#They had no right to do this to Lan
sqeedledob · 11 months
Analyzing Chapters: Wheel of Time
Book 7: A Crown of Swords
Through chapters 13- 22
 Again, miscommunication in this book continues to infuriate me. However, Jordan uses it as a very good tool to showcase how culture, distance between people, and timing of events can greatly affect how people and certain ideas are received by others. While my frustration is to the point I often need to put the book down and step away, this strong feeling tells me the writer has succeeded in the emotion he's attempting to convey. There are points I know Rand, Elaine, and Nynaeve wish they could just walk away, as I outside the book can, but they cannot. Their frustrations boil within me. 
On the other hand, I feel frustrated listening to a character's dialogue, whether inner or outer, and knowing they are wrong. Knowing the correct answer is in their face, especially should they choose to think instead of speaking whatever is on their mind. Once again though, Jordan is doing his job as a writer. I'm being forced to feel this uncomfortably strong emotion, and as a result it makes the book that much more tantalizing. 
As for a summary of events so far: Matt seems to be placated now that Nynaeve and Elaine have apologized, though the women don't see it that way. Their view of Matt being a hard headed brat is so ingrained into their beings, they cannot see the candid, almost boyish, way Matt is now speaking to them. 
On the flip side, Matt is still incapable of seeing just how much Elaine and Nynaeve have accomplished on their own. So while I feel for Matt, I also feel for the women, because they cannot catch a break from the men in their lives attempting to play hero. 
I'm deeply frustrated and hurt by Myrelle, who Lan's bond was passed to, taking advantage of the fact he is so broken, so lost, and sleeping with him. Though it seems consensual, there's something that feels morally wrong sleeping with a man who is so beaten down, so depressed. A man who, while not actively seeking death, is not a man who will avoid it either. Regardless of any love between him and Nynaeve, because as of right now they are my favorite couple in this series, I don't feel Lan deserved such treatment. 
I was even more disgusted by the way all the women Egwaine spoke to would not take her seriously on the idea that Lan loves Nynaeve. In my eyes, it is a moment of hurt pride, and because of that, very clearly taking advantage of his current situation. It’s repulsive to think he could have been compelled, as Aes Sedai can do to their Warders, to sleep with Myrelle. With Lan’s sense of honor I don’t know if he truly would’ve been down to clown like that. 
Egwaine continues to pull her own strings, as much as she can anyway, as a the newly raised Amirilyn. People truly don't realize how much they underestimate her, and how much of a mistake it was in raising her if they expected an easy going puppet. Egwaine is too smart and too strong of a woman. 
I love the detail of both Elaine and Egwaine that, when met with a new culture, they do their best to embrace it wholeheartedly. I find it noble of both of them to do their best to understand the world from another culture's shoes. I know that this may be taught behavior on Elaine's end, but on Egwaine's I feel it marks her as a natural leader. She's more than willing to see things from another, if not multiple, perspectives.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Round and round, In circles we go.
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lgbtlunaverse · 8 months
The thing that really gets me about xiyao. that will never NOT get me about xiyao. Is that they met in circumstances where for just a moment their respective stations in society didn't matter. Not to each other. Their relationship started outside of social conventions. And they spend the next 17 years trying to preserve that time, that relationship outside of society. And society crept in anyway.
