#Tech Company
sweetswesf · 2 years
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What I Did Today
Took a recruiter call
Chatted with a friend who wants to help me get hired
Connected with another former Apprentice who was also laid off
Worked out
FINALLY DID 1 ALGO!! It only took damn there 2 weeks!!!
Concluded a DECADE long "friendship" with probably my 1st love
Cut it off with that dude I met on Hinge because he was on a dating app looking for friends *EYE ROLL*
Called my grandmother to thank her for the Thanksgiving Day card she gave me
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What I Learned Today
I procrastinate A LOT...
I ACTUALLY want to learn this all this stuff I have mapped out
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Productive, and a little proud, but also a little ashamed of how long it took me to get started...I know I can do better
It may take at least 6 months to be where I want to be...is that too long? Am I being too liberal?
A bit anxious when I realize what the REAL timeline is
I don't have major headaches these days, but there's always a little something I feel in my head every day ever since my major headache last week...I'm a bit nervous that working out is not great for me right now, but I feel heavier than I usually am and need the physical exercise...gains can wait, but I don't know if I should pay more attention to these sensations...they're not super distracting, I am just hyper aware given that I had a head injury this year...next doc appt is next week, but they always reject my request for an MRI or CT scan...I have done some research online and SOME say working out is good for it...gets the blood going, reduces the stress, but only after some initial rest...but I haven't had an injury recently so IDK...pray for me please :) my balance is okay, coordination is okay, strength is okay, no vomiting or diarrhea anymore...idk what's up...
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I needed a guilt free 2 week break after being laid off...and I did not afford myself that, but I tried my best
I am so stressed BECAUSE I procrastinate when I think I'm already so far behind or try to discourage myself with, "do I REALLY have to learn these concepts?!," when I know I DO...
I don't have to master it all...I need to take it slow, forgive myself when I'm not operating at my best, and not put so much pressure on myself
I GOTTA get off of toxic ass TWITTER and stop watching so much YOUTUBE!!! I don't even be really entertained...just numb...and all the surprise porn or fights on Twitter is REALLY not the distraction I need right now
I get invites to things, and I'm going to take them...because I'm single af, I don't have A TON of close friends, and I need to be social
I'm healing...I didn't even get totally sad or cry when I told my grandmother I couldn't afford to come home for the holidays...I feel like I COULD pay for the flight...I just kind of don't want to anymore since I always pay to go out solo; I am also just so sad that they never want to help me with the flight, even after I claimed I couldn't afford...maybe they know I'm BS'ing, or maybe they don't care to see me that much for them to pay the ~$100 roundtrip
I could be so confident, so fit, so wealthy, so strong, if I gave up all the things not serving me...
How I Got Myself Out of a Rut Today
Allowing myself to watch just one more episode of British Bakeoff before getting started
Telling myself that I did not have to do it all today
Ordering takeout so that it was one less thing I had to stress about
Exercising a little discipline
Putting all my unwatched YouTube videos in a playlist...sounds strange, yes, but the way my brain works is if I know I have videos unwatched but not organized, I will feel like they are an uncompleted task and my mind will distract me to tell me "DO THIS FIRST!" since the effort to complete them is small
Encouraging myself with "You can do it," and, "be 'That Girl'!"
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Goals After Today
Not listen to people worried about their own circumstances and remember God works on his own time and I am in no rush...
Strengthen my relationship with God
Understand the main concepts I need to from Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, etc. in less 3 months
Drop my body fat percentage
Use social media/YouTube less
Improve my relationship with my family
Be more confident & faithful
Move more during my day
Get back on the ball
Be kinder to myself and stop guilting myself if my energy isn't always on 100%
Go on a date with a guy I actually like who actually likes me too
Find a therapist
Figure out what keeps making me sick...
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taeganapolinarblog · 1 month
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ewanvelazquez · 6 months
AutoLife Tech Singapore - TikTok Ad
Made using Canva and PremierePro.
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theprivatewolf · 7 months
A Guide to Launching Your Tech Business in Dubai
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Dubai, a city synonymous with innovation and rapid development, stands as an inviting canvas for aspiring tech entrepreneurs. In this guide, we’ll explore the burgeoning technological and business landscape of Dubai and provide a comprehensive roadmap on how to initiate your tech venture in this dynamic city.
1. Rising Technological and Business Landscape of Dubai
Dubai’s commitment to technological advancement has transformed it into a global tech hub. The city’s strategic location, coupled with robust infrastructure and a thriving business ecosystem, makes it an ideal destination for tech enterprises seeking growth and success.
2. How to Start Your Tech Business in Dubai?
2.1 Outline Your Business Activities:
Define the scope of your tech business. Clearly outline the products or services you intend to offer and identify your target market.
2.2 Build Your IT Team:
Assemble a skilled and diverse IT team. Dubai’s tech industry demands expertise, and a strong team is integral to your business’s success.
2.3 Choose Your Company Name:
Select a unique and meaningful name for your tech business. Ensure it aligns with your brand and adheres to Dubai’s business naming regulations.
2.4 Select Your Legal Company Structure:
Choose a legal structure that aligns with your business goals. Options include Limited Liability Company (LLC), Free Zone, or a Branch of a Foreign Company.
2.5 Choose Your Company Location:
Decide whether to set up your business in the mainland or a free zone, considering factors like ownership, tax incentives, and proximity to target markets.
2.6 Apply for Your Tech Licence:
Obtain the necessary licenses for your tech business. Dubai offers various licenses, including those specific to technology and innovation.
2.7 Apply for Residence Visa:
Initiate the visa application process for yourself and your team. A residence visa is crucial for legal business operations in Dubai.
2.8 Medical Exam:
Undergo the mandatory medical examination required for visa processing.
