#Thena called Imo
For the Ice Queen/Tyrant King AU:
Thena and Gil visit the grave of his mother before the wedding.
An emotional and soft moment between them :)
"I used to come here with Dad and Imo when I was little."
Thena looked at him, curiosity piqued by the first words he'd spoken since getting in the car. She held onto his arm as they walked, his hands in his pockets.
"Dad always used it as an excuse to bitch and moan about shit, especially about how I was the reason she was here in the first place."
Thena frowned, holding onto him just a little bit tighter. She leaned her head against his arm, "hm...I could kill him."
Gil smiled, leaning his head against hers, "nah, it's okay, Sweetness. Success is the only revenge that actually works in this family."
She had asked if this was even a good idea--her coming with him to visit his mother (in a sense of the word). She had worried that it was more of a family affair--even asked his aunt if it would be disrespectful for her to come.
Imo had told her that she was a part of the family, now, so what did that matter? She also told Thena to call her Imo, from now on.
Gil had grinned from ear to ear.
"When did you come here last?" she asked him gently, not letting him sit in silence but not chatting just for the sake of it, either.
"I guess it was with Imo, last time I was home," Gil shrugged beside her as they turned down another walkway. "I come when I can, but I can't really leave business just to visit."
Thena nodded with full understanding; it wasn't safe to, whether his mother was already passed or not.
Gil looked at her with a smile, pulling his hand out of his pocket just to link their fingers together, "I have a lot to tell her this time around."
Thena stopped beside him as they arrived at a particular grave marker and grassy knoll behind it. She bowed with him, offered her prayers and respects with him, in Korean and everything.
"Hey, Ma."
Gil took in a breath. "Sorry it's been a while. It's been a crazy year and some, so I think you'd understand. I got shot!"
"Gilgamesh," Thena scolded beside him. She squeezed his hand, "give your mother a proper explanation."
He smiled; that was his Ice Queen. "So...this is Thena."
"I know I've talked about her before. It was probably as just--oh, we had a meeting today and the Ice Queen is doing well, sort of thing. I was in denial back then, but you probably knew. You would have told me how obvious it was that I was already head over heels for her."
Gil peeked sideways at Thena, who rolled her eyes at what she definitely thought was embellishment on his part. He chuckled.
"You'd love her though, Ma," he continued, smiling at the stone with just a name in Hangul carved into it. He had long become accustomed to speaking with it as if he could picture his mother's face--it was one of the things that pissed his father off the most when they would visit her together.
Imo never minded.
"You'd love her because I do," he raised Thena's hand to his lips, moving his thumb over her ring. "But you'd also love how tough she is. You'd love how she doesn't let anything intimidate her and how smart she is. You'd love that I have her to keep my head on straight over there while I'm doing business."
"You'd love her because she's perfect," Gil whispered, squeezing Thena's hand as he felt his throat tighten. "You'd love how perfect she is for me. She's smooth and calculated, but there's one hell of a heart under that porcelain shell of hers. And I'm lucky that she gave it to me. I...I haven't always been the most careful with it."
Thena finally snuck her eyes over to him, but stayed silent.
"I know, and you and Imo would both kick my ass if you knew the whole story, too," Gil sighed. The look in Thena's eyes when she accused him of lying about loving her; he would never forget it. "But I righted my wrong--I took responsibility, just like you taught me. And you were right; good things come to those who stand for what's right."
"And she's the best damn thing I've ever found," Gil swallowed, blinking a few times. "I'm sure you would just kill Dad if you knew what he had tried to pull with the daughter of that business partner of his. You and Imo always were talking about how he was going to run your hard earned business into the ground. Imo's still got a handle on things, though."
"And hey," Gil sniffed, finding a smile again, "Imo loves her too!"
Thena looked at him again, about to accuse him of exaggerating.
"I've never seen Imo like anyone," Gil chuckled, finally tearing his eyes away from his 'mother' and to the woman beside him. "But I think she took one look at you and knew that you were right for me."
Thena shook her head at him.
