xnda · 7 months
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League Of Legends - Worlds Championship 2023 icons
from: x
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whiteboygaming · 27 days
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slacking on the job
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jackeylover · 7 months
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WeiWei - TheShy - Crisp - Light - XIaohu
bonus TheShy:
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seventwobaos · 2 years
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4 year dreaming <> fallen angels to rise again soon
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jamin-turganbaev · 7 months
League of Legends, Worlds 2023, squads
Weibo Gaming China #4
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heronetworkgg · 1 year
Una cuenta coreana de TheShy fue baneada permanentemente
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Aprovechando el inicio de la Temporada 13 de League of Legends, múltiples streamers y jugadores profesionales están aprovechando esto para jugar sus placements y primeras clasificatorias en vivo. Entre estos se encuentra Kang «TheShy» Seung-lok, toplaner que fue campeón del mundo en 2018 junto a Invictus Gaming. No obstante, el coreano se llevó una lamentable […]
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theshy1sout · 10 months
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Hello There! I didn't post anything for a while, so here it is!
Also check up my Patreon, I've already posted something new there:
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enarratives · 7 months
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lolesports + Internet - Worlds Swiss Stage
feat. WBG TheShy, BLG Yagao, JDG Ruler, JDG Missing, LNG Scout, GEN Chovy, T1 Gumayusi, KT Bdd, DK ShowMaker, DK Deft, G2 Mikyx, G2 Caps, FNC LEC, MAD LEC, BDS Adam, NRG LCS, TL LCS, C9 Blaber, GAM Kiaya
BONUS (featuring our favourite referee):
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lustspren · 6 months
Clean game 2 by T1, one more and my dream to see this roster win will come through for their last dance
Dude, Zeus is GAPING TheShy so, so bad. Poor guy, I love Invictus because of him and Rookie, but Zeus is on his god damn PRIME.
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foxydivaxx · 19 days
Just saw the trailer for the Hall of Legends announcement. Faker is definitely the first inductee. They did a separate trailer for him. That is League of Legends Hall of Fame.
I suspect Uzi could get inducted since he debuted when Faker did and paved the way for all ADCs. Toplane not sure. TheShy maybe? Jungle might be Bengi. Maybe. Not sure. Mad life deserves mention and Insec too. So many options tbh. Maybe they will honour each role with an inductee and maybe 1 per region. Or two per region depending.
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yuragawa · 7 months
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 Worlds 2023 スイスステージDay8、3勝すれば勝ち抜けの新フォーマットで激突した2勝1敗の2チーム、NRGとG2。国際大会観戦勢にとっては定番ともいえるのEU vs NAという対決が行われた。LECにおいて常に一つ抜けた強さのチームとして知られるG2と、CLGの組織を引き継いでLCSを勝ち抜けたNRG。ともに地域の第1シードチームとはいえ、下馬評ではG2が圧倒的に有利とみられていた。しかしそんな予想をNRGはあっさりと覆してG2を2-0で圧倒。3勝1敗でノックアウトステージ進出を決め、その勝利にLCSファンは熱狂した。単なる勝利、ベスト8入りに留まらないその意味について、過去を振り返りながら紹介していく。
 Worldsで『NA=Near Airport』、あるいは『Last Hope C9』といった表現を見たり聞いたりしたことはあるだろうか。前者は北米からWorldsに参加するチームは空港が近い=すぐに敗退してしまうという事を自虐的に評したミームであり、後者はそんな中で最後に残って戦うチームが毎回C9であるという事を表した言い回しだ。実際、LCSチームは過去のWorldsでは苦戦続きとなっており、C9を除いたチームがベスト8入りを確定させたのは2014年のTSM以来となっている。
 C9に限れば2018年のベスト4入りといった結果も残っているが、それ以外のチームはグループステージ敗退が常となっていたのだ。特に2020年に至っては第1シードチームが0-6で敗退という記録を残し、ファンを大いに失望させている。伝統の一戦として扱われているEU vs NAも、実績面で言えばNAは後塵を拝していた。そんな流れの中でEUの象徴ともいえるトップチームのG2をBo3で破ったという結果はNAにとって大きな勝利となった。
