#So Vox is kinda the only one slightly worried-
hhactorauofficial · 2 months
(PREVIOUS POST HERE! @voxasks here's the new post! :D)
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Alastor didn't even react much, watching the whole situation go down from the bar with a hidden smirk. Taking another sip of his drink, the actor knew better than to try and stop what was pretty much inevitable, and while he had his own reservations- there was just that little part of him that enjoyed seeing degenerate scum of the earth get a rightful serving of karma. Though, you would never catch him saying or admitting that. After all, it was more akin to his counterpart's behavior to wish ill on those who wronged him.
"Whether or not the bastard survives, it won't be a messy bloodbath. Thank goodness for that striking character difference."
The pervert's screams were drowned out by the loud music and the other partygoers around them didn't even seem to notice. Well and good, considering the guy just fell to the ground out cold clutching his family jewels after the impromptu electrotherapy the overlord gave him. (Y/N) peeked out from behind her colleague with a slightly evil grin, in her eyes- the man got exactly what he deserved. As ruthless as the Vee's methods might have been, the actress didn't seem to care. She was a little more... unhinged than what she originally seemed to show.
"Oh, shit. Please tell me you didn't fucking murder the guy just now. Not that it isn't deserved- but I'd rather not have a legal case on my hands."
Vox often didn't resort to violence until it was absolutely necessary, in fact- if his counterpart didn't step in he would've already started swinging. Though, he wondered if that would've been a better situation than what they were currently dealing with- especially when a drunkard with a broken hand possibly beyond repair literally got fried in front of them. (Y/N) crouched down and hovered a hand over the man's face before quickly standing up with a cheerful smile, malice hidden in her gaze that Vox didn't even notice in his concern.
"He's still breathing, I'm sure it'll be fine. Thank you for saving me boys~!"
The actress flashed her co-star a million-dollar grin, lightly tugging the collar of his shirt to press a quick kiss to his cheek. She would also do the same to his flatscreen counterpart, giving him a peck on the side of his monitor before happily sauntering over to the bar where Alastor was just casually chilling.
"... Hooooly shit."
Vox was thankful for the flashing multicolored lights on the dance floor, mostly due to the furious red blush his face had soon erupted into. What he didn't notice though was the large red lipstick mark that was left on his face because of (Y/N)'s sweet gesture. He saw it on his counterpart though and couldn't help but chortle. Seems like he didn't really mind that the actress had given his counterpart attention as long as he got some of the same.
"There's uh- something on your face."
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bigfatbimbo · 3 months
sorry not sorry but.
Vox having so shitty day that when he sees reader chatting with someone just a little bit too happily, he can't help but aggressively sub in the evening (idk how else to call it). Like, he's riding you as if his life depends on it, bitching non-stop about "who else could offer you so much things? who else could make you feel so good?" and stuff
but in the end, he's an actually desperate mess, whining about how he'd do anything, just don't leave him. He's not this insecure usually at all, no, it's just a really terrible day
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warnings — sub vox, use of a strap, smut but lowkey it’s kinda fluffy smut at the end
a/n — so I should clarify that since I have so many requests to get too, all of them will probably be short drabble like this, maybe shorter.
summary — my thoughts on the request above in the form of a low effort drabble.
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Oh, poor baby. After an already terrible day of his fragile ego taking hit after hit, seeing you happily talking to someone else would end him. Maybe he had to sit through one of Val’s tantrums, or he had an excessive amount of meetings, and maybe he lost an argument to his rival the radio demon.
And then on top of that, you’re just having so fun talking to some random person without him. As if he wasn’t even there. He’s analyzing everything about the scene, why your body’s are ever so slightly leaning towards eachother, the smile on your face, the eye contact.
He’s pissy but he’s also just genuinely hurt. Like oh, just his luck; an already shitty day gets shittier! Why not just have his lover leave him for some ugly ass nobody.
He’d approach you later that evening and literally not wait to be all over you, telling you to get your strap, and pulling you down onto the bed.
No because imagine he’s just humping and grinding on your strap faster and faster as he’s glitching and rambling. You don’t even know what he’s on about because it all seems so random and internalized, as if he’s not even really talking to you. And the glitching and moaning doesn’t help make it coherent.
“No one else would w—wzz—worship you like I do, make you feel so good,” Vox would remark, more to himself than you. “No one would want you as much as I do—“
He’s interrupting himself and cutting himself off by whining, and he’s fucking himself onto your plastic dick so aggressively that you’re sure it’s hurting him. Honestly, you were a little worried about this behavior.
“Vox, baby—“ you try but he just moans loudly and speeds up, tears pricking in the corner of his eyes.
You don’t even have to praise or degrade him because he’s literally doing it all himself, not even letting you get a word in.
“Nngh—zzzh— No one would be such a slut for you. Not like me,” he whimpers, squeezing his eyes shut intensely, “Tell me i’m perfect, tell me i’m the best you’ve ever had, tell me i’m good enough. I—“
”Vox!” You interrupt, sitting up fully and putting a tight grip on his hips, preventing him from moving. He whines at the loss of friction. “Vox, sweetheart, slow down.”
The lack of movement from your strap makes his brain fuzzy and needy, causing him to let one tear fall across his screen.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Even with your dick inside him, your words showed no trace of flirtation, only sincere concern.
He squirms in your lap, trying to get you going again, “I just—ungh—fffuck. Please. I need you, I need you. ‘m sorry, ‘m sorry! I’ll do anything, please don’t stop. Please don’t leave me!”
At this point more tears drizzled down poor vox’s screen as he uselessly rutting down onto you. Your heart pangs as you examine he’s pathetic demeanor. Your hand links around his waist and you flip him onto the mattress.
Placing a kiss on his lips, cheek, and then neck, you start to move inside him once again. “You are perfect,” you praise, speeding up, “You are good enough, baby. You’re wonderful.”
He whines at your movements as he cries more desperately. “You’re amazing, sweetheart. I could never leave you, I will never leave you.”
Your pace becomes quicker, but you treat him gently, bringing his hands individually up to your lips and pressing soft kisses on each, before interlocking your fingers and pinning them to the mattress.
He whines and squirms underneath you, sobbing loudly, sending a spark of electricity uncomfortably through your body. You recover from the buzz fast.
“So pretty, so good for me,” you praise softly, “You have all my attention now, Vox. You have nothing to worry about.”
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a/n — wasn’t aware if you wanted boypussy vox or just for me to be normal for once— so i left it up to interpretation.
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Enough With The Schemes!
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Ngl I kinda had this in my drafts just because I didn't know how it'd ever fit into the story but I decided to fix it up and post it after @vespers-night-sky's fanart for the "Get Off My Screen" Series- the direct continuation and reader's death is in the works folks, I've just been trying to figure out the pacing ahsojskqjds- I am not gonna be a Hazbin Hotel episode jkjkjk Anyway, thank you thank you THANK YOU ALL for the support with the series and think of these little things as filler episodes before the big reveal. Anyways, as usual- happy reading and I hope you all enjoy! The series in it's entirety can be found on my blog under the #Get Off My Screen Series
You didn't know how much more of Vox's shenanigans you could take.
First it had been the wallpaper war-
Until now you couldn't stop his face from being a permanent fixture to your devices-
But it was fine, he could have that!
You lamented over not having [Favorite Fictional Character Name] in your backgrounds anymore but you know what it was fineeeee-
You honestly couldn't tell if having his glitchy grinning face was an upgrade or cringe central.
Then he figured out how to absolutely lag out your computer at some point.
You seriously wanted to punch his monitor head from frustration because of it.
Especially when he had the nerve to laugh at your irritation-
This asshole-!
Now, he was absolutely blowing up your phone and devices with memes or just anything under the sun.
Not that messing with the notification settings would help-
Because somehow he'd figured out how to completely bypass those too.
If this was why that Alastor guy and Vox had a tiff you could practically relate.
Your phone just continued to buzz and vibrate on the table next to you.
Not that you could be fucked with it at the moment trying to cram a paper your professor assigned last BLOODY MINUTE!
That was of course until the Vox desktop companion grabbed the cursor and just didn't let you have it back.
As much as you tried, the darn thing only emoted angrily and refused to give you back the damn arrow.
Your eye twitched as you tried to maintain your cool, only to get up from the desk and scream obscenities to no one in particular.
The day had been a particularly bad one and you really just couldn't deal with Vox's bullshit right now.
"Helloooooo! HELLOOOOOOO?! Earth to (Y/N)! Pick up your fucking phone!!!"
Oh for the love of god he better not have changed your ringtone too-
You rubbed your face in an attempt to calm down before finally checking your phone.
Honestly you expected it to be something really stupid, but seeing what his messages were about made you feel slightly guilty for ignoring him the whole day.
Vox grew used to the routine you both had, so it was no surprise that your sudden inactivity drove his anxiety up the walls.
Poor guy thought of all the worst possible cases that could've happened to you-
He'd greet you in the morning and you would always reply afterwards while eating breakfast.
Save for the times you'd gotten sick or just felt under the weather.
After all, you had classes in the morning and he had broadcasts to air.
You also hated being tardy, similar to how he saw punctuality as something extremely important.
The two of you would intermittently chat within the day and tell each other if you had work to do so you both could leave each other alone for a designated time.
Vox often didn't adhere to this, but he'd always keep his distractions to a minimum if you asked.
Actually neither did you, sometimes you'd be the one spam sending him anything you could think of just to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Then you would wish him a good night's rest and he would eventually reply back with a silly gif or emoji that bode you the same.
He just grew used to it, the familiarity of your companionship in his monotonous day to day.
So whenever something fell apart in the routine you both had, Vox couldn't help but worry that something happened to you.
Whether you'd gotten sick or just anything worse-
It didn't sit well with him when you didn't reply to his morning message like you often did.
Constantly checking his phone for any updates from you to find nothing.
Zilch, none, zero.
The worrying feeling only grew as time ticked onwards.
Even at your busiest you would still shoot him a memo saying that you were.
Which only made this radio silence-
Haha see what I did there-
Worse than it really was.
So what did Vox do?
Absolutely blow up your phone and devices trying to get your attention.
Only when he realized you were doing something on your laptop did he let the desktop companion he made for you interfere.
Not that he even really understood what he'd stuck his hands into.
"What the hell even happened to you today? You didn't even reply to any of my fucking messages! I thought something happened to you!"
