#Tged novel
murasaki-cha · 1 year
My brain exploding trying to comprehend that
this man and this man
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are the same person
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ivyines · 2 years
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Novel illustrations
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mybelovedstarlings · 1 year
Reading the TGED novel now 🤣
Someone explain why tf Lloyd takes one, ONE look at Javier and goes, "damn he's hot"
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ying-doodles · 3 months
// novel spoilers (side story 1 / chp 403)
No but wait. Hold up. You're telling me that Javier wished for Lloyd to change and almost immediately Suho was sent into Lloyd's body?? Suho was literally sent to the world of 'Knight of Blood and Iron' for Javier?? ... If that's not the most romantic shxt I've ever heard of in my life?! Talk about destined soulmates!! Σ(°ロ°)!!
Okay but also why are they literally this meme:
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lloydfrontera · 3 months
okay hold on shut up everyone shut up i have something to say
so it should be no news that i think the ending is bullshit. i think it's cheap as fuck that the solution to the resolution of fate is that lloyd came back in a different body and therefore the world had no problem with him coming back despite being previously hellbent on not allowing him to remain in it because of his status as a protagonist. like. i think that makes little to no sense and i think it's stupid. what do you mean fate is faceblind. that's the same fucking guy it's been trying to kill for almost five years now just because he now looks korean doesn't change that he's the one that disrupted the flow of the plot so hard he turned into an unauthorized main character. i think it's cheap and stupid and not that good of an explanation.
i was just thinking about how it kinda sucked that the way the ending is structured means that javier was never really freed from the narrative. like yes his tragic fate changed and he's no longer beholden to the original plot of tkobai but he's still very much the protagonist. lloyd dying didn't free him from that role, it just meant that javier was now the only main character in the world and so fate was no longer gunning for him or his loved ones. but then i went and reread the way the jewel of truth described what would happen once one of them died and let the other as the sole protagonist.
[Once one of you disappears, the world will finally choose the remaining person as the rightful protagonist and perceive there to be no more error to fix. That is only when the incomplete reset plan to carry put the restoration of destiny will come to a halt and the story will develop around the existing hero.] -Ch 328: You or Me (3)
that last bit. the story will develop around the existing hero. once one of them disappeared fate would give up with the original story and just make a new one around the one protagonist that remained. which by the end of tged is javier.
javier. javier whose main priority at some point shifted towards keeping lloyd safe. whose main goal became keeping lloyd alive at almost any cost. this javier:
There was no more sign of life from the mischievous smile on the face of his lord. The young master he had sworn to serve breathed his last as his head dropped. He had died. "... No way." This wasn't supposed to happen. Javier was in disbelief. He refused to believe what he saw. This was not the ending he had desired. -Ch 398: Last Resort (3)
I never, ever thought once about life without Master Lloyd, not even right now. -Ch 400: Farewell (2)
this javier is the one the story is meant to develop around now that he's the only protagonist in the world. this javier is the one the plot is meant to be built around.
do you understand where i'm getting at
i think that it was javier's status as protagonist that allowed lloyd to come back without getting backlash from fate anymore. i think javier's resolve to keep lloyd safe, to have a life at his side, was what allowed destiny to accept lloyd back into a world that had rejected him before. i think that when the story tried to develop around javier "i never thought of a life without lloyd" asrahan it couldn't do it in a way that didn't include lloyd in it and so lloyd was allowed to come back without fate retaliating against him.
javier was the one that accidentally brought lloyd into his world, he was the one that purposefully brought him back to it and he was the one that unconsciously allowed him to remain in it. he's literally the reason that lloyd is there at all in any capacity.
do you get what i'm saying. i feel like i'm going crazy.
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autixel · 2 months
Made this venn diagram of the ships I think about most often and realized some trends. Spoilers for tged and orv. Yes one of these ships is not like the others I'm well aware
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tgedphotos · 3 months
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Chapter 402 - “Glorious and Gratifying (2)”
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procuder · 10 months
Manhwa Hellkaros and Novel Hellkaros comparison!!
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Personally I'd prefer the novel one because oh wow why not??? But both of them is good btw I finally don't have anything against Manhwa Hellkaros /j but seriously it'll be nice if they draw Hellkaros normally and not dilffied him... *sigh*
Here's the bonus! Handsome af...
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sunflowercider · 13 days
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
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Ngl man novel illustration Lloyd be making me feel a type of way I never thought Lloyd could make me feel 😳
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ivyines · 2 years
“Sir Ppodong?”
Javier made eye contact with Ppodong. Ppodong, who was hovering over the walnut kernels, raised his head. 
“My name is Javier Asrahan. I’m a knight who escorts Lloyd-nim. I’m looking forward to working with you.”
Javier’s long finger and Ppodong’s small paws met to shake hands.
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appledawn3464-blog · 3 months
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This is cannon in my heart <3
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fallen6253 · 19 days
mc living in a different world they read, thriving amidst all the danger and chaos because there was something they could cherish here. And despite how selfish it sounds, they didn't want to return to their own world.
Because they were dying very slowly over there.
And they feel alive here.
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ying-doodles · 3 months
// webtoon spoilers (ep 132)
(hating on alilloyd again whoopsies- ;P)
... okay the hug was cute. however.. even in the hallucination, lloyd was just confused about why alicia hugged him- not a trace of romantic interest there, in or out of the hallucination...
this is such a one-sided relationship.. lloyd only sees her as a means to an end- he's completely oblivious to why alicia would be running to greet him cause he just doesn't see her in that way. and just how much of alicia's affections for lloyd are just side effects of the poison?? (not to mention that goddamn cursed title effect too,,)
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lloydfrontera · 23 days
still thinking about someone asking if javier would continue working in construction if lloyd wanted him to. this man has worn a lobster costume because lloyd asked him to. he drummed a beat on a knight of hell's helmet because lloyd told him to. there is, unfortunately, no low javier won't sink to if it's lloyd asking. there is also no one madder about this than javier himself lmao
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anonmojito · 5 days
I've read alot about sex beast Javier when it comes to Javilloyd but tbh that man screams bashful virgin to me
(Under cut cause its slightly nsfw)
Prior to TGED the only romantic relation he develops is with Siluria and even then we don't know if they did anything during the relationship (short as it was). In TGED, this man constantly rejects love letters, is glued to his masters side 24/7 and doesn't even sleep in his own room. You think he has time to experience sex? Or even sleep with anyone that isn't his master??
Personally I fuck heavy with the hc that he idolizes the relationship between the Frontera Count and Countess. A marriage born out of pure love and adoration that wasn't bogged down by duty and politics. Its what he wants for himself; a person he can love wholey without holding back and be loved in the same way in return.
Unfortunately for him however, it ends up being Lloyd he yearns to have that kind of relationship with.
What Im getting at is that he's a painful virgin who's never seen a naked person in an intimate setting before.
Ik we get some looks in Kim Suho's life before but I feel like he'd have more experience in comparison. At least compared to Javier that is.
Throwing these two together could only lead to an awkward–but sweet–first time where Lloyd ends up taking the reigns for both their sakes and soothing Javier whenever he starts second guessing himself.
Please accept my pathetic virgin Javier hc <3 He'd also go red at the word bossom send tweet.
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