great urgency that we must consider deeply the nature of what Free Speech means.
Free Speech has been at once the greatest strength and the greatest loophole of American political culture, in success as a contract with government, in failure as a contract – or, perhaps, the lack of contract – among society at large. As a strength it has upheld a contract between people and government to perpetually defend the right to criticize the powerful and to innovate new political progress. As a weakness, however, it has become used and abused as a ram with which to break down civil society, and as a bulwark behind which bigots hide from the consequences of their actions. In this capacity it is frequently claimed, incorrectly, that Free Speech prevents even private individuals from rejecting or ridiculing the ideas expressed by other private individuals. Naturally, this claim has been exercised hypocritically, as those who typically claim it readily ridicule all opposition to their bigotry, and in reality demand only that their speech go free of challenge, supposed ‘violations’ of which they have given the absurd appellation ‘Cancel Culture’.  But this hypocrisy does not alter the fact that Free Speech has been the cornerstone of this movement to claim freedom from all ridicule whatsoever. The reality, however, is that the Bill of Rights and the Freedom of Speech which it protects can only properly be understood as a defense of private individuals against repercussions from the government and other public bodies, being by definition a contract of protections between the people and their government. It has then been only misunderstood as a broader interpersonal contract, or more accurately, as a license for the free-for-all of rhetoric, respectful or otherwise, to be free not only from governmental but also social consequences. To the contrary of such claims, to be thought of and called an idiot, a fool, an uneducated ignoramus, a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, a Nazi, a supremacist, or any number of conventionally insulting terms on account of one’s speech is in truth not a violation of Free Speech, but rather the innate social consequences of behaving as one whom these terms describe. And yet, Freedom of Speech is so frequently used to defend such reprehensible conduct that is seems almost as though the right to bigotry were written into our Constitution.
It is well-known that our Constitution is notoriously vague on many points, and intentionally so, as to be adaptable to changing circumstance and re-interpretable in changing contexts. But while some would argue – with some validity – that these vagaries and intentional handicapping have prevented the Constitution from becoming a force of domination, the alarming developments of the last few years have revealed that such vagaries have also prevented the Constitution from effectively defending itself against overtly democracy-opposing threats, most of which have hidden behind the disguise of Free Speech to avoid retaliation. From the present vantage point, it certainly looks like the Constitution has failed to offer sufficient defense against those who – by evading and discrediting elections, or by using political alliances to weaken or even eliminate structures of justice by which the powerful may be held accountable – would disregard the whole Constitutional order altogether. The vagaries surrounding the right of Free Speech have now allowed this right to be turned against the Constitution itself, in the form of anti-tolerance ideologies being treated as ‘protected speech’, an absurdity of contradictions.
The mutual tolerance of ideas implicit in the right of Free Speech, being both a cornerstone of the American experiment and a base necessity for the function of civil society organized around non-authoritarian means, has in short been made defenseless by its own indefinition despite the Constitution’s reliance upon it. Tolerance by free-for-all – which is to say, tolerance hanging for its life on the hope of mutual respect from otherwise unchecked parties – has shown to offer no recourse whatsoever against those who choose to violate it. The desperate, fragile balance of tolerance on the good faith of individuals has wholesale collapsed in the face of those few who would see it die and regimes of oppression and hierarchy rise in its place. The death of tolerance in America is as much the fault of America’s apathy towards preserving tolerance as it is the fault of the fascists who would seek to destroy it.
The crux of all this is simply that we must collectively make a choice, an active choice and one which cannot merely be left to the fates as it has been in our current Constitution. The choice we must make is this: between, on the one hand, a political society which passively entertains tolerance equally alongside its enemies; or, on the other, a society concretely constructed on a foundation of tolerance as a guiding principle. The overwhelming evidence of not only the most recent years but of American sociocultural development as a whole is that the former, being the model which American has conventionally operated on, is in fact a model willing to sacrifice tolerance in its own name, and as such is susceptible to fall to the first powerful anti-tolerance movement to come its way, as is happening now, and as has indeed happened many times in corners of America throughout its history. It is the latter model, then, a direct endorsement of mutual tolerance as the guiding light of our society, which must be the better way forward in the fight against American fascism.