NA org owners are you watching? If this isn't proof of the possibilities with NA talent then I don't know what is. TAKE A BOW @NRGLeague
— Kobe (@esports_kobe) October 28, 2023
I remember back at Training Grounds like five years ago I was embedded with the team @palafoxlol was on Even then, he was the kid that everyone else ignored And he smashed everyone Then he went to Academy and got doubted, and crushed everyone Then he went to LCS and got…
— The Esports Writer (@FionnOnFire) October 28, 2023
 これらのポストは、NA在野の才能と��の育成について言及した内容となっている。これはLCSという地域の歴史や性質に関わる問題なので、順を追って説明していきたい。  LCSという地域は、LoLのトップリーグの中でも歴史が長く、本家であるという自負があり、また多額の資金が投じられているリーグの一つである。特に地域外選手の採用という点では最初に他地域の選手をチームに加え、地域外選手は2名までというルールを作った原因となった地域でもある。今までLCSに参加した各地のスター選手や若き才能を上げていけば、BjergsenやLustboy、Looper、Froggen、Piglet、Crown、CoreJJ、Zven……と枚挙に暇がない。
 今回NAを熱狂させたNRGのメンバーを見てみよう。  Dhoklaは2017頃からキャリアをスタート。以来アカデミーとLCSを行ったり来たりしていた。アカデミーでは悪くない結果を出すものの、LCSではそれなりで、国際大会には手が届かない中堅所だった。
 こうしてみると、地域外選手5人で固めるチームが想定しているであろうスターや、既にLCSで活躍しているWorlds優勝クラスのベテランたちとは毛色の違うメンバーが揃っている。彼らはLCSやその2部リーグであるアカデミーリーグで戦い、何ならSummer splitも5位でプレイオフに入ったメンバーだ。それでもLCS 2023 Championshipに勝利し、スイスステージではTL,MAD,G2を下してベスト8を勝ち取った。おそらくこの組織の強みは総勢9名のコーチ、ストラテジックコーチ、ポジションコーチ、アナリスト陣なのだろう。これは同じくWorldsに出場していたTLやC9と比べても倍に近い人数だ。
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chungledown-bimothy · 6 months
LoL Worlds 2023 Finals Reaction Post
instead of a million text posts, i'm gonna just make this one extremely long one.
oh my god t1's first draft. they are not here to fuck around. but also if they don't get a solid early game advantage then uh. fear.
if that was damn near any midlaner other than xiaohu, that would have been first blood for sure. but SO well counterplayed by weibo wow
if i have to watch t1 lose worlds finals to jayce again i'm going to delete that goddamn champion from the entire game.
weiwei is doing WORK keeping weibo in this.
t1's neutral objective control my god
eyyyy atlus ty for the cloud soul
weiwei didn't die???? just maokai things jfc
what does this literally perfect neutral objective control mean if you can't fuckin win a skirmish though
yeah okay lost the dragon and the stacking delay isn't great but the won fight is big. both gold wise and mentally
bengi isn't here D:
keria. the love of my life. guma looked dead to rights, but keria simply will not allow that.
i was so afraid zeus wouldn't be able to stand up to theshy. that really was my biggest fear for this series, and it is so reassuring that he absolutely is
god it's only 28 minutes into game 1 and i'm already struggling to stay awake
zeus fucking melted that dragon holy shit
hell yeah boys, 2 more games of that <3 <3 <3
yeah okay there's the yone ban lol
nocturne? oooh oner is feeling himself today
this is such a fun draft omg. still very scared about top lane, but the big picture t1's put together is fantastic. looove watching t1 play that clean, clean macro.
hmm don't love that start for the bot lane. not idea.
holy shit theshy (impressed) holy shit theshy (my dude you're throwing)
THE EXECUTE zeus is the only god i worship actually
wow i've got way fewer thoughts this game. the time is catching up to me and i'm too eepy for that much thought lol
lmao guma just looked at crisp and he exploded. and oner's ults have been so, so good this whole game
i know it's hope that kills you. and it's been very, very rough to watch t1's finals appearances these last few years, so i've not really let myself hope. but i can't help it at this point
zeus series mvp, but oner deserves it too
i really hope they stay together if they win. i don't want to have to divide my loyalties.
...oh god what if they win and then faker retires.
