#That's a good thing though. I think it's cuz I love the relationship I've written so much...
an-au-blog · 7 months
Thinking about Shuggy college au and got to thinking about the relative ages of other characters and now I’m thinking of end of High school aged Frobin. Robin is that loner goth girl turned popular goth girl that is still seen as a bit odd but she’s smart and helpful and has a slightly morbid sense of humor that just endears her to her classmates. Franky is that loud jock who comes to school in way too short shorts even when the weather doesn’t permit for it. You’d think he’s a huge dumbass from the way he acts sometimes but he actually knows a lot of stuff and gets decent grades and is pretty nifty with machines (Also sometimes babysitting his kid neighbor Usopp and teaching him how to not hit his thumb with a hammer). Both of them having this kind of „end of a slow burn“ relationship where Franky is trying to gather his nerves and tell his long term friend that he has feelings for her and it’s completely fine if she doesn’t, but also she’s going to move to college after the end of this school year and he’s afraid about what that means for them and not to mention he’s „smart“ but Robin is like „SMART smart“ and is going to study history and oh GOD what if this is the thing that makes them loose contact and Oh god, oh no, oh fuck.
… probably ends with her just spontaneously taking his hand and asking HIM out, completely oblivious that he has been fretting over this for almost an entire school year. Just felt like the right thing to do to her. A decision she made right that moment.
I... I never really calculated her years in the college au and at first I thought, pft, she won't be that old but then... like she IS around 10/11 years older than Luffy and assuming he's around 5/6 she'd be in her last years of school omg D:' I'm supposed to be good at math how did I not see this???
Also you have no idea how happy I am, this is my first frobin ask I was so happy when I saw it and then my happiness doubled because it's the college au hahaha :')
If I haven't given you a name, can I call you Franon? Or Fronan?? (haha cuz frobin + anon...)
(Edit: by the time I was halfway through writing this post, I realized I've written an entire subplot lol':))
Robin is definitely that weird kid in school that's a bit too smart for her own good and most teachers just think she's a smartass. The type that even though she moved schools and now she's pretty (and still a bit weird, just hides it better), she still has the outcast mentality. She doesn't know how to be herself and she definitely doesn't know what to do, react or even comprehend that someone wants to be friends with her. Let alone to be interested in her romantically.
Franky on the other hand is so outgoing because he's so weird. People will see him in a blizzard in his short shorts and sunglasses and go "how the heck are you not cold". He'd respond with "oh, I'm freezing! I have a parka and two cotton shirts under there!" and people would laugh along. The type to high-five and greet random people he's talked to once as if they've been friends for ages. I feel like he'd also kinda be the class clown but in a somewhat respectful way. There's a meme about someone calling Prometheus a mad lad and then Hermes a Chad, and I feel like that would be his vibe.
Also, I'm sorry Fronan/Franon, but I'm absolutely stealing the idea that Franky babysits Usopp and they have fun arts and crafts type of bonding. He'll need it for the stuff I've been planning for him and Yasopp >:]]]
Everyone assumes he's a moron, but it's until Robin sees him in one of his extracurricular advanced classes that she realizes he's not only smart but funny and fun to be around. It turns out that they also have a lot in common and quickly become friends.
Also him overthinking it and her asking him out is so on brand imo and I absolutely love it. And maybe here comes into play the fact that he's so friendly with everyone so he automatically assumes people like him so he doesn't know what signs for romantic feelings look like? And how she doesn't think anyone could like her in that way? I can imagine him trying to talk himself out of it because she's going places and what could he give her to make her be with him anyway. While she's sitting next to him already planning a schedule for their talks for their long distance relationship.
And of course, their long distance relationship works very well. They both love each other so much they try their best to have at least two or three nights to talk. In fact, their relationship has a very strong foundation of getting to know each other because of the physical separation.
Or so I'd like to think hehe :')
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amemenojaku · 3 months
002 | Yukari, if applicable?
How I feel about this character: I've always liked her but she's definitely grown on me in the past 5-6 years. In my top 10 now for sure. I love her role in the lore and her designs are fantastic (PCB dress will always be the best though sorry) and her aesthetic is flawless and she's cool and scary and funny and gross. Absolutely an icon of the franchise
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Any Yukari ship can potentially pick my interest if it's done a certain way tbh... But my big ones are with Okina (and poly sages depending on how Kasen's written) and Reimu. I also still like her with Yuyuko a little bit but more as exes who don't get back together, with Akyuu and her past selves in a non-commited weird situationship, and I think it's entertaining to imagine her with the more powerful/important characters in general because I just like when strong women flirt with each other u_u
My favorite platonic relationship for this character: With the Hakurei shrine maidens!! Yes all of them. So Reimu and whoever the previous ones were... I like to add Labelko from DiPP but that's just me :> Overall her relationship with them is so fascinating to me, the symbolism and all the little details etc. I think I'd suck at explaining it with words though so one day I'll just have to draw my ideas lol
Things done in fanworks that annoy me: The old "jokes" from last decade aside (cuz I'll always dislike those anyway), I hate it when she's portrayed as a motherly figure... Like are we talking about the same character?? 😩
Things I look for in fanworks: There's already plenty of fanworks with the kind of stuff I like (the scheming/shady plans, backstory fanworks with her role as a sage and/or Merry theories etc), but I'd love to see more introspective stories on her relationship with the shrine maidens, maybe even some on the horror side, and also more references to literature and especially japanese classics... I love those and they fit her character well
A headcanon: She reads a lot of poetry and learns some of it as a way to train her (big and old) memory. You'd have to be really good to win a round of karuta against her.
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pearldog30 · 1 year
Simon (ghost) Riley head Cannon
So I'm going to try my hand at writing a ghost head Cannon, the most realistic way. I possibly could without making him out to be this monster everybody thinks he is. (also I grew up in a PTSD household iykyk so I think I have enough knowledge to say how I think he would be like from my own personal experience of course!) and I have not written in so long so bear with me this is my first thing I'm publishing officially. Anyways I hope you enjoy this 🖤
Master list
Warnings| PTSD drug and alcohol addiction, mentioned, please let me know if I got the tags and warnings right I'm new at this!
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I just want to start off by saying that this is 1,000% ghost love song (if the link doesn't work it's Blood sport by sleeping token)
Since he's a lieutenant in the military he's good at reading people like a book knowing/people's intentions I mean you have to be in that field and with that being said since he can sense your intentions and know they're pure, genuine, and good, he's more open to trusting you and creating something with you rather it be friendship/relationship. ( Even if you are, or aren't, in the 141. But if you're not it will just take a little bit of extra time just be patient with the man he has severe trust issues for a reason ) but don't be mistaken with the open trust there's still a lot you two have to work on and prove to each other.
And with him being military he's used to having things his way/being in control of situations 24/7, so there's going to be a lot of fights. Mostly about him leaving at random times because he needs the space. And about where you are (if you guys are not living together yet) where you going who you hanging out with. This isn't him being possessive, this is him terrified something bad will happen to you cuz he's lost everyone he's ever loved. Which is another reason why he's so protective over the 141, because they're his family. Even though he would never openly admit it.
And with the whole space thing, Which is why he leaves he's not leaving to cheat no. he's leaving to clear his head before he snaps, because when he does snap it's like he's in this PTSD rage and starts yelling. because he has snapped at you in the past, and it was not pretty. of course! Tho he never physically harm you, he can never do that he would hate himself even more if he did that. But when he does the second he sees those tears fall it snaps him back into reality. And you'll get a quick apology before he practically runs out the door to clear his head. But don't worry he always comes back and always will and make it up to you and give you a full apology and do what he can so he doesn't do it again.
Also this is known anyway but I'm just going to go over it. unlike most military people he does not have alcohol/drug addiction, because well his brother and father. he didn't want to be like that and he also saw how badly it messed up his brother and he didn't want to be like that. However! that man does have a nicotine addiction and you cannot tell me otherwise he's the definition of smoke a whole pack of marlboro reds and then run 10 miles and be fine (the fact that I know someone like that and I've seen them do it scares me 👀)
And since he knows he's a lot to handle with how messed up he is and his past he often pushes you away because he doesn't want to burden you with his issues and make you see him as he sees himself a monster.
