#Sometimes I tease my students about how I love it that they’re a captive audience and they have to listen to me
itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
so hard for me not to think that I know everything and that I will solve everything by speaking
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
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❀ weakness | “it wasn’t like that” “then what was it?” feat. akaashi keiji
⇢ day 9 of angstcember
⇢ synopsis: being with akaashi keiji, the vocalist of your favorite band, was a dream come true for you. however, he soon becomes far too out of reach.
⇢ a/n: i really love thinking of main vocalist!akaashi and i’m so glad i got to incorporate it into an angstcember fic :D
⇢ pairing: akaashi keiji x f!reader
⇢ word count: 2.5k words
ANGSTCEMBER MASTERLIST (feat. haikyuu!! and bungou stray dogs)
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the thing about falling for musicians and band members was that there was always going to be a distance between you two. there was the physical distance between stage and audience, and the fact that no matter how many times you showed up at their gigs and screamed about being their fans, you were never really ‘close’ to them.
needless to say, you didn’t really care about all that when you first watched akaashi keiji, the main vocalist of a student band, sing onstage in the local bar that everyone in university visited on friday nights. he didn’t look that much different from the other band vocalists you’ve seen with his curly, brown hair, white t-shirt and jeans, and dark eyes lined with black that always fluttered shut whenever he sang. no, it was the way he sang that caught your attention. his voice a beautiful tenor that drew out every syllable of the lyrics. it was as if akaashi was the siren and the crowds formed the dangerous waves that pulled you in close. 
the stage lights illuminated the shine of his skin, making him look almost ethereal. the boundary between you and the stage felt even greater even though you were in the very front of the crowd. but when akaashi’s eyes fluttered open to survey the crowd, they landed on yours. 
and somehow, it felt as if the distance between you two had been bridged.
ever since that night, you had signed yourself up to be their band’s full-time fan. you followed their social media and marked down your calendar to show up at every single gig. always, always, you made it a point to make your way to the front of the audience whenever they played. even though they were still a local band that was pretty much under the radar, you still knew that meeting them in person would take some time. 
or so you thought.
the all-too familiar voice made you stop in your tracks as you left the bar to hurry back to your dorm. blinking with surprise, you turned around to find akaashi keiji himself leaning against the wall outside the bar with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. you thought you were dreaming, but he was looking right at you.
“you’re the girl who always shows up at our gigs here, right?”
“i... um, yeah!” you nodded, trying to smooth your hair as much as you could as you inched closer to him. “i... really like your music,” you smiled shyly. up close, akaashi keiji looked even more beautiful under the dim lights. the liner around his eyes looked perfectly smudged and you noticed a few piercings in his left ear.
“i’m glad,” akaashi smiled, shuffling his feet. “it’s... comforting, you know? to see a regular fan. most of the time we’re not even sure if people are going to show up.”
“tons of people do,” you said.
“but none quite like you,” akaashi narrowed his eyes at you before his lips turned up in a slight smile. “um, i feel like it would be too presumptuous of me to ask this but, would you like an autograph?”
“y-yes! definitely!” you nodded a bit too excitedly. akaashi chuckled and searched his pockets.
“i think i have a pen here somewhere...”
“oh, hold on...” you searched your purse for anything he could write on, only to come up with a few paper napkins that you always kept with you. “all i have is this, though.”
“well, same here,” akaashi said, lifting the only writing instrument he had on him: an eyeliner pencil. you couldn’t help but stare in wonder as akaashi carefully signed the paper napkin before handing it back to you. 
“figured i should do something nice on behalf of the band for our number one fan before we officially disband,” akaashi smiled.
“d-disband? what? why?” you stammered.
“it’s not official yet, i haven’t told the guys about it,” akaashi rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “but, i’ve been thinking that it’s for the best. sure, being in the band is fun but very few actually make it. konoha-san, bokuto-san, and washio-san, they trust me so they’ll believe whatever i say but i don’t want to lead them on, you know?”
