#This is how he avoids all the fangirls and reporters XD
phoenixcatch7 · 9 months
Cap should be allowed to teleport to the rock with his transformation lightning. I mean that's where it's coming from, after all.
He would use it to get out of so many situations XD.
Batman: captain, do you have a minute to stay after this meeting?
Billy, going to be late for school if he doesn't hup to: um haha sorry the wizard wants me back at the rock I'm already pushing it hahaSHAXAM
The wizard, looking up from his orb: *raises an eyebrow*
Cap, transforming back with more lightning and rushing for his bag: I'm sorry I'm sorry Mrs Ermine is going to KILL me if I'm late again this week!
The wizard, to his rapidly retreating back: this is the seventh time this month you've used me as an excuse.
Billy, halfway down the hall of sins, voice echoing: I said I'm sorrrryyyyyyy!!
Batman, left all the way on the watchtower: :|
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shooting-the-walls · 5 years
OKAY SO I watched abominable bride for the first time in while. These are the notes I made throughout it
• The whole montage
• ThE thEME tUNe
• Benedict's posher accent
• The way John says "Holmes": synonymous with "watch it bitch"
• "...abandoned you for an unsavoury companion of dubious morals": SHERLOCK SWEETIE NO
• Lestrade needing a fucking drink is such a mood
• Parts of it sound so scripted (e.g the scene in the morgue with Holmes and Watson's first meeting): evidence early on of it being in his mind palace? Sherlock knows it has to go in a certain way, not quite sure how to go about creating such a vivid image? Gets more natural as the episode goes on
• The way Sherlock stops playing the violin so abruptly when John and Mary are arguing: HE'S SUCH A SWEETIE JESUS CHRIST I CAN'T TAKE IT
• "Needs must where the devil drives, Watson"
• "Votes for Women!" "For or against?" "GET OUT." SUCH A QUEEEEEEEN
• "What friend?" "ENGLAND." "....Well that's not very specific" XD
• "Stranger things have happened." "*sigh* Such as?" ".....stranger.... things..?"
• Molly Hooper getting ahead in life YES
• Sherlock being so unaware of how he acts
• *clicks* "COULD IT BE TWINS" (p1)
• "A secret twin?" (p2)
• "IT's nEvER tWiNS"
• "Now that's daddy's gone": OI OI SHERLOCK YOU KINKY LITTLE SHIT
• Sherlock panic-cramming about the Obliquity of the Ecliptic because he wants to impress Mycroft is such a mood
• "Didn't Doctor Watson move out a few months ago"......"That chair is definitely empty" "*sadness* It is isn't it?": SHERLOCK WHYYYYYYY HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT
• "I shall have a word with my wife to have a word with you": why do I get a feeling that Mary will just high five the servant girl like "Yas queen"
• "We are on our way to see someone cleverer than you" "Shut up"
• "I am glad you liked my potato" XD
• "Sorry wot" *thumbs up*
• Pretty sure this is what Sherlock wants to be able to do with Mycroft in real life: so much banter but he's still such a bitch XD
• *on the enemies": "socialists?" "Anarchists?" "The French?" "Suffragists?" "The Scots?" "Ooo, sounds Serbian"
• Mycroft: "Are there any large body of people you aren't concerned about?"
Watson: NEVER
• I swear to God Watson is all of Holmes' self control XD
• I would have hated being a woman in 1895: imagine wearing a full fucking dress at breakfast!?!?!?!?!?
• I mean talk about low budget creepy horror movie vibes with Lady Carmichael's narrative lol
• Pretty sure the Bride when she's moving is an old Weeping Angel prop from Doctor Who XD
• "Should probably-" "DEFINITELY" "Definitely avoid that"
• Mary being a double agent for Mycroft
• The comments on the train about Watson convincing the world: SHERLOCK WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT YOUR SELF ESTEEM
• "There are no ghosts in this world: save the one we make for ourselves"
• I'm sorry but Sherlock stop giving shade to the man whose life you were supposed to be saving XD
• "Have patience, Watson": HAH SAYS YOU SHERLOCK
• Sherlock basically saying "dude you're the one who knows about girls I'm gay as fuck"
• HANG ON the fact that he uses the modern picture of Irene Adler???? Sherlock your mind palace is starting to slip again.
