#Sophie and Sackler
lyndsyslnmrrsn · 1 year
Books I Read in 2022.
The Appalachian Trail: A Biography by Philip D’Anieri
Hiking Shenandoah National Park by Bert and Jane Gildart
Wholehearted Faith by Rachel Held Evans with Jeff Chu
One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America by Kevin M. Kruse (audiobook)
Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty by Patrick Radden Keefe (audiobook)
Bible Gender Sexuality: Reframing the Church’s Debate on Same-Sex Relationships by James V. Brownson
The World-Ending Fire: The Essential Wendell Berry selected by Paul Kingsnorth
Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way and Presence by Diana Butler Bass
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer (audiobook)
Trailed: One Woman’s Quest to Solve the Shenandoah Murders by Kathryn Miles (audiobook)
She Come By It Natural by Sarah Smarsh (audiobook)
Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver by Mary Oliver
Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith by Barbara Brown Taylor
We Keep the Dead Close: A Murder at Harvard and a Half Century of Silence by Becky Cooper
Like Streams to the Ocean: Notes on Ego, Love, and the Things That Make Us Who We Are by Jedidiah Jenkins
The Making of Biblical Womanhood by Beth Allison Barr
The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 by Garrett M. Graff (audiobook)
God is Here: Reimagining the Divine by Toba Spitzer
Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole by Susan Cain (audiobook)
Last Call: A True Story of Love, Lust, and Murder in Queer New York by Elon Green (audiobook)
The Great Emergence: How Christianity is Changing and Why by Phyllis Tickle (audiobook)
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy (audiobook)
Grandma Gatewood's Walk by Ben Montgomery (audiobook)
Milk Fed by Melissa Broder
Columbine by Dave Cullen (audiobook)
Material Methods: Researching and Thinking with Things by Sophie Woodward
The Third Rainbow Girl: The Long Life of a Double Murder in Appalachia by Emma Copley Eisenberg (audiobook)
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mariesdameron · 2 years
Shit's getting real. I re-upped my Grammarly sub. I also pecked away on Sophie and Sackler a bit.
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Akshay Mahajan Ana Lía Orézzoli Brittany V Wilder C.C. Dania Hany Eva Frazier Frank Biringer Hana Sackler Jason Fulford Jennifer Timmer Trail Krisztián Éder Margherita Villani Paisley Valentine Walsh Sophie Wright Valentino Bellini
Rubus Discolor Project is pleased to present Chicxulub, a final group exhibition curated by co-director, Leslie Hickey. The show runs from April 30 - June 4 and is open on Sundays from 1 - 4 pm and by appointment. 
Approximately 66 million years ago, a large asteroid 6.21 miles (10 km) in diameter crashed into the Yucatán Peninsula, leaving a giant crater near the modern-day town of Chicxulub, Mexico. The aftermath of the impact changed the trajectory of life on Earth forever. This event ended the reign of the dinosaurs in a cataclysm that erupted in forest fires, earthquakes, and a deluge of dust and ash that blocked the sun, creating a sudden drop in surface temperature that persisted for a decade or longer. 
While tragic for what was then the natural order, the seeds of renewal were sown by the asteroid itself. Recent scientific inquiry has indicated that the asteroid induced a “vast subsurface hydrothermal system that became an oasis for the recovery of life.”* In ultimate destruction, renewal. In endings, new beginnings. In darkness, a tiny pinprick of light.
On a much smaller scale, we at Rubus Discolor Project are approaching our own extinction event. After four years and seven shows, we have sold the house, and in the coming months it will be deconstructed, taken apart piece by piece, window by window, and brick by brick. Following the rules of urban succession, an apartment complex will take its place. The end of the current phase of RDP is bittersweet as most meaningful change is.
For this last show, fourteen photographers contributed images that symbolize Chicxulub. Brooklyn-based C.C., our fifteenth artist, shared an unpublished zine titled, It Was Good, in which they rewrote the first chapter of Genesis redacting any mention of God, so that the world creates itself. Along the walls of the house, wheat pasted photographs are interspersed with the atheistic creation myth. A neglected aquarium with a single floating fish, a volcano mid-eruption, a file cabinet bearing the words “disaster plan in here”. Lying flat on a table are Chicxulub-inspired gouache paintings by artist and curator, Leslie Hickey. Photographs have arrived from near and far: The USA, Peru, Norway, England, Germany, Spain, Italy, Egypt, India, and somewhere along the Mediterranean. All are wheat pasted to the walls of the house and will remain there for as long as the house stands. 
On View: April 30 - June 4, 2023. Sundays 1 - 4 pm Also by appointment.
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cosmic-day · 2 years
Leverage: Redemption – finally got to see it and loved it. So happy to have my fave comfort show and my best found family back together. More rambling under the cut:
I did think it took a few episodes for them to find their groove – the Paranormal Hacktivity Job in particular felt weirdly “off” in ways I can’t quite articulate – but once they settled back in to it, it was just like having the old show back in the best way, with the second half being a particularly strong run of episodes.
Leverage does feel like a show we need now more than ever. “It’s gotten worse out there,” says Elliot early on and my god, is he ever right. Which in some ways made me love the show even more, but also at times made it harder to watch in an unexpected way. I thought I’d find the “let’s take down the Sackler family, I can’t believe our lawyers are letting us not even disguise this a little bit” episodes cathartic, but they just made me depressed because fuck knows nothing like that is happening in real life.
Breanna is adorable. I mean, I know we can’t agree on much, fandom, and women of colour have traditionally had a hard time of it, but we can at least agree that Breanna is adorable and awesome? Missed Hardison, but loved how he felt like a presence in the team even when he was not there. And, as previously mentioned, Breanna = made of win. If there’s a season two, can we keep both of them?
