gxthicwxrm · 7 months
The Beginning Of The End: Chapter 2
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Pairing: Johnny Slaughter x fem!reader, platonic!Sissy x reader
Summarry: the aftermath of chapter one
Please enjoy and let me know how yall feel about this series.
Laughter echoes in your ears as your heart pounds against your ribs. With your feet stabbing into the ground, you see a barricade ahead in the narrow tunnels. Speeding up your movement, you jump to dive over the obstacle, the feeling of a metal object gliding across your back as a stinging radiates from the spot before you crash into the ground. Before you can gasp for air, you pull yourself up and keep running, looking for an exit, when you see a metal door wide open, only a few steps away.
Panting, you push yourself hard through the door before slamming it close behind in, in the face of your attackers. With your calves burning, you run up the stairs in sets of twos. When you are on the landing, you look around at a creeping kitchen and a hall leading to the front door. Much to your surprise, the front door was open as well. Hesitating, you looked around, thinking it was a trap, and saw no one. The sound of a metal clashing on metal causes you to start running again, flying past the front door and towards the exit in the distance. 
“I’m going to get out of here!” You laugh as you pass a fence when a short woman jumps at you.
“Hi there!” She laughs loudly, slashing her knife towards you as you jump out of her way when you turn and see two men rushing out of the house towards you.
A loud bang wakes you up, startling you as you look around your room and spot Sissy dropping cardboard boxes onto the hardwood flooring. It’s been almost two weeks since you’ve woken up with no memories, and you’ve spent most of them knocked out on painkillers and herbs Sissy has been giving you. Surprisingly, sleep has allowed the burns on your limbs to heal under the salves, and wrapping Sissy would religiously change. Luckily, in the last few days, you have been able to move out of your bed without pain, which has allowed you to start navigating your home.
“Do ya like?” Sissy says, holding up a light blue short sleeve dress with a white lace trimming. The fabric had tiny white daisies spotted throughout the piece. It was stunning. With a smile on your face, you nod as you turn to get out of bed, but Sissy drops the dress and rushes to your side, helping you even though you don't need the support anymore. When you took a step, your feet no longer radiated with pain, and you were starting to feel normal. 
“I love it!” You gush, picking up the discarded dress and holding it to your frame. Warmly, Sissy smiles at you, a light shining in her eye as she squeals.
“I knew you would!! Well…Put it on.” She gestures towards the nightgown she has lent to you. Pausing, you look at her, holding the thin dress fabric in your hands as you glance towards the open bedroom door. 
“But, what if-” You start.
“What? We are family. No one is going to see you. Put it on.” She says convincingly. With a nod, you agree, putting the dress on the bed before pulling the silky white fabric over your head. The cold breeze from the opened window perks your exposed nipples, goosebumps washing over your naked body. Scrambling, you grab the dress and pull it over your body.
The neckline was low but not enough to cause concern. The fabric rested inches above your knees and flared slightly at the waist.  The material was soft against your skin.
“Turn around.” Johnny’s voice causes vibrations through your body when it cuts through the silence. As if you were on autopilot, you obey and face him. There’s a mirror on the wall Johnny is leaning against, a toothpick in his mouth. Catching your reflection, you are shocked when you see how nice you look. 
“Thank you, Sissy. It’s beautiful. Where did you get all of these?” You say, not turning away from Johnny as he smirks.
“You’re welcome, doll! I’ve just collected them over my travels. There’s plenty more in the box. Some other stuff, too!” Sissy giggles, jumping around like a child. 
“It looks…gorgeous on you, darling. Now, I have to head to the shop with Nubs. I’ll be back later, okay? Sissy, let her help you with dinner. I’ll see you in a few hours.” He says with a kiss on your cheek before disappearing into the hallway. The display of affection shocked Sissy as well as yourself, as Johnny has been in the background, always lingering but not talking to you and hardly interacting with you if he could help it.
Turning to face the blonde - a wisp of yellow hair, spots of red, the shine of metal in the moonlight-- the imagery takes you by surprise as you stubble backward, reaching your hands out to steady yourself as your eyes find the other woman. Sissy comes to your side and guides you to the bed when you stop her.
