#Stay safe from Endou
homango · 3 months
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yarameijer · 1 year
Hi Yara!
If you don't mind, I wanted to know what you think would happen if all of Inazuma Eleven Go had a sleepover! (Definitely wouldn't go well!).
Also, wanted to say that I am a huge fan of your stories, so please keep up the great work!
Thank you
And stay safe!
Hey there! Thanks for sending in your ask! With ‘all of Inazuma Eleven Go’ I’m assuming you meant the Raimon team, since I don’t think you meant all the characters that ever appear… also I have Raimon feels right now so shh, let me be.
Raimon actually has had sleepovers before multiple times - although most often it's in a more serious context, for example during their Chrono Stone travels or Fifth Sector-approved training camp, and then it's an early bedtime and a bit too much stress to give it a real 'sleepover feel'. 
It actually started with, surprisingly enough, Hamano! The team already knows that he's outside often, and would rather take a walk than play a video game - it's obvious, with how much time he spends fishing, and his holidays usually filled with going on hikes or camping (he has a lot of fun stories to tell and the first-years love listening to him). Therefore it's not really a surprise when it's revealed that he likes going stargazing sometimes. It's after morning practice when he mentions a meteor shower that very weekend that he's planning on watching. The first-years are, as usual, in awe.
Hamano, being the awesome senpai he is (he's trying to start a competition but so far the other senpai aren't going along with it. They all know Sangoku is everyone's favorite, anyway), sees their excitement and asks them whether they want to join.
That's the first time they have a real sleepover just for fun, although it only includes about a third of the team.
Shinsuke, Hikaru and Tenma are absolutely down for it from the get-go, Kariya ends up asking for permission from his guardians at the orphanage and being most excited out of all of them (he hasn't really had sleepovers before, being the antisocial butterfly he was before Raimon), Tsurugi gets dragged along by Tenma after Yuuichi finds out and arranges it. Aoi is more than welcome too, and she invites Midori along when the older girl expresses an interest. Then the last two, Nishiki (threatened or invited by Midori, they're not actually sure) and Hayami (because Hamano wouldn't let him stay behind, obviously).
They crash at Hamano's house and have a grand time playing soccer in the backyard (and somehow Midori gets the best score out of them all? How does she do it? No one knows) and making dinner together. Afterwards, they head out to a nearby park where the light pollution is at a minimum in the city to watch the meteor shower. All of the first-years are falling asleep on their feet by the end of it, and as the good senpai they are, their friends ensure they get in bed safely and proceed to draw on their faces.
The week after, none of the first-years can stop talking about it, and how much fun they had (even Tsurugi is smiling and, of course, promptly teased by everyone, especially Shindou). Hamano keeps laughing about the pictures they took (exhausted first-years make for great pictures, who knew) and it's unanimously decided that it should happen again. That idea is put aside for the time being because they have to focus on an important match, and after, the start of the Winter Road Tournament.
Which is why no one expects it when their coach announces a training camp for the weekend, a couple of weeks later. They're all excited for it, though - at this point the only training camp they had was the one planned by Fifth Sector, and, well. Enough said.
Endou makes it clear that beyond training, it's also team building (which might be inspiration for Tenma, years in the future) and that they're encouraged to have fun together too. The first-years take it to heart.
The weekend starts off well - it's held at Raimon Jr. High and Endou has called up some of his friends to help with training. By the end of the day all the kids are in a good mood and cooking dinner together is quite the interesting experience, most likely only saved by Sangoku being in charge. After dinner they have the rest of the evening off and, surprisingly, don't spend it playing soccer (although Tenma puts up a good fight, but he's overruled).
Instead they watch a movie, not without some arguing about which one precisely (no one wants a horror movie, Kariya, Hayami seems ready to cry at the thought). Sangoku and the managers are in charge of snacks, Amagi is enlisted by Hikaru, Shinsuke and Tenma to help push the couches together and cover the floor in pillows, Shindou ends up sitting in an armchair and doing absolutely nothing (this is the first time his team calls him a lazy rich kid and Kirino laughs so hard he cries), Kurama is criticizing everything and everyone until Kurumada shuts him up with a pillow to the face, and Ichino is filming everything.