"Really," he whispered, looking forward again. "You know how Imo is, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified to find out she was in America to see us. But I was shocked when she accepted that I wanted to stay with Thena instead of coming home. I mean, it was basically giving us her blessing. She even told Thena to call her Imo--that she's part of the family!"
Thena smiled.
"Dad doesn't know yet," Gil said in a quieter voice, his face drawing down again. "And he won't. He's never getting anywhere near the woman I love. I think you'd support me in that."
The grave marker didn't have a reply, but he really got the feeling of agreement.
"He doesn't need to be in my life, he doesn't have to know my business," Gil stated more for himself than anyone else, present or not. He squeezed Thena's hand again, "he doesn't have to meet my wife."
"Gil," Thena squeezed his hand back.
He looked up again, some lightness returning again. "We're not married yet. Well, not officially, I guess. Far as I'm concerned, we've been married since the very first time we-"
"Sorry, Princess," he chuckled, turning and kissing Thena's warm, pink cheek. "But you already know I've been down bad for you since before then."
She chose to roll her eyes at him again instead of dignifying his claim with a response (whether denial or confirmation).
"But yeah," Gil looked at his mother's grave again, "this is the woman I love, Ma. She wanted to meet you--and I wanted her to meet you, too, even if it meant coming over here. Even if Dad knew we were here, even if our enemies knew we were flying over."
He looked at Thena beside him, in a simple white sundress with her hair loose around her shoulders. She wasn't here as the Ice Queen, just Thena: his fiancee and the woman he loved.
"Some things are worth the risk," he concluded, feeling he had told his mother the most crucial parts he wanted to. He had neglected to discuss the poisoning and the shooting and such, but that was business. They were here for a family matter. He looked at Thena again, "anything you wanna add, sweetheart?"
Thena took a long look at the stone before them before stating very plainly, "I love Gilgamesh."
Concise, his Ice Queen.
"I love your son," she elaborated in a whisper-soft tone. "I certainly hadn't expected to. But I'm sure you knew better than anyone that not loving him is...just impossible."
Gil blinked away a few tears again.
"There isn't much I can promise," Thena confessed in a surprising admission of fragility. "Imo may like me, but I doubt anyone else will. And my family...doesn't exist anymore. I don't have much to offer."
Thena very literally controlled the global diamond market--was one of the riches human beings on the planet (off the record). And only she could see that as 'just business' and set it aside from herself enough to think she had nothing to offer in a marriage.
"But I'll love him," she said with conviction, gripping his hand. She was shaking. "I will love him every second of every minute we have. I already do--I love him so much I can't breathe. It rewrote the world I knew and every cell in my body. But against all odds...I suppose I find it worth the risk."
"I know how special you will always be to Gilgamesh. And I promise that I will take care of him. I will stand by him through every decision and every consequence. I was willing to go through with a ceremony here with your family, actually...not that I had mentioned it."
Gil grinned; he already knew that, but still.
"He worries about me meeting his father," Thena peeked over at him before addressing his mother again. "I am not so fragile as to fear someone as cowardly as someone like him."
Gil held in a laugh. His Dad would shit a brick if he knew this woman - a powerful business mogul whom he had never met - had called him a coward to his late wife.
"I would rather face down his father and his whole empire than have to meet Imo for the first time again," Thena let out a breath at just the thought. She smiled, though, "I can see why Gilgamesh turned out to be such a good man. He had such wonderful women raising him, it was never in question."
Gil's eyes watered again.
"So, I suppose I would like to thank you," Thena mumbled, some shyness coming over her. "I don't remember my own mother, but...I promise I will do my best to honour you all the same."
Gil watched Thena clutch at her lace shawl laid in the crooks of her elbows and dangling around her legs.
"Thank you for having me," Thena bowed again before looking at Gil, holding her hair back against a breeze, "are you okay?"
He nodded, leaning forward to kiss her forehead, "thanks for coming with me, baby."
"Hm," she sufficed to say as they slowly came away from his mother's grave and made their way back to the entrance to the cemetery again. "I did want to meet her."