• "You waited until I was asleep and looked at it" ".....I did" WATSON YOU LITTLE SNEAK
• "Under no competition whatsoever": OH SHERL YOUR SELF ESTEEM DUDE
• I love Sherlock's two sides represented by Holmes and Watson arguing with each other. Like it's the perfect representation of the conflict Sherlock must go through with his emotions
• Lady Carmichael totally represents Sherlock's guilt. Nobody can convince me otherwise. "You promised to keep him safe, you promised...." why can I see him saying that to himself after everything that happened with Mary? Like he promised himself that he'd keep John safe, and that's why he jumped and ran off for two years, and then he completely overlooks the fact John's wife was an assassin and then she shot him and everything and Sherlock felt guilty
• And he blames HIMSELF (note how Holmes and Watson represent Sherlock's two sides) for Sir Eustace's death: could Sir Eustace represent someone else?? Another murder or situation perhaps??
• OMG MORIARTY'S NOOOOOOOOTE: Sherlock is so shooketh when he sees that
• AND it's after that that the cracks start to appear. Modern phrases, the "hhhhhow", reminded himself of the list: he managed to shake himself up so much with just the MEMORY of Moriarty that he begins to lose his already tenuous grip on the reality he's created for himself
• "Pure reason topped by sheer melodrama, your life in a nutshell": SO TRUE
• "I haven't finished yet": SHERLOCK WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
• With the reporters: "why do you make them tea?" "I don't know. I just sort of do": LINK to 'The Sign of Three' and the morning tea
• "....The devil. I wouldn't be surprised, we get all sorts round here"
• The dressing gown comment XD
• Andrew Scott is such a fucking queen and he makes such a creepy Moriarty and I FUCKING LOVE IT
• I love how creepy Moriarty is in Sherlock's mind palace. Like this is Sherlock's true perception of Moriarty as an enemy
• "We don't needs toys to kill each other where's the intimacy in that" OI OI BOYS
• Can we just talk about how beautifully the transitions are? Like how they show the turbulence and Sherlock's own mind trying to drag him out of his mind palace but Sherlock stubbornly holds on because he needs to know
• THE CRAAAAAaaaater talk about the CGI
• "It's not the fall that kills you Sherlock. It's not the fall, never the fall. It's the landing!"
• The fact that Mycroft knows immediately what's going on: it's so sad but it's so poignant that he's clearly been through this before
• "Did you make a list?"
• And the fact he tries to avoid it but he knows he can't: JOHN'S FACE WHEN HE READS THE LIST. What was on that thing???
• REQUEST FOR SEASON 5: what the fuck was "that day"? The fact there's a whole agreement?? I WANNA KNOW
• "I'm not an addict, I'm a user. I allievate boredom and occasionally heighten my thought processes"
• SHERLOCK AND MYCROFT ARE SO SARCY WITH EACH OTHER: "listen to me" "nope. It only encourages you"
• "I should have realised. "Realised what?" "That for you solitary confinement is locking you up with your own worst enemy" JESUS THE FEELS
• The fact he reminds himself in his mind palace that he's an addict. Literally two minutes ago he was saying he wasn't an addict. SUCH LIIIIIEEEEEEES
• And he tells himself off so much and I love him but he just needs such a hug
• "For Mary always. Never that": the fact he's so willing to do anything for Mary just because John loves her, regardless of what Sherlock feels towards her. IF THAT ISN'T TRUE LOVE I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS
• "You're Sherlock Holmes wear the damn hat"
• "Sherlock, tell me where my bloody wife is you pompous prick or I'll punch your lights out!": AGAIN showing the fragility of his mind palace
• "No not him, the clever one": AWWW HE REALLY DOES LOVE MYC
• "I was talking to Mary": NO YOU WEREN'T WATSON SHUT UP
• "Die to prove a point?": *ahem* Moriarty *ahem*
• I feel so sorry for all of the women and how they've been marginalised
• I mean I love what these women are doing but c'mon, killing them? Really? I totally agree cos they're bloody brutes but you could've tried not to break the law