They watch the movie, if it can be called that, because people will not shut up. Kurama keeps on criticizing everything and everyone. Shinsuke gets startled by everything that happens on screen even though it's not a scary movie. Kariya pulls on Kirino's hair because he's 'blocking the screen', nevermind that Kariya is sitting on the couch and Kirino on the floor, and it's all downhill from there. Kirino is inspired by Kurumada's actions earlier, and promptly shoves a pillow in Karoya's face. Cue the pillow fight. Multiple people (Tsurugi and Shindou) try to stay out of it and fail horribly. There are no survivors.
In the end they finish the movie, and whoever decided on a sad movie will be murdered when they've recovered from the emotional damage it gave them. Even Tsurugi is crying. The only one who isn't is Hikaru and it terrifies them all while simultaneously reminding them, right, he's related to the international mad soccer criminal lost in space. It explains a lot, honestly.
They're sent off to bed an hour before midnight and of course it takes another thirty minutes before they're actually, y'know, in bed. The next problem is that none of them actually shut up - there's about six different conversations going on. They're in sleeping bags in the gym and that place echoes. Sangoku tries to get them all to settle down but fails, until Akane offers to tell them all a story (she has help from Midori in shutting them all up and Raimon is, once again, reminded why their managers are both terrifying and amazing). It's? Surprisingly good? They expected something a bit vague, with her love for aliens and conspiracies, but it's a captivating mystery tale that leaves them all genuinely invested by the end. Thankfully it also helps them calm down enough to sleep and with the exception of some whispered conversations, they all settle down quickly.
The next night is a bit different - training went quite similar, but this time, after dinner, Endou and his friends have organized something. A test of courage through the school.
Raimon initially expected it to be just Endou and the handful of people that have been helping in their training so far. They were wrong.
(When Endou sent out a message asking for volunteers, EVERYONE responded. Getting a new pass at scaring the new Raimon? Hell yeah.)
And when Raimon, young or old, has something in mind, they go for it.
They get the kids to scream. Whoever gave Fudou free reign with the fake blood should get a life sentence. Natsumi plays out a scene immediately afterwards of a nice, kind woman, helping settle their nerves with some of her cooking. Except as usual it tastes horrid and when the kids look closer, they find the red food coloring that they, sadly, don't appreciate after Fudou's scene. Afterwards it's unanimously decided that Fudou and Natsumi are NEVER allowed in the same room without supervision again.
The rest of the test of courage goes a bit better, although even Kidou is mystified on how Fubuki covered the entire main hall in (fake?) snow, and cleaned it up in like ten minutes after? How? Endou decides not to ask when he sees Fubuki's perfectly innocent smile. Anyway, the kids have been split up in multiple teams of three (whoever put Tsurugi with Hayami and Sangoku clearly has a death wish) and hearing other teams scream from further into the school is NOT encouraging, although in the end they all get through it. By the end they all meet in the soccer stadium and it turns out that they all got a different key to the final puzzle. It takes some teamwork to solve it, but they manage, and are absolutely exhausted by the end of it and incredibly relieved that no one died.
They head to bed soon afterwards this time, and it's quite different from the day before. The entire team ends up sharing their experiences during the test of courage and talking about it, talking about what they learnt, gaining some new ideas for hissatsu techniques (Midori was somehow inspired by the terror duo that was Fudou and Natsumi and it's both wonderful and terrifying at once). The night, and the training camp in general, ends on a good note and somehow without nightmares.
Afterwards it becomes more common for the team to have sleepovers, although still quite rare - there's nineteen of them and coordinating something like that is an absolute mess, especially when they slowly start moving onto High School. They manage once or twice a year, though, usually either through training camps or birthday parties. Pillow fights are common, most often started by Kariya and Kirino, Midori and Nishiki, or whoever gets annoyed by Kurama. Sangoku is put in charge for dinner for good after some disastrous attempts by other members. Some of their most effective strategies are created during sleepovers, when they can spend hours on a group discussion (Shindou's mind is wonderfully chaotic and when they get him rolling, he will ramble anyone's ear off). The sad movies continue too, somehow? They never do end up figuring out who brings the DVDs. In later years, sleepovers (very rarely) are moments for heart-to-heart talks between all of them (Tsurugi finally opens up and Tenma literally cries from relief at that, and Kariya quietly shares some of his most important memories of his parents).