Gil moved his hand from hers, only to unfold her shawl and pull it over her shoulders so it could drape over her arms, which were only partially covered by billowing linen sleeves attached to her dress. "I don't want you to burn, Ice."
Thena held onto his arm, leaning her head against him again as they made their way back to the car. "It would be worth it."
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lixbf · 2 years
tbh eternals felt kinda underwhelming
#like you have one guy whos power is literally being strong but for some reason the flying bitch w/laser eyes is considered the strongest#while im on the topic of ikaris. that bitch got off wayyy too easy. he shoukd not have been allowed to end his life on his terms#not after what he did to ajak and what hapoened to gilgamesh and all the lives he was willing to just sacrifice#honestly that movie felt both way too long and way too short#their stories and their characters should have been explored way more imo#you cant tell me that druig thought the colonization of tenochtitlan was too much but that he then stood by for all other genocides#like i def need some sort of explanation for why he wasnt doing anything during slavery or ww2 or other times when natives were murdered#also why didnt sersi as like the one who was arguably closest to humanity side with druig?#and why did that movie insist on making sure druig didnt think of himself as a god but went around calling thena a goddess???#ofc they can say that sprite was the origin of mythology surrounding athena or smth like that#but straight out saying 'yea thena is the goddess of war and protector of athens' hell nah thats just weird and unnecessary imo#but yeah there wasnt nearly enough time to explore the idk how many characters and the like three separate villains#but at the same time everything just felt sooo drawn out#what was dane abt to telk sersi? why did it have to end on a cliffhanger? why was harry styles there? all that couldve been cut imo#plus that harry styles thing really feels like random famous acturs being cast as voice actors. it's jyst completely unnecessary and weird#and now that the multiverse is a thing and everything seems to be more connected than ever i just dont see a connection to other movies#idk. kingo was cool just wish he didnt have to be the funny one. wish we couldve seen more of both gilgamesh and makkari.#druig was right. and ikaris shouldve been left to rot in the asshole of that fucking celestial like the piece of shit he is#in conclusion: eternals felt like infinity war/endgame except we didnt actually know any of the characters beforehand#and yknow infinity war and endgame are just ughh in my opinion sooooooo
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sillygoofsterhihi · 3 years
I watched eternals, here are my thoughts
Overall... it was okay, nice movie, would give 4/10. I have more thoughts and opinion about characters, so I would go about each of them. Not proof read.
Main character with no personality. That's all I can say about her.
Bucky bait. Looks and acts like Bucky. Has his own "I'll follow you to the end" line. He's just a Bucky bait. His betrayal was a bit suprising but not that much. And then his suicide was kind of from nowhere . I feel like he also doesn't have personality. I don't like him. He has no emotions. He's just blank.
Precious baby. I like her. Her plot was okay but I feel like she also was a bait. I really like her name. The idea about calling her similiar to greek goddess? Love this. Great. She did okay. It wasn't painful to watch.
Cult leader. Either Eternals where a cult or she started another one at some point in her life. I think she's supposed to be this "smart leader who knows evertything and is mysterious" but the cult leader vibes are stronger than her lovely aunt vibes and that lowkey kills her character.
He gives me Shane Dawson vibes. Didn't like him from start but this started to change between middle and end of movie but I still don't like him. Sorry. He has kind of good plot about wanting to be like Ikaris but that imo wasn't explored enough. Him and that dude followed him had some good jokes and had some good jokes. So they're okay i suppose.
Bruh. I liked her. Loved her from the start. Reminded me about kid Loki. Then the stupid as fuck plot "I love Ikaris" came up and I was done. Plot about wanting to grow up - good, great even, plot about Ikaris - why? She's 14, dude, she could go without it, no difference, she still could betray if you wanted. imo betrayal was at least a bit stupid and made no sense except "I love Ikaris". Loved her at start, then hated her, then liked her bit more. For my mental health I will ignore her plot about Ikaris.
