drewvigal · 1 year
The marketplace for creators? Or a private SuperFollow room for the VIPs?
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Looks like @twitter is pulling an American Express from the 80s: “Membership has its privileges." By creating a marketplace for creators, #SuperFollow appears more to be a VIP room you subscribe to. Not good. We need a 21-century Agora, a public square for all. Here are a couple of my own translations of how Twitter's help center describes Super Follows:
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Translation: Hey, non-sup followers of mine! OMG, you don't know what you're missing. I wish I could show what they said, but you gotta subscribe to their VIP tweets first. Or if you want to participate in and engage with this tweet, you also gotta subscribe.
(Subscribe to creator's VIP tweets)
OMG, you super followed me. Thank YOU. Welcome to the VIP room. Swank, right?
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Translation: Oh yeah, you see all these other folks sharing specific info in this community, er, VIP room, you gotta pay each of them.
So how much does it cost to belong to this exclusive group?
**for demo purposes only:
Let's say you want to create a VIP room for 130 people.
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And you're willing to spend $4.99/mo. Let's simplify: $5/mo. For some folks, perhaps $650 a month is the cost of super following each other.
Or there's @SlackHQ or @Discord.
After doing a bit more sleuthing about Super Follows, I stumbled on a 10/25 tweet from a former senior community manager at Twitter.
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@SBkcrn framed Super Follows as a community. But if I have to pay for a subscription to receive a creator's special feed, I see that more as an audience and NOT a community. I, too, believe creators should be paid for their expertise and talents. But don't frame it as a community.
I'm sorry to see that Simon tweeted on 11/3 that they were among those that were let go unceremoniously, to say the least, early this month. I'm sure they can't talk about it, but I do wonder if the team knew they were working on a paid membership product when they were working on the Super Follows Community feature.
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
Apparently there are rumors of Louis recording a music video in a small town in Australia on July 26th 2022
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izacore · 2 years
I think louis blocked hld because of their superfollow stuff, and not afhf location
nope, this is something rads made up
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mostardently · 2 years
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mellointheory · 2 years
I think my favorite part of velvet’s practice stream is when he got the end of a section and ant was like ‘now just jump to me’ aghhhh
:(( it was very sweet, especially knowing how much velvet has wanted to get into mcc
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rainbowbeanstyles · 2 years
anyways louis had his reasons ig this is a weird situation💀 if you need to step away dont worry about it bc im sure rads are having a party and the anon hate is going to come in wavesss
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ddeacon · 11 months
weird thing to put in an ask box but i have mentally followed you three times because i first followed you because of your pfp, then mentally followed you again because you like south park, then mentally SUPERfollowed you because i scrolled down to see the CUTEST art, please keep drawing and doodling ive only seen a few drawings but your art/art style is so fun its like eye candy
(sorry i don't speak english very well so if there is any mistake you can tell me)
I can't believe someone said something so nice about my art. really thank you 😭💕
The next drawing will be dedicated to you for having made my day
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Unless HLD got a cease & desist letter they should still post about L if they wanna prove they're not H biased & still do streaming parties & post about L. And still organize Bday projects. Regardless how L feels about HLD at the moment they shouldn't turn them against him (for THEIR wrong doing). They should prove to L & his fans, they're still willing to still support him. I won't hold my breath but if they do continue to support him, it'll show they care, if not, well, it'll speak for itself.
They should get rid of superfollows because that’s the problem.
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silverfoxlou · 2 years
People on Twitter already saying new song rumour is fake but idk I'll wait and see while laughing at idiots who pays for gossip that they can get free
Wait was that posted on HLD’s superfollow (or whatever) account 😬😬😬
Lol new rule - if HLD posts something there, it’s definitely not true
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2weeksrule · 2 years
Same to the superfollow!!! I mean its “weird” if you think it like “fans are paying other fans and it’s stupid” and it is but it’s really smart of that UA to take advantage of the fact they are the biggest HL UA lmao like.. smart business move, cant blame them at all. If it was a lie that they used the money for their website, to promote, giveaways and to match donations, well karma rules.
You’re right! I would be upset if they started posting regular updates for people with superfollow but I think it was mostly just rumours and stuff and if someone thinks that’s worth their money (or they just want to support the UA) that doesn’t seem like something to be angry about to me. Obviously if they lied about the money, that would be super shitty but I don’t really have a reason not to believe them about this.
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berlinini · 2 years
Why did Louis block hld? /gen
General theory is that it's due to HLD using Twitter's Superfollow option, in which they are charging fans for "exclusive content" aka rumours. Louis has shown time and time again that it's something he would absolutely abhor as it's simply taking advantage of his fans.
In their explanations, HLD seems to believe it was due to them sharing the information about AFHF 2022 taking place in Spain. There was also the issue of the leaks of Secret Heart and Help, about a year ago.
For more info please browse my tag. Hope this helps!