"Well SORRY I couldn't reply to your terminally online ass. I was busy dealing with my shitty assignment workload."
The TV overlord quickly picked up that you weren't in a pleasant mood.
The way you typed was just a dead giveaway.
Glancing up at his schedule, Vox notified his secretary to cancel a few of his meetings before he replied to you.
"Anything I can help you with? I'm free for a good few hours."
You were taken aback by his offer, every time Vox would help you he didn't even bother asking.
He just straight up started editing whatever you were working on no matter what you said.
Who was this guy and what did he do with Vox-
"You aren't trying to bullshit me are you? Cuz I'm not in the mood."
"I can tell dollface, let me guess- your shitty professor again?"
You ended up ranting about the abruptly given assignment and just a bunch of other things that slowly ruined your day.
Vox just agreed with you here and there, shooting one word replies or emojis to show he was still listening.
All the while he made the desktop companion let go of your cursor and he looked over your work.
Wow your writing was still absolutely shit-
"So now I've gotta submit this fucking paper before midnight or I'll get a 40% deduction."
"Don't worry about it, we can finish this in an hour. Anything else?"
It was an economics paper you were struggling on and this was Vox you were talking to.
You shouldn't have been surprised that he already knew his way around the topic.
You glanced up from your phone and already saw him editing your essay.
Why didn't you just ask him for help sooner??
"I think I can handle the rest. Thanks anyway, mind if I put on some music while I write?"
"As long as I get to pick some of the songs."
It shouldn't have done anything really.
You shouldn't be having this funny feeling in your gut.
A fuzzy warmth that bloomed because Vox was so quick to drop everything and help you.
Even if it was just something minor like your paper.
Still, you couldn't help but smile as you put on some relaxing tunes and typed away alongside your favorite digital companion.
Just like that, you both melted back into the usual cycle of talking and working.
A casual harmony that you were more than happy to just live in for the moment.
Both you and Vox were just casually chatting by the time his secretary called him away for the scheduled broadcast.
Of course, you wished you could see what he was actually doing but stopped before you could say so.
Instead you just wished Vox well in the broadcast.
"Of course doll, and you know me! I'll be just fine."
Well, his broadcast was going fine-
Until his screen suddenly glitched and randomly played a tune from your playlist.
Had he forgotten to unlink himself from your devices?
It took a few seconds for Vox to compose himself but his show thankfully went on without another hitch.
You on the other hand?
You were just having a personal concert in your room to unwind while waiting for Vox to come back.
So it came as a surprise when the song you played randomly paused and made the Bluetooth disconnect sound.
You didn't connect it to anything-?
Though your questions were eventually answered when Vox blew up your phone again.
This time you couldn't help but laugh.
You were friends with a demonic overlord sure-
But it was hard to fear him when he was such a doofus.
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milqueandsugar · 17 days
🌼☕` Green With Envy `☕🌼
Gen / hurt-comfort if your like ten feet away and squinting, Fluff
Includes / Charlie , Alastor , Adam
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Charlie is never really jealous, alright, she has complete trust in you
That being said, it definitely happens!
Charlie is really, really emotionally intelligent and picks up on subtleties alot of others don't, she may be naive and trusting but she's not stupid and her vibe check has yet to be off
Ignore alastor that was a calculated risk
So when the two of you decide to take a break from promoting the hotel to share some greasy, cheesy food at a pub
Most food places were groceries, cannibalistic or bar and grills, so it wasn't uncommon for the two of you to go out for food and have a few drinks while you were there
She had just returned from the bathroom when she spotted the sinner chatting you up at the bar counter
Something about the sight, maybe the lighting, maybe how close the stools were- therefore how close you were, or something about how you played with the straw of your drink absent-mindedly set her off
She's not- proud of what she did per se
She slides in next to you, interlocking her fingers with your hand resting on the counter top, squeezing it affirmingly
"Hey hon, whose this?" Tone too cheery, smile a little to calculated
It's then she saw the hotel flyer in the sinners hands, aw, whoops
"Oh this is-"
They extended their hand too shake and still a little embarrassed about her initial take she took his hand, fumbling slightly before he squeezed her hand a little too hard
She wasn't the only one jealous here
She was VERY quick to get you two out of there, some emergency at the hotel or with nifty, or something, she doesn't like feeling like this and she doesn't like being in a situation that might make you uncomfortable, and to be very, very honest she did NOT want that demon anywhere near you
He's a very confident man, he knows you love him, he knows that you know he'd do anything for you, he's comfortable with you
That being said when he finds the letter inviting you to an interview on 666 NEWS by Vox he felt all the jealousy he mocked others for having rise in his throat like bile
"It's some sort of trap, I don't want you going."
He sets the letter down in front of you, let's you read it, digest it before shrugging
"I don't know why'd they want to interview me anyways, I don't even think Angel has an interview with him."
"Oh I can think of a few reasons. "
He runs his fingers along your jaw, tilting your head up to look at him
"Maybe I should go then."
He didn't have time to register your teasing tone before your giggling at his expense
"If the people love me as much as you do maybe I should go on."
"Oh no one could possibly do that, no one who wants to live anyways."
Now it's his turn to tease, and he takes the letter from you, tearing it up
"Though since you seem so keen on fame why don't you join me on my radio show?"
| ADAM |
Jealous all the time
Doesn't bring it up because he wants you to believe he's confident but bro he's dying inside
The only time he ever, ever directly told you he was jealous or uncomfortable was in his early days in his band, back when he was newbie to the group and was working to gain his name in the industry
It was just after the show and the lot of you were hanging back stage, signing shirts and breasts and having a few drinks
You were talking about something inconsequential when a fan came up and started talking to him, you took your cue and peeled off to get a beer for the both of you
That fan came and went, and another, and another and he thought first you stopped to use the restroom, i mean hell he kinda needed to piss too
When he caught a break between fans he headed to the restrooms, now worried you didn't have toilet paper or accidentally locked yourself in (not speaking from personal experience at all, he doesn't want to talk about it)
Instead he found you backed up by some sound tech guy
"I uh- I should really get going, my boyfriend, uh is my ride and I gotta get home-"
"Why going so soon? I saw you behind stage waiting for him, I gotta say cutie, your worth far more than that ass."
"Haha, yeah, he's definitely an ass but he's my ass, yknow?"
Something about your nervous laughter burned that jealousy straight to anger
"Yeah, speaking off assholes."
He practically tossed the guy off of you
"Take a hint."
He was angry for the rest of the day, not at you, not ever at you, but damn, he needed to blow some steam off, mostly by angry ranting to you in your apartment
"What was that guy's fucking problem!?"
"That guys NEVER going to be on set again, fuck what if it was someone else who didn't have someone looking out for them yeah?"
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rizzyu · 9 months
hey there! could i request luxiem reacting to their s/o cosplaying as them or one of their alter egos? :) thanks!♡♡
When You Cosplay As Them
Pairing: Vox, Mysta, Luca, Ike, Shu x gn! reader
Category: Fluff, slightly suggestive if you squint hard enough
Warning: Uhhhh slight cursing in Mysta’s, mentions of exposed chests and smol waists, pet names
Summary: If you’re braindead and didn’t understand the title, this is how the Luxiem members react to you cosplaying as them stoopid :)
A/N: thx for the requeeeeeeeeeeeeeest I wanna cosplay as shuey shu :3
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Vox Akuma
As you step out of the changing room, Vox’s eyes widened at the sight of you in the white suit and red shirt identical to his own. And just like his, your black and red hair was sprayed over your shoulders. You looked away from him, blushing, as you were worried about what his reaction would be. “Darling, don’t be shy, look at me.” Your beloved demon walked over and lifted your chin, making you face him. Your red eyeliners and golden lenses were displayed clearly for him to see. “Holy Riku Tazumi, you look so hot.” You felt your face heat up at his comments. Vox chuckled at your reaction and leaned in to peck you on your lips. “See? No need to be shy, you look stunning. I’ll have to take a photo later.”
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Mysta Rias
“HOLY SHIT-” Mysta’s lips were left agape, and his eyes got so wide when you walked into you and his shared bedroom wearing a cosplay of him. You were dressed in the orange patterned shirt, white pants, and the fox beret similar to his. You had one hand on your waist, the other lowering your orange sunglasses, showing him your turquoise lenses while slightly sticking your tongue out. Your cleavage was also slightly revealed by the orange shirt. Mysta was ready to just cross his arms over his chest and pass out right there. Why do you look so beautiful?? “So, what do you think?” Your question snapped Mysta out of his thoughts. Mysta lifted your taupe coloured hair to peck your forehead. “Absolutely perfect.”
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Luca Kaneshiro
What’s a cleavage? Your entire chest was exposed at this point. Luca’s face immediately heated up at the sight of you in the similar looking white striped suit, dark grey shirt, and fur coat. To be honest, both of you were way too flustered right now. Luca had never seen you wear such exposed clothes, and you never had worn any. “So uhhh… do you like it..?” Luca tried to keep his composure and lifted two thumbs up. “You look so poggers babe.” You chuckled “And you were so adorable just now” You walked over to him to squish his cheeks, causing him to become a blushing mess (not that he wasn’t already). “My cute golden retriever boy” Oh man what did you do to him?
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Ike Eveland
Ike leaned forward on his seat when you came out all cute looking in his cosplay. He felt like in heaven when he saw you in heels, fishnet gloves and the golden rimmed glasses. You even held a book and a quill pen by your side as props. You tucked away some of your grey-to-blue coloured hair while slightly blushing. “Heheh, your cosplay was kinda hard to put on. At least it looks good.” Dammit, how could you speak in such a sugar-coated voice while cosplaying as him? You were going to make Ike ascend. Ike walked over to you, and like the gentleman that he is, he took your hand and tenderly placed a peck on the knuckles while keeping eye contact with your golden lenses. “You look way more than good.”
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Shu Yamino
“EYYYYYYYYYYYYYY” And that was the hardest Shu had ever eyy-ed before, just from looking at you in his sorcerer cosplay. As soon as you showed Shu your cosplay, it was visible that Shu was looking at your small waist bound in the black corset. “Shuey, it’s not nice to stare~” You chuckled as you managed to snap your banana boi back to reality. “O-oh! S-sorry…” Shu could only sheepishly look away blushing upon getting caught staring at your waist. You pulled him closer by the arm, close enough for you to whisper in his ear. “Don’t worry pretty boy, I often stare at your snatched waist too.” Well if that did not bring the true flustered Shu out. Broski was standing there stuttering and everything. He’s too cute you couldn’t help but giggle at his reaction. “H-hey! Not funny! You’ll be paying back later when I get to hold your snatched waist all to myself!”
