slimeylee · 5 months
why do knee squeezes tickle SO BAD especially that spot right above the kneecap like WTF WHAT IS THAT /pos ineedsomeonetoticklemykneessobadly
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
hullooo llama :D
i wanted to send in a lee ler n a spot for a ficlet
i wanna see lee dreamxd with any ler of ur choice [the ler rly to me doesnt matter i just wanna see lee dreamxd in general, if the ler is needed tho then dream or georgehd]
so i follow the headcanon that dreamxd can have as many arms as he wants but chooses to have four arms [got from covenofwives]
and i imagine those arms to be like EXTREMELY ticklish along with his underarms of each set
so the spot[s] i was thinking of was arms & underarms
/nf btw, u can do if u want but u dont have to ^^
thnxx! :D
prompt from this post
went with ler!Sapnap4K hope that’s ok, he’s heavily inspired by @covenofwives
DreamXD realised his mistake as soon as the larger, fiery god straddled him, a rather toothy grin baring down at him and accompanying its owner’s fire-red eyes of amusement. He let out a snarl as they a chuckled above him.
“You ready? Armpits right?” Sapnap4K confirmed, the simple question evoking a shiver to dance its way down XD’s spine. The god and him had traded their worst tickle spots… somehow… XD was still a little foggy on the details, but he was now most definitely beginning to regret it.
He managed only a reluctant head nod in response to the god’s question.
“And green?” 4K continued, his voice dropping to a tone of sincerity and understanding, though his fingers cracked and popped just above DreamXD’s torso as he stretched them out. Another shiver journeyed it’s way back up the masked god’s spine, crawling up to his cheeks in no doubt the form of a blush.
“Yes.” He twitched. Sapnap4K wasted no more time that that.
In only a split second he had collected up XD’s lower wrists in his one of his large hands, using his other free one to knead an equally large thumb roughly into the hollow of XD’s lower-right armpit.
“WAHAHAIT FOHOHOHOUR KAHAY!!” DreamXD bellowed, instantly howling out surpised laughter into the soul sand valley that surrounded them. They were quickly able to pinpoint the wildly unfamiliar feeling of not being able to fight back. XD’s wrists remained held tightly in the larger god’s unfailing grasp — no matter how hard he tugged — and when his other two hands did try to put an end to the electrifying feeling that the kneading fingers, they too were rounded up and bunched together with the rest. XD had never felt this helpless.
“Oh-hohoh!! Your armpits are tickly!!” The nether-god admired, switching his technique from kneading to skittering. XD’s body convulsed below, falling into a panicked squirm as 4K’s nails danced over his undeniably ticklish skin. The shrill cry of the protector’s safe word followed only shortly afterwards.
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mushiewrites · 2 years
so abt the ask from that anon asking for 22 with karlnapity-- theres a chance that its not but i found this that u reblogged: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/twordishfics/688269871964897280?source=share
22 seems to be “I love you, but this has to happen.” which if thats the correct post i see why that anon chose 22 for karlnapity
it might not be but im like- 70 to 80-ish percent sure thats the post the anon chose 22 from
from this post!
oh my gosh IT IS, thank you so much Slime!!!
For anon - I know not everyone is super comfortable with irl ships so I'm doing c!Karlnapity, I hope that's okay!
Karl and Quackity had been enjoying the afternoon off, lazily laying around in the king size bed they had to share between them and Sapnap. They had put on a movie as background noise to pass the time as they fell in and out of sleep, having quiet conversations about nothing and everything, just feeling warm to be in each others presence. The calm, sleepy atmosphere was a nice change from the usual hustle and bustle of the server.
However, they knew it wouldn't last forever as Sapnap made his way to their room, already talking a mile a minute as he ranted about the things that annoyed him throughout the morning. Karl had rolled his eyes, turning to bury his head between two pillows to drown out the groaning from his fiance standing at the end of the bed.
"Really? That's how it's gonna be?" Sapnap smirked, reaching under the covers and grabbing Karl's ankle, gently bringing up his free hand to run his fingers over the socked foot and giggling when Karl yelped. Sapnap kept a tight grip on the ankle in his hand, steadying it as he ran his fingers with a rougher touch down to his heel, before dragging his nails up and under Karl's toes. Karl squealed at that, thrashing and kicking his free leg, yanking at his trapped one until he finally was able to break free.
