#The Mattachine Family
somosorigen · 2 years
Póster Oficial: The Mattachine Family
Póster Oficial: The Mattachine Family
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shafana-love · 18 hours
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mattachineparty · 5 months
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Those were the days: In 1975, Norman Lear created the character of Beverly LaSalle (played by San Francisco performer Lori Shannon, née Don Seymour McLean). Appearing in a trilogy of "All In The Family" episodes, Beverly proved to be a formidable foil to lovable bigot Archie Bunker (Carroll O'Connor) and a dear friend to his just-plain-lovable wife Edith (Jean Stapleton). In her final appearance in 1977, Beverly's senseless murder inspires a crisis of faith in Edith.
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homomenhommes · 6 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … December 15
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1904 – W. Dorr Legg (d.1994), was a landscape architect and one of the founders of the United States gay rights movement, then called the homophile movement.
He trained as a landscape architect at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and from 1935 was professor of landscape architecture at Oregon State Agricultural College (now Oregon State University), but moved back to Michigan in the 1940s to care for his father and the family business. While there he fell in love with Merton Bird, an accountant.
Hoping to find a social environment more accepting of their interracial relationship, Legg, who was white, and Bird, an African American, moved to Los Angeles in 1949. Shortly thereafter the couple founded a social organization for interracial gay couples, the Knights of the Clocks, a name that Legg called "deliberately ambiguous." The society flourished for several years in the early 1950s.
The couple actively joined the national Mattachine Society, but Legg later led a split to co-found ONE, Inc.. Legg and Bird were among the six original members of ONE, which took its name from a line by Thomas Carlyle, "A mystic bond of brotherhood makes all men one."
Legg gave up his career as a landscape architect to become the business manager of the organization's monthly publication, also called ONE, the first issue of which appeared in 1953. It became the first widely distributed gay publication in the United States.
The magazine was a slim volume at first, typically running from twenty to thirty pages in length. The content initially consisted mainly of essays on topics of interest to the gay community but also included stories, poems, and book reviews. As time went on, the magazine grew, featuring articles on gay studies in the humanities, social and natural sciences, and medicine. By the end of the 1950s, the magazine had attained a distribution of five thousand copies.
The United States Post Office confiscated the October 1954 issue of ONE on the grounds that it was "lewd, obscene, lascivious and filthy" and could therefore not be sent through the mails.
ONE sued Los Angeles Postmaster Otto K. Olesen, who prevailed in the first round when in March 1956 U. S. District Judge Thurmond Clark agreed that the publication was obscene. He also stated that "the suggestion that homosexuals should be recognized as a segment of the populace is rejected."
ONE appealed the decision in the Ninth Circuit, which upheld the lower court's ruling in March 1957. The case next went to the United States Supreme Court.
The justices ruled in favor of ONE in January 1958. Their decision in ONE, Incorporated v. Olesen was per curiam, meaning that they held the issue to be so obvious that no lengthy written opinion was needed.
The news media gave the Supreme Court decision scant attention. Nevertheless, the case was a landmark, establishing the right to send gay and lesbian material through the mail. It had enormous consequence for the fledgling rights movement.
ONE remained in publication until 1969. Financing it had long been a problem. Donors had helped keep the magazine afloat, but the loss of their monetary support combined with a loss of readership to magazines of a more radical viewpoint made the enterprise no longer viable.
Legg traveled to Germany in the 1950s to recover the remains of the archives of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft.
Legg died in Los Angeles on July 26, 1994 of natural causes. He was survived by his life partner of thirty years, John Najima.
In 2011 the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association announced that Legg would be inducted into its hall of fame.
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1937 – In his explicitly gay works, Mutsuo Takahashi, internationally recognized poet and playwright, celebrates homosexual desire.
Takahashi was born in Japan on December 15, 1937, and educated at Fukuoka University of Education. He has published several volumes of poetry, including You Dirty Ones, Do Dirtier Things (1966), Poems of A Penisist (1975), The Structure of The Kingdom (1982), A Bunch of Keys (1984), Practice/Drinking Eating (1988), The Garden of Rabbits (1988), and Sleeping Sinning Falling (1992).
As a child, Takahashi spent much time with extended family and other neighbors. Especially important to him during this time was an uncle that served a pivotal figure in Takahashi's development, serving as a masculine role model and object of love. However, historical fate intervened, and the uncle, whom Takahashi later described in many early poems, was sent to the battlefield in Burma, where illness claimed his life.