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hazbinsillynight · 3 months
Radiostatic week 2024
Day 5: seven years gap
Seven years gap: It's been seven years. Seven year since Alastor left his side. Seven year since he left Vox. Seven years without being able to hold each other.
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The first time Alastor saw Vox after his long departure of seven years, the TV Overlord was animating a show. He changed a lot from what the radio demon could see. The last time he saw him he was a new Overlord, searching to create a team of powerful demons so they could dominate Hell together. He clearly had the strength to be one of the strongest Overlords but Vox wanted to not only be strong thanks to his demonic powers, he wanted to be essential for all Pride districts. 
The media demon changed so much since that famous day when Alastor left him seven years ago. His TV head had been replaced by a more recent model, allowing Alastor to look at these intense red eyes until his heart's content. They were so hypnotic, way more captivating than their last version in black and white. He didn’t know the other demon could change the parts of his body. When they were still hanging around together Vox always complained about how outdated his TV was, it looked like he found a solution to his problem.
The media Overlord looked way more confident too, having a team helped him in the end. Even if he didn’t need it if you asked the radio demon.  Next to his nemesis were two other Overlords. One he knew for being Angel Dust’s boss, Valentino, and the other Niftie told him about, Velvet. 
Vox looked satisfied with his life as if he had forgotten everything about him. Alastor chuckled, trying to resist the urge to go to his rival to tease him a little. He wouldn’t say it even under torture but he kinda missed having the TV demon in his life. Things couldn't get boring when he was around and even if Alastor was busy with the hotel he could use a distraction or two. 
Behind him his shadow was overjoyed, the little rascal always loved teasing his rival. Alastor scratched the neck of the shadow being, amused by its chirpings. It was pointing at the TV, looking impatient just like a child in front of a toy.
“I know you want to play with him, but wouldn’t it be better if he came by himself? I bet he’ll be crazy about it.” The radio demon chuckled once again, imagining the face of the media demon meeting him in the street on pure hazard. 
Yes, seeing Vox after all these years was clearly something he wanted to do. The demon changed so much but would his old Vox be still there under all these new modifications? Would Alastor still see his lovely smile when the other thought he wasn’t looking? Would his ridiculous yet endearing mimic when he got the attention he desperately wanted, still be there? Would his charming silver tongue still be an exquisite temptation for the radio demon? So many questions whose answers will have to wait. Let’s hope it will be worth it. 
“I’m counting on you, Vox. Don’t disappoint me” the radio demon said before disappearing into the shadow, not wanting to drag the attention of his nemesis. 
The first time Alastor came back into Vox’s life the Overlord thought he was going crazy. He was simply animating a new broadcast with Velvet and Valentino which was pretty rare since they were both always so busy. Everything was normal, Val had his usual alluring and decadent attitude when Velvet was smiling with stars in her eyes when she talked about her new collection. 
Vox was glad everything was going as he planned, the audience was so high with the three of them reunited. The show was almost over when he heard it. Alastor's voice. He was so shocked he almost dropped his mug of coffee which Velvet noticed if he based himself on her curious and slightly worried gaze upon him. 
This wasn’t possible. This wasn’t possible! Alastor left! He disappeared and no matter how hard Vox looked after him he couldn’t be found!
The TV Overlord could hear some muffled noise coming around him, the cameras were off and the show was over. He didn’t notice it. All he could do was hear Alastor’s voice again and again. Velvet and Valentino were in front of him, clearly talking but he couldn’t distinguish their words. His eyes were fixing nothing as he was lost in his thoughts.
Alastor couldn’t be back, right? Or could he? After all these years he finally would have appeared again? The memory of the deer demon wrapping his arms around him came to his mind, their numerous battles, their meeting around a coffee, their dinners together, their games… Everything was so vivid…
It wasn’t fair! He tried so hard to forget, to simply forget these moments. It wasn’t too much asking right? He just wanted to take everything off of his mind. Of his heart…
“Voxy!!” Valentino screamed, his hands around his partner’s screen. He looked so worried, just like Velvet.
Val. Right, he was at the studio. With Valentino and Velvet. No Alastor. The demon disappeared seven years ago, this was stupid. He was either gone or got killed during one of the exterminations. He clearly preferred the first option, the only thought about Alastor getting killed was unbearable. 
“Sorry I…I just need to check something. I’ll be quick.” Vox said before zapping away at the screens around him.
“Vox wait don’t!” Both of his partners exclaimed, in vain.
He needed to check. He needed to be sure, to know if the demon who broke his heart was really back. Alastor… Just why did he leave? What did Vox do wrong that caused his best friend and forbidden love to disappear like that on him? It’s been seven years!! 
The sonar signal he got from one of his screens came from a street near Cannibal Town. It made sense, if Alastor was back he would normally go to a place where he could feed. Finally! Here he was the screen where he heard his old rival. 
But there was nothing, not even a trace of the red Overlord. Did he just lose it? Did he finally lose his mind just like a lot of sinners down here? Frustration tears started pounding in his eyes. He was so stupid! It’s been seven years! He had gotten over it so why were his feelings coming over like that?!
The screens exploded behind him, leaving him alone on the quiet street. He just should go back. Val and Velvet were probably waiting for him to come home, worried as fuck by his strange behavior. 
Just when he was going to walk back home a familiar chirping resonated around him. The street was clearly empty with no one in sight but he knew that sound too well. It wasn’t something created by any living demon down there. As if he wanted to prove his thoughts, the lurking shadow suddenly appeared in front of him with the most deranged smile possible on its face.
“You!” Vox exclaimed, not sure if it was real or if he was just crazier than he first thought.
The shadow thrilled once again, looking overjoyed to see him. Suddenly Vox found himself wrapped into the dark shape’s arms while it was nuzzling its head against his neck. It was real. It was real!! Alastor was back or at least his shadow was!
The media Overlord didn’t know if he was furious, happy, or desperate. All his emotions and thoughts were actually a mess right now. It was going everywhere and nowhere at the same time. But when he hugged the shadow back it was as if all his problems were going away, as if nothing had changed in these past seven years. 
“So he can get one of your embraces but I can’t?” A specific and familiar radio voice exclaimed with a teasing tone. 
Here he was. The radio demon, exactly the same as he was seven years ago. The same demon Vox learned to love unconditionally. The same demon he hated for all these past years. The same demon his heart was longing for. 
“Alastor…” He was afraid that saying his name would make him disappear again. 
He could feel the tears holding up and burning his eyes as if it used to do when he was human again. His throat was knotted and it was difficult for him to talk. Then the radio demon opened his arms with a smile and a sorry look. Words weren’t necessary when it came to the two of them. Now in the warm embrace of the deer demon Vox listened to his heartbeat until his heart's content. Alastor was alive, he was back and he was with him.
It took him some time to calm down. They stayed in that position momentarily, saying nothing, simply enjoying each other’s presence.
Alastor smiled when he looked at the other demon in his arms. He’ll never let him go again. He’ll never live like that again, deal or not. 
“I missed you too stupid TV.” He finally said, gently petting the edge of Vox’s screen.
“It’s been seven years asshole!” Vox exclaimed, blushing and both furious and embarrassed at the same time
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shuchu · 2 years
i first interpretated the luxiem lingerie ask as luxiem being the ones wearing lingerie 😳 fantastic thought either way tho hehe
okay if i’m being honest, i did think about this too while i was writing the other one. when i first read your ask i panicked and thought that the previous anon requested for luxiem being the ones wearing lingerie >▽<
so i kinda didn’t write about them wearing it under formal/modest clothes, i just wrote some headcanons about what they would say if you asked them to put lingerie on. i went a bit ham on ike and shu's oops >▽<
well, here’s some more headcanons my loves ♡
suggestive?? ; minors dni 
“my love, are you sure you want me to wear it? i’m worried you’re going to feel insecure because i look better in it than you.”
it would take quite a lot of convincing but he would do it for you
his cheeks turn slightly pink when he looks at his reflection in the mirror, “babe. my cock is literally hanging out.”
“it’s okay, it’s not like i haven’t seen it before.” you chuckle as you ogle his reflection shamelessly
“you know what? you do look really good in lingerie. maybe you should wear it more.” you say jokingly
“you’re lucky i love you.” vox grumbles
“is this one of your weird fetishes?”
you glare at him and he huffs, “fine, i’ll do it. only because it’s you.”
“omg, my dick doesn’t fit.” 
“ayo? hold up. my ass looks really good in this wtf?”
you give his ass a smack and smirk, “yeah it does.”
“you gonna wear it more often? since you like how it looks on you.” you giggle.
“hmm...maybe.” he mumbles, turning around to look at his ass again
“w-wait you want me to what?”
you give him the puppy dog eyes and he caved
the poor boy’s face is all red and he’s looking down at his feet instead of the mirror because he’s embarrassed
“why won’t you look in the mirror babe?” you ask in a teasing tone
“b-because! it’s so...exposing...” 
“but it shows off your arms and those abs that i love so much. will you wear it again if i ask you to?” you ask with a pout
“f-fine...only for you.”
ike’s eyes widen at your request
“wait...you want me to wear that?!” ike asks while pointing at the frilly baby blue lingerie you’re holding up
you nod, smiling innocently at him, “please ikey, i just know it’s gonna look amazing on you.”
ike sighs and takes it from you, walking into the bedroom to put it on
“darling...this is-” ike’s voice sounds out from the bedroom
“it’s okay, it’s not like anyone else is going to see it.” you say to try and convince ike to show it to you
ike huffs and walks out with his hands covering his crotch
you giggle, “why’re you covering yourself? it’s not like i haven’t seen you in less than that before.”
ike gives you a deadpan stare and moves his hands away
you lick your lips as your eyes scan his figure
“c-can i take it off now?” ike says, a blush evident on his cheeks
the little rascal tries to weasel himself out of wearing it
“i’ll do the household chores for a month!” shu bargains
“that’s really tempting but i really want you to wear this babe. i think you’d look really good in it.” you pout, giving him those puppy dog eyes that he cannot resist
shu slumps back in his chair in resignation, “fine...i’ll wear it.”
your eyes light up and you hand the lilac lingerie to shu
after a few minutes, “i don’t think it’s looks good, imma go take it off now.” shu says while turning around to go change out of it
“hey hey hey, stop right there mister. show it to me.”
shu sighs and turns around to walk into room, his eyes looking at anywhere but your face, with a faint pink dusting his cheeks
your hungry eyes take in the sight before you and you walk towards him to kiss him on the cheek
“you look really good in it. i might get you to wear this more often.” you smirk
shu grumbles under his breath, “only for you.”