“but you guys are amazing!” you protested. “i mean, sure it’s different from mainstream music and all but the lyrics that you have are straight-up poetry and don’t even get me started on the music...”
“you... think my lyrics are poetry?” akaashi looked at you with wide eyes.
“i mean... of course they are,” you said softly. “but, what i’m saying is i believe in you guys. take it from your number fan, why don’t you?” you pleaded one last time. akaashi looked down at the ground, appearing to mull it over, before smiling and nodding.
“alright then. i’ll give it a few more months.”
“you will?”
“but, if nothing happens by then. i’m afraid we’ll have to say our goodbye’s.”
“that won’t happen,” you shook your head. “i just know it.” you carefully folded the napkin with your precious autograph and placed it inside your wallet. “i’ll be seeing you in more gigs, akaashi keiji.” with a wave, you turned around and walked away.
you stopped again and turned around. akaashi looked, nervous, for some reason as he stuffed his hands in his pockets again. finally, he asked.
“would you like to grab a coffee sometime?”
you never thought you would actually be able to get to know akaashi keiji beyond the version of him he presented onstage. in the mornings, he attended class, writing song lyrics in the margins of his notebook, and worked part-time at the library. he liked drinking his coffee black and adding a few drops of lavender oil in his laundry so he slightly smelled like it. and knowing this bits of information made it even more wonderful to watch akaashi sing onstage.
true to what you said, something did happen within the few months that you convinced him not for them to disband. 
“an invitation to play in the university fair? this is huge!” bokuto, the band’s drummer hooted. you watched with a warm smile on your face as you watched the band members you grew to know and love hug each other. from across the room, akaashi caught your eye before gesturing with his head to head outside.
“what did i tell you?” you grinned smugly when the two of you were alone.
“i know, i know. thank you very much for convincing me to keep the band together,” akaashi smiled at you. 
“you can count always count on me to get your hopes up.”
“you have supported our band since the beginning,” akaashi bit his lip as his eyes flickered to the side. “and, i truly appreciate that but... i was wondering if you could support me a bit more... personally.”
“what? of course i will,” you nodded.
“no, i mean,” akaashi paused, inhaled deeply, before continuing. “y/n... i was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend.”
be his girlfriend? 
how could you say no? 
“akaashi, of course!” you laughed, flinging your arms around his neck. akaashi’s breath tickled your ear as he pulled you close.
“i’m glad, y/n. i’m so glad,” he smiled, looking down at you. you may have started out watching akaashi from afar, but you had made it closer to him.
“there can’t be anything better...” akaashi sang as he played a few chords on the piano, trying out a few different ways to sing the line before settling on a progression that he liked and writing it down. his hair was a mess and he was dressed only in his pajama pants because he headed straight for the stand piano in your bedroom after rolling out of bed. 
“i like the second one more,” you said out loud, watching him from where you lay on the bed.
“really?” akaashi cocked his head, playing the chords and singing it again. “hmm... maybe i could have it for the bridge?” 
“definitely! and you can make konoha insert a cool guitar riff right there,” you added.
“are you sure you don’t want to be credited in the album?” akaashi looked at you with a sideways smile.
“i’m not that ready for fame,” you teased.
“ït’s literally just our second release. it’s not one to hit the charts just yet,” akaashi shook his head.
“you wanna bet?” you smirked. 
“maybe not yet.” akaashi scooted over the piano bench and patted the space next to him. “come, sit here.”
giggling, you left the bed to sit beside him. you loved watching his songwriting process up close, how his thoughts just stringed the perfect words together and coming up with the most amazing melody to compliment it. you loved the sound of his voice, whether it was slightly husky in the morning or as smooth as silk after he drank the tea you’d brew for him, and how his fingers danced over the ivory keys.
“there can’t be anything better than, waking up together when the sunlight hits your face just right...” akaashi sang before pausing. “well, that’s all i got for now.”
“it sounds beautiful,” you sighed.
“that’s because it comes from personal experience,” akaashi smiled, turning to place a kiss on your forehead.
“oh, so am i your muse now?” you teased.