“I’m okay. Just turned too fast. I want to see what else is in the box.” You smile, convincing her the searing images that slammed their way into your brain and the pain that accompanied them were nothing more than a misstep. She smiles back before dropping to her knees and pulling the box to her, then yanking out clumps of fabric before finding what she was looking for.
“Ta-Da!” She sings, holding out three nail polish bottles: bright red, light purple, and dark blue. “I want to paint your nails. Do you want me to? I know you do. Do you?” Sissy bounces on her heels impatiently. 
“Only if I can paint yours, too.” You giggle, feeling a warmth fill your chest as you feel safe with Sissy. The two of you spent the evening painting each other's nails and playing dress-up with all your new dresses. Time has flown by because Sissy glances at the clock and mutters a ‘shit’ before placing the dresses and novelties back into your box.
“Come on, hon. Time to get dinner ready. Lucky for us, it will just be the three of us tonight.”Her words bring your thoughts back to Johnny. He’s been gone most of the day, occasionally peeking his head in the doorway before disappearing again. You didn’t mind; he was giving you space, which was what you needed to process your memory loss and these horrifying nightmares. 
Dinner was easy to prepare, a simple shepherd's pie. Johnny stood by the door, watching you as you moved around Sissy, chopping and sauteing vegetables while Sissy seasoned the grounded beef. Homemade mashed potatoes rested on the stove. Using a washcloth, you wipe sweat from your brow before putting it in the pocket of your apron. Glancing to your side, you catch Johnny’s eye, giving him a sweet smile before mixing the meat in the sizzling man. Much to your surprise, he smiles back. Sissy washes her hands before walking past Johnny.
“I’m going to set the table. Y/N, you’ll know when to put it together.” Sissy called as she went into the next room. Johnny steps in and leans on the counter beside you. Silently, he watches you cook, inching closer to you as you flatten the vegetables and meat into a casserole dish, putting the mash on top and popping it in the oven. Turning to face his towering form, you look up at his features, studying the curves of his nose and the many scars you figure came from working on cars. Subconsciously, your fingers trace the scar across his cheek, him stilling under your touch before leaning into your hand when you cup his face.  
Once you realize what you are doing, you pull away, but Johnny stops you. Wrapping his strong arms around your body, he pulls you against his frame. One hand brushes your arm to your neck before grounding itself in your hair, tilting your head gently to face him.
"You do look gorgeous in that dress." He says, brushing a lash from your cheek. " I missed you today. Couldn't wait to get back home to you." He grips your hip softly before holding you tighter.
"I missed you too. I hope you had a good day. Sissy showed me a bunch of cool stuff earlier. I'd love to show you after we eat. If you'd like that." You say timidly, suddenly worried he wouldn't want to spend time with you. He waits a moment before nodding.
"Yesh, I was thinking about taking you home to our place. You know, now that Sissy doesn't need to watch your every move." He jokes, but the words have an edge to them. "We could go after we eat. Would you like that?"
"Yes! Yes, I would. Oh, I've been waiting to see what our home looks like. Maybe some memories will come back when I see our things." You say, giggling as you peck his lips. "I can't wait until you can have some of this pie. I think it's the best I've ever made, at least all I remember making." You joke with him, winking as you push against his body with a smile. 
"I could just eat you up; you are so delicious." He whispers, his eyes holding yours as he lowers his lips to yours. "So fucking delicious." 
His lips are soft and wet against your own, lighting a warmth in your body as your hands find his hair and his hands roaming over you. Heat flows over the two of you like a cloud, and your only thought Is getting his shirt off of his chest when someone clears their throat, causing you two to break away and adjust yourself before turning to face Sissy.
"Get a room, you two. Move, let's plate up." Sissy announces, pushing past the two of you and grabbing a plate. Whether you remember them or not, this is your family, and you accepted them like they did for you.
