#The Orson Welles bit lmao
thelittlemermage · 1 year
Rob and Moe deserve an Emmy for their voice acting this episode. Definitely the hardest I’ve laughed at a patb segment in the reboot.
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randomgentlefolk · 1 year
It seems to me that Lance is getting further and further into betraying the Plaid Kingdom, seeing how nervous and unsure he is.
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"We will...not" Does this mean the minor characters are gonna have a big role? Heck yeah!! I've been curious about what curse they have. Especially about the girl with the curse that everything she speaks cause men in earshot to be filled in anguish. That could be really useful here.
Damn Frederick has lotta gags and I love that XD his hair, him falling, now the plants.. I wonder if there's more.
OH NO OH MAN IT'S STARTING. Wait this means only Beckett would guard the entrance of the palace, right? That's not good.. (cookie exchange sounds good tho I want that)
YOOOOOO NELL'S PREMONITION. Her face tho 💀 just what the heck did she see. Well, looking at how she moves the tent, I'm guessing something is gonna hit the tent if the tent is not moved? Ooh, could it be that big metal ball Lorena was carrying in the previous chapter? Or maybe something else?
Orson calming Monika down by reminding her of a Turtles of The Round Table scene 😭 Gosh that always works so well. I've use this technique for myself but I'm not sure what it's called. I know the 4-7-8 breathing and the 5 things you can see method, but I haven't known what this particular method is called. I guess it counts as deep breaths but with additional things? Someone help me out here lol.
The fact that previously we had Cpc and Plaid Princes collab, and now it's Cpc and The Princels lmao.
Blaine. Bro. Stop. Stop it Blaine just stop at this point like what 😭 I don't like that look on his face he looks like Leland. At first I hehe haha but after I saw Blaine I decide I don't like this anymore 😭
Okay do they just have a big Princess Panda's head laying around or what XD ngl that is ONE HECK OF A GREAT CREEP. Imagine that as Halloween costume.
That's all for now. I guess I should address this too:
"Why haven't I been posting cpc stuff? Arts? General discussion?" Well let's just say I got a littleeeee bit numbness growing inside of me haha xd but do not worry! I'm fine. It's more of uhhh things that usually interest me and makes me feel excited doesn't serve the same purpose anymore. It sucks, but I'm gonna get through it. (Also scrolling through social media felt tiring lately so that's why I haven't interact with your cpc posts and all. Sorry about that too)
But anyway! Enough with my possible depression, I have final exams tomorrow so sadly the next cpc review post would be late as usual :') Unless I get bored of studying, that is! XD
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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becomethebooks · 4 months
I wouldn’t be able to answer this but I want to know if you can #77
79,80,86,102, 103, 106, 130
This is one of my own questions: is there a book that changed you mind about an opinion that you once had?
And is there a book that you wish you could switch places with one of the characters?
Loved these questions :)
1- a book that is close to your heart: Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
3- a stand-alone that you wish was part of a series: Eleanor and Park!!! It needs a sequel lmao All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater is also so good I wish it had more.
4- a poetry book that reads like a story: The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I grew up with this book and I found it cute when I was younger but now I realize how fucked up it is lol
7- a book you did not finish: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I tried I really tried is all I can say.
16- a book you'd recommend to your younger self: The Alchemist by Paolo Coehlo. I read this too late in life for it to have the impact it would have, it came off a bit pretentious. Younger me would benefit from it better.
19- a book that put you into a reading slump: “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer because that book was so so intense
20- a book that got you out of a reading slump: “Tell No One” by Harlan Coben
30- your favorite middle grade book: Maggie Steifvater’s Wolves of Mercy Falls series was my favorite for a looong time.
38- your favorite series: I think right now it’s the Legendborn series. I really love the characters and I’m excited when I think about it. But also the We Hunt the Flame duology was soooo well done. I loved the villain.