Similarly, the way they wrote out Nate, and the way they portrayed Sophie’s grief really worked for me. That said, I did miss Nate more than I thought I would. He was my least favourite character in Leverage by some margin, but sill a brilliant character. His sheer rage was the engine that drove the original show, and I did find myself missing that energy, especially in the early episodes.
On the other hand, Nate’s righteous anger and manpain could often end up taking up all the oxygen in the room and leaving less space for the other characters, meaning his absence did lead to a better balance in the team. Sophie in particular flourished without him. I loved the way she took on the mastermind role, while Parker retained her leadership role with Leverage:International. It was also clear that Parker was stepping aside at least partly for Sophie’s sake, and Sophie continually consulted with and deferred to Parker, so they felt like co leads.
Speaking of masterminds, thank you show for not making New Guy automatic mastermind, I should have known better than to worry. Our Mr Wilson was an really good addition to the team. I loved how relaxed he was about being out of his depth, how open to learning, and how generally kind and nice and supportive he was, while also being a guy who had clearly enabled real evil. And I loved how Hardison laid out for him what redemption actually means. I guess if we never see him again he had a good arc, but if there’s a season 2 I’d love to see him back.
Finally, my OT3 is intact. Sort of. I mean, I didn’t really expect a canon poly relationship. And I’m fine with them being queerplatonic, especially given I always headcanoned Parker as ace and Elliot as aro. But Elliot’s line about wanting what Parker and Hardison had made me a little sad. Still, the whole “till our dying day” vibe was present and correct, and seeing them reunited in the last episode was as joyous as expected.
In conclusion, more please.
p.s. now we know that Mounties are the only thing our crew is afraid of, they must have had a run-in with Benton Fraser at some point, right? Which would actually be a really interesting crossover. Fraser would sympathise with them a lot, but absolutely reject their methods. I don't think I'm up to writing that crossover, but I hope somebody is.
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sacklerscumrag · 3 years
hey there friend! :) can you answer 13, 18, and 40 from the ADCU questions list pls? <3 xx
Hey Kit 💜💜💜
13. What color would your lightsaber be?
Ooh I think I would want a red or white/silver lightsaber. I’m obsessed with Kylo’s 😫
18. Rank TFA, TLJ, and TFA.
Lmao I like TFA but TLJ is my favorite to rewatch, so good. TROS doesn’t exist, we don’t know her 😌
40. Which Adam Driver fic/piece do you go back and reread all the time?
There’s so many, I am constantly re-reading fics especially if it’s a comfort fic and even if they’re not finished i still love them :) Some of my comfort fics I’m always going back to are:
Sophie & Sackler series by @mariesackler
Touch by @han-not-solo
Runaway Train by @direnightshade
Sip of Sunshine by @contesa-lui-alucard
Over Your Shoulder by @roanniom
Any and all poetry for the boys by @barbers-glimmerin-darlin
And so many more, I literally have a list lol
Thank you for asking friend! <3
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callmehopeless · 4 years
Imagine Sackler being hired as a manny for a single mom and as their professional relationship grows, so does Sackler’s intimate feelings, and he just sits there and watches her go on shit dates with shit men until finally he can’t take it anymore and he just lays all his feelings out there, for her to do whatever she wants with, knowing he could get fired but he doesn’t because she also knew this whole time that he was the one for her and her child and they lived happy ever after *inhale*
It's just supposed to be something he does as a one-off to help support his acting, but it turns into more.
Three weeks in a row, then a fourth. Tucking little Sophie into bed every night with a fresh cup of juice, always dozing on the couch reading scripts until she gets home.
That's always the worst bit.
Glassy, tired eyes and a lovey spark at the corner of her mouth: Sackler smells aftershave on her collar - and it breaks him apart every single time.
God, how his heart tugs when he says goodbye. How it aches when he hugs her tight on his way out the door - just a momentary, selfish touch for his own benefit.
He gets home that night, throwing down his keys, and Oh God. The thought of her, another man's lips on her throat...
It burns in his chest, in a dark, quiet place.
He just closes his eyes.
Praying one day,
He'll light that spark, too.
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sirenreading · 3 years
I just needed to pop in and tell you that I saw your tags regarding Sophie & Sackler being one of your comfort fics and it burst my heart. It means so much to me to see this. The series is so dear to me. Thank you. xo!
idk HOW i’m just now seeing this 😭i’m so sorry but omg yes i love that fic💗💗i’ve read it like 3 times over
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paper-n-ashes · 3 years
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Your reviews of each chapter of Sophie & Sackler have brought me so much joy. You are always so thoughtful with your words when reading over stories. It means a lot to me. This series is very near and dear to my heart. Thank you, friend.
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You are so very welcome! I have loved it so far! You are truly talented my love, and I'm looking forward to reading more (including the newest installment) when I get my next big chunk of free time!
I LOVE YOU 💕❤🤍🎀✨
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cornmousequeen · 3 years
Thank you, thank you for all the lovely comments on Sophie & Sackler. It means a lot! xo!
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Dwaaa 🥺 your story was so lovely and seriously loving Adam and Sophie🥰 sending you love😘
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miriadonline · 6 years
CFP: Modern and Contemporary Postgraduate Colloquium (London, 17 Mar 2018)
London, The Courtauld Institute of Art, March 17, 2018 Deadline: Dec 14, 2017
The Courtauld Institute of Art’s Modern and Contemporary Postgraduate Colloquium
Whether living, working or studying in megalopolises or in small towns forgotten by globalisation, negotiating a space between the global and the local is an everyday occurrence in today’s societies. The Courtauld Institute of Art’s Modern and Contemporary Postgraduate Colloquium invites speakers to navigate the local and the global through their diverse areas of research, not only in art, but in broader cultural fields including (but not limited to) media, film, fashion and music. The historical period that this event will cover is from the 19th century to the present day. The colloquium is open to internal and external speakers alike but preferably current graduate students and early career researchers, who are strongly encouraged to present papers associated with ongoing or projected dissertation research.