After the three of you ate at the dining table, you helped sissy clean up while Johnny grabbed the items Sissy had given you and placed them in his truck. 
"Thank you for being so welcoming and understanding. This is all so…crazy, you know?" You say, hugging her into your side once you've dried the dishes, placing them in the cabinets. 
"Oh, doll. Of course. You are the sister I never had. I'm just happy you are finding your place in the family. It's nice to have a pal around." She says, holding your cheek before squeezing you. 
You hear Johnny walk into the kitchen, but Sissy doesn't pull away, almost crushing you, but you accept her hugs as a thought hits you. 
A recipe for pecan pie. Instantly, your mouth begins to water despite your full stomach. 
"Oh, for the next dinner. Could I make a pecan pie? I loved it when I was little and used to make it with my granny." You clap your hands happily as you look between the two siblings. They are both still, staring at each other intensely as if they are speaking in a way you can't hear.
"Yes, baby girl. You can make whatever you like." Johnny says before grabbing your wrist and slowly taking you to his truck with Sissy following. 
"Let's get going," Johnny says, moving towards his door before he stops, turning around, and opens your door, waiting for you. Hugging Sissy goodbye, you tell her you'll see her tomorrow for a picnic, receiving a squeeze and a squeal at the announcement.  
Walking towards Johnny, memories of the kitchen warm your core as you stroll over to his spot against your door. 
"Thank you, gentleman." You hop into your seat, adjusting your dress while Johnny shuts the door and seats himself before roaring the engine to life. 
The drive was short; you were minutes before driving past the white picket fencing. There's a massive house that Johnny passes, following a trail toward a single-wide trailer in the house's backyard. 
"Who's house is that?" You say, opening your door and hopping out as Johnny kills the engine, coming to your side. 
"Just some old lady. I…pay her rent." He dismisses, pulling you toward the door of the trailer.  Opening the door, Johnny walks in first before grabbing a few shirts from the coffee table and throwing them to a chair across the room. The place wasn't messy, just disorganized. A few deer antlers hung on the wall, making you cringe away. He leads you to the shared bedroom before grabbing your face and pressing his lips to yours. 
Without thinking, your hands grip his hair as you fall back onto the queen-sized bed. Johnny's hands roam all over your body, pulling your legs around his waist as he grinds his growing erection against your core, sending electricity through you- waves of pain hit you as the air is knocked from your lungs, dirt breaks your nails as you move along the ground, sinister laughter rings in your skull- with a gasp, you pull away. 
"What the fuck? Are you okay? What just happened?" Johnny's brow furrows as you feel over your body, feeling no pain like you did moments before.
"I-I don't know. I, uhm, I think it just might be happening too fast. I don't think my mind can keep up." You try to laugh the awkwardness away but just cringe at yourself. An angered look crosses his face before he quickly replaces it, looking up at you.
"We can take it slow for tonight. But maybe this will be the best way to gain your memory back. Okay?" Johnny says, and you agree with a smiling nod. 
"Okay. But tonight, we sleep.  I am spent." You say, peeling off the dress before throwing on the shirt J hands you. Silently, he removes his cut shirt and jeans, leaving his boxers on before pulling the covers over himself. Quickly, you join him. 
He lays beside you, stiff as if unsure what to do, unnoticed by you. You wrap your arms around his frame and wrap a leg over his waist, laying your head on his chest. His rigid muscles soften under your touch, and he wraps his arms around your shoulder, pulling you closer while he sinks into the bed, and you sink into him. 
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nllick · 9 months
If any of yall interested in my Johnny edit
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cootiekitten · 9 days
I made another edit! This one's more serious than the last Johnny one lol.
Just really in love with this song rn and it made me think of my bebes a lil bit ♡ enjoy
Link to full vid 👇
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niji-kyooo · 9 months
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we start with some tscmg!
want the game so bad, will faint cuz i get spooked easily
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akuchoi · 9 months
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SIBLINGS! except bubba is uh,, not feeling too pretty so he took the picture instead? yea. let's go with that! anyways, RAHH I LOVE THEM AND I LOVE TCM!!! the hyperfixation has lasted more than 3 days so this is promising......