BENGI'S NOT THERE OH NO i'd forgored D:
xayah rakan ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
brad is fun but like. weird choice so early on imo
akali! lee sin! you fucking love to see it
lmao imagine picking kennen into zeus. the aatrox is a ballsy choice, but he's absolutely earned that at this point
oner and zeus own this series.
awww man that grand entrance was so good it's tragic it wasn't quite enough
i have so many more thoughts about this game than i have the energy to make coherent let alone type oop
damn that herald just isn't gonna die good for them
FAKER TRIPLE KILL and he's so focused it doesn't even register on his face
and he just. keeps. going. then zeus cleans up with the double kill.
fuck i have to pee so bad but i can't miss a second of this live
that should have been a pick onto keria. but no, 2 kills for t1. jfc
this is it. they've done it. oh my fucking god.
we've hit hitting them with their wallets territory. idk maybe there's some miracle somewhere but not really. not with t1 playing like this. not with their lead.
oh my god they did it they're so cute i cannot see what i'm typing through the tears
the first professional league i ever watched was the last time t1 won worlds.
holy shit they did it. fuck i'm so fucking proud of them
faker was so casual about the win, too. that boy i swear to god i have never wanted to suck a dick so bad in my life
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livikattt · 9 months
very late ruination station post
this is gonna be a bunch of ruination station thoughts and explanations and easter eggs and such. with no particular system of organization or anything. i will link the entire ruination station here to make up for previously mentioned lack of organization. all chaotic thoughts will be under the break
now I'll never be the same
look the fall in the eyes
where the hunters get hunted
now you're coming at the king
fire in our blood (but we're still cold-hearted)
the ones that are voiceless
(don't) fear what you don't know
take to the skies
the sinful and the saviors
also check out there's a part of myself i'm missing by aryasage. that is all.
spoilers below (obviously)
I had a thing going with the idea of your greatest weakness being your greatest weapon, as Meiko alludes to in the first chapter of the finale. For Viper, that obviously refers to his noctum, while Viego's is love. Or whatever he thinks love is. For the Sentinels, love can also be their greatest weakness and weapon, since there are multiple times when someone sacrifices themselves to protect someone they love.
Viego is kind of aware of his weakness being love, which is why he orders JackeyLove not to confront Rookie. Generally, expressions of love are what (temporarily) break Viego's control, and so he tries to avoid that.
Another one of Viego's weaknesses is his pride. He considers the Summoners beneath him, which kind of comes back to bite him, since Keria just has to flatter him a bit to get him to leave the rest of T1 alone. He also makes Chovy keep his mouth shut in the finale, assuming whatever he wants to say isn't worth listening to. Chovy was going to inform him that Rookie and Keria had switched places, so that's another mistake by Viego.
DK have a variety of code names, including Crocodile-Polar Bear-Showmaker-Alpaca-Bird (they sometimes call SM Chihuahua, which he doesn’t appreciate) and Kim 1-4.
The "because Faker" joke I always pull out when Faker does something vaguely impossible/dramatic has an in-universe explanation, as revealed in (don't) fear what you don't know: his wish to be unkillable. See? All planned. Everything Faker does is planned. Mmmm yes.
I fucked around with chess piece metaphors on occasion, like when Chovy sees himself as a knight on Viego's magic chess map despite being a pawn, or how the king is the deciding piece of the game despite the queen being more powerful, Viper telling the shadows he won't be their pawn, Viego using the white pieces to represent himself because he thinks he's the good guy and because he moves first (also because he's pasty af), Rookie telling JackeyLove he's just one of Viego's pawns, and Bel'Veth using pawns to create a queen. That's why Keria says "checkmate" after the Dramatic Reveal.
Danny says he "chose" to push himself past his limits, since the truth about Danny and EG hadn't come out at the time. Maybe in this universe, he was gaslit into thinking it was his fault. I wouldn't put it past... certain people. (EG management. I'm looking at you.)
The emergency self-destruct feature on Canyon’s spear Riptide isn’t meant to keep Riptide from falling into the wrong hands, since Canyon is able to call it back to him. It serves as a way to deal a devastating blow to a large monster, or a way to save Canyon from a fate worse than death.