Takahashi and his mother went to live in the port of Moji, just as the bombings of the mainland by the Allied powers intensified. Takahashi's memoirs describe that although he hated the war, World War II provided a chaotic and frightening circus for his classmates, who would go to gawk at the wreckage of the B-29s that fell from the sky and to watch ships blow up at sea, destroyed by naval mines. Takahashi writes that when the war came to an end, he felt a great sense of relief.
In his memoirs and interviews, Takahashi has mentioned that in the time he spent with his schoolmates, he became increasingly aware of his own sexual preference for men. This became a common subject in the first book of poetry he published in 1959.
Few poets bring as much skill and passion to their poems, especially those that consider homosexual desire. His work in drama has also earned acclaim. He won the Yamamoto Kenkichi Prize in 1987 for his stage script called Princess Medea. Other works in drama include an adaptation of W. B. Yeats's play At The Hawk's Well and a noh play inspired by Georges Bataille's Le Procès de Gil de Rais.
Even in his earliest work, Takahashi writes with vitality and precision about homosexual desire. Although Japan does not outlaw homosexual relations, the homosexual there remains an outcast because often he does not engage in the rituals and practices of Japanese family life.
The "okama" ("queen") is laughed at and ostracized. The more he is ostracized, the easier it is to keep the laughter going—at the okama's expense. Takahashi's poems give dignity to the okama, celebrating both his sexual desires and his outcast status.
Homoeroticism was an important them in his poetry written in free verse through the 1970s, including the long poem Ode, which the publisher Winston Leyland has called "the great gay poem of the 20th century." Many of these early works have been translated into English by Hiroaki Sato and reprinted in the collection Partings at Dawn: An Anthology of Japanese Gay Literature.
About the same time, Takahashi started writing prose. In 1970, he published Twelve Views from the Distance about his early life and the novella The Sacred Promontory about his own erotic awakening. In 1972, he wrote A Legend of a Holy Place, a surrealistic novella inspired by his own experiences during a forty-day trip to New York City in which Donald Richie led him through the gay, underground spots of the city. In 1974, he released Zen's Pilgrimage of Virtue, a homoerotic and often extremely humorous reworking of a legend of Sudhana found in the Buddhist classic Avatamsaka Sutra.
Moreover, most of Takahashi's explicitly gay work celebrates desire, finding joy in the male body much as Walt Whitman's poems do. The poems eagerly name body parts as they probe desire and longing.
The speaker of Takahashi's masterful poem "Ode" celebrates his erotic and promiscuous life much as a priest celebrates the Eucharist. This 1,000-line poem begins with a parody of the Mass: "In the name of / Man, member, / and the holy fluid, / AMEN." As the speaker seeks out sex in the places most frowned on by his society, he is reborn, saved by each new encounter. The glory hole, for example, takes on spiritual significance. Only what is "made flesh" satisfies.
Poems of A Penisist is one of the most important collections of poetry on homosexual desire and sex written in this century. The personae in these poems do not compromise—they see the world as outsiders ("a faggot that fingers point at") but being outsiders brings them joy and meaning. As the majority society mocks and condemns them, their joy in their identity as gay men, as individuals who enjoy pleasure with other men, gives them strength.
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1958 – Alfredo Ormando, Italian homosexual, who committed ritual suicide to protest Church policies toward homosexuality.
Ormando was one of eight children from an impoverished family, who had been struggling to make a success of a writing career, after spending two years in a seminary. He had been suffering from serious depression, which clearly had multiple causes.
In December 1997 he wrote this letter to a friend of his in Reggio Emilia:
Palermo, Christmas 1997 Dear Adriano, this year I can't feel it's Christmas anymore, it is indifferent to me like everything; nothing can bring me back to life. I keep on getting ready for my suicide day by day; I feel this is my fate, I've always been aware but never accepted, but this tragic fate is there, it's waiting for me with a patience of Job which looks incredible. I haven't been able to escape this idea of death, I feel I can't avoid it, nor can I pretend to live and plan a future I do not have; my future will just be a prosecution of this present. I live with the awareness of who's leaving this life and this doesn't look dreadful to me! No! I can't wait for the day I will bring this life of mine to an end; they will think I am mad because I have chosen Saint Peter Square to be the place where I'll set myself on fire, while I could do it here in Palermo as well. I hope they'll understand the message I want to convey; it is a form of protest against the Church which demonises homosexuality, demonising nature at the same time, because homosexuality is its daughter. Alfredo.