• Moriarty once again reminding him (in a dress this time) that it's in his heaaaaaad
• "Speaking as a criminal mastermind we don't really have gongs"
• I have a feeling that despite being completely under, Sherlock refused to let anyone but John touch him which was why John was checking him out despite the GMC discouraging doctors treating their friends/family
• He's talking so fast he's definitely still high
• "NO everyone always lets you do whatever you want, that's how you got in this state" damn that got hella real hella quick
• "He's right, you know." "So what if he's right, he's always right!" SHERLOCK YOUR LOVE FOR JOHN IS SHOWING
• *Mycroft standing with a torch watching them work hard" "I'm HELPING"
• The look Mycroft and Lestrade share: like "wtf have we gotten ourselves into" MYSTRADE
• "Still not awake, am I?" HE KNOWS YOU SEE
• We're at reichenbach: Sherlock's worst nightmare basically
• Moriarty even describes himself as a "virus" in a hard drive: Sherlock right there is admitting that Moriarty IS his weakness, that Moriarty stops him from being able to function at full capacity
• And then the fight: the fact Sherlock is losing so miserably
• "At the end it's always just you and me"
• "Pretty damn smart" AWWWW SHERL
• "Ugh why don't you two just elope already": I'm sorry but Moriarty is basically the fandom here XD
• "Actually, would you mind" "not at all" *dies from fangirl*
• "It was my turn": John just wanted to push Moriarty off of something XD
• John watching Sherlock jump off: "DO A FLIP!"
• "You probably just ODed?" "NO TIME"
• "Look after him... please?": You see, Mycroft KNOWS. Up until 4-5 years ago, that was Mycroft's job, and you can just tell that he's not used to not being there. He's been caring for Sherlock for all of those years and he pretends to be so distant ("The Ice Man") but Sherlock is his weakness. Sherlock will always be his weakness. He obviously loves him (BROTHERLY WAY) so much and it HURTS how Sherlock just brushes him off
• The last little bit in Victorian London: still Sherlock's mind palace and coming down off the drugs still?? The fact that it's modern London outside of the window suggests that he's still in the mind palace where some of the hallucination (?) he'd been having is still lingering.
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loopy777 · 5 years
Do you think Webby x Lena could described as a less Dark version of Aang x Mai from Traitor's Face?
Yo, just realised i probably worded a previous question kinda badly. when i described Webby x lena as a less dark version Of mai x aang from Traitors face, i meant in regards to the difference in how bloody consequenses of the fallout of mais actions being revealed in comparison to Lenas, not the couple itself. Sorry about that.
Ah! That clarifies it. I was going to say, “If by ‘darker’ you mean more politically complicated…” XD
(For those who aren’t into the new Ducktales, SPOILERS- Lena is a shadow given life by the evil sorceress Magica DeSpell to pretend to be a friend to the main cast and infiltrate Scrooge McDuck’s life as part of a revenge scheme. Webby is the little duck who directly befriends Lena and completely fangirls over her. Some (lots?) of fans see their relationship as romantic or potentially romantic.)
(And for those who haven’t read Traitor’s Face, the premise is that it’s an AU where Mai is the one leaning over Aang when he awakens from his hundred year-sleep, and she hatches a plan to befriend him so that she can deliver him to Zuko to help fulfill the terms of the banishment.)
But yes, as far as the consequences go, MaiAang in Traitor’s Face does go darker in that Mai has a lot more consequences to deal with. And I think it’s justified, not just by Ducktales being a cartoon for kids and Traitor’s Face being a novel appropriate for Teens & Up, but based on the differences between Mai and Lena as characters. Of course, they have a lot of similarities, including both a Tool Cool For School attitude as cover for vulnerable hearts, as well as abusive parents who used them as tools.