"Sahapnap, DON'T!" Karl sat up in the bed, drawing his knees to his chest and rubbing at the foot that was still feeling the tickles from seconds ago. Quackity giggled fondly from next to Karl, ruffling his hand through the brunettes hair as he turned to look at Sapnap.
"Come on, Sap, we were just relaxing. Why don't you come lay down, you big brute?" Sapnap smirked at the nickname Quackity had come up with, rolling his eyes as he crawled his way onto the bed.
Before he settled down in the spot the two had made for him between them, Sapnap turned towards Quackity before running fingers along his sides, increasing the pressure and speed the more the boy under him struggled.
"Fuhuhuck OFF SAHAP!" Quackity tried his best to stay firm, speaking through gritted teeth to try and keep the giggles down. Sapnap shook his head at that, not liking that Quackity was holding back, so he quickly moved his hands down and squeezed at the joints of the smaller boys hipbones. Quackity screamed, gripping onto Sapnap's wrists and attempting to pull the hands away from his hips when suddenly the hands were completely gone.
Quackity opened his eyes to see a very giggly Sapnap under a very grumpy Karl, who was straddling his waist and gripping his wrists tightly so he couldn't fight back.
"P-Plehease guys, this doesn't have to happehehen!" Sapnap couldn't help but nervously giggle through his pleading, kicking and thrashing as much as he could as he became tangled in the blankets. He silently cursed himself for being so wired most days, knowing he had brought this on himself.
"I love you, but this has to happen." Sapnap turned his head to the right as Quackity spoke close to his ear, pressing his shoulder up and rubbing it to try and get rid of the ghost tickles the soft voice left.
Before he had time to beg or plead again, Quackity had grabbed both wrists from Karl, quickly pulling them above Sapnap's head as Karl darted both of his hands under Sapnap's arms. The brunette screamed, arching his back and trying to kick as much as he could, but it was no use. He was well and truly trapped below his fiance's, with nothing left to do besides give in to the tickles the rest of the afternoon.
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g1gglee-rxccoon · 1 year
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Some goofy art<3
ALL the sun n moon stuff: @quackalee, @rxsahgrce, @ticklishavian, @duckie-rulez, andddddd @slimeylee <3
Ponk: @strangleetomz, @wilbyscoot, and @amitlee (for a late graduation gift :])
Foolish for: also @quackalee, and @bumbleleewrites !
Nobody here asked for art, I've just drawn it for them since they're cool people! :]
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Helloo! I wanna shout out to a few really really cool people (some of them have been given shout outs before but what's the harm in giving another one?)
@ransstrangeblog @slimeylee @fluffallamaful @soft--dragon @tickly-floof @ticklybur @totallynotbat @enderlees @amitlee @awkwardtickleetoo @sleepy--anon @mushiewrites @emmadoodlewrites @covenofwives @kasey-writes-stuff
I have so many people in mind, I might have forgotten some, in which I will come back to add more if I did ^^
The more the merrier! 🥰
@ransstrangeblog @slimeylee @fluffallamaful @soft--dragon @tickly-floof @ticklybur @totallynotbat @enderlees @amitlee @awkwardtickleetoo @sleepy--anon @mushiewrites @emmadoodlewrites @covenofwives @kasey-writes-stuff ❤️
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kasey-writes-stuff · 2 years
hi kasey!!
can we get #1 or #5 with lee!george and ler!sapnap?
It was the first of many many meet up streams during sapnaps visit in the UK!
They were keeping today simple just chatting with each other as well as chat and Dream..
Chat was whizzing by with random questions at a mile a minute but one caught Sapnaps eye and he read it out “are either of you ticklish and if so who’s more ticklish and who would win a tickle fight?”
George’s eyes widened and a light pink blush dusted his cheeks “really out of all the chat messages coming through you read that one?”
Dream snickers laughing softly “Oh yea sapnap is mega ticklish! I found out very very early on!”
Sapnap blushes softly “Dream! But yea he’s right I am ticklish I don’t know about mega ticklish but I am ticklish, as for George I don’t know, are you ticklish George?”