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detektei-berlin · 8 months
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TSM - Lauschabwehr & Abhörschutz
Mit Lauschabwehr & Abhörschutz schützen Sie Ihr Know-how, Gespräche und sämtliche vertrauliche Informationen vor Gefahren und Risiken von außen oder innen mit uns der TSM - Taute® Security Management.
Wir sind wir darauf spezialisiert, Unternehmen und Privatpersonen vor unerwünschten Abhörversuchen zu schützen. Unsere Mission ist es, eine vertrauenswürdige Umgebung zu schaffen, in der sensible Informationen sicher bleiben. Mit jahrelanger Erfahrung und einem Team aus Spezialisten in Technischer Überwachungsbekämpfung (TSCM) wissen wir, wie wichtig es ist, sich vor Lauschangriffen zu schützen.
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ti2agency · 1 year
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theselfcaremaven · 1 year
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ricercamix · 2 years
Poche ma fondamentali: le TSCM di memoria in HIV/AIDS
Poche ma fondamentali: le TSCM di memoria in HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS, dopo quarant’anni dalla sua scoperta, continua ad essere un problema di salute pubblica globale. Sebbene la ricerca scientifica abbia prodotto delle classi di farmaci utilizzate in combinazione come terapia antiretrovirale (ART), ancora non è possibile eliminare completamente il virus se si viene contagiati.  (more…)
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View On WordPress
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gxthicwxrm · 6 months
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cootiekitten · 1 month
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But they're so cunty ♡ slayers
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screampied · 3 months
You know sounding? If u don't, please search it up 😁😁 can be used on both cocks and kitties!! 🪰
Don't remind me of April 🙄
i've never heard of that 😺. let me se—
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detektei-berlin · 1 year
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Ein abhörsicherer Raum zum Schutz sensibler Informationen...Individuelle Sicherheitsanforderungen für einen sicheren Gesprächsrahmen....Mit uns der TSM - Taute Security Management erfährst Du mehr... https://www.diedetektei.eu/abhoersicherer-raum/ #abhörsichererRaum #abhörsicher #Abhörschutz #Abhörsicherheit #DetekteiTaute #TSCM #Lauschabwehr #Informationsschutz #Bugsweep #TSCMSweep #espionage #sichereKommunikation #geschützteGespräche #Besprechungsraum #sichererrahmen #corporatesecurity #unternehmenssicherheit #Informationssicherheit #geheimschutz #countermeasures 🔸️WERBUNG wegen Hashtags und Markennennung (Eigenwerbung)🔸️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZKouLD7Nn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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How do private investigator surveillance experts use top-notch tools?
Private investigation is a witty field, so to stay ahead, you need to take the measured step. Most importantly, the investigating companies must rely on the top-notch surveillance technology. They need to gather information that is precise and accurate. For that, private investigator surveillance is a must. Therefore, let's see what cutting-edge tools are generally used.
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Using high-definition cameras and video recorders
Well the private investigator surveillance use marvellous technologies. In that regard, high-end discreet and compact cameras no doubt steal the show. They help the investigator to get a precise, detailed picture of the whereabouts. They offer the most accurate and best footage of the objects. Also, capture other activities in detail irrespective of the distance, lighting condition, or challenging ambience.
The investigator relies on GPS trackers for correct information
The private investigator surveillance professionals always use GPS, which is one of the vital modern surveillance tools. These devices can be placed secretly in the personal assets or vehicle to track the whereabouts of the suspected individual. The best part is that you can get accurate time information on the activities and behaviour here.
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Drone Technology is quite an indispensable equipment
When it comes to private investigator surveillance, of course, the contributions of drones are undeniable. With this, you can get the aerial footage and perform supervision. Basically, drones have inbuilt high-resolution cameras fit on the tip that gives advanced insights into the detailed view of the subject's location.
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Final Talk
Thus, these are some of the best facts about the private investigator  surveillance providing company. They also conduct tscm sweep as well.
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