Even though he loves peace, and quiet, and being by himself. if he's by himself too long it turns bad and he starts punching mirrors because he's reminded himself and his past. (He has tons of cuts and scars on his hands from punching mirrors)
(I've seen other people say this and I have to strongly agree) he does NOT wear his mask off duty not only is it dangerous, but we all know he does not like bringing attention to himself. and wearing that mask off the field/Bass would strongly bring attention to him. And on top of that I don't even think he would wear it at home, cuz it would remind him of himself and the bloodshed, and the harm, he's caused to others and when he's home he doesn't want to be reminded of his past.
And with that being said we all know how his past man's has major PTSD from the military and childhood so he often has tons of night terrors (if he's even able to sleep) which causing him jumping up in the middle of the night but he's thankful for you the fact that you're there and help him to calm down he may not talk about it and seem annoyed. but he really appreciates it.
He's not comfortable with physical affection at the beginning of the relationship but more towards down the road he'll come around start hugging you out of nowhere snuggling into you in bed (low key will give you THOSE eyes to come and give him affection) and he's ESPECIALLY! not comfortable with PDA in the beginning of the relationship. But he will have an arm around your shoulder/waste and maybe hold your hand. he has to let people know you're taken and that you also don't run away if y'all are walking around shopping.
he's a decent cook he's not good, he's not bad, either he's right in the middle. But let me tell you he's the master of tea/coffee (I know coffee is not really a British thing but when you're in the military you need caffeine practically caffeine addicted machine)
Love language quality time, and access service, he's a whole-hearted believer of actions speak louder than words. (Can you blame him though)
Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this. I know it was kind of short but again I'm new at it. and please give feedback if you think my writing shit (in a nice way of course) or if you want to see more honestly I enjoyed it and I thought it was fun.🖤
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brookheimer · 1 year
what do you think would be the best way for the pregnancy to be handled? pure personal opinion
hmmm i'm honestly not sure, especially given that this season is rumored to just take place over a span of ten days, each episode spanning a day. but i'm gonna go unpopular opinion here and say i would be pretty fucking disappointed if it's just, like, an immediate abortion??? like idk what tv yall are watching but i feel like abortion plotlines are a fucking dime a dozen these days and maybe like one in every ten is anything approaching 'empowering,' even though all ten are framed that way. i think abortion vs pregnancy is often framed as a, like, sophie's choice for women -- do you choose to be a person or do you choose to be a woman? -- and it honestly just reinforces the exact same dichotomies they're claiming to break in my opinion. not every abortion narrative but, like... too many of them. so i'm wary lol
rest under the cut cuz it got soooooo fucking long!!
it's the same as with Strong Female Characters: it's not actually a well-written, empowering female character if her 'strength' is dependent on her complete and total rejection of her identity as a woman and every trait associated with it. we've created these, like, anti-feminine career women girlboss warriors whatever as a balm to the terrible hyperfeminized mother-before-all-else classic caricature of womanhood, but tbh, both narratives are equally harmful -- they're not only both still reinforcing the same dichotomy of, like, family/love/emotion/empathy/interdependence etc vs self/respect/rationality/intelligence/independence, but even reinforcing the valuing of the latter (the 'masculine' traits) over the former! by defining strong female characters as those who reject femininity, you're literally just reinforcing the idea that 'femininity' and 'feminine traits' are bad, weak, etc -- the only 'empowering' thing is that hey! women who act like men can be respected! except not really and they'll always be viewed as a woman anyways!
kind of got off topic but, like, that's often what abortion plotlines come down to in my experience -- housewife or career woman? man or woman? and i'm just fucking sick of it, man. like, it's one thing, obviously, for the world of a show and the characters inhabiting it to enforce these views and be judgmental etc etc etc, but it's so frequently driving the writing and narrative itself. i think that abortion plotlines can be good, but honestly? usually only when the character in question genuinely has no desire whatsoever to have kids, like diane in bojack horseman. because if a character is unsure, what typically happens is they'll get bullied into a specific outcome, and it's then framed as 'empowering' and about 'the right to choose.' if a career-driven woman maybe wants to have a baby but gets an abortion because she knows it'll ruin her career, that's not empowering! that's so fucking sad! why are we calling that empowering! that's just as tragic as having a kid because you fear the ostracization you'll receive if you abort! so. i don't know. i think abortion plotlines are really hard to do well because they always just end up oversimplifying everything and turning it into proof of how Strong the woman who got the abortion is -- like, sometimes strength is not getting the abortion. it's not like being a mother actually makes you weaker or lesser. so why do so many of the shows who claim to criticize that notion end up perpetuating it?
i think there's a lot of really fucking interesting stuff that could be done with shiv's pregnancy, and honestly? most of it isn't even fucking related to what happens with her pregnancy. it's just using that as a vehicle to explore layers of her character that we haven't been able to before, largely because she's been so vehemently obsessed with obscuring them. i've been wanting to delve deeper into shiv's relationship with her gender, with caroline, with gerri, with notions of femininity, etc etc etc for YEARS and this is the perfect fucking opportunity. i want to know what shiv actually wants. who she actually is, beneath the 'hypermasculine' veneer she's had to adopt to even be allowed in the room, let alone respected. like does she actually want children, does she actually want a family? has she only been against it out of fear for her career? or is it genuinely something she desires? how much of her relationship with gender is rooted in spite? who is she outside of that spite, and how far will she go to achieve it? will she have a kid to prove to caroline (but really to herself because caroline doesn't actually give a fuck she's gallivanting in europe with peter munion) that she can be a good mother? what does she even think motherhood should look like? does shiv want to be seen as a woman? does she want to be seen as a man who happens to be in a woman's body? does she want to be seen as a man? like, there are so many fucking interesting avenues to explore, and i mean, she's not gonna fucking have the kid in ten days. i hope they actually make the most of the opportunity this could present -- with the exception of, like, one scene, we've only ever gotten to know shiv through her relationships with the men around her. we literally know nothing about what she is outside of roy masculinity. is there anything outside roy masculinity? does she even want there to be? honestly, i've been a little frustrated in past seasons with how surface level a lot of the shiv stuff has been -- the others get so much internal depth, whereas shiv's characterization has largely been reactionary. like, she's usually just reacting to things people (read: men) have done to her. we know so fucking little about her life before the show! she has the potential to be like kim wexler level if they dig into her more and part of that is digging into her relationship with her gender because, like it or not, she fucking IS THE GIRL. like, that's her defining fucking feature: being The Girl. so let's dissect that!!
i know this was such a long rambling, like, non-answer lol but basically i guess i don't actually care what the outcome is of the pregnancy arc so long as it's handled with care -- so long as it's used as a means to explore the shiv we already know, rather than creating a new problem to understand instead. i think an abortion plotline is the riskiest because they're so frequently done poorly, i have no idea how a miscarriage would go but i do think there are interesting ways it could be done, and i can't imagine shiv actually being a mom but i think there's a lot to unpack with shiv even just considering motherhood. idk what the end outcome will be, but as long as the pregnancy plotline is used to expand upon shiv rather than punish her for her femininity or make some grand moral claim about The Correct Way To Be A Strong Woman, i think i won't be too upset. and i have faith that it'll be decent, honestly. this show -- both the writers and snook herself -- cares too much about shiv to do her that dirty. ....i hope.
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0pheleschimera0 · 3 months
Hi! 3, 6, 9 and 12 (TF) and 8 and 15 for Ambulon please
Aecho Hi!!!!!
3...which scene I would like to erase from the universe and why.
Auuughgh I'm not even gonna try and think too much but like half the deaths and deaths fake outs in mtmte are grating me, I think if i sat down and actually tried to tell you i wouldn't come up with anything concrete or really worse erasing. Despite how much criticism i give to tf media there's barely anything that makes me mad enough to erase it from existence.