This call for papers is open to a wide range of different approaches to address the theme of the colloquium, which is organised into the following four panels:
Centre and Periphery: Centre and Periphery is most frequently utilised as a political science theory and is rooted in post-colonial discourse. This panel aims to explore the global and local through centre-periphery theory. Most famously espoused and used by Immanuel Wallerstein through his World-System-Theory, the centre is most frequently identified as Western nations – and the periphery, countries that used to be identified as Third World. This panel is not limited to this reading of centre-periphery and invites speakers to explore or problematise the theory in new and innovative ways.
Approaching institutions in its broadest sense, this panel invites speakers to consider the term in its literal and metaphorical form. Areas of exploration could be, but are not limited to:
How do biennial institutions incorporate the global and local and what are the dialectical tensions that emerge out of it?
How do institutions approach a globalised discourse in this day and age?
Where did a globalised discourse emerge from on an institutional level?
How did institutions adopt ‘Western’/global institutional standards in a specific timeframe?
How did institutions such as the salons of 18th century Paris affect a local and global discourse?
How have some institutions become ‘glocalised’?
New Media and Technologies: This panel aims to investigate the ways in which artists address the complicated relationships between the global and the local with new technologies that emerged under information societies. Possible lines of thought could be, but are not limited to:
How do artists critically respond to the rhetoric of deterritorialisation and rootlessness that is often associated with new media, such as video games and the mobile and internet technologies after Web 2.0?
How do artists who engage with the technology-based futurist movements (Afrofuturism, Gulf Futurism and Sinofuturism, etc.) negotiate the global and the local? What are the strategies that new media artists undertake to critically approach the diverse impacts that globalisation brings about culturally, socially and politically?
Temporality: Time and temporality are often closely related to power relations that can be problematic in the representations that explicitly or implicitly touch on the politics of the global and the local. Proposals can address, but are not limited to, the following questions:
How have temporal themes been used by artists as a tool for negotiating the relationship between the global and the local?
What role does temporality or the atemporal have to play in situating an artist’s practice within the global or local?
How are global and local narratives constructed through recourse to the notion of ‘contemporariness’ in the present?
How can the concepts of diachronism and anachronism be investigated in relation to cultural artefacts with a multi-layered identity that is not constrained by a particular space and time?
The Courtauld Sackler Research Forum aims to provide some funding to cover accommodation and travel costs for speakers attending from outside London.
Please send an abstract of up to 250 words for a 20-minute presentation, together with a CV, to Sophie Guo ([email protected]) and Jasmine Chohan ([email protected] ) no later than 14 December 2017.
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mariesdameron · 3 years
Sophie & Sackler Chapter Nine: I won't give up on you.
CW: Mental Health (Anxiety, panic attacks, depression, self negative talk) Morning Sickness associated with pregnancy, pregnancy, infertility issues, doctor's office, blood, wound, stitches, prescription medication, mention of potential miscarriage, medical termination, arguing. (It's worth the read, I promise)
WC: 4 674
AN: It was so refreshing to visit these two again. I am sorry for anyone following the series for the very long delay in Chapter Nine. I appreciate your continued love and support for me and Sophie and Sackler.
Read on Ao3
Sophie & Sackler Masterlist
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Two pink lines are all it takes to change your entire life--two pink lines. Sophie stared at the three discarded pregnancy tests still peeking out from the trash can. After the first one, she knew that she was pregnant, but anxiety spurred her to take two more.
She had been puking for the last week. Soul-sucking exhaustion had plagued her, and when her period didn't show, it was settled. Sophie curled herself into a ball. Getting pregnant was not something that could happen for her, or so the doctors had informed her for the last fifteen years of her life. It was destined to fail. It wasn't worth speaking about.
Sophie argued with herself, gazing at the bathroom tiles. She wouldn't need to do anything about it. She could go to the clinic herself instead of waiting around for the inevitable. Adam did not have to know. Teardrops spilled off her chin. They had spoken about it once, only once.
Sophie remembered when she dumped the bomb on Adam pretty early in the relationship. She tore it off like a band-aid. She couldn't have children. He needed to know; she couldn't have him imagining an impossible future together. Finally, after a few minutes of silence, Adam marched to her, dropped to his knees, and professed how much he loved her before crushing her to him.
Sophie clambered around the floor, looking for her cellphone. Dialing Sam’s phone number. The voicemail picked up, provoking a guttural scream from Sophie's breast. She needed Adam. Adam would tell her it was okay that they would deal with it together. Sophie gazed down at her cell lock screen. Adam's toothy grin begged her to call.
Sophie closed her eyes; her thoughts jumbled. She envisioned the expression on his face when he eventually learned the news. Joy would radiate over him before Sophie would grind him up with the reality of it all. She would miscarry. Sophie abandoned her phone on the floor before turning to vomit.
- - - - - -
Sophie had tried to tell Adam since she discovered the news. She had dialed his cellphone at least a hundred times and hung up before it rang. She resolved to wait. Wait until he came home, and she could sit down and do it face to face. He merited to have the discussion in person.
Sophie picked at her Blueberry Muffin as Sam sat across from her, sipping her coffee. Sam had been spending an extra amount of time with her over the last couple of weeks, thankfully.
