#Thierry Neuvic
laudys83 · 1 year
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La beauté de Valérie Benguigui dans ce film (L)
Elle manque...
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movienized-com · 2 months
Infiltré(e) (Serie 2023) #AudreyFleurot #ThierryNeuvic #SumaïCardenas #StéphaneSooMongo #BogdanZamfir #CharliePaulet Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- (September) Genre: Krimi / Drama / Thriller Hauptrollen: Audrey Fleurot, Thierry Neuvic, Sumaï Cardenas, Stéphane Soo Mongo, Bogdan Zamfir, Charlie Paulet, Mathis Pirone, Kylian Slimane, François Loriquet, Victor Assié, Sylvain Urban, Frédéric Kneip, Genc Jakupi … Serienbeschreibung: Die Babysitterin des Sohnes des Polizeikapitäns Max Vernet stirbt plötzlich; sie ist Opfer…
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teasingbrat · 8 months
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Thierry Neuvic
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coulisses-tv · 1 month
La recrue - Nouvelle série sur TF1 avec Thierry Neuvic et Ethann Isidore à partir du 6 mai 2024
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Juliette Binoche in Code Unknown (Michael Haneke, 2000)
Cast: Juliette Binoche, Thierry Neuvic, Josef Bierbichler, Alexandre Hamidi,  Maimouna Hélène Diarra, Ona Lu Yenke, Djibril Kouyaté, Luminita Gheorghiu. Screenplay: Michael Haneke. Cinematography: Jürgen Jürges. Production design: Emmanuel de Chauvigny. Film editing: Karin Hartusch, Nadine Muse, Andreas Prochaska. Music: Giba Gonçalves. 
Michael Haneke's Code Unknown is celebrated for its opening sequence: a nine-minute traveling shot that introduces the key figures in its narrative. The actress Anne Laurent (Juliette Binoche) finds Jean (Alexandre Hamidi), the younger brother of her lover, Georges (Thierry Neuvic), at her door in Paris. He's hungry, having run away from the farm where he lives with his father (Josef Bierbichler), so she buys him a pastry and gives him the key to her apartment so she can go to an appointment. When he finishes the pastry, Jean, who is a bit of a lout, tosses the empty paper bag into the lap of a homeless panhandler, Maria (Luminita Gheorghiu), a Romanian immigrant. Seeing this, Amadou (Ona Lu Yenke), the son of a cab driver from Mali, orders Jean to apologize. When he refuses, the two get in a fight that's broken up by the police, who then arrest Amadou and Maria, but let the provocateur of the incident, Jean, go. The film then follows the stories of Anne, Jean, Maria, and Amadou, but in a fragmented way: long, disconnected takes that suddenly black out, leaving the viewer to piece together the narrative. It is, in short, a brilliantly maddening film. If I have reservations about it, they have to do with whether such a display of exceptional cinematic technique does service to writer-director Haneke's apparent concern about the disjunctions of European life in an age of immigration and economic globalization. We get to know more about each of the characters, but the effect is aesthetic rather than political, which would seem to be at the heart of Haneke's choice of subject. The performances are uniformly fine, especially by Binoche, who ranges from raw emotion to crisp wit in the film, which depicts both Anne's real life and her work as an actress. We see her acting on the one hand a harrowing scene set in a prison, and on the other an audition for the role of Maria in Twelfth Night, and we long to see Anne/Binoche in both roles.