On 13 January 1998 he set himself on fire in Saint Peter's Square in Rome to protest the attitudes and policies of the Roman Catholic Church regarding homosexual Christians. After two policemen put out the flames, he was brought to Sant'Eugenio hospital in critical condition. He died there 11 days later.
After his death, the Vatican denied that this had anything to do with the Church or homosexuality. Through its spokesperson, Father Ciro Benedettini, the Church downplayed the significance of the act.
In 2000, the year of the Jubilee, Pope John-Paul II exhorted his followers in the same spot where Alfredo Ormando had set himself on fire two years prior, telling them that homosexuality was "unnatural," and that the Church had a "duty to distinguish between good and evil."
In 2005, the new Pope Benedict committed himself to even harsher anti-gay teachings, initiating what some see as a gay witchhunt within the Catholic clergy, fighting same-sex partnership legislation worldover, and sending the message that homosexuals have no place in God's kingdom.
However, in September 2013, Pope Francis said the church shouldn't "interfere spiritually" with the lives of LGBT people in a wide-ranging interview in which he also said the church cannot focus solely on opposing abortion, contraception, and marriage equality. A month earlier, the pope told a group of reporters that he wouldn't judge gay priests, asking, "If someone is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge?"
Change comes slowly in the Catholic church.
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1974 – We're not sure of the exact date but sometime in December 1974, two Boston Gay rights activists, Bernie Toal and Tom Morganti, created a symbol of Gay pride. It was not to have lasting influence but it's damned cute and certainly speaks to the creativity that occurred in the years following the Stonewall uprising. The symbol was the purple rhino. The entire campaign was intended to bring Gay issues further into public view. The rhino started being displayed in subways in Boston , but since the creators didn't qualify for a public service advertising rate, the campaign soon became too expensive for the activists to handle. The ads disappeared, and the rhino never caught on anywhere else. As Toal put it, "The rhino is a much maligned and misunderstood animal and, in actuality, a gentle creature. But when a rhinoceros is angered, it fights ferociously." At the time, this seemed a fitting symbol for the Gay rights movement. Lavender was used because it was a widely recognized Gay pride color and the heart was added to represent love and the "common humanity of all people." The purple rhinoceros was never copyrighted and is in the public domain.
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1977 – On this date Quebec becomes the first jurisdiction (larger than a city or county) in the world to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. The Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms prohibits discrimination in employment, housing, certain services and other activities in the public and private sectors.
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terrimotors · 2 years
Junkit mix martins
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The cabaret superstar and winner of the 2012 Edinburgh TOAST Award returns for a third time to the Afterglow Festival. In A Voice and Nothing More he unveils brand new pop songs, old stories and contemporary absurdist arias.
With v's inimitable sandpaper tongue Mx Bond purrs, scratches and sprays in this jazz-inspired rumination on the power of instinct and how to land on all four feet after a real hard fall-even without opposable thumbs! Have you been spayed or neutered? With Matt Ray.īeckoning the audience into a labyrinth of memories and visions, acclaimed singer and performing artist Joseph Keckler brings the banal to an operatic intensity through a distinctive blend of narratives, media and music. Dan Fishback's Socialist Queer Utopia Family Circus will make you want to start an anti-capitalist non-biological outlaw family of your own. Featuring deadpan stand-up comedian Becky Eklund, computer virus/drag disaster Chris Tyler and politcial cabaret songbird Santiago Venegas. Songwriter and performance artist Dan Fishback ringleads a team of scrappy emerging queer performers in a bratty DIY roadshow of songs, stories, complaints, screeds, manifestos and failures.
Dan Fishback's Socialist Queer Utopia Family Circus.
Starring Justin Vivian Bond, Dan Fishback, Lady Rizo, Joseph Keckler, Amber Martin, Jill Pangallo, Erin Markey, Chris Tyler, Becky Eklund, Santiago Venegas, Greg Potter & Enid Ellen, Paul Dawson, PJ DeBoy, musical director Matt Ray and revelatory surprises." Dan Fishback Everything you know is wrong and S + C set the Akashic record straight. Taking names and dropping them like their hot will be the divine order of the evening.
