younes-ben-amara · 1 year
لمَ على كل شركة تقنية مالية (فنتك) عربية أن تبني أو تتبنى شركة إعلامية؟
جدول المحتوى جدول المحتوىما هي الشركة الناشئة في قطاع التقنية المالية (فنتك)؟4 أسباب تحثّ كل شركة تقنية مالية على بناء أو تبني مؤسسة إعلامية*ما هو الخندق التجاري؟إن كنت مالك أو مؤسس شركة تقنية مالية عربية فإليك هذه المصادر للاستزادة مساء الخير والسعادة، قرأتُ خبرًا مفاده أن شركة تداول الأسهم روبن هود بصدد إطلاق شركة إعلامية مستقلة بذاتها حيث: ستستكمل الشركة الإعلامية النجاح الذي شهدته النشرة…
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intelliretail · 4 months
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ukmploymentlawnews · 1 year
Four-Day Working Week: Majority Of Workers In Favour
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lizseyi · 2 years
Smes Express Fears Of Being “Left Behind” In Wake Of Chancellor’s “Mini Budget” - TS Partners
Escalating costs continue to be a matter pressing on the minds of individuals and businesses alike. However, while the former has now received some much-needed help with their energy bills from Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, many representatives of small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have asked when targeted support will be coming to aid their own survival. 
Policies needed to “cut costs, minimise red tape and accelerate growth” 
Amid the sustained cost-of-living crisis, those keeping even the most casual eye on the recent headlines will probably be aware of the Chancellor’s announcement of help that could see some of the UK’s most vulnerable households receive £1,500 over the course of the year. That will include a £400 grant in the autumn for most of the country’s population. 
However, the absence of support targeted at small businesses made for quite the contrast; there was no news of any grants to encourage investment, for example or any increase to the employment allowance. 
So, while UKHospitality CEO Kate Nicholls welcomed confirmation of the £15 billion package as a “signal that the government is targeting inflation,” she added that “now we need a commensurate focus to reduce the costs of doing business and further price rises. 
“The government needs to identify and accelerate policies that will cut costs, minimise red tape and accelerate growth.” 
One possible move suggested by Nicholls – but also pushed by other observers in the UK industry – has been a further reduction in business taxes to incentivise high-street investment. 
The fears of consumers are not divorced from those of businesses 
Meanwhile, the managing director of an insolvency specialist and business consultancy quoted by Startups.co.uk, Rick Smith, pointed out that “in total, SMEs contribute more than £2.3 trillion to the economy in general, and despite this, they are being truly left behind.” 
Smith also highlighted the interconnection between consumer costs concerns and business costs concerns, commenting: “Small businesses are also feeling the effects of rising prices, just in different ways. Ultimately, prices will be passed onto consumers.” 
Also expressing his deep worry about the situation was Richard Osborne, the founder and CEO of UK Business Forums. As a representative of one of the UK’s most active small business communities, he is better placed than most to know exactly what conditions small firms across the country are dealing with, and his prognosis for the UK economy was not optimistic. 
He commented: “The cost-of-living crisis is a desperate situation for both businesses and huge swathes of our society, yet the government announcement seemed to ignore the reality and severity of what thousands of small business owners are going through every single day.” 
Osborne urged the Government to cancel the recently implemented increase in National Insurance contributions (NICs) but admitted that even this move wouldn’t “make a huge dent”. And he said that while some help would be provided by the drop in the basic income tax rate, “that’s not for another two years.” 
Osborne concluded: “Businesses need help now, and without it, there’s no question that thousands will fold long before this comes into force.” 
If you’re seeking the most capable accounting partners, look no further than TS Partners 
There is no doubt that current conditions remain challenging for UK businesses. With many sectors having only recently begun to gain some momentum in their recoveries after lifting previous coronavirus restrictions, the mere survival – never mind growth – of great numbers of SMEs is in question. 
Because of this, it could scarcely be more important to consider how your own business could benefit from expert accounting services in Plymouth, Wellington or Newton Abbot, of the kind that specialists like TS Partners can provide. 