“no,” akaashi scoffed, absentmindedly playing a tune on the piano. “muses are people artists abandon when they’re no longer inspired by them. you,” akaashi grabbed your chin and kissed you on the mouth. “are more than that.”
just as you predicted, akaashi’s band grew to success in its own time. the title track of the third album was a hit success, much to akaashi and everyone else in the band’s surprise. they had offers to play on radio shows, to live studio sessions, and then soon, they were able to cut a deal with a record label for their next album. it was the life you knew akaashi had always wanted and you couldn’t be happier for your boyfriend.
you had always known that there was something captivating about akaashi, whether he was on or offstage. he grew to be popular among women and men alike and you just had to be comfortable with it. despite all that, akaashi liked to remind his fans that he already had a girlfriend. he never forgot to dedicate the songs he wrote about you on live or recorded performances and in interviews, he liked to blow a kiss at the camera just for you.
as the band’s number one fan, you still made it a point to attend all of their performances but this time, you weren’t at the very front of the crowd. you were farther now, watching akaashi sing onstage from the VIP section. the view was good but you were much farther now and for some reason, you felt uncomfortable about this.
turns out, it was a prelude to something much worse.
the distance between you and akaashi grew. the band was offered a chance to go on-tour so your boyfriend was constantly caught up in band practices, interviews, and composing new music in the recording studio. your calls with him were always cut short by his manager needing his attention. he even stopped his usual practice of dedicating songs to you.
most nights, you lay in your empty, shared bedroom or absentmindedly played the abandoned piano, wishing you could go back to those days when akaashi was always there when you woke up. 
 “y/n... you’re here!” konoha greeted you just outside the recording studio’s door. 
“yeah, i wanted to surprise him,” you chuckled, holding up the box of the birthday cake you had brought. for some reason, konoha’s smile faltered at the sight of the birthday cake. “is... keiji here? did he just leave?” you asked, trying to look over konoha’s shoulder.
“y/n...” konoha paused, evidently struggling with what he was going to say. watching him formed an anxious pit in your stomach. “shit... i-i can’t keep lying to you.”
“konoha... what’s going on?” your hands trembled as they held onto the cake box as the voices from inside the studio grew louder.
“akaashi, you said it would be the last time! we can’t keep covering for you.”
“think about how y/n would feel?”
“let me through! let me through!” you exclaimed, pushing past konoha and into the recording studio room.
nothing could prepare you for what you what you were looking at. now, you understood why those ‘recording studio sessions’ would end up late into the night and why akaashi’s manager, a beautiful young woman who always made you feel less put-together, always looked smug around you. 
“keiji...” your voice shook as you watched your boyfriend shift his gaze guiltily to the floor. “how could you...?”
“it-it wasn’t like that--”
“then what was it?” you practically screamed. 
“look, you don’t know what it’s like dealing with all of this,” akaashi rubbed the back of his head. “all the stress and expectations and having to come up with new material--”
“you could have come to me! i’m right here, i’ve always been right here,” you bit your lip and asked what you were afraid to know. “how long has this been going on?”
akaashi shifted uncomfortably. “...a few months.”
you turned to look at bokuto who had been standing awkwardly in the side of the room since you came in. “how long?”
“longer than that,” bokuto murmured. “sorry we didn’t tell you sooner.”
“i can’t believe you,” you shook your head, slamming the cake down on a nearby table. “happy birthday, by the way.”
“y/n, wait!”
you didn’t give akaashi a chance to explain himself because you’d already seen enough. it was only when you were on a bus on the way home that the sadness started to hit you as sobs escaped from your chest. despite all of this, you missed akaashi terribly. you missed the feeling of his fingers brushing hair from your face in the morning. you missed how he’d wave at you through the glass in the recording studio. you missed hugging him and smelling lavender on his clothes. you missed the soft look in his eyes when he composed a new song dedicated to you.
with the tears running down your face, you searched through your purse for something to wipe your eyes only to come across the edge of the napkin inside your wallet. you pulled it out to find the autograph from akaashi, the very first one he ever gave to anyone, and immediately remembered that night when you two first talked. 