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classificationhell · 3 months
How would the main characters react if their little one drooled in his sleep?
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He doesn't like most bodily fluids so inside he is like eww, but outwardly doesn't show anything and wipes it up when he sees it. May see if there's some reason behind it or if there would be anything he could do to stop it. If not he'll learn to deal with it because he loves them.
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He drools in his sleep, Vark drools in his sleep, what's one more drooler on the bed when he has a cleaner come in and replace sheets daily? Doesn't mind wiping their face off before waking them up.
Vox and Val 2p's -
They think it's adorable. You look so cute when you're just waking up and have a bit of drool at the corner of your mouth. They don't mind waking you up with a kiss and getting it on themselves. It's from you after all there's nothing gross about it to them.
Thinks it's cute in a way and also makes him happy them sleep deeply enough to do that. Might worry if they don't and assume they woke up a lot during the night.
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I only slightly apologize but my mind thought of it and I'll make it everyone else's problem lol Basically he thinks it kinda cute and it's their drool so nothing about it could be weird or gross if he were to lick it discreetly. Also, he takes this a sign they love and trust him enough to sleep soundly.
Fizzarolli and Asmodeus have dealt with worse bodily fluids on a semi-regular basis and will do a good morning kiss without wiping if it doesn't bother them. If it bothers them then they'll wipe it off before kissing them or something.
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rebelcourtesan · 2 months
Hey I just wanted to leave a comment to say how much I love your writing once again. Especially in the last 2 chapters of Chrysalis; there's just so much to love...
For starters although Rachel isnt as strong as Bridget or Liz shes not 100% weak either; meek yes but she does what she needs to survive like the rest of your protagonists in your other stories and she aint dumb, being smart enough not to follow Val's offer in Chapter1, keeping her mouth shut around him when necessary and not signing with him in the last chapters. And Im really curious to see where her story is headed as making a deal with the Vees in itself was a bad move (but lets be real they wouldn't leave her alone otherwise as they might have other tricks under their sleeve like intimidation or making it seem like its the only way out and Im terrified of what Velvette might do), signing with Vox was indeed a nicer move than signing with Val.
And it was great getting to know more about Brodie's psyque and view on things and you cant help kinda pity him in the sense he doesn't know any better as his parents were enablers for his bad behavior ever since he was young. And Im kinda hoping karma comes for him eventually and also afraid of the fire that's gonna be the next morning in the office when Rachel decides to quit, that is if Val doesn't send bodyguards to tell the news.
And again I love the variety of people you got in your stories; where you got nicer and less nice people as seen with Sinners like Saibon who's a decent guy around his co-stars and made sure Rachel got what she was owed when Marlo and Zack took advantage of her but at the same time he needs to worry about himself too which is why he wont risk his after life saving her ass; plus hes married so he needs to be a lil selfish in order to protect those he loves and Brodie who's a dickbag in more ways than one and im hoping his ass gets what's coming to him for treating everyone around them, specially Rachel, like shit due to his entitlement. And Hellborn like Tisha on the wrong side of people as she's very competitive for male's attention and will do scummy things to get it or bring those she sees as "rivals" (even if they're actually victims of harassment) down like we saw deleting Rachel's work and later on taking a picture of her and send it to the office mail with the intention of causing a ruckus and make her life harder out of jelaousy (although it makes me wonder how many know how the Vees actually operate or just view them as celebreties) but we also got Grix who reassures Rachel her boss is just being a dick and sends part of his money to his family on Wrath and Valerie who's on Rachel's side since the rumor began and defends her and gives her some survival tips as she cant stop what Rachel's going through thanks to Brodie and she's one if the few persons in the office that doesn't think less of her and is actually nice as evidenced by their talk in the bathroom. (Maybe she'll be the one to understand that if she's with Val its certainly not for good reasons, judging by her character)
As for the Vees, although the series shows them with a more humerous side They're still bad guys at the end of the day and I love how you managed to keep that in the story; Val being a creep, slightly stalking Rachel on her first 3 days in Hell, sending his bodyguards to get her despite her telling him no and the whole scene with him in V tower where he roofied her and licked her back like he did Charlie's arm in ep 4 and proceeded to have sex with her even if ahe was drugged thanks to the love potion which is why we dont hear her say no during it and her body is simply reacting to the pleasure intercourse brings but Val is more focused on his pleasure during it and doesn't care if he's a lil rough with her to the point she cries in pain. That and there's the fact he forced her to go to a place she was new to, wear a dress that made her uncomfortable and do a line with him and Ashley. And when she said no, he was almost about to tear her apart if it wasn't for Vox being there. Also I liked him messing with Brodie, feels very in character and reminded me of when he has goofy moments like that with him adding glitter to his gun in ep 2 and him pouting like a child wanting to do violent things to whoever offended him.
And Vox is once again the lesser of two evils but evil at the end of the day as he's the one that gets Rachel to sign by guilttripping her into thinking she's highly valuable to them. And I also love the detail that both have different mysoginist views, with Val thinking like Brodie Rachel should be thankfull they spent attention and time with her when in reality both forced her to do stuff like Brodie spanking her and harassing her and threatening to make it worse for her at work if she doesn't comply with his dehumanizing and embarrasing demands and Val gave her something spiked and banged her while high and later on pressures her into doing a line of coke whereas Vox has this Whore and Madonna complex dividing women into fuck girls or married girls and although not as cruel as Val he gives her a non consensual kiss and makes her say she belongs to him twice out of self pleasure.
I just love your writing and Im very excited where the story's gonna go and Ill wait patiently for the next update, bye and thank you for the hard work you always put in your writing. Take care.
With Brodie's background, I wanted to show how doting mothers can give their son's a bad first impression of women. Brodie grew up with a terrible attitude towards women because his mother never bothered to discipline or teach him respect. HIs father wasn't around to correct his behavior either so now we got Brodie as he is now.
Rachel is a vulnerable and realizes it which makes her smart and able to protect herself when she can.
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trashcanfanfics · 3 years
Overlords (all + Stolas and Stella) with an S/o who is an extremely powerful and well-known demon, but who likes to disguise himself as an imp (or any low class demon) with their reaction upon discovering it. :)
All of them? Alright!!
*Honestly thought something was up when you didn't flinch at the carnage he caused on one of your dates
*Like normal people would be horrified, in fact he was kinda disappointed when you didn't have more of a reaction
*He quickly got over it though because he was now even MORE curious about you intrigue him to no end
*When he does find out, its when he did a surprise visit to your place
*You were just about to disguise yourself when he popped up into existance
*At first he thought you were there to cause trouble to his darling little imp but quickly came to the conclusion that his s/o and this powerful being are one and the same
*Intrigue through the roof and not to mention how more enamoured he was with you
*Would ask tons of questions, why would you hide yourself? What else can you do? Does anyone else know?
*If he's the only one who knows, he'd be honored but would want to tell everyone about you
*He'd keep it a secret if you wanted to tho
*Loves when you're in your imp form because you're so tiny but also loves the dangerous aura you have in your true form
*Probably wouldn't read into why you would have to leave whenever there was a news report about your territory being attacked
*She just figured you lived there, which isn't wrong
*The only way she'll ever find out is if you tell/show her
*She respects privacy and secrets
*When you eventually show her she just smiles says you look lovely and asks if you want tea
*Thinks it's no big deal and will keep your secret
*She loves you in any form you take, no preference on that
*She is relieved that she doesn't have to worry about you when you're out and about
*Loves that you can take care of yourself and how you both have one more thing in common
*She was PISSED when she first realized her feelings were for an imp the same way she was pissed with her husband for sleeping with one
*She got over it and decided that it's basically just karma (she totally gets Stolas now)
*Doesn't notice anything strange because she's not used to prolonged contacts with imps
*Would walk into the guest bedroom you've been using and just see you transform
*Is extremely pleased because now she knows she's not dating an imp and her impecible taste isn't flawed
*Not that she didn't love you before, it's just now, she can hold the imp thing over Stolas's head again.
*What? You want to keep it a secret?? Why???
*Will keep the secret begrudgingly because she loves you and would do anything for you, even throw away her pride
*Loves your true form more but that's only because she thinks you look sexy and secretly likes being the only one to see it
*Honestly doesn't give a single fuck what you are as long as he gets to hold you and give you kisses
*Lowkey kinda oblivious but he makes up for it with sweet words
*It happened when you two were out in the shopping district
*Someone grabbed you and pulled you into the alley as you passed and just as Stolas goes into the alley to fuck shit up, he sees you transform
*LOTS of questions after that but also he's kinda horny now :/
*Would totally want to be dominated by your true form but doesn't mind your imp form either
*Is kind of torn because the imp version of you is who he fell in love with and he's still reeling from you actually looking another way
*Still loves you tho, no matter what, he loves your personality more than your body so he'll get over it pretty quick
*Listen, he teased you to no end about how small you were
*He'd pick you up and carry you everywhere and you were sick of it
*So when he was in the middle of teasing you, you transformed to show him who you really were
*It took some convincing for him to actually believe you, thinking this was a prank or some sort of kidnapping thing
*You'd have to try again later, bringing in the big guns, an inside joke you two have with each other
*Once he was sure it was really you, he'd be like "why an imp??" and you'd say your reason but he still wouldn't get it
*Doesn't change that he still makes fun of your height and isn't even slightly intimidated by your power
*He's still gonna pick you up and carry you everywhere
*Understands wanting to disguise yourself, publicity's a bitch
*Won't tell anyone, your secret's safe with him
*Doesnt really care which form you take because he finds you hot as fuck either way
*You two were out on the town for date night when suddenly someone comes up to threaten you
*Yeah you transformed real quick and put the fucker in his place
*Velvet would take care of the witnesses if you were really bothered
*She's bouncing in place and looking at you with excitement, she wants to know EVERYTHING
*Will ask why, what made you pick an imp, how did you find out about these disguising powers, it's like an interrogation
*Will soak up anything you say
*Is excited because now she can buy you twice as many outfits in both your sizes, you'll look great in any form!