For a more in-depth conversation with our experts about the tax, accounting and support solutions we could provide to assist your business at this testing time, please do not wait any longer to get in touch with us via phone or email.  
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techmeetups · 7 years
Expert HR advice for start-ups from an industry pro
Expert HR advice for start-ups from an industry pro
Founder of HR180, Claire Morley-Jones has a wealth of tips and tricks for finding, managing and motivating people. Startups’ meets the HR professional ahead of her Talent Masterclass discussion… From sending out handmade felt hearts as thanks to her employees to building a team guided by strong company values, Claire Morley-Jones doesn’t just advise clients on the best HR practices – she lives…
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db-best · 5 years
Types of digital marketing - Startups.co.uk
Types of digital marketing – Startups.co.uk
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8. Influencer marketing How does Influencer marketing work?
Influencer marketing involves businesses working with people of influence to help broaden their customer reach. This involves identifying those who act as influencers and operate within the same niche as your business, contacting said influencer offering a sample of your product.
The influencer then features your product as part of a…
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Resource Links
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https://www.simplybusiness.co.uk/knowledge/articles/2018/06/how-to-become-a-painter-and-decorator/ bamadden-london.com https://murciatoday.com/painting_and_decorating_services_for_costa_calida_and_costa_blanca_838975-a.html https://startups.co.uk/how-to-become-a-painter-and-decorator/
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itsyourbizme · 2 years
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mjlfoundation · 3 years
flat ground
close to city center
hard ground (base)
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assignmentcrackers · 3 years
Managing Global Value Chains International Marketing
Managing Global Value Chains International Marketing
MANAGING GLOBAL VALUE CHAINS INTERNATIONAL MRKETING ASSESSMENT TASK Component 2: Due by 4pm on 5th May 2021 Wordcount – Max 2500 words Your task is to draft an international marketing plan for a UK start-up. You can choose a company from the list of start-ups:Revealed! The Startups 100 2020 – Startups 100 2020 | Startups.co.uk These are the top UK start-ups to work for in 2020: LinkedIn…
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itsyourbizme · 4 years
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db-best · 5 years
Digital marketing strategies: top tips and hints - Startups.co.uk
Digital marketing strategies: top tips and hints – Startups.co.uk
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How to plan a digital marketing strategy: step by step
Online marketing strategies take time and consideration to plan. Follow these five steps to get well on your way to creating a strategy to be proud of. 
Step 1: Understand the marketing funnel
The marketing funnel is a method whereby you can visualise the customer journey, breaking it down into each individual step. From the first awareness…
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deskmateuk-blog · 5 years
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openworkspaces · 7 years
What we’ve read this week
Half of office workers are unproductive due to poor workspace (Dale Office Interiors in smallbusiness.co.uk)
According to survey research findings from Dale Office Interiors, featured at smallbusiness.co.uk, "the key to getting the most productivity out of staff in the workplace is to provide varied spaces to work and relax in”. 
The cheapest co-working spots at London Tube stations have been revealed (Hubble in startups.co.uk)
A new report from Hubble has “revealed the cheapest co-working spots at London Tube stations”. Key findings from the report, featured at startups.co.uk, can be found by clicking on the link below. 
Two thirds of young entrepreneurs fear the robot revolution (Young Enterprise in smallbusiness.co.uk)
According to a new report from Young Enterprise, featured in smallbusiness.co.uk, “two thirds of young entrepreneurs are concerned that the rise of robot workers with artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace could impact job prospects”. 
Digital now generating nearly half of revenue for UK businesses (Pure Storage in startups.co.uk)
New research from Pure Storage, featured at startups.co.uk, has found that "digital is now estimated to account for around 45% of revenue for UK companies”.
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victorpalmer82 · 5 years
Has launching a business in the UK food and drink sector got harder?
Worth Capital’s Matthew Cushen explains why the food and beverage sector has become increasingly challenging – and how you can crack it……
In Matthew Cushen
from Business blogs – Startups.co.uk: Starting a business advice and business ideas https://startups.co.uk/uk-food-drink-sector/
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