Best boi. Loved him from the start. As soon as I saw him. His name - same as Thena - love name and idea behind. And then he had a husband and a kid. Loved him more. He's so sweet. My fav character in whole movie. He's cool dad. Could have more screen time with family but that's okay. Love nonetheless.
Didn't get much screen time. She was okay. Liked her relationship with Druig. Imo her character wasn't explored enough. Could been better if that would happen. Still okay character. I love that they casted deaf actor for deaf character.
We already had Bucky bait. He's Loki bait. Edgy teenager. I'm 85% sure he's bait for fangirls. So many similarities with Loki and this black haired dude from Star Wars. I was annoyed when he talked but had cute relationship with Makkari. Has punchable face. Fucking tumblr bait.
I liked him. He was so sweet with Thena. Then poof he died. And then they forgot about him. Like I don't think they told Phastos or Makkari about it. About Ajak - they told everyone, even not on screen, her death was important, they cried. And after Gilgamesh's death they said idk two things about him. I liked him. Why didn't he get some screen time? Why?
Overall characters are either not explored enough, annoying baits or have some stupid plot. Three characters i loved from this movie - one had stupid plot, second died. Like bruh. Bit dissapointed. CGI was good, liked stone hand at end. Main plot about Titanica however was this big boi inside earth called was okay. Plot about memories - also okay. Like I said 4/10. Could been better. At least they didn't ruin my boi Phastos.
I was right about Druig. Eternals tag is filled with fanfics, he has so much fics already I hate this edgy teenager fucking tumblr fangirl bait but please don't @ me.
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the-other-art-blog · 3 years
My thoughts on Eternals (SPOILER ALERT!!!)
So, I really enjoyed this film!
I have to be fair and judge it for what it promised, which is a blockbuster, a Marvel film. And for that I’d give it an 8/10. Why? Well, this is a slow movie. It really takes its time, there’s lots of exposition, there are cool fight scenes but it’s a heavy movie. I myself wouldn’t rewatch it right away. And it does feel different from other MCU films. I can’t explain how, but it does.
I thought watching the trailers I knew what was gonna happen, and I got something completely different, good, but unexpected. And I think that’s what I love the most about it, but I can understand why some other people got disappointed. So I’ll list the things I really loved first:
I have to say, this is my first reaction, so I’m still in a honeymoon period with this film. Most probably I’ll start noticing issues on my second, third or further watch.
This is a movie about FAITH, in Arishem, in the Eternals, in something bigger, in humanity, in goodness.
It’s full of religious connotations, so I really liked the text at the beginning, so like the Bible!!!
The whole cosmogony!!!
The fact that mythologies are based on this characters is really smart (and the credits at the end are chef kiss).
Sprite telling them the story of Gilgamesh. If you like Greek epics, you need to read The Epic of Gilgamesh (and The Epic of Sundiata). It’s a most and you’ll realize the Bible borrowed quite a few things from there.
The Ishtar Gate!!!! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon!!! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
Tenochtitlan!!!!! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
I loved that Druig said it was a genocide, not a war. Hell yes, it’s time to call things as they really are.
The battles were really nicely done. I loved everyone’s powers and coordination.
There was this review that said that even in battle the couples were tender, and they’re so right!!!
Gilgamesh and Thena!!!!
Where do I start with these two? They were such a mature duo. I don’t think it’s established that they were a romantic couple, I saw two friends who cared deeply and loved each other. They’re old school.
Thena mourning Gilgamesh in the river broke my heart.
Honestly, Thena might be my favorite Eternal! I loved everything about her, her powers, her costume, her being Athena, her vulnerability, everything, and Angelina Jolie was superb.
Druig and Makkari!!! (Drukkari, even their ship name sounds epic!)
I loved their flirtations. 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 They’re so fun and sweet. I need more of them.
Druig was a whole surprise for me. From the trailers I thought he was gonna be the bad guy, controlling the minds of people to do bad stuff. And still, making them zombies was awful, but he wasn’t the villain. The actor has this face that can go from scary to the sweetest thing possible.