"Do you want to go over the plan again?" Sam questioned, biting down on her lip as she studied Sophie's face. Sophie shook her head, tasting the Blueberries starting to come back up her throat.
"No. It's fine. I got it." Sophie pushed away the muffin. Sam looked doubtful.
"Well, I think it's best to just do it like we planned. Like we talked about. It's best to just put it out there right away. Don't let it fester. I mean, I get why you wanted to wait until he got home but remember he may be pissed that you waited three weeks after the fact to say anything." Sophie bit her lip. She didn't need to rehash this again. She had already decided that she would tell him his first night home. No, turning back now.
"Look, I got it. I will let him unpack. I ordered our favorite Chinese take out and once he's done with his spring roll. I will tell him." Sam rolled her eyes.
"Well, at least you still are maintaining your sarcasm." Sam peered down at her cellphone and groaned. "Alright, well, I need to get going. I really hate that I am leaving this weekend. Couldn't he have come home last weekend? For fuck's sake." Sam was in her cousin's wedding and committed to going away for the weekend. It just so happened to perfectly align with Adam's return from Los Angeles. Sam stood, grabbing Sophie by the shoulders. She squeezed Sophie to her chest. "You are going to be okay. Adam loves you. He will understand." Sophie nodded, wetting Sam's blouse.
"I know. I know." Sophie cleared her throat as Sam kissed her forehead.
"Call, text, whatever. And worst-case scenario, I can jet back right after the ceremony. But it will be fine." Sam smoothed Sophie's hair back from her face. "I promise." Sophie smiled weakly at her friend.
"Everything is going to be fine."
- - - - - -
The Chinese food was splayed out over the coffee table. Sophie had ordered all of Adam's favorites. Pacing in front of the couch, she ran her hands down her sides. She should be happy. Adam had been away for a while, deterred to Los Angeles after his big Sundance premiere.
She depressingly had kept the conversations brief. She knew that if there were longer, he would know something was up. But, instead, Adam was nothing but attentive and attuned to her and her moods. She missed him horribly. Holding onto this news broke her; she tried to address things with her therapist but canceled at the last minute. Acknowledging the truth was too hard. The only person who knew was Sam, and it was out of pure necessity.
Sophie looked at her cellphone. He was already in the city and would be arriving at any minute. She had to get it together. She couldn't meltdown as soon as he walked through the door. Adam didn't deserve this, he didn't. He didn't need the extra stress, his entire life was changing and for the greater. Sophie was only going to be the anchor that held him back.
Shaking her head at her thoughts, she stared at the picture frame on the bookshelf. It was her favorite picture of them. Sophie had tried to get both of their faces in camera view while Adam licked her face like the puppy he was. Then, like magic, she detected him at the door. On command, she was emotional as Adam entered. His bag in hand, luggage hauling behind him, and a bouquet of wildflowers balancing under his chin.
"Kid!" He shouted and dumped everything to the floor, moving to her in giant strides. Adam scooped Sophie into a firm embrace. "I fucking missed you so much." Adam murmured into Sophie's hair. "I felt like a little kid on the way here. Like it was fucking Christmas morning or something." Adam let go of her long enough to caress her face before drawing her back into a kiss.
Everything dissolved--only Adam existed. They broke from their embrace, gasping. Adam's eyes dilated, cheeks crimsoned. "I am never leaving the apartment again." He said breathlessly with a smirk that pierced Sophie's heart. Sophie ran her hands through his black mane.
"You cut your hair?" She said, hushed, allowing the silky strands to slip effortlessly through her fingers. Adam beamed, grazing kisses on her temples and cheeks.
"Yeah, my agent thought it was time to change up my look for some upcoming potential projects." He touched his lips back to hers before pretending to sulk. "Do you not like it?" Sophie shook her head.
"I love it." She purred as she sank her face into his chest, breathing him in. She nearly could let go of the panic that was building inside of her. Finding comfort in her safe harbor. Adam caged Sophie to his breast, touching his lips to her brow.
"Fuck, I really really missed you. I feel like we've hardly spoken." Adam wandered over to the living room set up. Grinning, he let go of Sophie. "I see you have laid out a mighty banquet for my return. I couldn't have planned anything more satisfying than this." Putting up his hands, he dashed to the door, plucking up the flowers he had abandoned. "For you, my lady." He bowed slightly before presenting the colorful array of perennials. Sophie swallowed down the guilt welling in her throat. He was perfect. Honestly, he was. Sophie fixed a smile and shuffled to the kitchen to find a vase. Adam thrust off his shoes and plopped down onto the couch.
"Man, I've been craving --- Lo Mein. Los Angeles is nothing compared to New York." Shoving a crab Rangoon in his mouth, he fiddled with the containers. Sophie stood in front of the sink, watching the water run. Did she have to tell him tonight? She could wait. A few days would not make a difference, not in terms of biology anyways. Instinctively her hand went to her stomach, and she sensed the urgency to be sick. How was she going to explain the constant puking? Before she grasped what was transpiring, her blood was dripping onto the stainless steel. Gazing down at the glass pieces from the vase, she distinguished Adam's muted voice next to her before her senses returned.
"Kid! Kid! What did you do?" Adam cautiously drew her hands back, examining the deep gash on her hand. " That's gonna need stitches, baby." Then, clutching the roll of paper towels, Adam wrapped up her wound. Sophie stood confused at her own carelessness.
It would have been entertaining to watch Adam work a smartphone app, however, Sophie's mind remained unable to manifest words. Her mental dissociation was in full swing, the weight of her mind dragging her through mechanical motions. Attempting to make sense of the scene, Adam led her to the door as he typed into his phone.