39- a book featuring your favorite character: Altair from We Hunt the Flame/We Free the Stars by Hafsah Faizal
42- a book that made you want to scream by the time you got to the end: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo because WHYYYY EVELYNNNN WHYYYYYY
50- a book that made you cry a LOT: All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven …because BRO!!!!
51- a book that you found underwhelming: Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
53- a popular book/series that you hate: The Maze Runner by James Dashner. Literally WHAT made this book series so popular?!?!
70- your favorite poetry collection: cant say I have a favorite collection but I love e.e. cummings’ and Rainer Maria Rilke’s works
77- a book so useless that you could use it as a coaster: I think you’d agree with me when I say Breathless by Jennifer Niven lmaooo
79- A book that reminds you of your favorite song: My current favorite song is “Bloom” by The Paper Kites, which reminds me of The Raven Cycle series because it reminds me of Adam and Ronan, precious boys.
80- a book that reminds you of a loved one: Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
86- a book with an insane plot twist: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. I remember reading the twist and my jaw dropping lol
102- your favorite dark academia read: Libba Bray’s Gemma Doyle Trilogy. Still very obsessed with it even though I remember nothing about it lol.
103- a book that deals with heavy topics: Goliath by Tochi Onyebuchi. It’s a future sci-fi based on a post-pandemic Earth. I found it so fascinating and even almost prophetic. Very subtly gut-wrenching.
106- a book that made you squeamish: Theres this one scene in Ordinary Monsters by JM Miro that I CANNOT get out of my head months after reading it
130- a book featuring flashbacks and/or intersecting storylines: East of Eden by John Steinbeck does this SUPERBLY.
Your own question- Is there a book that changed your mind about an opinion you once had? When I was younger (like early middle school), I read “The Giver” by Lois Lowry and it was my first Utopian-Dystopian book. I used to think Utopia’s were good and that we as a society should strive for them, but after reading The Giver it opened my eyes to the reality of human drive to evil.
Your 2nd question- And is there a book that you wish you could switch places with one of the characters? This is a haaaard one. I don’t think there is one, or maybe I haven’t read something where I wish I was in that world. If manga counts, Inuyasha FOR SURE!!!!!! Lol
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pinejay · 2 years
the last shadow thoughts. i give it a solid 4/5. spoilers under the cut
i think i personally enjoyed it a lot bc the introduction of the new ramen, the ravens and keas and yachachiyruna. as a bird lover, the concept of talking birds is so fun and exciting to me. the yachachiyruna are also very compelling. the biggest disappointment was that we didn't actually get a descoladore race of sentient beings. the promise of the book was to explore the concept of this new potential ramen, and see how the characters figure out how to communicate with a group that cannot be spoken to in the traditional sense and might only communicate via genetic transfer. but the author's note at the end was pretty amusing, saying how he basically was trying to figure out how to write about the descoladore when he read some book abt birds and then went "wow birds are so cool i'm gonna write abt birds instead" lmao! like yeah i totally fucking get it!
also, while i accept the in-book explanation and discarding of the previous book's suppositions about the origins of the descolada, i do think the final conclusion of the descolada story wasn't very well built up. it was more of an afterthought and convenient tying of a bow on something that just dragged on in the background, which is a little disappointing. i definitely think it could've been better foreshadowed, the way the speaker of the dead mystery was so masterfully built up and foreshadowed, instead of just coming about as a result of a character having an idea that the other characters then go test in a lab to see if they're right.
in general i think this book was used to repair some of the poor writing or potential misunderstandings in xenocide and children of the mind. it's not a new move for card to contradict himself or show a different side of a situation in later sequels, like with the wiggin parents and how much they knew or had a hand in ender never returning to earth, as expanded upon in ender in exile and shadow of the hegemon. it's hard to tell if they're inconsistent on purpose. i want to give him the benefit of the doubt here but xenocide and children of the mind were just so painful to get through and thematically messy. i'm just glad he spends the time to clear up the fact that peter is more ender wiggin and not at all the original peter wiggin beyond the identical genetic body. the instantaneous teleportation and generation of any configuration of matter u can conceive of is also not as much a deus ex machina in this book, and doesn't make things way too easy like it did at the ends of xenocide and children of the mind. it is pretty funny that jane uses it to effectively sequester some of the characters, namely sergeant and his twin sons, out of the main plot bc they're too much of a nuisance to deal with.