They all love their sleepovers but also agree that it's probably best that it doesn't happen too often. It's exhausting for them, they're chaotic enough on a normal day.
(Still, Endou's initial plan at team bonding goes off better than he ever could have expected.)
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soccerpunching · 9 months
(if you haven't already answered this before:) how did you get into Ina11 and made you make this blog for it?
I dont think I've answered this before either (correct me if im wrong though). This goes under the cut like all of my long answers to personal asks...
For some context (this is relevant to my relationship with anime and fandom), I used to be nonverbal for the good 11-12-ish years of my life until I was traumatized out of it so now I'm semiverbal ((with like auditory hallucination, anxiety (general and social), depression, ptsd, etc)). I won't tell anything regarding this experience.
It's not really uncommon for Filipinos my age and older to be into anime because this is everything that the afternoon and morning television have for you. You would know naruto, goku, luffy, etc against your will and I was not immune to that. During that time also cable was really common (and was not paid per fucking channel, that started a few years later though) so I used to watch a lot of anime in Hero TV, Animax Ph, Cartoon Network PH, etc i dont remember the others.
I found inazuma eleven and other anime on one of them and got into it immediately (also because of my trauma) but because some personal things have to happen, I started watching all the anime I got into that time on illegal sites instead.
I was not an internet person and i cant get into chats because of the experience I've mentioned above so even though i like anime and have been reading every fanfiction about my fav shows that time and were even writing some of my own (mostly fairy tail and dbz but all are now deleted or orphaned), I never tried to get into any fandom (I am aware of how fandoms are because i had a personal twitter that i only use for rts that time but i never engaged because they were big fandoms who have... issues)... this was all until the pandemic happened.
After the pandemic, it was like people can understand my experiences suddenly and it made me feel like there are safe spaces now for me to be in so somewhere in 2021 I created a fandom tumblr and twitter account at the same time. Tumblr was overwhelming for me initially so I stayed in twitter (this is during my Encanto phase so my twitter has a small following even right now from that small fandom)... it was a so and so experience but it is my first so it was made better because of that small welcoming fandom...
A bit after that, I got into the naruto and dragon ball fandom which was a big mistake because it made me picked up some toxic feelings and even behaviour that I do not want. I tried learning tumblr more and decided that I'll stay here at the moment. I realized that the dragon ball fandom here actually have nicer people and are more mature and critical while being respectful of others so I enjoyed my tumblr stay!! I made a lot of dragon ball posts that gave me great tumblr mutuals that I still talk to to this day even after my dragon ball brainrot is gone.
Before 2022 ended, I needed a break because of some personal matters. I got into inazuma eleven again during this time after rewatching galaxy (i wanted to be inspired by their alien character designs but it had a different effect). It sparked my love for the series and made me reopen some old concepts and fanfic ideas I had for it before (this includes the vent fic I mentioned once where Kidou was evil, Endou was dead, Gouenji was a pediatrician, and Aki was the leader of a rebellion against kageyama's reign with Fudou by her side). And then, I started writing new ones nonstop for about 4 months (80k words for two different fanfic series btw that are both unfinished).
I started following some inazuma eleven blogs in May this year until I feel like I needed to make posts myself at about the start of June. The fandom had the encanto vibe to me with a cross to how old fandoms feel so it was really nice to be here!! And the rest is history ig?? hehe
Sorry for the really long answer and thanks for the ask!
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. I don’t have any request left, so feel free to send in suggestions for this card!).