*Likes your imp form so she can easily pick you up but that doesn't stop her from picking up your other form though!
*Calls your imp form your travel size
*Is literally the BIGGEST blabber mouth in all of Hell but will keep your secret even though it'd be tough for her
*He was ranting about your powerful form, saying how he's trying to figure out the weakness of this big baddie
*You casually, while on your phone, tell him that your biggest weakness is him
*Doesn't catch it at first, replying back with a "that's cute, hun" before looking over at you, flabbergasted
*You'd smile and transform infront of him and hes awestruck
*Would whine about how you didn't tell him sooner and how he could have been fucking your true form all this time
*Slightly pouty for the rest of the evening, until you give him a kiss
*Prefers your true form because he really likes that you wanted to show him and only him, it boosts his ego
*Likes that it's a secret between you two and you make inside jokes about it
*Thinks you look hot as fuck when you use your powers
Alright! I hope you enjoy these!! I had a lot of fun writing these actually!!
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Mike, dear, I need to know how much marcus m would love to be held down and ridden. Like arms pinned down over his head no where to go ridden hard and put away wet.
Oh, Julia. I’m so sorry this took so long. It’s been forever and there’s a good chance that you don’t even remember sending this.
I had a good bit of it written out shortly after you sent this, but then decided I didn’t like what I wrote and ended up falling into a long period of writer’s block before I could rewrite it
Hopefully, this kinda makes up for the wait
Warnings: D/s, choking, light roleplay, bruising, fighting as foreplay, very mild degradation
~ Smut 18+ under the cut ~
“I always forget,” Marcus pants as he pushes himself back onto his feet, “that we both end up covered in bruises after doing the ‘Hero and Villain’ thing.” He rolls his shoulder, wincing slightly as the muscle strains before it relaxes.
You laugh breathlessly, holding a hand over where he’d gotten a hit in on your side. “You’re the one that suggested it. I think you just like playing villain sometimes. Get to try out all those pent up one liners.”
He wheezes out a laugh. “You got me.”
“C’mon,” you nod to the house and reach for his hand, “we should shower. I don’t want to smell gross when we pick Missy up from school.” Then, you smile and whisper, “Plus, I want to get a few kisses in before she’s home to say ‘ew.’”
When you try to pull him toward the door, he pulls you back. “It’s Friday, honey. Ms. Vox is picking her up.”
It takes you a moment to remember. “The sleepover. Right.”
Marcus hums, smiling softly. “But we can still head to the shower and do some kissing.”
You squeeze his hand as you look him over. “Not yet.” At his look of surprise, you continue, “Since we have the time, I think I want to go another round. I’ll be the villain this time, and you’ll be the dashing hero.”
He grins when you pat his cheek, a brow raised. “Dashing, huh?”
“Oh, very.”
There’s a beat as he just looks at you, considering. “One round?”
You nod, brushing your fingers through the short hair curling over the top of his ear.
He sighs. “Okay. One round.”
It starts off like a usual round of sparring; full contact, adding bruises on top of bruises and spiking adrenaline. You exchange breathless quips and dart around one another. No weapons, no powers.
The first time your hand brushes along his ribs instead of fully landing, he assumes it’s a miscalculation and moves to take advantage.
But you twist away like you’re ready for it. Your next strike is the same, barely bumping his shoulder. Things continue like that for a while, skimming touches that ignite a particular form of frustration that he doesn’t usually feel when sparring.
He’s fully onto the game by the time your palm brushes his inner thigh when you duck under his swing. He returns the favor, pressing a hand to your lower back as he steps around you at one point. His pulse spikes when he catches the sharp look in your eyes once you’re face to face again, both shuffling around each other near the edge of the training mat.
“The fences are pretty tall,” you say suddenly, gaze steady on him.
The comment throws him off but you don’t move to take advantage, instead waiting for him to respond. “Fences?” is all he can manage, confused.
He watches your eyes move, can feel them drag down his body.
You meet his gaze again, lips quirking. “No one is coming to your rescue here, Moreno. They won’t even know you’re in danger until it’s too late.”
The offer behind the actual words registers and heat prickles along the back of his neck. “I’m not worried about a rescue. Your tricks don’t work on me.”
“So confident,” you say, subtly pushing forward to get him closer to the edge of the mat, “I’ll have to prove you wrong.”
He wets his lips and nods. “Be my guest.”
The urge to touch him is almost unbearable, only ramping up as you watch his gaze drop to follow a bead of sweat roll down your neck.
You lunge for him and he braces for the impact, but you pull back at the last second. He isn’t prepared for you to twist toward his side and plant a foot behind his leg, using what’s left of your forward momentum as you push his chest, forcing him backward.
Stumbling, he gives a surprised shout and falls back, upper body landing in the grass and legs splayed out on the mat.
You’re on him immediately, straddling his chest and pinning his arms over his head.
His chest heaves under you as he catches his breath, eyes wide.
“Sure you won’t be needing that rescue?”
The look in his eyes burns you from the inside out. You let go of his hands and he tries to reach for you, only to be foiled by a set corded roots wrapped around each of his wrists. He looks at them with a frown. “Thought we said no powers?”
You smile slyly, leaning close to his face. “Villains fight dirty, Marcus,” you whisper, kissing his cheek.
He huffs.
“If you really want them off, I’ll take them off.” You shift to straddle his hips, your hands sliding down his chest. “Otherwise,” you continue softly, sitting back on the tops of his thighs, “you can stay right where you are,” your finger hooks into the waistband of his shorts and you bite your lip as you meet his eyes, “and we can have a little fun.”
Groaning, he lets his head fall back onto the grass. “Fuck.” He looks back up at you, those soft brown eyes now endless and dark as he squirms between your thighs, his adam’s apple bobbing. “Leave them on.”
Even when you’re being a little intimidating with him, he can still see how your expression brightens through it all. Somehow, that makes the whole thing even sexier to him, knowing how pleased you are. The way you’re sliding his waistband down doesn’t hurt either.
Then it’s like all the frustration that had been building up is finally set free. You lean down, catching his mouth in a messy clash as you tug his shorts lower until you can get a hand on him. The angle is awkward, his hips a bit higher than his torso because of how he’s laying halfway off the mat, and you’re barely able to hold yourself over him with one arm.
But you’re kissing him, a hand around his cock while you trace the crown with the tip of your thumb, tasting every gasp and moan as you stroke, and it’s worth the slight twinge in your forearm.
His hips jerk. “Like it when you play the villain,” he grunts.
You hum, biting his lower lip and relishing his sharp intake of breath, how he desperately fucks into your fist when you squeeze him a little tighter. “I like having you where I want you,” you tell him. “And you always look so good when we spar like this. Out of breath, sweaty, hair a fucking mess. Been wanting to ride you since the third round.”
He curses, eyes squeezing shut. You kiss down his neck, the salt on his hot skin making you groan. He swallows and you can feel his throat bob under your lips. “Do it,” he pleads gruffly. “Ride me. Please, baby.”
It’s your turn to curse as you push yourself off of him. Kicking your shoes off, you frantically shimmy out of your workout pants and underwear, only pausing for a moment when you catch sight of him.
He’s watching, lips parted and chest still heaving. There’s a hot blush across his cheeks and down his neck, making him look thoroughly ravished.
And you haven’t even really started yet.
He says your name, voice rough while he blinks up at you and shifts his legs, still restricted by his shorts.
You straddle him again, down on your knees, and kiss him hard. The moan that rises out of him fills your chest and warms your blood. It pushes you to reach down and take hold of him again, to get the angle right and sink down until your moan is mixed with his.
This is usually slow. You’d take your time and explore, toeing the line until neither of you could hold back any longer.
Today, though...today, you’re riding hard and fast because you feel like you’ll combust if you don’t.
So, you kiss him until you can’t breathe, all tongue and teeth and frustration, grinding down on his cock. You sit up and bounce, tugging his shirt up so you can drag your nails over his chest and stomach, steadying yourself while leaving half-moons in his skin.
He tries to hold your gaze but the angle is wrong with his hands tied over his head, and you can see tendons strain in his neck when he holds up his head. So you wrap a hand around his throat to keep him down, making him whine and buck up into you.
“Fearless leader,” you growl, taunting, “so eager to give in. What would your team think?”
Marcus shudders, muscles tensing as his back arches. “Harder,” he gasps.
You dig your nails in and tighten your hold on his neck, earning a voiceless whine. “One nudge in the right direction,” you fuck down onto him hard, “and you completely fall apart.”
His head is full of white noise and everything else is sensation. He hears you tell him to come as you let go of his throat, and there isn’t anything else he can do as his whole body is flooded with pleasure, hot and slick and you, you, you.
He doesn’t know how long it takes him to open his eyes but he’s looking up at the sky, panting, feeling your breath against his neck.
“Good boy,” you’re whispering, fingers tangled in his hair, “Did so good for me, Marcus.”
His shoulders ache and the roots are gone but he can still feel where they’d been wrapped around his wrists, the skin itchy.
Slowly, groaning at the shift in position, he brings his arms down and holds you.
“We still have that stuff you make? For the bruises?” he grits out.
You laugh softly. “Yeah, and I can make more if we need it.”
He pats your back. “We might.”
“Painkillers, too.”
He closes his eyes and sighs. “God, I love you.”
“Love you too,” you snort, kissing his shoulder.
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dapperdeerstabbing · 4 years
Since you did for Vox, can you do sfw and nsfw even for Valentino?
I had two people ask me this, so I’m only answering it once! Though for all I know, you could be the same person since you’re both on anon, but I digress. 
Valentino x Innocent!Reader
♤ One could argue that you’re the luckiest person here; after all, you are dating one of- if not the- richest denizens of Hell. Though, it’s strange seeing someone like you with Valentino, the renown pimp and drug dealer, of all demons.
♠︎ Valentino is surprisingly different around you. In fact, some say he’s the complete fucking opposite of his usual self around you; frankly, you don’t see it. But it’s true. He’s ridiculously kind and respectful to you, not at all how he is with his clients or his employees.
♤ He doesn’t really question how you wound up in Hell. Honestly, he very rarely even acknowledges that you’re really not supposed to be there. The only times it comes up is if someone is in his face about it.
♠︎ You have an ungodly amount of overly-expensive gifts; whatever the newest and greatest hellphone is, designer clothes, and any single thing you ask for, all of which Valentino is more than thrilled to give you.