as for general orson scott card writing tendencies, i guess hyper intelligent main characters will always just be an ender's game thing. but this time card almost excessively has other smart characters knock the arrogant bean grandchildren off their high horses, which is kinda funny in an ironic self deprecating authorial way. it does get to be a bit much but i can appreciate its thematic relevance. the mormon obsession with procreation was present but bearable. card simply cannot help but extrapolate the biological desire for community growth (and by extension, interplanetary expansion) to individual desire for a nuclear family. the dialogue is sometimes funny and insightful, sometimes obnoxious and overly psychoanalytical. but i would say it leaned toward funny and insightful this time, which is good.
the subplot weaving and buildup was honestly not very cohesive or elegant. idk why i get the sense that a lot of the book was just the characters standing around and talking to each other, then popping up somewhere else and standing around and talking to each other. they were just so static. but there is something weirdly compelling abt the lack of dramatic tension; maybe it made it a more relaxed reading experience. the plot development did seem a bit too dialogue driven, like the characters would literally say x character is now going to try to form an emotional bond with y character. and then the promises in the dialogue were constantly reneged upon bc the characters cannot accurately predict what happens next. so like why have them state out loud what's going to happen in the first place? it's weird, and just kinda bad writing.
the character development also seemed a bit too dialogue driven, at least in the case of peter wiggin ii. the characters say peter has ender inside him, and he just resists the idea less over time. i do like the development of thulium, even tho she's a difficult character to care abt at first, and sprout is an enjoyable character to follow. it was just hard to establish who they were in the beginning when they were all still isolated in that spaceship, i feel like their characterization was not clear. there was one point when carlotta remarked sprout argues so hard until she gives up arguing with him, which seems out of character with all his actions the entire rest of the book, and more in line with something thulium would do.
the japanese parents subplot was also so random and useless, except for when thulium visits her mother. but that reunion scene can be done entirely without the bean children going to earth to convince their spouses to come to lusitania, esp since thulium goes to her mom of her own volition. sergeant and his twin sons are entirely 2-dimensional, their presence in the book is unbearable, and the issue of their awfulness is lazily resolved. i know their entire purpose is to give context to thulium's character, but they should just be taken out of the narrative entirely. it's also pretty wild that at the end the characters just agree to never return to nest and leave the folks be and that's that. but it is their choice lol. and i did like the somewhat open ended yet conclusive ending, with everyone moving on with their lives and the relocation of the ravens and keas and yachachiyruna to their new homes.
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daincrediblegg · 2 years
seeing as 'tis the season again for the oscars, I'd like to remind everyone that these awards don't matter: unless the movie you like wins because it genuinely has artistic merit that you saw long before the academy recognized it and the academy came to the natural conclusion that it should win
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frumfrumfroo · 4 years
What are your favorite movies and TV shows outside of SW? I’m looking for new things to watch since SW was so disappointing
My tastes are pretty eclectic, so I will stick to just things that are either similar to sw or are in the reylo-esque romance wheelhouse and have happy endings:
Chuck. It is a goofy, light-hearted action-adventure show with extremely endearing characters and a very prominent central romance (seriously, heavy romance and there is a lot of payoff for it, you will be FED- it's kind of slow burn but also shockingly NOT slow burn, they are deep into it pretty much immediately). The main couple is the classic Stoic Badass gradually softened by an innocent they have to protect who is a liability in battle but full of the Power of Heart. Chuck is The Heart btw. He is of that vanishingly rare male Beauty (of B&tB) type. He's incredibly generous and open, Sarah is prickly and closed-off. It is Quality. Very much a gender-swap of your typical cliche anime couple lol. I would recommend stopping at the mid-season finale in season 4, because it's downhill from there. The beginning of season 3 is very rough, but it's definitely worth it to stay for the back half, imo. There are several great endings to choose from before things go to shit, so we don't need to talk about the finale. Probably the most tonally similar to SW thing possible without being high/space fantasy. More humour, more silly, but definitely has a spiritual kinship. Has the best THE BEST 'secret revealed' scenes I have ever seen in anything. If you're into that and were hoping for that in ep IX, you need to watch Chuck.