‘to my number one fan: i hope i’ll always get to see your face in the front-row’
the thing about falling for musicians and band members was that there was always going to be a distance between you two. at first, you thought you and akaashi had managed to close that distance, only for you to end up even farther than you ever were. 
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event taglist: @himikadafangirl @swoona-rintarou @l-dokisaki-l @laure-chan @aonenthusiast @ah-kaashi @just-a-gay-bean @linyu-sees-you @alto-march-of-death @newfriendjen @shrimpypenis​ @tenyafacesquish​ @mkkhaikyuu​
taglist applications still open! just answer this form
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lyrical-obsessions · 5 years
Biggest comfort
Haikyuu Reader insert
Semi Eita x Reader
Audience: Female
  You were easily his biggest comfort. Your lazy look and taped up fingers made him excited when he saw them in the hall, and your oversized sweater was always filled with snacks and other pleasures that were appreciated. When the winter months came around, you would not hesitate to hold him if he got cold. Sometimes he purposefully forgot a layer or two so that you would hold him longer. You were easy to talk to, and you had interesting things to say. You both had gone to the same high school, but it took college to bring you two together. It made his heart soar with how much he could touch you, but it also pained him to think that you weren’t exclusive to him. He planned to change that very soon… Maybe
   If he could ever muster up the courage. He loved talking to you late at night, and he loved talking to you when you both were just barely awake in the morning. Without you, the campus of over 8,000 students would feel empty and bare.
   “Eita, you’ve gotten better at dressing yourself.” Your lazy drawl made him want to tackle you in a flurry of kisses.
   "What’s that supposed to mean? You wear the same sweater every day!” He teased you back. The way your eyelashes fluttered as you shut your eyes made his heart race.
   “Hey, It’s utilitarian. You want chips? Need a band-aid? I got you covered.” You began digging in the pockets of your sweater.
   “When's the last time you washed it?” Eita asks as he played with the ends of your barely brushed hair. You huffed as you stuff a plastic baggie of cheesy crackers back into your pockets.
   “You were there you dope! Just the other day! You let me wear your jacket!” He didn’t forget. He had been carefully avoiding smothering the scent you left on it. It’s the same jacket you always wore when your oversized backpack of a jacket was getting washed. He made sure of it.
   “Ah, right,” Eita says in a teasing tone. “So you coming to volleyball today? I heard the girls’ team is officially taking a break, but the boys’ team is allowing any girl to come practice with us.” You smiled as you extended and retracted your fingers.
   “I think I want to. I want to keep in good shape for when practice starts back up again.” You finally seemed satisfied with how stretched out your long fingers were and placed them in your sleeve. “You don’t mind a second setter there, do you?” You question your good friend. He burrowed into your sleeve with his own hand to find yours. He gave it a squeeze as he smiled.
   “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like they’re gonna throw me off the team and throw my jersey on you.” He joked, but you knew very well that was his own morbid humor. While in high school, you had heard about the setter debacle on the boys' team, but you paid more attention to your own setter position on the girls' team. Looking back, you wish you hadn’t. You wished you paid attention to him and comforted him at that time. Looking back, you had the perfect opportunity to meet him and everything. You both were in the same year, same sport, same position, first string, hell, you were even close friends with the manager at the time. You used to set for her, but you kept your eyes focused on your own side. It was your biggest regret.
   “Well, we should get a move on then. We’ll be late to class you know… again.”
   The lecture was long and tedious. The subtle shifting of arms as you took notes was rhythmic as you followed the string of words being spewed by the professor. Eita eventually became tired, feeling the urge to touch you again. Luck was on his side, however, as you must have been feeling the urge as well. You leaned over on his shoulder as you continued writing. He returned the affection by leaning into you. Your smile was just barely visible out of the corner of his eye, but the still caught the subtle upturn. His heart raced as his mind began to fill with thoughts of you. He struggled to focus.
   He’d probably have to ask you for the notes again.