- - - -
Sophie sat on the end of the hospital bed. The white starkness of the room was effectively raising Sophie's anxiety, along with following her boyfriend's pacing in front of her.
"Adam, please just sit down... PLEASE." Sophie sounded slightly more forceful than intended. Adam froze and stared at her, face drained of blood. Sophie recognized that he was panicked. This was definitely not the way she desired to spend his first night home. Before Adam could speak, the Doctor strolled into the examination room. “Sophie, I am Dr. Davis.” He observed Adam, who stood fidgeting in the corner. Finally, Adam cleared his throat and stepped forward, taking the Doctor's hand.
"Adam, Sackler. Boyfriend." Dr. Davis nodded in understanding as he lifted Sophie's bandaged hand.
"Well, it was a sizeable gash, and you will need stitches, which we will be applying soon.” Dr. Davis flipped through her chart. "Is there anything else we should know about before I get started on your stitches? For example, are you allergic to anything that may not be noted on your chart?"
Sophie shook her head no, glimpsing over at Adam, who remained in the corner. His face troubled as he regarded the Doctor removing the bandaging. Sophie's mind raced. Was pregnancy something she had to tell the Doctor? This is not the fucking way Adam needed to find out that she was pregnant. Sophie's heart began racing, and the Doctor certainly took notice.
"It's alright; it will be over sooner than you think." He said, patting Sophie gently. Adam exhaled before scooting closer to them.
"I am right here, kid." His voice shaky, but his jaw locked tightly. Her chest throbbed. He didn't justify this bullshit. How could she be so stupid? How could she be so careless? Ruining his first night, becoming pregnant. She had always been so careful. She was on birth control. They didn't always use a condom, but the frequency was low. Doctor Davis stood interrupting Sophie's thoughts. He was finished. He analyzed her face before speaking.
"How are you feeling, Sophie? I saw in your chart that you were on a couple of psychiatric medications. I can bring in the nurse for something to ease the panic?" Sophie's eyes flew to Adam.
She avoided talking about her mental illness around him. She knew he didn't judge her or care, but she wanted desperately to keep it away from him. Sophie shrugged her shoulders. Doctor Davis acknowledged. "I am going to send her in with something. Xanax, I saw marked for emergency usage. I will send her in with a low dose. Just to help take the edge off.” Sophie bit her lip and accepted.
Adam slid next to her, immediately rubbing her back in comfort when they were alone. Sophie closed her eyes. She had to tell him. Adam tugged her tight to him.
"Kid, it's okay. You are all sewed up. No big deal. We will be back to the apartment, devouring our spring rolls soon." Turning, she studied his sweet freckled face that never ceased to make her heart ache.
"Adam...I have to tell you something." Sophie stuttered, the keen stabbing dread seizing her chest. Adam sympathetically leaned in and swept a kiss to her face.
"Kid, you didn't ruin my night. I know you are worried about it. I promise all I wanted is to see you." He reflected. "I mean, I didn't want to watch you gash your fucking hand open, but it's fine." He relaxed his head on Sophie's shoulder. The nurse cleared her throat as she entered. Sophie's nails burrowed into her palms as she observed the nurse move around her supplies.
"I am Minda; the Doctor thinks a small dose of Xanax would be helpful after looking over your medical history. Don't worry." The oxygen seeped from the room. Sophie couldn't breathe. "Xanax is deemed safe throughout pregnancy."
Inhaling faster, the nurse interrupted what she was doing and examined Sophie. "Deep breaths. The Doctor also wanted me to ask if you were interested in an iron infusion. We can schedule one for you to come back. Being that you are anemic, it's a good idea with you being pregnant." Sophie refused to look at Adam. She couldn't. Her eyes begged the nurse.
"Could you maybe come back in a few minutes?" Sophie mumbled amidst small gasps. The nurse's eyes widened, discerning the situation. Pursing her lips, she handed the paper cup of Xanax to Sophie.
"I'll be back in ten minutes for your discharge paperwork." Sophie kept her eyes to the floor, listening for the door to close. She waited. She waited for him to speak, but the room remained silent despite the beeps and hums from nearby equipment.
Lifting her eyes, she wasn't sure what to think. Adam sat, his arms criss crossed over his chest. His frame was trembling, his nostrils flared. He was watching Sophie. Her sight clouded, and her throat constricted as Adam stood, his hands twitching at his side.
"How long?" He stammered, rubbing his hands over his face. "How long have you known? And why didn't you tell me?" His face, drawn with agitation. Sophie shook her head, swallowing down sobs.
"I didn't know how to tell you." She faltered. Adam began pacing back and forth.
"I don't know... something like, Adam, I am pregnant would have worked okay." Sophie looked at the pills on the side table. She could take them. It would make this easier. It would prevent the impending panic attack that was threatening with every word exchanged.
Adam followed Sophie's gaze and stepped towards her, taking the cup and forcing it in her free hand. "Take them; you don't need an attack right now." His tone softened as he spoke. Sophie gulped the pills down as Adam renewed pacing. "Please say something." Finally, he stopped, misty-eyed as he pleaded. Sophie wrung her hands.
"I've known since I got back from 'Sundance.'” She whispered, seeing his face sink further. "I wanted to tell you, but I knew how much it would hurt you." Her tears leaked from her nose.
"Why? Would it hurt me, Sophie?" Adam strode to her, gripping her face in his hands. "I fucking love you. Why would I ever be upset about this? Unless..." Back hutching forward, his eyes snapped shut. Gradually, he retreated. "Did you do it? Did you 'take care’ of it? " He challenged, his voice vibrating. Sophie furiously shook her head.