Sersi and Ikaris
“I’m yours, if you’ll have me” 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 
the sex scene was really nice. And yes, its the first sex scene in the MCU, as in two people loving each other, consummating their love. Tony Stark was just fucking and he rolls off the bed.
That scene in the end when he stands before her and looks like he’s gonna shut his eye lasers was great because it looks like he will do it a couple of times.
Since he never related to humanity, he still had faith in Arishem and he was blinded by it. So yes, he is kind of the “villain” but it’s different cause he’s not getting anything out of it. On the contrary, he would forget Sersi and go to another planet. He just thought it was his duty.
Was his “death” too on the nose? Yes, it was so cheesy but I think he had a crisis of faith. All that time, he thought he was doing the right thing, and then everyone including Sersi turns against him, stop the emergence. His mind must have been collapsing. What’s left when everything you believed in falls apart?
I don’t think he’s death though.
Phastos’s family!!!!!
Is it good representation? IMO, it is a good start. I do have to applaud Disney for refusing to cut the kiss scene. It would have been too hypocrite to cut it.
The kiss scene was so sweet, it broke my heart. Plus they used the song from the 1st trailer and I’ve been listening to that song for months. I loved it!!! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
But I love that the model of family that we got here is his family. The Eternals are a big family, but I mean in a more “conventional” way. When he says that he’s fighting for his family, or something like that I thought he’s kind of the Hawkeye in AOU here, in the sense that his family gives perspective to the Eternals. Cause they all talk about humanity like a mass, and Sersi does have Dane, but it’s Ben and Jack that really ground the story and the consequences. This humanity is composed of individuals! Does that make sense?
The only thing that got me thinking is that he’s gonna watch his son died, eventually. He’s gonna life forever but his child and husband are mortals. It’s too painful. Parents shouldn’t watch their children die.
Dane was way too chill about the Eternals? I don’t know, I suppose in a world where half of the population disappeared when a purple alien with 6 magic stones snapped his fingers, then a group of immortal beings are not that rare anymore. Like he was asking if she was like Doctor Strange.
Kingo’s assistant was also too chill about the fact that Earth was gonna end. Like why didn’t he try to convince them to fight? Why wasn’t he angry? He just accepted it.
The thing with Sprite was a bit weird, why can’t she just love Ikaris as an older brother? but she also broke my heart. When she asked Kingo why Arishem made her like that 😢 😢 😢 Yeah, why did he made her like that?
Kingo was hilarious.
I loved the Bollywood scene.
The soundtrack is epic! Ramin Djawadi did it again!
The plot twists really got me.
Can’t believe they kill Salma like five minutes in, but at least the flashbacks gave her more screen time.
So... turns out everyone hated Ikaris and couldn’t wait to kick his ass!!! Amazing! He does have the biggest ego, he deserved it! I suppose everyone tolerated him because he’s part of the team and because of Sersi? Makkari gave him hell and it was awesome!
Harry Styles as Eros is perfect casting! Kudos to Marvel
A prince, a lover, his superpower is controlling pleasure! It’s just perfect.
I think this shows the MCU is serious about their LGTB+ representation. I don’t care about his actual orientation, that’s his life, but he does wave the rainbow flag in his concerts. Even if he’s an ally, it would be stupid to cast him and not exploiting that aspect of him.
Maybe the character would be bisexual. Loki promised us that and it ended up having us the weirdest thing ever where two versions of one person fall for each other? How did Marvel went there before a gay kiss?
I totally forgot he was British!
I also liked that everyone kept their accents. I saw some critics complaining about it, they’re idiots.
So, yeah. I really liked this film. I think the good outweigh the opportunities missed like this ones:
It’s never established that Salma has any relation to Mesoamerican cultures, so she didn’t take it personal when they were in Tenochtitlan.I remember when she was first cast someone mentioned something about being an Mexica deity? Guess they drop that out.
But it would have been interesting to go beyond wars to explain humanity’s cruelty.
