#Taishi Ci
dongzhou3kingdoms · 9 months
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This is the first time I have seen Taishi Ci depicted with a long beard like Guan Yu in a fictional media Any sources for him that describe him with that beautiful beard?
"Cí was seven chǐ seven cún [~1.78 m] tall, with beautiful beard, muscular arms, good at shooting, and his shots did not miss target."
It has always been a little odd that Taishi Ci gets portrayed without a beard. Thank you Wo Long for doing one with a beard
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music-musou · 2 months
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ttoca · 1 year
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Liu Yao’s Army ‘The Yang Alliance’
(Left to Right)
Top Row
Xu Gong, Taishi Ci, Ze Rong
Upper Middle Row
Lu Kang, Yan Baihu, Yan Yu
Lower Middle Row
Liu Xun, Zhou Xin, Zhu Hao, Sheng Xian
Bottom Row
Hua Xin, Liu Yao, Wang Lang
A motley collection of scholars, warriors, eccentrics and opportunists.
Ze Rong was a treat to design. I’m surprised he doesn’t get more attention in 3K-related media.
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brittanybwrites · 4 months
Rereding Throne of Glass feels really good, espically when I want to look up everything I know and be like, "Yuuuup, that happened, I can go back to reading now."
Also I started playing Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires, and I did pick and marry Taishi Ci, but I'm about to get annoyed with Lu Mueng and Liu Bei coming over my house and giving me things while I'm living my harmonious life with my handsome husband.
Like ya'll, Taishi Ci is breaking my back every night and if we're on the battlefield, he's like "WHERE'S MY--oop, never mind, she's destroying a caterpult and making our enemies go to therapy, she's fine!!!" and I don't need you two coming over OUR house giving me things.
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darkfalcon-z · 7 months
Then Zhou Yu took off the commanding sword which he wore as Commander-in-Chief and handed it to Taishi Ci, saying, “You take this and wear it for the day as master of the feast. This day we meet only as friends and speak only of friendship, and if anyone shall begin a discussion of the questions at issue between Cao Cao and the South Land, just slay him.”
This is bit extreme
Who is going to be "banned" by the mod?
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Oh Eun Young, Kim Hyung-jun, who receives pocket money, "straw family"
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playstationpark · 7 months
Zhao Yun Vs. Taishi Ci 'Dynasty Warriors' PlayStation
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cupidenigma · 2 months
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Armored Sasha
Sometimes I ask myself "whats the point of all this effort if no one will see it anyways? Why try when anything that I make that is somewhat popular is the stupid fanart I make" when making a piece of art, I never find any good answer so I have to awkwardly try to distract myself with other stimuli until the original question leave my mind for the time being so I'm not trapped in a vortex of paralyzing contempt. Maybe is for the best I'm not an artist, that way I don't have to deal with dumbass barking at my tails.
Anyways, the armor is inspired by Taishi Ci's armor in DW7
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Episode 2: Schemes at Luoyang
@sunfin3k is joined for episode 2 by translators Drew/Taishi Ci or as known here with their translations @fuyonggu and @zgongjin who has been working with @hanchaozhilang on translations
They discuss the second episode of the novel. Turban use of magic, the arrival of Sun Jian and his merchant background, the violence in the time of peace and chaos at court. 
Chapter Timings:
03:38: Turbans
10:18: Sun Jian
19:47: Post Rebellion
32:28: He Jin vs eunuchs
44:45: Ending
All our platforms (including youtube)
Transcript can be found
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
Can you do Fatgum, kirishima, or Tamaki?
This is like Half the Fatfam so I'll do you one better and do the whole Fatfam because I love them and leaving any of them out feels weird kfdjgkfdg
Ask from Here
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Taishiro Toyomitsu
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual
Gender Headcanon: I see Taishiro as a Cis man, but I've seen very cool Trans Taishiro takes as well, so I'm between the two usually. He/Him
A ship I have with said character: Me?? Me self ship with Taishiro my beloved?? Oh but also Kendo Rappa I love that guy. He's Taishi's creepy gross stalker and I think they're funny together
A BROTP I have with said character: His interactions with Monika in Vigilantes will never not be hilarious to me. She's so not funny and he's so mean and they're hysterical together and I love them
A random headcanon: Taishiro's entire wardrobe is hoodies. He sleeps in a hoodie, his casual wear his hoodies, he's got a nice date hoodie. It's his comfort outfit and he refuses to change.
General Opinion over said character: I love this man. He is my husband, I mwah mwah mwah him face. Top tier fat rep, Horikoshi's best character by a mile.
everyone else under the cut so the post doesn't get too long
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Tamaki Amajiki
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Like Taishiro I see him as Cis usually but I've seen sooo many good Transgender headcanons as well that I'm kind of in the middle about it. He/She
OTP: MiriTama is SO cute!!! Top tier!!! My Hero really has the best Blond/Dark Hair ships out there.