6...which is my favorite platonic or familial relationship in this world.
Charlie and Bumblebee is the biggest comfort to me!! I can't just keep talking abt idw1 LMAO their friendship is so wonderful and I hope we get to see them interact again at least briefly.
9...which characters I think should have interacted more in canon.
Oh man. It'd take another list. I think i would've loved to see Shockwave and Ambulon and combicons in general interact. Would've loved a little more into Shockwave working on the combiners and flashback on the combicons even if vaguely.
Amb got some daddy issues i know he does /j
12...what attracted me into checking it out.
It's actually been with me my whole life i was a HUGE transformers kid with the first two live action movies and tfp, i just kind of fell off when i started using internet much more. I had a HUGE crush on Bumblebee, esp Animated one, even wrote Ded Moroz a letter asking for an animated bumblebee toy. With a drawing. With me and Bee.
I didn't get the toy though and my parents never indulged me cuz they weren't big fans of me being into "boys" things so fucking jokes on them now.
Though if i had to say why i got so much into it recently (its going to be exactly a year since tomorrow. LMAO) its cuz I've had a passing interest in rewatching tfp and then i kind of got Really into starbee and found out about idw1, watched the live action Bumblebee, got Transformers devastation on my laptop, started reading a Lot of starbee fanfiction and eventually started reading idw1 and watching tfa, which became an actual rabbit hole for me. And here I am........
8...if I'm most interested in fics about them that focus on fluff, angst, humor, smut or actual plot?
I'll be real I mostly read fanfiction for smut cuz when it comes to anything non-shippy I'm very picky and particular w the way my favs are characterized and how things are written, but smut is somehow much less commitment to me lmao. Especially w Ambulon I'm very territorial w him.
So yea most fic I've read w him was smut.
I don't mind non-smut/ship fic recommendations I'm just bad at finding fic like that I would like lmao. Which is very funny to me cuz most stuff I write isn't really about shipping.
15...how I wish their story would go/would have gone.
He shouldn't have died like that, my entire Ambulon blog is a fix-it fanfiction. He's such a low stakes character from like. Narrative stand point, that his death is a tool for other characters "development". I don't really like how much his character was warped and twisted in general cuz Jro cannot be consistent w Ambulon for the life of him. But also I get it, y'know? His death was stupid but also not like, getting rid of another bg character is that much of a deal, even though it's insane how much personality and story he was given as a one-off character lmao.
I love the angst around his death though he makes a good story ghost.
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idkwhatimdoingbutslay · 2 months
I'm very much in denial about "Dear, Hello..." ending, but I wanted to ask what your favorite part was? Also, was there any part that turned out better than you expected? Also, what's your headcanon for Corina's and Sarah's future? Also, sorry, it's likely I won't watch the original movie, given that I'm sure I've read the best iteration of this story, but how many creative liberties did you have to take to adapt the story both to the characters and to a written format? (I absolutely love the story, so I'm fiending for more conversation on it! lol!)
Favourite part: UGHH IDK!!! I really love the kiss scene in the hot tub because it’s just so intimate and it was something I looked forward to a lot because it’s also one of my favourite scenes in the movie! I had all these plans and was super duper excited to finally let Cait and Vi just love (or “not hate” 🤭) each other finally. It was just so sweet and so lovely with the elements of them finally crossing the lines they’ve been so desperate to cross like with Cait’s super sensitive neck that was mentioned during the contract writing and with Vi’s obsession with having someone’s hand in her hair and JUST ALL THE KISSING!!! I headcanon that Vi and Cait are super into kissing, I can’t even lie, and that it’s just a connection they’re so desperate for. Though, I’m not super confident in how the chapter turned out as a whole 🤔. The final reading of Cait’s second letter to Vi is also just so !!!!! Another thing I was SUPER excited for. I also love chapter 17 where they just hang out and banter and pine at the ice cream place and the outdoor movie and stuff. I really love the lacrosse chapters (15-16) too because of how much develops during them and how CUTE CAIT AND VI ARE in Caitlyn’s bedroom, especially with Cait falling asleep. OH AND AND AND THE GALA AND HALLOWEEN!!!! THOSE FACE KISSES????? THE JAYCE AND VI INTERACTION??? THE CONTRACT AND THE JERICHO’S RESTAURANT SCENE??? OMG THERES JUST SO MUCH, especially with Caitlyn and Vi’s dynamic throughout the whole fic! I love every bit and piece, especially all the additions of Vi’s relationships with lacrosse, her family and her friends and same for Caitlyn’s relationships with Kai’Sa (LOVE HER!!!), her parents and Jayce and Corina and even Sarah. I just love the whole fic I can’t lie, I can’t believe I actually pulled it off 😭. The overall development of the reluctant partners fake dating to all the resurfaced pining from years ago just kinda gets me! Their love for each other just never went away!
Better than expected: … the whole fic I think???? I really did not expect this fic to hit so hard for myself or others! What I REALLY didn’t expect was how much I was gonna love Kai’Sa’s character because, during planning, I just needed someone to fill the friend spot for Cait and Kai’Sa Void (COOLEST NAME EVER) just started to really stick!!! She’s so fun and balances Caitlyn so well. Plus, having an aro character will always be peak to me. PLUS PLUS, silly Vi thinking Kai’Sa has feelings for Cait and that Caitlyn might reciprocate them??? Please 😭. Also, Vi’s friend group! I also really needed those spaces filled and they also made as fun additions. I’m always super worried about making OCs for fics cuz I don’t want them to pull people out from the fic or something, so I prefer to find league characters to add but I also know NOTHING about league and sometimes (most times) it just doesn’t work out. It did this time tho! The little bits of politics that I got to write were fun too, especially with how it made Caitlyn view her mother.
Headcanons for Corina: she doesn’t change very much, inherits her family’s factories and continues to be a problem. She’ll eventually get bored of being the “friendliest” bully of all time, though, and move on to just being a generally awful person with a good mask. Might even start working with Silco and the chembarons 😧. Her parents def have a tie with them already. Headcanons for Sarah: SHE GROWS!!!! She works through her insecurities and learns about what she truly wants for herself. She faces her neglectful parents, takes a gap year and decides to study to be a teacher or something. She stops comparing herself and wishing and wishing and wishing to be someone else and instead learns to be someone better. She probably moves away too to start anew.
Creative liberties: I honestly took A TON. Especially since the role Vi’s filling (Peter: the love interest) didn’t have much focus in the movie or even the books, and if there was some, it was kinda lacklustre. We never got his POV and he regressed a lot imo. I aged them up from junior year to senior year after debating if I wanted it all to take place in Uni cuz writing young CaitVi is foreign to me lol. I swapped the family dynamics in the movie. The character Caitlyn’s in place for (Lara Jean: main character) was the one with the bigger, complicated family and a lost parent and Peter was the one with an absent parent and a smaller family. I almost made Vi be Lara Jean and write the letters lol! My notes for this fic are crazy, I might post them one day. The character Corina’s in place for (Josh: Lara Jean’s ex (?) childhood best friend and Lara Jean’s older sister’s (who Jayce plays) ex boyfriend) was NOT as mean as Corina and eventually reconciled with Lara Jean. He was the one that convinced Lara Jean to find Peter and tell him how she really felt. Caitlyn needed different character development tho lmao. Parental reconciliation is iffy in the original series for Peter; again with the lack of focus (and overall characterization in the second and third books/movies) on him. I strongly dislike the third book and am very indifferent to the movie so I kinda block it out. Obvi, in the original series, Lara Jean is straight, so I mixed it up for Caitlyn. Instead of a guy that Lara Jean used to like telling her that he’s gay and Peter kinda laughing at Lara Jean when he finds out, a girl Cait used to like tells her she’s aro and Vi instead laughs at Caitlyn for writing a letter to Jayce considering her… situation, lmao. There’s some more little things like Sarah’s characterization that kinda followed but kinda didn’t the character she was in place for. It’s only a 90 minute movie and I really didn’t want Sarah to just be some bad guy. Even Corina was simply brought up with a desperation for control. It was kind of a vague template of love letters and pining and character development and family/friend dynamics that I morphed them into to make it all work and I think I did it pretty well 🤗. The written format wasn’t hard to adjust to since the movies are based off of books and I even own the books to kinda use as a guide (although I didn’t use them much at all lmao). The chapters of the books are pretty short and, again, don’t have Peter’s POV, so there was def a lot of change.