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falsegoodnight · 2 years
like, I get it, but at the same time, blocking his biggest update acc is a weird move and is also lowkey shooting himself in the foot??? I think some ppl r blowing it way out of proportion, but I do think a lot of the questioning is valid.
it also just gives rads more ammunition to hate on larries as if we don’t have enough of that but 🤷🏻‍♀️ /gen /nm
I genuinely wanna know ur thoughts on it, though, (and uas you recommend??) bc I rly do think a lot of people on twitter are losing the plot
answer below mainly because it ended up long for some reason?
yeah hld does have a lot of followers and especially since louis gets jack shit when it comes to promo, stuff like this is disappointing but it seems clear to me by the severity of the action that louis thinks the harm they're causing outweighs any of the good – like, don't get me wrong ,the streaming parties they've organized in the past as well as fundraisers for charities and stuff have all been incredible but the whole 'superfollower' thing and how they've clearly taken too much joy in the rumors of them actually having connections to louis/harry just show that they've kind of let the attention... get to their heads??? if anything hopefully this blocking will help them gain some perspective – i don't think anyone behind this ua is a bad person or anything and i think some people definitely ARE taking things way too far.
also louis isn't stupid. he's not the type of person to recklessly block a fan account, knowing that it would instantly be noticed and speculated upon by everyone especially since hld's platform is so big.
at the end of the day, i trust louis and his reasons for doing what he did. the thing is, we don't even know fully why he didn't and we probably never will... i saw that ss from someone saying another ua was sending lies to louis and... ngl we literally have zero reason to believe them. for all we know they sent that dm to themselves lol.
as for the 'rads' thing... let's be real, people are always going to find ways to hate on larries and that's unfortunately not going to change, but we don't have to let it bother us. i honestly don't care if people use this as a way to say louis hates larries or whatever because i don't believe that, and neither do any of us frankly, and that's all that matters. if someone tries to say something to you, just block them and try your best to ignore it. while words can definitely hurt, they're still just words. putting that into perspective always helps when people are being nasty (also people being nasty will always say more about them then you).
ALL THAT BEING SAID, this account has been controversial for a WHILE because of how they've handled things and while some solo fans or antis or other non-larries probably have hated on hld because it's a "larry" ua, that's not all they've had a problem with and in that respect, i also don't really care that they may be celebrating this today. that's also partly because i don't really care about what people outside of my own circle/community are saying/doing in ANY context and let me tell you that's a much more pleasant way to experience this fandom lol.
ua recs... ngl i don't follow ANY uas on twitter and never have so i can't really help you 😣 i've never really been someone that needs the fastest updates or news, like immediately when it happens, and have been just fine getting information from my tl/mutuals whenever i log on so i never felt the need to follow any, sorry </3 i'm sure someone else out there will be much more helpful in answering this question though!! and i hope you find them!
final notes (sorry this ended up so long idk how that happened): i think there's definitely some nuance to this topic but at the end of the day, i trust in louis' judgment and that he made the right decision today. i also think people need to move on from this topic because YES some people have absolutely lost the plot on twitter like 😬 pls calm down!!!
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
maybe it has something to do with HLD’s superfollower thing? idk but louis always seemed upset regarding charging people with money behalf of his contents, i hope this all ends though
Can we stop dragging the superfollower thing into it they were just trying to cover their expenses and raise money for charities, like yeah it wasn't the greatest and maybe they should've just dropped a PayPal link or should've been clear that the super follower content was never meant to be worth the money but rather a perk, yk like when people subscribe to a patreon for supporting the creator for the work they already put out there. Lemme leave this here.
Can I stop defending hld now I'm getting tired
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
to me it's very obvious louis didn't block hld bc of larry. if that were the case he would have done so a long time ago. i also don't think it was bc of the afhf leak or previous leaks (whether they contributed to his distaste for hld, i don't know, but ultimately they were not the real reason for the block. he'd have more accounts he'd need to block if that were the case). i believe the afhf leak led louis to find out about hld charging fans in exchange for unconfirmed news/rumors.
louis has been VERY vocal about how much he hates people taking advantage of his fans and asking them for money. you can argue "well it's their own fault for paying" but it doesn't change the fact that louis finds it immoral and that he won't stand for it. one can argue it's a "bad business move", but louis puts his values first. because he cares about his fans.
in short: i don't find louis blocking hld to be out of character. in fact, it's very in character to me and reflects the values he has shown to have in the past.
The Superfollow thing was when my opinion of HLD really soured. I agree that Louis would never stand for that and it seemed really exploitative, regardless. Was that the reason he blocked HLD? Hard to say. To block them solely because of the AFHF leak seems really extreme. (Wasn’t the info confirmed by the venue itself?) And it seems like there was some drama with other UAs, too. Like I said, I don’t think the AFHF leak was the sole reason for the block, nor do I think the block was related to Larry. But we don’t know that the block was related to HLD charging fans, either. That’s been going on for a while and Louis is very active on Twitter. However, it’s not out of character for Louis to put his foot down. I can see numerous reasons why he’d be frustrated with HLD. If the block was the result of the Superfollow feature, I agree that would be very consistent with Louis’ values.
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mellointheory · 2 years
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Hello tumblr i bring secret velvet superfollower content
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epainter · 3 months
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