#The odyssey brainrot does not end
throwaway-yandere · 4 months
"Where is he?! WHERE IS HE?!"
"Keep your head down, he's aiming for the torches!"
"Our weapons, they're missing!—"
"He's using the darkness to hide his approaches."
"We're empty-handed, up against an archer. Our only chance is to strike him in the darkness."
"We know these halls, the odds can be tilted—"
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OOC: I'm not sure if I like you so, turns your Childe into a 40 yr old yandere DILF king who went to war (and subsequently went missing in the sea) for decades and killed all your suitors as soon as he returned home.
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stargazeraldroth · 1 year
Choco Cone Cookie AU
So I came up with a Cookie Run AU a few days ago, and... I’m gonna talk about it here, but the idea is- it’s not stupid, I think it’s very interesting (because I’m an AU nerd), but it might come across as dumb to others. I call it the Choco Cone AU.
So basically, the premise of this AU was a part of my “Dark Chocoverse” brainrot where I imagined Dark Choco Cookie in different roles for characters. One of these roles was him being in Strawberry Crepe Cookie’s place, where he’s associated with Wafflebots and is the initially unnamed Cookie the crew meets in the Vanilla Kingdom. And then I started building more onto this idea because I was hyperfixating on the theme of Strawberry Crepe Cookie’s character, which a cyborg-like character who does all these analysis things and techy stuff and yeah.
For the most part, the AU’s been kinda comical. I’ve been talking about it with friend, who I share just about all of my brainrot with, and there’s been more comical scenes than angsty ones, which is a new record for me I think. Like, the scene we just talked about today was a Licorice Oozling getting loose in the Black Citadel thanks to Dark Choco Cookie, and how he’s trying to track it down and catch it before the others find out.
I’m also trying to figure out the backstory/lore for this AU. Like how Dark Choco Cookie ended up in the Vanilla Kingdom and how he ended up fused with these Wafflebot parts, becoming a cyborg and all. The current thing I’m going with is that he suffered some kind of tragic accident and needed life-saving surgery, as he lost limbs. And, at least in this AU, not even Pure Vanilla Cookie’s miracle magic can reattach lost limbs. Maybe the accident in question, if I keep this plotline, could be related to the Dark Flour War with everything going on.
As a result of the accident in question and the spell that sealed away the Vanilla Kingdom, Dark Choco Cookie suffered total amnesia. He remembered basic knowledge and stuff, but he forgot everything about who he was, including his name and where he comes from. But he did still remember that he was a Cookie. There are moments where he can experience deja vu related to his past, such as the licorice smell coming from Licorice Cookie (and probably his name alone tbh) and Dark Enchantress Cookie. He doesn’t know WHY he gets this sense of deja vu and longing, but he does, and it can be pretty distracting at times.
Now, this AU doesn’t get rid of Strawberry Crepe Cookie entirely. The skrunkly still exists in this AU. I don’t really know how I’m going to implement them into the story/setting, but the idea I got not too long ago was that Strawberry Crepe Cookie found Dark Choco Cookie and they’re kinda like a little found family. Obviously this leads to some conflict come Cookie Odyssey and Dark Cacao Cookie finds out that his son is, in fact, still alive. Pretty much hasn’t aged a day and didn’t even know Dark Cacao Cookie or the Dark Cacao Kingdom existed prior to the Council of Heroes, but that’s a topic for another day!
Like, Dark Choco Cookie’s character here isn’t a carbon copy of Strawberry Crepe Cookie. That’s not what I want. Unlike Strawberry Crepe Cookie, who seems to have known how to navigate Wafflebots and data from the moment they gained awareness, Dark Choco Cookie has no idea what is going on. The kid even designed a similar headset for him, one based on the Choco Cone Lancers, and he’s just looking at the data stream like (:D)
At the same time, Dark Choco Cookie’s cluelessness when it comes to technology isn’t solely played for laughs and he’s not just additional comic relief in the AU. Here, he’d be a much stronger opponent than Strawberry Crepe Cookie, especially in terms of the lore and what the boss battle was like from a lore perspective. Because although his brain memory is gone, his muscle (dough?) memory is still there, and he’s an experienced fighter. In this AU’s storyline, Strawberry Crepe Cookie would run to Dark Choco Cookie and be a little tattletale on GingerBrave and friends, and then they’d fight for that reason. Like, what I’m picturing is Dark Choco Cookie holding like a laser cannon and aiming it at the main crew, despite 4/5 (4/6 if you count Healer Cookie) being literal children.