George scoffs “I’m not tickli-AAH” his statement is cut off by a scream as Sapnap pokes his side
Sapnap smiles deviously “What was that you were about to say George?”
George is blushing bright red as he slowly begins getting up from his chair “Sapnap… don’t!”
Sapnap snickers raising slowly as well “And what’s gonna happen if I do it?”
George thinks a moment “I’ll literally kill you!”
Dream laughs “oh this is so golden, get him sap! Try his armpits!”
Sapnap nods “you got it!”
He tackles George to the floor! George immediately tries to scramble away but it’s no use sapnap quickly sits on his waist
“Sapnap get off me!”
“Hmm nope! We need to answer the fans question!”
With that his hands dive into George’s armpits scribbling and scratching away!
George squeals breaking into loud laughter “EEP NAHAHAHA YOUUU IHIHDDIOOHOTTT GEHEHTTT OOUUTTT!”
Sapnap smirks “oh? Just a get out? Not a stop? Okay then!”
Sapnap takes his hands out and moves to George’s sides just barely tapping leaving the man giggling residually “since you didn’t say stop then pick where I go next”
George looked at him shocked “w-w- what?”
Sapnap nods “Well you didn’t say stop you just said get out so I did and now I’m giving you the option of where I go next”
George’s face felt as if it was on fire of all the things he expected to happen on stream this was not one of them! Yet he didn’t hate it in the slightest I mean sure it was very flustering remembering he’s live in front of hundreds and thousands of people but he didn’t care because he was with one of his best friends
Dream who’s been sitting rather silently for a few moments just watching everything go down says “if you can’t choose then I can choose again”
George groans softly “ugh what would you idiots prefer a giggle spot or a death spot?”
They think a moment and say “giggle spot”
George groans again “okay okay but after this you’re done okay?”
Sapnap nods “got it”
George hesitatantly looks away as he says “m-my my ears…”
Sapnap smiles brightly “Aww you and Karl share a giggle spot” he quickly covers his mouth “oops… sorry Karl”
Dream laughs softly “Karl is gonna get you so bad for that!”
Sapnap blushes softly “yea yea at least it’s a while before I see him so maybe he’ll forget…”
He then wastes no time gently scratching George’s ears
George squeaks bursting into soft giggles his head swishing back and forth “eek! Nehehahhahaah hahahaha!”
Dream and sapnap both aw softly
Making George feel even more flustered
“Dohohnnttt aawwww ahahhhttt mehehe!”
“But you’re so cute!”
“Yea I’ve never heard you giggle like this!”
“Ohokokahhayyy ohokkahayyy Stohohpppp!”
Sapnap instantly stops and sits beside George
George sits up rubbing his ears softly before looking over to sapnap and tackling him
Sapnap squeaks in surprise “EEK! George?!? What are you doing?!?”
George smirks “answering the fans other questions on who’s more ticklish and who would win a tickle fight duh!”
And so stream went on for about another twenty minutes or so and needless to say clips were everywhere
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sleepysheepytea · 2 years
hi!!!!!!! :D
i saw ur requests were open--i love ur art btw ur style of drawing is absolutely adorable ahaskiiaihwegsfk,,/vpos
anyways, i was out of the blue simply curious--
out of any of the ocs you've made recently or in the past which is ur favourite to draw as a lee-- and if you want to share (its not needed in my case but u can still add it lmao), which is ur favourite to draw as a ler??
totally not asking for any certain reason thnxx :D <3/p
oh goodness ummm that's difficult
i'd have to say my actual favorite is an oc i haven't shared on here cuz i'm hoping to like,, actually do stuff with them in the future and i dont want that to be connected with me on herehfhfh buuut
out of the ones i've shown i think i might have to say Obi? tho Ichigo is rly growing on me aaaaaa i dunno i dunno
this is such a hard question cuz its like asking someone who their favorite child is
it also does fluctuate often cuz like sometimes im interested in a certain one and other times i'm more interested in another but i guess right now I'm most focused on Ichigo hfhhff ig considering the fact that he's new and receiving positive feedback hhdhf
also i do hope this was meant to be answered via text cuz if not thats embarrassing on my part
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hey, we've never interacted before but i just wanted to say that im so sorry for your loss losing someone you love is very difficult, and everyone should understand that. if you need to take a break up until next year, such is completely your own decision. grieving is a long-lasting stage of losing someone you care about, and everyone experiences it. don't feel pressured to come back at a specific time and take as much time as you need to recover. she had just taken a gateway to a beautiful and a better place, where she can rest peacefully. losing someone is not easy, and if you need to take a break at all from your loss then you take as much time as you need <3 /p/gen
thank you very much!! i have been lurking and like answering asks/dms but actually producing content will be taking a (possibly longish) pause, so ty to you and everyone who understands that. i appreciate you v much :)) /gen
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alixlives · 2 years
rogue/p pumpkin sunny d bubblegum/p
aaw slime:D thank youu<33/p
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slimeylee · 3 months
im in a fat lee mood rn i wannabe tked so badly u dont undersand .! 😭😭
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
hiii llama!!!!