"No, no." Her heart pulsated in the vice grip constricting it. She knew the memories that were inundating his brain. Raising his head, shades of crimson grew up his neck. Adam wiped his reddening eyes and smoothed back his hair.
"We can talk about this more at home. But I don't want to do this here. I'm beat from the flight, and this isn't good for you." Adam tapped his forehead. "I am going to take a walk around the floor, and then hopefully, when I get back, we can go." Sophie sucked on her lower lip, agreeing.
Sophie sank her head in her hands as Adam disappeared. She hadn't 'taken care’ of it yet, but that was up next for discussion. She had explained that the Doctors had told her she cannot carry a baby to full term. He had said he understood and loved her nevertheless.
Was he about to go against his words? This was everything Sophie wanted to avoid. She told him she couldn't have kids. Just because this accidental pregnancy happened, it doesn't equal a child. It involves a miscarriage. Despite the nauseating pains in her stomach, the impulse to scream simmered. The nurse knocked before entering, clipboard in hand.
"Just a few signatures and you are good to go." Sophie gripped the pen, knowing full well the night was not close to being over.
- - - -
The ride back to the apartment was quiet. Sackler walked straight to the bathroom and closed the door. She heard the water running. She knew he was attempting to calm down. Unfortunately, there would be no deescalating at this moment. He would need to listen to her and understand what was necessary.
Seating herself on the edge of the couch, she waited until she heard the bathroom door open. Adam leaned against the wall, facing Sophie. Sliding his restless hands into his pockets, his face distorted with emotion. Sophie licked her dry lips. Then, steadying herself against the cushions, she let it all pour out.
"I am so sorry, Adam. I know I should have told you sooner. I just thought you deserved better to hear it all in person. I didn't want it to be like this. I definitely didn't expect your first night home to go this way. I wanted us to have a few happy moments together before I dropped the news. I just knew how much it was going to hurt you. Knowing that it would result in nothing." Adam abruptly held up his hands, muttering for her to stop.
"What are you saying to me, Sophie? Have you already decided then? To just go ahead and --." Adam cleared his throat. His adam's apple bobbed harshly as he drank down his evident disgust. Anger swelled in Sophie's gut, vibrating throughout her body.
"Don't, Adam Sackler. Do not look at me like this. You KNEW!" Sophie's voice bellowed through the living room. "I told you, I couldn't have children remember? That wasn't just a lifestyle choice. I explained it all very carefully to you." Adam leaped from his spot, frantically running his hands through his hair.
"You said you couldn't get pregnant. But here you are, pregnant. Pregnant with my child." His tone dipped in desperation.
"It's not a child. It's a pregnancy. Don't put this on me, Adam. Please. I told you that I wouldn't be able to carry a child to full term. I told you." The weight of her words split her mind. It was bad enough that these thoughts plagued her mind every occasion that she strolled past a school or a park crowded with kids.
Or all the intruding conversations of 'when are you going to have children?' 'You are getting up there in age, sweetheart. You should consider.' The societal expectation that she should and could bear children produced countless episodes of worthlessness and failure. She believed she had escaped this topic with Adam after their initial conversation.
Adam kneeled and lowered his gaze. Sophie caught his sigh as he rubbed at his jaw.
"I know what we discussed, but it's at least something that we can look into? See a doctor first? Before we make any hasty conclusions." He faltered as he spoke, his pitch mounting in sentiment. Sophie wordlessly watched Adam's hunched form. His sniffling and deep breathing were venom in her veins. Her beautiful Adam, she knew her troubles would eventually destroy him and her both. Clawing into her arms, she attempted to steady her speech.
"I don't think you understand...It was made pretty clear to me that I can't have children. I guess we could get a hopeful Doctor and have them tell us to hold out and see..." Adam lifted his head, eyes eager and bloodshot. The optimism on his face induced bile up her esophagus. "You aren't the one who is going to have to go through the physical loss. The emotional toll isn't the only thing I will suffer through, please... Understand." Sophie's bottom lip quivered at the notion of going through it all again. She couldn't. Adam wiped his nose on the back of his sleeve as he stood.
"And I have to suffer knowing that this is the second chance I lose at becoming a father." His statement pierced through her. She was going to hurl.Hurrying to her feet, Sophie bolted herself in the bathroom before bowing over the toilet. Her head was a pulsating jackhammer.
"Sophie, kid. Open the door, let me help you." Sophie wept amidst upheavals. "Jesus fucking Christ kid, just unlock the door, please." Finally, Sophie regained her composure as she located a towel.
"Adam, just go." Sophie pleaded weakly, relishing in the coldness of the cloth on her blazing skin.
"Sophie, don't. Please don't do this. Let me in." Adam's voice fractured as his hands pounded against the wood. "I love you so much. I need this all to be okay." He cried. Sophie held herself, the sting of his earlier statements still raw. He would blame her forever. There wasn't winning here.
Sure, he would be more understanding on the surface if she miscarried. Still, he set her up to be the villain, with her not wanting to follow through with the pregnancy. She couldn't look him in the eyes each day, knowing that he resented her for all of this. Sophie shook when Adam roared incoherently. She stilled in the abrupt silence of the apartment. A few brief moments passed before Adam was back at the door.
"I am going to a hotel.” Sophie heard Adam's hesitation. "Text me when you are ready to talk." Then, skipping a beat, he breathed 'I love you' and 'I am sorry' before his scuffling was gone. Sophie slumped to the tile, desperate for relief from the ache in her breast, pulsating mind, and hollowness in her stomach.