   “Do you want to get something to eat before practice? Or do you need to head back to your dorm for things?” You ask Eita as he packs up his bag. He shakes his head as he stuffs the last journal in.
   “I have my change of clothes. I’d be happy to get something to eat. I’m surprised though, you usually have something in those pockets of yours.”
   “My pockets currently have my medical tape, journal, knee pads... Oh! And a pen in my sleeve with my phone. In my bag I have my shoes, my water bottle, and bandages.” you show him the tiny bag and he sweats. Why couldn’t you just carry a larger backpack? “So I have no room for food today.” He gives you a sigh and smiles.
   “Not even a stick of gum, huh?” he teases you again. You smile your lazy smile and begin digging in your sleeve.
   “I have one piece of gum, do you want it?” your taped hands held it gingerly. He began to laugh. You would never be dull to him.
   As you both arrive at the little restaurant you love dearly, Eita quickly makes it clear to you that he was paying. You tried to protest, saying he paid for the last one too, but he had already begun ordering your usual along with his, completely ignoring your protests. You pout at him, but your cute pout made the move even more worth it for him. You at first begrudgingly ate, but you couldn’t help but let bliss envelop your expression. You truly did love the little restaurant, and you loved spending time with Eita. you sometimes wished though that he would let you treat him.
   “Kamasaki says he wants to try something today, and it has me worried.” Eita began a casual conversation about his volleyball team. He didn’t follow any of his old teammates into their respective colleges, so he had to start fresh with a new team. The college team he was currently on relished the fact that he was a gifted setter that thought carefully about his moves. He wasn’t a setter that was just a way to get the ball to the ace. You listen in carefully and nod.
   “When aren’t you worried about something he wants to try? I’m sure you aren’t the only one worried though.” you felt the urge to touch him again, even if it was a slight one.
   “Yeah, Yaku’s been on him recently about being reckless and rash. Says he thought he didn’t have to deal with that kind of immaturity once he got into college.” you laugh as you place a hand on the table you shared. He debated covering your hand with his.
   “Well, at least he’s the only big problem you guys have.” Eita sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose
   “And man is he a problem.” You place a hand on your chin as you watch him think about all the trouble the middle blocker has given him. You had heard that just recently he tried to instigate a fight with Ushijima at a match. The wing spiker was not amused. “Middle blockers are always giving me trouble.”
   “Well, back in high school, Kawanishi just hated everything and everyone, Tendou was… you know,”
   “Trouble, weird, unreadable, crazy?” He joked. “And now I have one of the pieces of the Iron wall trying to start shit with anything and everything. At least Matsukawa doesn’t give me much trouble.”
   “You’ve never noticed? I think he just silently screws with you.” You begin fiddling with your phone in your sleeve. Eita gives you a confused look. “On occasion, he and Hanamaki will swap jerseys.” You then pop another bite of food into your mouth as Eita slowly comes to terms with this new piece of information. “Sorry, I thought you knew. I would have told you sooner if I knew.”
   “No, You have nothing to apologize for. I’ll let Yaku know…” He lets out an exasperated sigh. He was tired before practice even began. At least you’d be there, his biggest comfort. He felt your fingers brush up against his knees, and he gladly laces his fingers between yours. He gave your hand a squeeze and gave you a smile.
   You were ready to go. Your knee pads fit snugly over your leggings, and a t-shirt with a cute logo covered your torso. You had your signature sweater tied around your waist. If you needed, then you would throw it to the side. You and a few other girls thanked the boys’ team for allowing you to practice with them today.
   You and Eita began discussing ideas and techniques as your teams began to go about their practice. Your ace, however, wanted your full attention.  
   “(Name)-chan! Toss for me! Toss for me!” she called for you as she made tossing motions with her hands. You sighed and tighten the sweater around your waist.
   “Okay, just give me a sec.” Eita nods at you to let you know you were fine to toss to your ace. She was older, and she was just as volleyball crazed as your old ace. She begins bouncing as she watches you slowly approach. You did so on purpose, as you noticed her spikes were more powerful when charged up like this. She was like a terrier watching a squirrel before bursting out into the yard.