The major difference between them, though, and the thing that I think mandates more consequences for Mai than Lena needs to deal with, is that Mai’s betrayal in TF is all her choice. Yes, she was conditioned by the Fire Nation, but her Infiltrate The Good Guys plan is entirely her idea and choice. (Well, Azula helps refine it and orders Mai to befriend the Avatar. But Mai was definitely thinking along the lines of putting Aang in a place where Zuko could catch him.) The Fire Nation would have had Aang captive anyway, but Mai chooses to report Aang’s awakening to Azula with the specific intention of helping Zuko to Capture The Avatar To Restore His Honor. Mai feels she is being altruistic, but only to one very specific person, and she doesn’t care that she would be hurting everyone else. In fact, she even considers it likely that she herself would need to inflict violence on Aang and Sokka, and attempts to psych herself up for that.
So while Mai does the same thing as Lena – betray her friends in service to a dark abusive master and then regret it afterward due to the power of friendship – she has to do more work to be forgiven. And I purposefully avoided using the phrase “earn forgiveness” there, as I think that implies there’s an objective threshold that could be reached by a quantity of good acts. Mai’s work for forgiveness is more about character dynamics (or so I intended), in that she is forgiven by the various characters in different times and circumstances. It’s easier for Katara than it is for Aang, and it’s easier for Aang than it is for Sokka.
Lena, on the other hand, could very well be considered to not have a choice.
And that’s what most intrigued me by the idea for Traitor’s Face. The need to work for forgiveness, and Mai’s feelings about that, are such rich dramatic material for me that I had to write the whole thing. The rest – the spirit stuff and the plot twists and all the weirdness – are just how I keep myself from falling asleep in between the Betrayal/Forgiveness stuff. ;)
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shoushatohaisha · 6 years
review: hajimari no kyojin (osaka 6/1)
so. hello. i usually write up my butai thoughts as, um, 100+ tweet threads in the immediate wake of whatever i just saw, but this time around i thought i'd work them out into a proper report, of a sort. if you, too, have seen this show already and want to talk about it... please. any time. always.
about reviewing: this is my very favorite 2.5D franchise, ever. but this is also a review, not a cheerleading exercise, so not every single thing i have to say is unrelentingly positive. having said that, i respect kinoshita, wada, suga-zachou, and the staff at large more than just about any creative team in this corner of japanese theater fandom so like. i'm not here to drag, lol.
about spoilers: i talk about the plot elements covered but try to avoid spoiling any of the fun production surprises. :) happy to do a more spoilery play-by-play later if folks are curious.
about length: i just checked and it's 2400 words im so sorry.
without further ado...
first of all, i admit that based on the preview clips i doubted, and i was swiftly taken to task for doubting. IM SORRY WORRY-SAN i trust u implicitly and i should have known better. after the major changes in shinka no natsu, i was concerned that bringing back the revolving stage and the original opening theme would feel stale/regressive. it did not. while they did bring back the revolving element they also extended the stage backward and added a second level behind a full stage height projection screen – the second level was used to do some neat staging for flashbacks/parallels and the screen was used to, how shall we say this, up their projection game in a major way, which i frankly did not think was possible. i will not spoil the details but it was pretty great, on a purely technical level.
i also realized that a lot of the repetition – opening with the bike scene, bringing back the original opening credits music, the staging, etc – is the "look back" over the last couple years that i'd expected to come this fall. they are very obviously already preparing for the end – you could think of this as part one of their last show, with the fall as part two. the show opens with a restaging of sixth grader hinata seeing the little giant on tv for the first time – then the current karasuno team take the place of the tv and hinata joins them for a team jog. "karasuno, fight!" "oh!" "fight!" "oh!" only then each character calls out their signature line from the show so far. "uchi no renchuu wa chanto tsuyoi" / "mou tobenai karasu nante yobasenai" / "murabito b mo tatakaemasu!"
and haha. let me tell you. BOY, DID I FEEL THINGS. a lot of things. i think yachi got me the worst but they were all real bad. (i have so many feelings about yachi's story and what a beautiful job saitou ami did with her character on stage. god. ;_;)
the theme of this play was the role of captain – what makes a good captain, what a captain does for the team, and how to step into those shoes when the captain is gone. the johzenji match is fun, but here, in a sense, it exists more or less to set up the wakutani match – (re)establishing daichi's importance so that his absence feels like the gut punch it is. and fully settling the weight of that responsibility on ennoshita's shoulders, as both daichi's substitute on the court and the captain-in-waiting.