A full festival pass, plus admission to the opening-night benefit party is $500.Ĭosmic comics Stella Starsky + Quinn Cox rip back the veil to reveal some universal truthiness and provide a privileged peek into what the stars of this year’s Afterglow Festival have in store. Single tickets for all shows are $30, while two-show passes are available for $54, and a pass for all 15 shows is $360. Participating artists include authors and astrological consultants Stella Starsky and Quinn Cox, Matt Ray, Dan Fishback, Chris Tyler, Santiago Venegas, Becky Eklund, Bond ( Kiki & Herb: Alive on Broadway), Joseph Keckler, Lady Rizo, Yair Evnine, Ray Rizzo, Molly Pope, Max Steele, Erin Markey, Mike Albo, Amber Martin, Brett Every, Nath Ann Carrera, Jill Pangallo (directed by Mike Albo), Penny Arcade, Lance Horne, as well as MATTACHINE with Angela Di Carlo, Paul Dawson and PJ DeBoy. Afterglow offers a mix of established and under-the-radar performers who push the boundaries of innovative art. 15, the annual festival is conceived by John Cameron Mitchell and Quinn Cox.
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aplacetofeelgood · 2 years
LOT22 & Rudi Gernreich
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Bringing my twitter thread on the most visible reference for LOT22 fits here...have you heard of Rudi Gernreich?
Described by Marylou Luther as dual-motived, the designer sought to:
"create [unisex] fashion for 20th c. & beyond"
"be a social commentator, who just happened to work in the medium of clothes."
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Although both of the pictures attached above are in B&W - color was a focal point of Rudi's work, as he married "proportion, color mixes, and [optical illusion]-like patterns and prints, and all with soft fabrics."
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"Gernreich believed that the wearer brought the clothes, or music, to life." Known as modesty's greatest enemy during his time, Rudi's work dealt with the body's natural form (which 🐑 has mentioned), free from frivolous constraints (such as gender) in search of freedom!
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Born in 1922 to a Viennese Jewish family, Rudi started sketching from a young age, even being offered a London fashion apprenticeship at 12. His mother declined due to his youth & only 4 years later, they would leave Europe altogether, fleeing the Nazis & landing in LA.
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His career began in dance, becoming "highly aware of what clothes did to the rest of the body." His acceptance w/in that space starkly contrasted his turmoil as a refugee & "fueled his commitment designing clothes that proclaimed, ‘You are what you decide you want to be.'"
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Whilst developing his career as an avant-garde designer, in 1951, Rudi founded The Mattachine Society: an early gay secret society grown out of communist organizers. An invaluable piece of the pre-Stonewall Homophile Movement, Mattachine groups sprung up across the country.
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Believing that publicly announcing his sexuality would negatively impact his career, Rudi never 'came out,' although his muse Peggy Moffitt (pictured below wearing the monokini, their most iconic collab) would later say that he "just thought [it] was obvious."
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In light of conversations about Harry's fashion in regard to normative gender conceptions, I must respect the consistent homage to one of the greats, who created "democratic, innovative garments that looked ever-forward & expanded the modern woman’s position and participation in the public sphere."
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Thanks for reading and learning a little bit more about queer fashion history - made possible by the Harrys!
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queerstuffonscreen · 7 months
The Mattachine Family (2023)
99 min.
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Language: English
A family drama that focuses on the struggle between Thomas and Oscar as they build a queer family together. However, when one of the couple’s sons becomes curious about his birth parents, things take a complex turn.
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Watch or rent when available
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themnmovieman · 5 days
Movie Review ~ The Mattachine Family
The Mattachine Family Synopsis: While Thomas and Oscar are very much in love, after their first foster child returns to his birth mother, they find that they have different ideas about what making a family actually means.Stars: Nico Tortorella, Emily Hampshire, Juan Pablo Di Pace, Carl Clemons-Hopkins, Heather Matarazzo, Jake Choi, Cloie Wyatt TaylorDirector: Andy VallentineRated: NRRunning…
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usalivemovienews · 5 months
Andy Vallentine’s New New Queer Cinema When New Queer Cinema emerged i... https://dev-usalivenews.pantheonsite.io/andy-vallentines-new-new-queer-cinema/?feed_id=33665&_unique_id=65a35d3ad0bea #movie film movies
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all-about-news24x7 · 1 year
The Mattachine Family, Exploring The Varied Notions Of Familial Ties
A hitherto unexplored theme on celluloid is making waves on the international circuit. ‘The Mattachine Family’, a superbly-crafted film that narrates the relationship between two individuals, is garnering all attention for its groundbreaking narrative. The Mattachine Family speaks of Thomas’ and Oscar’s (played by Nico Tortorella and Pablo Di Pace respectively) unique relationship. Their love for…
