missblissylondion · 1 year
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Truemyracle, also known as Myra Torres, is a rising star in the world of bodybuilding and fitness. With her impressive physique and dedication to her craft, she has become an inspiration to many and has broken barriers in a traditionally male-dominated sport.
Myra grew up in a small town in New Jersey and was always interested in fitness. She started playing sports in high school and continued her athletic pursuits in college. After earning her degree in Exercise Science, she began working as a personal trainer and competing in fitness competitions.
Myra quickly gained attention in the bodybuilding community for her impressive physique and dedication to her craft. She started competing in NPC shows, where she quickly made a name for herself as a top contender. She placed in the top five in her first show and continued to climb the ranks with each competition.
But Myra's journey has not been without its challenges. As a woman of color in a sport dominated by white men, she has faced discrimination and obstacles that many of her peers have not. She has spoken openly about the importance of diversity and representation in bodybuilding and fitness, and has become an advocate for breaking down barriers in the sport.
Despite these challenges, Myra has continued to rise to the top of her field. She has won numerous competitions, including the IFBB Pro League New York Pro, and has become a sought-after fitness model and social media influencer. She has used her platform to inspire others to pursue their own fitness goals and to advocate for greater diversity and inclusivity in the sport.
Myra's success is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. She has broken barriers and shattered stereotypes, showing that women of color can excel in bodybuilding and fitness. As she continues to inspire others and pave the way for future generations of female athletes, there is no doubt that Truemyracle will continue to make her mark on the world of fitness.
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blaqsbi · 9 months
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Post: ‘What You Need To Know:’ Hunter Biden Indicted, Trans Athletes, & More! https://www.blaqsbi.com/5mWZ
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stayskrunchyinmilk · 1 year
Stays Krunchy in Milk Episode 473: Don’t Sell Those Magic Cards
Our old school pizza shop is being replaced. The state of Ohio, and one of your hosts (I’ll let you guess which one) believes Trans student athletes shouldn’t be allowed to compete, 3/4ths of this operation and 2/3rds of those present on this episode, disagree and know that’s some bullshit. Ant wonder about time travel, which leads to us discussing Michael Jackson which leads to us chatting about black athletes being held to a different standard than white, which then has us considering if the height of hoops in women’s basketball shouldn’t be adjusted and then back around to time travel. Box catches us up on life and we look into how to spend your HAS money as they aren’t letting it carry over this year. We review Black Panther Wakanda Forever and the entirety of Phase 4 of the MCU. Tee catches you up on adventures in fatherhood before we head on over to Reddit for some AITA. We wrap it up with our entertainment choices for the week including games, movies, sports, and books. It’s a delightful episode and we’re certain you will love it.
Team SKiM
Alternative Title – Pipin’ Hot
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#Cleveland #Ohio #Podkast #LiveFromThe216 #Fiend #TalkItLikeIBringIt #RIPVincenzas #Geracis #TerryFrancona #Pizza #StudentAthletes #TransAthletes #OhioLawmakersAreTrash #TimeTravel #MichaelJackson #WNBA #Vollyball #HSA #BlackPanther #WakandaForever #MCU #Phase4 #Fatherhood #Reddit #AITA #Buzzfeed #Entertainment #TheBigBrunch #VampireSurvivors #SnackVSChef #AbbottElementary #WeirdAl #StephenKing #FairyTale #ListenerFeedback
Pizza slices return
Trans student athletes treated like shit in Ohio
Where is my food?
AITA For Ruining Thanksgiving: UPDATE
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Posting UnderTheDesk covering the updated story because that's who I got the original story from.
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brainpal-gachapon · 2 months
Could I get a protector/caretaker alter? Other system roles can be added too. Thanks.
Took some inspo from Gilda from mlp:FIM for it :D! Hopefully thats alright!
Name: Jynx, Leo, Elma, Rebel, Akiva, Billie, Gwilym, Gilda
Age: chrono28 (partly id's with it), infinage, biage
Prns: it/they, thunder/thunders, fire/fires, feather/feathers, mean/means, meat/meats, fly/flys, cloud/clouds
Gender: Plumegender, firegender, genderfuck
Source: n/a
TransIDs: transage, transafab, transhost, transrussian (plus wishes to speak Russian), transcannibal, transathlete, transbatwings (feels their wings should be bat wings instead of feathered), transnpd, transequestriaist
Roles: protector, caretaker, bitch, anger holder, avenger
Species: griffin
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i-noctiflora · 2 years
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Finally found this photo of @lady-feral and I on our custom Harleys. Hers is Battle Cat, and mine is the Hooligan Flat Track race bike #TransRightsAreHumanRights
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damebsblog · 6 days
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#tomboy #lesbian #binder #binders #chestbinder #transathlete #womenssports #gender #transdebate #wdyt
#pride #lgbt #lgbtq #yasclean #findyourcore #transvisibilityday #blowthisup #soproudofher #bi #ftm
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papirouge · 1 month
Is trans ideology popular in your country? Ive heard there's been a backlash in the UK so now i'm curious about France... My country is unfortunately the type of country that follows whatever trend the USA is doing whether it's bad or good so the ideology did make its way into our schools, universities, politics and so on. But I feel the average person here is much less tolerant of it than the average american, like pretty much everyone believes it's a pretty radical ideology and very few people take the whole nonbinary stuff or neopronouns seriously.