Tolerance is not merely a practice; it is an active political position. It is an active choice we make to support not just tolerance as a behavior, but a tolerant society, which is to say a society where all free individuals of whatever class and creed receive tolerance and respect so long as they give it out to all others in return. This final point is crucial; those who would advocate innately intolerant ideas and positions which seek as their core philosophy to deny tolerance to certain others are in violation of this contract, and as such forfeit their right to receive its benefits themselves.  The intolerant, in short, cannot be tolerated, and despite what some would claim that this constitutes hypocrisy, this is no contradiction but is in fact the strictest adherence to a coherent code of morality, a contract of tolerance between all persons which, if violated, becomes null and void for the violating party. This is what Popper observed to be the paradox of tolerance, what Zunger more recently identified as the ‘peace treaty’ of tolerance, and the truth of this fact, that tolerance of the intolerant will lead to the end of tolerance itself, is being demonstrated real-time in the politics of America today.
It is beyond imperative that America, should it wish to survive its rapid descent into disorder and fascism, must enshrine its founding principle of tolerance not merely as lip-service but as Constitutional law. I will cut to the chase: the form this must take is as an amendment distinct from and operating independently of the Freedom of Speech; or, should this fail, a fundamental reworking of the Constitutional text (which, after all, remains the composition of antiquated slave owners who cannot be reasonably thought capable of articulating our contemporary understanding of tolerance) centered around support for tolerant society and its willingness to take action to defend tolerance as a guiding social principle at its core. To combat fascism demands the legally binding affirmation that fascist ideology has no place in a society defined by tolerance, an affirmation which does not currently exist in the American Constitution. This must change if America is to be spared its descent into darkness.
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
Tshirt that says “so far my biggest regret in life is that I didn’t chuck a rotten tomato at trump in 2015,” that I can wear to work so I can glare directly into the eyes of the dumb rich teen with the trump 2024 sweatshirt until she runs to her transphobic mother and begs her to leverage their family wealth to get me fired from my menial labor job.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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sharkchunks · 2 years
Her: Whatcha wanna do today?
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Sunshine (1999, István Szabó)
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theperplexedpoet · 2 years
the warning light is blinking (no critical thinking)
yes, the warning light is blinking too frequently to ignore for there's no critical thinking in the U.S. anymore seems it fell out of fashion now so many years back people pushing with passion having no use for fact it's all about reaction not a logical track so the fascists gain traction in tomes none can redact seems it fell out of favor now many years ago thought they tasted a savior capped and caped a hero but his was not a flavor that was compatible not something to be savored was unpalatable yes, the warning light is blinking too frequently to ignore for there's no critical thinking in the U.S. anymore seems it fell out of practice now we need it revived for here the propagandist is the one who will thrive tis the way of the fascists how that mindset survives logic can counteract this but those stores are deprived yes, the warning light is blinking too frequently to ignore for there's no critical thinking in the U.S. anymore seems it fell out of fashion now so many years back people pushing with passion having no use for fact (9/25/22)
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Fascism Is On The Rise
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Small-minded individuals are attracted to fascism and it isn’t just about the shiny buttons. Although, those smart uniforms are great to hide behind. Certain right wing folks are hell bent on forcing other people to live lives just like them. It seems, that we are at a crossroads, with Trumpism in America empowering some really nasty people to jump up and down about stuff like diversity and social inclusion. They are inveterate liars denying inconvenient truths left, right and centre, but mainly left. The world is at a tipping point, where you have hard line Trumpists’ aligned with the autocratic Putin regime in Russia.  Senator Joe McCarthy would roll over in his grave at the links between Trump and Putin. What they have in common is a desire to rule via authoritarian means and to stamp on the rights of freedom and democracy. Russia has long been like this but the US has historically avoided despots and the brutality associated with them. Fascism is on the rise in Europe, America, and we have seen signs of it at the edges here in Australia during the Coronavirus pandemic.