BROTP: I really like his relationship with Neijire, being in the same class I feel like she just kinda bugged him until they were friends. Lesbian/Gay Hostility. They bicker like siblings.
Random Headcanon: It's Tamaki's fault we keep getting interns at the Fatgum agency. He hears someone struggling and thinks "Fat could help them" and brings them home like a kid bringing home a kitten. He's a bleeding heart, just like his father.
Overall Opinion: I LOVE Tamaki like a LOT. My favorite part about him, and all the 3rd year students we meet, is he's already gone through his entire character arc. He, Mirio, and Neijire worked to overcome challenges, faced problems, had training arcs and everything long before we met them. They're main characters post their own plot and I LOVE that kind of story telling.
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Eijiro Kirishima
Sexuality: ALSO Gay
Gender: Transgender, He/Him
OTP: KiriBaku my BELOVED, my boyfriend Zayne was really into this one when he was into My Hero so I kinda got pulled into it first. I do really like them. Hot Headed VS Bull Headed.
BROTP: Mina for sure!! Gay/Bi Solidarity. She was his gay awakening in that he thought he liked her Romantically until he realized he didn't like girls at all. They have self care sleepovers where they do facials and paint eachother nails and gossip for sure
Random Headcanon: Kirishima has a real soft spot for Shojo Manga, and prefers it over action packed Shounen. The only people who know this are the rest of the Fatfam, Mina, and Bakugo.
Overall Opinion: I'm gonna keep saying I love these characters and it's true I loooove Eijiro sooo much. He's so head strong but with a huge heart he cares and worries SO much and he's also always down to clown commit to the bit ride or die kinda guy. I love him.
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Tetsutestu Tetsutetsu
Sexuality: Bi? Pan? Omni?? Poly??? I don't think he really knows the exact label fits him best. Everyone in class B would say he's Bisexual, but he himself would answer the question with a "I dunno, boys are cute, girls are cute, what's it matter?"
Gender: ALSO Transgender, He/Him
OTP: I really like him with Kendo, their dynamic is incredibly cute and funny. A lot of "That's MY WIFE!!!!! :D" Energy and I love that for him. He's her biggest cheerleader.
BROTP: He and Eiji as constantly butting head twins who are too similar for their own good is incredibly funny to me and I do love that dynamic. I also love him with Neito Monoma as the bite to his bark kind of dynamic. He doesn't do it on purpose, he just loves hyping people up and isn't really hearing the nonsense Monoma is saying.
Random Headcanon: Tetsu really needs glasses, like really needs glasses, and just doesn't know it. He thinks everybody sees like this and just hasn't questioned it.
General Opinion: My Hero Academia Dumb Guy is a very particular gender and I adore it. Well, I call Tetsu dumb but he can't be that dumb to be in UA, it's a top school after all. He's just impulsive and hard headed and reckless, not necessarily stupid. I love him, boy son son boy
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Momo Yaoyorozu
Sexuality: I'm in camp AroAce Momo, but I can also be on team Ace/Lesbian Momo. Back and forth on that one a lot.
Gender: Cis gender, She/Her
OTP: Sense I think she's Aro I don't have a lot of Momo ships off the top of my head, but I think she and Jiro are cute. The ideal Big Fem Little Butch Lesbian/Bi ship. If anything Jiro for sure has a crush on her.
BROTP: I really like the headcanon that she, Iida, and Todoroki are all childhood friends who attended a lot of the same Pro Hero/High class parties and hung out together during them.
Random Headcanon: Momo's parents don't support her choice to do Hero work, and are constantly threatening to pull her out of UA if the hero training gets in the way of her grades. She has an uncle who's a Pro Hero, which is how she got the recommendation to UA in the first place, he's also the one who signed all her paperwork and showed up for Parent's Day.
Overall Opinion: Momo is what made me realize I shouldn't focus too hard on the costuming of My Hero Academia fjkghjdfg her hero suit makes me sad. I think she's a very under used character, and could use some character development time under Fatgum, sense they both have quirks that utilize fat cells and she is entirely too thin to be doing hard hero work while using up that much energy. No WONDER she passes out all the time!
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Nirengeki Shoda
Sexuality: Biromantic, Asexual
Gender: Trans Man, He/Him
OTP: It's hard to ship the 1-B kids cause they don't get near enough focused screen time. Shoda doesn't even seem to have a real affinity with anyone in his class either, sense every time we've seen him he's paired with someone new. I got nothing, it seems.
BROTP: He, Yui, Reiko, and Kendo all hang out I think. Shoda's really chill and team focused, so he can really blend into any group, but the girls specifically tend to steal him for hang outs the most.