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maxzinn · 2 months
Omg the whole aventurine fanfic drama is still on going..but fr I'm glad some people are defending the author that wrote that harmless fic! It's kinda crazy that they would read a fanfic where reader literally just saves him and tries giving him a more comfortable life and immediately say "that's horrible! That's racism! How dare you romanticise slavery!?" Like- c'mon it wasn't even an NSFW fic! And are they just triggered because the reader "buys" him? Like would they cause all of this drama if reader like helped rescued him in other ways?
Please i can't tell you how scared I was when the author suddenly started getting backlash but then I saw your post defending them and i let out the biggest sigh of relief 😭
I just got past my awkwardness when reading aventurine fics but now seeing this mess again I'm feeling even more awkward 😭 and please the "white knight syndrome" thing is just stupid how tf do you read a harmless fic that was written with pure intentions and turn it into this???
Anyways off topic but I love your vibe! I would love talking to you about silly stuff other than this whole stupid fanfic drama!
(i don't play hsr (i don't have enough time and money okay 😭) but I've been there since the game first started and got wayyy too attached to Jing Yuan and now I'm too invested in the damn game 😔)
You said it very well anon! I just wish they stop this drama now tbh cuz it's literally pointless.
I'm so confused as to why people think that fic was to be condemned just because reader "bought him". That fic didn't even romanticize slavery or anything! The fic didn't even sexualize his slavery as well! They weren't even in a relationship nor did the reader in that fic even tried to get together with him.
Besides, I'll say it again, it was his IN-GAME lore and that author only made their own script/version where aventurine had never gone through that trauma of fighting for his life and someone was able to save him to give him a better childhood.
Even though reader didn't "buy" him and rescued him instead, nothing would have ever changed imo. I think people will still nitpick on the fact that it's a fic about slave aventurine and will still claim that it's 'white-knighting" and "fantasizing to be his savior" and all that bullcrap. (i'm really getting tired of these people turning every good intentions into something malicious)
And besides, imo, even if reader were to rescue him (in the fic) then aventurine will still be in danger and both of their lives would be at risk. Buying him is the only safest option where his previous owner won't come to look for him, and I doubt the reader in that fic even knows how to fight or murder anyone lol. I think it's the most safest, efficient, and fastest solution to save slave aventurine from the abuse. I don't like buying slaves cuz it's not right, but if that's the only safest option on guaranteeing their safety and mine as well, then I'd do it even if it's against my own morals/beliefs because I know that it was out of goodwill and not out of maliciousness.
But aside from that, I would've get it if the hate in the fic (aside from death threats) was because it was borderline romanticizing slavery and is making it nsfw where the reader was taking advantage of their roles as master and slave, but it's not that at all!
Reader was literally just trying to help him get out of his hell, yet people are accusing it as a "white-knight behavior" like pls,,, they're acting as if we're having some sinister and evil motives for reading that fic.
I get you anon, it's very awkward for me as well to read aventurine fics now cuz these people ruined everything for me. I can't believe a simple harmless fic was turned into this just because it mentioned his slave past.
(I hope you'd have the chance to play the game in the future! HSR really didn't disappoint. Even thought it's a turn-based rpg, it's still a good game and is not too far off from the other popular games! I would love for you to experience the game yourself someday and thank you for sharing your thoughts with me <33)
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shinidamachu · 2 years
Hi! I love following your meta and detailed analyses and I swear you had one somewhere about the actual chapters/instances that had InuKik in the manga as compared to the anime but I can't find it :( Did I imagine it? (Why I'm asking is I'm writing one of my fics IWFA and I had someone ask me why I write InuKik the way I do and I was about to say cuz in the manga they give off the impression of being distant like that. Then I second guessed myself and wanted to reread the parts... anyway I blab.
Hi! Thank you so much! This means a lot because I do love writing meta. Unfortunatelly, I don't think I made the post you're looking for.
I'm still in the process of reading the manga and even though I use a panel here and there to make my points across, I refrain from going into deep, side by side comparisons because I feel like smarter people than me have already done it to exhaustion. And with a level of coherence I can only dream to achieve.
One of these people is definitely @inukag so maybe you'll have more luck asking her? If Cynthia didn't wrote it, she's still your best shot at figuring out who did.
And for whatever is worth, I think your interpretation of manga Inukik is actually pretty spot on. In fact, I'd go even further and say that anime Inukik was almost just as distant. The difference is that at least Sunrise tried to give them some substance, which in my opinion didn't work at all, since it butchered their characterization (Inuyasha's especially) by omitting very important scenes and adding meaningless fillers that in my opinion only made more obvious how superficial their relationship really was.
To me, love is something you build and trust is the foundation in which you're building on. To trust — and consequently to truly love — takes time. On top of that, a strong relationship requires efffort, honesty and fully acceptance from both parts, none of which I believe Takahashi or Sunrise showed us.
Boat dates under the sunset and passionate kisses are just bells and whistles. Yes, it looks great on screen, but it doesn't necessarily equal to real love. Infatuation, sure. But love? It's easy to make you characters go on boat dates under the sunset. It's easy to make them kiss passionately. It's even easier for the writers, for the audience and for characters themselves to confuse it for love.
What's hard is to actually take the time to create, develop, test and expand a romantic connection. To show how deep it runs instead of just telling. To make it unfold and progress and grow stronger before our eyes. To make it dynamic rather than stagnant. Inuyasha and Kikyo didn't have that at all, be it in the manga, be it in the anime.
Their relationship was based on mutual loneliness, on seeing each other through rose colered glasses and of the fundamentally wrong idealization of the life they thought they'd have together.
That being said, here's my unsolicited advice: if you're anything like me, I can totally understand why you'd feel the need to try and defend your point of view, especially if the person asked you to explain it in good faith.
However, even if your interpretation of the Inukik relationship was way off — which, again, I don't believe it is — remember that you don't owe anyone an explanation for your writing choices, but you do owe it to yourself to write what feels right. It's your story to tell and you can tell it any way you see fit.
I know our takes on this matter aren't particularly popular within the fandom, but they are just as valid. I lost count of how many Inukag fanfics I've read where Inukik was written to be a much bigger thing than I personally believe it originally was, but even though I disagree with that interpretation, I'm also not entitled to an explanation other than... that's the author's vision. And that's okay.
The important thing was that people had fun and were proud of what they wrote. As they should, because it takes courage to post your stories online. And if I'm bothered by an specific story to the point of not being able to enjoy it, that's my problem and I should probably search for something closer to my own interests to read.
Anyway... I can't wait to read If We Fall Anyway. It has been on my to read list for a while now and I'm sure I'll love it.
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indigoidiot · 1 year
hiiii i just finished lifeboat <3 it was really good!!! i liked all the parts with akechi talking to his two personas, i thought they were really funny and well written. i love the concept of being able to directly talk to your personas, its such a unique way to show the character's true thoughts and feelings without directly saying them. i also LOVE ryuji's characterization. i love akechi's too but i'm very particular about ryuji's characterization in fics and lifeboat captures it perfectly. i love the dynamic between the two as well!! my favorite parts are where you can see akechi's cracks in his walls where he genuinely believes that ryuji cares for him. i hope in the future we see more of him talking with his personas about ryuji and learning to trust ryuji more. i also hope ryuji breaks away from the phantom thieves. i think the connection between him and akechi in this fic is something more real and deep than what he has with them and i can't wait to see them team up in the metaverse again. maybe with loki even instead of robin hood. i think it would be so healing for akechi to be able to show both sides of himself to someone, that way maybe he can learn that those two sides of himself CAN live in harmony. and it would be good for ryuji to be on a team permanently with someone who values his ideas. i also think it could be cool to see akchi being protective of ryuji again, the scene with mona dancing was one of my favorite scenes! thank you for taking the time to write such a great fic xx
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WAAAAEAWEG ANON............ TY <3.............. IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT..........
