#Subspecies V: Blood Rise
vintage1981 · 2 years
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Behind The Scenes Photos from Filming Subspecies V: Blood Rise | Full Moon Features
After much delay, Subspecies V: Blood Rise is currently filming in Belgrade, Serbia. Under the direction of Ted Nicolaou, the Subspecies series is an American, direct-to-video, horror film series produced by Charles Band’s Full Moon Features. The series originally ran ran from 1991 to 1998, and followed the exploits of vampire Radu Vladislas, portrayed by Anders Hove, and his efforts to turn Michelle Morgan into his fledgling.  
Photos © Denice Duff/Instagram
Photos © Kevin Spirtas/Instagram
Photos © Cast4U/Instagram
Photos © Analog Mind Recording Studio/Instagram
Photos © Jesuis Markof Filipovic/Instagram
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Spanning 500 years in the life of the vampire Radu Vladislas, this long-anticipated prequel to the Subspecies series chronicles Radu's descent from a noble warrior for the Church to a depraved creature of the night.
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Stars Anders Hove, Denice Duff, and Kevin Spirtas return for the new installment.
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horrorpatch · 11 months
Full Moon Films has released the highly-anticipated sequel SUBSPECIES V: BLOODRISE on Blu-ray and DVD formats! The film is by cult director Ted Nicolaou and stars Anders Hove as the vampire Radu. Find out where to get your copy along with more details about the film below. From The Press Release The vampire Radu (Anders Hove) is back in director Ted Nicolaou’s critically acclaimed…
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visplay · 1 year
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Chris: Subspecies 5! This Romanian horror film continues the 80’s vampire Subspecies film series with the original cast members with a reasonably decent prequel, not a cheap cash in, recommended for all who have seen the previous Subspecies films, Watch: On Subscription Service.
Richie: It was good, it felt like a proper Subspecies movie, Watch: On Subscription Service.
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steviegothlingstuff · 2 years
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“Blood Rise: Subspecies V“, starring Anders Hove and Denice Duff, all-new from Full Moon Studios, due for online streaming premiere in January 2023.
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moviesandmania · 1 year
SUBSPECIES V: BLOOD RISE (2023) Reviews of Full Moon vampire prequel
Subspecies V: Blood Rise is a 2023 horror film that chronicles Radu’s descent from a noble warrior to a depraved creature of the night. Written and directed by Ted Nicolaou. Produced by Charles Band, Seager Dixon, Milos Djukelic, Vladimir Dukelic, Matt Manjourides, Justin A. Martell and Ivana Panic. The American-Romanian Charles Band Productions-Red Production movie stars Anders Hove, Denice…
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How to Identify Turkey Vultures
Originally posted on my website at https://rebeccalexa.com/how-to-identify-turkey-vultures/. Click here to learn more about the How to Identify article series.
Name: Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)
Range and typical habitat(s): Widespread from extreme southern Canada all the way through the entirety of South America; southern Canada and the northern half of the United States only host turkey vultures during breeding season, which then migrate south for the winter. Some subpopulations/subspecies are more migratory than others; for example, C. aura ssp. meriodinalis, which spends its summers in the western half of southern Canada and the United States, may migrate well into South America for the winter and is considered the most migratory of all turkey vultures.
Look for turkey vultures in big, open areas; meadows, fields and roadsides are common hangouts. And, of course, watch the sky! They are more tolerant of human activity than some other raptors, and so you may very well get a look while driving down the highway.
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Distinguishing physical characteristics (size, colors, overall shapes, detail shapes): The turkey vulture is a large raptor which may stand almost three feet tall with a wingspan up to six feet across. Their body feathers are a very dark brown; the upper side of the flight feathers is a somewhat lighter brown with pale edges, and the undersides have a distinctively grayish tone. The turkey vulture gets its name from its bare head and upper neck, which in adults are a bright red with an ivory to very pale yellow beak; the legs are similarly pale. Juveniles are similarly colored except the head is grayish with a dark beak. Rare individuals display leucism; some or all of the feathers may be pale, with maybe a few smudges of light brown here and there.
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Like other raptors, the beak is hooked at the end and it has large, sharp claws on its feet. A close look at the beak reveals that the nostrils are perforate–that is, there is no septum between them, and you can look straight in one nostril and out the other.
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If you look at this turkey vulture’s nostrils you can see the sky through the other side! Photo by Dori, CCA-SA-2.0.
When flying overhead, you can often see the tips of the primary wing feathers individually, rather like “fingers” at the ends of the wings. The long, slender tail is also longer than the feet, which are held trailing behind the bird rather than tucked up against the abdomen.
Vultures often soar on thermals, pockets of warm air that rise up from the ground. This efficient manner of flight allows them to survey large areas of land without tiring out. When flying, turkey vultures hold their wings in a distinctive “V” shape when viewed from the front or behind, making “V for vulture” a great way to recognize them even from a distance. They also teeter-totter side to side as they fly, another distinguishing characteristic. This video does a nice job of portraying their typical flight pattern. Conversely, they’re not greater movers on land and walk clumsily; it can also take some effort for them to take flight from the ground.
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Despite cartoons and other caricatures that may portray vultures squawking menacingly, turkey vultures are quiet birds. Lacking the syrinx that allows other birds to vocalize, they are limited to rasping hisses and grunts.
Also, in spite of their reputation as fearsome or dirty animals, turkey vultures and their scavenger kin are an incredibly important part of their ecosystems. Okay, sure, the fact that they use projectile vomit when scared to help them fly away faster isn’t exactly endearing to most people, and in hot weather they poop on their feet to cool their blood and, by extension, their entire bodies. But their consumption of carrion help to prevent the spread of disease and distributes nutrients back into the food web more quickly. A bare head helps keep the vulture clean as it’s easier to remove blood and offal from skin than feathers. They may stand with their wings outstretched in the sun to kill off bacteria, and dry off and/or warm up in the process, too. And they preen just as much as any other bird!