There's a reference to Showmaker's streaming shirt in (don't) fear what you don't know.
Braiding Canyon’s mane is both therapeutic in the moment and very helpful later when Showmaker holds onto the braids in order to ride on his back.
The most consistent thing in this universe is that Flandre snores loudly.
Sarcasm counts towards Rookie’s lying quota, which is why he’s a sarcastic little rat most of the time.
Ning and TheShy weren't supposed to go with Rookie, but I couldn't resist the temptation of the Squad Reunion. (Except, you know, no Duke.)
Viper isn’t the most selfless person in ppau. That’s not to say that he’s selfish, by the way. Anyway, when he sees Showmaker try to sacrifice for Canyon, he starts to understand, and offers to fight dragon Meiko himself in order to protect them, believing Showmaker to be a better person than him because of his attempted self-sacrifice.
For JackeyLove reasons, he reacts much more to his real name, so when Rookie calls him Wenbo, he snaps out of his possession enough to order the Void monsters to leave him alone. JackeyLove isn’t a healer, so he can’t do anything but apologize to Rookie and keep him from being torn to pieces.
Don't ask me about the political implications of the Shadow Isles turning back into Taiwan.
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cheerycherry3987 · 1 year
(At least) One League of Legends esports players of each MBTI Type
INTP: Faker, Licorice
INTJ: Uzi, Chovy,  ENTP: Jojopyun, Vulcan, Doublelift, Spica, Showmaker, Bwipo ENTJ: BrokenBlade, Canyon, Armut INFP: Deft, Trymbi, Biofrost, Danny
INFJ: Zven, Perkz, Mikyx, CoreJJ, Santorin, Broxah ENFP: Sneaky, Caps, Beryl, Berserker, Prince ENFJ: Doinb, Nisqy, Zeka, Vicla
ISFJ: Rekkles, Larssen, Upset, Ming, sOAZ, Scout
ISTJ: Bjergsen, Impact, Malrang, Xmithie, Ssumday
ESFJ: Apromoo, Meiko,  ESTJ: Odoanme, Jensen, Inspired
ISFP: Keria, huanfeung, Hans Sama ISTP: Kanavi, Gumayusi, Ruler, Dhokla, Licorice, Blaber
ESFP: Pysosik, Closer, Berserker, Khan, JackeyLove, Comp ESTP: Dardoch, Jankos, Fudge, Wunder, Jiizuke, TheShy, Contractz
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444names · 7 months
Names derived from Bangladeshi, Indian, Nepalese, Roma and Sri Lankan names, including the letter combo "Sh"
Abaputish Abrashan Achdevash Achershage Actshaia Adrasha Akeshing Akshar Akshasnen Akshirawni Akshulwina Akshy Amshmuruna Andesh Anpraish Antshanya Apeshani Apurkeshni Arambhosh Arawash Arish Arishane Arsha Arshaul Arshiari Ashalla Ashant Ashather Ashoragamy Ashpreep Ashraone
Bacheshary Bajmuksher Baksha Bakshar Bakshra Bakshumita Baliyash Balkashi Bamishne Banasha Banghush Bashentend Bashi Befixesh Bershi Bhakshy Bhanishar Bhorishan Bhortyansh Bhukshand Bhumanshi Bishankeet Bishar Bishema Bishi Bishmita Bodrasha Branirsh Brashan Breeshmi Budarkash Budesharan Capadashi Chaksh Changshy Charisheli Chaush Chhikrisha Chieshavai Chosh Codastansh Daksh Dareshe Darishitha Dashingeep Dekhmishi Denshal Deshaksham Deshan Dhandrashi Dhowaraksh Dhwahishey Dhwathish Dinshvini Ditikshan Dukshe Dushet Dushnaban Dushoma Eatishem Eshan Eshar Eshisha Ficharisha Foragrash Forushi Frokshav Ganarushi Ganbishota Garmishobi Gaursholla Geshwada Gorshila Goshi Goshwa