The Shop Around the Corner. 1940 romance/drama film. You've Got Mail is a remake of it. Jimmy Stewart being profoundly adorable, Frank Morgan (aka the Wizard of Oz), various amusing side characters, and an absolutely deathless double blind 'secretly in love with the workplace nemesis' plot that can and probably has been a great reylo AU.
Mirromask. Fantasy/coming-of-age film. Touted as a 'spiritual successor' to Labyrinth by the filmmakers (one of whom is Neil Gaiman) and let me tell you, that is extremely apt. Beautiful, magical, laden with symbolism and Mask Discourse, and has a great ship. I quote it regularly.
Speaking of which, I'm sure you've seen Labyrinth? If you haven't seen Labyrinth, drop everything and watch Labyrinth.
Legend (the Ridley Scott director's cut, not the theatrical cut). Sumptuous fairy tale, runs on proper fairy tale logic, stunning to look at and overall captivating. Tim Curry. Tim Curry as a lonely tragic lord of darkness who tries to seduce the heroine and has drippingly overwrought monologues.
Howl's Moving Castle. Fairy tale adventure/romance film. Beautifully animated, has the ending you want.
The Silence of the Lambs. Thriller/drama film. Actual masterpiece. Use it as a gateway drug to read the books and rejoice that Clannibal is canon and it is spectacular. Just SotL and Hannibal, you don't need to read the other two. Stan Clarice Starling and revel in that ending. Most triumphant 'villain'/heroine ship of all time (he is not technically a villain but for shorthand's sake).
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Terry Gilliam 1988 fantasy/adventure film. THE TRIUMPH OF IDEALISM OVER CYNICS I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW HEALING IT WAS TO WATCH AFTER THE TROS BULLSHIT HIT. Jonathan Pryce's spiritual villain is basically Chris Terrio and it is cathartic to see imagination and sentiment conquer him.
Sabrina. 1995 romance film. Modern fairy tale with Harrison Ford. Rejecting what you thought you wanted all your life for the thing you actually need, growing up but still believing in magic, beautiful character development across all the leads. Could be (and is irrc) a fantastic reylo AU.
The Scarlet Pimpernel. 1934 adventure film. High romance, secret identities, play-acting, people who aren't at all what they appear to be, falling in love with your own spouse, Big Heroism, guile and wit and audacity. It makes me do little kicks like a happy baby. This is one of the 3-5 films constantly tied for my favourite film of all time. There is a good quality rip free on youtube. Watch it and fall in love with Leslie Howard (this is possibly my favourite acting performance of all time).
Oh, related note. Pygmalion 1938 or My Fair Lady. (The musical is based on this film and borrows from it heavily, including its much more romantic ending compared to the original play.)
The Mummy. 1999 action/adventure/romance film. Very tonally similar to sw. A fucking great time, A+ characters.
EVER AFTER. 1998 romance film. The flawless and perfect and best ever Cinderella adaptation. This is the most satisfying film in history, maybe, the ending is so good it is amazing it exists. Also, it has Richard O'Brien being slimy. Huge selling point. Grapples with identity and stewardship, is brilliant.
Fruits Basket. drama/romance anime. I haven't watched the new version yet, but it's following the manga so I know the story. The original anime didn't do the whole plot (because they caught up with the source material) but it's wonderful and I still recommend it. The central ship is (spoiler.........) a B&tB type where we eventually discover the main love interest both feels like a figurative monster and turns into a literal monster. He has an incredible speech about his relationship with people's fear, it makes me weep. I called the endgame from the first episode and always thought it was obvious, but there is a red herring love triangle dynamic. It's really not annoying, though, because it is a red herring. (I hate love triangles)
I am Dragon. Russian monster romance film. Beautiful, simple fable with a really great heroine.