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Turkey vultures are social birds, and often soar in groups known as “kettles”, which circle overhead on thermals. Once carrion is discovered, they descend as a group to feed. Food is detected by smell; most other raptors find their food by sight, so this is an unusual trait. A vulture may skim low along the ground in search of a whiff of “well seasoned” meat.
During breeding season, several adult turkey vultures may display on the ground by hopping in a circle together; a courting pair in flight will closely follow each other. The female lays two eggs, pale ivory or cream with brownish spots on the end; there’s usually no nest, just bare ground. Both parents will alternate incubation, and after about five to six weeks the chicks are born. Somewhere around two and a half months of age, they fledge, and the parents will take care of them until autumn.
Other organisms it could be confused with and how to tell the difference:
Black vultures (Coragyps atratus) look similar at first glance, but as their name suggests their plumage is black, rather than brown. They are smaller and not quite as beefy in appearance, with their wingspan rarely exceeding five feet across. A black vulture only has pale feathers at the ends of the wings, and their tail is proportionately shorter than that of the turkey vulture. The bare head and neck are dark gray to black instead of red, the legs are similarly colored, and the beak is also dark and more slender than the turkey vulture’s. The black vulture also has bare skin further down the neck than on the turkey vulture. In flight they hold their wings flat instead of in a V, and they are steady soarers without the turkey vulture’s teeter-tottering flight pattern.
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Black vulture perching.
The South and Central American lesser yellow-headed vulture (Cathartes burrovianus) and greater yellow-headed vulture (Cathartes melambrotus) are the turkey vulture’s closest relatives. Both look quite similar to the turkey vulture, but have black plumage instead of brown. And as their common names suggest, both species have a distinctive yellow hue to their bare heads.
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This lesser yellow-headed vulture displays more golden tones on its face than the turkey vulture. Photo by Bernard DuPont, CCA-SA-2.0.
Should you ever be fortunate enough to see a California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) in the wild, it should be immediately apparent that this highly endangered vulture is much larger than a turkey vulture, with a wingspan upwards of ten feet across in the biggest individuals. Black instead of brown plumage, and long white patches on the underside of the condor’s wings, also set it apart. The Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) is also black and larger than a turkey vulture–its wingspan can reach almost eleven feet across–with a pronounced collar of white feathers around the neck
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This California condor shows its distinctive white patches on the undersides of its wings.
Turkey vultures may be mistaken for bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) or golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), particularly at a distance. In flight, bald eagles have a flat wingspan instead of V-shaped, and do not teeter-totter (here’s a good comparison video); golden eagles may have a slight V to their wings, but are larger than turkey vultures, and also do not teeter-totter when they fly. Upon closer inspection, eagles have fully feathered heads. Golden eagles are primarily dark brown without the gray underside to the primary feathers, and a broad white band on the underside of the tail. Juvenile bald eagles are also brown but may have variable amounts of white feathers in their plumage; as adults, bald eagles have pure white heads and tails. Both eagles also have proportionately heavier beaks than turkey vultures, and their nostrils are divided by a septum rather than being hollow all the way through.
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Note the white head and tail of this adult bald eagle, and the flat wingspan.
Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) can look a bit like vultures at a distance if silhouetted or in poor lighting, but a better look reveals a lot of white plumage on the body and head. Some large hawks may also cause confusion, especially those with darker plumage like a Harris’ hawk (Parabuteo unciinctus), but other markings and distinctly feathered heads distinguish them. These birds also tend to be smaller than turkey vultures, have flat wingspans, and do not teeter-totter when flying.
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An osprey soaring overhead displays significant amounts of white plumage on its head, body, and wings.
Anything else worth mentioning?
Opinions vary as to whether vultures should be considered raptors/birds of prey. The “no” camp says that raptors should be primarily predatory as opposed to scavengers, while arguments for vultures-as-raptors hinge the debate on the fact that vultures, like other birds of prey, are primarily meat-eaters. I personally hold with the latter opinion myself, especially since eagles, hawks, and other “predators” are more than happy to scavenge when the opportunity arises. (And the Peregrine Fund, a nonprofit that works to conserve and protect raptors, also considers vultures to be birds of prey!)
Turkey vultures are not closely related to Old World vultures; both are an example of convergent evolution, where two distinct groups of living beings evolve similar traits independently. All New World (North and South American) vultures and condors are members of the family Cathartidae, while the Accipitridae are the Old World vultures found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. These latter birds find their carrion through sight, not smell.
Further reading:
Notes on the Taxonomy of Vultures
All About Birds: Turkey Vulture
10000 Things of the PNW: Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura ssp. meridionalis)
Audubon: Turkey Vulture
The Peregrine Fund: Turkey Vulture
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unbornwhiskeyy · 11 months
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subspecies v: blood rise (2023, dir. ted nicolaou)
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mrsdawg4908 · 2 years
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Subspecies V: Blood Rise will begin filming next spring:
Spanning 500 years in the life of the vampire Radu Vladislas, this long-anticipated prequel to the SUBSPECIES series chronicles Radu’s descent from a noble warrior for the Church to a depraved creature of the night. Stolen by crusaders on the night of his birth, he has no knowledge of his bloodline: his mother a demon; father a vampire. Trained and exploited by a brotherhood of mystic monks to slay all enemies of the church, fate brings him back one night to the castle of his father, armed with the monster-slaying Sword of Laertes, to destroy the vampire Vladislas and reclaim a holy relic: the Bloodstone. The events of that night turn Radu from a noble man into a vampire with no master, setting him on a centuries-long quest for sustenance, for companionship, for the treacherous one who stole him from the sun, and for the Bloodstone he hopes will bring him peace.