Despite the initial idea of writing a prompt fill for something called the *Bad* Things Happen Bingo, I sure am a softie. This is fluff because all I've been writing lately is angst (but always with happy endings so fluff was bound to happen), and also to make up for all the angst I've written about the show lately. It's a quick and light fic because I really wanted to celebrate one of my all-time favorite characters' bday without being late as a train, so please excuse my lack of words for this one haha. And I'm also pulling out my "vague timeline" setting again because I was thinking of this story happening during the first season, but then I mentioned Tachimukai, so to heck with it. just take my offering. I'm just gonna say most likely after the third season of the original, where everyone is just a grade above. It works cuz none of the OG Raimon was in 3rd year lmao
Happy birthday Endou I love you and your smile and your absolute dumbassery
Blazing Zenith
Summary: A team always makes things less frustrating, even if said frustating thing is a hospital stay.
Fandom: Inazuma Eleven (original series) Relationship: Endou & the original Raimon Eleven
Wordcount: 1.1 K words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version available here.
It’s frustrating.
It really is frustrating, no matter how he tries to twist things out.
It really is frustrating, no matter how he tries to twist things out and, in the end, he’s just trying to roll around in bed before it starts hurting again. Feels bad.
 The room’s boring. It’s white and grey, safe for pastel blues and yellows for the curtains, and even the view from the window is boring as far as he knows: from the third floor or so, all he can see is the blue sky of August. It’s the ideal weather for soccer and he’s sure that everyone else is having fun outside training, exchanging the ball, scoring goals or stopping shoots. Good for them, of course: a team has to train and get better, it’s part of what’s fun about soccer and sports in general. He’s sure everyone is happy, outside, playing around. They deserve that, obviously.
 Still, that doesn’t remove his frustration at being unable to go outside and play with everyone else. It’s not even his fault if he’s there: they said that it happened sometimes with people, that it was random and that there was nothing he could have done about it. In fact, on second thought, that’s even worse: at least, if he could have done anything about that, he wouldn’t be lying here with no purpose and nothing to do to keep his hands occupied.
God, being stuck in a hospital sucks, and it keeps getting worse.
 It’s boring to lie around in bed all day, without even being able to turn around, when he could be playing outside. Hospitals aren’t places he likes anyway: they’ve always been synonymous with bad things happening around him, including Gouenji’s sister being in a coma and all that’s meant ever since the team has learnt about it. He doesn’t like being there, restrained to a bed and all alone like this.
He’s also never liked being alone for long periods of time. He’s just used to having people around: friends, family, opponents of a day, rivals, classmates, teammates. He’s way too used to hanging out with his team to feel complete without them by his side. He may have only been here for a day or so, but he already misses everyone, and solitude rubs salt on his wounds.
(That’s how they say it, right? That sounds like a thing Natsumi or Tachimukai would say…)
 A knock on his door immediately catches his attention, causing him to immediately sit up, cringe because of his stitches hurting from the sudden commotion, and reply to whoever this is to enter with excitement. Finally, someone else than him, in this room!
He’s still kind of surprised when he sees a dozen persons or so barge into the room, hardly fitting in there without pushing against each other, but it’s not out of the ordinary for the Raimon Eleven. At least, it’s not weird or anything, to him.
 “I knew this was going to be a bad idea…” Kazemaru mumbles under his breath, ponytail disturbed by Shourin on one side and Shishido on the other. “We can’t fit in there, guys!”
“C’mon, I’m sure we can if we try harder!” Kurimatsu replies right afterwards, tiny hands lifted as to signal his position.
“S-sorry guys…” Kabeyama apologizes, trying to reduce the space he’s taking, to no avail: Someoka still looks bothered by being almost squeezed against the wall.
Seeing his friends in this funny situation this reminds me of the atmosphere in the club and he’s so grateful for this. It’s like bringing the club to his room!
 “Hi everyone!” He greets them, ignoring the numb pain lingering from his moves, waving his hand at the group.
“Hi, Endou,” Gouenji reacts with crossed arms and somehow outside the mass, back against the wall. It doesn’t seem to make Someoka any happier.
“I’m really glad you’ve all come!”
The entire mass says hi in their manner, with delays in-between themselves, yet in the end he still grins at having some company at last.
“I can’t breathe…” An unidentified whisper, most likely Kageno’s. “Guyyyyys…”
 Then something hits him on the head.
“Wait, guys. What’s bringing you here? You’re not training?”