♤ If you want to be, Valentino allows you to be clingy around him, regardless if you’re scared by/of something or just feel like being affectionate. He’s all about that PDA, so he won’t shy away from giving you quick reassuring kisses and long embraces whenever needed/wanted.
♠︎ Valentino tries not to make it super obvious to everyone else that you’re as innocent as you are. In fact, he talks about you as if you’re a fellow overlord (and honestly, maybe you are, nobody knows for sure); he doesn’t want anyone to have more incentive than they may already have to try taking advantage of you.
N / S / F / W:
♤ Valentino isn’t the best at being gentle or careful during sex. So he makes sure you two have a safe word, and goes out of his way to listen for it. If he even thinks he heard it, he freezes and asks if you’re okay and if you want to keep going.
♠︎ He moves a little too fast for comfort. He doesn’t really mean to, he’s just so accustomed to being with a partner who is...well, really the opposite of you.
♤ With every other move he makes, he’s paranoid about you being hurt or uncomfortable, and he has to stop and ask you how you’re holding up. Eventually you finally drill it into his head that you’re going to be okay, that everything is kinda overwhelming, but that you’re managing and he shouldn’t worry unless he hears the safe word.
♠︎ Valentino’s pleasure is more important to him regardless of who he’s with. Once he’s finished though, he spends all kinds of time focused on you.
♤ If he’s made a mess, he’ll gladly go down on you to clean it up; any puncture wounds from his claws or bite marks from his fangs, he’s more than happy to rub gently, even if it only slightly eases the pain.
♠︎ However many times you feel like reaching a climax, Valentino’s thrilled to bring you to it.
♤ He’ll spend the remainder of your intimate moments calling you cute pet names and tending to your sore areas, apologizing for getting a little too rowdy.
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partynthem · 6 years
to expand on my nonsense concert notes from last night (it’s long lmao ya girl has a lot of thoughts)
- i would like to start by just thanking lauren @enthusiasm-paraphernalia for existing
- the keyboard alex plays on stage is literally three feet tall. i’m genuinely not joking it is so fucking short. the actual smallest keyboard in the world for the world’s tiniest man.
- i still deeply miss alex’s hair but his shaved head isn’t that bad in person. it’s alright. his hair is objectively better and he doesn’t look like himself but whatever it’s fine i’m fine
- ahhhh during the view from the afternoon it was just the four OG monkeys on stage and i was and still am crying abt it
- alex announced teddy picker by just shouting ‘TEDDY PICKER!’ into the microphone. thanks. and then during the song when it got to the solo he played maybe three notes and then threw his arms around a bit leading me to believe he forgot how to play the solo
- we were fucking up in arms when they didn’t transition to crying lightning after teddy picker tho like the three of us were just shouting at them as if they could hear us and as if they gave a single shit abt our opinion of their setlists
- during knee socks alex started reaching over from where he was standing to the keyboard and my eyes are bad so i thought he was trying to grab tom’s mic but he was actually just reaching for his sunglasses that he’d put on the keyboard earlier skhjfsdgfd but he was in such a weird position cos the keyboard was slightly out of his reach so he was bending and twisting and it was so extra to witness
- ok they played view from the afternoon, teddy picker, do me a favour, and knee socks all in a row and those are legit my top four am songs so i was Fuckin Sweating it was so much all at once
- also during do me a favour he mimed the ‘well her shoes were untied’ line by fucking stomping????? like i understood he was demonstrating untied laces but he lit just stomped
- before wyocmwyh he was saying nonsense and i may have misheard but i SWEAR he said the words ‘washy going down on a sunday nighhhttttt’ . washy..... alex no
- during wyocmwyh alex was rly feelin it and miming shit like there was no tomorrow and at the ‘get through the gears’ line 1. he said shift through the gears and 2. he mimed shifting gears in a car and it was like watching him try to swim during the line in one point perspective. he doesn’t know how to drive or swim i guess. can he do anything??? anyways. during one of the choruses after he sang ‘why’d you only call me when you’re high?’ he pointedly said matt’s name while staring him down implying matt only calls him when he’s high. casual.
- alex was just yelling so many random phrases during/between songs (which he didn’t do as much the first night he seemed to be having way more fun last night) and after wyocmwyh he said ‘getting to know youuuuuuuu’ and during pretty visitors during the break in the song he said ‘what are you on about?’ and like. what am I on about??? you’re the one that fucking wrote pretty visitors alex what are YOU on about
- alex screamed so much during brianstorm and not his usual ‘YEAHHHH’ but more ‘AHHHHHHHHHH’ and so many times. like five different times in that 2 min 53 second song
- matt is just so fucking talented and good at what he does and is so mesmerizing to watch i am forever impressed by him
- alex kept taking his sunglasses off and then putting them back on jkhfssd it happened so many times and was so dramatic he just could not make up his fucking mind on whether or not he wanted to be wearing them
- the vox was having issues during do i wanna know and someone (dave i think) came out on stage during the song and was fiddling w it and alex was still trying to play and then once the guitar was fixed he said ‘it’s back!’ and then continued on w the song
- ok.. alex had this fucking TOWEL on stage to keep wiping his sweaty ass face with and every time he would lauren and i would just lose our shit and one time when he went to wipe his face it was the most aggressive use of a towel i’ve ever seen. my skin hurt just watching him attack his face like that
- also alex kept going to drink water on stage maybe every three min i guess the dc swamp humidity was rly getting to him
- towards the middle/end of the set they hadn’t done 505 yet so i was starting to believe they had come to their senses and were gonna close w it but they didn’t and i was mad when it started playing as like the 14th song or whatever
- they did that cool transition between 505 and tbhc again!!!
- he did so much weird shit during pretty visitors i can’t even pick one or five things to mention cos it was just four full min of nonstop antics
- at the start of the second verse of i bet you look good on the dancefloor HE JUST CACKLED INTO THE MICROPHONE AND DIDN’T SING THE FIRST TWO LINES COS HE WAS TOO BUSY LAUGHING
- also during dancefloor poor sweet jamie his guitar was Fucked Up TM and eventually he just kinda sat down on the side and the song was weird without him
- alex randomly stood up from the piano during star treatment and walked around and his mic cord got caught on something (typical) and he softly went ‘shit’ at the end of a line jshdhsjd and then he just squatted at the front of the stage during the verse in the middle of the song. you know. as one does
- also during star treatment they had that ridiculous disco cube thing on stage but the light was rly pretty and there was a moment alex was in the exact right spot and he looked so beautiful. even without hair
- at the end of r u mine before they did the chorus again he would not put his arms down i swear to god they were just floating up in the air for maybe an entire two minutes. i worried his hands were losing circulation
- they (especially alex) took so much time to walk off stage and they all seemed so into it all night and were interacting a ton and i’m just. emotional
- i had to leave early after the show cos my sister arrived to pick me up (my dumbass asked her to come get me so i wouldnt have to spend $40 on an uber home lmao @ me playing myself) so i didn’t get to wait to try and meet them or wait and hang out more which was :( but i love arctic monkeys more than anything and this was truly the best weekend of my life and i’m so so so so so happy even tho i’m sad it’s over i’m so happy i got to have this and i will forever treasure the last 48 hours of my life
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standbyprompto · 6 years
prompt request! promptis 42 high school setting. i was thinking prompto has never asked for or gotten a hug from noctis before and maybe this is the first time...
#42 says “Can I have a hug?” God I love the brotherhood era promptis stuff, it’s so innocent and angsty and sweet. I hope you enjoy this, Vox. Awkward Prompto under the cut!
Blushes hit most of the teens’ faces asCamilla’s arms wrapped around Antonia’s body, pulling her deeper into the kiss.Antonia’s knees seemed to give out at some point as most of the boys startedwhooping and hollering encouragement at the girls, but Camilla was strongenough to hold them both up. When Camilla finally pulled away, Antonia stoodblinking, blushing, and flustered beyond belief. Camilla winked at her and wentback to her spot in the circle, picking up her can of beer.
Prompto Argentum was not one of theboys who were whooping and hollering. His jaw had fallen open. He knew Antoniahad a crush on Camilla and was in complete awe that she had used this game tomake her move. And Camilla had went along with it. And that kiss looked so very…Prompto was sure that most of the boys in the circle were having to adjusttheir seating positions after that, but he hadn’t looked on with lust. He’dlooked on with admiration of Antonia’s bravery.
The game was simple enough that eventhose who were shit-faced drunk at this point could still play. Everyone’s name wasin a bowl. The host of the party started by pulling a name, then he asked theperson to do something or admit something. Then the bowl was passed to thatperson, and the game followed through this pattern. Antonia had used her turnto make Camilla kiss her, and now Antonia was being passed the bowl.
Prompto’s name had not been pulled yet.There was someone he wanted to kiss, too, but there was no way he could be asbrave as Antonia. He lifted his beer can to his lips, letting the liquid merelytouch his mouth without drinking any in. It was a good way to give in to peerpressure without giving in. 16 and drunk at a party was not his idea of fun. Helooked across the circle at Prince Noctis. Of course, to Prompto, he was just Noct.Just his best friend. Just the guy he was hopelessly in love with in secret. Helooked away quickly when Noct looked back to him with a hint of a smile.
Antonia gave a huge laugh as she pulledthe strip of paper from the bowl and read the name. “Oh, precious Prompto~?Guess who I drew?”
“Shit,” he thought, then forced hissmile onto his face. He’d become a master at forcing emotions he wasn’t truly feeling. “Aw, sweet!” But he didn’t feel like it was sweet. He rose to hisfeet, leaving his can on the floor. He’d known he would choose Noct when hisname was drawn, but making him admit what he wore to sleep no longer seemedlike what he wanted to offer the game. “Noct?”
He heard the groans from the circlealong with the mutterings of, “Like he was gonna choose someone else?” and “Putthe prince through the ringer, Prom!” But Noct smirked and rose to hisfeet in response. Prom’s heart was pounding. Surely it’d be funny to followAntonia and ask for a kiss? Could he pull that off? Was he that smooth? Despitethe turmoil in his mind, he kept up his cheery exterior. He could pretend hewas drunk, too. That made it even more reasonable to ask the prince to kisshim? He felt like throwing up. But then Noct was walking over to him, where theywere supposed to meet in the circle’s middle.
“What’s it gonna be, Prompto? Andremember my name hasn’t been pulled yet. I’m a person who loves his revenge.”Noct folded his arms, smirking at him.