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'A Barbie-Oppenheimer mashup movie, better known as Barbenheimer, is actually happening. The portmanteau "Barbenheimer" was coined to describe the Internet phenomenon surrounding Barbie and Oppenheimer's same-day release date on July 21, which inspired memes, mash-ups, and merchandise. Despite being diametrically opposed in style, tone, and aesthetic, many moviegoers decided to do a double bill of the two blockbusters, which ended up making "Barbenheimer" the biggest cinematic event of the year.
Now, a Barbie-Oppenheimer mashup movie is actually in the works. According to JoBlo, a "wild comedy" titled Barbenheimer is in pre-production from the notorious B-movie company, Full Moon Features. Along with the announcement comes the first promotional art and a synopsis about fed-up dolls building an atomic bomb. The artwork also includes the utterly ridiculous tagline, "D-cup, A-bomb" and teases that it's "Exploding Soon." Check out the synopsis and poster below:
Deep within Dollsville, a group of fed-up female dolls – led by the brilliant Dr. Barbenheimer – build an atomic bomb. Their mission? To bring down the patriarchy once and for all! But as the battle of the sexes swells, will Barbenheimer and her bevy of beauties end up blowing up more than they bargained for? Comedy, drama, action and Armageddon erupt in Full Moon’s latest freaked out fantasy film, BARBENHEIMER!
What To Expect From The Barbenheimer Movie
While Greta Gerwig's Barbie and Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer are both critically and commercially successful films that will be in serious contention come awards season, the mash-up movie from Full Moon Features will be far from that. The project is from one of the most notorious B-movie studios in existence and appears to be nothing more than a low-budget mockbuster intended to capitalize on the Internet phenomenon surrounding the two successful movies. The project is planning to begin filming next month and is aiming for a Christmas 2023 release on Full Moon’s streaming service.
It's unknown who is writing or directing the movie, though Full Moon founder Charles Band is producing. The studio, which was founded in 1989, has been behind the direct-to-video series Puppet Master, Trancers, and Subspecies. Some of their recent releases include Subspecies V: Blood Rise and Demonic Toys: Jack Attack with AIMEE: The Visitor and Bad CGI Gator on the way. Barbenheimer can now be added to that list, and while it might garner more attention because of its name recognition, the spoof movie is unlikely to re-capture what made Barbie and Oppenheimer such an exciting cinematic event.'
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theharpermovieblog · 11 months
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I watched Subspecies V: Blood Rise (2023)
There are already 2 Subspecies on this year's list of films, so as much as I don't feel like watching this movie, I feel it's sadly necessary.
The Story of Radu's turn to vampirism and pure evil.
Director Ted Nicolaou and his cast, including series veterans Anders Hove and Denice Duff, really do love this series they've created. It might not be the most well made, well scored, best looking or most interesting series in the world, but there is a team of people who clearly put their hearts into this.
This fifth film in the series is a prequel to the previous four films. Focusing on the birth and life of the series' main villain Radu, before he becomes a vampire and his descent into soulless undying evil. It's not a completely uninteresting story, especially if you've watched the series up until now. It's not completely interesting either, as it can drag quite a bit at times. The action isn't exactly mesmerizing, and try as they might, the dialogue doesn't exactly engross the audience. It feels like a medieval script written for a highschool production. Some of the actors are also unable to handle this heavily dramatized dialogue.
This is absolutely the best looking film in the franchise. It still retains a bit of that cheap straight to video sensibility, but with the crisp veneer of current filmmaking technology.
The musical score, as in most full moon productions, is not great and feels constant. The quieter moments play so much better in comparison. As always, the Romanian landscapes add a bit of credence to this movie. At least it looks like they're really back in time.
Unfortunately, some stuff is coming off way funnier than it's meant to be. The sped up vampire movements and non practical effects feel extremely dated. I'm cool with the cheap practical effects, but cheap digital effects have never been in style. If they'd cut all the unnecessary flash movement and chose to hide the makeup a bit better with lighting, they could have had better impact. Or any impact other than negative.
And for fuck's sake, if you're making a medieval period piece, run the clothes through some dirt or something before putting them on screen. Make them look lived in. Why are these people wearing brand new cloaks and robes? Maybe the budget was so low they needed to keep the costumes clean to get their deposit back.
Anders Hove is really good in the role of Radu. He's naturally menacing and interesting to watch, both acting-wise and physically. He is definitely the one real reason this franchise has lasted.
Look, Subspecies is a franchise of B-level, straight to video horror films that won't even come close to blowing you away. But, I'll always argue that there is something about this series that holds a minor interest. I really love a vampire who is a true monster, in both personality and appearance. I like it's attempt at creating a lore for itself. I like that despite being a low budget Full Moon feature, it takes itself seriously and presents itself with a heavy tone. Is it too serious and too heavy for what it is? Probably, but I admire the refusal to change its ways through the decades.
Subspecies V won't upset anyone who likes these films. It fits right into the series.
Now I'm happily gonna leave the Subspecies series of films behind. Please don't make another one.
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docrotten · 1 year
HNR for APRIL 24, 2023 Godzilla x Kong, Insidious The Red Door, Subspecies V Bloodrise
Welcome to HORROR NEWS RADIO for April 24, 2023. JOIN US FOR Horror Movies News of the Week and Recommendations for May, 2023. All this, and more, coming up next…
I am your host Doc Rotten and this is HNR, the official GRUESOME MAGAZINE HORROR NEWS podcast. Back with me again are the scariest, goriest, bloodiest co-hosts on the 'Net: Dave Dreher, the lead news writer at Gruesome Magazine and Crystal Cleveland, the Livin6dead6irl.