The persona thing started as a funny little flourish for the laughs but now i do think it's a good way to spice up inner monologue and draw a line between someone's more immediate consciousness and the deeper subconscious that personas are supposed to represent... and this is especially gonna take precedence in the next chapter onward. Particularly i like using it for Akechi since i interpret Robin Hood and Loki as something akin to his Ego and Id, aka the angel and devil on the shoulder (but a tad more complicated). The subtlety it lends helps a great deal too!
THAT SLOWBURN RELATIONSHIP BUILDING IS MY BIGGEST THING WITH RYUGORO ITS GOTTA BUILD UP SLOW AND IN AKECHI'S HALF ITS GOTTA BE CAKED IN THAT HESITANT TO TRUST BUT DESPERATE TO HOLD ONTO ENERGY... this guy is so hesitant to trust anybody or even ask for help half the time and now he's got the most clingy, annoying but in a funny and thoughtful way guy latched onto his arm and he has to express feelings of appreciation for said guy???? disgusting, goro akechi shakes his head in repulse before making a mental note to buy ryuji dinner as thanks because he doesn't know how else to express gratitude.
meanwhile in the brain of ryuji sakamoto he suffers the aftermath of flying into a situation at the speed of sound and in that aftermath faces a dilemma of which he should be more concerned for his phantom thief comrades but instead is still supporting a supposed enemy for reasons that he himself is still unaware of, as is his pretty best friend. With Akechi's own questioning he himself faces a "why did i do that" as he can do nothing but shrug and reason it with a Signature Simple Sakamoto "cuz he's my friend and i felt like it" as he stuffs that "why" in the back of his brain so he can keep pushing it back with the simple answer.
they both don't completely get why they act the way they act, both for different reasons but they've both reached the point i wanted them at where they're friends that can support each other, fight with each other and come back all the same, and still have room to learn more about the other and even upgrade that confidant if they have it in them (so help me god they do) and more is coming, i've got a roadmap going and a few scenes done, though at the rate it's going i might have to make two short chapters but i suppose that does mean it'll be more content for the fic itself.
thank you again for the kind message... I really appreciate it and im hard at work to deliver more!!! im also not above dropping a little sample of something that should go with the next chapter or two of the whole thing...
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noco7 · 2 years
Do you think the love triangle was forced?
I like how you say "the love triangle." I know you mean Gwen-Duncan-Courtney but like. There was a Cody-Gwen-Trent triangle before them, and an Ella-Dave-Sky love triangle afterwards. They are not the only TD love triangle out there.
I'm going to be honest, I don't personally care about the Gwen-Duncan-Courtney love triangle. I don't get the outrage. So many people see it as the end of the glorious D*ncney empire, but that relationship was crumbling before Gwen got there. I also don't care much for Gwen or Duncan as chacters 💀 Courtney all the way, and Evil!Courtney is Best!Courtney, so the love triangle did not destroy my favorite character lmao. Sorry for the rest of y'all though.
And yeah. It was forced. I think everyone believes that, and I kinda doubt you anon - that you asked this question in good faith. You just wanted to see me rant, didn't you?
And I'm gonna do it, cuz I love ranting. Yes, The Love Triangle was forced. And that's the biggest problem with it, imo. Not the result. Not Gwuncan. But all the steps it took to get there.
It's no question that Gwen and Duncan's like for each other was a little.... abrupt. They are alike, and I could even argue that they WOULD make a decent couple, but Fresh wasn't interested in writing a decent couple, and I'll touch more on that later. They were interested in the drama. So suddenly, Gwen starts missing Duncan. Suddenly, Duncan kisses her. And huzzah, one of the most controversial moments in TD History.
After all what's more soap opera than the girl's boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend? And to get to that scene, S2 and S3 were made a fuckton worse.
The thing about Gwuncan is not just that it's poorly written. It's because the writers had to demolish Gwent and Duncney to get there. And instead of putting down Gwent with grace and dignity, or having their relationship generally peter out, the writers just machet-ed it. And in the fandom's eyes, that's *Gwuncan's* fault.
In the real world you can't blame your bad breakup on the next guy your girl gets with. But this isn't the real word, this is writing. And word on the street is that TD had to fuck up Gwent so that they could get Gwuncan. So now Gwuncan represents the downfall of Gwent.
Duncney, on the other hand, was just... they needed to make the relationship worse in Action, obviously. But how they went about it (even I though I enjoy evil Courtney), did a disservice to her character arc in Island. There's nothing wrong with characters regressing, or making a dark turn, but like. You need to have a reason.
A lot of people say that reason was her anger on being rigged out. And she's right to be angry about it. But how is it Duncan's fault? (I actually have a figured out a way that makes sense but like, TD didn't. And we're examining THEM.)
So now Duncney sucks, so Duncan has a "reason," to cheat on her.
Great. So that's why S2 sucks. What about S3?
I See London. As a Noah stan, this episode doesn't hurt me, and it never did. But as a *writer*? Oof. Some of the worst slop I've seen.
I See London is completely built for the Gwuncan moment, and it's so fucking obvious. Gwen and Courtney building a friendship? It's just to make the betrayal all the harder. Duncan somehow being in London, despite being dropped off in Egypt? Yeah, just for Gwuncan. Gwen helping KIDNAP him? Which is OOC for several reasons.... Just for Gwuncan. Even Noah's elimination could be tied to Gwuncan if you tried hard enough.
Gwuncan, as a writing moment, was the root of all evil. Lmao.
But Gwuncan as a ship? I'm going to be honest, I don't think the love triangle was to set up Gwuncan. Which doesn't make sense, but here me out. Sure Gwuncan happens as a result, but the focus is less on their relationship and more about how it affects Courtney. When it comes time to eliminate either Courtney and Gwen, they make up a fake reason to have a tie. (Cody would have voted for Courtney if he didn't have some random injury.) And then Gwen couldn't just lose, but had to have a random allergy? Like the elimination is so stupid, I can't.
But wow, one half of the ship is now gone. Their relationship lasted FOUR episodes! Four! Two long-standing fan beloved ships that spanned entire seasons, are now destroyed for ... four episodes? Why?
And then they make an episode where DUNCNEY get paired together in a WEDDING THEMED CHALLENGE? Bruh. Like I'm actually sad for Gwuncan, as a ship they were disrespected so bad. The show constantly put focus on Duncney, it's so clear that the writers wanted to talk about Duncney, and that Gwuncan was just a cool conflict they thought of.
It's honestly sad, and my deepest condolences for Gwuncan fans, and any Gwuncan fan who still ships Gwuncan and believes in them - y'all the strongest soldiers.
If TD had truly wanted to make Gwuncan a thing, yeah breaking up Gwent and Duncney was necessary (and perhaps they should have ended Duncney earlier and not just Then), but they should have written Gwuncan as two people fleeing terrible relationships. Let them have the audience's sympathy. And then have Courtney be eliminated instead, and show us how good Gwuncan could really be.
The fact that in All Stars they immediately ditched the Gwuncan idea is either proof they never wanted that ship, or that the audience hated the ship so bad that getting rid of it felt like the only option. Cowards. Should have just taken it as a challenge to prove how good it truly was. That's what I would have done. (That's why i write noco)
Tl;dr. Gwuncan's cheating moment was Cool Drama, Fresh wanted to cash in on that, played the long game and destroyed their savings in the process. But they did get what they wanted! But a cool moment is just that, a moment. And Fresh doesn't even like Gwuncan.