with that in mind, the rival schools: imo it wasn't strictly necessary to cast full teams for each school – each match got its own dedicated act, and unlike, for example, nekoma/datekou in karasuno fukkatsu (which had a similar story structure), there aren't really any individual characters on these rival schools who have a role as such other than terushima and takeru. (you know, the captains. see above. XD) so in theory one could get this done with, like, one actor for each captain and then an ensemble cast playing the rest of the team across both matches. HOWEVER, having all those bodies allows them to do super cool stuff visually, and why force yourself to create the illusion of a full team if you don't have to? i.e., /i/ sure am not complaining, isn't it nice to have $$$ to achieve the max vision of your choreographer. XD
i also have no doubt that the kids playing these other characters are doing whatever they can to create a character within the ensemble, and i suspect there's plenty for repeat viewers to pick up on, esp during say the johzenji match (see below). however for the first time viewer following the main flow of the story it's more or less a very large ensemble cast.
the johzenji chaos was well expressed, haha, there was so damn much going on all the time that i hardly knew where to look. (i've also seen opinions on j-twitter that that diluted the impact and i can see that too – it worked for me as a "funny" match that didn't cross the line into comic relief, but ymmv.) i thought the final scene with misaki would pack more of a punch, but i fully expect them to cry at daisenshuuraku so that might fill in the last 10% that's missing rn.
wakutani are another Good Dance Team. one did get a sense, stylistically, of fukurodani- and nekoma-lite with johzenji and wakunan, respectively – i assume that was intentional. mirroring the cats vs owls match, as it were. yanagihara rin's takeru was like… scary?? i had to rewatch those episodes this weekend to see if i'd just forgotten something, but no, stage takeru is not so much reliable middle brother as scowly quiet tough guy. he looked like a kyoutani tbh, and looking at the kid actually cast for kyoutani, one wonders if someone in casting mixed up some paperwork or something. having said that, yanagihara was great at being the character he was, i enjoyed what he did on stage. i'm just not sure that character was takeru. XD (edit: ok having just rewatched, i have to revise this somewhat, i think a big part of my impression was due to being too far back to properly see his expressions the first time around -- up close he was much smilier, and bc i was thinking about it i noticed some nice details like him going over for a family hug afterward.) otoh big post-match scene – all of wakutani, actually – was really good. v effective, i heard sniffles around me.
during this match, johzenji reappeared dressed as takeru's family: FUCKING HILARIOUS omg, everyone involved has clearly learned how to do this right wrt blocking, the very fine line between comic relief and intrusion, etc, after the, er, shaky shousha to haisha experiment of kuroken doubling as oikawa's fangirls. seichou shita na, errone.
also, some great wire work for hinata and takeru – you could tell kenta is really comfortable up there these days. the first time the wires came into play one of the women behind me went "UWO!" which, when a japanese theatergoer makes a noise out loud, that's a true sign something's impressive. XD
nekoma vs fukurodani: Yeah, That Happened. it is a testament to how well done karasuno vs wakunan was that i didn't just spend the entire time screeching BRING BACK CATS VS OWLS because fjkdajfkdlsfjd KYAA. another good staging moment – they used mirrors to create the effect of two full teams playing at a crowded gymnasium, it was brill. i won't spoil some of the fun details but vvjakdlfjdf. and tbh i think the best performance of the four was probably shouri's?? not that this is news but istg idk how someone so soft offstage does THAT on stage. is it this "acting" thing you speak of.
new bokuaka: i mean it was clear some of this material was meant for yoshimoto kouki and i did kinda miss him – i appreciate higashi-san's pinch hitting and he did a solid job. but. ah well. HAVING SAID THAT. fucking "michi wo tsukurimasu yo" i mean we should all be grateful it wasn't kouki and yuuki or it would have just been a fucking fanfic on stage. it was still bad and i don't even go here. XD
and last but not least, arita ushiwaka kenji: not exactly the world's most natural line delivery but that's fine because, i mean, he's ushiwaka. and his physical presence was perfect. which was about all he was called on to do in this particular show, ahaha.