   Eita loved watching you toss. Your form was elegant and crisp, a stark difference from your normal slouched posture. Once you tossed one to your ace, she demanded another. Eita and you both knew you weren’t getting away from her for a while. Eita gave you a quick smile and wave before turning his attention to his own team. Matsukawa and Hanamaki jump him quickly, however, and each grabs an arm. He jumps out of surprise and tries to escape his unknown fate. The more the setter struggles, the further he is dragged out of your sights.
   “What the- What the hell are you guys doing?” He protests against his teammates as they drag him towards Yaku. The libero seemed to have a grave expression on his face as he had his fingers laced together in front of his chin. He was sitting on the ground as he waited for the two to drag the setter near him
   “We brought him,” Hanamaki states as he stares at Yaku with a blank face.
   “Yaku! What the hell?!” Eita begins to yell at the libero. You were too preoccupied with the endless ball of energy ace that was demanding toss after toss to notice the poor object of your affections being held captive by the two former Aoba Josai players.
   “Semi… I had them drag you over here with me because we’ve all had enough. Even Kamasaki and Nakashima’s had enough. Just ask her out already.” Yaku let his hands fall into his lap out of exasperation. Eita furrowed his brow and gave him a confused stare. Aforementioned blond middle blocker suddenly notices the meeting and rushes over to be apart of the carnage. Yaku had enough of your obvious pining for one another like you were on a B rate soap opera, and he had enough of you both claiming it was a ‘really close friendship.’
   “(L/Name)-san, ask out (L/Name).” Matsukawa prods Eita.
   “If you don’t do it tonight, we’re going to tell her for you tomorrow during her first lecture.” Eita choked as Kamasaki slid in with a sadistic grin on his face. Yaku immediately placed his hand over Kamasaki’s mouth, however, to keep him from shouting.
   “Or we can just tell her right now, your pick,” Yaku says in a calm tone, obviously he was the ringleader in the operation. “I can get Nakashima to tell her in less than 2 seconds.” Eita begins to sweat as he looks over at where you stood. A boy with a brown buzzcut was now assisting you and your ace with her spikes. He gave a quick glance over to his setter, smiles, then returns his attention back to your tossing.
   “Why are you ganging up on me!?” he barks at them, and they all sigh.
   “This is for your own good Semi.” Yaku places a hand on his shoulder and gives him a valiant look “We’re doing this for you. We’re supporting you.”
   “It really doesn’t feel all that supportive as much as it feels forced!” Eita retorts. Yaku sighs again and looks at Kamasaki and removes his hand from his mouth.
   “Give Nakashima the signal.” Just as the tall blond was about to lift his hand, Eita panics
   “WAIT! I’ll do it! I’ll do it tonight! Just let me do it! Just don’t out me!” Eita’s heart could have burst through his ribcage and flopped on the floor at how panicked he was. His eyes widen as he bites his lower lip. How was he going to tell you?
   After you both finished up, you threw your sweater back on and changed out of your volleyball shoes. You were still slightly warm, so you rolled up your sleeves a little bit. The cool air of the night chilled your warmed skin slightly. Eita seemed uncomfortable no matter what he did.
   As you both took to the sidewalks and headed back to the dorms, you started idly chatting with him like you always would. This is how it always was, ever since you could talk to him like this.
   “Man, the terrier was ruthless today. It didn’t help that Nakashima fed into that energy too.” Eita nodded at you nervously.
   “U-Uh-huh.” he choked out. You quickly took notice. Eita was more nervous than usual. You had seen this nervousness before. You saw it when you first began to make friends with him. You saw it again when you began getting touchy with him.
   “Eita?” you stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to face him. “Something up?” you began to slowly roll down your sleeves. You began to feel nervous as well. The cool chill of anxiety envelops you. His eyes scanned every inch of you, and his hands lifted up slightly to catch your taped up fingers. Sometimes you loved your sensitivity to his moods, you got to feel his slight giddiness when he got a toss just right or the subtle bliss of enjoying his favorite foods, but then there were times like now where you could feel his nervousness and anxiety. You could feel the pressure of something.