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rhymaes · 5 months
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The Untamed (2019) // “Snowdrops,” Louise Glück
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markantonys · 4 months
what really gets me is that gawyn deciding to go 1v1 with demandred is hailed as the stupidest decision of the series, and yet, he was the first one to try it. meanwhile, galad and lan try the EXACT SAME THING while KNOWING THAT IT DIDN'T WORK (and knowing that it didn't work TWICE in lan's case), and nobody calls THEM idiots for it? you're joking
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callaxe · 1 year
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I dont have the money to commishion anyone but i would kill for baby shimadas & baby kiriko fics. i need and want to draw them more
i think hanzo- at least pre/young teen hanzo- would’ve played alot of video games and is kind of the one who instilled the love in genji (and kiriko, but more genji because it’s actlly part of his characrwr) drawing from my own childhood experiences. both kiri and genji would, absolutely, bug hanzo to finish a level or two for them when there’s a puzzle they aren’t able to figure out. hanzo would’ve probably scared them with herobrine
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jaggedcliffs · 1 year
tbh if I read that a plant required more than two steps to take care of it, I would simply give up. if a plant needs more than putting it in one location and watering it with tap water x number of times a week, I would rather go find the long lost siming than deal with it. rip to me and xiao lanhua I guess 
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shining-gem34 · 1 month
Dan Feng/Dan Heng and the Aeons (1)
Note: This is all HC of what I think their opinions regarding the Aeons of Long, Lan, and Yaoshi until otherwise revealed.
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"The Vidydhara, as a whole, do not forget our origins. The hatchlings of the present are not as devout as their seniors, but we cannot forget. Long existence is like a code etched deeply into our souls- A cycle we cannot escape from. Their gift...is both a blessing and a curse." -Dan Feng.
In general, Dan Feng respects Long and understands their importance to the Vidyadhara as a whole. As High Elder, he is required to partake in committees discussing his clan celebrations and give the final word where the planning is directed. In any important rituals, the leading role naturally falls to the High Elder to make sure it goes off without a hitch. Otherwise, in private, Dan Feng very little practices his faith. He holds Long, their Creator close to his heart. But, not so close he considers himself a devout worshipper compared to the other Vidyadhara. However, with the ongoing problem of the Vidyadhara species in slow decline and his personal issues- Dan Feng can't help resent Long just a little bit. After all, their blessing is starting to become more of a curse at this point. But how can he, a mortal, judge an Aeon? Not just any Aeon, but the Aeon of Permanence who given birth to the Vidyadhara. To reject Long, even deceased, is considered blasphemy.
"I do not share the Vidyadhara faith in Long. The reason...Well, I'm sure you understand why by now. Unfortunately, I am that man reincarnation. As long as I hold this power, my encounters with the Vidyadhara will not end here." -Dan Heng
Dan Heng has no love or hate towards Long. He acknowledges their existence, their importance to the Vidyadhara, and their relevance to him. He does not love Long, because he does not worship them- respect them, yes. He does not hate Long, because the ones who hurt him are their children. Besides, what reason does he have to hate an Aeon who ihas long passed away? Despite the Preceptors best efforts to educate him, Dan Heng obviously does not practice their faith in Long. If he must, it will be after the events in Xianzhou Luofu where he's learning more about their culture including the Vidyadhara. Something he never got to do during his imprisonment. Everything he learns and research will go into the databank. But also, it's helping Dan Heng understand more about a place he never saw as a home. Slowly, it may also help him gain a deeper understanding of his past incarnations knowledge and Long.
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"The Reignbow Arbiter, unless summoned, has no reason to appear before us. We are their warriors, raising our weapons, and vowed to eliminate every last one of Yaoshi abominations. Yet, what honor can be gained for losing your life in this eternal war?" -Dan Feng
While Dan Feng is closer to Long than Lan, he respects them no less. The Reignbow Arbiter eternal pursuit against Yaoshi inspired the Xianzhou to take arms and follow them. Their beliefs aligned with Lan determination to eliminate the Abominations of Yaoshi and that hasn't changed even in the present.
Dan Feng is the High Elder of the Vidyadhara. Naturally, his first priority are his clan and the Xianzhou natives second. There are times when it is difficult to make a decision: to find a compromise. Because he is not only Vidyadhara, but he is also a soldier who spoke his vows to the Hunt as many others had done. The war he joins and fight is for the sake of his people AND the Xianzhou.
Is it conflicting when he follows Long and Lan? The simple answer is no, because there is no point in trying to understand what the Aeons are thinking (especially since Long has long passed.)