now, for karasuno. and specifically, for my son, kawahara kazuma. remember what i said approximately a thousand words ago, about captains and captains in waiting and stepping up to the plate? (or onto the court, as it were.) ennoshita's story was the heart of the wakutani match and kazuma carried the second act. he was. so. good. he had good material to work with, of course, but he made it even better. i was saying to a friend that in retrospect i think this is one of the very very few parts of the series that actually played better and more emotionally affecting on stage than in the source material (as opposed to differently good/differently affecting). in the manga/anime, you can only see what the paneling or the frame shows you, and those initial paneling/framing choices are focused on the drama of CAPTAIN DOWN. but on the stage, daichi goes down… and off to the side you see ennoshita freeze. and from that moment on, for kazuma, it's go time. he doesn't let up until the end of post-match scene in (here) the locker room – which, jesus, that scene. it packs ten times the punch it does in the anime. because of kazuma.
sorry if i sound like a crazy person here ahaha. but like. like, imagine you have been acting since childhood, you've studied dance with famous choreographers and innovators, you had a main role in The Franchise That Changed 2.5D as a teenager, you've done a solo album, you have a serious history in performing arts... and you get cast in what was initially the smallest role of the entire karasuno team. and you take it! and pull your weight! kazuma was a team player for three years and he deserved this chance to let his actual skills shine so much. ;_; because i don't necessarily think he would have been better in any of the other roles than his actual teammates – but i do think he is a much better actor than several of his actual teammates. and he finally got the opportunity to show that.
anyway, when it came time for curtain calls, the applause swelled noticeably for kazuma – a louder ovation than anyone except kagechan and kenta. and one of those people clapping her hands off, say in row 20, just a random row choice, was definitely tearing up at the same time.
IN OTHER KARASANEWS. kt-san. LIVE IN PERSON KT-SAN BACK IN THE ROLE HE WAS MEANT FOR cries into my hands i love him daichi-saaaaaaaaaan. very occasionally his delivery reminded me he's a model not an actor, if you know what i mean, but like, for the vast part it didn't matter because he is naturally such a perfect fit. have i mentioned i love him.
new suga: mmmmm. he looked and moved fine but his line delivery did not convince me. tbf it's not like suga has a huge role to play in these matches so 1) it's not a huge deal 2) he didn't get much chance to get into the character. either he'll get better or he won't, and if he doesn't it's not going to sink the next play or anything. he seems like a nice enough kid, i wish him well!
kageyama tatsuya: still can't yell and enunciate at the same time. loved that they brought back the archer analogy from shinka no natsu though!! it was one of my favorite things about his kageyama, and it's nice that it's something he "owns" instead of imitating/inheriting from tatsunari.
tsukishima & yamaguchi: miura kairi continues to get even better, i'm so pleased. <3 also, i love love love that they still use the musical motif from shousha to haisha for yamaguchi's jump float serve. it was the same in shinka no natsu, it's the same here. THE TSUKKIYAMA WAS REAL CUTE, great detail work before and after the serve as well as after tsukki's block(s). as for tsukishima, much as they brought back kageyama's archer imagery, they brought back tsukki's fancy katana kill block. (they didn't waste kondou shouri, either, i'll leave it at that.)
last but not least, MY ACTUAL SON AND FEELINGS TWIN, SUGA KENTA: ok like. to set the scene here. i have mad respect for this kid and also love him to death as a human. i think he puts more thought into this production than anyone else in the cast – he is practically worry-san's AD. and he clearly has a lot of real deep thoughts and feelings about the source material. so deep in fact that it took a while for me to come around to his hinata because while, for example, tatsunari's kageyama could have walked straight off my television screen, kenta went down to the manga and built hinata up from there. he didn't have a choice – he's nothing like murase ayumu's voice. all too often we, and i include myself here, think of the two dimensions in 2.5D as anime, rather than manga... but just as there's a big gap between the two dimensions of animation and the three dimensions of live theater, there's as big a gap again between static black-and-white drawing, and movement and color and sound. and when i looked at kenta's hinata as something created solely from furudate's art style, it all slotted into place for me. (naturally, ymmv.)