2.9 Sign and Collect Documents:
Finalize legalities by signing relevant documents and collecting your business license and visas.
3. Where to Set Up Your Tech Business in Dubai: Mainland or Free Zone?
Choosing between the mainland and a free zone depends on your business model and goals. While the mainland offers proximity to the local market, free zones provide tax benefits and full foreign ownership.
4. Why is it a Good Time to Start a Tech Business in Dubai?
Dubai’s strategic initiatives, such as the Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan and the focus on emerging technologies, make it an opportune time to launch a tech business. The city’s commitment to innovation creates an environment conducive to growth and success.
5. How Can Private Wolf Help?
Private Wolf, a trusted business consultancy in Dubai, specializes in guiding entrepreneurs through the intricacies of business setup. From licensing to visa processing, their expertise ensures a seamless and efficient start to your tech venture.
In conclusion, starting your tech business in Dubai offers a gateway to a thriving ecosystem of innovation and progress. With the right strategy, a solid team, and the assistance of experts like Private Wolf, you can position your tech enterprise for success in this dynamic and tech-forward city.
Private Wolf | facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin
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kikodora · 7 months
Pentera and Napolein Have Forged an Alliance
Netpoleon announced a partnership with Pentera, the leader in automated security validation, to distribute Pentera’s solutions across the ANZ and ASEAN regions. Netpoleon announced a partnership with Pentera, the leader in automated security validation, to distribute Pentera’s solutions across the ANZ and ASEAN regions. Netpoleon is a provider of integrated security, networking solutions and…
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sweetswesf · 2 years
Check In
What I Did Today
checked in with an ex-colleague
finally finished all the AlgoExpert Data Structures Crash Course videos
finished registration to collect Unemployment; seems like I'll get about 25% of what I used to get paid...eligible to receive it for 6 months...I'm grateful
Day 2 of 100 Days of Python
What I Learned Today
booleans can be added together in Python!? Cray...
Felt good earlier, then tired, then heartbroken, then accomplished, then excited
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It’s going to be an everyday battle of pulling myself up to the table and getting it done, and it will get easier over time, but I just have to do it
How I Got Myself Out of a Rut Today
I was so tired, but my 1st’s story of his sister passing mysteriously and suddenly made me paranoid…I shuddered at the thought of not being able to accomplish my goals in life, laid down for a bit, read some scripture, listened to Tim Tebow break down a few verses, prayed, then got back up, and banged it out…Thank you God.
ERRRKUHH FREAQIN' BADUUUUU! Danced my heart out...and cried a lot...especially to Bag Lady..."LET IT GO, LET IT GO, LET IT GO, LET IT GO...I betcha' love can make it better...pack LIIIIGHHTT!"
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Goals Completed
Found a therapist
Stopped listening to people worried about their own circumstances and remembering God works on his own time and that I am in no rush...
Got back on the ball
Being kinder to myself and stopping guilting myself if my energy isn't always on 100%
Goals After Today
Strengthen my relationship with God
Understand the main concepts I need to from Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, etc. in 6 months, NOT less than 3
Drop my body fat percentage to Marion Jones, Michaela Cole, or Jade Cargill levels
Consistently fight urge to fill up my time with social media/YouTube
Fully forgive my family & build a great relationship with them
Be more confident & faithful
250 steps/hour & 10k steps/daily consistently
Drink more than 64oz a day consistently
Go on a date with a guy I actually like who actually likes me too
Learn more about my gym crush & get him to ask for my number
Get a house similar to that one in Spain
Update my personal app
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sparkysynth · 8 months
Heh excuse me wtf? A minimum floor for payouts? I'm reading several articles stating different numbers?
"Undisclosed amount for now" but some say 5 cents a month some say 200 plays?
Spotify being weird again.
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trendingnewschronicle · 10 months
Cisco Layoffs: Navigating Tech's Evolutionary Path
Dive into the ever-evolving tech realm with recent Cisco layoffs making waves! Discover the motives, impacts, and strategies behind this bold move as we unravel the intricacies of workforce recalibration. From cloud computing’s rise to rejuvenating affected employees, this discourse illuminates the journey of transformation within Cisco.
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Explore how a giant like Cisco navigates change, strategically realigning resources and charting a course for perpetual growth. Don’t miss this deep dive into the heart of one of the tech world’s most significant shifts — Cisco Layoffs.
Also Read: Dive into The Callisto Protocol Update: New Features and Essential Fixes
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mirrorreview · 1 year
After recognizing shortcomings in tools to manage digital compliance and information assurance, Austin Ogilvie founded Thoropass (formerly Laika) along with co-founders Eva Pittas and Sam Li. Thoropass is a compliance automation platform that helps companies manage security and privacy controls without slowing down business operations. The solution includes software to manage policies and procedures, track and monitor controls, and access various compliance and information assurance services. Inside Thoropass, there is a lot going on—they raised a $50M Series C in Nov ‘22 and just did a full rebrand from Laika to Thoropass. Let us begin by exploring the journey of this compliance tech company and getting to know its leadership.
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strange-aeons · 11 months
Oh and that fucking crab day post sends shivers down my spine btw. I say this as someone who owns multiple pieces of tumblr merch — support them if you want, or don’t, I don’t care, but we are NOT turning a tech corporation into our poor little wet meow meow who deserves all our money uwu. We are NOT pressuring normal ass people into donating to resolve a company’s millions in debt as if it’s some important charitable cause.
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mechanicaldesires · 3 months
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Do you guys think the ultrakill terminal and lethal company terminal are yuri,,,,,
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famoidtech · 1 year
Buy Tiktok Views
One of the best ways to get your content seen by more people and increase engagement is to buy TikTok views for your account.
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