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gifsbysimplysonia · 5 months
In March 2023, I was tagged by @dirtytomatoedwrites HERE and again, sorry! If you wanna participate, consider yourself tagged...
slow burn or love at first sight // it honestly depends on the day / my mood. Often times, Love at First Sight DOES NOT hit for me cuz my annoying brain is like "that's unrealistic." But there are some days / moods where I start reading it - and maybe it's the way it's written or maybe it's just my hormones that day - but I'm like "No this is good and I want this." Also me being an impatient person, slow burn can often be TORTUROUS, however, if the story keeps me hooked? I will stick with it and then the pay off is SO so sweet.
fake dating or secret dating // For sure I'm about fake dating cuz there's something about secret dating that feels "dishonest" to my brain. And maybe that's cuz I'm a new Anakin Skywalker girlie and I feel like him having to hide his love contributed to his downfall lol but I'm at a phase in my life where I try to keep it 100 with folks. So if you OR I feel like we can't tell people about a RELATIONSHIP? Nah, no thanks.
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // Again, depends on the day. There's something SO incredibly sweet and endearing to me about BFs to Lovers; there's an intimacy that can't be duplicated in other relationships because a Best Friend is someone who knows you the way nobody else does. But Enemies to Lovers HITS for me, and I saw a meme somewhere online that says, "You enjoy Enemies to Lovers because the thought of someone seeing you at your worst and still wanting you is the ultimate" and I was like I FEEL VERY ATTACKED!!! These 2 tropes are INCREDIBLY SIMILAR to me in that I feel like it's a person who gets to know you at your best AND worst times and they still want you and BOTH of those are SO attractive to me for that very reason.
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // Again, I'm an impatient person so there's an immediate payoff to me with Only One Bed. Even if it's not erotic / smutty in nature? I SO ADORE the idea of laying in the dark with someone and having an intimate conversation. For me, it's way easier to talk to someone when I don't have to look them in the face / when I don't feel them looking at me.
hurt-comfort or amnesia // So I'm not too huge on either of these cuz ANGST IS NOT MY BAG. And I feel like that is abundant in both of these, but if I HAD to choose, I would take Hurt-Comfort cuz in MY brain, it's someone patching someone else's wounds. Or someone HOLDING the other after something bothers that person. Even that scene from High Fidelity when his ex just lost her father and ASKS him to have sex with her because she just wants to feel something other than the grief and sorrow. So yeah, Hurt Comfort for me.
fantasy au or modern au // I think I'd normally take a Modern AU, but late last year, I started writing a Fantasy/Medieval AU even though I know NOTHING about the genre and I'm just into, like, that vibe RIGHT NOW.
mutual pining or domestic bliss // Both of these have their appeal. Mutual pining is great because 2 people are going through the SAME THING ... FOR EACH OTHER!!! And it's just a matter of time before they stumble onto it and get their HEA. Domestic Bliss, though, is something I don't see enough of and also love. This idea always brings to mind couples like Bob & Linda Belcher or Gomez & Morticia Addams. Let's see more people IN LOVE that actually LOVE being with each other and doing the work to make the relationship work / be enjoyable.
canon-compliant or fix-it // Most canon upsets the eff outta me, so I'm always gonna praise and be a fan of folks who do the work to fix what canon broke lol no question
reincarnation or character death // sooooooooooooo I don't think I've ever read a Reincarnation fic. And I don't like angst so I don't like Character Death so I can't choose either one of these.
one-shot or multi-chapter // Either or lol It just has to be characters I care about and a storyline that intrigues me. I will hang in on the longest fics ever if I am hooked into it, but I also love being able to start and finish something in a shorter amount of time. Applause to everyone who writes either one of these cuz they both provide the dopamine
kid fic or road trip fic // I actually cannot STAND the "accidental pregnancy" trope at this point in my life so I'm gonna go with Road Trip on this one. There are some REALLY CUTE and fluffy stories I have enjoyed when a toddler or pre-teen kid is involved and they are a conduit to help bring 2 people together, but I have such mixed feelings about a child being involved in a new relationship.
arranged marriage or accidental marriage // Accidental marriage can be fun, and always brings up the "woke up in Vegas married to my rival/enemy" trope. And that's Enemies to Lovers, so, my jam. BUT something about an Arranged Marriage and 2 people who perhaps (not always) have a duty to fulfill but get to know each other and fall in love? *swoons* LOVE that. So many of us have a preconceived notion about how romance SHOULD be or OUGHT to be, but to go through this established tradition, more than likely against your will, only to come out the other side blessed because it led you to something you weren't planning on? LOVE IT!
high school romance or middle-aged romance // I'm in my 40s, y'all, so this is a no brainer. Having just discovered writers in the last 3 or 4 years who actually write over 40 / silver fox romance was such an accident but a blessing in disguise. I like to know that there are people out there who don't think of us as "old" or "too old" for love / sex / romance. I NEVER see it here on Tumblr, so thank GAWD for the book authors I've found (love you, L.B. Dunbar) who let me know it's not too late.
time travel or isolated together // These are both good. There's a Hallmark movie that I saw that got me kind of hooked on the Time Travel trope. I like costumes and the change in language a lot. But if 2 folks are caught in a snowstorm and cabin deep in the woods? Meaning they are forced to probably talk and get to know each other and HEY, we have stuff in common? HEY, you're kind of adorable when you're not annoying? Oh yeah.
neighbors or roommates // Can do either or. Roommates is slightly more appealing because MOST of the time, it's a more intimate situation if it's a Roommate cuz they see how you live (provided it's not some weird "i only ever see them come and go at night"). But Neighbors can be someone noticing you get home from work real late every night and you've had some conversations on the stairs where you revealed that you forget to eat most nights so your neighbor leaves you Chinese take out, that favorite dish that you said to them ONCE you love. So yeah :)
sci-fi au or magic au // I'm not sure I've read either one of these but I tend to lean more towards Magic versus Sci Fi. I'm a Lord of the Rings and Star Wars gal which to me lend to Magic (I know SW should probably be classified as Sci Fi but to me, the Force is magic so lol)
body swap or gender bend // I haven't read either of these so I don't have a preferece
angst or crack // I can't stand angst most of the time and I don't think I've ever read a crack fic lol
apocalyptic or mundane // Anyone who can make beauty out of the mundane is a hero to me. It's something I aspire to for sure. Kevin Smith's Jersey movies are some of my favorites because of the focus on dialogue and what people are saying to each other and how they say it. That to me is something "mundane." But I'll take a lazy Saturday in bed drinking tea and eating pizza whilst laughing and arguing over some apocalyptic situation any day.
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baekhvuns · 9 months
It's like so complicated atp Bcz yes I wanna kiss kiss fall in love! But then I hate men like I'm confused if I want to be in a relationship or not? 😭 AND THE REAL QUES IS HOW WILL I GET INTO A RELATIONSHIP? Bcz a) my standards are so high I'm not sure if I can even find the man of my dreams and b) even if I did I'd probably never NEVER approach them and lose them for the sake of true love or prolly cuz I'd be scared of rejection
Nooo I promise it gets better or at least I think that bcz i get you it's about the chemistry which wasn't...reaching me. The art style is so pretty though and seunghyun is greener than grass so he's approved obviously AND DOESN'T HE KIND OF REMIND YOU OF YUNHO??? I bawled at the last few chapter though...Bcz they reminded me of Mr and Mrs park's ending 😭 AND MAN AM I WHIPPED FOR SEUNGHYUN!
Someone:- what's love to you?
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😭😭😭😭 OMG YES MR LAPILLION (I'm pretty sure that's the wrong spelling-) no you're so right the art style does play a major role in my selection of manhwas..I just like pretty things. And the art style of my in laws are obsessed with me did not disappoint. This man is so...like UGH I cant explain it he be making me feel things I don't even know i could feel- but the female's past life was...shit! Im still at the beginning so I'm hoping she gets her happy ever after!!