Jane Eyre. 1943 Gothic Romance film. It's Jane Eyre, byronic hero x sensible heroine love story with much atmosphere and Gothic drama. I stan this version because I am an Orson Welles fangirl and I'm also not convinced it can be improved upon. Elizabeth Taylor's film debut btw.
Hellboy. 2004 action/adventure/romance film. Defying destiny, reconciling identity, monster romance. The complete package and a great time. Tonally similar to SW and probably thematically closest to it out of this whole list. Don't watch the sequel.
Beauty and the Beast 1987 tv series. Exactly what it says on the tin. Deals with the classic B&tB themes, but in a different way. He's not cursed and will never transform into an ordinary man. The first season is very episodic and 'case of the week', but the second season gets more into character drama. It's dated, but if you give it a chance you can get past some of the cheese factor and it's really a unique experience. Its concerns are SO atypical that it feels like something fandom would make rather than a mainstream network show. It was so massively, insanely popular with women at the time that a record of Vincent (the beast) reading poetry topped the album charts. Also Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton. Stop at season two. Point of interest: George RR Martin wrote for this show.
Stargate (the movie not the series) sci-fi fantasy about a nerdy guy who accidentally a hero.
Possession. 2009... mystery/supernatural/romance. Okay. This is a whole thing. Lee Pace and Sarah Michelle Gellar. It's based on a Korean film I've never been able to find for some reason, but being Hollywood they ruined the romanticism and nuance of the original in the theatrical cut to make a shitty punative ending. However. If you buy it on dvd and go to the alternate ending (which follows the original story) with around 20 minutes left (scene after Lee Pace's character wakes from a bad dream-go to deleted scenes and select the alternate ending), you will get a very, very interesting character study/thriller/redemption about sincerity within deception, compassion, and a major question about second chances with a positive answer. It's kind of dark and kind of astonishingly idealistic at the same time. The heroine makes a very powerful choice, twice over. It's fascinating. If you're into the conflicted and uncertain period in reylo, the part where he is most ambiguous, and you wanted more of that and much darker shades to it, you might be really into this. Also, it should be noted, there is a MASSIVE height difference and they show it off. The film is flawed (and the seams show on the Hollywood rewrite) but idk, it's fascinating. Shocking to me that they even got to shoot the original ending. It is pretty balls to the wall with its themes on forgiveness.
I would recommend getting into kdramas because there is a wealth of female-gaze tropey amazing content, but always check the ending before getting invested. My all-time fave is the 1st Shop of Coffee Prince, but it's not sw related at all lmao. It has a happy ending with all the elements you'd want, but it's not satisfying in execution, so that's it's major flaw and I find that pretty common with kdramas. One that is maybe more relevant is My Love from Another Star, which has a hero who is a little bit like Ben in personality. The heroine isn't my favourite, though. It does have a decent ending.
Oh yeah- brain fart. Kurosawa films and classic westerns were both very influential on SW. Or you can combine both and watch The Magnificent Seven.
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lady-plantagenet · 4 years
rules: tag 9 people who you want to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions!
Thank you for tagging me darling <4 @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers 🦚
+ Last Song: ‘Live and Let die’ by wings (lmao)
+ Last Movie: ‘Citizen Kane’ - Orson Welles (finally one I’m not embarrassed about)
+ Currently Reading: ‘False, Fleeting, Perjur’d Clarence’ by M A Hicks (It’s great!), Alexandru Lăpușneanul by C. Negruzzi (bit difficult but also incredible) and finishing of ‘The Last of the Barons’ by Lord Edward Lytton-Bulwer.
+ Currently Watching: N/A
+ Currently Craving: Well I got the alone time I wanted... so nothing. Maybe a field I could frolick in.