“Are you kidding?” Kazemaru pushes aside Shourin and Shishido to show himself.
“It’s not the same without you, Captain”, Kabeyama explains while fiddling with his fingers.
“What they’re trying to say is that they couldn’t focus and would rather pay you a visit,” Kidou ends the topic, arms crossed and smirking.
“Guys…” He doesn’t quite know what to say, but he tries to collect himself anyway. “Thank you so much…”
“It’s just a visit, no need to get all emotional over it,” Someoka chimes in.
 He feels a bit embarrassed by the remark, but he laughs it off anyway and smiles to his teammates.
“It’s still really nice to have you guys here! How’s training?”
“It…” Handa chuckles awkwardly. “…didn’t go as planned, I suppose.”
“Yeah… Something like that,” Shourin confirms, not any easier about the situation.
“I see…”
 The conversation derails on training as he tries to give everyone advice and tips, but in the end, the topic doesn’t revolve around soccer for very long, which is odd all things considered. Still, he very much enjoys the company nonetheless, so he doesn’t mind. They’ll talk about soccer later, he guesses.
“How long are you staying at the hospital for, Captain?” Kabeyama asks, smiling, but with eyebrows slightly frowned.
“I hope not for long! It’s just not the same without the Captain y’know!” Kurimatsu adds.
“I think they said a week or so… For stitches or something,” he’s not even sure himself, all things considered.
“They’re right to be cautious and have you stay here for a little while,” Kidou says, the group’s attention focusing on him. “We wouldn’t want you bleeding during practice because it’d have reopened, don’t we?”
“Wait, Captain, why are you in the hospital for in the first place?” Shishido asks, sounding lost. “I think I missed the memo…”
“What’s the word again?” His memory fails him. “A…”
“Appendicitis,” Kidou saves the day yet again.
“Yeah, that!”
A couple “ooooh” echoed in the room.
 The light-hearted chattering he’s missed for a day suddenly comes to a halt when a point gets brought up.
“Don’t you think we’ve all forgotten something, guys?” Gouenji asks, arms still crossed.
“Oh, that’s right!” Kabeyama is the first to react.
The others follow suit, none without funny reactions to witness.
“Forgot what?” He asks, confused. It seems to be a great deal to them.
 He may have forgotten about it until this moment, but Mamoru still feels happy tears when he hears the collective message they had to convey to him:
“Happy birthday!”
And, in that moment, he’s the proud captain and friend of the Raimon Eleven.
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inazuma-hpau · 6 years
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Harry Potter AU - Character Analysis : Slytherin Kidou Yuuto Requested by: pingwinir, chibineko-akio + several anonymous
twitter  |  main graphics blog  |  Harry Potter AU
PROFILE Name: Kidou Yuuto House: Slytherin Blood Status: Half-Blood Species: Human Familiar: Owl Wand: 12", Ebony, phoenix feather Career choice: Hasn’t fully made up his mind, but he knows Kidou Finacial will be handed down to him from his stepfather.  Family: Biological Father (Gryffindor) Biological Mother (Ravenclaw) Sister // Otonashi Haruna (Ravenclaw) Adopted Father & family  // Kidou family (Slytherin) Closest Friends: Fudou Akio*(Slytherin) Sakuma Jirou (Slytherin), Genda Koujirou (Gryffindor), Endou Mamoru (Hufflepuff), Gouenji Shuuya (Gryffindor), Kiyama Hiroto (Slytherin), Afuro Terumi (Ravenclaw)  Boggart: Losing his younger sister Haruna or her getting hurt,  Especially since their parents died, Kidou has always been over protective of his younger sister - even to the point where his overprotectiveness can get somewhat annoying. He always wants to know that she is safe and not in any danger. Patronus: Penguin During one class, Fudou transfigured Kidou and Sakuma into penguins just for a laugh. He has never let them forget it and they have never forgiven him since. Fudou finds it even more hilarious when he finds out Kidou’s patronus is also a penguin - much to Kidou’s dismay. Surprisingly however, there’s seems to be a certain someone who also shares the same penguin patronous as Kidou… Animagus: Crow “Intelligence, adaptability, survival skills. Crow people often find a harmonious balance in their lives between cities and wild places, though they often stay tied to city life through want or need. Crow represents change, whether ir be through growth or destruction. Crow is the opposite side of the same coin as Raven.” QUIDDITCH Position: Capitain + Chaser Broomstick: Nimbus 2001 → Thunderbolt Year joined: 2nd Year