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SO SAD IMMA HV TO SETTLE FOR SOMEONE WHO IS NOT HIM!!! LOOK AT THE WAY HES LOOKING- (he's a drawing, he's a drawing, he's a drawing-) I'm def gonna read secretary's escape now!! OH IVE HEARD OF THT MANHWA!! I see I've found how I'm gonna relax now...I hv my plushies and my pillows with my iPad ready to read!! I also heard Bout a good day to be a dog somewhere and he title IK ITS GONNA BE GOOD
Also ive never read a bl webtoon or a yaoi Bcz ik they can be veryyyy visual which I don't judge! But ik it's not style so yesterday I saw this one yaoi and it's ITS SO CUTE 😭😭😭 so hear me out, there's a guy who's ex gf drops a baby by his door when he comes back frm his military service and he become a single father, he doesn't abandon the baby Bcz he too was an orphan, so he goes to settle on the countryside AND MEETS THE HEAD OF THE VILLAGE WHO IS AN SCRUMPTIOUS, DELICIOUS MAN IN HIS 30s 😩😩😩 there dynamic is actually so funny and it's so cute like my heart beat like I was in love reading that. It's called 'our sunny days' it's worth giving a try so I'm leaving the name of anyone's interested. I MEAN LOOK-
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Omg you're so right, watching people study or them being productive makes me wanna get my life together! Ok ok ok hol up imma give you a rough bg of the night crying crow, so the ml is an idol and and the fl is a detective and her job is to protect the ml, although it gets a little confusing as it progresses somehow it has a grip on me or maybe I hv weird tastes Bcz i saw ppl saying tht they didn't get it or how confusing it was 😭😭 BUT THE THING IS WHERE I READ IT I COULD NOT FIND THE COMPLETED VER. which is sad.
Ooohhh thnks bestie you've finally indulged me into my lovesick phase imma read a ton of manhwas. And there's just something about golden retriever energy though-
no because i get it 😭😭 the kiss kiss fall in love only be happening towards the fictional men 😭😭 STOP THAT IS SO ACCURATE FJWBDKHWKD there is also a lack of pretty men around <//3 how will we ever find one 😭
i stopped reading it bc i get that he’s a green flag but where’s the …plot, need a little fiery banter with a little bit of hating each other and he gotta look rude??? STOP DO JOT DO THIS FIRST U SAY YUNHO WND THEN SEONGHWA HRQKHDWK
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omg i haven’t read bl’s but im interested 👁👁 CRYING THAT LITTLE KID ON HIS TIDDIESNRJQMDKK DE WL
those reels with “doctor son/daughter” “un ambassador” “lawyer mother” and im picking up my pens and pencils
wait no bc now im confused on it??? 😭😭
UR WELCOME!! ill def add more once i read them but pls. i beg. read secretary’s escape. i, the way BRKWHDKWHDKW i run across my house when that man shows up on the screen
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this is how i go
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chicagosfinest2021 · 1 year
I don't like sitting around waiting for my followers to put questions in my inbox (cuz if you wanted to, you would 😜) so I'm just going to steal this from @wolf-of-wakanda and answer these myself.
~ 💖 ASK GAME 💖 ~
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
My niece!! 😍😍
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🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
Cheese all day
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
My sister calls me "Unnie" (which is Korean for 'Big Sis', we're big into K-dramas 🇰🇷 haha) She calls me 'Sissy' sometimes too. My niece calls me "Titi" 💖
🎵 Last song you listened to?
For some reason I haven't listened to music all day. . .too much on my mind. . .
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
I actually published a L&O:SVU fanfic sometime ago. It's very dark but got a lot of positive feedback! Feel free to read/comment if you think you can stomach it. It takes place during the William Lewis Saga.
😏 Are you on discord?
 💛 Do you have any piercings?
Just my ears, might do my navel in the future. I thought hip dermals were actually cool for a minute. . .
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
Whether or not they watch their movies and TV series with subtitles on.
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
A stuffed cookie! Them things changed my life 🤤
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
I honestly love both but if I *have* to pick, definitely kitties.
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
Earbuds definitely
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud?
I was reading these questions out loud a minute ago LOL
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
Although it is considered part of the North American continent, Greenland is technically part of Europe (Denmark specifically)
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
It is exactly 1:00AM as I type this answer 🦉
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
My bed, duh!!
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?
I think so, still working out the details though. . .I definitely know I'm not 100% straight
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
Crazy, sexy, cool
👖 Jeans or sweatpants?
Neither, who actually enjoys wearing pants?
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
I don't order Starbucks much because I don't like coffee, but their vanilla bean frappuccino is actually really good. They have other seasonal drinks that aren't bad either.
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
I'm not very fond of orange and I JUST got into pink in the last couple of years.
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
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☕ Coffee or tea?
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
Sabretooth tiger
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
I thought it's only been about 6-7 years but I remember being on Tumblr back in college, and I've been out of college exactly 10 years this year, so it's actually been a decade and some change!
🌴 Desert island item?
I don't understand the question. . .😐
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
Neo-soul and slow jams, cityscape at night, high rise apartment overlooking a busy street, rainy days, jazz music, lofi/chill music vibes, vanilla and coconut, thick books, hoodies and bulky sweaters, hot tea
🔮 What’s your dream job?
I actually don't dream of working LOL BUT if I had to choose I'd like to either be a food/travel blogger or a historian (I'm a certified nerd deluxe).
💙 Relationship status?
Perpetually single, not looking to mingle
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
T-shirt and panties, although when I'm home I usually don't wear anything on my top half
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
Most nursey rhymes(?) LOL
🤎 What color is your hair?
Black/dark brown
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
💄 Do you wear makeup?
Not more than once or twice a week, I'm not trying to impress anyone
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
I love it when other women tell me I have a nice ass. I also love it when people tell me I look like one or both of my parents.
💞 @ your favorite blog.
Reblogs are appreciated!
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Ask game!
88, 73, 69 (hehehe), 63, 58, 52, 51, 47, 41, 31, 29, 24, 20, and 5¡ 💖
oh shit you've put like all of them 😭
88. if you could have another author write your wip for you (bc we all dream of this occasionally), who would it be?
does this mean famous author or fanfic one lmao - famous author i would say maybe otessa moshfegh cuz that girl is cray, she would make it so gross
73. how do you visualize scenes? do you see it like a movie in your head, or do the words just flow?
i feel like a bit of both but mainly like a movie scene, helps me actually work out what my brain is trying to write
69. (hehehe) how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel?
yes, i write things from my own mind. empathy isn't something i'm good at so i kinda have to rely on what i personally know
63. what’s the best insult you’ve read in a fic?
oof i can't think of a specific one but the more vile and mean the insult, the more i will love it (not anything offensive tho)
58. what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it?
i always gaslight myself into thinking i don't know the definitions to the most basic words so it was the definition of 'tryst' 😭😭(which i did know btw)
52. how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?
oh god. i am in the middle of actually writing 8 but then i also have at least 20 outlines for fics AND around 40 requests - my google docs is chaos
51. share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet
i'm around half way through a wednesdayxreader fic where they're in a fwb type situation and then it gets a little angsty and then jealous wednesday is unleashed heheheh
47. what story are you most proud of?
i think my priest wanda fic, a lot of people liked that one and it made me kinda like it and feel less insecure in my writing lmao so i guess it holds sentimental value
41. what is the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had?
hmmmmm, i'm not sure about weird but i've got some pretty dark fic ideas if that counts? including VERY dark wanda and one with a pretty dark natasha romanoff with hitch hiker reader hehhehe
31. tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write
honestly i really enjoy writing my serial killer reader and hope to carry on with that au soon - she's just so unfiltered and evil but in a fun way
29. give us a spoiler for one of your stories.
hmmmm, reader tries and fails miserably at planning a date for her and larissa weems - it's hopefully gonna just be dumb and stupid and fluffy (whoever sent the request is to thank for that one)
24. on average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
it super depends on what my brain does - i've sat and written multiple back to back before or sometimes a get a sentence done before i'm bored lmao
20. what is your favorite trope to write?
ENEMIES TO LOVERS but a very close second is a secret relationship
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
i actually have ! it was originally for a fic that has long been abandoned but now it fits my serial killer reder and just any dark fic i do
cookie anon ur crazy ily, this was fun though :))))))
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🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Oh? 😳 I'm one of your favorite followers? I- I'm actually so touched by that?? That's super cool. I do actually think you and your stuff is pretty cool too, so honestly I consider this quite the honor lol.