I shall tag: @rubbish78 @feuillesmortes @ghost-minuet @kafkastan @dirtynerdy98 @richardgloucesters ... I’m really struggling to remember who I didn’t tag last time...
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asexualbookbird · 5 years
i talked about this on twitter but tumblr is really better equipped for written content so im gonna go into it here while i eat dinner :x
I’m reading PATHFINDER by Orson Scott Card because it’s been on my shelf for ages and i want it gone since he’s an awful person and there are a lot of things i like about it but also so many things i hate. there’s this character called the Wandering Saint, right? some sort of mythic man that everyone knows about, a bit of a legend, so the characters mention him a lot! Which is fine! Except Rigg, our main character, apparently has this little Quirk where he abbreviates things so Wandering Saint becomes WS and i know I KNOW this was done just so Card didn’t have to keep writing out Wandering Saint over and over again. the narrator makes an offhand comment how “personal mud” had become PM in Rigg’s mind and then we never hear about this again except for when the Wandering Saint is mentioned. Look I get it Words Are Hard, I didn’t abbreviate Card’s name in this post because I’m making a point, but like if it’s this much of a problem then name it something else??
I’ve only ever read Ender’s Game and even that was so long ago I remember very little about it, but I feel like Card has a problem of over explaining things. i dont know if its just this book or across the board but heck let the reader figure things out! normally i dont mind so much because I’m Dumb but even this is Too Much. We get paragraphs and paragraphs of the narrator explaining the characters actions, and it’s not even done well like lemony snicket did its just “hey rigg can speak Fancy because hes Smart and he used those Samrts to outsmart this other smart person so he could get out of this situation”
and all of this is even more frustrating because the plot seems interesting! the world is neat! there are those bits on the spaceship that, while seemingly out of place, are INCREDIBLY intriguing like...im tempted to just read those bits and skip everything else lmao
IN CONCLUSION, orson scott card is shit
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
hachibe replied to your post “Skam season 3, episode 2 reaction”
YES! One thing I love about Even and how his character is portrayed goes on the fact that he's a movie nerd, but not your typical movie nerd. Is so refreshing to have a teen character that likes movies and aspire to be a filmmaker but is not a snob, at all. He doesn't go on and on about Orson Wells or Ingmar Bergman or Jean-Luc Goddard or any other classical power house or simply an academic favorite. He likes flamboyant and cheese romances. And that doesn't mean he doesn't know the more Cannes festival celebrated or local production. His mention of all those danish movies/directors, as well as a nod to the danish audience, is part of his character construction. He knows this movies/directors and enjoyed them, as well as he does Pretty Woman. Even has a diverse taste in movies and I love that. (is one of the things that irks me when Henrik goes on conventions and says Even has a very fine taste and he wouldn't watch netflix series. i'm like ???????????? but ANYWAY)
Yes, I LOVE how Even’s movie nerd-ness is portrayed! Because I absolutely think he has knowledge about more arthouse cinema and film history - I believe he has the rules of Dogme 95, a film movement started by Danish directors that emphasizes realism, on his wall. And I’m sure he holds a lot of the typical revered filmmakers in high esteem. But he really isn’t a snob! He’s not a sneering pretentious critic, it’s really clear he likes stories and has a fondness for big films, whether those are big, unabashedly romantic movies or big space operas. Like there is little doubt in my mind that Even loves Titanic, lmao. But he does have a diverse taste and he’s probably able to judge films by what they’re trying to accomplish rather than by a narrow rubric. Pretty Woman fails pretty spectacularly as an arthouse film (maybe the original ending where Edward throws Vivian out of the car and drives away would qualify more...) but in a lot of eyes it succeeds as a Cinderella-esque romantic comedy, which is what it’s trying to be. Even’s passion for film is very pure and unfiltered, there’s no air of posturing about it, he’s not trying to come across as having ultra-refined tastes. He just loves what he loves. That extends to Gabrielle too ;) 
Lol bless Henrik but I don’t agree with him on that bit of Even’s characterization, although I mean, it’s his own character so his take on it is valid! I just don’t see it the same way, I think Even would like Netflix series and other TV shows so long as they’re, well, good, or fit his personal tastes. I mean The Get Down is on Netflix and as widely as it was used in fanon, it’s pretty reasonable to expect he would like something with Baz + Nas, no? 