   His eyes close for a brief second before refocusing back on you with an anxious look. He laces his fingers once again with yours
   “Could you spend the night? Please?” his face became gentle as his hands gripped yours. “I have something important I want to talk with you about.” You looked at him with a slightly parted mouth and wide eyes. You could tell whatever it was, it was urgent. You could feel your heart beating it’s way up your chest. You bit your lip as you swallowed in an attempt to control it once again. You nod at him and agree to spend the night with him.
   “Sorry it’s such short notice, (Name),” He tells you as he sits outside his bathroom, waiting for you to be done changing into clothes he’s lent you.
   “It’s fine, If it’s going to happen again though, I should leave some clothes here or something.” His dorm room was a single person suite that you constantly complained about him being lucky getting, seeing as you yourself were in a four-person suite. He would always tell you that he deserved it after being Tendou’s roommate for 3 years.
   “Yeah…” He replied quietly. You picked up on his tone and opened the bathroom door.
   “Eita, what did you want to talk to me about? Is everything okay?” You panicked slightly. What if he didn’t want to be around you anymore? What if he didn’t want you touching him anymore? What if he secretly hated you? Your mind raced irrationally, and your usually calm disposition faded fast.
   Upon seeing your panicked face, he jumps up and wraps his arms around you, softly stroking your back. You gladly grab at his back to soothe yourself. Why did he want you here?
   “(Name), I’m sorry if I worried you.” He begins. “I just need you to know something, okay? No matter what, I want you with me.” He felt his face turn red as he reluctantly backed out of your embrace. He then led you to his bedside and had you sit with him. It was now or never. “I asked you to be here with me tonight because… You’ve been the biggest comforts I’ve had here since I started. You were there for me, and I think I can’t go a day now without touching you at least once, going one day without speaking to you is unthinkable for me, and I sure as hell don’t even want to think about a day without seeing you.” He gripped your hand tighter.
   “Eita?” You stare up at his blush. Some of your hair had fallen into your face, only slightly hiding your own flushed face. You could slowly feel yourself leaning closer to him.
   “I want us to be exclusive with one another, I love you.” He could barely look you in the eye as he confessed his feelings for you. As those three words left his mouth, a breath was snatched from your lungs as an invisible wind blew past. You became restless as he stared at you, and you finally threw your arms around him and kissed him passionately. He would quickly return and deepen the kiss as he weaved his fingers through your hair with one hand and gripped the small of your back with the other.
   As your kiss became more heated, you both fell onto his bed, allowing him to go even further with his kiss.
   A phone buzzed from beneath the bed as it lay on an oversized sweater. The sweater muffled the sound of Eita receiving a message from Yaku
10:38        From Yaku: Semi, did you do it?
10:42        From Yaku: Semi?
10:45        From Yaku: Wait wait Semi, you aren’t…
10:49        From Yaku: HOLY SHIT SEMI
                 From Semi: I’m not. Leave me alone. I’m busy.
                 From Yaku: THAT “I’M BUSY” DOESN’T HELP YOUR CASE
                 From Yaku: THIS IS KAMASAKI HOLY HELL SEMI GET IT
                 From Semi: Watch the back of your head the next time I serve.
   With an aggravated glare, he tosses his phone away and continues to embrace you in his bed, placing a soft kiss on the crown of your head. You cuddled him closer under the soft sheets and took a deep breath to fully take in his scent. Your fingertips ran up and down the middle of his chest.
   “I love you, Eita” you finally respond properly to his confession, and he smiled. He gripped you tighter and buries his face into the top of your head.
   “I love you too (Name)”
   You were easily his biggest comfort. Your big (E/C) eyes and your heavenly voice would forever have him wrapped around your finger. Your kiss was something he had only dreamed of before, but now he knew that it was his most favorite thing in the world. He was excited that you were now exclusively his, and his alone. He couldn’t wait for all the things to come with you two. You and that oversized sweater of yours.
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