Prompto stared at those arms. Andsuddenly he didn’t want a kiss anymore. He wanted those arms around him. Infact, he suddenly realized that while they’d hung onto each other’s shouldersmany times, they’d never actually hugged. Prompto suddenly was very, very awareof the hole this was causing in his life. But damn, wouldn’t asking for a hugbe more awkward than a kiss right now?
“Dude, are you blushing?” Noct calledhim out.
“Shut up!” Prompto countered, rubbingat his heated cheeks. “It’s just hot in here. Worried about your revenge shitnow.”
“Is that so?” Noct asked, then lickedhis lips.
Prompto’s eyes were glued to thoselips. “I want you to give me…” and the words got stuck in his throat.
“…a high five? My first born?” Noctlaughed.
“Nah, dude. Just like… give me a hug orsome shit.” Dammit, please let that have sounded as jovial as I tried to makeit. Please don’t let him see me shaking. Don’t let him know I’m serious.
“A hug?” Noct laughed.
“Yeah. Can I have a hug?” Promptoopened his arms to make it even funnier to onlookers.
“No prob,” Noct shrugged, dropping hisarms and hugging Prompto, patting him on the back twice before letting go. “You’reso weird.”
But Prompto didn’t miss the hesitationNoct had in returning to his seat. Noct had narrowed his eyes ever so slightlyat him. He tried not to think of it, as he was fighting his disappointment overhow the hug had went. It was over before Prompto had time to register Noct’sbody pressing against his. Prompto grinned, forcefully, and headed back to hisseat too. He folded his legs and picked up his can, taking a real drink thistime.
He felt so letdown he could cry.
The bowl was passed to him. “Okay, let’ssee…” He dug his hand into the bowl and rummaged until one paper was left inhis hand. “Jenny. You’re up!”
He watched as Jenny jumped up excitedlyand asked Gilbert, who was on the swim team, to take off his shirt for thenight. Prompto kept his smile on his face as he spaced outat the goings-onaround him. Was Noct going to think he was weird now? What was that look for,after the hug? He was whining inwardly, but forcing laughter out when thecircle laughed. Why was he like this? What was he even doing at a party likethis? Why couldn’t he be brave like Antonia?
“Hey, Prompto.” The sound of Noct’svoice woke him from his reveries. Noct was standing in the center of the circleagain. People were already groaning and telling Noct it wasn’t fair of him tochoose who’d chosen him, but Noct was ignoring them.
“What’s up, buddy?” he asked.
“I want you to come to the closet withme.”
Prompto coughed as the room erupted inmore whooping and hollering. “Uh, sure man. Whatever you want.” He rose to hisfeet, putting down his now half-empty can on the floor, and followed Noct tothe closet.
Noct flicked on the light as he entered, closing the door and locking it behind Prompto. It was only a little cramped and smelleda tad musty. There were raunchy chants coming from outside, but Noct didn’tseem to be listening. He was staring right at Prompto.
Prompto was frozen in place staringback.
“What was with that hug thing?” Noctasked.
“Huh? I mean, I didn’t know what elseto do. I kinda choked?” He half shrugged.
“Because you held your breath. Yourheart was pounding like crazy. Prom, you were shaking.”
Prompto couldn’t find the words toanswer. He lowered his gaze, “Sorry,” he muttered.
“Dude… you’re so frustrating.”
Prompto couldn’t move. He couldn’t evenbreathe as Noct’s arms rose and went around the barrel of his chest, pullinghim tightly to him. Holding him. Rubbing his back gently. Nuzzling his nose againstPrompto’s neck.
“Put your arms around me, too, Prompto.That’s how a real hug works.”
Prompto exhaled with staggered breathas he embraced Noct, letting his face bury into his shoulder.
He smiled genuinely as happiness and warmth coursedthrough his veins.    
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Every week, a few members of the Vox Culture team gather to talk out the latest episode of The Handmaid’s Tale, Hulu’s adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel. This week, critic at large Todd VanDerWerff and staff writer Constance Grady discuss “The Word,” the finale of the second season.
Todd VanDerWerff: Why does June stay in Gilead?
The most obvious answer — or, rather, the most proximate answer — is that she’s staying to try to find and rescue Hannah, which is a more or less understandable motivation, but doesn’t get you past the, “How does June survive five minutes?” problem. You can also see the show planting the seeds of her more actively joining the anti-Gilead resistance in these final 15 minutes, with her meeting both a Twilight Barking of Marthas and Bradley Whitford cosplaying as O’Brien from Nineteen Eighty-Four. You could even argue she’s — sigh — staying for Nick.
And the season even prepared us for this, structurally, with June’s three escapes ending in three subtly different ways that slowly showed us her building to a place where she would choose to stay in Gilead, rather than making a run for it. (Namely, she gradually regains her agency across the three attempts, being captured after the first, choosing to be captured in the name of saving Holly in the second, and finally choosing to stay of her own volition in the last.)
I think all of these are defensible explanations, and they’re all the sort of thing season three might make great stories out of. (Okay, not the Nick thing.) But none of them get past the fact that the only reason June isn’t killed or sent to the Colonies after seeming to kidnap a baby (that baby being the whole reason for Gilead’s existence, mind) is because she’s the protagonist. And that’s a dangerous position to leave your show in on a cliffhanger — asking the audience to have faith that you have a solution to this beyond, “Well, if she’s not alive, then there’s no story, right?”
I hate to gripe about this, because for the most part “The Word” does some interesting things in closing off the story of the first two seasons of the show. And if, in some future world, we realize that the series began its pivot to being about the resistance, or about Emily’s adventures in Canada, or about Bradley Whitford’s cantankerous relationship with everybody, well, maybe we’ll look on it more kindly. But right now, because we can see so little — and because the cliffhanger mirrors season one’s just a little bit — it’s hard not to be a little frustrated.
But at least some of that frustration stems from my niggling fear that the series might just drop June right back into the Waterford household, when the second half of season two essentially argued that whole arrangement was completely untenable. Indeed, at this point, the Waterford house is just a whole bunch of people who hate the Commander and then the Commander himself, who has all of the power, yes, but wants most desperately to be liked. (You get three guesses as to which modern political figure that resembles.)
Anyway, I had been spoiled on this happening — thanks to an ill-timed visit to the Handmaid’s Tale’s writers’ room and another critic who watched this episode before me filling me in on the details — so I ended up finding it more nuanced than the version in my head had been. As someone who presumably had no idea what was coming, what did you think, Constance? And what did you think about everything in the episode that wasn’t its last minute?
Unless it’s a show where Emily pushes people down the stairs. Hulu
Constance: I had absolutely no warning about the ending, and, uh … I kind of hate it.
Look, I’m a human being with a pulse. Am I down for a TV show where Elisabeth Moss plays a feminist vigilante superhero who takes down a bunch of rapists? Of course I am. Do I want that show to be The Handmaid’s Tale? Emphatically not.
It’s the superhero angle that really gets me, I think. That final shot of June flicking up her red Handmaid’s hood, stone-faced, and then disappearing into the mist: that’s a superhero move, no doubt about it. It belongs to the kind of show you described above, Todd, where June can just kinda mosey around in a field, I guess, and survive without us having to worry about her getting picked up by the Eye.
It’s a world where you know that the hero is going to survive for no better reason than that they’re the main character and so things are just going to work out that way, a world that is a power fantasy and a cathartic escape from reality, a world that is what you wish your own world could be, where all trauma is just a badass origin story.
There’s nothing wrong with that kind of story — I like a lot of stories like that! — but it’s not exactly built to work as a political allegory or an examination of rape culture or of how totalitarianism affects the human psyche, and those are the things that Handmaid’s Tale has previously shown itself to be really, really good at. At this point, I don’t see how a vigilante June plotline is going to lend itself to those ideas.
Of course, there is still Serena Joy to contend with. This week was constructed to bring home to her that she is not so special as to be the sole and perfect exception from Gilead’s misogyny, which seems to have been her position at the beginning of the Gilead takeover, but which has become an idea that is increasingly difficult for her to stand behind. When she stands before the Council and reads from the Bible, she expects that at best she’ll convince them to allow women to read again, and at worst she’ll get a slap on the wrist. Instead, she gets her finger cut off.
That’s what prompts Serena to release baby Holly/Nicole to June at the end of the episode — but do you think it also signifies an irreparable rupture in her marriage with Fred, Todd? Also, did this week make it canon that Bradley Whitford is the one who’s choosing all of this show’s needle drops?
Todd: I absolutely believe that this episode confirms Bradley Whitford is The Handmaid’s Tale’s music supervisor, and I like it enough to just retroactively erase all of my complaining about the music cues in the past. (Emily sitting, terrified, in the back seat of his car, listening to a blaring “Walking on Broken Glass” was all of us, really — both unsure why this obvious song choice was happening and reassured that even in a dystopia, the Sirius/XM ’80s on 8 station continues to exist.)
Serena Joy brutally has her illusions shattered. Hulu
I’m less sure about the Waterford marriage. Serena Joy was season two’s most vital and interesting character, an often brilliant examination of a woman suddenly forced to reckon with her own complicity. Contrary to the criticism I’ve seen of the show turning her into someone “sympathetic,” I’ve been fascinated by how often the series has portrayed her as one of our modern proto-fascists right alongside suggesting she has feelings. It’s like the series is saying, “Yes, all people have feelings, but some of them are also trying to dissolve democracy.”
This is one of the reasons the relationship that grew between June and Serena made sense. They could be allies in some circumstances, but ones few and far between and always pointed toward the sheer fact that both of them were in the same oppression boat. And the show was always clear that only one of them was instrumental in building that oppression boat. But it’s also a big part of the reason the dissolution of the Waterford marriage has mostly worked, even though it’s largely played out in the background of the season. That fight the two had at the abandoned house in “Holly” is the sort of thing that would prompt a visit to couple’s counseling, but lol at Gilead having couple’s counseling.
So I think what I’m saying is I buy all of the individual pieces of what Serena Joy does — from giving up the baby to June to reading from the Bible to being furious with Fred — while also not being entirely sure they belong in the same episode of television. They could have used room to breathe, I think, and they’re instead clumsily jostling against each other here.
The same goes for everything from Emily stabbing, then pushing Aunt Lydia down some stairs (?!) to June’s final choice — I buy all of them in isolation; I don’t quite buy them as part of the same piece of television. It feels for all the world like the show realized this was its finale somewhere in the middle of post-production and hastily cobbled something together.