28 and 30 for the 35 tickle questions? if u want
thnxx <3/p
hey slime :D
28. What kind of tickles do you prefer giving/recieving? (Silly, intense, sexy, gentle, etc.) Why?
i love receiving gentle tickles :(( like giggling is just a fun thing to do. and i also love giving gentle tickles, coz giggling is also a fun thing to hear. but then also squeezing/kneading up sides and ribs coz it’s fun to find the specific spots that make people jump and cackle heheheh
30. What about tickling makes you the most embarrassed/flustered?
answered this in mushies post heh 😅
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mushiewrites · 2 years
hey im back!!! forgot i was gonna send in some ler dream and sapnap stuff so heres that for ya
[possible tw, idk;; mention of fangs, mention of hurting someone, mouth tickles]
ler sapnap ill send in soon
this here, is about our good buddy dream (mostly cc, some c at the end)
aaaah dream dream dream
such a wholesome ler and nobody can tell me otherwise...... but he can be pretty evil too
i can see him more on the nicer side but he'll get his lee to tell him at least a liiittle bit of information on how they want it given to them i can hear him asking people hes not rly tickled a lot "where... would you want me to go? what's your safeword? okay, anddd any specific methods?" and asking people he literally memorizes every spot hes done "and you want.. ___, right? or somewhere else? ___? mmkay. and safword is ____? mmkay." if its with the dteam or anyone he hangs out with often then you know he'll be ruthless as shit (unless they dont want him to go too rough. then and only then will he be nice ^^)
he gives off the vibes of the kind of ler that would DEFINITELY laugh along with his lees. he also probably mimics certain sounds that a lee emits--if his lee squeals, dream will laugh and mimic that squeal if his lee yelps and says something dream will yelp and mimic whatever they said if his lee wheezes then he'll most likely either giggle or laugh harder lmao
dream probably uses scratching, digging and scribbling the most actually only if the lee is ok with it dream will almost always use mouth tickles, such as raspberries, nibbles, kisses (strictly only with close friends...) he probably normally uses mouth tickles as a 'grand finale' to a lees tickle sesh
okok hear me out here tho i hc that dream has fangs, and nobody ever sees them because of his mask..... but sometimes, only sometimes, will dream lift up his mask just to cover his nose, and nibble a lees worst spot (obviously only their upper body, because lower body would just be kind of weird. by upper body, some examples r like-- palms, stomach, back, sides, arms, neck, ribs, etc. etc.) and some would 100% say that he gives the best nibbles PS; dream's fangs are dull and cant actually hurt anyone unless he literally tries to hurt the person. usually dream's nibbles are soft, fast, and sometimes he'll just scribble his fangs against a spot meanwhile if he was trying to hurt somebody he would be actually biting down and sinking his fangs into the skin
ill come back with ler sapnap soon and if u want lee dream as well i could probably return that favour goodbyeee ✌✨
Firstly ler!dream has been in my mind allllllllll day (probably @twordishl's fault). Second, you have SUCH GOOD TAKES OMG. I have a lot to say so I'm putting it under the line here lmfao.
I 100% agree that Dream asks the lee tons of questions - and they're always the flustering ones. I like how you said he just asks and then kind of moves on to the next question, just totally catching the lee off guard and not even giving them enough time to whine about how embarrassing the questions are before he answers the next ones.