it also took kenta longer than some of the others, i think, to portray all of what he wanted to. shoen hinata was pretty yelly, and pretty single-register yelly. hinata is a yelly character, of course, but the balance between that hinata and Serious Match Hinata was out of whack at first. this got better and better with every show. and then—
his encounter with ushiwaka here. was IT. it was what i was looking for all this time. his delivery of hinata's big line there was like – i think maybe i clapped my hands over my mouth, unclear, bc it was like the final missing piece and i was so happy. kentaaaaa. ;____;
part of me wonders if this is what kenta's always had in his head but maybe couldn't get his face/voice to express the way he wanted it? OR, IT'S KENTA, SO MAYBE IT WAS ON PURPOSE and his previous Serious Hinata was meant to be like, just a feral hunger child whereas this is the kid who experienced the heartbreak of losing to seijou. i would love to ask him tbh. XD
anyway, my son, after five plays continues to grow in his portrayal of this character. kenta is the heart of gekidan haikyuu in so many ways, and i will be at their graduation show if it kills me.
(breathes out) i think that's. everything. a best setter award to anyone who read this far, and feel free to ask if there's anything specific you want to know about? i will be seeing it again this weekend for daisenshuuraku and will be sure to report back on who cried, etc. all hail volleyball stage the end. 🏐
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sambart93 · 6 years
2018.01.04 Johnny’s West WESTIVAL at Yokohama Arena [Report]
We’re finally, properly getting into the 2018 stuff!! So lets just get on with it!
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To be honest, for Concert reviews, I don’t know what people want from e; especially when I know most of my followers have no damn interest in Johnny’s West... but I guess I’ll just list what I enjoyed and what I liked and what happened that I remember etc.
But firs! let me tell you about goods! Me and my friend were in like for like 4 hours... I got there at 8:30 and I think it was like 12 by the time we got our goods xD it was so damn cold outside but we had such a fun time just talking and fangirling and seeing what colours everyone else was wearing.
1.おーさか☆愛・EYE・哀 2.浪速看板息子~なめたらあかん~ 3.ズンドコ パラダイス 4.Parade!! 5.プリンシパルの君へ 6.SHE IS MY… 7.何万回だって「君が好き」 8.僕ら今日も生きている 9.もう1% 10.OH LA LA 11.ドラゴンドッグ 12.乗り越しラブストーリー 13.GOD DAMN 14.Into Your Eyes 15.PARA! PARA! チャ~ハン 16.ホルモン~関西に伝わりしダイアモンド~ 17.アカンLOVE ~純情愛やで~ 18.バリ ハピ 19.人生は素晴らしい 20.逆転Winner 21.ジパング・おおきに大作戦 22.Evoke 23.Baby Good!!! 24.パリピポアンセム 25.考えるな、燃えろ!! 26.ギラギラブベイベー 27.Ya! Hot! Hot!
SEATING: I went with a friend and we ended up being the top floor for the concert and to the right side of it. Both of us admit we never get good seats for popular thing so we weren't too fused. It's not like there's technically a bad seat in Yokohama Arena to begin with. Actually I was super surprised at how SMALL YokoArena actually is! It's much, much small than I imagined! I technically didn't need my glasses to see them but I kept them on so I could have great quality of close ups of their faces from the tv screen that was on the far opposite side of me.
I'm really happy they started with Osaka-Ai because I had my Junta Yellow glasses ready so I could use those straight away and put them back in my bag without having to worry about using them for the rest of the con. Also it's such a great song to start a damn con!
Parada was really really nice; they were in suits and they had umbrellas. There's always a higawari in this where a member will propose to the audience. The one we had was Shige and he popped open the ring box towards the audience.
Dragon Dog's outfits were definitely interesting. They did their dorama and movie PR and trailers at this point while Akito and Shige got changed and ready for their solos act.