Random Headcanon: Shoda has a real hard time taking praise or thinking he's really worthy of anything, a lot like Momo. It's something he's been forced to get better at sense being in a class with Neito Monoma though, sense the guy won't take "nah I didn't do anything" as an answer when complimenting people. Shoda's worked self deprecation out of his speaking habits out of necessity at this point.
General Opinion: My son boy I picked this one for the Fatfam and I'm the only one to do so but the Baseball OVA really got me okay my S/I is baseball themed and Shoda's quirk is REALLY GOOD for baseball of COURSE I'd pick him up. My intern now, suck it Shishido. I also just think the Fatgum agency needs more Class B in the mix. MORE REP FOR CLASS B!!!!
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dongzhou3kingdoms · 3 months
The Wikipedia page on Taishi Ci says that when it was recommended he be given a command to oppose Sun Ce, Liu Yao said, "If I appoint Taishi Ci, Xu Zijiang will laugh at me." Know the source of this and what Xu Zijiang's issue with Taishi Ci would of been/why Liu Yao would care?
It is from Taishi Ci's biography, acting as an explainer why this future Wu figure was not shining in another state (not an unknown explainer that makes an officer and their new employee look better)
Just to note, Zijiang is the style name of Xu Shao the famed talent spotter who made that comment about Cao Cao. There isn't any known reaction of Xu Shao to Taishi Ci. What he might have potentially objected to could be a couple of things 1. Taishi Ci's career so far was being a scholar, holding a minor local position, then forced into exile after he disrupted and his bold break out for Kong Rong to act as an envoy. On what grounds would you give this young man (30 years old) a senior command position? 2. Taishi Ci made the not unreasonable gamble that someone from his home town would show him preferment. Even if he hadn't had dealing with Liu Yao before. Xu Shao might not be so impressed by blatant favouritism of someone from Liu Yao's home area. Nor incidently might be the powerful families of the south, key local allies and those holding administrative posts in the area. In terms of why Liu Yao would care: Liu Yao had only been in the area a few years and his appointment to the province was a mere one year. His control of the province was less than that after he engineered the throwing out of Yuan Shu's representatives Sun Ben and Wu Jing. Liu Yao had constructed a coalition of support against Yuan Shu, but his control of Yang had its limits.
Having Xu Shao's support was a prestigious boon, he was a man who could make and break reputations, a figure known through the land. Such endorsement was valuable to any warlord and a good signal to Yang province (and abroad) that Liu Yao was a worthy figure. Even if Liu Yao thought Xu Shao was the stupidest of stupidest people, he would have to be seen to value such a worthy gentleman. If Xu Shao complained that Liu Yao was appointing young, undeserving people based on coming from his home commandery, not a good look for Liu Yao. Or even if he just mocked the appointment in the army made by the new lord, it would cause damage to Liu Yao's reputation at a time when he needs to keep hold of support. So why not make Taishi Ci have to prove himself and show the southern lords he would pick by merit, not seek to replace them with northern men? Hope that helped
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music-musou · 1 month
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ttoca · 8 months
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Red Cliffs Wu Officers Part 2
Yes, I am aware that Bu Zhi looks a bit like Snape. Believe me, it was unintentional.
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the-archlich · 11 months
Other than Guan Yu, are there any person we have a good indication what they look like IRL?
We don't now what Guan Yu looked like, outside of an allusion to him having an impressive beard (something shared with at least Cheng Yu and Taishi Ci). There's a depiction of him common in folktales and other fiction that's been repeated for centuries, but (aside from the beard alluded to by a letter from Zhuge Liang soothing his gigantic ego) there's no particular historical basis for it.
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Something particularly intriguing to me when comparing older/more traditional Three Kingdoms inspired works to those that are influenced by more modern values and interpretations is how you get a trade-off between the importance of mothers and the importance of female love interests. There are definitely exceptions but in many works that are more faithful to Romance of the Three Kingdoms, mothers tend to take precedence.
A good number of male characters are noted for their filial piety towards their mother and they even play an important part in their motivations and story arcs, they often barely if ever interact with their husbands 'on screen', to retroactively apply modern terminology. That changes considerably with newer media (like Dynasty Warriors) where wives and mistresses are usually portrayed as being the most prominent women in male characters' lives, and their mothers are often never so much as mentioned even when they were important in older sources, like Taishi Ci and Xu Shu.
Basically women are still being devalued regardless, it's just different flavors that are influenced by the dominant cultural values of their time.
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Oh Eun Young, why did you throw a 'straw family' stone fastball to Taishi Ci Kim Hyung-jun? The conclusion is 'Peter Pan Syndrome'!
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