Btw, the name of the AU comes from Dark Choco Cookie’s amnesiac alias, which is literally “Choco Cone Cookie”. He and Strawberry Crepe Cookie could tell that he has a high chocolate count in his dough, and since Strawberry Crepe gave him the similar headset, he took the name “Choco Cone Cookie” after the Wafflebots.
I might write more about this AU and elaborate on it some, maybe even actually write something or draw something (I’d say you can count more on the writing part), and yeah. That’s about it for now.
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catilinas · 2 years
Tate i hope you got to talk about cannibalism at the event. If not, this is a free invite to do so now <3 Cuz I was writing, thought "You know what this needs? More Greek Cannibalism" and went through your cannibalism tag to find some. Went insane somewhere along the way and am now obssessed with cannibalism. (Obsessed = Possessed is the same word in German. Cannibalism has entered me, by gobbling up cannibalism I myself have been devoured.) Thank you <3 Can't wait to read Lucan and now have another layer of catilinas brainrot to go with it.
old ask bcs i Forget but. ok i didn’t But also i ended up talking to sb (a lawyer) (who does not abd has not done classics) (about roman law? roman law and its connections w poetry!? OVID??? v unexpected) who was like oh yea different words for song in the odyssey! and i was like omg if you’re interested in that you should read bakker’s the meaning of meat it slaps Except for there not being enough cannibalism and she was like IVE ALREADY READ IT and i was like. WHAT. like i have not ever spoken to someone irl who has read that. until apparently suddenly TWO sentences into knowing random lawyer?????? so that was a win.
anyway yes witnessing you posting about kilgour has been SO fun bcs her book really does just slap that hard. have you also experienced ‘eating their words: cannibalism and the boundaries of cultural identity’ which she wrote the foreword to? it has a chapter on the odyssey :) also YES read lucan do it for caesar’s post-pharsalus evil cannibal brunch
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queenaeducan · 2 years
i mentioned this on twitter yesterday but while i was finishing off circe the solas/ian vibes were jumping off the page to slap me in the face 
spoilers / quotes under the cut!
Who was he to be so patient, while I spilled my blood? I was a woman grown. I was a goddess, and his elder by a thousand generations. I did not need his pity, his attention, anything.
“Well?” I would demand. “Why don’t you say something?”
“I am listening,” he would answer.
“You see?” I said, when I was finished with the tale. “Gods are ugly things.” 
“We are not our blood,” he answered. “A witch once told me that.”
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Circe, he says, it will be all right.
It is not the saying of an oracle or a prophet. They are words you might speak to a child. I have heard him say them to our daughters, when he rocked them back to sleep from a nightmare, when he dressed their small cuts, soothed whatever stung. His skin is familiar as my own beneath my fingers. I listen to his breath, warm upon the night air, and somehow I am comforted. He does not mean it does not hurt. He does not mean we are not frightened. Only that: we are here. This is what it means to swim in the tide, to walk the earth and feel it touch your feet. This is what it means to be alive.
idk how i feel abt the book’s final pairing precisely but the patience and trust really did make me think about ian and solas after the grove. the way ian helps comfort solas and the way that solas the person is more than solas the god would ever be. and the fact that my solas’s story will likely end with death by old age (as i don’t rly feel like solas’s immortality holds w/o the veil)
beyond the aligning w/ my solas/solian brainrot tho the book was great. i want to reread it sometime b/c the language in it is beautiful and i want to collect more quotes from it. tho between reading this, watching joly play hades, and my next read being the odyssey and song of achilles i’m like reentering my ancient greek phase. middle school tas would be so proud.