As for songs... I'm glad this doesn't ask for favorite songs cuz me and the concept of favorite things isn't a thing lmao. Actually listen to though? Uh, whatever I'm in the mood for/relevant to what I'm doing/story I'm brainstorming for.
So, with that said.
TL;DR version:
Labyrinth by Miracle Musical
I Got No Time, CG5 cover
Brutus by The Buttress
(Secret Bonus Song: Imposter by 1551)
Heartaches, Patsy Cline cover
Haunted Heart by Christina Aguilera
For further explanation (because oh god it go so long and wordy lmao I'm so sorry haha), under read more.
I know we both are anti-Loki series so how's this: I plan to eventually rewrite the Loki series as I would have liked to see it done. A song from that playlist that I feel best represents as a whole the vibe/story that I am planning is Labyrinth by Miracle Musical.
Honestly, I only mostly focus on my own version of Loki as an f/o along with my self-insert character Rose (a self-ship). I haven't written anything out yet (I plan to. One day, amirite lol) but I have playlists of different plot arc ideas as well as different aus (and boy oh boy do I got lots of aus lmao r.i.p. me) Recently, I've been really wanting to/planning to write a little something for Halloween. A human!au of Rose and Loki as teenagers (friends) who do ghost hunting. Mostly, bc Rose wants to do that and Loki just wants to hang with Rose so gets roped into it (the believer and the skeptic, if you were wondering). I'd go into it but basically things relationship-wise goes sideways, college is coming up and they go separate ways except Loki goes and spends 2 or 3 years and comes back to find out Rose disappeared just before college-time. And turns out she went ghost hunting just one last time and didn't return home. 👀 So Lokes and his new best friend, Amora (no romantic feelings, just buds) go do a little ghost hunting adventure all of their own and boy oh boy what do they find. 😏 For a song from Rose's perspective in this au story, I Got No Time covered by CG5.
I also want to write an au of (guess who) Rose and Loki with the monster hunter and monster romance trope. Inspired by Werewolf By Night, of course. With a frost giant-raised Loki, but still obviously has magic and shapeshifting abilities, including looking human. 😏😏😏 Also there's a lot more when it comes to the monster hunters in my story, but basically Rose is the daughter of one of the main families of this collection of monster hunters and Lokes is basically being an uncover spy, worming his way deeper and deeper into the monster hunter group so as to bring it down from the inside. And the best way he sees to accomplishing that end is romancing Rose, who's very clearly insecure and constantly desiring/seeking out her parent's affection/praise (aka an easy target of a weak link). Except, of course, how unfortunate that he ends up actually falling in love with her lmao. (Fake relationship turned real trope? Absolutely, sign me up. 😏) Anyway, a really good song I've found recently that really shows Rose's thoughts/feelings (of anger and jealousy) here when Loki shows ups and joins the group, quickly rising up the ranks and becoming an even better hunter than her (when she was already seen as top dog) is Brutus by The Buttress.
A Secret Bonus Song! Because I do really feel if you don't know about 1551 you really need to hear them. Also, especially, this song (Imposter) because it's so good! The little Among Us piano tune playing in the background. The little malevolent laugh. Mwah! So good.
I also have some other blogs not Loki or Marvel/MCU-related. One of them is BioFuckingShock. I've been making a secret little new Halloween theme for it. (Almost done, gonna change themes tonight so I don't really care if the cat's out the bag now.) On the theme, itself is a music player playing It's just a burning memory from The Caretaker's Everywhere at the End of Time. But before I chose that I made a whole little playlist of possibly eerie little songs that I could imagine playing and hauntingly echo throughout a little town. One of those songs is Patsy Cline's cover of Heartaches. I don't know. I just love it. The kinda groovy beat of the song while still being haunting. Good shit right there.
I also have a Haunted Mansion playlist for the blog I have for that stuff that I also haven't actually really used (lmao, I plan too, soon too, i swear haha 😥). But one of the songs I really like from that playlist is Haunted Heart by Christina Aguilera. So haunting yet the immense feeling of maliciousness just barely under the surface, like just a little twisted malicious grin/smile. If you know the vibes the Haunted Mansion gives, then you get it.
God, there's more songs too that I would just love to share. Partially, because I'm like I don't know if they know this song exists but they Should!! Partially, because I just actually wanna talk about my story ideas but ya know lmao that's a lot to just dump on a person, especially at once. 😂
But I do think this is a good cross-section of stuff, especially that's holding my attention right now. There's still other stuff but I'm not focused on those right now lol. Also, you asked for 5 songs not a million so, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe another time. (Look, you got one bonus song, let's not make it a billion more lol).
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fangirl-erdariel · 2 years
Quote time!
Your absence is my only winter
From every corner of time where I no longer have the energy / my love / take me away
I do not know / whether it's a fantasy / or just a folly
My dearest one, my darling dear
The sky is her roof / the earth is her bed
Okay so I have been suffering from Too Much Tolkien Brainrot recently (sorry lol), so full disclaimer, that just maybe miiiiight sliiightly affect my replies :D Also I am in a horribly angsty mood (I blame The Last Homely Server on discord for this, it's just either angst or the randomest memes with no in-between)
Your absence is my only winter - I'm very tempted to just be predictable about this and say it's Elrond/Celebrían angst after Celebrían sails. (Tho I might flip it around and make it Celebrían centric and write about how even in Valinor, even as she is actually finding the peace and healing she went to seek, she still misses Elrond and grieves that she has to be parted from him. So kind of making it like "everything else is good, I love it here and I am doing well, but I love you and I miss you and I wish you could be here by my side", instead of the usual Elrond grieving her perspective that most fics are.) Or, alternatively, I think it could be a fun title for one of those "well I keep thinking about it but I've never written it" fics about Celeborn during the Siege of Imladris in the War of Elves and Sauron in the second age - cuz for some reason I'm personally really fond of the version of events where Galadriel and Celebrían have moved to Doriath but Celeborn hasn't followed them there yet, and still lives in Eregion when it falls, and is among the survivors who escape and join Elrond's forces, and so ends up in Rivendell as it's being founded. So I think this would be also a fun title of a fic that's about him during those events, trapped waiting out a seemingly endless, hopeless siege as Sauron conquers more and more of Middle-Earth, and he's far from his wife and his daughter and he misses them so much and he worries because things are bad and he doesn't even know if they're still alive anymore, what if Lórien has fallen, what if they're dead or something else horrible has happened to them?
From every corner of time where I no longer have the energy / my love / take me away - hmm. This is kind of difficult. It's some kind of angst, definitely, and as I said, head full of Tolkien brainrot so nothing else is coming to mind rn, but beyond that I'm not quite sure. Possibly some kind of angsty Eärendil/Elwing stuff long after the events of Silmarillion, exploring how the whole "eternally sailing the night sky" thing affects him, just him being So Tired of it all, with Elwing's presence and meeting her when he returns near Valinor again as one of the only good things, only moments of relief in his life
I do not know / whether it's a fantasy / or just a folly - again, I'm not sure. For some reason the idea that came to my mind was Boromir and Faramir as kids (like Faramir just on the brink of his teenage years, Boromir as older teenager who's starting to take on a lot of important responsibilities but is still very much a kid, maybe), and Faramir just being fed-up with feeling like Denethor considers him the lesser of them and trying in some way to prove his worth/strength/bravery probably in some way that's kinda risky and not a particularly good idea. But idk, I'm not entirely sold on the idea to be honest
My dearest one, my darling dear - hmm I don't really know. Somehow what comes to my mind with this is a parental relationship more than one between lovers, idk why? Maybe something Gílraen-centric of her raising Aragorn in Rivendell? I really dunno where the idea came from, and I don't know any further what the plot would be, though
The sky is her roof / the earth is her bed - this one's really difficult for some reason. Also while I like the vibes of this, I don't think this would be a Tolkien fic for me. Idk what it would be tho. Sorry, boring answer, but while I like this I really can't think of anything!
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