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papercutsunset · 1 year
7. Are you the "token" queer person in your family? and 12. Name some queer artists/bands or songs you like most
7. Are you the "token" queer person in your family?
No, I am not! It's an oddity around these Floridian parts. I was definitely the first to formally come out, at around thirteen (my mom didn't believe me), but I've never been the only one. Three of my six siblings are bisexual, my mom's queer (and very angrily out right now), and my cousin has run the entire gamut (asexual to lesbian to transmasc). That's to say nothing of my aunts, because whatever they're doing is extremely funky.
This is odd, because we're all like... Florida crackers. Unexpected, I'm aware. (They're all open about this, or I wouldn't say anything.)
12. Name some queer artists/bands or songs you like most:
This is going to sound so funny.
So, Pansy Division, first of all. "Average Men" is one of those "on repeat at the airport" songs, "The Cocksucker Club" is great, and "That's So Gay" is a classic.
I was recommended Mattachine at a GSA meeting by a social work major, and I have to say-- great call on that one. I thought of them immediately, mostly because I was listening to "Boys Beware." "Love Song" is also a great one. Third recommendation would have to be: "Unlucky Channel." (Were all my recommendations pulls from Eject Modernity, Erase Tradition? Yes. I like that one.)
Go check out Sarah And The Safe Word if you like dark cabaret. They're great. I've been obsessed with them for a really long time. Strange Doings In The Night (yes, the entire album) was an awakening, and I was so excited when I found about the reissue. For go-to songs, I would say "Bottom of a Bender," "How Veronica Vanquished The Wolf" (an early favorite of mine), and "Audrey, Honey" (but, honestly, I think pretty much everything they do is great).
And here's the collection of random songs pulled from my library:
Fagetarian and Dyke by Team Dresch
They/Them/Theirs by Worriers (a classic, and another airport repeat song)
King For A Day by Green Day
Lesbian Vampyres From Outer Space by Scary Bitches (another classic)
I'm Gonna Be A Slut by Pansy Division
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Best of SIFF: Round 1
Retreat: Directed by Leon Schwitter
In a hidden corner of the Swiss Alps, a man and his son, Benny, enjoy a vacation away from civilization. However, after several days, the holiday is more than a simple retreat.
Retreat is definitely one of the more interesting movies that I've seen thus far from SIFF. The concept of father-son bonding in the remote wilderness in our modern world is fascinating. However, it feels like Retreat had no idea how to encompass this concept. Thus causing the movie to feel directionless. The film takes numerous twists and turns with its story that ultimately goes nowhere. If it settled on a path for its story it would have been a really good and interesting film. The performances from both actors were excellent, and they helped carry the story. Overall, Retreat needed another rewrite to settle what kind of film it wanted to be.
My Rating: C+
20 Days in Mariupol: Directed by Mystylav Chernov
As the Russian invasion begins, a team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol struggles to continue their work documenting the war crimes committed by Putin.
20 Days in Mariupol broke me. Throughout the entire film, I was in tears from the atrocities that I was witnessing. It's devastating and painful to watch, but it is essential viewing to see Putin's war crimes against the people of Ukraine. Throughout the film, I was in a state of panic and trauma from the crimes I witnessed. Throughout, you see heartwrenching sights such as a shelling of a maternity hospital to witnessing a death of an 18-month-old whose parents scream in agony. It is essential to expose what Ukraine is fighting against. If the film didn't feel exploitive at points, this would be a masterpiece. In the end, you will be calling for Putin's head.
My Rating: A
The Mattachine Family: Directed by Andy Vallentine
Thomas and Oscar, a Queer couple, struggle to build a family together, with the uncertainty of parenthood is truly what they want.
There is a great story hidden within The Mattachine Family that sadly gets bogged down by the film trying to handle too many themes at once. If the film had focused on the couple Thomas and Oscar and their struggle on whether they are fit to be parents, the film would have been fantastic. However, it gets lost in other storylines and some atrocious dialogue. When the focus was on them it was great; on others, not so much. It has some moving elements and comes beautifully together by the movie's end. The acting, for the most part, is really good, though they struggled with the bad dialogue. Overall, there is a good movie within the Mattachine Family, but it needed more focus.