The Celebration officially begins with the review of EVIL DEAD RISE coming up next. The Grue-Crew are celebrating our 10 year anniversary. Doc Rotten, Dave Dreher, Thomas Mariani, and Santos Ellin Jr. (The Black Saint) gathered together for the first time in April 2013 for the first episode of Horror News Radio, reviewing EVIL DEAD (2013).
What a ride it's been, full of highs and lows, friendships and loss, as the Crew continued to explore the horror genre from retro classic with Decades of Horror to new releases with HNR and Gruesome Magazine.
Check out how you too can join the celebration: https://gruesomemagazine.com/gruecruise
New Title Reveal for the Next Monsterverse Film - GODZILLA X KONG: THE NEW EMPIRE
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is the follow-up to the aptly titled Godzilla vs. Kong and is set to hit theaters March 15, 2024. Source: Variety
Matt and Ross Duffer (Stranger Things) Have New Supernatural Series Coming to Netflix Titled THE BOROUGHS
"The eight-episode drama is set in a seemingly picturesque retirement community in the New Mexico desert, where a group of unlikely heroes must band together to stop an otherworldly threat from stealing the one thing they don’t have: time." Source: Deadline
Sony Entertainment Releases the Teaser Trailer for INSIDIOUS: THE RED DOOR
"Insidious: The Red Door picks up 10 years after Insidious: Chapter 2, showcasing some familiar faces from its predecessors. At the end of the second movie, it seems as though the Lambert family has shed their satanic visions. Fast forward to the modern day, Josh (Patrick Wilson) and Dalton Lambert (Ty Simpkins) are back to face a new set of problems — like Dalton’s first year at college and a fresh group of nightmarish monsters." Source: Variety
05/05 Simulant
"Set in the near future, a humanoid enlists a global hacker to remove all restrictions on his thoughts and capabilities, triggering an A.I. uprising and a government manhunt to eliminate the rise of the machine consciousness. Starring: Robbie Amell, Jordana Brewster, Alicia Sanz, with Simu Liu and Sam Worthington. Directed by: April Mullen. Release Date: 5/5/23 - Exclusively on DIRECTV."
05/12 Hypnotic
"A detective becomes entangled in a mystery involving his missing daughter and a secret government program while investigating a string of reality-bending crimes. Directed by Robert Rodriguez. Starring Ben Affleck, Alice Braga, JD Pardo, Hala Finley, Dayo Okeniyi, Jeff Fahey with Jackie Earle Haley and William Fichtner. Ketchup Entertainment will open HYPNOTIC in theaters on May 12, 2023."
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"Abigale and her family fall victim to a ruthless gang while making their way across the Oregon Trail. As the only survivor, she will do whatever it takes to retrieve her one earthly possession, her family's horse, from the clutches of the bloodthirsty bandits. Starring Zoé De Grand Maison, Olivia Applegate, Clé Bennett, Sam Trammell & More!"
05/15 Subspecies V: Bloodrise
"The vampire Radu (Anders Hove) is back in director Ted Nicolaou's epic prequel SUBSPECIES V: BLOODRISE, a dark thriller that follows Radu’s descent from a noble warrior of the Church to a depraved, blood-hungry creature of the night!"
05/26 The Wrath of Becky
"Two years after she escaped a violent attack on her family, Becky attempts to rebuild her life in the care of an older woman - a kindred spirit named Elena. But when a group known as the “Noble Men” break into their home, attack them, and take her beloved dog, Diego, Becky must return to her old ways to protect herself and her loved ones. Cast: Lulu Wilson, Seann William Scott"
Check out this episode!
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vintage1981 · 2 years
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Kevin Spirtas Wraps Filming on Subspecies V: Blood Rise
Subspecies actor Kevin Spirtas announced he has wrapped filming on Full Moon Features’ new prequel with a heartfelt post on social media. 
After much delay, Subspecies V: Blood Rise is currently filming in Belgrade, Serbia. Under the direction of Ted Nicolaou, the Subspecies series is an American, direct-to-video, horror film series produced by Charles Band’s Full Moon Features. The series originally ran ran from 1991 to 1998, and followed the exploits of vampire Radu Vladislas, portrayed by Anders Hove, and his efforts to turn Michelle Morgan into his fledgling.  
Spanning 500 years in the life of the vampire Radu Vladislas, this long-anticipated prequel to the Subspecies series chronicles Radu's descent from a noble warrior for the Church to a depraved creature of the night.  
In an emotional post on Instagram, Kevin Spirtas announced he has finished filming Subspecies V: Blood Rise. The actor called the filming in Serbia a “true joy.” Check out his full post below:
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The Emmy Award winning actor writer, and producer is now in New York starting production on the third season of his hit series, After Forever. 
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Photos © Denice Duff/Instagram | Photos © Kevin Spirtas/Instagram
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bradleyenfield · 1 year
Blood Rise: Subspecies V - Official Trailer (2023) Anders Hove, Denice Duff
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moviesandmania · 5 years
Full Moon Presents "Deadly Ten" - a unique virtual look at movie production
Full Moon Presents “Deadly Ten” – a unique virtual look at movie production
Beginning this summer, ten original Full Moon features will be filmed back-to-back all over the world and fans will have an exclusive, all-access virtual pass to watch them being produced via the Deadly Ten website, in real time. All ten pictures will premiere exclusively on Amazon from February 14, 2020, onwards.
The movies are:
Blade: The Iron Cross
Bride of the Head of the Family
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subbing-for-clones · 3 years
She Who Walks the Line Between Part 5
Maul x GreyJedi!Reader 18+
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Word Count: 2989
WARNINGS: smut in this chapter, p in v, oral sex (F receiving), unprotected sex, predator kink, smut
      The morning after the passionate kiss, Maul was the first to wake on the couch. Y/N was still asleep on his chest, rising and falling with his breathing. Her legs still wrapped around his waist and his arms enveloped her form. He replayed the previous night in his mind a hundred times before she woke up. How one moment he was reliving his childhood trauma with his master and the next, he was being praised by the woman he loves. Yes, love is the proper word for it he thought. He loves this woman, he would fight for her, he would die for her and he would live for her. To say he owed her his life would be an understatement. He owed this woman his very soul. All she had to do was ask and he would find a way to give it to her. She never would ask that of him though and that’s one of the many reasons why he loved her. She only ever asked for his health, for his wellbeing and his company; his embrace.
