#druig is edgy teenager
sillygoofsterhihi · 3 years
I watched eternals, here are my thoughts
Overall... it was okay, nice movie, would give 4/10. I have more thoughts and opinion about characters, so I would go about each of them. Not proof read.
Main character with no personality. That's all I can say about her.
Bucky bait. Looks and acts like Bucky. Has his own "I'll follow you to the end" line. He's just a Bucky bait. His betrayal was a bit suprising but not that much. And then his suicide was kind of from nowhere . I feel like he also doesn't have personality. I don't like him. He has no emotions. He's just blank.
Precious baby. I like her. Her plot was okay but I feel like she also was a bait. I really like her name. The idea about calling her similiar to greek goddess? Love this. Great. She did okay. It wasn't painful to watch.
Cult leader. Either Eternals where a cult or she started another one at some point in her life. I think she's supposed to be this "smart leader who knows evertything and is mysterious" but the cult leader vibes are stronger than her lovely aunt vibes and that lowkey kills her character.
He gives me Shane Dawson vibes. Didn't like him from start but this started to change between middle and end of movie but I still don't like him. Sorry. He has kind of good plot about wanting to be like Ikaris but that imo wasn't explored enough. Him and that dude followed him had some good jokes and had some good jokes. So they're okay i suppose.
Bruh. I liked her. Loved her from the start. Reminded me about kid Loki. Then the stupid as fuck plot "I love Ikaris" came up and I was done. Plot about wanting to grow up - good, great even, plot about Ikaris - why? She's 14, dude, she could go without it, no difference, she still could betray if you wanted. imo betrayal was at least a bit stupid and made no sense except "I love Ikaris". Loved her at start, then hated her, then liked her bit more. For my mental health I will ignore her plot about Ikaris.
Best boi. Loved him from the start. As soon as I saw him. His name - same as Thena - love name and idea behind. And then he had a husband and a kid. Loved him more. He's so sweet. My fav character in whole movie. He's cool dad. Could have more screen time with family but that's okay. Love nonetheless.
Didn't get much screen time. She was okay. Liked her relationship with Druig. Imo her character wasn't explored enough. Could been better if that would happen. Still okay character. I love that they casted deaf actor for deaf character.
We already had Bucky bait. He's Loki bait. Edgy teenager. I'm 85% sure he's bait for fangirls. So many similarities with Loki and this black haired dude from Star Wars. I was annoyed when he talked but had cute relationship with Makkari. Has punchable face. Fucking tumblr bait.
I liked him. He was so sweet with Thena. Then poof he died. And then they forgot about him. Like I don't think they told Phastos or Makkari about it. About Ajak - they told everyone, even not on screen, her death was important, they cried. And after Gilgamesh's death they said idk two things about him. I liked him. Why didn't he get some screen time? Why?
Overall characters are either not explored enough, annoying baits or have some stupid plot. Three characters i loved from this movie - one had stupid plot, second died. Like bruh. Bit dissapointed. CGI was good, liked stone hand at end. Main plot about Titanica however was this big boi inside earth called was okay. Plot about memories - also okay. Like I said 4/10. Could been better. At least they didn't ruin my boi Phastos.
I was right about Druig. Eternals tag is filled with fanfics, he has so much fics already I hate this edgy teenager fucking tumblr fangirl bait but please don't @ me.
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