- - - -
Sophie opened her eyes, blinking at the harshness of the overhead light. She had cried herself to sleep. Standing up, Sophie searched for the ibuprofen. She felt hungover. Glancing at the bathroom mirror, she grimaced. Swollen eyes and puffy cheeks stared back at her. Sophie unlocked the door, as she did, a large object fell towards her, sending her into a fury, jumping backward and screaming. She heard Adam's voice through her yells.
"KID! It's me. It's me." Adam jumped up from the floor, his hands stretching out towards Sophie. "Shh... It's just me." Adam drew Sophie to him, enveloping her into his chest. Sophie's mind intuitively eased as his comforting scent overwhelmed her thoughts.
"I thought you went to a hotel." She murmured into his shirt, pressing her face further into his breast. Adam's grip tightened as he pressed his lips to her forehead.
"I couldn't. I got to the bottom of the stairs and turned back around. My entire fucking world is right here. Why would I go anywhere else?" Sophie's muscles tightened as the previous conversation rushed back to her. Adam immediately cupped her face in his hands. "Kid, let's go to bed. Let me hold you. We don't need to talk about this anymore tonight. Let's go to bed, please." Adam's wide amber eyes silently pleaded for her to listen. Sophie nodded. Her body was heavy, her mind pained and hazy.
Adam removed both his and Sophie's clothes before pulling back the sheets and comforter. Opening his arms, he dragged her to him. Wrapping his legs and arms around her, he caged her to him.
"Sleepy time." He teased quietly as he caressed kisses into her hair. Sophie sighed deeply before allowing the steady rise and fall of Adam's chest to lull her to sleep.
- - -
Sophie woke to Adam lying on top of her, his head peacefully nuzzled into her breasts. Shaking her head and smirking, she worked her fingers through his black mane. Adam let out a small grunt.
"I've missed you so much." He mumbled, his voice gravelly from sleep.
"Me, too," Sophie whispered, scratching her nails over his scalp. Adam nudged her breast with his nose before lifting his face to look at her. Sophie moved her hand to Adam's face, running her finger down his proud nose. He really was the most handsome man.
"Can we just try?" He blurted out. "I know you are scared. I am scared to, but kid, I want to try. I know it's not fair for me to ask this of you, and if you really say you can't, I will let it go..." Adam's voice trailed off as his lips trembled.
Sophie was surprised her brain didn't spiral at his words. She couldn't deny the fact that she had thought about trying to go through with it over the last few weeks. Sophie's eyes shifted to the freckles spattered across Adam's features.
Would their child have freckles like him? Would they come out rolly polly, all smiles, ears a little too big, and a mess of black hair? Adam dropped his face back to her sternum. Both of them laid in silence for a while before Sophie cleared her throat. Adam immediately was on alert.
"We will talk to the Doctor and see what they say... Then we make a decision." She whispered, swallowing down the knot that was forming. Adam nodded.
"Then we make a decision." He repeated before caressing a delicate kiss to her lips.
- - - - -
The Doctor shut the exam room's door softly, leaving Sophie and Sackler alone with their thoughts. The Doctor had explained that Sophie was officially two months along. Everything looked fine but informed of the complications with Sophie's medical history the Doctor had told them it would be a gamble but could be a viable pregnancy. Sophie sobbed.
Adam accompanied her in her weeping as the Doctor inquired if they wanted to hear the heartbeat. Despite the nagging pain in her chest, Sophie agreed. Sackler clasped her hand to his tear-soaked lips as the steady pulse sounded throughout the room.
Now, the two sat in silence, attempting to regain their composure. Sophie stared at the white tiles. She knew he was already wholeheartedly invested. She had watched him shake, snot dripping down his nose as the exam was done. Lifting her head, Adam was staring at her, his face flushed from his emotional outburst. His arms crossed protectively across his broad chest.
"Okay." She sputtered, her breathing intensifying as her mind accepted her decision. Adam jumped back, his hands immediately rubbing his jaw.
"Really?" His eyes grew as he kept his distance. Was he putting up an invisible wall? Sophie sucked on her bottom lip, nodding.
"Yeah, let's try." She whispered, her eyes stinging as the emotions resurfaced. Adam sprang towards her cupping her face in his hands.
"Kid, I love you. It's going to be okay." His speech raced. Afraid to welcome his enthusiasm, she forced a weak smile. Adam held her face to his, intently locking his gaze with hers. “Thank you for trying, that's enough for me. It’s more than enough.” Adam paused. "I am here no matter what happens. I am not going anywhere. I got you.” Sophie caressed her nose against Adam's.
"We got each other."
- - - - - - -
Lovelies: @daydreamsofren @cornmousequeen @sacklerscumrag @caillea @direnightshade @finn-ray-nal-beads @mylifeisactuallyamess @leatherboundbirate @theoncrayjoy @maybe-your-left @hopeamarsu @zimmermansbrat @historyandfandoms50 @sister-winter73 @relationshipwithmybed @themuseic @starskylo @millenialcatlady @tashastrange89 @theodorealastair @insufferablelust @iamasithprincess @tashastrange89 @butyoudidthis4what @xxcatrenxx @jynzandtonic @blowthatpieceofjunk @paper-n-ashes @roanniom
Thank you for reading!
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What Carries out Food items Method To You?