    An inadvertent growl rumbled in his chest when she stirred, all of a sudden he could hear her blood pumping through her heart. He could smell her pheromones rising when she took in her surroundings. She leaned forward to kiss him "good morning," she hummed sweetly before laying her head back down on his chest sighing comfortingly.
    His pupils starting to dilate, "it is a very good morning." He bit his lip and gripped the couch with one hand, resisting primal urges he didn't expect to have. He fought against the want to pull her back up to his lips, to drive his hips up into her while she was straddling him. Urges to suck bruises into her soft flesh and bite at her to mark her as his. It had been so long since his last heat cycle he had forgotten it would happen again now that he was restored. She had said many species here would be mating soon, perhaps he was now in sync with the planet he thought.
"Are you alright?" She asked with concern. "I know last night was... a lot." Maul began shifting under her.
"No last night was wonderful, I just.... I'm experiencing an affliction my species goes through that I haven't in some time." He watched a little too closely as she moistened her lips from the chilly night with a lick. He could hear the sound it made, not being able to take his eyes off of her full, wet lips; his stomach grew warm with need.
    Obviously unaware of what exactly it was he was dealing with Y/N stood up. "As long as you're alright, let me know if there's anything I can do to help." The word anything echoed in his mind, not knowing if he had imagined it but he could swear she drew out that word specifically. He fidgeted wishing she was on top of him again, no, he didn't want to hurt her. Using all of his strength to push his biological cravings from his mind he made his way towards the door calling behind him, "I think I’m gonna skip breakfast today and go straight to training."
"If you say so dear," his loving savior called out after him.
      Much of the snow had melted in the morning sun leaving only a few inches. Burn it out he thought. That's what his master used to make him do during these times. Telling him it was a weakness of the mind he had to train harder and faster so that's what he did. Running as fast as he could he sprinted towards the cliffs and back. He was sure that he was breaking personal records but not thinking to time it.
    You watched him from the porch take off faster than you've ever seen towards the cliffs. Shrugging you made your way back inside; trusting him when he told you he was fine. Still, curiosity got the better of you and you swept your bookshelf until you found the anatomy tome you sought. He had said it was an affliction his species went through. Perhaps you could figure out what it was. Flipping through until you found the chapter on Zabraks. You continued to search until you found the little information about the nightbrother subspecies. Scanning through information about bone structures, their horns, organs, life spans until you found something peculiar.
The males go through their mating cycle averaging twice a year. The purpose of which is to guarantee survival of the species as their female counterparts are much more rare in population. Symptoms of the cycle approaching its apex include elevated body temperature, heightened hearing, sight and smell; aiding in their search for a female. However, if not relieved, the male will experience a specific pain to further encourage repopulation.
    You closed the book blushing fervently. Sympathy for your sweet Zabrack took over your mind while you ate your breakfast. Honestly the idea of him being unable to control himself around you both saddened and excited you. You've thought about him that way for a while now and you wanted him but were hesitant. You feared taking that step and him leaving would cause you greater pain. Who were you kidding though? You were already madly in love with him. You'd hunt down the Jedi called Kenobi and bring Maul his head if he only asked it of you. Still, you wanted him to want it. Not to just be a relief of pain. You needed him to want you like you wanted him.
    You entered his room, enjoying his scent that now surrounded you. You watched him through his bedroom window his now shirtless back to you as he intently worked through advanced forms with his Saber. Hmm heightened senses huh? You thought to yourself. You closed your eyes, a throbbing in your own belly imagining his hands harshly exploring your body, his teeth on your neck and his cock prodding at your entrance. Opening your eyes, you saw him. Standing still, chest heaving, hands clenched and shaking; staring at you like a hunter stalks his prey. You left the window to go change, a plan forming in your mind.
      Her scent interrupted him. Maul saw her watching him through his own bedroom window. He could smell her arousal. With the little self-control he had left he planted his feet, breathing heavily, standing his ground until she disappeared from his view once again. Did she know, he wondered? How he ached for her. Even before his heat had come, he ached to feel her around him.
    He dropped to his knees, if brute force wouldn't stifle his urges perhaps meditation would. Some time had passed and finally his heart rate slowed. Breathing deeply his body cooled off but he could sense her. Trying to push her from his mind despite her footsteps drawing nearer. She stood now just inches behind him. "Maul?" She asked coyly. He creased his forehead trying to ignore her. "I know what you're going through... I have a question for you." Still, he said nothing. Aside from grinding his teeth he didn't move either.
"I said, I have a question for you and I will get your attention one way or another."
    She took one more step towards him, completely closing the already small gap between them. Pulling her dress aside she draped her bare leg over his shoulder, rubbing her inner thigh against his cheek. "Darling... please." She sighed seductively.
    That was all it took to break him. Eyes completely blown he grabbed her and sunk his teeth into her sensitive skin. Not hard enough to draw blood but with enough force to knock her off her one planted foot. He caught her with the force and laid her down gently, turning towards her and continuing to lick and caress his savior. He pulled aside her dress while she moaned to reveal red and black lace covering her sex. Snapping back to himself for just a moment he strained out a warning.
"If you want to have a conversation run. I.. I can't control myself around you right now. Stay out of my grasp, I don't want to take you like this... but gods above I will… RUN!" He snarled and force pushed you into the jungle.