Dan Feng knows his priorities. It's in the present where his people rely on him for safety and guidance. It's where his friends/families, and his lovers (or fiances/spouse) matter the most to him.
He is the High Elder of the Vidyadhara Luofu, a member of the HCQ, a friend to a selected few, and...a lover to the most amazing people (Yingxing and Jing Yuan) in his life.
Dan Feng is never described as a person with feelings. But his heart, his human bleeds, seeing the loss in the endless war against the Abundance.
That's why he can never understand why so many see it as an honor to die fightning for their homeland. Not when they still have people waiting for them to return home.
And a part of him that he kept locked away resents Lan [Aeons] for this.
But again, Aeons are beyond mortal understanding. What does his opinion matter?
"Before I met Himeko, I was a wanderer. I followed the Hunt, because I felt like I was required to in order to redeem myself. Wherever I went, battles follow and I had to fight to survive. If an abomination of Abundance appeared...I felt compelled to fight and eliminate them. " -Dan Heng
Initially, Dan Heng believed if he followed the path of the The Hunt, then it would distance himself further away from Dan Feng. Not only that, but it would enforce his identity as "Dan Heng". The crimes of his past self had committed should've been absolved after he reincarnated. Yet, it didn't matter in the end as Dan Heng is punished for his past incarnation crimes. As for his opinion of Lan, Dan Heng will admit he is biased. He knows the consequences for seeking immortality; a monster. He agrees with Lan end goal- to kill Yaoshi. By extension, he also agrees with the Xianzhou cause as well. Dan Heng respects Lan and their ideals, but he does not walk the same path as their followers do. Because Dan Heng is an exile, marked as a criminal for a sin his past incarnation had done. But that's alright, because Dan Heng found his place in the universe as a Nameless on the Astral Express.
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"Do not heed the words of Yaoshi worshippers. The Plague Authors mercy is a curse in disguise of a blessing. Their "love" is sweet on the tongue, but they're vile. A disease festering in your core. A parasite slowly eating away your life and sanity as your body rots." -Dan Feng
Dan Feng absolutely abhors Yaoshi, but more than that he hates himself for resorting to use a flesh of an Emanator of Abundance. But he believed at the time he was doing the right thing for the right cause. In the aftermath, within his prison, he feels only regrets and defeat...
"I do not agree with the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus. There's a reason why Yaoshi existence does more harm than good. They bring life, but they also sow discord and suffering. Dan Feng knew that, so why did he...?" -Dan Heng
Dan Heng is absolutely confused why his past incarnation committed one of the Unpardonable Sins. He abhors Yaoshi, any of their children are dead on sight.
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fauvester · 9 months
reading Jade City and its sooooo so so good and sooooo fun and soooo oc-ish but I got to say man. getting to the end of book 1 and its looking bleak. this shit isnt even fun anymore
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mewtwo24 · 26 days
You know reading vol 5 of mdzs before all the rest (don't ask me why I'm a clown and there were Circumstances) has to be the craziest experience of my life. Because it took all of ten minutes of wwx talking to literally hit me so hard in the gut I had to sit down and listen to really loud music for a while to calm down.