Some serious stuff here has been passed like kids can now transition when they turn 14 (hormone treatment inc puberty blockers and surgery), you can also change your legal sex at that age too no transition of any kind neeeded for that, you just need to request the legal change in your papers from male to female or viceversa. Some dude even got to change his ID to mark X where his sex is supposed to be since he identifies as nonbinary (he's a bio male though).
Like i'm glad to be able to freely express my opinion with others since being critical of trans ideology is quite popular actually, but there are so many laws being changed since people still are very "to each their own". They just care if their own kids get sucked into the ideology but couldn't care less if others do, then they're like "as long as its not hurting anybody". So people tend to act apathetic about the way this agenda is slowly making its way into society since it isn't directly affecting them... Until it does. Then it's just too late.
France is still very TERFy lol
When abortion access got passed in the Constitution, french tra seethed about the fact that the bill didn't even include trans men or "people with uterus" (whatever this is) lol. When female members of the parliament celebrated the bill, they dressed in the "radfem colors" (violet white and green) 👀
I think trans ideology will have an extremely hard time invading romance countries because we have an extremely gendered culture. Even our languages are extremely gendered and gender neutral (singular) pronouns are nonexistent (the only attempt I've seen are those mixing the female and male singular pronouns in a single one, but it still puts genderless people in the female/male pronouns box). We don't have the equivalent of "it" or "they" in french. Everything has a gender, even objects or concepts.
Romance countries also have a very deep love for romance (duh), sex/sensuality and the human body. This comes from the Greek civilization they're the offsprings of ofc, but Catholicism plays a big part too. Catholics love some naked people. They couldn't help pulling out countless paintings of Jesus on the cross almost naked SMH lol. The chapel Sixtine is full of naked bodies too....
That's why in the psyche of those countries, trans bodies are unholy atrocities destroying God's work. Trans people won't be accepted like that out there.... And when they do, they have to be impeccably passing. I always found troubling how french people dissed the first lady (who's trans) on her looks, almost more than the fact he sexed the current president when he was still a 14 y.o boy.... Sometimes tells me if s/he was more passing people wouldn't be that mad, and I lowkey hate it....
Sometimes I feel privileged for being able to have critical thoughts about the trans ideology publicly because I know that women lost their jobs for that. One time I was talking to my colleague about a transathletes and we both agreed how men had some damn nerves and no shame for invading female sports like that. Like- it wasn't even a debate for any of us that those trans women were men and we both seethed against male audacity during the whole discussion lol Most women in France are crypto terf yall lol
But the pushing for trans ideology is definitely getting stronger. It's now possible to change your legal sex (but you have to be an adult I think). Not sure about whether minor can access hormones though.
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Soo they have created an open category so all transathletes can still compete because thats better than not being able to compete at all
Seems like a better solution than allowing them to compete in the female category
I seeeeeee. Idk if that’s okay either? What sorts of info do they usually collect about people’s bodies (other than no use of steroids ) in these competitions? Like having to show that you are trans seems kind of weird. And does it create an issue with bodily ability between trans men and trans women?
I feel like we’ve shifted the problem to a whole new category? Or am I missing something?
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I don't know if anyone has heard, but there's a rumor going around through Twitter calling for a "Trans Day of Vengeance" scheduled for this weekend in D.C. There is indeed a protest from the trans activist group TRAN, but they did not create or support the poster that's being passed around on Twitter. There are no nation-wide calls from the trans community, especially in the wake of the recent shooting, to commit violence or terrorism. If someone you know tries to tell you all about the supposed day of "trans terrorism" direct them to the TRAN website. The poster from Twitter and its message of violence and terrorism from the trans community is false and it's propaganda. We shouldn't expect anything less in our current anti-trans political climate. Fox News, naturally, is still reporting the protest as the "Trans Day of Vengeance" without fact checking. The best way to determine that none of that is true is that 1) it's coming the week after a great tragedy when this likely was organized weeks ago before the event, 2) the Twitter poster came out the week before April Fool's Day, and 3) it was reposted by Marjorie Taylor Greene without any fact checking. If you're joining any peaceful protests this weekend or in the future, please be safe.