Norikoshi Love Story: When they were just about to sing Shige got really nervous and stopped them. He apologised before they redid it and did it without a problem. During this performance, it's just them two, Shige on the piano, and Akito on the ukulele(?) and they seriously just stare and smile at each other the entire time! At one point also, the camera zooms in on the back of the wooden box Akito sits on during this performance and it's got a bunch of love messages from the members.
In GOD DAMN I really liked Kamichan and Hamachan's boxer outfits.
Into Your Eyes.... I definitely screamed and fell to the ground when Junta undid his shirt and took it off... It was a hot and sweaty song... It was a really god performance though. They also redid the 'personal camera in their faces' thing which they have done in previous cons and songs which was nice too. I'll definitely be replaying this performance on repeat when it comes out on dvd.
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There was also a Slow Motion segment and the one we got to watch was Hamachan having to press one of those electric buzzer pens and he tried so hard not to freak out which just made it an even funnier slow motion video.
I originally got really angry at the beginning of Horumon because the staff came around and roped us all off, which I thought was because they didn't want people dancing on the steps; and I had planned to come out during THIS one song so I can do the dance moves without hitting anyone. SO I was PISSED and missed my favourite Akito hip thrust movement =[ but then it became clear why;
Hamachan, Ryuusei and Junta came around the top floor and high-fived everyone. SO the rope was there to keep fans back during this time. But I was still annoyed it stopped me from doing the ONE thing I wanted to do and really enjoy at this concert =[
When the first three boys around came around, I didn't high-five any of them even though I was right next to the edge and stairs. BUT Junta stopped about 3 steps down from me for the remainder of the song they were doing, I think it was 逆転/Gyakuten Winner, so having him that close to me for so long was really nice.
They roped us off again during the encore and at that point the final four members came around; Kamichan, Nonchan Shige, Akito. Shige was so funny. He avoided everyones hands and only stuck it out when he was near a section that one had like 3 people xD He's so socially awkward. But I managed to high-five Akito and Kamichan so it's all good.
Junta was so hilarious during Akanlove. They always do a dance section part way through this song where the members come up with STUPID dance moves for everyone else to do and bloody Junta did a boob dancing movement and I was too busy on the floor laughing to join in. He always does hentai stuff like this >.< idiot xD
Singing along with the boys to Baby Good!!! was so much fun! I seriously love that song and was great to dance and sing along with them for it! Definitely a big highlighted moment for me personally.
I can't remember which song BUT I was super excited to see West do a KAT-TUN move. Y'know how KAT-TUN does the green LED lights that go around them and then they (somehow) manage to grab a hold of them before popping them back into place? West did it in this con which made me very happy!
Junta was on the floor by the time Ya Hot Hot finished because he had used too much energy xD
Also I think it was between ParaPara Cha-han and AkanLove that Hamachan was towards our side of the stage and was using so much dance energy while jumping and dancing; it was so impressive and he looked so tired after those 3-ish songs xD But his energy was amazing!
HamaChan and Ryuusei came out in pink dresses at one point! They all came out as their Westival DVD characters but they had all be sacked as Ninjas so had to become Servants/Maids/Butlers instead xD They also had a game where they had to try and get a volleyball into a tube and they managed to do it!!
They spoke about KamiChan cooked for them all on New Years(?) and that he made a really good Carbonara and KamiChan admitted that was his first time making it and everything was shocked. Also Junta laughed about how Shige saw a food dispneser for the first time and was completely fascinated; Junta was like 'How have you never seen one before?!' and Shige said 'I'll put your watch down it' and Junta was like 'No! That watch is on a loan!' apparently it's a super duper expensive watch.
I think that's all I remember!
Although there were a few things I wanted in this con that didn’t happen:
1. I wanted frypan penlights -- especially because they were like ‘hey! We have a dance for Para Para Cha-han that we want you all to learn’ so it kind of felt like they wanted us to dance with the penlights and so I was like ‘IT’S GOTTA BE A FRYPAN PENLIGHT!’ but it wasn’t.
2. I really wanted them to do Eeyanke again and I’m super upset that they didn’t! It’s a fan favourite, why wouldn’t you do it?!
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And we’re done! Damn reports are so much easier to write than reports >.<
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