My Rating: B-
The Nights of the 12th: Directed by Dominik Moll
A young and ambitious Captain Vives has just been appointed group leader at the Grenoble Criminal Squad when Clara's murder case lands on his desk, sending him into a spiral of mystery and crisis.
The Night of the 12th is a heartbreaking story of cold-case murders. It's fascinating and heartbreaking because you feel for the victim's family and the detectives. We are giving a glimpse into the emotional turmoil of detectives working cold cases. The turmoil is masterfully shown by the ensemble cast, with Bastien Bouillon and Bouli Lanners being the two standouts. The film presents the case in a delicate manner that is both fascinating and respectful to the victim of the crime, by showing how horrendous it was. Overall, an intriguing French crime drama worth your time.
My Rating: B+
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nicolemaiines · 2 years
hi victoria ! would you consider doing another gif pack for nico tortorella? thank you !
send me gif pack suggestions!
I do plan to gif nico in both seasons of twd: world beyond as well as the mattachine family when it comes out!
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mooveeposters · 2 years
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The Mattachine Family (2022)
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santiagonex · 2 years
so much gay stuff on air so much gay stuff coming and honestly only 5% of that is watchable but sure let’s talk about all the blue hair yas yas slays why not but remember real serves first and then the trash is gonna be name dropped at the bottom of this post where it belongs... okay actually not lemme just mix it all up you can be the judge of it
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first upcoming, planned or recently released movies three two one let’s go... BROS Billy Eichner and Luke Macfarlane gonna play dude bro lovers there’s budget because universal is taking care of the movie the whole cast is ghey and majority of them are playing straights bewm next Fire Island gay rom-com it looks very Iimp wristy but my daddy Ben from Legacies is there so yas yas purr or whatever next My Fake Boyfriend starring Keiynan Lonsdale, Dylan Sprouse and Sarah Hyland honestly dont know whos gonna fawk who but lets go... another one My Policeman with Harry Styles honestly not gonna watch but yay another sad gay drama movie as if we dont have enough already okay... The Mattachine Family honestly don’t care about this one at all but stars Nico Tortorella and Juan Pablo Di Pace so maybe it’s not gonna be THAT bad... okay The History of Sound now this one I could talk about for hours and hours and hours a whole 120 page masters thesis because Josh O'Connor and Paul Mescal playing gay lovers can be something so personal to me I’m so serious right now we’re gonna be tuning in on laptops tv computers phones cinemas we will watch it MULTIPLE times idc idc... Treatment sounds horrible it probably will flop but Cole Doman and Brian J. Smith are in it it’s gonna be some psychological home of phobic shjt honestly don’t care moving on Spoiler Alert is a film adaptation of the bestselling memoir 'Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies' by Michael Ausiello, in the tragicomic love story, Michael is plunged into an emotional maelstrom during the 11 months after his partner, photographer Kit, is diagnosed with cancer which will probably make me cry... Jim Parsons and Ben Aldridge gonna play them so definitely gonna be good... okay quick lil space for upcoming/recently released flops i do NOT care about just use google IDGAF: Sin ti no puedo, Now & Then, The Liar (starring Asa Butterfield, but it’s probably shelved), Al mar, La Revanche des Crevettes Pailletées, Cosas de Amigos, Cassandro, Benediction, Great Freedom, Il filo invisibile, Sisid, Exploited (sigh), Cop Secret (got a chance to see it... it was SAUR bad), Things Like This, 8 años... okay now that’s behind us we can continue... Cobalt Blue... they had the AUDACITY tellin us it’s gonna be out on Netflix in December 2021 and nothing let’s hope they’ll release this year... Red, White & Royal Blue now this one gonna be a classic but we still don’t know much about it only that Greg Berlanti will produce... Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe I mean everyone must be excited for this one not sure if they finished filming already but the main thing is that it’s really happening and we CANNOT wait it was my first gay book I read and it’s just MWAH... The Inspection this one gonna be good because Jeremy Pope is attached playing a young gay man who enlists in the Marines definitely gonna keep my i out for this one... In from the Side gay men rugby is all you need to know phew okay, Sublime gonna be basically Mi mejor amigo but actually gay this time around hopefully, Three Months movie starring Troye Sivan it was mid idk ok nothing special, The Outlaws is set in 1920s and it’s basically gonna be about a flirtatious caper between two men which will erupt into a Johnny and Clyde-style crime spree yes more of this be gay do crimes we’re tired of the same ole coming out home of phobia high school blue hair stories give me fantasy give me thrillers give me action next Humo bajo el agua two chiIdhod friends meeting again after 30 years and just be gay good for them, The Swimmer... she’s a cute girl! Badhaai Do masterpiece Bollywood classic actually best movie this year so far it’s such a classic... basically a lesbian and a gay man willingly getting married to get everyone off their back and it’s so funny and emotional and just ugh they dealt with it so delicately go watch it ASAP... The Parenting is a comedy centering on a young gay couple, who host a meeting of their parents during a weekend at a cozy rental house in the country... gonne be crazy and funny I guess, it will have Brandon Flynn and Nik Dodani as the gay couple and Lisa Kudrow is also there haiii queen! there are like 10 more movies I could name but they will probably flop and no one will check for them IDGAF!