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Canale 5, prende il via "Solo uno sguardo"
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Canale 5, prende il via "Solo uno sguardo"   Da lunedì 5 settembre, in prima serata, su Canale 5, prende il via la miniserie inedita - adattamento del bestseller di Harlan Coben, Just One Look (Identità al buio, Mondadori) - «Solo uno sguardo». Nel cast del drama di produzione francese spiccano le attrici Virginie Ledoyen (Orso d'Argento come migliore attrice, per il film diretto da François Ozon Otto Donne) e Julie Gayet (Dix pour cent, César come migliore attrice non protagonista per il film di Bertrand Tavernier, Quai d'Orsay). «Ritenendo impossibile comprimere un libro denso e ricco di azione in sole due ore, abbiamo optato per il formato miniserie, ottenendo la supervisione di casting, fotografia e musica», ha dichiarato l’autore che ha venduto oltre 75 milioni di copie in tutto il mondo e che, nel 2018, ha firmato un contratto multimilionario con Netflix per sviluppare serie e film originali, con lui come produttore esecutivo di tutti i progetti (tra questi The Stranger e Safe). Juste un regard (tit.or.), emozionante storia di ricerca della verità, tra amore e disillusione, è stata realizzata per TF1 e girata in Francia, nei dipartimenti di Senna e Marna, in Val-d’Oise e nel territorio di Essonne. Protagonista del thriller, Eva Beaufils (Ledoyen), guardia dell’Ufficio Forestale Nazionale, che conduce una vita tranquilla con il marito Bastien (Thierry Neuvic) e i due figli. La svolta accade quando, una mattina, Eva trova tra la posta una foto di gruppo in cui riconosce il marito, più giovane, anche se l’uomo nega di essere il ragazzo della fotografia… Dopo aver portato i figli a un concerto, Bastien non fa ritorno a casa ed Eva, presa dal panico, contatta la polizia. Il mattino successivo, l’impiegato di hotel chiama la donna: i bambini solo stati lasciati da soli, in una camera del loro albergo. In loro aiuto accorre anche la sorella di Bastien, Sandrine (Gayet)… Eva, a questo punto, ha un solo obiettivo: trovare Bastien, anche se questo potrebbe mettere a rischio la serenità dei ragazzi e far riaffiorare dolorosi momenti dal passato. Eva sa che solo alla fine di questo difficile percorso, troverà le risposte alle sue domande. Ma, l’amore, riuscirà a essere più forte delle bugie?... Read the full article
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Thierry Neuvic : l'ex de Jenifer est-il en couple ? - Closer France
Thierry Neuvic : l'ex de Jenifer est-il en couple ? - Closer France Thierry Neuvic : l'ex de Jenifer est-il en couple ? - Closer France Thierry Neuvic : l'ex de Jenifer est-il en couple ?  Closer France Thierry Neuvic et Hélène Fillières séparés : une relation amoureuse très discrète  Pure People Voir la couverture complète sur Google Actualités https://ift.tt/bX2ImPJ https://ift.tt/sP5n60B via Blogger https://ift.tt/lp7QWL3 July 20, 2022 at 12:02AM
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genevieveetguy · 15 years
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Don't Look Back (Ne te retourne pas), Marina de Van (2009)
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nonsensicalname · 9 years
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Eric & Emmanuel
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montplist · 4 years
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etsicetaitmavie · 7 years
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boireuncoup · 7 years
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coulisses-tv · 8 months
"La recrue" : mini-série en tournage pour TF1 à Biarritz avec Thierry Neuvic
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cinemadrunk · 5 years
RecentWatch + Netflix #346 (12/29)
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We Are Family 2016 [Netflix]
It serves its purpose. I’d recommend for killing some time.
s5 (4.8)/10
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 Security 2017 [Netflix]
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 Colossal 2016
I was okay and then I wasn’t. I wasn’t okay and then I was. I watched Dec. 29th, 48 days ago from writing this and I still don’t really know what I watched. The movie kinda makes sense; the characters and motivations, not so much.
[s-soft, S-solid]
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vod19 · 4 years
Day 30. “Code Unknown” (2000), dir. Michael Haneke
The briefly interrupted marathon of Haneke’s films continues. 
Chronologically Code Unknown (2000) is located almost in between 71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance (1994) and Caché (2005). Structurally and narratively it indeed appears as a middle stage in the transformation of 71 Fragments into Caché, which are in themselves quite different from one another. Akin to 71 Fragments, Code Unknown consists of several plot lines, characters from which occasionally intersect. Akin to Caché, it involves a study of the nature of the cinematic medium, an anonymous message left under the doorstep of Juliette Binoche’s character as well as reflections on the post-colonial discourse. Code Unknown is a complex interweaving of narratives and issues that they raise, but as most Haneke’s films do, it pays particular attention to the relationship between the mechanically (or digitally) produced imagery and reality.
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It can be said that two characters are central in Code Unknown: an actress Anne Laurent, who has the same name as the female protagonist in Caché (both played by Binoche) and her boyfriend, war photojournalist Georges (Thierry Neuvic), who reside together in Paris. As Georges returns from war zones, having immersed himself into the reality of living under Taliban or during the Kosovo War, the question of whether his “lived experience” is matched by his photographs occurs. Simultaneously, sequences depicting Anne at work demonstrate the extent to which the line between fiction and reality are blurred. For instance, in the first scene in which Anne appears auditioning before the camera it remains unclear whether she is indeed terrorised and captured in a room or is merely following the proposed script, until we see her in another sequence. In the scene in which she and her co-star produce voiceover for their film, it becomes evident that their affection on screen has migrated into ‘real life’. Two ways of thinking about visual imagery are presented. On the one hand, I see a documentary photographer who seems to believe in the medium’s capacity to reflect life (also raising a question of how ethical covert photography is). On the other hand, I witness the volatile migration of emotions from screen to life, and vice versa, for Anne, and how confusing it is for me at times to discern which is which. 