That’s not true, obviously, but it would be a good explanation for why that final shot exists. I agree with you that it’s pretty much the reason the whole “June stays” cliffhanger plays out in a far more… confrontational fashion than I think the show may have intended, to the degree that it really does reframe the story as one of an avenging angel or something similar. Without it, the cliffhanger plays as more of a mystery, or a reminder of how much June loves Hannah and doesn’t want her to be all alone in Gilead without either parent, or whatever. With it, it plays as the show abruptly shifting genres entirely.
I differ from you slightly in that I think it’s probably necessary for the show to pivot to being about the resistance if it’s going to run beyond this season. But, like you, I don’t know that I want June to just suddenly be a vital part of said resistance. One of the things about June that makes her difficult to translate to television is that she’s ultimately a point-of-view character, whose actions rarely impact the story much. She can nudge what happens around the edges, but that’s about it. (She has this in common with, of all fictional characters, Harry Potter.)
So if June is joining the resistance as part of the show’s increased interest in world-building — great, fine, wonderful. Let’s see that world through her eyes and build it up slowly but surely. But if she’s suddenly, like, Elizabeth Jennings from The Americans, it’s not gonna work. It feels weird to have this little faith in the show after its mostly made good choices over these two seasons, but this is a weird one.
That said: I do want to talk about world-building a bit. From those maps on the Commander’s desk to the sudden realization that the Marthas have a whisper network, “The Word” did a solid job of expanding the amount of information we have about Gilead, just as much of this second season has done. But that, too, might be a betrayal of the source material, which takes place in an information blackout, of sorts. What do you think?
Nick looks kinda smarmy here. Hulu
Constance: I can be protective of Atwood’s novel, but deepening the world-building is the kind of adaptation change that doesn’t bother me: I don’t see how it would be sustainable for a serialized TV show to continue without building out that cloistered world a little bit. In the book, all we know of Gilead is what Offred can see of it from between the wings of her bonnet, but there’s no way a TV show could run on those little snippets of information.
Bringing Emily to Canada is a plot choice that I can see going either way. My hope is that now that Emily and Moira and Luke are all in Canada, the show will begin to figure out how to integrate their storylines into the central story of Gilead. We began to see strides in that direction in episode nine, but the Waterfords can’t go on diplomatic missions to Canada every week, so they’ll have to work out some other kind of long-term solution. And Moira, especially, has felt like an afterthought this season, which is just a profound waste of Samira Wiley.
But Emily’s become such a volatile character that she’d be a bit of a chaos monster wherever she is, whether that’s in Gilead to murder random officials and then kick their corpses (unlike like you, I loved Emily stabbing Aunt Lydia in the back and then shoving her down the stairs. It was just so cathartic! If June must become a superhero, at least give me this), or in Canada to, presumably, finally feel the full impact of her PTSD and have a nervous breakdown. And that is something that I am excited to see.
Speaking of cathartic moments: Fred had what passes for a rough week for him, what with June slapping him and telling him to go fuck himself before she runs off with Nicole, and Serena refusing to look him in the eye after he has her dragged off to be maimed. Fred tends to be at his most dangerous and unstable when he feels powerless, so do you think that he’ll spiral out violently next season? Or will the kidnapping of his child following his wife’s public rebellion mean that he’ll lose so much status among the Commanders as to be effectively neutered?
Todd: The thing about Fred is that you can flatter him into a lot of things by treating him like a strong man of great moral character. Even when he knows you know that’s not true, he’s happy to just be treated like he thinks he deserves. And yet it’s clear that his power is already starting to slip, at least within his own house, so who knows how much longer he’ll keep up the facade. (Hopefully long enough to look at more maps. I love maps.)
That’s the thing about this finale: If it’s setting up a version of the show that’s shifting into a new direction entirely (perhaps toward a depiction of the “Middle Gilead” period teased in the book’s epilogue), then it’s a pretty good one. If it’s just a way to hit the reset button, then it establishes a dangerous pattern for a show that has probably exhausted its status quo.
I entered this season wondering whether the show would be Mad Men — which used its second season to vastly expand its world and supporting cast to gird itself for a long run — or Homeland (which got caught in plot machinations designed to keep its premise going). And, uh, after this finale, I still don’t know! I like both Mad Men and Homeland, so I’d be okay with Handmaid’s turning into either. But I like one a whole lot more.
It’s weird to look at season three of a show I’ve really loved for 23 episodes as a proving ground, but that’s where I’m at. If the show spins wildly out of control, well, I really loved these first two seasons. And if it doesn’t, all the better.
I’ll have a piece publishing a little later containing my thoughts on season two as a whole, so let me know what you think, Constance. I think you agree with me that the show has written itself into a place where it can no longer be business as usual — but do you agree the journey there was mostly filled with strong television?
Ah, who are we kidding? Elisabeth Moss could make us watch anything. Hulu
Constance: By and large, yes, I think this journey has been mostly pretty strong, and honestly season two has been by some measures stronger than season one. For me, nothing in season two of this show reached the heights of the stark, searing bleakness of the first three episodes of season one — but overall, this season is a lot smoother and more consistent. It found a sustainable aesthetic and it doubled down on it, so that from week to week Handmaid’s Tale has been as harrowing and as moving as anything else on television. (And also, at times, clumsy and hokey.)
It’s absolutely clear that the show had to make some major changes to the status quo to keep going; there was no way we could withstand another season of June periodically trying to escape and then getting dragged back to the Waterford house. But these last few episodes have sort of felt like the show trying on new clothes as it figures out how it wants season three to feel: Could Handmaid’s Tale work as a wilderness survival story, with wolves and rifles? What about as a camped-up piece of gothic horror? How about a superhero show? And I have yet to be convinced that any of those modes is a good fit for this show, especially compared to the creeping, austerely sinister domestic horror it established this season.
So I’m skeptical of the way forward, but I’m also looking forward to seeing exactly how things play out in season three. I want to see Serena keep spiraling and become more and more disillusioned with Gilead; I want to see Fred continue to lose power and status and get backed into a corner; I want see Nick … okay, no, to be honest, I don’t care what happens to Nick now that Eden’s dead, sorry. (Did you know that there are active Nick/June shippers on Tumblr who reblog shippy Nick/June gifs? I wish them joy with their harmless hobby, but I must admit that I am deeply puzzled by their existence.)
But most of all, I’m looking forward to seeing what Elisabeth Moss does with June next season. Elisabeth Moss can always find such incredible notes and shadings in her performance that this show would be worth watching even if everything else were terrible. I want to see what she does with season three.
Even if she’s playing a fucking superhero.
Original Source -> The Handmaid’s Tale tests our loyalty in a puzzling season finale
via The Conservative Brief
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trashcanfanfics · 3 years
uh legit can't remember if I sent this in already but I think it'd be hilarious if there was the hh overlords with a s\o whos kinda like genz??!! like the self deprecating jokes, not really taking great care of themselves,"asphyxiation is my kink but its not fun until they finish the job"
(that joke was one I found a while ago and constant die of laughter whenever I hear it lol)
That joke is really funny and I laughed when I read this request
*Doesn't quite get your humor but enjoys how chaotic you are
*He worries about you not taking care of yourself and the things you do that put you in harms way
*You said you wanted to "cronch" on glass and he just stared at you with slight concern
*He gives you snacks throughout the day and gives you a water bottle twice daily
*One day you only spoke in memes and only Vaggie was able to decipher what the fuck you were talking about
*"Wow, that was so pog" "darling, please"
*You say the most out of pocket shit and he doesn't understand but he's supportive (until it comes to putting yourself down)
*Would argue with you that you're amazing and he loves you
*"Oh, I just shivered, I wonder what that was?"
*"You're skeleton is ready to hatch"
*Cue confused and slightly horrified deer noises
*She doesn't understand at all
*She'll be sitting across the room watching you dance like "????"
*"I'm gonna throw a twisted tea at Vox"
*The self depricating jokes get a long lecture and presentation on why she loves you and thinks you're amazing
*There is no way that you can't take care of yourself because she'll be making three squared meals a day and has enough snacks that she carries around to feed a small country
*"Asphixiation is my kink but it's not fun until they finish the job"
*She knits her eyebrows in confusion and gently puts her hand around your throat
*Nearly had a heart attack when she saw you jump from the roof yelling "YEET"
*She caught you and had to calm her brething while holding you tightly
*You are supervised for the next month and not allowed out of her sight
*After you make that one joke, he chokes you in bed now
*Doesn't get your humor but thinks you're joking about everything so he just kinda laughs
*You do things that make him question how he finds you attractive
*Caught you crouched on the kitchen table and drinking a monster energy drink in the middle of the night
*You take full advantage that your eyes are reflective now and it scares the shit out of him
*You were on a video call with him and he noticed you were on the roof
*"Yo, what if I just, like, jumped off this right now?"
*He'd tell you not to and that he's on the other side of the Pentagram and wouldn't be able to catch you
*Is worried when you tell him that's the point
*You drop your phone on accident and he thinks you fell off/actually did jump
*He's never flown so fast
*No more rooftops for you
*Forces you to at least drink water daily
*She gets your humor and has the same sense of humor you do
*Y'all speak exclusively in memes in front of Vox and Val to confuse them often
*Y'all eat enough junk food to give God diabetes
*Will indulge in your chaotic nature
*You both do stupid shit and share one braincell
*But sometimes you forget it at home
*"I thought you were bae, turns out you were just fam" "bruh"
*You call Vox a Boomer and she just fuckin loses it
*You casually say that glass looks tasty and she agrees
*You were hanging with Val once and asked him if he wated to catch a fade and Velvet's on the other side of the room
*"Nah, he doesn't want that smoke"
*Val went home crying
*You called him your "little pogchamp" and he just "thank you??"
*Has seen you flat out demolish someone using your slang and insults
*Velvet and you have conversations and switch to your slang and he can no longer follow the conversation
*Tries to research and understand memes but it's like your dad trying to use modern slang to relate to you
*You're constantly munching on chips and he brings you sandwiches after seeing you only moe down on a family sized bag of corn chips
*Gives you water with the flavors in it so you are tricked into being hydrated
*Learned the phrase "hydrate before you die-drate" and began using it on you while throwing a water bottle in your direction
*He's getting the hang of it
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