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Authoritarian Regime’s Stamping on Diversity & Social Inclusion
What does attract people to regimes that enforce their will over the people – forcing them to conform to narrow conceptions of acceptable behaviour? Often, it is fear and insecurity, perceived threats of social unrest, which have, in the past, been contrived at by the Nazi regime in 1930’s Germany and more recently in Pinochet’s Chile at the end of the twentieth century. Trump tried the same during his term as president, as the Black Lives Matter protests erupted in America in 2020. The Proud Boys and other right wing groups were actively encouraged by Trump during his presidency. The January 6th insurrection did not just happen it was fomented by Republican party agency and the Trump presidency.
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Photo by Artūras Kokorevas on Pexels.com Fox News and other ideologically driven media outlets are continually running a narrative about the break down of traditional values and the threat to America or Australia or wherever. The message is that chaos is just around the corner and that anarchy is about to be unleashed without the strong arm tactics of conservative governments and the forces of law and order. Older people in their homes watching these networks and listening to right wing shock jocks on the radio buy into this fear inspired narrative. It is like things that go bump in the night and the crazy witch trials in Salem from yesteryear- people get immersed in irrational fears when there is really nothing to be afraid of. Human beings are very susceptible to feeling based stuff. This is why they prefer to ingest opinion based material in the press rather than dry facts about issues. Lies are pedalled by personalities like Alex Jones, outrageous lies and fabrications about things like the tragic Sandy Hook massacre being a conspiracy enacted by the government. Many people would rather feed on gossip and hearsay than acknowledge the truth.
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Photo by Harrison Haines on Pexels.com Right wing politicians are manipulating this for their own benefit in getting elected. It is a disgraceful state of affairs which can only end badly for America.
Fascism in Europe in Response to Putin’s Threat
In Europe, the fear of Putin and nuclear bombs are helping the right get elected to power. It is an ironic situation that might attracts more might and compounds the problems. However, who can blame those denizens of nations abutting Russia, as they watch the missiles rain down on the Ukrainians. Despots, dictators, and demons dressed up in suits and uniforms parading all that is worst within Homo sapiens. After two years of a global pandemic, where 5 million people died from the virus, we are treated to a war. We can watch masses of military hardware go bang, bang and billions of dollars are wasted on munitions going up in violent smoke. Innocent people are murdered in their homes and on the streets of Ukrainian cities and towns. The foolishness and stupidity of people like Putin make me sick to my stomach in disgust. Meanwhile, western corporations inflate the cost of everything they can to reap record profits after the pandemic. Investors and CEOs see the current economic climate as one in which they can enjoy at the expense of ordinary citizens struggling to make ends meet. There is no social responsibility admitted by these multinationals, as they continue to avoid paying their share of taxation by shifting profits to tax free zones around the globe. This is the world we live in, where there is limited moral responsibility evinced by these corporate entities and national governments have their revenue streams gutted by armies of accountants employed by the multinationals. Who will pay for the public health professionals like doctors and nurses? Not Microsoft or Google, as they pay so little tax in Australia on the large revenue generated here through creative accounting, which is, of course, entirely within the law.
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Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com Tough times will provoke anxiety, fear, anger, and violence. This will feed the fascist fear mongering even more. The right wing narratives will loudly proclaim that the breakdown of the social fabric is caused by those deviants on the left, all those LGBTQI+ folk who refuse to toe the line and fit in with the norm. They rang the warning bells about all those non-binary trannie athletes invading women’s sport. Then, it was the masses of kiddies being coerced into changing gender. Of course, who can forget the rights of religious bigots to persecute and discriminate against these same deviants. The fact that leaders of these bigoted religious organisations wanted to freely lead prominent sporting organisations that were declared to be socially inclusive and committed to respecting diversity within the community and were outraged if they couldn’t. yes, the signs were clearly present in Australia. Fascism is on the rise and we all will have to be vigilant to meet the challenge ahead. ©House Therapy Read the full article
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rednblacksalamander · 2 years
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