SUBJECTS Best Subjects:  As the student who becomes Head Boy in his final year, Kidou is an all-rounder coming top in all his classes (besides Divination). Despite his friends thinking it’s boring, his favourite subjects are Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. In comparison to Divination which he believes is all made up nonsense, he’s always found predicting the future with numbers fascinating and more trustworthy. He also believes that there’s more to discover about magic and the magical world which is why he also loves Study of Ancient Runes. Kidou also enjoys Alchemy and gets into interesting theories with Kiyama Hiroto and Afuro Terumi.  Worst Subjects: Just like his younger sister Haruna, Kidou is not fond of Divination due to the class feeling fiction over fact. He doesn’t believe that becoming a seer (or learning to become a seer) is not something that could easily be taught in a class - but the own self-journey of the one who wants to become a seer). He is also sick of professor Jikiru Haito predicting his death every single lesson. Kidou is also not very fond of Apparition as it makes him queasy every time he apparates.
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ygreczed · 7 years
Does Yuuki get a happy ending? Please let him find an alternative soulmate! It's not as if there is only one person in the entire universe who fits you, there must be other alternatives??
THIS IS AN EXCELLENT ASK ANON ! Will Yuuki have his happy ending ? I can’t answer this without giving you what is left of Yuuki’ story. So, are you ready ? (please read the end, I have something for you all)
- Yuuki was sure his heartache was going to last for the rest of his life but with his parents’ help, he somehow managed to go on anyway. He was recovering little by little now Sakuma had left and was having fun again playing sakka with his friends. However, Kidou was still able to hear his sobs sometimes late in the night.
- Actually Yuuki wasn’t even conscious he cried during the night because he was asleep at the same time. Kidou was desperate to know his son was so unhappy that he cried when he was sleeping. He told Fudou about it and they did their best to make Yuuki forget about all this fuss.
- Yuuki was selected to play on the national team as a pro player. It was his first good new for a while so he was really happy about it. When he told his parents, they asked where he was going to play, and Yuuki answered he will be sent to Tokyo.
- Kidou and Fudou were glad for their kid, because he was finally living again and seemed to have moved on but they felt sad too that the boy was leaving them.
- They were all getting ready for Yuuki’s move when they had an unexpected guest : it was Wonderbot and a friend of him. The bear asked after Yuuki, who was totally clueless as to who was the robot. The couple and the bear had small talk while drinking coffee and Yuuki stayed in the living room with the other young girl with pink hair, listening distractedly the conversation in the kitchen.
- Then Wonderbot declared he had something very important and very hard to tell them. Kidou and Fudou seemed to stiffen a little and ordered Yuuki to go in his room. Wonderbot said Yuuki was the main interested party in this story and that he needed to hear what he was going to say.
- Fudou was getting angry and started to threaten the bear before being interrupted by the girl, who said it was only about Yuuki’s choice, not Kidou and Fudou’s.
- Wonderbot explained they discovered a timelapse where Kidou and Fudou didn’t exist. In this alternate universe, without Kidou and Fudou, Inazuma Japan wouldn’t win the highschoolers’ FFI, and all the members would be brainwashed by a mysterious company, Nebulus, and would be used to take control of the country. This company’s purpose is to become stronger enough to invade this timeline and to steal what was remaining from the Aliea Meteorite kept by the Government, because it has been totally destroyed in their timeline. The pink haired girl was Tsunami and Touko’s daughter, and already decided to go in this other timelapse to make sure this scenario would never happen.
- Yuuki tried to know what they were expecting from him and Wonderbot said they needed Yuuki to go in this alternate timeline, because he was a mix of Kidou and Fudou, so he was able to make the difference and help Inazuma Japan so they would win. Kidou said it was too dangerous, Fudou explained that if he failed to make Inazuma Japan win the highschoolers’ FFI, he would be brainwashed with the rest of the team and wouldn’t be himself anymore.