Transgender and Non-Binary Organizations you can help:
Family Equality (I know the name sounds conservative, but it really isn't)
We Are APTN (an organization devoted to defending and supporting Asia Pacific trans and gender diverse individuals)
National Center for Transgender Equality
GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation)
Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund
Sylvia Rivera Law Project
Black Trans Advocacy Coalition
TransLatina Coalition
Gender Spectrum
Trans Youth Equality Foundation
SPARTA (transgender military advocacy organization)
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lady-feral · 3 years
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With the picture on the left I’ll hear things like “trans women are so beautiful,” “you have every right to be who you are,” “you were definitely meant to be a woman,” and “you are a woman now, why even say you are transgender.” The picture on the right is a different story. Y’all will say things like “not fair, born a man and still a man,” “I’m all for you being yourself but you shouldn’t be competing against women,” “why don’t you start a league for transgenders,” and “just stick to wearing lingerie and leave the sports to the real women.” Those are all actual replies I’ve received. Whats even more insane is most men who want to comment and speak up about trans women in sports don’t even watch or follow women’s sports! People just want to interject their opinion and bias into things they think need their opinion. Rather than trying to isolate and exclude trans individuals from society, focus on your life. Would you want to be excluded or deemed unworthy because of who you are? Stop judging people based on their race, gender, sexuality, gender identity, religion, nationality, etc...live and let live already, damn! ——————————————————— I’ve said this over and over...the fears and stigmas around trans athletes are false! The Olympics have had a policy in place since 2004 allowing trans athletes to compete, name a single trans Olympian...I’ll wait.... ——————————————————— The few trans athletes who have had success, have done so because of the hard work and training they put into their sport, period! If it was an unfair, biological advantage, all the other trans athletes who compete would be winning as well. ——————————————————— My existence should not be on the DL, for you to fetishize, or limited to “trans only” leagues, groups, or events. Stop trying to “other” me. I’m here, I’m going to pursue my dreams, and live my life...that is not going to change based on your unsolicited opinions! #facts #transisbeautiful #transathlete #notashamed #unbothered #determined #focused #liveandletlive #athlete #lingerie #model #activist #proud https://www.instagram.com/p/CAqLqGmgJm9/?igshid=1og6wslkjavkd
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supercodi · 3 years
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Reposting from @domwolf87 to show you what can happen if you don’t quit 👏💪 - There are a few years between these photos so this isn’t an overnight transformation. This is a realistic view of what can be achieved with consistency and hard work. - Shane hasn’t always been the most consistent 😝 but he really picked it up and it shows. Not only is he consistent with his workouts but he is consistent with his intensity in the gym. He is probably the only one I have to consistently tell to take things down a notch 😂 - Perseverance + consistency with workouts and effort is key 🔑 - Proud of you Shane can’t wait to keep seeing your progress! 👏 ・・・ Posing practice Monday (6/14) post upper workout. Scroll all the way to see when i first started training with Cody pre top surgery. Less than 15lbs difference but body composition so drastically different its crazy! Thanks @mrcoachcody! #trainhard #teamcoachcody #transathlete #transbeast #transpride #transman #transvisibility #trans #transgender #ftmfitness #ftm #ftmmuscle #ftmfit #ftmtransgender #ftmtransition #transformation #topsurgeryftm #topsurgery #topsurgerypostop #fitness #fitfam #fit #flexfriday #bodybuilding https://www.instagram.com/p/CQRgzgAMGZS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Taylor Narvasa
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color-me-human · 4 years
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WOOOHOOO!!! gatta love achievements! Lol. Honestly if it wasn't for all the running app achievements out there I would probably have been so bored this year. I LOVE achievements, no matter if it's a video game, a real life certification, or an achievement on a running app. I am ALL about achievements. I am simply not competitive with other people but I am HIGHLY competitive with myself. Achievements may be silly but they make me feel like I have beaten my old self and that the bar is even higher. I'm honestly not sure how to explain it 😂 I'm probably just weirder than I thought. . . . . #plantbasedrunner #longrunday #sundayfunday #internationaldayofthegirl #trandgirlsaregirls #transathlete #veganathlete #transrunner #runnersofinstagram #supportfemaleathletes #nikerunclubapp @nike @nikewomen #achievementunlocked #achievementjunkie #athlete #justdoit #keepgoing #rainyday https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNbI56DKfH/?igshid=1czm4k16hsg3z
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teamtrans-icehockey · 3 years
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Another commission! This sweet original is from the very talented @jaythom95 !!! Here’s hoping that it won’t be too much longer before we can bend some more twigs like this with our trans siblings, back on the irl ice! . #🏳️‍⚧️🏒 #🏳️‍🌈🏒 #🏳️‍⚧️🦄🏒 #🏳️‍🌈🦄🏒 #lgbtqicehockey #transathlete #transathletesbelonginsport #transrightsarehumanrights #transrights #transartist https://www.instagram.com/p/CKs9ggkDqVa/?igshid=ljvjhdvpm9zl
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