resilientwhispers · 10 months
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Within a narcissistic mother-daughter relationship, lovebombing takes on a deceptive form. It involves the abuser showering excessive praises, bestowing gifts, and feigning affection, all with a hidden agenda to gain control and exploit. Let's expose this manipulative tactic, support one another, and break free from its grip. Together, we reclaim our worth and cultivate authentic connections based on genuine love, respect, and honesty. Remember, you deserve authentic love and nurturing relationships.
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leahrecor · 4 years
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There are always those behind-the-scenes conditions. Aren’t there? . . We put perfection on public display. When asked how we are, we say “good, great, well.” But we are facing struggles people will never know. . . I’m guilty of this too. I teach what I too am practicing. I am an ever growing soul, doing my best. . . I’ve had some massive struggles. My most recent has been the internal struggle I face trusting the Universe will provide. Trusting things will always work out. I’ve been feeling home insecure for quite a long time. Living in Denver about half the time has meant still having a full time apartment there. And it has maxed out my lowly single mom budget. . . I’ve wondered for months if everything is going to work out. And then a friend offered for my kids and I to live with them. It wasn’t the first time she offered. It wasn’t even the second time. . . Do you know why she has had to offer so many times? Because of my judgements about myself as a mother and provider. . . 👉🏻Here goes the inner dialogues, brace yourself: . What kind of mother am I if I can’t provide a home on my own? . What kind of friend am I to be such a burden? . This isn’t the way I wanted it to work out, should I wait? . How long will it be before my kids and I are too much and over stay our welcome? . . 👉🏻And the deeper talks I don’t face even in my mind: . I’m not worthy of this gift. . Things don’t work out. . I am broken. . Life is hard. . . You see, the Universe is opening a path. And I’m getting in my own way with the damage and conditions of my mindset. . . Now, with all of my in person events cancelled this month #moneyproblems a new awareness of the need for what I do #anxietysupport , and facing my negativity #toxicfamilypatterns . . I can: . ✨Let go of my perception of control . ✨Label and validate the emotions and thoughts that I’m having . ✨Intentionally carve new neural pathways of worthiness and freedom . ✨Accept the the gifts that are ALWAYS available to me if I get out of my own way. . . Sending you light, love and abundance... now more than ever! . . Canceled in person events are now available online. Links are in my bio!! (at Cedar Rapids, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9usWn8nsjp/?igshid=1osg95vbax1sd
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resilientwhispers · 11 months
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Navigating the Constant Need for Attention from a Narcissistic Mother
In the suffocating grasp of a narcissistic mother's constant need for attention, we strive to find our own worth and reclaim our identity. Let's shed light on this challenging journey, share our stories, and support one another in breaking free from the toxic cycle. Together, we can find healing and embrace a life where our own needs and dreams take center stage.
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