I also agree that he will absolutely destroy anyone he's close with, no hesitation whatsoever. But with people he's not super familiar with, he goes a bit easier, double checking everything is okay (I have the same hc for george tbh).
Also....Dream laughing along with the lee? He absolutely does this?? And the fact that you said he would mimic the noises the lee would make. I can see him doing this with Sapnap and George, because he's just so teasy with them but because he always thinks their reactions to things are hilarious, including their reactions to tks.
AND I ALSO HC ABOUT DREAM USING HIS MOUTH A TON. Dream loves to receive nibbles and kisses and raspberries, but he loves giving them just as much! He likes to find the super sensitive spots and exploit them with nibbles and skitters of fingers before suddenly blowing raspberries over the spots, making the lee howl with laughter. He loves making lees squirm, so he tries his best to do the things that he knows will be the worst for them 😈 Also Dream's lil fangs! I love that idea, he has like tiny little versions of XD's 🥺
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themidnightfox · 1 year
New Years Thanks.
HAPPY NEW YEARS Y'ALL!! I HOPE THIS YEAR IS AMAZING AND I'M EXCITED TO SPEND SOME MORE TIME WITH Y'ALL!! This is my first year I'm pretty sure out here, on tumblr. And I feel safe here. I love all of you so much. Special thanks to,
@elven-writing For being so nice to me, thank you bunny.
@kais3a For trusting me to be your friend, I know it's scary when joining a new community, but we already love you here, if I do say so myself/p
@totallynotbat For helping me wrangle up these damn kids/lh and for being a friend.
@explodeswaffleswithmind / @explodespancakeswithmind For helping me when I was scared
@tickly-floof For making me laugh and smile with your posts on bad days, even if you're a damn sand muncher/lh
@coffinsugar For staying alive for me so you can become the beautiful flower you're meant to be
@slimeylee , @alexartist89 , @dallyhall For making me the happiest mother in the whole world, my pride and joys. I love you.
@someone1348 For treating me nicely, always being a friend, and making me smile when I needed it
@ransstrangeblog For so much. You were the person I was so scared to talk to when I first go on here. Then I made one comment about you being Fizzthegenderman and then we were friends. I still think you are wayy too cool for me, but I appreciate you. Happy new years man.
And all my followers and mutuals for putting up with me! Happy New Year! Happy 2023! Thank you, I love you<3
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Hihihi! Figured I sent some of mine!
@someone1348 - For giving me headcannons for Lee!philza, and helping me when it came to writing
@soft--dragon - giving me inspiration for starting this blog in the first place.
@guesswho873 - having the cutest artwork
@covenofwives @starlightrosa - having the greatest XD fics ever.
@amitlee - headcannons
@tickly-floof - being there with the reblogs
@ransstrangeblog - being there with the reblogs, and dealing with my Lee!philza rambles-
@slimeylee - dealing with my headcannons I gave them-
@kasey-writes-stuff - being there, even if you aren’t as active anymore.
I have more as I go along lol
Tons of shout outs! Feel free to send more any time!
@someone1348 @soft--dragon @guesswho873 @covenofwives @starlightrosa @amitlee @tickly-floof @ransstrangeblog @slimeylee @kasey-writes-stuff ❤️
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bugutzz · 11 months
type 'I am a' and let your device complete it!!
I am a little guy with a wish list for the whole thing of the insults
tagging some cool dudes below
@aero-dienamics @demeterdownunder @turtle-bee-rayne @positiveglitchexists @lore-accurate-midas @ducklee-rulez @nekoma-not-lee @kasey-writes-stuff @slimeylee @wilbyscoot @strangleetomz @unbeleevable and anybody who wants to join :D
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g1gglee-rxccoon · 1 year
Im working on a fic rn, have some art! :D
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I hope this counts as something to make up for how long I was gone!
Ily all! (Not in a romantic way)
Quackity drawing for: @quackityinutah and @technoblade-is-awesome
Philza drawing for: @ticklishavian / @totallynotbat
Autumn trio/ Foolish, ponk, and Sam for: @strangleetomz, @slimeylee, and @rxsahgrce
Sam drawing for: @wilbyscoot
Everyone mentioned (and others aswell!) Are all amazing and so, so kind!<3
Small thing to add, nobody here asked for art, I've just drawn it for them since they're so cool<3
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