      You did as he commanded. Not out of fear but out of respect of his wishes. With all your might your feat pounded into the jungle floor; you could sense him chasing behind you. Where his mouth had met your skin was still wet, still sending pleasurable waves through you. He was gaining, an excitement rang through you as you leapt up into the trees knowing you couldn't out run him.
    You sat statuesque as you observed him below from the canopy. He turned, smelling the air before he sat and closed his eyes. Chest rising and falling rapidly trying to gain his control again.
"I'm sorry." He called "what is your question? You said you knew what I was going through. Please know I'd rather die than cause you harm."
“I know. I believe you darling.” You hesitated before asking, "will you leave me?"
    Maul looked genuinely surprised at your query. Not wanting to assume anything he inquired further "what do you mean exactly?" Eyes closing again.
"I mean we are nearing the time where our mutual goal will be reached. Even in the state you're in now your inner balance is almost restored. Your Sith eyes have calmed, your force signature is steady. I need to know if you're going to leave when it is because... because I love you. With all my heart I love you Maul. But I can’t leave this place."
    His shaking stopped and he leapt up into the tree where you sat. Approaching you cautiously where you were huddled. A newfound resolve giving him strength to stave his desires.
"You do?"
"Of course I do. How could I not? You’re kind and gentle yet strong and powerful. Your voice is like a suave prayer in my ears and your arms around me feel so grounding and safe."
    He pressed his hand to your cheek and with his thumb wiped away the tear that had fallen from your eye. "I never wanted to leave you. As a matter of fact, I… I feared for weeks now that you would be the one to ask me to. I never imagined that you could possibly return my sentiment. My heart belongs to you. Only ever you. Never anyone before you and never anyone after you." He soothed.
“But I wanted solitude. You didn’t.”
“My love, how could I possibly ever feel lonely when I’m with you? The only person to have ever actually seen me before?”
Scooping you up in his arms he brought you down from your perch. You wrapped your arms around him and brushed your lips against the vein in his neck, licking and kissing at it softly. He made his way back to your shared home fighting to keep consciousness despite your affections.
"You don't mind that we're the only ones here? That it would just be us most of the time?”
"I prefer it actually. You say my scale is almost aligned well, that could only be achieved and maintained by your side. I don't want to spend any time away, I don't want to leave." You kissed his neck again still watery eyed. His eyes however started to dilate again, that now familiar warmth encompassing his insides.
"Please..." you began to beg, your own need starting to bloom. "My heart is yours, my soul is yours.. please… take my body and claim me."
"Are you sure?" he strained.
"I've never been more certain about anything in my life."
    That was all the confirmation he needed. Quickening his pace, he just made it to the porch before he set you down, lips crashing together in a vehement fervor. Tongues thrashing, hands tearing desperately at one another's clothing while you danced away into your bedroom. He pushed you up against the door frame, undressing you until you stood bare to him, leaving the red and black lacy panties. He took a moment to take in your form, hands pressed to the wall on either side of your head. He growled before gripping the backs of your thighs and pulling you up to him. You could feel his throbbing erection against your heated core, making a sinful whimper escape your lips only to be swallowed by him.
   His chest was warm against your pebbled nipples. You bit back a moan as he laid you down on the bed delicately. He took in your view again, wanting to remember you like this forever. He tore the remaining lace away, while you clawed desperately at the sheets beneath you. Maul started with your neck, sucking hickies into the soft flesh until he was satisfied they would show for days to come before lowering himself further. He rolled one of your nipples in his mouth, pulling at it gently with his teeth while pinching the other. You were a whimpering, trembling mess under him. Never had you been so turned on in your life. Your legs were already starting to shake as he moved further down your body, lapping at your supple flesh all the way. He groaned in need at the sight of your slick, dragging his shaky fingers between your folds and dipping two digits into your heat, eliciting loud cries from your plump lips.
    Maul took your hardened nub in his salivating mouth, twirling his muscle around it in circles while pumping his fingers inside of you. He growled at your cries, reveling at the sweet taste that coated his tongue. It didn't take long before your walls were fluttering around him.
“Oh Maker… Maul… please p-please… don’t stop… I I I’m gonna.. you’re gonna make me c-“ Sucking your clit hard and curling his fingers deep inside you he pulled your orgasm straight from your core. You cried out his name as your vision turned spotty in your bliss. Euphoria wracking your every nerve you projected your pleasure through the force and onto him until he was roaring and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
    Growling he pulled out his fingers, dragging a string of your cum with them before licking them clean. He crawled onto you and hitched your legs high on his hips as he prepared to enter you. His massive cock dripping with precum. His body vibrating from the orgasm you shared with him ethereally.
"P please Maul, my love… Take me… Fuck me… I need it.." He groaned at your begging for him, your eyes still glassy and your cheeks rosy from your climax. He pushed into you slowly, allowing you to adjust to his size. Both of your breaths hitched, eyes never breaking contact as he sank into you to his hilt turning you both into groaning messes. His chest vibrated loudly with a raspy purr as he tried to hold back, to wait until you were ready, his claws tearing the fabric beneath you. You dragged your nails longingly up his back and over his head, "Maker, please move Maul… I n-need..!"
“Tell me what you need… gods… say the words..”
“Fuck me… Make me cum again.”
    He took your command to his hearts and took off at a brutal pace, losing himself completely biting your shoulder, eyes wide with a hungry desire. His cock continually rammed into that electric spot deep inside you. You were crying out for him desperately trying to catch your breath as he forced the air from your lungs with every thrust. Your skin was on fire with pleasure. It didn't take long before pressure in your belly built again, threatening another climax.
“Fuck! So… So tight… So w-warm.. Maker….” Any words he wanted to say after that came out in ragged gasps and growls. He sat up, throwing your legs over his shoulders, gripping your hips so tightly you knew they’d leave marks. He pulled you down onto him as he thrusted up into you.