What about a mention that Phastos can’t go to America in the 18h century cause he’d be taken as a slave? Or to see his reaction to the way people with the same skin color as his are enslaved. I think he and his family lived in America, so saying that a hundred years ago, he wouldn’t be able to have this family might have been good.
But again, this post comes after my FIRST time watching it.
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raskies456 · 3 years
just watched Eternals and here are my scattered thoughts about it
first part is spoiler free but under a readmore bc it’s long
went into it w pretty low expectations bc I heard it had low reviews despite how much reviewers in the past have loved some pretty mediocre (imo) marvel movies, but movies are fun and I like stuff about immortal character dilemmas and the monsters looked fun
and ye overall it really wasn’t bad! I def enjoyed it despite some flaws which I will discuss, and I don’t think it’s any weaker than the average marvel movie tbh? the monsters were fun, lots of engaging concepts too
tbh my main issue w it (besides the tenochitlan issue and associated problems that I don’t feel qualified to discuss much) is that it really should have been a mini series. there was a lot of solid stuff that had a ton of potential but not given enough time?
a lot of it was that there just needed to be more time to know the characters. there’s a large cast and you can see most of them have interesting personalities and problems and arcs, but there’s not enough time to show who they are/what they are going through and instead you are just told things about them, given some one liners, or get one scene showing their conflict/struggle. this is something I’ve had issues w in the past with marvel movies, but it stands out more here bc in other movies they don’t really try to introduce characters, they just expect you to already care because you know the comics or previous films. here there was an attempt and it just didn’t have enough time, which makes it extra disappointing because you can see the potential
similarly there’s a lot of good potential for conflicts/dilemas in the premise, and these are mentioned instead of just ignored, but again there’s hardly any time to explore them, you have them brought up and struggled with but only briefly and characters seem to figure out the dilemas pretty quick or in the background
okay now for specific spoilery stuff—major spoilers ahead
things I didn’t like/would change:
how Druig’s arc was done. the dilemas of standing by and mind control are fun concepts, but i do not think using the Spanish conquest of tenochitlan is appropriate place to do that, nor a modern day village in the Amazon. I’ll see if I can find a post discussing it, bc I don’t feel like I can do the topic justice.
sprites whole “I am an adult in a child’s body and it sucks” thing would’ve worked a lot better if she actually looked like a child. sure she’s that age where you could either be 13 or 25 but if she just said she was 25 I’d believe her
also regarding Sprite, even if they had spent more time convincing me she liked Ikarus, her heel turn was pretty ridiculous played straight. i think it would’ve been better if she’d either been intending to convince him otherwise or turned against him once she saw the devastation the emergence was creating. Or you know, more time to flesh out her character so that I know why she wouldn’t
I don’t think the Ikarus betrayal was earned either. Out of all the characters he really had the Least characterization so when the reveal happened I was like all right sure. there was no foreshadowing for it, but not really a surprise to it either
also lmao I can’t take him flying into the sun seriously. could it have been done well???? maybe. but besides the whole redemption equals death thing being annoying why would you undermine an attempt to be dramatic and sad with “lol he’s called Ikarus and he literally killed himself flying into the sun”
I’m also disappointed with how they handled the main Deviant, mostly because I thought they were gonna do another, way cooler plot thing. imo it would be far more interesting if the deviant ended up helping them stop the Emergence. after all it resents its creator, wants to live, and has the ability to combine the Eternals powers/share the power it absorbed to help stop Tiamut, plus remembers loving Thena. before Ikarus did his whole betrayal reveal I genuinely thought that Ajak had fused with the Deviant on purpose and maybe released the other deviants to help slow down the emergence. which would have been a super fun reveal imo but I’m biased bc I liked the deviants
tho another thing is I do feel some of their animations were a little clunky. Still awesome tho
Also like. Why was Kingo gone during the big fight
Things I did like
love Kingo’s Bollywood nonsense
Also Gilgamesh
like tbh the chars were good (mostly) there just wasn’t Time
overall concepts and conflicts. crisis of faith???? turning against the creator? interfering in history?? living forever????? all super interesting
a lot of other stuff I am just better at complaining than praise
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Kinda miss ice queen
So, this is not a request, but listen babe, same! So, here are some headcanons I have that I just haven't been able to fit into any particular story as of yet.