Who needs therapy when mxtx is alive and writing, I guess????? 🤡
Can't wait to get to the actual tragic parts I just know I'm gonna be that "help" frog phone meme
#mdzs#i was really out here thinking svsss would be my fave bc of lbh#and then i finally get around to reading mdzs and it blows my expectations out of the fucking water holy actual shit#and i just had this feeling the first time i read parts of it like 'oh. this series is going to kill me. im not coming back from this.'#and here i am booboo the fool getting my clown ass make-up on#idk how to explain it like i just fucking LOVE mxtx's takes on arrogance#that wwx is constantly being perceived as a show off and an incorrigible flirt and a know it all#how wwx cant always help the ways he acts out the desperation that has embedded itself into his very bones#how wwx only ever wanted to do the right thing and that having been so much of his downfall#how his worth and talent would always be eclipsed by virtue of his circumstances#how he's above needing recognition at his core but at the same time longs for an ounce of good will and positive recognition ->#how human he is despite his brilliance. how he never gets it no matter how hard he tries to be worthy.#like to me wwx is emblematic of what it means to be poor/an immigrant in high places#always villified always alien always wrong always unwelcome#no matter how clever or capable or kind youll always be an eyesore because you don't 'act right'. not 'one of them.' you never will be.#i just...the way he just wanted it all to be over by the end. the way he didnt even want to come back to life. that he was sick of it all.#im rattling the bars of my cage i love him I LOVE HIM i love him#i understand you lan wangji (and i love lwj too)#and even lan wangji too like. the way so many of their issues in the beginning stems from that self-same problem#how lwj couldn't live with his out of control feelings how he too couldn't quite lay down his pride#how lwj was also trapped by the expectations of his clan in his own way how so much of their separation was a form of penance#that the calamity of wwx's loss forced him to reconsider everything he thought he knew about himself and his life#how he was left with nothing but regret. how when wwx returns--lwj refuses to leave anything to chance this time#he refuses to let wwx be alone anymore--refuses to let him hurt himself for the sake of others refuses to just let it all happen#even if it means overstepping a boundary or propriety it doesn't matter--as long as wwx stays with him. pride be damned#god i just can't i just can't do it im biting im ripping things apart GOD#will also say the jokes about lwj being like. 'strict moral compass or BUST.' and then wwx literally committing like 17 felonies in the bg#while lwj is like 'crimes? what crimes. nothing to see here.' NEVER stops being funny. like i was pissing myself laughing#i know its a known trope but by god are they hilarious about it#also. lan qiren how many times do your nephews have to go catatonic for you to stop with the catholic guilt and repression
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tytangfei · 2 years
There is already plenty of angst and pain but just realized a missed angst opportunity: xiao lan hua unwittingly demanding dongfang qingcang to do something against his will at the most critical moment. I think the last time we see her use this was in the mortal realm where she made him be quiet and he couldn't refuse the marriage with chidi woman. But what if this annoying aspect of the curse came back a little before the war? 👀 or during the war? 👀👀👀
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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True love is possible only in the next world. For new people. It it too late for us.
(Redraw for @pakhnokh's DTIYS post!)
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lgbtlunaverse · 7 months
I don't think we talk about xiyao exes to lovers enough. I understand that in canon the "breakup" ended with death and imo it was never going to end any other way (I have a lot of feelings about how jgy is doomed from the start) but even in aus where survival is an option I barely ever see their full potential realized. The fact that there is this heartbreaking gap that is between them now, and yet that, despite it all, they can't stop loving each other. When you have drama this good, why is the conflict relegated to outside threats and we end up with little to no exploration of internal strife, of the fact that these guys have been living a domestic lie for a decade (I cannot stress this enough, the amount of parralels between xiyao and jgy's marriage to qin su are staggering.)
And let me be clear I will NEVER begrudge anyone their hurt/comfort and wanting their faves who are denied happiness and peace at every turn to find it. god knows I need that sometimes. Or even the less healthy but so emotionally devastating fics where the caring isn't good, and it doesn't fix anything- might only make things worse, actually- and xichen ends up recreating his father's fate. I love all of those things. But. Man. This divorce was over 11 years in the making it should take AT LEAST that long to resolve. What do you do when the person you trusted the most lied to you for years? What do you do when the only person who's ever believed in you loses that faith so completely they'd hurt you over a lie without hesitation? I need me some xiyao who try to get over each other for 20 years and fail. I need them to meet after not seeing each other for years and have it hurt like no time has passed at all. I need arguments where no one raises their voice but that feel like a screaming match anyway. Do you see my vision?? Do you see what we could have?