- Yuuki stayed silent for a moment, then realised something. He stood up and faced his parents to say that if he didn’t try to change the future in the alternate timeline, then Nebulus would come in theirs and put everybody in danger… He said he wanted to protect his friends and his parents more than anything. The girl smiled with determination and Wonderbot asked if he was sure about this. Kidou and Fudou looked to their son, hoping desperately their boy was going to change his mind, but Yuuki was set on doing it.
- Wonderbot said he would let him ten days to prepare his leaving and left the flat with the pink haired girl.
- Kidou and Fudou first begged Yuuki not to go but they understood Yuuki had made his choice and that they couldn’t make him change his mind. Yuuki smiled at them while they were trying to accept his decision, with tears in their eyes, and comforted them.
- Yuuki thanked them for all they did for him, and started to cry in their arms. He said he was infinitely glad to be their son, it was his duty to make sure they would be safe in the future.
- Kidou said he hoped Yuuki would at least find his soulmate in this alternate universe and Yuuki suddenly realised that yes, perhaps there would be an alternative Sakuma there. Fudou fondled tenderly his hair and added that Yuuki deserved to be with the one he truly loved, after all.
- Yuuki didn’t want to tell everyone about his leaving : he only let his best friends know about it, and the people he knew for almost his whole life, like Endou, Gouenji, Haruna…
- Sakuma went to see him too before his departure. Kidou and Fudou let them have a talk, and Sakuma said he was very brave and that he would take care of Kidou and Fudou when he would leave. Yuuki apologized for the kiss and everything, saying it was kinda selfish since Sakuma was married, but he was still in love with him, and couldn’t help but wanting him, his whole body, his whole soul. His declaration melted Sakuma’s heart and they decided to have a goodbye kiss
- It was the best kiss in Yuuki’s entire life ; he was holding Sakuma tightly and kissing him kindly, calmly, as if they had their whole life ahead of them, to be together. It was soft and full of hope, and it was feeling so good… Yuuki whispered he loved Sakuma more than anything and that he hoped he would succeed in the other timeline so he could save his life here, and so Sakuma would be happy forever with Genda. Sakuma thanked him, fonddling and breathing his dark hairs.
- It took only a few days to Yuuki to find Sakuma in the other universe. Sakuma was Teikoku’s captain, about his age, and had a medium lenght cut, shorter than his hair back in the other timeline (even compared to his younger self). They were taking the same bus the morning.
-One day, he managed to sit next to him ; he was reading something about sakka. Yuuki’s heart was beating furiously when he leaned toward him a little and said “Feels good to see you again Sakuma.”
- Yuuki will never forget Sakuma’s look when he caught his eye for the first time. It was like there was a place deep into Sakuma’s heart, that was only waiting for him. Yuuki  promised himself he would fill this space with pure, powerful love.
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Here is the last part… So ? Do you like it ? *nervous* There was no way Yuuki was having a sad ending, but Sakuma deserved to live peacefully with Genda, after all this time. I guess it can seem kinda sad because Yuuki left his dads and all but… He just found his soulmate, and this is his obsession since he is little, beacause he wants to be as happy as his parents were.
So yeah, here are my last hdc about Yuuki (I guess).
So now is the cool thing ! You will create Yuuki’s story from now on. I really want to make you participate in this amazing adventure so let me tell you the rules :
- send me you hdc(s) anonymously by ask. You can send as much hdc as you want to ! - the hdcs can be about Yuuki, Sakuma or Alt!Sakuma, Kidou or Fudou, etc… they can also be about the timeline plot with Nebulus, etc…- No rape, violence, etc…
I will post all of them and say which are my favorites ! And I’ll probably make a drawing of my favorite hdc among all ~I hope you liked it and I hope you will have fun with this game !!!
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Shindou’s Phone Conversation (InaDan Telephone)
As requested by @inazuma-eleven-lover I translated Kirino’s way back if you search the Inazuma Translations tag, and I’ll do Tenma and Tsurugi’s soon.