My opinion of unknown popularity is that I think Isak’s film taste is a lot better than expected. Or at least, he doesn’t like a lot of total garbage. To me he seems like a guy who would roll his eyes and complain about stupid writing and cliches. In canon the stuff he’s seen to watch or enjoy are Straight Outta Compton, Narcos, Stranger Things ... all things that have a decent amount of critical acclaim, right? IDK, I can see him liking something like The Fast and the Furious franchise but not Transformers, if that makes sense.
I also have a headcanon that Even loves Love Actually, warts and all (it’s similarly #problematic and as much of an OTT romantic fantasy as Pretty Woman and he loves that) and Isak just. Hates it. I don’t have a lot of headcanons but that one feels right to me.
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sharknadoslutt · 6 years
Im so happy to see you back and writing Holly! Fun question. Even if you dont know if you will actually write smut for them or not which characters would you WANT to write smut for in the future?
Well today im finally finishing that fucking Orson Krennic smut that I’ve been working on for like. 10 years.
Then I’m gonna write that Thrawn smut I made an outline for this morning.
After that I’m planning to finish that long as Kit Fisto stranded on a water planet with human senator fic…
After that, well, here’s a list of characters I have p good ideas of a fic but dont know when I’ll write them: Lando, Boba Fett, Obi Wan, another Armitage Hux fic that’s a bit more sweet than the last one I did, Eli Vanto, Captain Rex (I’ve got like 10 ideas for that man), Alexsandr Kallus, another Poe Dameron fluff turned smut, a Savage quicky, and a few more Maul ones in mind…
No idea if or when I’ll write them but if yall want someone specific and TELL me you want it, it gives me more motivation to write it lmao
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spacebuntaehyung · 6 years
I got tagged by @lizzielizzie12, I think I’ve been tagged by a couple other people too but I keep forgetting to do tags so they’ve kinda been lost to the abyss of my blog.
Name: Becky
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: 5'4
Languages: English, tiny bit of French, an even smaller bit of Spanish/Italian and well... I have level 1&2 qualifications in Latin but that doesn’t mean I can remember any of it lmao.
Nationality: British
Favorite Fruit: Mango
Favorite Scent: Clean Cotton Yankee Candle
Favorite Color: I don’t really have one favourite, I prefer gradients like blue to purple or whatever. But, I suppose if I had to choose one I’d do like minty blue/green type thing
Favorite Animal: Leopards I guess
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: .......Mocha
Favorite Fictional Character: oh god, urm.................Probably somebody from the Percy Jackson books. 
Dream Trip: To where @letsgo-baby lives so I can hug her and cry
When Blog Was Created: sometime after New Year of this year
Last Movie Seen: Barbie Dolphin Magic. I said what I said.
Favorite Candy: I like... hmmmm idk, just chocolate. I’m not really too keen on sweets, I’m not good at chewy things that get stuck to my teeth.
Favorite holiday: Halloween
Songs On Repeat: Just gonna list the ones at the top of my Spotify rn lmao Heavy - POWERS, Just My Type - Vamps, Valentine - 5SOS, Youngblood - 5SOS, Number 1 - Tinchy Stryder
Song one: Lovefool - The Cardigans
Song Two: Go Go - BTS
Song three: Bright Idea - Orson
Imma tag whoever sees this who wants to do it, just say I tagged you! <3
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pennypeabody · 4 years
Me and Orson Welles i saw it not too long ago and it was pretty good Zac played a high school student who was hired as an actor in a play that he directed
Nice! I couldn’t remember anything other than the movie title and a bit of one of the sets in my memory lmao. Been a long time since I saw it
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