“T-taking me.. so well… f-feels so fucking good.”
That was it. The sound of his praises sent you over the edge you couldn’t cling any longer to.
"I..I'm gonna cum!" You called out. "Look at me while I make you cum know that I am the one to put you here."
    You tightened around his cock and screamed your release, snarling in pleasure he fucked you through it while you projected your climax again onto him. It was overwhelming for him, he rolled over so you rode him. Lifting you like you weighed nothing he slammed you down onto him repeatedly threatening yet again another orgasm, not even finished with the aftershocks of the last. Maker he was everything, pleasure incarnate. He ground his teeth breathing heavily until you both cried out in final climax, both of you sharing your pleasure through the force. Lengthening and intensifying your orgasms. He pumped you full of his hot seed, legs twitching with the aftermath.
    You lay in one another's arms for you didn't know how long his cock still inside you while he purred deeply. Taking your sweet time to come down from your highs. Your force signatures hummed and swirled together.
Maul was the first to break the comfortable silence once your heartbeats had slowed.
"I will always remain by your side as long as you allow me to. I love you more than I ever imagined I could love anything or anyone." Your lips met softly but passionately as you mewled back, "I love you too."
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peruditemae · 3 years
Ebola Virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Ebola is a viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) which is caused by Filoviruses.4 According Mbonye et al., the Ebola virus is contagious through direct contact 4– there was a physical contact between an infected and a susceptible person.1 The Ebola virus received its name from it’s origin, the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo.3 This goes for the other subspecies of the Ebola virus. For example, in Mbonye et al.’s 2012 report on the Ebola case in Uganda, they discovered the Ebola virus contained four subspecies of viruses that came from Sudan, Zaire, Bundibugyo, and Ivory Coast. This deadly virus was discovered in 1976, as it swept through African cities,2 infecting and killing hundreds of people. A major Ebola epidemic occurred in 2014, affecting several countries in West Africa.2 
It takes 2 to 21 days for symptoms of the Ebola virus to occur.9  Some symptoms of the Ebola virus include “high fever, headache, muscle ache, abdominal pain, tiredness, and diarrhea.8” These symptoms occur within a few days after the disease affected the person. Some people have also reported to experience bloody diarrhea and vomit blood. Recovery is possible at this stage.8 However, for most infected persons, the “disease progresses within days to produce copious internal bleeding, shock, and death.8” Unfortunately, there is no definite cure for the Ebola virus,8 however there are proper prevention techniques that health ministries promote and follow to control epidemics such as this. 
The Ebola virus can be transmitted sexually, however, there is a much more need in surveillance data and research for this particular topic, specifically on “the prevalence of viable and transmissible virus in semen over time.9” WHO recommended that male survivors of the Ebola virus should use condoms during sexual intercourse “until their semen has been twice tested negative” for the virus.9 The testing should be offered over a course of two months after onset of disease. If the results were tested positive, testing should be after every month until results are tested twice as negative.9 According to the WHO Advisory Group on the Ebola Virus Disease Response and ongoing research, male survivors should not only practice safe sex for “12 months from onset of their symptoms or until their semen tests negative twice for Ebola virus,9”  but to also implement safe hygienic practices into their everyday routines.9 This includes good hand and personal hygiene– immediately and thoroughly washing hands with soap and water when come into contact with semen, including after masturbation.9 Additionally, handling and disposing condoms in a safe matter can help prevent transmission of the virus.9    
There are other prevention and control techniques for the Ebola virus. These prevention techniques include early diagnosis to prevent the transmission of the disease, isolating and caring for patients that have the disease, “infection control”, practising safe burial procedures, meticulous contact tracing, and targeted vaccination.7 Another prevention and control techniques include limiting human contact with wildlife. Since fruit bats and monkeys/apes are considered to be the primary source of the Ebola virus,3  precautionary measures should take place such as wearing appropriate protective gear (i.e. gloves), when handling animals, or cooking animal products thoroughly prior to consumption.9  As stated, the Ebola virus is contagious through direct contact with infected people, particularly their bodily fluids.9  Therefore, wearing appropriate protective accessories are required when caring for infected patients, along with practicing personal hygiene.9  
There has been a recent outbreak of the Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo. On 8th May, 2018, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo reported an Ebola outbreak that has occured in Équateur Province.7 It was reported that this Ebola virus case contains five subspecies– Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan, Reston, and Taï Forest.7 Out of all of these subspecies, the Zaire stream is considered to be the most fatal, accounting for 69% to 88% of fatalities.7 This isn’t the first case of the Ebola virus that has occurred in the DRC; in 1976, the government recorded eight cases of the Ebola virus; in May, 2017, there were eight cases with four deaths. Most of these outbreaks occurred in remote rural areas.7 When an Ebola virus occurs in remote rural areas, the virus is reported to rapidly spread among susceptible persons.6 These remote rural areas include Bikoro and Iboko which are closely located to the Congo River.6 According to Nkengasong and Onyebujoh, this river “serves the two neighbouring countries of the Central African Republic and the Republic of the Congo…6” Due to the river’s relevance among these two countries, the virus can easily spread to susceptible persons as it is a gateway for the disease to travel to other countries. This then contributes to the Ebola virus epidemic.
In 2018, the first four Ebola virus cases have occured in the capital city of the Équateur province. The city has an estimated populations of 1-2 million residents,6 making it a breeding ground for the virus. If not controlled, the virus will put others at risk. There have been 11,310 deaths reported during the 2014-16 Ebola virus outbreak in west Africa.6 This demonstrates how rapid the transmission of the Ebola virus can take place within neighbouring countries. This is the first time that the Democratic Republic of Congo’s government and health ministries have approached this issue in an urban city.6 The DRC government and its partners have been developing and establishing special procedures to control this outbreak.