It’s Shindou. You said you wanted me to talk about my friends, who should I talk about? Raimon Junior? Right now because of the soccer ban, we can’t really do club activities. Once we return history back to normal, we can get back to practice. I plan to work really hard until then. … It’s already that time? You shouldn’t stay up so late either - you should get to sleep soon. I’m going to bed too. Well then, night~
This is Shindou. Ah, it’s you? Good morning! You phoned me again, huh? Thanks for phoning in the morning. Who’d you like to hear about today? Kirino? Every time I get frustrated, he becomes a support for me. He’s a true friend.
Kirino: Hearing you say all of that… It’s an honor~ Shindou: Kirino??!! Kirino: Until Tenma and Endou-san appeared, you were pretty pessimistic. At one point you even thought it wouldn’t matter if you jut quit soccer. Shindou: Look who’s talking! Before you met Jeanne, weren’t you constantly worrying about things? Kirino: What did you say?? Shindou: Am I wrong? (They both laugh) Kirino: Thank goodness we can return safely to our world. Right, Shindou? Shindou: Yeah. And we’ll be able to play soccer with Endou-san and the others again. Kirino: Alright, I’m going ahead. You too, come on soon. Shindou: Sure.
Well, I’m glad you phoned me so early in the morning. I’m going to eat breakfast now. You too, don’t forget to eat breakfast! Well then, later!
Hello? Oh, thank you for calling me! We didn’t talk for a while, so I was a little worried… Who would you like to hear about today? Hiro? He is, as a member of the LBX team, a reliable kind of guy. With the combination of him and Ban as leaders, I think they function as the heart of the team. When I look at the two of them, I think again about the importance of teamwork for Tenma and the rest of the team.
Hiro: Shindou-san’s praise is making me shy!
Shindou: Hiro?? Why are you here?
Hiro: There’s something I want to talk to Shindou-san about.
Shindou: To me?
Hiro: Shindou-san’s mixi max is so cool!
Shindou: Huh?
Hiro: Ever since I was small, I’ve always looked up to heroes who can transform! When I see everyone in Shinsei Inazuma Japan using mixi max or Keshin armed, I get so excited! I think, one day I wanna be able to use keshin armed like that too!
Shindou: That’s… what you wanted to talk about?
Hiro: Yes! I’m sure the person you’re talking to on the phone thinks so too! Right? … What is it?
Shindou: It’s nothing. Oh, look. The Shuttle is leaving. It’s sad… Parting ways…
Hiro: It is! Alright then, Shindou-san! Let’s meet again, somewhere somehow!
Shindou: Somewhere, somehow, huh. The Eleven of us are from a different world, but I hope one day we can meet again.
I’m glad I got to talk to you. Don’t make me worry so much, okay? Next time I have time, I’ll phone you. I’ll send you a message beforehand. Talk later!
Hello? It’s me, Shindou. Thanks for answering my call. I was playing piano in my room when I suddenly wanted to hear your voice. I’ve talked to you about a lot of things. What? You’ve been waiting a long time for my call? I’m sorry about that… But I’m glad you think of me that way. Until next time, we’ll have a long talk.
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Haruna and Aki:
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual loves of my lifehotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: griffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: They're just perfect and fucking queens- I love them worst quality: NON OF THEM THEY'RE BOTH PERFECT-ship them with: Aki I ship with Ichinose and Haruna I ship with Endou, Gouenji and lowkey with Aki at times XDBrotp them with: Skipppppneeds to stay away from: Haruna away from Desuta and Aki is safe misc. thoughts: QUEENS
Natsumi and Fuyuka:
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: AGAIN FUCKING QUEENS, I LOVE THEM BUT NOT AS MUCH AS I LOVE AKI AND HARUNA XDworst quality: Natsumi can be a bitch but she has developed a lot through the series as a character, I love her jfc.With Fuyuka she's just a smol bby who needs to be protected.ship them with: Fuyuka with...not really anyone, Natsumi with Rococobrotp them with: Aki, Harunaneeds to stay away from: ....no one? misc. thoughts: QUEENS
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