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lovenona · 3 years
idek if i'm doing you a favour by asking this considering how absolutely enthusiastic you are about the odyssey (aren't we all) but pls overshare about all the writing process(tm). what gave you the idea of the absolute masterpiece that is the odyssey? how do you find the mood/aesthetic of a chapter? i have sooo many questions pls TvT
(writing process for me includes but isn't limited to screaming and pacing around, spacing out and coming back with that 1 scene, having random title ideas after a song and ooo is that a pirate!gojo idea i see over my grilling toast?)
[screams] u have unlocked Oversharing Time™ i will be rambling abt writing the odyssey under the cut for all of u who are interested in my brain
first: where did this monster of a saga come from????
answer: i literally do not know bestie 😭 i absolutely didn’t start it with the intention of being a series (much less a series of this size & scope) i'd finished watching/reading jjk in december 2020 n was having a lot of sukuna brainrot at the time . i originally made this blog just to quietly read fics n reblog anime tiddies, but i basically woke up one morning and was like “u know what, pirate sukuna would be really cool.” i made this post to get my thoughts out n thought that was the end of it until like 3 days later when i was suddenly struck with the horrible urge to write more abt the concept, which is how neptune’s hands was born !
after i wrote that (also, lovingly, my first work on this blog!!) i rly did think that the concept was over n i'd move on to keep reading fics n vibing, but a few days after that i was like “wait a minute” n started world-building with siren!gojo (which, at the time of writing, wasn’t even supposed to be the “same” reader as neptune’s hands until i threaded it back into the series !) 
so basically i just fucked around for a hot minute thinking i cld just write one-shots of various pirate-themed jjk stuff until i eventually was like “u know what, i think it would be fun as a series” n added toji for some flair (the prequel, david & calypso) before moving on to write part 2. finally when i was like halfway through the mahito chapter i realized i needed an actual plot if i wanted this to be a coherent thing, so i hit up a bestie (@/suedebunn!) n we dreamt up the ending of the odyssey. (to this day, lyn is still the only one who knows how the story ends !!)
after that it was simply a nightmare! now the odyssey just keeps growing longer and i don’t know why!!! i have no idea where these ideas r coming from because they just sort of show up and i'm like “oh that’s nice” it’s very bizarre but also very fun n cool – i have a very clear picture of how the big three will end up (sukuna/reader/toji) and some general notions of what i think would be cool but i don’t usually plan anything detailed in advance until it’s time to sit down and write the actual chapter because i like the way the odyssey just does its own thing
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second: how do u manifest the vibes
answer: i love manifesting the vibes!!!! this is the most fun part because u get to vibe around and picture everything without having to do the work of writing it 😭 vibes are very important to the odyssey and i usually start planning a chapter by sitting down and feeling out the setting – weather & time of day are very important to the story both symbolically and aesthetically so i like to figure out what those are like first and work from there ! 
usually after i pin down the weather and time i like to think about where we’ll be and what the space will be like because being able to imagine where we are (on sukuna’s ship, a crusty port town, etc.) helps put the vibes in motion when trying to picture how u feel, what’s going on, etc. i get a lot of inspiration on the setting both from actual pirate history (which i know quite a bit abt RIP), movies like pirates of the caribbean and lord of the rings, and from real life by riding my bike and visiting forest preserves and parks on my own to get a sense of what i wld feel if i was the mc <3
vibes also come from music !! very important!! i have a beloved odyssey playlist full of songs that help me manifest the energy i’m looking for – i've found from working on this for almost a year now (fcking terrifying) that i'll pick a song or two which becomes the centerpiece for every chapter (for part 4, it was this, and for interlude ii / part 5, it’s this.) i usually require dead silence to actually write but i'll listen to the songs a lot when i'm planning the chapter! i like imagining the events like it’s a movie and the song is what’s playing while it happens which really helps get the vibes rolling
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anyway this is so horribly long i apologize 😭 but i'm willing to talk more abt the actual writing n revision processes if anyone ever needs advice or is just genuinely interested i didn’t want to turn this into a disgustingly long ask SKJAKSJA
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