Goteshages Guneshal Gunishy Gunnishen Gurashirs Gushangai Guyash Halesh Hamshwar Hanishon Hanushani Harmisha Harushadhy Hathanash Haulashan Heranisha Heshoy Hrashi Ineshap Ishamruz Ishar Isheb Ishimarsh Ishoha Isholaswal Jaguarmesh Jahaksh Janarmish Jandesh Jarjesh Jashairia Jasish Jaskashen Jeshi Jotsh Kaksha Karmshekta Kashamy Kashes Keshib Khangshai Khashe Kheseshana Kheshoj Kirishan Kishandaru Kishanga Kishar Kishatna Kishili Kshanjot Kshathar Kshay Kshdeet Kshet Kshirlaka Kshri Kshum Kshungia Kshwan Kukrishaya Kuneshle Kurish Kurishar Lakishwah Laksh Lashar Latesh Lokotesh Lowlenshal Madanprish Makeshon Makhrish Mallish Mangoshmal Mansha Marabishet Marakeshar Marshna Mashani Mashi Mashia Mashne Mathisha Memsha Menksh Mesha Meshatipen Meshi Minishi Mishargle Muktasha Mutsh Nanishmila Narsh Nashautta Nashninga Nautrish Nayaksh Neshana Nieshahla Nikshe Nishi Olalaish Orshi Pagesheel Palaksh Pansharder Pashal Peishe Phoyarshe Pilakshar Pilalashe Pileshot Pingsh Pishi Pishir Poonthesh Pooshank Poreshnar Poudesh Powalshiv Prahersh Prashwa Preshwan Prishano Prishmar Prisho Pursishar Pushi Qanish Rajmukshne Raksharino Ramalashin Ramiashali Ramsh Ramutsh Ranishi Ranshoj Rashwanu Ravanjash Rishon‎ Rodheshage Ronshi Rukkugesha Ruksh Rushi Sageshar Saianshy Saksha Sakshandee Sandeshi Sashalida Savash Sekangshay Senatnashi Sereksh Shabis Shada Shadash Shadda Shadoo Shakation Shakeshine Shakka Shaksh Shamangate Shammaddhi Shamse Shana Shanation Shandev Shandodd Shandowmik Shang Shani Shanja Shanjittan Shankarish Shanragh Shanrameer Shants Shanya Shaon Shaphi Shara Sharagadal Sharahu Sharasha Shargel Shari Sharista Shariyakar Sharl Sharpadeep Sharubid Sharullurt Sharuta Shash Shashakman Shasus Shaswan Shata Shattendeo Shaure Shavindal Shawati Shaweethy Shayan Shemara Shemboj Shenara Sheravali Sheri Shersindee Shetne Shikary Shilal Shimahna Shimramad Shimroonda Shini Shiraia Shiranke Shirat Shita Shitak Shitarunik Shiyakurs Shmadhula Shmenkaya Shminde Shmir Shmunset Shnabhund Shnai Shnair Shnan Shnapanse Shnasitin Shnay Shneollu Shoon Shosea Shoshatu Shoten Shpal Shpar Shpaul Shpiniah Shpri Shramag Shreet Shrindip Shugaro Shugh Shveep Shwagrandu Shwali Shwam Shwamah Shwanagane Shwar Shwara Shwari Shwarip Siashriyal Sikhesh Simbakshie Sishikiran Sohandrish Sokshvam Sookshatha Srashan Srishan Srishant Subbash Suboshaka Sudeshy Suffixesh Sukdeshing Sukhurisha Sukishaya Sunish Surdashy Surmash Surushan Surushayan Swarasha Syesh Tashro Teshar Thanigesh Theshi Theshwal Thetshana Toresh Trishana Tshal Tshan Tshathyer Tsher Tshikac Tshmit Tshok Tshpatnel Uggesh Ukhishana Upadmash Urishi Usanishto Ushamrooj Ushardarba Ushishi Vahmishati Vanksh Varjashani Vashan Vashanit Vedishara Vejeshik Verishe Vingshman Vinivansh Vishana Vishanjhu Vishnelis Vistishati Wanvishit Washavrel Wijayeshi Wijesh Yakshrikar Yasheep Yishai Yishna Yogroshi Yosha
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bmcnyc · 2 years
like its got the two lame ass bestfriends Ones a nerd the other one is kinda quirky (jeremy & michael ). the weirdgirl (christime.) theShy popular girl(brooke). what more do you need. Something else.idk its still the first 30min
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