At the end of April, 2018, the Provincial Health Division of the Équateur Province reported and informed national authorities of “21 cases of potential haemorrhagic fever, including 17 deaths in the Ikoko-Impenge health area.5” On 5 May, diseases experts identified five possible cases: “A blood sample was taken from each individual, two who were hospitalized in Bikoro and three at the health centre of Iboko.5” It was reported that two of the samples were positive of the Ebola virus.5 Because of these results, the Democratic Republic of Congo’s government and its partners took on procedures that were stated earlier. 
To reiterate, the prevention and control procedure of the Ebola virus includes the following: early diagnosis, isolating and caring for patients, infection prevention, safe burials, contact tracing, and vaccination 5.  As vaccination is highlighted as one of the prevention and control procedures for the Ebola virus, in 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that vaccination is effective and safe for prevention for a Zaire ebola virus outbreak 5. As stated, the Zaire ebola virus is the most fatal stream,7 hence the need for vaccination for this particular virus. This vaccine has proved itself during the fall of the Zaire Ebola Virus Outbreak (EBOV) epidemic in Guinea in 2015 and the rise of the disease in rural Guinea in 2016.5  This vaccination is called rVSV-ZEBOV, which was part of an experiment with 11,841 associates during 2015.9 The experiment was directed by WHO, along with Guinea’s Ministry of Health, Médecins sans Frontieres and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, accompanied by other partners world-wide. For 10 days or more, they documented 5837 people who received the vaccine in which no Ebola cases were found.9 They compared these results with those who were not vaccinated. The results showed that “there were 23 cases 10 days or more after vaccination…9”
With the alliance of the World Health Organization (WHO), The Democratic Republic of Congo has set up a vaccination ring programme to control the Ebola virus.6 The programme is using a Merck-produced vaccine, to which it will be the first time a vaccine has been used outside of West Africa in 2014-2016.6  This vaccine is being utilized as an international approach for active relief of an outbreak,  however, there are controversies relating to redistributing this vaccine, which includes ethical, equitable, and accessible considerations.6 
Although many prevention and control techniques have been employed for this outbreak, many gaps still remain when establishing an extensive response to this crisis: the DRC’s long history of conflict, particularly in their economy and politics, has resulted in a feeble health system.6 This all can be fixed if effective leadership can take place within the Government of the DRC.6 Regarding this, international financial, human, and material assistance to the DRC are essential for an effective response.6 Without proper leadership, there is no end to this outbreak. Furthermore, there has been logistical challenges when transporting health supplies and workers to designated areas. These challenges include non-commercial flights and inaccessible roads to affected areas.6 Although the World Health Assembly has proclaimed financial and material support for the DRC, it is not yet evident that the DRC has fully received these commitments.6
1. Michelle Letchumanan. Public health in the context of infectious disease. 2018.
2. Schneider M. Introduction to public health. 5th ed. Sudbury: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC; 2016.
3. Seven important facts about ebola virus and ebola disease: Every person should know [homepage on the Internet]. . 2015 6 January. Available from: https://microbeonline.com/seven-important-facts-ebola-virus-ebola-disease-every-person-know/.
4. Mbonye A, Wamala J, Winyi-Kaboyo, Tugumizemo V, Aceng J, Makumbi I. Repeated outbreaks of viral hemorrhagic fevers in uganda. Afr Health Sci. 2012 December 01; 12(4): 579-583. PMCID: PMC3598306.
5. Mbala Kingebeni P, Villabona-Arenas C, Vidal N, Likofata J. Rapid confirmation of the zaire ebola virus in the outbreak of the equateur province in the democratic republic of congo: Implications for public health interventions. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2018.
6. Nkengasong JN, Onyebujoh P. Response to the ebola virus disease outbreak in the democratic republic of the congo. The Lancet. 2018; 391(10138): 2395-2398.
7. Barry A, Ahuka-Mundeke S, Ali Ahmed Y, Allarangar Y, Anoko J, Archer BN, Aruna Abedi A, Bagaria J, Belizaire MRD, Bhatia S, Bokenge T, Bruni E, Cori A, Dabire E, Diallo AM, Diallo B, Donnelly CA, Dorigatti I, Dorji TC, Escobar Corado Waeber, Aura Rocio, Fall IS, Ferguson NM, FitzJohn RG, Folefack Tengomo GL, Formenty PBH, Forna A, Fortin A, Garske T, Gaythorpe KA, Gurry C, Hamblion E, Harouna Djingarey M, Haskew C, Hugonnet SAL, Imai N, Impouma B, Kabongo G, Kalenga OI, Kibangou E, Lee TM, Lukoya CO, Ly O, Makiala-Mandanda S, Mamba A, Mbala-Kingebeni P, Mboussou FFR, Mlanda T, Mondonge Makuma V, Morgan O, Mujinga Mulumba A, Mukadi Kakoni P, Mukadi-Bamuleka D, Muyembe J, Bathé NT, Ndumbi Ngamala P, Ngom R, Ngoy G, Nouvellet P, Nsio J, Ousman KB, Peron E, Polonsky JA, Ryan MJ, Touré A, Towner R, Tshapenda G, Van De Weerdt R, Van Kerkhove M, Wendland A, Yao NKM, Yoti Z, Yuma E, Kalambayi Kabamba G, Lukwesa Mwati, Jean de Dieu, Mbuy G, Lubula L, Mutombo A, Mavila O, Lay Y, Kitenge E. Outbreak of ebola virus disease in the democratic republic of the congo, April–May, 2018: An epidemiological study. The Lancet. 2018.
8. Hoyle B. Ebola virus. In: Lerner KL, Lerner BW, editors. The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. 5th ed. ed. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale; 2014.
9. Ebola virus disease [homepage on the Internet]. . 2018 12 February. Available from: http://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ebola-virus-disease.
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