(if fics that do exacly this are out there, recs are of course welcome)
#mdzs#meng yao#xiyao#lan xichen#jin guangyao#rs: i wish it could've been you#this might make some people really mad#at the idea that jgy has any right to have grievances with xichen but uh...#i'm not interested in arguing with jgy antis. go scream at a wall#or a different camp who DO like xiyao but who are like 'but xichen was lied to jgy wouldn't blame him'#the fact that it was a lie makes it WORSE you guys know that right?#some of you have never been the proverbial boy who cried wolf#and had people assume everything you say is a lie because you've lied in the past#and good for you! You SHOULD be honest with those you love i'm very happy for all of you#but also. lmao. you have no idea how that feels.#i have read aus where they break up and get back together of course#but i always end up feeling like people see the conflict as an obstacle? a thing to get past so we can get them back together#and not.. you know. the most interesting part. the selling point#I think in a slightly lower stakes au xiyao should wait a few years get back together because they love each other and then break up AGAIN#when they realize that the old relationship they had with that easy trust is gone forever. love isn't enough to bring that back#you can build something new. including a new kind of trust just as potent. but that old easy kind is gone.#and i think they should try to get it back because it was the best thing they ever had#and get fucked up about it when they realize they can't#and it should take them well over a decade to mourn it until they're ready to let it go and try to make something new of it#PLEASE let me talk about the xichen qin su parralels please let me talk about how rusong is nmj-coded#not in personality but in the function he has narratively as someone that can never stop haunting jgy.#the fact that nmj's death and rusong's birth were likely extremely close to each other timeline wise LET'S TALK ABOUT IT
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llycaons · 2 years
help I just remembered how wwx said “how dare you judge lan zhan just because he’s not very expressive! he doesn’t think he’s better than anyone!” to the face of the man who was once told by lwj “you are not qualified to speak to me’ peak comedy
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Mega plz
The Invisibl Joke Saga
P1 / P2 / P3 / P4 / P5 / P6
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labyrynth · 2 years
i think one thing that ppl that started with the drama really like…underestimate? understate? flat out ignore?? is just how much the “little changes” re: 3zun sequence of events and details actually change things and how they create this drastically different dynamic between them and a completely different characterization of meng yao/jin guangyao
#mdzs talk#mdzs#i was thinking about how the drama and fatal journey specifically change so much about the nie and then i was like#yeah that really had a ripple effect huh#like jgy killing a nie captain instead of a jin#like this places jgy directly under nmj’s power#and gives nmj a direct personal grievance#neither of which were present when he killed the jin officer#part of the point was that nmj kept trying to assert authority over jgy that he Did Not Have (and nmj had a problem with that)#but even having met lxc for the first time while working under nmj#a key point was that jgy COULDNT work his way up legitimately#he couldn’t even get IN bc of the stigma around his mother and being a laughingstock bastard#but the drama just completely dismisses that and detracts a LOT from his character in the process#‘he had power but it wasn’t enough and he killed a guy and was mad that he had to face consequences!’ NO.#meng yao left the nie on good terms!! with a letter of recommendation!!#and wound up doing the the lowest dirtiest least honorable work that there was under the jin#not to mention it completely taints his rescue of lxc bc now you can argue that he did it for completely self interested reasons#‘oooh but he KNEW it was the LAN SECT LEADER. he was just trying to make himself LOOK GOOD’ NO. HE RESCUED LXC BC HE THOUGHT IT WAS RIGHT#he didn’t know who lxc was!! he might have guessed ‘possibly affluent cultivator’ but he did not know!! it was by complete chance!!#it was on lxc’s recommendation that he joined up with the nie#(during wartime i might add when everyone and their mother is willing to accept anyone and their cow as a soldier)#the drama just makes me so mad#you fucked up a perfectly good antagonist is what you did. look at him. he’s got no depth.#leave my meowmeow alone#mxtx talk
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