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Here Haneke’s insistence on speaking about the problematics of film by means of film remind me of Beckett’s lines in one of his interviews: "Que voulez-vous, Monsieur? C'est les mots; on n'a rien d’autre” (“What do you want, sir? These are words; that’s all we have”). A crude summary of Beckett’s strategies is the rendering of language his subject in order to reflect on its impotence to reflect on trauma. A crude summary of Haneke’s strategies is the employment of a similar logic, that is, of reflecting on visual representation’s impotence to communicate suffering by means of visual representation. Unlike Beckett, he does not resort to the absurd, but attempts to render the representational character of Code Unknown explicit by means of abrupt cutting of scenes, of showing interchanging still photographs in the middle of the film, of confusing the viewer with regards to what they are witnessing: the emotions that belong to or are acted out by his characters. From the films that I have seen (Benny’s Video is still on my list), Code Unknown appears to be the most explicit reflection on the problematics of the medium. It is not, however, the most powerful.
The fragmented structure, the interrupted monologues, and cut off conversations render Code Unknown somewhat of an infinite film. Had it not been for the framing of the narrative with the opening and closing scenes depicting mute children playing charades, there could be an indeterminate number of fragments depicting quotidian lives of couples, youngsters, homeless people, of indifference towards suffering and of social injustice. On a positive side, fragmentation prevents immersion and prompts critical thinking rather than temporary compassion. On a negative side, the monotony of Code Unknown allows the viewer to imagine it not as a film with a beginning and an end, but as an excerpt from an indefinitely long film, a film that lasts as long as its characters’ lives last, and their children’s lives, and their children’s lives. 
Code Unknown does not merely force the viewer into critical assessment of visual data that they are constantly being fed, but prompts a sense of helplessness and doom that the suffering and media’s impotence to do anything but merely show it constitute a vicious circle. Que voulez-vous, Monsieur? C'est les images; on n'a rien d’autre. 
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booksfriendsnews · 4 years
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Reposted from @editoraarqueiro Todo mundo maratonando "The Stranger" na Netflix? A adaptação baseada no livro "Não fale com estranhos", de Harlan Coben, estreou na última sexta-feira na grande plataforma de streaming com oito episódios de tirar o fôlego. Mas você sabia que existem outras adaptações dos livros do Mestre das Noites em Claro? Por isso, preparamos um especial e ao longo dos próximos dias você irá conhecer cada uma com todos os detalhes. E se sua vida fosse apenas uma grande farsa? E se o homem com quem você se casou há dez anos não era quem você pensava? E se todo o seu universo desmoronasse de repente? Após o estrondoso sucesso da adaptação para a TV do livro "Não há segunda chance" (um dos nossos lançamentos deste mês!), o canal francês TF1 encomendou outra minissérie baseada em "Apenas um olhar". A produção conta com 6 episódios repletos de adrenalina e muitas reviravoltas. No elenco, Virginie Ledoyen como Grace e Thierry Neuvic como Jack, seu marido. Sobre a trama: Ao buscar um filme que mandou revelar, Grace encontra, no meio das fotos, uma que não pertence ao rolo. É uma imagem de cinco pessoas, tirada no mínimo vinte anos atrás. Quatro delas não lhe são familiares, mas a quinta é muito parecida com seu marido, Jack. Ao ver a foto, Jack nega ser ele. Só que, mais tarde, ele foge sem nenhuma explicação, levando a fotografia. Sem saber por que ele se foi, Grace luta para proteger os filhos da ausência do pai. Cada dia que passa traz mais dúvidas sobre si mesma, sobre seu casamento e sobre Jack, assim como a compreensão de que há outras pessoas procurando por ele e pela fotografia – inclusive um violento e silencioso assassino. Quando entende que não pode contar com a polícia, e que seus vizinhos e amigos têm os próprios objetivos secretos, Grace precisa enfrentar as partes sombrias de seu passado para descobrir a verdade que pode trazer seu marido de volta. #apenasummolhar #justonelook #harlancoben #justeunregard - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MHty7j8yS/?igshid=juqgazzgjy3w
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