Although I guess since they're my headcanons for my au, they're kind of canon?
Thena was born into the family business as was everyone before her. They get raised and assessed and once they prove they're capable, they can take their own branch in whatever direction they want. She comes from Russian mafia business but she's the one who learned to corner the American diamond economy with both natural and lab grown diamonds to create her own competition and scarcity to control her own supply and demand.
Thena learned to use knives at an early age, and the knives grew with her. She can use other weapons, but none like a knife. She still has her little baby knives stashed away for nostalgia's sake. It freaks Kingo out that they're just sitting around somewhere in her office.
Thena's only other relationship was with a boy she used to train with. She did skating and ballet and equestrian training and he did wrestling and diving. They had two physical encounters and never spoke another word to each other. She poured one out for him when she found out he was killed.
Gil has always been a point of interest for her. She won't admit it, but ever since Ajak formed their loose community of those with 'business' in the city, she has kept tabs on the Tyrant King. She just thought it was fascinating how he commanded such a wide territory the way he did. No personal interest whatsoever. Sersi would argue that she does the same thing with Chinatown, but sure, no personal interest.
Gil has always been a little protective of Thena. It's his gentlemanly nature coming out. She would get mad at him for it, but if he heard she was getting hassled or something he would ask if she wanted to borrow his resources. She said her methods were more effective.
She maintains her Korean, which is still at an acceptable novice's level. She gets a little shy about it, though, so she doesn't really practice it at home much. Imo will encourage her, though, so they'll speak on the phone and through email in Korean. Thena is well and truly scared of her aunt/mother-in-law.
It is true that Koreans don't really consider someone an in-law; as far as Imo is considered, Thena is her daughter just as much as Gil is her son. And she approves greatly. If she needs to contact them for anything, she'll call Thena first, much to Gil's frustration.
Thena had to cut all ties with her family--business rules. There does exist a man she might call Grandfather, whom she doesn't contact except in emergencies. When Gil was shot she called him. She dealt with the Little Heiress herself, but the actual shooters were found for her by those from her old life. Cutting off the ring finger is actually an old Russian mafia practice.
Grandfather learned of the engagement and sent her the veil her mother wore for her wedding, also with the lace design that's actually a form of a family crest. After the veil was taken home the box was ordered to be burned. Kingo was even more freaked out by that.
Karun feels a lot like Thena's favourite attendant from when she was young, so even as one of her assistants, he feels very fatherly. She has a soft spot for him, and she doesn't let Gil kiss her if Karun is watching.
Thena really is sentimental. She collected up all the flower petals from Gil's failed proposal and kept them. She has some of them framed just between panes of glass very artistically. He doesn't even realise what it is for a while, but when he does he gets very sentimental and mushy over how romantic it is. She's mortified.
Thena does have a skincare routine, mostly basic cleansing and some serums maybe. She wears light makeup when she has meetings. Gil tried to replenish her stuff for her once as a sweet gesture, and while he image matched them all he was horrified to discover the price of them, as if they both aren't rich. He got her onto Korean skincare stuff because he swears it's better, and she doesn't need any of it anyway (such husband material).
Thena had her tubes tied as soon as she was age of majority. It wasn't known that she'd had her relations with the boy from her academy days, but everyone in their family gets their tubes tied to prevent complications. Her mother was an exception as the only daughter in eight generations.
Thena has more stamina than Gil. He's great at satisfying her, of course, but if they're both wound up, Thena can easily go for four rounds while Gil usually tops out at three. That's why he's gotta put on his best moves (his own words).
Even moved in together, Thena doesn't like Gil knowing too much about when her period comes and how she deals with it.
Imo has shown Thena all her baby pictures of Gil and she secretly really, really adored them. They look just like him now and it's the only time she's even remotely thought about children, even if they both can't have them. She's never spoken a word of this to Gil.
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