You are preparing a major occasion and also want to make sure all individuals vital to you attend. Other households carry out not given that ladies are intended to provide a beneficial Christmas dinner out of affection. Great after supper audio speakers are actually seasoned professionals along with some renown including the well-known DOCTOR Kevin Jones. When you are outside you are actually not heading to possess access to the ideal temps, which suggests that you have to know what is as well warm as well as just what is as well cool. This is a long grained rice, well-liked for its aroma as well as fragile flavouring throughout the nation. Menu and also Dayparts The business supplies a primary food selection of made-to-order cheeseburgers and also hen club sandwiches, hotdogs, hand-made onion rings, tater kiddies plus all day morning meal products like morning meal burritos. Chipotle has actually managed to drive a 9.4% transaction comparable development fee in the course of its top lunch hr and a 13.3% purchase growth at its own top supper hr. As a result of this, we do occasionally need to take short cuts when it involves supper. The design offers the 90th birthday party of upper-class Englishwoman Miss Sophie, which organizes a celebration supper each year for her pals Mr Pomeroy, Mr Winterbottom, Mam Toby and Admiral von Schneider. During the course of very hot smoking the heat generated from the smouldering timber potato chips will cook the smoke cigarettes and also the food generated will certainly flavour the food. Some locals are going to prefer the traditional chicken dinner and some will possess a wonderful honey baked ham. Coming from breakfast to supper and also off vegetables plate to sushi, all these are well-balanced meals http://reviewsblog-careface.info and also easily readily available using accommodating services. SUPPER COLLECTION RATTAN - Tempat tatakan makanan terbuat dari Rotan Asli Kalimantan Jual Beli Barang. Individuals nowadays work much longer hrs than they made use of to and also have a lot less opportunity to earn supper every night. And also certainly, if you really really love to cook, you perhaps additionally adore to open your kitchen to friends for dinner parties as well as coffee. If you are going out for dinner then certainly not only food items is essential but the atmosphere from a bistro additionally matters. Possess no concern when that comes opportunity to get a gift for your upcoming supper event and choose from one of these terrific ideas and your present are going to ensure to be a results. Judy Chicago's The Dinner Event at the Brooklyn Museum on YouTube Video recording tour of the work and aspect of the Elizabeth A. Sackler Facility for Feminist Craft by James Kalm 28 March 2007. Envision your own self being actually invited to an alright dinner through your manager or even a wealthy pal as well as observing all these cutlery and glasses on the desk as well as not knowing where to start initially. In conclusion, a wedding event rehearsal supper will be gracefully finished by providing a toast to the satisfied married couple. He asserted on cornbread for each supper when I was wed to my ex-boyfriend. no sweets can be added. Meticulously organizing around your concept as well as matching each factor produces a momentous night best for increasing the state of mind from your dinner and also keeping that new psychological of each visitor in attendance. The food selection is actually broken up in to appetizers, before and also after supper drinks (for the adults), meat, stuffing/potatoes (starch), veggies, rolls, desserts. The filling provides this recipe a pleasant improvement from pace from your heritage chicken and also white potatos kind dinner.
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the-met-art · 7 years
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薬師佛|Buddha of Medicine Bhaishajyaguru (Yaoshi fo) via Asian Art
Medium: Water-based pigment over foundation of clay mixed with straw
Gift of Arthur M. Sackler, in honor of his parents, Isaac and Sophie Sackler, 1965 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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arthisour-blog · 7 years
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Rose and Gold: Little Lady Sophie of Soho Artist: Henry Wolf, Artist: James McNeill Whistler 1903-1904 From the collection of Freer and Sackler Galleries Details Title: Rose and Gold: Little Lady Sophie of Soho Creator: Artist: Henry Wolf, Artist: James McNeill Whistler Location: United States External Link: For more information about this and thousands of other works of art in the Freer|Sackler collection, please visit http://www.asia.si.edu/. Medium: Electrotype Credit Line: Gift of Charles Lang Freer Collection: Freer Gallery of Art
James Abbott McNeill Whistler Jul 11, 1834 – Jul 17, 1903
James Abbott McNeill Whistler was an American-born, British-based artist active during the American Gilded Age. He was averse to sentimentality and moral allusion in painting, and was a leading proponent of the credo “art for art’s sake”. His famous signature for his paintings was in the shape of a stylized butterfly possessing a long stinger for a tail. The symbol was apt, for it combined both aspects of his personality—his art was characterized by a subtle delicacy, while his public persona was combative. Finding a parallel between painting and music, Whistler entitled many of his paintings “arrangements”, “harmonies”, and “nocturnes”, emphasizing the primacy of tonal harmony. His most famous painting is “Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1”, commonly known as Whistler’s Mother, the revered and oft-parodied portrait of motherhood. Whistler influenced the art world and the broader culture of his time with his artistic theories and his friendships with leading artists and writers.
James Abbott McNeill Whistler Rose and Gold: Little Lady Sophie of Soho was originally published on HiSoUR共享艺术
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sacklerscumrag · 4 years
No anon! Hi Eve, m’lovely lady. 💛 Do you have any favorite fics you’d like to recommend? 🤗
Hey friend ❤️I have so many favorites but here are some off the top of my head: (also all of these are on ao3, some one-shots, some multi-chapter, and some are ongoing)
Tell Me What You Want To Hear by DeliriumDoll 
Lifelines by mind_p0llution
Lucky Me Lucky You by waywardrose 
Sophie & Sackler series by Marie Sackler
Sip of Sunshine by Contesa_lui_Alucard
Just Like You by ieatboyss
Lucky by bluedelilah
Clyde x Sherri by desiraypark
Your Men, They Love You by thegreenmatt
If I keep going, we’ll be here forever 😂
Thank you for asking <3
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mariesdameron · 3 years
Sophie & Sackler: Masterlist
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Sophie & Sackler Series:
Theater Date
Sundance // Epilogue
I Wont Give Up On You
Sophie & Sackler mini stories:
Mr. Rochester
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1793971
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