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next up planned, upcoming and recently released gay centric shows ouuu let’s get into IT... Hearstopper bewm everyone knows what’s up and we will tune in hopefully it won’t be very blue hair because we’re not very fond of that insert that dog meme anyways Invisible Life which will be based on E. Lynn Harris trilogy of novels following a young black man’s journey of self-discovery as he realizes he is gay... Queer as Folk another reboot this time it’s gonna be very woke, KinnPorsche aka the only BL with actual budget ouuu it’s gonna be so good the trailer was just on another level the othe girlies should learn... Uncoupled starring Neil Patrick Harris don’t care moving on, They Both Die at the End and More Happy Than Not are both set to be TV series let’s hope it won’t get shelved and Silvera will pull through, Semantic Error a K-drama saur saur saur good and entertaining we love her, still not 10/10 none of them actually are what happened to classics? give me the real shit give me the magic now here’s the real one two three punch sIay OUUUU Big Boys - the funny and heartbreaking six-part series follows the unlikely friendship between sweet, shy, closeted Jack (Derry Girls' Dylan Llewellyn) and his new university roommate – the boisterous, laddish and ever-so-slightly mature student Danny (Jon Pointing) everybody cheered... Wrecked - the six-part comedy-horror series follows Jamie, a 20-year-old gay man who infiltrates a luxury cruise ship in search of his missing sister and my boo Jack Rowan is there too a CLASSIC... Half Bad - Netflix series adaptation of SaIIy Green's queer-inclusive fantasy trilogy ouuu everybody gasped... The Temperature of Me and You - Brian Zepka's YA sci-fi novel is set for a series adaptation at Disney+ as well but seeing how Love, Victor ended up I’m just gonna pretend it’s not happening because the pretending will actually become reality and it will get shelved just like Four Dads did... Ser o no ser - series focused on Joel who months after beginning his transition starts a drama course at a new high school where no one knows him, which allows him to present himself to the others as he has always seen himself... there’s not a lot of shows where the T in LGBT is actually being the main focus of a show so this is definitely a move in the right direction and even though based on the trailer, Joel is straight, there is a main gay romance as well, not with the characters I wanted but whatever, you win some you lose some...  ok there is also a show with Manu Rios La edad de la ira but I just don’t care... and the czech sIay TBH, the main romantic focus is the gay storyline which is unheard of for Czechia when it comes to series so wooo it was an okay show with an okay gay storyline at the heart of the show just two floorball player besties turning into lovers simple as that... also there are some very disturbing ones and I just don’t feel like searching their names right now oh we’re so bored give us a new topic or you know what here you go just the names: This Is Going to Hurt and Four Lives now I’m definitely getting tired just one more paragraph lemme pull through
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now upcoming and ongoing gay storylines... my boos Ivan and Patrick in upcoming Élite season in two weeks I’m so excited they better provide us the best gay storyline of all time... Ben and Jed also gonna sIay in Legacies the writer said so next week’s episode gona be huge for them apparently I’m so ready... also Luis and Moritz from GZSZ gonna give us another sIay I feel... honestly don’t care about any other ship cause most of them giving blue hair vibes like they ruined Travis and Emmett in Station 19, Carlos and TK from 9-1-1: Lone Star I just stopped caring about like I’m sure there are many more gay storylines rn but I just do NOT give a single fawk actually they’re just simply boring to me I have nothing else to look forward to
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